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Xfrog Organic Software Hands-on Workshop. Jan Walter SCHLIEP and Stewart MCSHERRY. 1 Introduction. In this workshop, each participant will receive a ...
Xfrog Organic Software Hands-on Workshop Jan Walter SCHLIEP and Stewart MCSHERRY



In this workshop, each participant will receive a hands-on instruction in how to use Xfrog 3.5 – that is to say, each participant will be instructed how to connect building blocks together to form organic models and learn first-hand how enjoyable it is to make organic structures and animations with Xfrog. Xfrog 3.5 is a 3D graphics stand-alone program that runs on windows, used for organic modeling and animation of organic structures. It uses a visual hierarchy of components/building blocks, which when connected together, describe an organic form. It is used by a large variety of companies and individuals to create a large variety of plants, organic architecture, biomorphic forms, botanical and biological studies, special effects, abstractions and a lot more.

Fig. 1: A typical Xfrog 3.5 visual network (upper left) and result (middle)

Fig. 2: A typical hierarchical visual network (left) and result (right)

The Philosophy of Xfrog is to offer user control over various mathematical procedural Components, and as such, Components are simulations of Natural Processes, i.e. For example: Phyllotaxis, Attractor, Branching, et al. – allow user to assemble as an editable hierarchical visual organic network - a simulation and controlled network of various types of mathematical structures found in Nature, some common networks being: Flowers, Trees, Shrubs, etc.


J. W. Schliep and S. McSherry

2.1 Introduction to Components Xfrog 3.5 offers Building blocks, or Components, each with a different function, which the user visually connects together by dragging and dropping them onto a camera or onto each other. A few examples: A Tree Component, which simulates the way real trees branch. User can connect them together and build a simple Tree, then edit each Component to change crookedness, length, branchiness, of that level of branching. et al. in such a way, a very accurate or very distinct effect can be constructed. A Phiball Component, which simulates distribution of the golden mean across the surface of a sphere, which can be found, for example, in spiralling Flower centers ( such as the Sunflower above ). These components are also available: Simple, Horn, and Leaf Components – useful in constructing forms. Revo, Hydra, and Wreath Components - used to multiply and/or distribute forms. Attractor, and HyperPatch Components - used for local and global distortions.

2.2 Export / Plugins The user can export to all popular 3D formats, and free import plugins exist for all popular 3d programs: Maya, 3ds max, Vue, Bryce, OBJ, 3DS, CINEMA 4D, Lightwave, Softimage XSI, Autodesk VIZ, and others, are supported.

2.3 Summary With Xfrog 3.5, any user can quickly learn how to build beautiful organic models and animations with a high degree of accuracy. For those who wish to have prebuilt organic models - 1200 editable Xfrog Models constructed by botanical experts are available in “XfrogPlants Libraries”, with 9 different 3D formats included on each DVD. For users of Maya and CINEMA 4D, a new Xfrog 4 embedded technology is available. Xfrog 4 appears inside your application and connects directly to and between the components in these applications. Additional information regarding Xfrog and XfrogPlants, as well as functional software and free plugins are available at: www.xfrog.com

30 day fully

AMAP™ and Blueberry 3D Application Hands-on Workshop Benoit LEMAISTRE, Bionatics Bionatics’ core technology derives from the research work carried out at CIRAD since 1978. It has led to the creation of a computer software system for simulating a plant's growth while respecting an expression for its genetic program and obtaining the plant's morphology and natural esthetics using 3D computer graphics. This new technology, called AMAP™ (Atelier de Modélisation et d’Architecture des Plantes – Plant Architecture and Modeling Workshop) quickly gained a reputation among the international scientific community. AMAP™ technology is first and foremost designed for computer graphics professionals. It was first designed to run on major computer graphics software applications such as Wavefront® and Softimage® to quickly and easily reproduce plants while maintaining the highest degree of realism. It was then discovered by landscape designers, architects, city planners (who were becoming highly computerized) and the research offices working in land planning.. Having perfectly mastered AMAP technology, Bionatics’ engineers are today allowing the company to continue to develop a new line of high tech software : growth motors, 3D modelers, scene placement tools…thus positioning itself to become a world market reference in plant simulation. Amap is now being used through a variety of workflows based on specific technical environments: Autodesk 3DS Max, Alias, Open flight stand alone generator realnat Premium and plug in into Multigen Paradigm Creator, Autodesk Viz, Autodesk Architectural Desktop. For Real Time Digital landscape visualisation and simulation, Bionatics can offer two of its latest technologies with unique approaches, Realnat Premium and Blueberry 3D.


Realnat Premium

Originally created two years ago by the R&D team at Bionatics, it has evolved successfully in the video games market relying on a procedural and volumetric modeling solution, generally known as “hybrid”. The result is low polygonal geometry, instantly compatible with the constraints of Real Time. The “hybrid” modeling solution offers a compromise between 2D and 3D. Low polygonal trees are generated with high realistic results taking into account the limits of system’s performance. The “hybrid” models may vary with each other with respect to levels of


Benoit Lemaistre

detail complexity based on the original 3D model and based on multiple definitions for each one according to distance from the camera. REALnat® Premium™ is a new generation plant modeling tool which aims to solve three main issues for the real time simulation industries: -


Increase realism and the feeling of immersion in real time 3D scenes Offer technological innovation without disrupting existing workflows Advise and support cost effectively the evolutions of these workflows towards more physics simulation and interactivity with vegetation (wind, collision, penetrability, infrared).

Blueberry 3D

In october 2004, Bionatics acquired Blueberry3D from STVRS in order to improve the visualisation of terrains and ecosystems on an infinite scale. Blueberry 3D uses advanced fractal mathematics and procedural geometry. The ability to create terrain details only when needed allows incredibly complex and detailed scene to be built quickly and visualized in no time. The rendering of the smallest details of a landscape is now possible in realtime on a regular PC. Our unique mathematics based fractal engine makes virtual unlimited detail achievable on a mid-range PC. Geometrical shapes are created proceduraly only when needed. Thanks to procedural geometry, you can rapidly design and create terrain of several hundred square miles. An advanced material classification sys-tem allows you to manage erosion, cultivation, density, etc. Create a variety of construction forms ranging from hedges, roads, walls, rivers or even tank tracks. No irregularities appear as they are fully integrated into the terrain. The physics engine of Blueberry3D uses real mechanics computations and collision detections for both terrain and all objects of the world. The making of a landscape is processed with mathematical equa-tions creating a natural dispersion of the vegetation on the terrain and along the roads. Trees do not grow on highways and bushes are naturally seeded around the rocks and beside the lakes.

Current references include: VINCI, Aéroports de Paris, University of Stirling, Sheffield, Birmingham, East Anglia, Glasgow, ETSI Montes, Lafarge Granulats, Boeing, Bae Systems, Rheinmetall Electronics, CAE, Belge et Japonais, Vivendi Environnement, SCETAUROUTE, BETURE Infrastructure, DEREK LOVEJOY, Direction de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt (34), Atelier Jean NOUVEL, Cabinet C. de Portzamparc, RTKL, Foster & Partners, PRP Architects, Benoy Architect, Nightingale Associates.

LandXplorer Application Hands-on Workshop Marc HILDEBRANDT, 3D Geo GmbH

Fig. 1: Berlin 3D- Germany

3D Geo GmbH The LandXplorer of the 3D Geo GmbH offers a software solution for interactive, dynamic 3D visualization of spatial 2D and 3D data. Mission statement: 3D Geo, a pioneer in software systems for geo visualization, offers software solutions for effectively creating, analyzing, managing, and distributing large- scale geo information. You get enabled to rapidly design dynamic virtual 3D maps and 3D city models as outstanding digital documents, to enhance your software products by latest geo visualization technology, and to set up geo information products with embedded digital rights.


LandXplorer Hands-On Workshop

Fig. 2: Berlin 3D- Overview

Products by 3D Geo GmbH LandXplorer Studio: The LandXplorer Studio software system represents an interactive, real-time 3D geo visualization authoring system that allows users to create, manage, and distribute 3D geo documents. It integrates any kind of 2D geo data and 3D geo data, including large-scale raster data and vector data, and 3D city models, into dynamic visual documents. LandXplorer Factory: The LandXplorer Factory generates interactive, real-time 3D geo visualizations on demand, customized and extended according to the needs of individual businesses and applications. LandXplorer Geotainment: LandXplorer Geotainment denotes mass-market products based on 3D geoinformation. Using LandXplorer technology, you can produce and distribute end-user products in a rapid and cost-effective way via DVD, CD, or the Internet. Demo & Video are available under www.3dgeo.de

Integrating Modeling and Visualization Hands-on Workshop Heiko BAUMANN, 3inForm and Jens LUETHJE, @Last Software Inc.

Heiko Baumann will use the presentation of the Haydelberga project, us presented in this proceedings in form of a short summary, to show the application of Sketch-up as part of the visualization work. Haydelberga is an interdisciplinary project developed from a cooperation of architects, historians and software-developers with the target to advance existing results in the field of virtual reality (VR) and to allow the new generated products to be applicable in different fields of investigation and economy. The historic simulation of the whole ancient city of Heidelberg of the year 1620 is a pilot project- built exemplarily in interactive real time and in 3D-stereo.

Description of Case Study At first model structures were developed for the product (for data and enquiry to the generation of mass models and block models and their further modelling up to the transfer and processing in the VR-system). For modifying the standard softwares several software modules were developed, which guarantee an optimized connection for the continuousness from the enquired and processed data of the different data compounds across the modelling of the data up to the 3Dvisualisation. The giant data amounts necessary for the extensive 3D-modelling and the interactive possibilities of presentation (eg. animated simulations) are excellently transposed by specific adaptations and structures. The historic data for the project Haydelberga were researched by cultural scientists and historians and converted into virtual reality in co-operation with and by architects and software specialists. For the converting of the researched data and the developed data structure into the entire model the @Last Software and the awaron ag could be gained as co-operation partners in the domain of software.

@Last Software @Last Software is the manufacturer of Sketch Up, a small and powerful 3D-real time modelling software with excellent integration. Sketch up guarantees a fast and effective use by its intuitive usability and powerful tools.