Harris Nature Center Harris Nature Center - Meridian Township

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age appropriate activities. Personal attention is given to each child by a dedicated Harris Nature Center Naturalist. Al
The Nature Connection Summer Day Camps at the

Harris Nature Center Enjoy a 1-day, 2-day or 4-day adventure at the Harris Nature Center this summer! All Day Camps at the Harris Nature Center are nature themed with an emphasis on conservation. Camps are arranged and designed with age appropriate activities. Personal attention is given to each child by a dedicated Harris Nature Center Naturalist. All campers will receive a FREE camp shirt. If you register before June 1st you will also receive a discount on each session your children enroll in. Active toddlers with a parent or other adult will squeal with delight over their first camp experience. A naturalist will facilitate encounters with nature for the toddlers and their companions, including short walks, crafts & hands-on activities.

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3 years & under (with an adult) $30 Receive a $2 discount with early registration

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Tue-Fri Tue-Fri

July 17-20 August 7-10

9 am–10 am 9 am–10 am

Introduce your young preschooler (accompanied by a parent or other adult) to nature experiences with the help of a naturalist. Camp includes nature activities, stories, crafts and short walks.

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3 and 4 year olds (with an adult) $30 Receive a $2 discount with early registration Tue-Fri Tue-Fri

July 17-20 August 7-10

11 am–12 pm 11 am–12 pm

One-Day Camps Entering Kindergarten and 1st Sensational Nature See it, smell it, hear it, touch it: at this camp we use our senses to explore nature. Tues, June 26 OR Fri, July 6

Animal Babies Cubs, ducklings, fawns, larvae, tadpoles, fingerlings...so many baby animals! Kids will have fun learning about animals at camp. Wed, June 27 OR Fri, July 27

Turtle Time Turtles aren’t really slow and they can’t leave their shells. Learn to separate fact from fiction while having fun at camp! Thur, June 28 OR Thur, July 26

Insect Adventures They’re everywhere...up in the trees and down in the grass! Campers will love finding insects and their kin at this nature camp! Tues, July 3 OR Thur, August 9

Frogs and Friends How are frogs and toads different? What’s a pollywog? Campers will make friends with frogs while having fun at camp. Thur, July 5 OR Fri, August 10

All one-day camps are $32 and run from 9 am to 3 pm. Camp experiences include nature activities, hikes, games, stories & crafts. Campers need a sack lunch. If you register before June 1st you will receive a $2 per session discount! Entering 2nd and 3rd Grades Animal Trackers Where did they go and why? Follow signs of animals through the woods learning about them as you go. Tues, June 26 OR Fri, July 6

Birds, Birds, Birds! From warbler to hawk & woodpecker to heron, we’ll explore bird habitats, use binoculars & discover about birds. Wed, June 27 OR Fri, July 27

Snakes Alive! Ever wonder what a snake feels like or how it eats its meal? At this camp, kids will have fun with snakes & nature. Thur, June 28 OR Thur, July 26

River Rascals What lives in and around the river? At this camp we will explore the river habitat and enjoy nature fun. Tues, July 3 OR Thur, August 9

Animal World

Entering 4th - 6th Grades Treasure Hunters Using their sleuthing abilities, campers will go geocaching & letterboxing & create their own geocaching swag. Tues, June 26 OR Fri, July 6

Bird Watching Using binoculars and field guides, campers will track birds through field and woods, learning their calls and characteristics. Wed, June 27 OR Fri, July 27

Wilderness Child Become a child of the wilderness in just one day! Learn to find edible foods in the wild, tie useful knots & build a fire. Thur, June 28 OR Thur, July 26

Campers will visit with animals, learn how animals are connected in the web of life & have fun in nature. Thur, July 5 OR Fri, August 10

Entering 4th - 6th Grades Rock Hounds Rock Hounds love to find rocks. At this camp kids will discover many fascinating rocks, grow crystals and learn about fossils. Wed, July 3 OR Thur, August 9

Wildlife Explorers Kids connect with animals as they explore their habitats, find evidence of their passing, spend time with the HNC critters and even help with feeding them. Thur, July 5 OR Fri, August 10

Register before June 1st for a two-day camp and receive a $2 per session discount on preschool camps and receive a $5 per session discount on Kindergarten–6th grade camps! Camp experiences include nature activities, hikes, games, stories & crafts. K-6th must bring a sack lunch both days.

Preschoolers: 4 and 5 years old 9 am - 12 pm


Cool Critters The cold-blooded reptiles & amphibians are the stars of this camp! Campers will meet live critters & have fun in nature. R-F T-W R-F

Two-Day Camps Entering 2nd and 3rd Grades 9 am - 3 pm


Grossology Do you love that sometimes “nature’s yucky”? We do, because that’s what makes it work so well! Campers explore some of nature’s grosser things such as owl pellets. R-F, June 21-22 OR T-W, July 17-18

Nature’s Artists II Do you love arts and crafts? Then this camp is for you! Participants will also enjoy games, stories & time exploring in nature.

July 5-6 July 17-18 August 9-10

R-F, July 19-20


T-W, August 7-8

Crafty Critters Campers will be busy with nature crafts, learning about animals and where they live at this camp. T-W R-F T-W

June 26-27 July 19-20 August 7-8

Bug Catchers Insects, spiders and invertebrates of all kinds invade this camp and we’ll have a great time investigating them all! T-W, June 19-20 OR T-W, July 24-25

Entering 4th - 6th Grades Entering Kindergarten and 1st Grade 9 am - 3 pm


Feathery Friends Can you crack open a seed or build a nest without using your hands? Birds can! Find out more about birds & have fun in nature. R-F, June 21-22

T-W, July 17-18


Nature’s Artists Campers will discover their artistic side when they create arts and crafts from nature every day. R-F, July 19-20


T-W, August 7-8

Animal Seekers A-hunting we will go! Together we will explore the park, looking for the many animals living there.

T-W, June 19-20


T-W, July 24-25

9 am - 3 pm


Nuts about Nature You’ve been to camp lots of times before, so what else is there? Astronomy, trees, skulls and insects, to name a few. There will also be time for art and experimenting with photography. R-F, June 21-22 OR

T-W, July 17-18

Following Tracks & Traces Campers will explore the secrets and mysteries left by animals in nature. Along the way they’ll hike, enjoy crafts & games. R-F, July 19-20


T-W, August 7-8

River Explorations What lives under the water and what lives above? Campers will explore the river and enjoy nature fun! T-W, June 19-20


T-W, July 24-25

Four-Day Camps Camp experiences include nature activities, hikes, games, stories & crafts. Register before June 1st and receive a $5 per session discount on these camps! Some camps require campers to bring a sack lunch. Preschoolers: 4 and 5 years old 9 am - 12 pm


Wild about Animals

Entering 4th - 6th Grades 9 am - 3 pm

Outdoor Adventures Camp Every day is an adventure at this camp! Learn outdoor survival skills such as using a compass, using a GPS, following animal tracks, fire building and archery. On Thursday we will meet from 4-10 pm (instead of 9-3) to explore the park at night, make supper and enjoy a campfire. Must bring a sack lunch on other days. M-R, July 9-12

Preschoolers and animals are natural buddies and at this camp, furry, feathery, scaly and slimy animals abound. T-F, July 10-13



Entering 6th - 8th Grades 9 am - 3:30 pm


T-F, July 31–Aug 3

Counselor-in-Training Bug Buddies Buddy up with bugs of all shapes and kinds! We’ll look under rocks, in the water and down in the dirt to discover all about the tiny critters living in our park. T-F, June 19-22


T-F, July 24-27

Now older kids can have the best of two worlds. At this camp, kids entering 6th-8th grades will learn how to help the younger campers have a good camp experience and will also spend time with their own age group. Must bring a sack lunch. T-F, July 31–August 3

Again this year during the Kindergarten–3rd grade 4-day camps, kids can opt to stay for lunch with the counselors! These camps are $65 each, plus $10 for four lunch times. Campers must bring a sack lunch if participating in this. Entering Kindergarten and 1st Grade

Entering 2nd and 3rd Grades

Amazing Animals Who lives in the forest, along the river, and in the meadows around the nature center? Explore the park for animals and their homes. T-F T-F

July 10-13 July 31–Aug 3

9 am–12 pm 12:30–3:30 pm

Things with Wings Birds, bats, dragonflies and butterflies all have wings; and at this camp children will take flight with many fun nature activities. T-F T-F

Wet and Wild What’s wild and likes water? Michigan’s many reptiles and amphibians! Campers will meet many of the nature center’s resident animals and try to find the wild ones too. T-F T-F

July 10-13 July 31–Aug 3

12:30–3:30 pm 9 am–12 pm

July 10-13 July 31–Aug 3

9 am–12 pm 12:30–3:30 pm

Reples & Amphibians Snakes, frogs and turtles! Campers will be immersed into the habits & characteris'cs of these cool cri(ers, including 'me with live animals. T-F T-F

July 10-13 July 31–Aug 3

12:30–3:30 pm 9 am–12 pm

Camp Registration Directions •

All camps are open until full.

Please use a separate registration form for each child and each camp session. Be sure to include the child’s age and the grade level they are entering in the fall. Also include your phone number on every form.

You may register by mail (3998 Van Atta Road, Okemos MI 48864), by phone (517.349-.866) or online (http://meridian.mi.us/HNC).

Payment must be made at the time of registration. We accept cash, check (payable to Meridian Township) or credit card (Visa and Mastercard).

Camp discounts will be applied to all registrations received before June 1. There is a $2/session discount on toddler camps, preschool two-day camps and all one-day camps. There is a $5/session discount on Kindergarten-6th grade two-day camps and all four-day camps.

Scholarships are available based on need for Meridian Township residents. Scholarships may be awarded for 25% or 50% of the camp fee. For additional information and to submit an application, contact the Meridian Township Parks and Recreation Office at 517.853.4600.

Cancellation Policy: A $10 administration fee will be assessed for all refunds requested by the participant. This fee will be waived for account credit requests. Refunds/account credits will be pro-rated once camp begins and will not be issued once camp is 50% complete.

A confirmation letter will be sent to you in May or within a week of registration after that. A health form will be sent with the letter which must be completed and brought on the first day of camp or mailed in to the nature center ahead of time. The Harris Nature Center strives to provide a positive camp experience! We keep the camper/counselor ratios at 10/1 to ensure campers have a fun, positive and safe nature experience.

2018 Camp Preview by Week (continued on the back) June 19-22 June 19-20

June 21-22

June 26-27 June 26

June 27

June 28

July 3

Bug Buddies Camp Animal Seekers Bug Catchers Camp River Explorations Camp Feathery Friends Camp Grossology Camp Nuts about Nature Camp Crafty Critters Camp Sensational Nature Camp Animal Trackers Camp Treasure Hunters Camp Animal Babies Camp Birds, Birds, Birds Camp Bird Watching Camp Turtle Time Camp Snakes Alive! Camp Wilderness Child Camp Insect Adventures Camp River Rascals Camp Rock Hounds Camp

4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders

2018 Camp Preview by Week, continued July 5-6 July 5

July 6

Cool Critters Camp Frogs & Friends Camp Animal World Camp Wildlife Explorers Camp Sensational Nature Camp Animal TrackersCamp

4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd grad-

Treasure Hunters Camp Outdoor Adventures Camp Wild about Animals Camp Amazing Animals Camp Wet and Wild Camp Things with Wings Camp Reptiles & Amphibians Camp My Cub & I Camp Timber Tots Camp Cool Critters Camp Feathery Friends Camp Grossology Camp Nuts about Nature Camp Crafty Critters Camp Nature’s Artists Camp Nature’s Artists II Camp Following Tracks & Traces Camp Bug Buddies Camp Animal Seekers Camp Bug Catchers Camp River Explorations Camp Turtle Time Camp Snakes Alive! Camp Wilderness Child Camp Animal Babies Camp Birds, Birds, Birds! Camp Bird Watching Camp Wild about Animals Camp Wet and Wild Camp Amazing Animals Camp Reptiles & Amphibians Camp Things with Wings Camp Counselor-in-Training Camp My Cub & I Camp Timber Tots Camp Crafty Critters Camp Nature’s Artists Camp Nature’s Artists II Camp Following Tracks & Traces Camp Cool Critters Camp Insect Adventures Camp River Rascals Camp Rock Hounds Camp Frogs & Friends Camp Animal World Camp Wildlife Explorers Camp

4th - 6th graders 4th - 6th graders 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 2nd & 3rd graders 3 years & under 3 & 4 year olds 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 2nd & 3rd graders 6th - 8th graders 3 years & under 3 & 4 year olds 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders 4 & 5 year olds K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders K & 1st graders 2nd & 3rd graders 4th - 6th graders

ers July 9-12 July 10-13

July 17-20 July 17-18

July 19-20

July 24-27 July 24-25

July 26

July 27

Jul 31– Aug 3

August 7-10 August 7-8

August 9-10 August 9

August 10

Harris Nature Center The Nature Connection Summer 2018 Day Camps Camper’s Name_________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date_________________ Grade in Fall____________________ Phone Number_______________________ Parent’s Name_________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address____________________________________ City__________________________ Zip_____________ Email_________________________________________________________________________________________ Camp Requested________________________________________ Date & Time____________________________ Early Bird Discount before June 1 (circle one):

K-6th 2-Day Camps & all 4-Day Camps = $5 Toddler Camps, Preschool 2-Day Camps, all 1-Day Camps = $2

Lunch with the Counselors, July 10-13 and July 31- August 3 for K-3rd campers, add $10 _______________ Please give us advance notice for special needs.

Total Fee Enclosed_________________________

Check/Cash or Credit Card # ___________________________________________ Exp. Date _______ DOB ______ Make checks payable to Meridian Township and mail with completed form to: Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Road, Okemos 48864

Harris Nature Center The Nature Connection Summer 2018 Day Camps Camper’s Name_________________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date_________________ Grade in Fall____________________ Phone Number_______________________ Parent’s Name_________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address____________________________________ City__________________________ Zip_____________ Email_________________________________________________________________________________________ Camp Requested________________________________________ Date & Time____________________________ Early Bird Discount before June 1 (circle one):

K-6th 2-Day Camps & all 4-Day Camps = $5 Toddler Camps, Preschool 2-Day Camps, all 1-Day Camps = $2

Lunch with the Counselors, July 10-13 and July 31- August 3 for K-3rd campers, add $10 _______________ Please give us advance notice for special needs.

Total Fee Enclosed_________________________

Check/Cash or Credit Card # ___________________________________________ Exp. Date _______ DOB ______ Make checks payable to Meridian Township and mail with completed form to: Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Road, Okemos 48864

Harris Nature Center 3998 Van Atta Road Okemos, MI 48864

2018 Summer Day Camp— Log off. Shut down. Get outside!

2018 Nature Day Camps at the Harris Nature Center Looking for something to do with your toddler this summer? Check out the front page! Look inside for information on camp discounts!

The Nature Connection Summer Camps are located at the Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Road in Meridian Twp

For information: Call: 517.349.3866 Email: [email protected] Website: www.meridian.mi.us/HNC