Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the German Bundesminister for Ed- ucation, Science .... Vorläufige Patentanmeldung, Deutsches Patentamt. [23] Cremer, C.
Principles of Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy for the Analysis of Molecular Nuclear Structure
Christoph Cremer1,2 , P. Edelmann1,2 , H. Bornfleth1,2 , G. Kreth1,2,3 , H. Muench1 , H. Luz1 , M. Hausmann1 1 Institut
für Angewandte Physik Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen 3 Graduiertenkolleg, Wissenschaftliches Rechnen Universität Heidelberg, Germany 2 Interdisziplinäres
40.1 40.2 40.3 40.4 40.5
The problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principles of spectral precision distance microscopy Determination of the resolution equivalent in situ . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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The problem
Localization by light plays a fundamental role in many fields of science. In optics, during the last century, the development of high-performance light microscopes was at the foundation of a revolution in biology and medicine. In combination with appropriate staining techniques, light microscopy allowed the discovery of the elementary unit of all organisms, the cell. Further light microscopical analysis of the cellular structure soon resulted in the discovery of a main constituent of the cell, the cell nucleus, and of the chromosomes (“stained bodies”). At that time, the latter were visible during cell division only but they had to be present in some unknown form also in the nucleus. Today we know that the chromosomes contain (with very few exceptions) all the information necessary for cellular metabolism and for the growth and development of every organism. Together, they form the genome that in normal human cells is divided into 46 individual chromosomes. Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications Volume 3 Systems and Applications
Copyright © 1999 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN 0–12–379773-X/$30.00
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy a
Figure 40.1: Computer simulations of all chromosomes in the human interphase cell nucleus. Chromosomes were described by different models, which approximate the chromatin fiber by a polymer chain, folded in different ways. Corresponding to the different condensation levels, a nonterritorial (a Vogel and Schroeder-, b random-walk bead model) or a territorial (c random-walk giant loop-, d spherical subdomain model) organization of chromosomes was obtained. For visualization, in each case only four chromosomes are visualized in a spherical nuclear envelope by ray tracing. For further details see Kreth et al. [1]; (see also Plate 15).
The chromosomes are the most complex molecules found so far in nature. For example, each human chromosome is formed from a single DNA-molecule with a specific sequence of base pairs carrying the hereditary information and consisting of several 109 atoms; the 50 to 230 million base pairs of a human chromosome are further associated in a specific way with about several million proteins, the histones. This enormous complexity, however, is not visible by conventional light microscopical procedures. Thus, for more than a century discussions of even very fundamental questions concerning the structure of the chromosomes, especially in the cell nucleus, were controversial. For example, light and even electron microscopical observations as well as bio-
40.1 The problem
chemical data were compatible with models where DNA-protein-fibers of each of the chromosomes were stretched out through the entire nucleus but also with models where these fibers were folded in such a way that the chromosome had an enveloping volume of a few percent of the entire nuclear volume only (for a review, see [2]). As an example, Fig. 40.1 shows visualizations of such models obtained by computer simulations of all chromosomes in the human interphase cell nucleus [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]. More than half a century ago, Erwin Schroedinger formulated a hypothesis that was to become decisive for the development of molecular biology. He speculated that the chromosomes in the nucleus were “aperiodic solid bodies” with a complex 3-D structure, and that this was the key to their high informational content. Today, we know that this hypothesis was completely correct on the level of individual base pairs and of small clusters of so-called nucleosomes of 11-nm diameter (1 nm = 1 × 10−9 m), each with about 200 base pairs (including “linker” DNA to neighboring nucleosomes) associated with eight histone proteins in a very precise manner. Recently, it has become possible to unravel the 3-D structure of the nucleosomes with almost atomic resolution by synchrotron radiation diffraction experiments. From a formal point of view, this reduced the problem of the molecular nuclear structure to the problem of finding the relative 3-D positions for each nucleosomal DNA sequence. For a human cell nucleus, this would mean the topological analysis of about 35 to 70 million different sites. Until recently, even partial solutions of this enormous problem (e.g., relative positions of selected nucleosome clusters, or the morphology of still larger units) appeared to be impossible. Since the 1970s, the progress of molecular biology opened an avenue to the labeling of a variety of targets in the human cell nucleus in a specific way using fluorochrome molecules. For example, in principle, any known protein type or any known DNA sequence of the genome can now be individually fluorescence labeled. In a simple, schematic form this technique called “fluorescence in situ hybridization” (FISH) is based on the binding of a fluorescence-labeled “probe” DNA to the complementary sequence of the single-stranded (“denatured”) chromosomal “target” DNA “in situ,” that is, directly in the cell nuclei [7]. Using fluorochromes of different spectral signature (characterized, e.g., by different absorption or fluorescence emission spectra), the chromosomal target DNA sequences can be labelled in a spectrally distinct way. As an example, Fig. 40.2 shows a 3-D reconstruction of a human female cell nucleus where the two female sex chromosomes (the X) plus 2 genes, located on them, were FISH-labeled with different spectral signatures and registered by confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (CLSM). For a quantitative image analysis of shape parameters, both Voronoi and Cavalieri estimators have been successfully
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy
SF = 0.910
SF = 0.354
RF = 0.088
SF = 0.008
Volume = 18.94 µm3
Volume = 16.39 µm3
Surface area = 77.07 µm3
Surface area = 154.84 µm3
Figure 40.2: Reconstructed confocal 3-D dataset of a human female cell nucleus visualized by ray tracing. The genes ANT2 (red)/ ANT3 (yellow) are represented by spheres with approximately the same volume as the registered signals in the confocal image. The rounder shape of the inactive X-chromosome territory (Xi, red) and the more interior localization of the inactive ANT2 on Xi is clearly visible (SF = smoothness factor; SF converge against 0, elongated shape; SF converge against 1, spherical shape; RF = roundness factor; see Bornfleth et al., Chapter 41.2).
applied. It was even found that the same chromosome territory may have a distinctly different morphology according to its genetic activity [8, 9]. Compared with the extension of the entire nucleus, the individual chromosome territories clearly have an enveloping volume of a few percent of the entire nuclear volume only. The “territoriality” of chromosomes has now been firmly established as a main feature of nuclear organization of normal cells; it excludes a variety of models as general descriptions of chromosomal structure (compare Fig. 40.1). Taken by itself, the territoriality of chromosomes in the cell nucleus (in the sense of a limited extension) may be quantitatively modeled by relatively simple polymer or “bead” models (compare Fig. 40.1; [1, 4, 6, 10]). Even light microscopically measured distances between individual, FISH-labeled DNA target sequences within the same chromosome territory were estimated by such models in a quantitatively satisfying manner. An alternative view holds, however, that due to a “chromatin folding code,” a functionally important degree of higher-order structures of the chromosome is obtained (for review, see [2, 4, 11]). To test such a hypothesis of considerable impact for our understanding of life, a much more detailed quantitative analysis of nuclear structure
40.1 The problem
is necessary; this appears to be especially meaningful for the molecular genome structure below about 100,000 base pairs (100 kbp) of DNA (about 500 nucleosomes including “linker” DNA). From the microscopical point of view, this requires measuring 3-D geometric distances and spatial conformations of FISH-labeled target sequences located on the same chromosomal fiber that have a linear genomic distance of less than about 100 kbp. Experimental evidence, however, indicates that using advanced far-field light microscopical methods such as confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), geometrical target 3-D distances in the nucleus below several hundred nanometers (corresponding to genomic distances below about 100 kbp) cannot be measured reliably if both target sequences are labeled with the same spectral signature. This is due to the well-known limits of microscopical resolution (Volume 1, Chapter 21; [12]). Figure 40.3 shows an computed example for the limited resolution of CLSM for conditions relevant in genome structure analysis. The simulations made on the basis of scalar wave theory using point objects of one spectral signature indicate that even under the (unrealistic) assumption of an ideal photon statistics and lack of detector noise, a 3-D resolution of better than a few hundred nanometers is hardly feasible. Under “practical” conditions of biological routine measurements, the 3-D resolution of CLSM (as determined from the axial full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the confocal point-spread function (PSF)) was found to be on the order of 600 to 700 nm [13]. As an example of the consequences of the limited resolution in genome structure research, Fig. 40.4a shows the simulated projection image of a 70-kbp long DNA sequence of a chromosomal fiber (calculated as a zig-zag random walk of nucleosomes) after labeling with one spectral signature and convolution with a PSF of 250 nm FWHM. As expected, even a rotation of the 70-kbp sequence by axial tomography [14] under these conditions would not reveal any significant structural detail. To increase the 3-D light optical resolution in the sense of pointspread function improvement, other microscopical far-field methods have to be considered, such as 4Pi microscopy [15, 16], standing-wavefield microscopy [17]), spatially modulated excitation (SME) microscopy [18, 19], and other techniques of point-spread function engineering. In the following, the principles of an additional approach to reveal 3-D genome structure on a scale considerably lower than the classical resolution limit will be considered. Generally, this approach called spectral precision distance microscopy (SPM) makes possible the measurement of distances well below the FWHM of the effective PSF that describes the optical properties of the imaging system; SPM combines high-quality optics with advanced techniques of computer image analysis and reconstruction. Because SPM can be used with any optical system having a well-defined PSF, it will greatly increase the possibilities of the
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy
a 200
b 250
200 150
150 100 100 50 50
0 5
5 10
10 15
15 20
20 15 35
25 30
25 20
15 35
d 250
200 150 150 100 100
50 50
0 5
5 10
10 15
35 30
25 20
15 35
10 5
35 30
25 20
15 35
Figure 40.3: Computer-generated example for the resolution of the CLSM using two point-like targets of the same spectral signature of λ = 520 nm. The PSF was sampled with stepwidths of 0.4 optical units (27 nm): a two point-like targets with a lateral distance of 226 nm, corresponding to the Rayleigh criterion (∼ λ/NA) of optical resolution; b the same image after application of Poisson noise. A maximum number of 12 detected photons per voxel was assumed; c, d two point-like targets with a spatial distance of 138 nm, corresponding to the FWHM criterion of optical resolution, before and after application of Poisson noise as in b.
point-spread function engineered devices mentioned in the foregoing. In combination with digital microscopy and digital image analysis, SPM opens the possibility of measuring light microscopically 3-D positions of fluorescence labeled targets on a scale several to many times smaller than the nominal resolution of the system used. In combination with computer modeling of the regions studied and—where possible—with
40.2 Principles of spectral precision distance microscopy
ultrastructural procedures, this will eventually allow the unraveling of the 3-D structure and texture of the genome down to the molecular level in an analogous way as it has become possible for other biological macromolecules such as large proteins.
Principles of spectral croscopy (SPM)
It has been known for many years that “super resolution” of point objects situated within the Rayleigh distance (corresponding approximately to 1 FWHM of the PSF) can be achieved if the two objects possess different spectral characteristics. Strategies of deconvolution where each image associated with a particular wavelength is separately deconvoluted with the transfer function of that wavelength have been described [20]. Even when the data were characterized by a moderate signal to noise ratio (SNR), simulated images of point-like objects were correctly restored that were only 1/30–1/50 FWHM apart from each other. The SPM approach described here [21, 22] is based on the same principle idea that using spectral information, the old resolution limits such as those of Rayleigh or Abbé are no longer valid. That principal idea has been extended, however, to the special needs of high-resolution fluorescence far-field microscopy and its application to the 3-D analysis of the molecular nanostructure of the genome in the mammalian cell nucleus. The principle of SPM is shown schematically in Fig. 40.5: Let us assume three closely neighboring targets in a nucleus to be studied with distances much smaller than 1 FWHM, where FWHM represents the full width at half maximum of the effective PSF of the optical system used. The “point-like” (diameter much smaller than 1 FWHM) targets t1 , t2 and t3 (e.g., three genes, or two genes and one protein) are assumed to have been labeled with three different fluorescent spectral signatures specs1 , specs2 and specs3 . For example, t1 was labeled with specs1 , t2 with specs2 and t3 with specs3 . The registration of the images (using, e.g., CLSM) is performed in a spectrally discriminated way so that in a first 3-D image stack IM1 , a specs1 intensity value I1 is assigned to each voxel vk of the object space; in a second 3-D image stack IM2 , a specs2 intensity value I2 is assigned to each voxel vk of the object space; and in a third 3-D image stack IM3 , a specs3 intensity value I3 is assigned to each voxel vk of the object space. So far, the strategy is very similar to that described by Burns et al. [20] for one spatial dimension. Instead of wavelength-discriminating deconvolution algorithms, however, the SPM approach is based on the direct evaluation of the spectrally separated images. In ideal epifluorescent or 2Pi, 4Pi confocal images, for basic optical reasons the absolute maximum max1 of the diffraction
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy
Figure 40.4: a Zig-zag random-walk computer simulation of a 70-kb long nucleosome chain (beads) of chromosomal DNA after single color hybridization. In conventional fluorescence microscopy (corresponding to an assumed convolution with a PSF of 250-nm FWHM), even under various rotation angles no inner structures are detectable; b zig-zag random-walk computer simulation of the same 70-kb long nucleosome chain of chromosomal DNA after hybridization with seven spectrally different signatures (each color segment 10 kbp). Each segment is assumed to be detected by spectrally discriminated imaging. In spectral precision distance microscopy (SPM), the barycenters of the intensities can still be localized after convolution with the PSF of the microscope, so that their distances can be measured. In combination with axial tomography for rotation of the labeled object, the 3-D conformation of the DNA segment can be revealed, although the barycenter distances were considerably below the resolution limit of the microscopy given by the FWHM of the PSF; (see also Plate 16).
40.2 Principles of spectral precision distance microscopy c
e normalized Intensity
200 300 [nm]
200 300 [ nm ]
f normalized Intensity
Figure 40.5: Example describing the principle of spectral precision distance microscopy (SPM). Three point-like objects are located within 50-nm distance of each other. The three point-like objects are labeled with the same spectral signature in a and with three different spectral signatures in b. The computed system responses of the objects in a and b for a confocal microscope with NA = 1.4/63× oil-immersion objective are shown in c and d. Linescanes through the objects in c and d are shown in e and f respectively (for details see text and [23]); (see also Plate 17).
pattern of the image of t1 (registered as a specs1 intensity distribution) gives the ideal (geometrical) image point i1 of t1 ; the absolute maximum max2 of the diffraction pattern of the image of t2 (registered as specs2 intensity distribution) gives the ideal (geometrical) image point i2 of t2 ; and the absolute maximum max3 of the diffraction pattern of the image t3 (registered as specs3 intensity distribution) gives the ideal (geometrical) image point i3 of t3 . From this, the positions (object points) o1 , o2 and o3 of t1 , t2 and t3 and their 3-D distances in the object space can be determined if the optical characteristics of the system (such as magnification factors, aberration distortions) are known. In principle, the minimum (real) distance that can be measured in this way is independent of the FWHM of the PSF and varies only with uncorrected systematic errors and statistical errors affecting the localization of the diffraction maxima. This minimum detectable distance between two point-like objects of different spectral signatures one may call the resolution equivalent (RE). It has to be distinguished from the optical resolution (A) that usually refers to the capacity of an
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy
optical system to transfer structural information (minimum distance detectable) of any object structure. In general, A is given, for example, by the Abbe-, Rayleigh-, Sparrow (or similar) criterium, the FWHM of the PSF, or the limiting spatial frequency of the optical transfer function (OTF). It is clear that the SPM strategy can be applied to more than two or three closely neighbored targets, if the neighboring targets t1 , t2 , t3 , ..., tn have sufficiently different spectral signatures specs1 , specs2 , specs3 , ..., specsn . Three or more spectral signatures allow true structural conclusions. For example, already three targets with three different spectral signatures allow us to define distance and angle relationships between the targets; four targets with four different spectral signatures allow a variety of 3-D structures. Furthermore, it is clear that essentially the same SPM strategy can be applied also in all cases where the distance between targets of the same spectral signature is larger than FWHM [24]. Computer simulations performed by Bornfleth et al. [21] indicated that a distance of about 1.5 FWHM is sufficient. For example, in a nucleus with a volume of about 500 µm3 and a confocal observation volume approximated by Vobs = 4π /3 (F W HMxy)2 × (FWHMz) = 0.13 µm3 , this means that about 103 different multispectral target sites can be evaluated in the same nucleus. To realize local super-resolution strategies (RE much smaller than 1 FWHM), using spectral characteristics as constraints in a microscopically useful way, a variety of pitfalls have to be overcome. Here, based on our present experience, some fundamental problems of the realization of confocal SPM methods will be discussed briefly: 1. As indicated in Fig. 40.5, the images of different spectral signatures have to be registered independently of each other with the smallest amount of cross talk (reciprocal disturbance) possible. On one hand, this requires labeling of t1 , t2 , etc., with fluorochromes of welldistinguishable spectral signatures (e. g., spectrally clearly distinct fluorescence-emission maxima) as well as the possibility of exciting them to fluorescence emission (e.g., using different laser lines and types). An additional important requirement is a sufficient fluorescence photon yield of the fluorochromes used. 2. Detector systems are required that are capable of discriminating the different spectral signatures (e.g., by appropriate optical filters) in a spatially highly resolved way (the FWHM required depending on the problem to be solved); because in nuclear images the fluorescence photon statistics usually is far below optimum, the quantum efficiency and the signal-to-noise relationship of the detector system has to be as good as possible. 3. The precision of localization of the diffraction-image maxima needed for SPM super resolution has to be much better than the
40.2 Principles of spectral precision distance microscopy
voxel size. For example, a typical voxel size (object space scale) in confocal microscopy is 100 × 100 × 250 nm. This fulfills the Nyquist theorem (ca. 1/2 FWHM lateral/axial) but is not sufficient for the precision needed in SPM (e.g., 10 to 100 nm). This problem can be overcome by appropriate image-evaluation algorithms based on the barycentric calculus already introduced by Moebius [25]. Essentially, in its application to the maximum determination relevant here, it means that for each diffraction pattern of an individual target a fluorescence-intensity gravity center is calculated. In case of symmetrical PSFs, the barycenter positions in each spatial direction x, y, z coincide with the maximum positions of the diffraction patterns. Basic considerations show that in this case under the assumptions of an appropriate photon statistics and detector noise, and for geometrically stable relationships between the voxels, this makes it possible to determine the positions of the diffraction pattern maxima with any precision desired. 4. For the required high precision of fluorescence barycenter localization, fluorescence photon statistics (number of effective photons registered per voxel), detector noise and target noise (unspecific fluorescence emission) play a decisive role. Such effects may not only considerably deteriorate the resolution equivalent, but even may contribute to “limited-diffusion” phenomena. For example, computer simulations (Bornfleth et al. unpublished results) indicated that under the assumption of a small number of “effective” photons per voxel typical for observations of small fluorescence labeled targets in living cells, such “limited-diffusion” artifacts may be as large as several hundred nanometer (mean squared distance obtained after 12 evaluation steps) under the boundary conditions of standard confocal microscopy. For an optimal solution of the problem, it is also important to define the voxels assigned to the target image. This may be done by appropriate segmentation algorithms with variable thresholding; see [21] and Chapter 41. 5. In all cases where the different spectral signatures are realized by differences in the fluorescence-emission spectra, a very significant source of error is given by chromatic aberrations, especially in axial direction [26]. Measurements using multispectral calibration beads indicated that depending on the optical microconditions in confocal microscopy, axial chromatic shifts up to about 200 nm were obtained, whereas the lateral chromatic shifts were usually considerably smaller. The contribution of optical microconditions may involve, for example, refraction index variations between microscope front lens and target and axial distance of the target relative to the microscope front lens as well as spectral absorption characteristics
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy
of the medium. Therefore, in situ calibration methods are required to more accurately determine 3-D chromatic shifts [27]. 6. In addition to chromatic aberrations, the correction of monochromatic deviations may be important. Even high-performance microscope lenses do not have a completely linear field of view. Thus, the same physical distance of two fluorescing point objects located in the object plane may result in spurious distance variations even under ideal signal-to-noise conditions. For a commercial high-aperture microscope lens, lateral distance variations greater than 50 nm have been measured (Heintzmann, unpublished results). In axial direction, monochromatic distance variations also depend heavily on the optical microconditions. Under conditions relevant for nuclear structure analysis, such aberrations may be as large as 100 to several hundred nanometers (for example, compare [28]). By careful monochromatic calibration, it is experimentally possible to control monochromatic distance errors [21, 26]. 7. In real optical systems, the PSF may show deviations from an ideally symmetrical curve. Thus, the calculated barycenter coordinate may not coincide exactly with the coordinate of the maximum (coordinate of the ideal image point). As the final goal is to measure small distances, that is, coordinate differences, in many cases such an error may be eliminated if the PSF has the same kind of deviation for the two targets located at slightly different positions in the object space. 8. Confocal laser scanning microscopes in some way or other use mechanical scanning devices. Thus, mechanical stability and tolerances may influence the correct voxel positioning that is of great importance for the precise subvoxel localization of fluorescenceintensity barycenters necessary for the SPM approach. Figure 40.4b presents a computer visualization of the capacity of SPM to allow a structural resolution far below the FWHM. On the upper left, as in Fig. 40.4a, a simulated chromatin sequence and its 2-D projections at different rotation angles (first row from above) are shown. The second row then presents the 2-D projections after convolution with a 250-nm PSF. Here, however, it was assumed that each piece of 10-kbp length was labeled with a different spectral signature. The visualization of the spectrally differentiated projections clearly suggests that these images contain structural information below the normal limit of resolution. In the third row, the barycenters of the different spectral intensities were calculated according to the SPM method described in the foregoing. In the end, this simulation example indicates that the SPM method should allow the topological analysis of relatively small nucleosome configurations.
40.2 Principles of spectral precision distance microscopy
1 0.9
cumulative frequency
original data
0.8 0.7 0.6
after imaging (n=42)
0.5 0.4 0.3
after imaging (n=168)
0.2 0.1 0 0
200 400 600 800 1000
nearest-neighbor distance to other label [nm]
e f
1 0.9
cumulative frequency
original data
0.8 0.7 0.6
after imaging (n=38) after imaging (n=152)
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0
400 800 1200 1600 2000
nearest-neighbor distance to other label [nm]
Figure 40.6: a Simulation dataset A; 500 FITC spots (i. e., spots carrying a green spectral signature) and 500 CY5 spots (dark-red spectral signature) were randomly distributed in a simulated nuclear volume with radii of 5.2 µm (xy) and 3.1 µm (z). The non-overlapping spots had a diameter of 440 nm; b the standard deviation of nearest-neighbor distances (FITC to CY5) determined for dataset A from the true distances. The columns show the errors in distance determination with and without the ability to correct exactly for chromatic shifts; c the distribution of nearest-neighbor distances between FITC and CY5 in dataset A. The systematic shift towards distances that are too high is due to the optical merging of spots that are close to their neighbors in the same channel; d simulation dataset B. 250 FITC spots and 250 CY5 spots were distributed in a nuclear volume with radii of 9.6 µm (xy) and 1.0 µm (z). The minimum distance between spots was set to 1050 nm; e standard deviations of nearest-neighbor distances (FITC to CY5) determined for dataset B from the true distances. As all spots were found by the algorithm, the standard deviations give a true account of the accuracies possible in lateral and axial direction; f the nearest-neighbor distance distribution of dataset B. A systematic shift is not detectable. (Reprinted from [21] with kind permission of the Royal Microscopical Society.)
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy
As a second, more realistic example, Fig. 40.6 shows a computer simulation of the accuracy of distance measurements between differentially labeled targets in two-color confocal laser scanning microscopy considering experimental data for photon noise and error of chromatic shift determination [21]. Here, either a completely random distribution of small targets with different spectral signatures within a nuclear volume was assumed (Fig. 40.6a-c), or a random distribution was assumed with the boundary condition that the minimum distance between any two pairs of the same spectral signature was at least one FWHM (Fig. 40.6d-f). Under the assumptions used, the results of the simulation indicated a standard deviation of 3-D distance determination of about 50 nm, that is, about one-tenth the effective FWHM; 3-D distances far below the optical resolution can be determined correctly between targets of different spectral signature. In analogous experimental high-precision measurements between differentially labeled fluorescent targets, quartz glass beads of (mean ± standard deviation (SD)) 1052 ± 19 nm with a green-yellow fluorescing FITC core of 400 nm (target type I) were mixed with quartz glass beads of 408 ± 22 nm with a red fluorescing RITC core of 200 nm in diameter (target type II), and attached to a cover slip. Besides clusters of beads of type I (FITC-fluorescence), clusters of beads of type II (RITC-fluorescence) were obtained as well as pairs of a type-I bead and a type-II bead adjacent to each other. Three-dimensional imaging of FITC-fluorescence (specs1 ) and RITC-fluorescence (specs2 ) was performed with a commercial confocal laser scanning microscope. The axial chromatic shift (lateral chromatic shift was negligible compared to the axial one) was measured using the two clusters of type-I and type-II beads, respectively; the value obtained (225 ± 40 nm) was used to perform the SPM-distance determinations for the barycenters of the type-I type-II-pairs. For the experiment cited here, the mean 3-D distance value determined by SPM was 732 ± 27 nm [29]; the value expected was 734 ± 15 nm. More detailed SPM measurement using the same types of quartz-glass beads with cores of different spectral signature [21] indicated that in the range of 30 to 50 effective photons per voxel (representing a biologically relevant photon statistics), the lateral distance error (SD) was around 20 nm whereas the axial error was between 50 to 75 nm.
Determination of the resolution equivalent in situ
The accuracy of the SPM method and thus the useful “resolution equivalent” (RE) is given by the capacity to control systematic errors such as chromatic and monochromatic aberrations and to control statistical errors such as deviations in positioning due to photon statistics, detector
40.3 Determination of the resolution equivalent in situ
noise, mechanical instabilities, unknown deviations in the optical microconditions, etc. Besides the mechanical and optical parameters of the recording instruments, sophisticated computer-imaging algorithms are of fundamental importance to obtain an optimal RE. For a direct in situ determination of the RE, let us in a thought experiment assume a cell nucleus containing one “point-like” target tcal (for calibration); this target is simultaneously labeled with two spectral signatures specs1 (e.g., “green”), specs2 (e.g., “red”) in such a way that the barycenter coordinates of the fluorescence of specs1 and specs2 in the object space are identical, that is, “true” distances are much lower than the resolution equivalent envisaged. Experimentally, this can be realized with sufficient accuracy by molecular methods of fluorescence labeling, for example, by multicolor FISH of the same genomic target sequence. By spectrally discriminated registration with an optical system, for example, a multichannel confocal laser scanning microscope, 3-D image stacks for the intensities of specs1 and specs2 are obtained in the image plane. If a system with negligible chromatic and monochromatic shifts is used (or such deviations have been corrected for by independent calibration measurements), the maxima of the image intensity curves I1 for specs1 and I2 for specs2 (and hence their fluorescence barycenters) should coincide. Due to all kinds of errors (see the foregoing), however, the experimentally determined maxima (barycenter) positions for the intensity distributions I1 and I2 will be found at apparently different locations and hence indicate a spurious distance that does not exist in the object space. Multiple measurements of this kind will eventually give a frequency distribution curve where the abscissa gives the (spurious) distance measured and the ordinate the frequency of cases where this spurious distance was observed. Such a distance-error frequency curve (“resolution equivalent (RE) curve”) will give a direct measure of the RE in situ, that is, under the relevant biological conditions to be studied. As an upper estimate of RE, we may take the full width at half maximum of the distance-error curve (HW-DEC). Figure 40.7 shows the result of a computer simulation of RE curves assuming confocal 3-D imaging and a number of 6 and 30 effective photons per voxel, respectively. The results indicate that using sufficient photon statistics (realizable in biological labeling experiments) allow 3-D REs much smaller than 100 nm. The HW-DEC using a maximum of 30 photons/per voxel was 15 nm lateral and 45 nm axial. That gives a 3-D RE of about 50 nm.
40 Spectral Precision Distance Confocal Microscopy d
30 photons in max.(x)
FWHM ~ 50nm
6 photons in max.(x)
0 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 -30
distance [nm]
0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10
0 120
distance [nm]
distance [nm]
FITC localization TRITC localization distance error
30 20 10
error (s.d.) [nm]
error (s.d.) [nm]
FWHM ~ 45nm
30 photons in max.(z) frequency
FWHM ~ 160nm
6 photons in max.(z)
distance [nm]
FWHM ~ 15nm
50 40
FITC localization TRITC localization distance error
30 20 10
x-direction y-direction z-direction mean (no preference in direction)
x-direction y-direction z-direction mean (no preference in direction)
Figure 40.7: Computer simulation of the RE in situ; 250 simulated targets of 160-nm diameter each were convoluted with a measured PSF of CLSM for a fluorochrome with “green” spectral signature (FITC) and with “red” spectral signature (TRITC), and noise was added. For each spot in the resulting FITCimage, the apparent distance to the nearest neighbor in the TRITC-image was computed after chromatic shift correction. The volume of a voxel was 80 × 80 × 250 nm3 ; a For the frequency of measured displacements between FITC- and TRITC- signals (distance-error frequency curve = RE-DEC curve) in x-direction assuming six photons in a voxel of maximum intensity, the values are distributed around the true displacement zero. The full width at half maximum of the distance-error frequency curve (HW-DEC)x is 50 nm; b the same as in a for the z-direction. The (HW-DEC)z is 160 nm; c error of localization and distance measurement (standard deviation) for FITC- and TRITC-images (6 photons in a voxel of maximum intensity); d the same dataset as in a,b,c was used, assuming 30 photons in a voxel of maximum intensity. A (HW-DEC)x of 15 nm was obtained for the x-direction; e the same as in d for the z-direction. The (HW-DEC)z is 45 nm; f error of localization and distance measurement (standard deviation) for FITC- and TRITC-images (30 photons in a voxel of maximum intensity).
40.4 Conclusions
Spectral precision distance microscopy (SPM) has opened the way towards an ultrastructural fluorescence far-field microscopy beyond the normal limits of high-resolution microscopy. However, this was only possible because powerful computer hardware and sophisticated image analysis algorithms were available. Here, we highlighted the strong correlation between high-precision optics and high-end computing. Recent applications in 3-D genome pathology have demonstrated the usefulness of this approach using commercially available microscopes. Calibrating and correcting the major parameters discussed in the foregoing, which influence the localization accuracy and distance measurements, confocal laser scanning microscopy with lenses of high numerical aperture revealed a 3-D resolution equivalent of about 50 nm. This offered a first glimpse into leukemia-relevant genome nanostructures on chromosome 9 and 22 (bcr-abl region; A. Esa, personal communication) or chromosome 15 associated structures correlated to the PraderWilli/Angelmann Syndrom (J. Rauch, personal communication). Moreover, applying SPM to the recently developed SME microscope [19] appears to make a resolution equivalent of less than 10 nm feasible because a localization accuracy of 1 to 2 nm was reported [18]. Finally, it is anticipated that the general principle of SPM, that is, highly accurate localization of spectrally distinguishable targets in combination with sophisticated distance calibration and computer analysis, can be applied to any optical micro- and macro-imaging technique. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the German Bundesminister for Education, Science, Research and Technology (Human Genome Project) and the European Union (Biomed-Programme). For stimulating discussions the authors thank A. Esa, J. Rauch, Dr. L. Trakhtenbrot, Dr. Ch. Münkel, Prof. Dr. J. Langowski, and Prof. Dr. T. Cremer.
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