Harmonic Univalent Functions with Janowski Starlike ...

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copfficient $ine(\downarrow\iota idit,y$ for harnonic: imivalent fimctions. .... \phi(z)|=\frac{|e^{-i\theta}w_{1}(z)-\alpha|}{|1-\alpha e^{-i\theta}w_{1}(z)|}\leq ...
数理解析研究所講究録 第 1626 巻 2009 年 127-134


Harmonic Univalent Functions with Janowski Starlike Analytic Part Emel YAVUZ Abstract In this paper we dffine a new subclass of hronic univalent functions for which analytic part is Janowski Starlike Pisnction, and investigate some properties of this type of functions. Also we give a new copfficient for harnonic: imivalent fimctions. $ine(\downarrow\iota idit,y$

1 Let


be the class of analytic functions $w(z)$ in the open unit disc , satisfying $w(O)=0$ and $|w(z)|