HAROLD PHILIP BENSON - CV - Warrington College of Business

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Oct 1, 2011 - American Economic Institutions Professor, Warrington College of Business Administration,. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, August, ...
BIOGRAPHICAL RESUME PROFESSOR HAROLD PHILIP BENSON American Economic Institutions Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management Business Address University of Florida Department of Information Systems and Operations Management 351D Stuzin Hall Gainesville, Florida 32611-7169 Phone: (352) 392-0134 (352) 392-9600 MAIN FIELD OF INTEREST: Management Science EDUCATION Ph.D., Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, June, 1976 M.S., Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, August, 1973 B.S., Mathematics (with High Distinction), The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May, 1971 JOB HISTORY American Economic Institutions Professor of Information Systems and Operations Management, Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, January, 2010-present. Full Professor of Decision Sciences (with tenure), Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, August, 1990-present. American Economic Institutions Faculty Fellow, Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, August 2005-December, 2009. American Economic Institutions Professor, Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, August, 1997 to August, 1998. Knight-Ridder Professor, College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, August, 1991 to August, 1992, and August, 1993 to August, 1994. Associate Professor of Decision Sciences (with tenure), Department of Decision and Information Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. August, 1982 to May 1985, and August, 1986 to August, 1990. Visiting Associate Professor, College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. September, 1985 to April, 1986. Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences, Department of Decision and Information Sciences,

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. September, 1979 to August, 1982. Associate Senior Research Engineer, Societal Analysis Department, General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan. August, 1976 to June, 1979. Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois. August, 1975 to May, 1976. Teaching Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. September, 1974 to June, 1975. RESEARCH AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Recipient of Georg Cantor Award, 2004. Description of Award: "As the highest form of recognition that the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making bestows upon a researcher, who, over his distinguished career, has personified the spirit of independent inquiry and whose many innovative ideas and achievements are decidedly reflected in the theory, methodology and current practices of MCDM". (The International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making has 1470 members in 96 countries). Recognized as Among 40 Most Productive MCDM Researchers in the World, 2008 In 2008, Bragge, Korhonen, Wallenius, and Wallenius authored a study called “Bibliometric Analysis of Multiple Criteria Decision Making/Multiattribute Utility Theory”, published as Powerpoints and presented at the 19th International Conference on MCDM in January, 2008, in Auckland, New Zealand, wherein I am shown to be among the “40 most productive authors” in the world in multiple criteria decision making. Recognized as Among Approximately 42 World Leading MCDM Researchers, Living or Not, 2011 In the fall of 2011, a book by Koksalan, Wallenius and Zionts recognized me as one of approximately 40 world scholars in the area of Multiple Criteria Decision Making, living or not, in their book of that year, titled Multiple Criteria Decision Making from Early History to the 21st Century, published by the World Scientific Press. For each such person, a two-page biography is given which concentrates on the person’s career and research contributions, and why these contributions are significant, along with a photo of the person. Among the other recipients of this recognition in the book were Abraham Charnes, William W. Cooper, ,Peter Fishburn, Arthur Geoffrion, Ralph Keeney, and Howard Raiffa, all quite leading lights in creating new, highlysignificant knowledge and methods in multiple criteria decision making. I was indeed highly honored to be included in this group, especially since fewer than half of my research publications are in the area of multiple criteria decision making. Chapter 8 of the book is devoted entirely to giving these approximately 40 biographies and photos. Recognized for Professional Reviewing Contributions to Elsevier Journals, 2012 In Fall, 2012, the Elsevier Publication Company recognized me as being one of the outstanding contributors of reviews of papers submitted to their journals.

Recognized for Prolific Research Contributions , 2012 In November, 2012, the Journal of Global Optimization, which has existed from 1991-present and has published papers from 2733 authors in that time period, recognized me as, out of these authors, as the one with the 13th-most articles in the Journal in those 21 years. TEACHING AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Outstanding Teacher of the Year, Decision and Information Sciences Department, 1990-1991. College of Business Administration, University of Florida, Highest Teacher Evaluation, First Year MBA Core Courses, Fall, 1991. College of Business Administration, Teaching Improvement Program Award Recipient, 19951996. Listed in Who's Who In American Teaching, Fifth Edition (Chosen by my U. of Florida students for this honor in 1997). Warrington College of Business Administration Undergraduate Faculty Member of the Year, Decision and Information Sciences Department, 2006-2007 (Recognized by Vote of the Warrington College of Business Administration Student Body) HONORS AND FELLOWSHIPS Salutatorian, Deerfield High School graduating class, June, 1967. College Honors Program, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. William J. Branstrom Prize, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1968. Class Honors, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971. James B. Angell Scholar, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, l968, l970. B.S. with High Distinction, Mathematics, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1971. National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Operations Research, Northwestern University, 1971-1974 (A national competitive award). Nominated as a Candidate for the UF Alumni Association's Distinguished Alumni Professor Award, 2003. Listed in Who's Who in Business Higher Education HONORARY SOCIETIES Phi Beta Kappa Phi Eta Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma RESEARCH INTERESTS Multiple Criteria Decision Making Global Optimization Applications of optimization models and techniques to real systems CONSULTING EXPERIENCE Consultant for Veterans Administration Hospital, Gainesville, Florida, 1980-1981. Consultant for American College Testing, Iowa City, Iowa, 1983-1984. Consultant for Shares Services, Inc., Gainesville, Florida, 1988. Consultant for the Mathematics Department, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, 1988-1989. Consultant for Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2004. Consultant for Registrar, University of Agriculture Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia, 1996-present. Consultant for Pearson Education, Incorporated, 2010-present. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Associate Editor, J.of Optimization Theory and Applications, l991-present. Associate Editor, J.of Global Optimization, l991-present. Associate Editor, Naval Research Logistics, l992-2003. Associate Editor, J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1999-2003. Associate Editor, Operations Research Letters, 2002-2003. Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematics, 2012-present. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications, 2000-present. Editorial Board Member, International Journal for Rapid Publications in Mathematics, 2004-present. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Information Systems for Logistics and Management, 2004-present. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2005present.

Editorial Board Member, Mathematical Reviews, 1995-1997. Editorial Board Member, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, 2011-present. Co-Editor, Special Issue of the Journal of Global Optimization Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Dr. Reiner Horst, Published Online, October 1, 2011., INFORMS Section on Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Founding Elected Board Member, 2010-2012, and member, 2010-present. Full Member, Operations Research Society of America, 1982-1994. Member, The Institute of Management Sciences, 1974-1994. Member, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1994-present. Arrangements Committee, ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, Orlando, November, 1983. Cluster Chairman, ORSA/TIMS National Meetings, Nashville, May, 1991, and Orlando, April 1992. Session Chairman, ORSA/TIMS and INFORMS National Meetings, Orlando, November, 1983, Atlanta, November, 1985, St. Louis, October 1987, Washington, D.C., April, 1988, Nashville, May, 1991, Los Angeles, April 1995, San Diego, May 1997, and Dallas, October 1997. Session Chairman, DSI National Meeting, San Diego, November, 2002. Session Chairman, 17th Meeting of the International Society on MCDM, August, 2004, Session Chair, INFORMS National Meeting, Austin, November, 2010. Co-Chair, Invited Clusters Committee, INFORMS MIAMI Meeting, 2001. Contributing author of book and article summaries for Mathematical Reviews, 1988-2006. Co-Editor of a Section of "MCDM Worldscan," the newsletter of the International Multiple Criteria Decision Making Society, 2000-2007. Visiting Lecturer, OR/MS and INFORMS Speakers Program, 1978-2001. Item Writer for American College Testing Services, 1983-1984. Reviewer for National Science Foundation, 1983-1984; 1985-1989; 1990-1992; 1994-1995. Referee for: Third Symposium on Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations: Proceedings Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Operations Research Mathematical Programming Mathematics of Operations Research SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics Engineering Optimization

Water Resources Research Decision Sciences Decision Sciences Institute Meetings, Nov., 2000 European Journal of Operational Research Management Science Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Large Scale Systems Naval Research Logistics Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Princeton Conference on State of the Art in Global Optimization: Proceedings IIE Transactions Annals of Operations Research Nonlinear Analysis-Theory, Methods, and Applications Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Journal of Computers and Mathematics, with Applications Operations Research Letters Journal of Global Optimization Recent Advances in Global Optimization: Proceedings Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Mathematical and Computer Modeling SIAM Journal on Optimization Computational Optimization and Applications Optimization Computers and Operations Research Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences Presented invited and contributed papers and participated as invited panel discussant at various symposia on mathematical programming, at numerous ORSA/TIMS and INFORMS National Meetings, at the meetings of the Mathematical Programming Society, 1975-present, and at various other conferences and workshops. DOCTORAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Graduate Program Coordinator, Department of Decision and Information Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1989-1992, 1994-1995. Chairman of Doctoral Dissertation Committee and Supervisor of Doctoral Dissertation for: Ms. Yasemin Aksoy, August, 1986 - April, 1988. Mr. Dong Lee, August, 1989 - December 1991. Ms. Serpil Sayin, August, 1990 - December, 1992. Mr. George Boger, August, 1994-December, 1999. Mr. Erjiang Sun, August, 1996-August, 2000. RESEARCH GRANTS Center for Econometrics and Decision Sciences Summer Research Grants, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1979, 1981. College of Business Administration Summer Research Grants, University of Florida, Gainesville,

Florida, 1980, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010,2011,2012. Principal and Sole Investigator, National Science Foundation Research Grant Number ECS8515231, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, May, 1986-May, 1987 ($17,858.51). REFEREED RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Benson, H.P., and Morin, T.L., "The Vector Maximization Problem: Proper Efficiency and Stability," SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 32 (1977), pp. 64-72. Benson, H.P., "Existence of Efficient Solutions for Vector Maximization Problems," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 26 (1978), pp. 569-580. Benson, H.P., "Vector Maximization with Two Objective Functions," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 28 (1979), pp. 253-257. Benson, H.P., "An Improved Definition of Proper Efficiency for Vector Maximization with Respect to Cones," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 71 (1979), pp. 232-241. Benson, H.P., "Finding an Initial Efficient Extreme Point for a Linear Multiple Objective Program," The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 32 (1981), pp. 495-498. Benson, H.P., "On the Convergence of Two Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for Nonconvex Programming Problems," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 36 (1982), pp. 129134. Cermak, G.W., Lieberman, G.J., and Benson, H.P., "An Integrated Approach to the Analysis of Binary Choice Data," Applied Psychological Measurement, 6 (1982), pp. 31-40. Benson, H.P., "Algorithms for Parametric Nonconvex Programming," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 38 (1982), pp. 319-340. Benson, H.P., "Admissible Points of a Convex Polyhedron," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 38 (1982), pp. 341-361. Benson, H.P., "On a Domination Property for Vector Maximization with Respect to Cones," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 39 (1983), pp. 125-132; "Errata Corrige," 43 (1984), pp. 477-479. Benson, H.P., "Efficiency and Proper Efficiency in Vector Maximization with Respect to Cones," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 93 (1983), pp. 273-289. Benson, H.P., "Optimization Over the Efficient Set," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 98 (1984), pp. 562-580. Benson, H.P., "On the Optimal Value Function for Certain Linear Programs with Unbounded Optimal Solution Sets," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 46 (1985), pp. 55-66. Benson, H.P., "A Finite Algorithm for Concave Minimization Over a Polyhedron," Naval

Research Logistics Quarterly, 32 (1985), pp. 165-177. Benson, H.P., "Multiple Objective Linear Programming with Parametric Criteria Coefficients," Management Science, 31 (1985), pp. 461-474. Benson, H.P., "Finding Certain Weakly-Efficient Vertices in Multiple Objective Linear Fractional Programming," Management Science, 31 (1985), pp. 240-245. Erenguc, S.S., and Benson, H.P. "The Interactive Fixed Charge Linear Programming Problem," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 33 (1986), pp. 157-177. Benson, H.P., "An Algorithm for Optimizing Over the Weakly-Efficient Set," European Journal of Operational Research, 25 (1986), pp. 192-199. Erenguc, S.S., and Benson, H.P. "On the Weighted Selection Algorithm for Certain Linear Programs with Nested Constraint Coefficients," Operations Research, 34 (1986), pp. 650-653. Benson, H.P., and Morin, T.L., "A Bicriteria Mathematical Programming Model for Nutrition Planning in Developing Nations," Management Science, 33 (1987), pp. 1593-1601. Benson, H.P., and Erenguc, S.S., "Using Convex Envelopes to Solve the Interactive Fixed Charge Linear Programming Problem," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 59 (1988), pp. 223-246. Benson, H.P., "On the Structure and Properties of a Linear Multilevel Programming Problem," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 60 (1989) pp. 353-373. Benson, H.P., and Erenguc, S.S., "An Algorithm for Concave Integer Minimization Over a Polyhedron," Naval Research Logistics, 37 (1990) pp. 515-525. Benson, H.P., "Separable Concave Minimization via Partial Outer Approximation and Branch and Bound," Operations Research Letters, 9 (1990) pp. 389-394. Benson, H.P., Erenguc, S.S., and Horst, R., "A Note on Adapting Methods for Continuous Global Optimization to the Discrete Case," Annals of Operations Research, 25 (1990) pp. 243-252. Benson, H.P., and Horst, R., "A Branch and Bound-Outer Approximation Algorithm for Concave Minimization Over a Convex Set," Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 21 (1991) pp. 67-76.

Erenguc, S.S., and Benson, H.P., "An Algorithm for Indefinite Integer Quadratic Programming," Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 21 (1991) pp. 99-106. Benson, H.P., "An All-Linear Programming Relaxation Algorithm for Optimizing Over the Efficient Set," Journal of Global Optimization, 1 (1991) pp. 83-104. Knechel, W.R., and Benson, H.P., "An Optimization Approach for Scheduling Internal Audits of

Divisions," Decision Sciences, 22 (1991) pp. 391-405. Horst, R., Thoai, N.V., and Benson, H.P., "Concave Minimization via Conical Partitions and Polyhedral Outer Approximation," Mathematical Programming, 50 (1991) pp. 259-274. Benson, H.P., and Aksoy, Y., "Using Efficient Feasible Directions in Interactive Multiple Objective Linear Programming," Operations Research Letters, 10, (1991) pp. 203-209. Benson, H.P., "Complete Efficiency and the Initialization of Algorithms for Multiple Objective Programming," Operations Research Letters, 10, (1991) pp. 481-487. Benson, H.P., "A Finite, Non-Adjacent Extreme Point Search Algorithm for Optimization Over the Efficient Set," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 73, (1992) pp. 47-64. Benson, H.P., "A Bisection-Extreme Point Search Algorithm for Optimizing Over the Efficient Set in the Linear Dependence Case," Journal of Global Optimization, 3, (1993) pp. 95-111. Benson, H.P., and Sayin, S., "A Face Search Heuristic Algorithm for Optimizing Over the Efficient Set," Naval Research Logistics, 40, (1993) pp. 103-116. Benson, H.P., and Sayin, S., "Optimization Over the Efficient Set: Four Special Cases," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 80, (1994) pp. 3-18. Benson, H.P., and Sayin, S., "A Finite Concave Minimization Algorithm Using Branch and Bound and Neighbor Generation," Journal of Global Optimization, 5, (1994) pp. 1-14. Benson, H.P., "Concave Minimization: Theory, Applications and Algorithms," in Horst, R. and Pardalos, P.M. (eds.), Handbook of Global Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 43-148, 1995. Benson, H.P., "A Geometrical Analysis of the Efficient Outcome Set in Multiple Objective Convex Programs with Linear Criterion Functions," Journal of Global Optimization, 6 (1995) pp. 231-251. Benson, H.P., "Scheduling Surgeries for Patients Requiring Post-Operative Intensive Care: A Multiple Objective Integer Programming Approach," in Pardalos, P.M., Siskos, Y. and Zopounidis, C. (eds.), Advances in Multicriteria Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 233-247, 1995. Benson, H.P., and Lee, D., "Outcome-Based Algorithm for Optimizing over the Efficient Set of a Bicriteria Linear Programming Problem," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 88, (1996) pp. 77-105. Benson, H. P., "Deterministic Algorithms for Constrained Concave Minimization: A Unified Critical Survey," Naval Research Logistics, 43, (1996) pp. 765-795. Benson, H.P., and Sayin, S., "Towards Finding Global Representations of Efficient Sets in Multiple Objective Mathematical Programming," Naval Research Logistics, 44, (1997) pp. 47-67.

Denizel, M., Erenguc, S., and Benson, H.P., "Dynamic Lot-Sizing with Setup Cost Reduction," European Journal of Operational Research, 100, (1997) pp. 537-549. Benson, H.P., and Boger, G.M., "Multiplicative Programming Problems: Analysis and Efficient Point Search Heuristic," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 94, (1997) pp. 487510. Benson, H.P., Lee, D., and McClure, J.P., "A Multiple-Objective Linear Programming Model for the Citrus Rootstock Selection Problem in Florida," Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 6, (1997) pp. 283-295. Benson, H.P., "Generating the Efficient Outcome Set in Multiple Objective Linear Programs: The Bicriteria Case", Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 22, (1997) pp. 29-51. (Invited Paper for Special Issue in Honor of the 70th Birthday of H. Tuy). Benson, H.P., "Further Analysis of an Outcome Set-Based Algorithm for Multiple Objective Linear Programming," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 97, (1998) pp. 1-10. Benson, H.P., "Hybrid Approach for Solving Multiple Objective Linear Programs in Outcome Space," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 98, (1998) pp. 17-35. Benson, H.P., Lee, D., and McClure, J.P., "Global Optimization in Practice: An Application to Interactive Multiple Objective Linear Programming," Journal of Global Optimization, 12, (1998) pp. 353-372. Benson, H.P., "An Outer Approximation Algorithm for Generating All Efficient Extreme Points in the Outcome Set of a Multiple Objective Linear Programming Problem," Journal of Global Optimization, 13, (1998) pp. 1-24. Benson, H.P., "An Outcome Space Branch and Bound-Outer Approximation Algorithm for Convex Multiplicative Programming," Journal of Global Optimization, 15, (1999) pp. 315-342 (Invited Paper for Special Issue in Honor of the 70th Birthday of H. Tuy). Benson, H.P., "A Generalized Gamma-Valid Cut Procedure for Concave Minimization," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 102, (1999) pp. 289-298. Benson, H.P. and Sun, E., "New Closedness Results for Efficient Sets in Multiple Objective Mathematical Programming," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 238, (1999) pp. 277-296. Benson, H.P. and Sun, E., "Pivoting in an Outcome Polyhedron," Journal of Global Optimization, 16, (2000) pp. 301-323.

Benson, H.P. and Sun, E., "Outcome Space Partition of the Weight Set in Multiobjective Linear Programming," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 105, (2000) pp. 17-36. Benson, H.P. and Boger, G.M., "An Outcome Space, Cutting Plane Algorithm for Linear Multiplicative Programming," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 104, (2000) pp.

301-322. Benson, H. P. and Boger, G.M., "Analysis of an Outcome Space Formulation of the Multiplicative Programming Problem," in New Frontiers of Decision Making for the Information Technology Era, Zeleny, M. and Shi, Y. (eds.), World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, New Jersey, pp. 100-122, 2000. (Invited Chapter for Special Book Dedicated to P.L. Yu on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday). Benson, H. P., "Global Optimization of Nonlinear Sums of Ratios," Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 263, (2001) pp. 301-315. Benson, H. P. and Sun, E.J., "A Weight Set Decomposition Algorithm for Finding All Efficient Extreme Points in the Outcome Set of a Multiple Objective Linear Program," European Journal of Operational Research, 139, (2002) pp. 26-41. Benson, H. P., "Global Optimization Algorithm for the Nonlinear Sum of Ratios Problem," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 112, (2002) pp. 1-29. Benson, H. P., "Using Concave Envelopes to Globally Solve the Nonlinear Sum of Ratios Problem," Journal of Global Optimization, 22, (2002) pp. 343-364.(Invited paper for Special Volume in Honor of Reiner Horst on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday). Benson, H. P., "Generating Sum-of-Ratios Test Problems in Global Optimization," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 119, (2003) pp. 615-621. Benson, H. P., "On the Construction of Convex and Concave Envelope Formulas for Bilinear and Fractional Functions on Quadrilaterals," Computational Optimization and Applications, 27, (2004) pp. 5-22. Benson, H. P., "Concave Envelopes of Monomial Functions over Rectangles," Naval Research Logistics, 51, (2004) pp. 467-476. Benson, H. P., "On the Global Optimization of Sums of Linear Fractional Functions over a Convex Set," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 121, (2004) pp. 19-39. Benson, H.P., "Decomposition Branch-and-Bound Based Algorithm for Linear Programs with Additional Multiplicative Constraints," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 126, (2005) pp.41-61. Benson, H. P. "A Global Optimization Approach for Generating Efficient Points for Multiobjective Concave Fractional Programs," Invited Paper in Honor of my Receiving the Georg Cantor Award from the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 13, (2005) pp. 15-28. Benson, H. P., "Maximizing the Ratio of Two Convex Functions Over a Convex Set," Naval Research Logistics, 53, (2006) pp. 309-317. Benson, H. P., "Fractional Programming with Convex Quadratic Forms and Functions," European Journal of Operational Research, 173, (2006) pp. 351-369.

Benson, H. P., "Continuous Modular Design Problem: Analysis and Solution Algorithms," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 131, (2006) pp. 159-178. Benson, H. P., "A Simplicial Branch and Bound Duality-Bounds Algorithm for the Linear Sumof-Ratios Problem," European Journal of Operational Research, 182, (2007) pp. 597-611. Benson, H. P., "Solving Sum-of-Ratios Fractional Programs via Concave Minimization," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 135, (2007) pp. 1-17. Benson, H. P., "Global Maximization of a Generalized Concave Multiplicative Function," Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 137, (2008) pp. 105-120. Benson, H. P. and Sun, E., "Branch-and-Reduce Algorithm for Convex Programs with Additional Multiplicative Constraints," European Journal of Operational Research, 199, (2009) pp. 1-8. Benson, H. P., "Simplicial Branch-and-Reduce Algorithm for Convex Programs with a Multiplicative Constraint", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 145, (2010) pp. 213-233 [Lead Article], DOI 10.1007/s10957-009-9636-y Benson, H. P., "A Branch and Bound-Outer Approximation Algorithm for Sum-of-Ratios Fractional Programs", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 146, (2010) pp. 1- 18 [Lead Article], DOI 10.1007/s10957-010-9647-8 Benson, H. P., “An Outcome Space Algorithm for Optimization Over the Weakly Efficient Set of a Multiple Objective Nonlinear Programming Problem”, Journal of Global Optimization, Special Issue in Memory of Professor Dr. Reiner Horst,(2011), Published online, October 1, 2011, 22 pp., DOI 10.1007/s10898-011-9786-y

INVITED BOOK REVIEWS, SOFTWARE REVIEWS, and ENCYCLOPEDIA ARTICLES Benson, H.P., Book Review of Global Optimization - Deterministic Approaches, Journal of Global Optimization, 4, (1994) pp. 113-115. Benson, H.P., Book Review of Handbook of Global Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 9, (1996) pp. 217-219. Benson, H.P., Book Review of Introduction to Global Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 9, (1996), pp. 219-221. Benson, H.P., Book Review of Minimax and Applications, Journal of Global Optimization, 11, (1997), pp. 219-220. Benson, H.P., "Concave Programming," in Floudas, C.A. and Pardalos, P.M. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Optimization, Volume 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 315-319,2001. Benson, H.P., "Multi-Objective Optimization: Pareto Optimal Solutions, Properties," in Floudas, C.A. and Pardalos, P.M. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Optimization, Volume 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 489-493, 2001.

Benson, H. P., "Multi-Objective Optimization: Interactive Methods for Preference Value Functions," in Floudas, C.A. and Pardalos, P.M. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Optimization, Volume 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 483-486, 2001. Benson, H. P., Book Review of Foundations of Mathematical Optimization-Convex Analysis without Linearity, Journal of Global Optimization, 13, (1998), pp. 107-108. Benson, H. P., Book Review of Nonlinear Multiobjective Programming, SIAM Review, 42, (2000), pp. 339-341. Benson, H. P., and Sun, E., "LGO: Versatile Tool for Global Optimization," OR\MS Today, 27, (2000), pp. 52-55 (software review). Benson, H. P., Book Review of Multicriteria Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, 176, (2007) 1961-1964. REFERENCES Available upon request. TODAY'S DATE April1, 2012