Halley's Comet Strikes Back!

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sign from God. The Anunciation – Fra Angelico ca 1432 .... these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.” Ca 1909  ...
Halley’s Comet Strikes Back! Larry Halstead [email protected] 810-449-1357

What is a comet? Or, better yet – What is a comet – not?

• A comet is not a mother ship of the Galactic Federation (e.g. comet Elenin)

A comet is not a member of a rock & roll band

Klau Klettner / Hydra Records

A comet is not a sign from God

The Anunciation – Fra Angelico ca 1432

A comet is not a meteor (although a meteor may have come from a comet)

Johnpane (Holmes)

A comet IS many things.

A comet is an integral part of human history

A comet is an object of rare beauty

A comet is a potential threat

A comet is a chunk of rock and ice orbiting the Sun

Protoplanetary Disks

ESO/L Calcada

Typical comet trajectory / tail behavior

Most comets have two tails

Hans Bernhard (Schnobby)

The Comet known as Halley

Nicholas Copernicus • Conceived of heliocentric solar system. • Published his work in the year of his death (1543)

Tycho Brahe • Understood Copernican model. • Official astronomer of the Holy Roman Empire • Died in 1601.

Joe Huber

Johannes Kepler • Born in 1571. • Worked with Tycho Brahe and succeeded him as Imperial Astronomer and mathematician of the Holy Roman Empire. • Survived political upheaval and personal tragedy in Austria. • Used Tycho’s observations to develop laws of planetary motion. NASA

Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion Planets orbit in an elliptical path




That path sweeps out equal areas during equal times.

Kepler’s Laws (continued) • The ratio defined by (time to complete one orbit)2 (average distance to the Sun)3 is a constant.

• This number is constant for each orbiting system • Note that mass is not included.

Mass change does not affect the orbit


Isaac Newton • Born in 1642. • Revolutionized optics. He thought of light as “corpuscles” moving through an “aether” 1666. • Invented calculus (in parallel with Leibniz) 1666. • Wrote Laws of Classical Mechanics (Principia 1687) at the insistence of Halley. • Wrote Law of Universal Gravitation.

Edmond Halley • Born in England in 1656. • MA at Oxford, Fellow of the Royal Society, second Astronomer Royal of England. • Happily married to Mary Took, they raised 3 children. • Attempted to date the ruins at Stonehenge. • Initiated actuarial science and demography.

Edmond Halley (continued) • Discussed proof of Kepler’s Laws with Newton. • Newton had found the solution years earlier, but had never published his results (!!?!?!). • Outlived his theological enemies at Oxford, appointed as professor and Astronomer Royal. • Concluded that sightings in 1456, 1533, 1607, and 1682 were actually the same comet. • Predicted its return in 1758, but did not live to see it (died in 1742).

Notable Halley Historical Sightings • 466 BC – recorded by Greeks • 240 BC - Chinese Empress died • 164 BC, 87 BC – recorded by Babylonians

• 11 BC, 66 AD – closest to Christ’s lifetime • 451 AD – fall of Attila the Hun • 684 AD – accompanied by 3 months of rain and plague in Europe (Nuremburg Chronicles)

• 1066 – forecast of doom for King Harold, and of victory for William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings (Bayeux Tapestry)

• 1145 – sketched by Canterbury Cathedral monk Eadwine in his psalter • Text shown: “Concerning the star ‘comet’. The star ‘comet’ has a ray such as this, and in English it is called the long-haired star. It appears rarely during the course of many years, and then as a portent.”

• 1222 – may have encouraged Genghis Khan to invade Europe • 1301 – inspired Giotto in his “Adoration of the Magi”

• 1456 – Provided the basis for illustration of plagues in Europe as documented in the Lucerne Chronicles (Schilling, 1513)

• 1533 – Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn, and is excommunicated by Clement VII

• 1607 –English settlers (including John Smith) land and establish a colony at Jamestown, Virginia • 1456, 1533, 1607, 1682 – used by Halley to predict next appearance in 1758. • 1759 - actual appearance of Halley’s prediction reached perihelion in March

• 1835 – perihelion 2 weeks prior to Mark Twain’s birth • 1910 – perihelion 1 day prior to his death “I came in with Halley's comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: 'Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.” Ca 1909

• 1910 - world wide panic initiated by the announcement that cyanogen was found in the spectroscopic analysis of the tail. – Earth was expected to pass through the tail. – Poisoning of “all life on Earth” predicted. – Run on gas masks


• 1986 Most recent (dimmest on record) sighting • 2003 observed by ESO at 2.6 billion miles distance • 2061 Next expected sighting

Orbit of Halley’s Comet

Graphics courtesy of Starry Night® Pro 6 Imaginova® Corp.

Graphics courtesy of Starry Night® Pro 6 Imaginova® Corp.

Nucleus of Halley’s Comet as imaged by Giotto probe in 1986

Copyright 2000–2008 © European Space Agency. All rights reserved.

Modern Information • Halley is a “short period” comet (orbital period less than 200 years) • There are over 500 short period comets documented. • There are over 120 known non-periodic comets. • We keep finding new ones. • It is not unusual to see 10 visual comets in a year. • There are currently about 80 known comets in the evening sky in Florida, perhaps 3 are visible using a good amateur telescope.

2013 – a good year for comets • Two comets are expected to be visible to the naked eye in 2013. • They are both too dim to see now. • Comet PAN–Starrs: Mid March to mid April. • Comet ISON: Early November to late December. • Best seen with binoculars.

Where to look

Comet PAN Starrs: Mar 12, 2013 @ 8:10 PM looking west

Comet ISON: Nov 26, 2013 @ 8:38 AM looking east Graphics courtesy of Starry Night® Pro 6 Imaginova® Corp.

Photo Credits •

{{Information |Description={{en|1=Bill Haley and his Comets during a TV-appearance.}} {{de|1=Bill Haley and his Comets während eines Fernsehauftrittes.}} |Source=This image was provided with the friendly permission by Mr. Klau Klettner from Hydra Records {{Information |Description=Comet 17P/Holmes 19-night composite with constellation stick figure |Source=self-made |Date=2007-10-25 to 2008-03-09 |Author= Johnpane |Permission= |other_versions=[Image:17P Holmes composite JPane.jpg] |attrib {{Information |Description={{en|1=Comet Hale-Bopp over Munich. Analog photo with 1:4 / f=300mm, converted with NIKON D90}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Hans Bernhard (Schnobby) |Date=1997 |Permission={{Ingeborg Bernhard permission}} | {{Non-free image data |Description = The nucleus of Halley's Comet, taken by the Giotto probe in 1986 |Source = http://www.esa.int/esaSC/120392_index_1_m.html#subhead6 |Portion = All |Low_resolution = Yes. 292x300 pix (free of charge for educational or informational purposes. – fair use license)