Haptics for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery A. M. Okamura1,3 , L. N. Verner1,3 , C. E. Reiley2,3 , and M. Mahvash1,3 1 2 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Computer Science Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics The Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218 USA
[email protected]
1 Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery For centuries, open surgery was the standard for performing an operation on a patient. In cardiac surgery, for example, a sternotomy is performed in which a surgeon saws open the patient’s sternum to access the heart and create an operable space. This technique is traumatic for the patient and results in large scars and lengthy, expensive recovery time. In the last several decades, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has revolutionized the way surgeries are performed and met patients demand for smaller incisions and shorter recovery times. Surgeons can perform many of the same surgeries as open surgery using an endoscope and specialized instruments that fit in natural openings in the body or through keyhole incisions (typically 5-12 mm in diameter) instead of creating large incisions. The advantages of MIS procedures include decreased pain, shortened recovery time, and reduced scarring for the patient [3]. While traditional MIS techniques have numerous benefits for patients over open surgery, they create several drawbacks for the surgeon. Images are captured from the endoscopic camera and displayed on a 2D monitor causing surgeons to loose depth perception in the operating field. The surgeon also experiences higher fatigue from holding rigid instruments that are controlled at a distance (known as the fulcrum effect). The counter-intuitive motion of the instrument pivoting about the incision point requires the use of mirrored motions from that of the operating field. Finally, MIS feels significantly different from open surgery because the long-shafted instruments needed to operate through the small incisions deprives the surgeon of direct haptic sensation. (In this paper, we use the word haptics to generally describe touch feedback, which may include both force/kinesthetic and tactile/cutaneous feedback.) Numer-
A. M. Okamura, L. N. Verner, C. E. Reiley, and M. Mahvash Avg. Max. Tension (N)
8 6 4 2 0
Hand tie Silk 2-0
Instrument tie
Robot tie
Polypropylene 4-0 to 7-0
Fig. 1. A teleoperated surgical system and the effects of missing haptic information. (Left) The da Vinci surgical system [1] in an operating room environment, c
Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (Right) Forces applied to sutures for an attending surgeon. The instrument tie force levels and standard deviations of the hand tie and instrument tie are similar, while those of the robot tie are different [2].
ous studies have linked lack of significant haptic feedback in MIS to increased intra-operative injury [4]. While many types of robot-assisted surgical systems exist, we focus this paper on teleoperated RMIS systems, such as the da Vinci Surgical System (Intuitive Surgical Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) shown in Figure 1, due to their commercial and clinical success. RMIS provides numerous advantages over traditional MIS. First, the robot system emulates a human hand motion without mirrored movement, and adds additional degrees of freedom (dofs) in the wrists, thereby increasing dexterity and improving instrument control. Second, motion scaling and filtering enables more precise motions within the patient. Third, a magnified 3D enhanced computer vision system provides a view of the operating site with greater clarity than open surgery [5]. Despite these benefits, current RMIS systems have several drawbacks. RMIS systems tend to be large, expensive, and time-consuming to set up. They also require training for the surgeon and nursing staff. In addition, current commercially available RMIS systems provide less force information to the surgeon than traditional MIS and open surgery.
2 Does Robot-Assisted MIS Need Haptics? The lack of sensitive haptic feedback is often reported by surgeons and robotics researchers to be a major limitation to current RMIS systems, e.g. [6, 7]. However, many surgeons find that visual cues such as tissue deformation provide adequate force information. The usefulness of haptic feedback is likely dependent on the skill of the surgeon and the specific surgery to be performed, since the fragility of the tissues and sutures involved can vary widely between procedures and patients. The lack of an existing commercially available RMIS systems with haptic feedback makes it difficult to evaluate the effectiveness
Haptics for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
of haptics. It is only recently that objective experiments have been performed to examine the need for haptic feedback in RMIS. While none of the existing RMIS teleoperators with haptic feedback are ready for clinical application, many research systems have been tested on phantom or animal models, typically involving simplified surgical tasks. To understand the forces that are using in traditional surgery, MIS, and RMIS without haptic feedback, our research group [2, 8] studied the difference between applied suture forces by attending and resident surgeons in three knot tying exercises: hand ties, instrument ties (using needle drivers), and robot ties (using the da Vinci with no haptic feedback). It was found that the robot ties, but not the instrument ties, differed from hand ties in repeatability of applied force (Figure 1). This implies that, if RMIS can be imbued with the same kind of kinesthetic feedback provided by hand-held instruments, repeatability would be improved. MacFarlane, et al. [9] developed a laparoscopic grasper with force feedback capability to help surgeons differentiate tissue stiffness through a haptic interface. Through tests with surgeons and non-surgeons, they found that their device was superior to a standard laparoscopic Babcock grasper but not as good as the gloved hand for rating sample compliance. Using a similar system, Tholey, et al. [10] found that providing both vision and force feedback leads to better tissue characterization than only vision or force feedback. Deml, et al. and Otmaier, et al. [11, 12] performed an experiment with a representative dissection task using surgeon subjects. Haptic feedback reduced unintentional injuries, but increased operating time compared to a manual intervention. Wagner, et al. [13] examined the effects of force feedback on a teleoperated blunt dissection task to expose an artery in a synthetic model with video feedback. Performance of surgeon and non-surgeon subjects were recorded with three force feedback gains: 0% (no force feedback), 37% and 75%. Over all subjects, absence of force feedback significantly increased the average and peak force magnitude applied to the tissue, as well as the number of errors that damaged tissue. However, the rate and precision of dissection were not significantly enhanced with force feedback. Work in non-robotic MIS also indicates the importance of haptic information [14, 15]. Collectively, these results indicate that haptic feedback would improve surgeon performance, and possibly patient outcomes, in RMIS. However, it is not clear how surgeon experience and training relates to the effectiveness of haptic feedback. (There are conflicting results on this matter in the literature described above.) None of the systems described above, with the possible exception of [12], are practical for application in a real operating room.
3 Sensing and Estimation of Force Bilateral telemanipulation can be accomplished with or without the use of force sensors [16, 17]. Cavusoglu, et al. [18] examines conventional teleop-
A. M. Okamura, L. N. Verner, C. E. Reiley, and M. Mahvash
Fig. 2. Approaches to tip force sensing. (Left) An integrated sensing and actuation system for an RMIS instrument with a gripper allows for 6 or 7-dof of force/torque c sensing with little compromise in dexterity [19], 2005 ???. (Right) Shape deposition manufacturing was used to embed strain gages in gripper attachments for 6-dof c force/torque sensing on each jaw of the gripper [20], 2006 IEEE.
erator control architectures and uses a measure of teleoperation fidelity to demonstrate theoretically that force sensing will improve teleoperator performance. Most groups developing haptic feedback for teleoperated RMIS have attempted to use force sensors; a goal of the research in our lab has been to minimize or eliminate the reliance on force sensing. The surgical environment is a challenging environment in which to sense forces. To simplify system design, force sensors would ideally be placed in locations on the robot or its instruments that are outside the body of the patient. This is problematic for most surgical robots, however, since force sensors placed outside the patient’s body will acquire force data not only from the delicate interactions between the instruments and tissue, sutures, etc., but also from sources that are not directly relevant to the surgical task. For example, there are significant friction, body wall forces, and torques applied to the instrument at the insertion point on the patient. These undesirable forces are large enough to mask the instrument-tissue interaction forces that should be displayed to the surgeon. Another possible location for force sensors is on the shaft of the instruments. For surgical systems like the da Vinci, which have cable-driven “wrist” degrees of freedom at the tip of the instruments, the internal shaft forces vary widely during manipulation. We have shown that these internal forces are an order of magnitude higher than the instrument-tissue interaction forces [21]. Calibration to remove the internal forces is not possible due to hysteresis and heavy dependence on uncertain starting conditions. By creating an extra internal shaft with force sensing capability, Tavakoli, et al. [22] attempted to circumvent this problem. However, this limits the degrees of freedom that can be actuated at the wrist/gripper. A creative solution for enhanced haptic feedback in pseudo-teleoperated RMIS was developed by Zemiti, et al. [23]: a standard force sensor is attached to a modified trocar, which allows for undisturbed measurement of manipulation
Haptics for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (c)
Fig. 3. The JHU custom da Vinci surgical system components and experimental results demonstrating improved teleoperator transparency through estimation and compensation of nonideal robot dynamics. (a) Master telemanipulator (MTM). (b) Setup for measuring force responses of contact with a soft object. (c) Patient-side manipulator (PSM). (d) Force-displacement curves of the teleoperator during probing of a soft object. The force sensor is used only for validation purposes. Figures c reproduced from [24], 2007 IEEE.
forces. This approach reduces cost and sterilizability demands, but does not allow for position scaling or dexterity at the instrument tips. Force sensors would ideally be placed in at or near the tip of the instrument inside the patient. Sensors used in the patient’s body must be sufficiently biocompatible, such that they do not excite harmful immunoresponse from the patient. Sterilization, the process that effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents such as bacteria, is most commonly performed for surgical instruments via heat (steam/autoclave) sterilization and/or chemical sterilization. The materials of the sensor must withstand these harsh sterilization procedures. Because surgical instruments interact with warm tissues and fluids, force sensors must be designed to reduce sensitivity to changing temperature. Finally, force/torque sensors can add significant cost to a surgical instrument, especially if measurements must be made in many degrees of freedom. If the instruments are disposable, as is the case with da Vinci instruments, such sensing could be prohibitively expensive. Several groups have examined the approach of force sensing at the instrument tip, and two of the most promising approaches for multi-dof force/torque sensing are shown in Figure 2. As an alternative to direct force sensing, the interaction forces between the instrument and tissue may be estimated using observers, adaptive controllers, and detailed robot models. We have developed a controller based on a proportional control law with additional model-based feed-forward terms that cancel the dynamic properties of the manipulators [25, 24]. We show that the teleoperator transmits the impedance of a soft environment to the operator when the proportional gains of the controller are very high and the dynamic terms of the manipulators are cancelled. However, the high gains and com-
A. M. Okamura, L. N. Verner, C. E. Reiley, and M. Mahvash
plete cancellation of the dynamic terms of the manipulators can make the teleoperator unstable. Thus, we use Llewellyn’s criteria for absolute stability to limit the controller parameters to values that keep the teleoperator stable during interactions with any passive user and environment. Experimental results using a custom version of the da Vinci Surgical System show that 70% of the inertia of the patient-side manipulators during low-frequency motion and almost all static friction of the manipulators during sliding motion can be cancelled (Figure 3). The main drawback to this approach is that the presliding forces from the trocar have not been considered. A final method, which would likely have poorer accuracy than the approaches described above, could be to use tissue and/or instrument properties, along with visual measurement of deformations and deflections to estimate the applied forces. In general, the same estimation methods used as an alternative to direct force sensing can also be used to enhance the performance of non-ideal force sensing methods. Additionally, one can sense forces directly in certain degrees of freedom while estimate them in others.
4 Methods for Force Feedback Although there are currently no clinically implemented methods for sensing forces during teleoperated RMIS, several methods for providing force information the the surgeon during RMIS have been evaluated. The primary approaches are direct force feedback, in which forces are directly applied to the surgeon’s hands using a haptic enabled master manipulator, and sensory substitution, in which force information is displayed through an alternative sensory channel, such as vision or audition. Many existing haptic devices can be used for force feedback during RMIS, with minor modifications to allow for measurement of grip position and display of grip forces. One of the most popular teleoperation master devices is the Phantom (SensAble Technologies, Inc.). The da Vinci Surgical System has a 6-dof haptic device for each hand, which follows the same backdrivable, lowfriction, (relatively) low-inertia, low-backlash, cable-drive approach of many popular commercially available haptic devices. One consideration in direct force feedback is the appropriate gain level for haptic feedback. Wagner and Howe [26, 13] illustrate that when the level of force feedback is low, the feedback provides only “information” and does not affect the system dynamics. Yet, force feedback is most effective at helping a user control his or her motions when force feedback not only provides information, but also generates physical constraints that, for example, could prevent a user from probing too deeply into tissue. Force feedback gains that are too large, however, could lead to fatigue and decreased performance. Another important consideration is the number of degrees of freedom of force feedback. In some RMIS systems, the placement of force sensors or ac-
Haptics for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
Manual Full FF No Axial FF No FF
Lateral Force
Net Force
Time (s)
Axial Force
Full FF Translational FF Gripping FF No FF
Length (cm)
Force (N)
Force (N)
10 1 5
Translational Force
Gripping Force
Completion Time
Fig. 4. Studies of sensor/actuator asymmetry in bilateral telemanipulation. (Left) During a blunt dissection task, net applied forces were not significantly different between full force feedback and force feedback with missing axial forces. (Right) During a soft peg-in-hole task, grip forces were significantly higher when no grip force feedback was provided, even when translational force feedback was available. Figures adapted from [27, 28].
curacy of force estimation is too challenging in certain degrees of freedom, thus only partial force feedback can be feasibly implemented. How this affects teleoperator performance was previously unknown. Our group performed an experimental study that used a blunt dissection mock surgical task performed with a 3-dof bilateral telemanipulator to demonstrate that losing feedback of forces along the long axis of the surgical instrument does not significantly degrade performance in terms of the forces applied [27]. 2-dof force feedback was also better than no force feedback, although all telemanipulation modes differed from a manual (hand-held instrument) case. We also found that, in a task using an additional gripping degree of freedom, the loss of grip force feedback, or conversely all translational force feedback, does significantly affect performance in terms of applied force [28]. This is likely due to the decoupled dynamics of internal and external hand forces. Figure 4 shows the experimental setup and selected results for these studies. While missing certain degrees of freedom of force feedback may be acceptable in terms of human perception and task performance in certain instances, there is a concern that systems with such sensor/actuator asymmetry can be unstable since these systems are not passive [29]. Sensory substitutions are not likely to perform as well as most forms of direct haptic feedback, because they only provide information (and do not affect system dynamics as discussed earlier), and human operators must “translate” the substituted sensory information into force information. In addition, opera-
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tors using sensory substitution may require substantial training. Nonetheless, sensory substitution is an attractive alternative to direct haptic feedback because it eliminates the cost of a haptic master device, can be easily integrated into existing systems, and, in some cases, may even be able to display more accurate forces than direct haptic feedback because system stability it not a concern. (If forces are estimated, the force fed back to the user’s haptic device may be lowered conservatively to maintain stability [24].) Auditory feedback is a natural method of sensory substitution, since surgical teleoperation does not inherently involve auditory feedback. The changes in sensed or estimated force can be displayed to the operator continuously through frequency and/or amplitude modulation, or through non-continuous signals like beeps. We have found that continuous sounds are not only uncomfortable to surgeons, but they also interfere with communication and can mask the auditory signals of other medical apparatus in the operating room [30]. Thus, we explored a simple interface in which a beep was played when a maximum force threshold was passed [31]. While this method improved performance over no force feedback, it was inferior to continuous feedback provided through a visual display. Vibrotactile displays can be utilized similarly. Schoonmaker and Cao [32] tested continuous and non-continuous, as well as audible and non-audible, vibration displays as substitutes for force feedback in simulated MIS, finding that vibration feedback improved performance in terms of probing depth error, time, and maximum force for a tissue stiffness differentiation task. Though, vibrotactile display can be uncomfortable during long-term use. Currently, visual display of forces is the most promising approach for clinical adoption. Over the last several years, our laboratory has refined a method for continuous visual display of force information that is unobtrusively integrated with the existing display of the surgical scene. We initially created stationary bar graphs displaying the applied force at each instrument during a suture tying task, and compared it against no haptic feedback, auditory display, and manual (hand ties) performance [31]. The consistency of applied forces during RMIS suture tying aided by visual feedback or combined auditoryvisual feedback sensory substitution was superior to that achieved both with hand ties and RMIS with no feedback. Improving on this display, we now have the ability to track instruments and overlay force information over the tips using semi-transparent dots that change color or bars that change length and color with the magnitude of sensed/estimated force (Figure 5). Visual force feedback (VFF) resulted in reduced suture breakage, lower forces, and decreased force inconsistencies among novice robot-assisted surgeons, although elapsed time and knot quality were unaffected. In contrast, VFF did not affect these metrics among experienced da Vinci surgeons. These results suggest that VFF primarily benefits novice robot-assisted surgeons, with diminishing benefits among experienced surgeons [33]. One challenge for sensory substitution is how to convey all the degrees of freedom of force information that may be available through sensing or
Haptics for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery
Secure Knot Knot Tying Preparation (Minimal Force Zone)
Knot Tighten (Ideal Force Zone)
Knot Tighten (Excessive Force Zone)
Broken Suture
Fig. 5. Video sequence of knot tying with sensory substitution. Discrete color changes provide information about the force applied during the task. Figure adapted from [33].
estimation. In the work described above, only the net bending force of the instruments was sensed and displayed. In preliminary work, we have created an oriented arrow (cylinder with cone tip) that points in the direction of the net translational force, with length corresponding to force magnitude and diameter to grip force. The effectiveness of this more complex display method must still be tested. Another important area for future work is the comparison of visual (or other sensory substitution) force display and direct force feedback. This has been attempted once [34] for a one-degree-of-freedom tissue discrimination task, but the visual display used in that work was not ideal; it required that the operator look away from the surgical scene. An experiment with overlaid visual and direct force display using a custom version of the da Vinci is currently being conducted.
5 Future Work in Haptics for Robot-Assisted Surgery While great strides have been made toward applying force feedback in RMIS, there is still no clinically practical system that can both provide useful force display and a high level of dexterity at the instrument tips. The primary difficulty is in force sensing and estimation, not display, although stability issues often couple the two problems. One promising area for future work is the use of the surgical system’s visual channel for deformation and tissue property acquisition. For example, camera images can be used to define virtual fixtures, which are artificial constraints typically designed using the sensed geometry of the workspace and a priori knowledge of the desired task [35]. While the impedance of the virtual fixture may not be correct, it may still provide some benefits in task performance. Visually-sensed deformation, with
A. M. Okamura, L. N. Verner, C. E. Reiley, and M. Mahvash
or without force sensing, may be used in tissue parameter estimation. If interoperative tissue models can be developed quickly, force display could be based on the model rather than the current estimated force [36]. Such model-based teleoperation could also be effective in the presence of large time delays. It would also be useful to examine the use of tactile information in surgery, using methods such as that in [37, 38]. The current drive for natural orifice surgery (surgery without external scarring) is an exciting opportunity and challenge for roboticists to develop new small, dexterous devices, as well as teleoperators and other mechanisms to control them. One imagines that haptic feedback will be important here both for navigating a device to the surgical site and performing the surgery. Realistic force feedback could be compromised if conventional bilateral telemanipulation techniques are used with systems that contains nonbackdrivable, slow-moving, or admittance-type slave robots [39]. Training with teleoperated RMIS systems could also benefit from haptic feedback. As mentioned, surgeons currently perform satisfactorily by observing tissue deformation and using internal models of tissue properties to estimate the applied force. Yet this requires the surgeon to have an accurate model of the tissue’s force-deformation relationship, presumably acquired through previous. Thus, haptic feedback may prove to be useful for surgeon training with RMIS systems on phantom or animal models.
Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. David Yuh, Dr. Darius Burschka, Takintope Akinbiyi, Sunipa Saha, Dr. Ankur Kapoor, Dr. Iulian Iordachita, and Dr. Peter Kazanzides for their contributions to this research. Support for this work was provided in part by the National Science Foundation (grants EEC-9731748, IIS-0347464, EIA-0312551), the National Institutes of Health (grant R01 EB002004), and the Whitaker Foundation (grant RG-02-911).
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