Harun Karsli SOME CONVERGENCE RESULTS FOR NONLINEAR SINGULAR INTEGRAL OPERATORS Abstract. In this paper, we establish some pointwise convergence results for a family of certain nonlinear singular integral operators Tλ f of the form
b (Tλ f ) (x) = Kλ (t − x, f (t)) dt,
x ∈ (a, b),
acting on functions with bounded (Jordan) variation on an interval [a, b], as λ → λ0 . Here, the kernels K = {Kλ }λ∈Λ satisfy some suitable singularity assumptions. We remark that the present study is a continuation and extension of the study of pointwise approximation of the family of nonlinear singular integral operators (1) begun in [18].
1. Introduction Let I ⊂ R be a bounded or unbounded interval. As for the notation, throughout this paper, VI (f ) stands for the total (Jordan) variation of the real-valued function defined on I. The class of all functions of bounded (Jordan) variation on I will be denoted by BV (I). Especially, this kind of spaces and approximation problems via various positive linear operators were extensively studied in [10]–[14] and [23]. Let us observe that Shaw et al. [21] investigated this problem for the general family of positive linear operators which include Bernstein, Kantorovich and Durrmeyer operators as special cases. Later on, in 2003, Hua and Shaw [15] proved the approximation problems for the linear integral operators whose kernels are not necessarily positive. The present paper concerns with pointwise convergence of certain families of nonlinear singular integral operators Tλ f of the form (1)
(Tλ f ) (x) = Kλ (t − x, f (t)) dt,
x ∈ (a, b),
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A35, 41A25, 47G10. Key words and phrases: nonlinear singular integral, bounded variation, Lipschitz condition, pointwise convergence. Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM
H. Karsli
acting on functions with bounded (Jordan) variation on an interval [a, b], where Kλ satisfy some suitable assumptions. In particular, we obtain the rate of pointwise convergence for the nonlinear family of singular integral operators (1) to the point x, having a discontinuity of the first kind and at the Lebesgue points of f, as λ → λ0 . We remark that the present study is a continuation and extension of the study of pointwise approximation of a family of nonlinear integral operators (1) begun in [18], where the kernel functions Kλ satisfy the strong Lipschitz condition, namely |Kλ (t, u) − Kλ (t, v)| ≤ Lλ (t)|u − v|, for every t, u, v ∈ R and for any λ ∈ Λ. We note that the approximation theory with nonlinear integral operators of convolution type was introduced by J. Musielak in [20] and widely developed in [4]. To the best of my knowledge, the approximation problem were limited to linear operators because the notion of singularity of an integral operator is closely connected with its linearity until the fundamental paper of Musielak [20]. In [20], the assumption of linearity of the singular integral operators was replaced by an assumption of a Lipschitz condition for the kernel function Kλ (t, u) with respect to the second variable. After this approach, several mathematicians have undertaken the program of extending approximation by nonlinear integral operators in many ways, including pointwise and uniform convergence, Korovkin type theorems in abstract function spaces, sampling series and so on. Especially, operators of type (1) and its special cases were studied by Swiderski– Wachnicki [22], Karsli [16], [17] and Karsli–Ibikli [19] in some Lebesgue spaces. Such developments delineated a theory which is nowadays referred to as the theory of approximation by nonlinear integral operators. For further reading, we also refer the reader to [1]–[2], [5]–[9] as well as the monographs [12] and [4] where other kinds of convergence results of linear and nonlinear singular integral operators in the Lebesgue and Musielak– Orlicz spaces have been considered. Finally, in the very recent paper due to Angeloni and Vinti [3], some approximation properties with respect to the multidimensional ϕ-variation for the linear cases of the operators of type (1) have been studied. An outline of the paper is as follows: The next section contains basic definitions and notations. In Section 3, the main approximation result of this study are given. In Section 4, we give some certain results which are necessary to prove the main result. The final section, that is Section 5, deals with the proof of the main result presented in Section 3. Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM
Some convergence results for nonlinear singular integral operators
2. Preliminaries In this section, we assemble the main definitions and notations which will be used throughout the paper. Let Λ be a nonempty set of positive indices with a topology and λ0 be an accumulation point of Λ in this topology. Let X be the set of all Lebesgue measurable functions f : [a, b] → R. Throughout this paper, we assume that µ : Λ → R+ is an increasing and continuous function such that limλ→λ0 µ(λ) = ∞. + Let Ψ be the class of all functions ψ : R+ 0 → R0 such that the function ψ is continuous and concave with ψ(0) = 0, ψ(u) > 0 for u > 0. We now introduce a family of kernel functions. Let {Kλ }λ∈Λ be a family of Lebesgue measurable functions Kλ : R x R→ R defined by Kλ (t, u) = Lλ (t)Hλ (u), for every t, u ∈ R, where Hλ : R → R is such that Hλ (0) = 0 and Lλ : R → R+ 0 is a Lebesgue integrable function, for every λ ∈ Λ. First of all, we assume that the following conditions hold: a) Hλ : R → R is such that |Hλ (u) − Hλ (v)| ≤ ψ(|u − v|),
ψ ∈ Ψ,
holds for every u, v ∈ R, for every λ ∈ Λ. b) Let Lλ (t)dt = 1, for every λ ∈ Λ. R
We now set Bλ (x) :=
Lλ (t)dt for any fixed x ∈ (a, b).
We note that the use of the function Bλ (x) concerns the behavior of the approximation near to the point x. Similar approach and some particular examples can be found in [15], [18] and [21]. c) For any fixed δ > 0, lim Lλ (t) dt = 0 and lim sup Lλ (t) = 0. λ→λ0
λ→λ0 |t|≥δ
d) Denoting by rλ (u) := Hλ (u) − u, u ∈ R and λ ∈ Λ, such that lim rλ (u) = 0
uniformly with respect to u. In other words, for λ sufficiently close to the accumulation point λ0 Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM
H. Karsli
sup |rλ (u)| = sup |Hλ (u) − u| ≤ u
1 , µ(λ)
holds. e) There exists a δ0 > 0, such that Lλ (t) is non-decreasing on (−δ0 , 0] and non-increasing on [0, δ0 ) as a function of t, for each λ ∈ Λ. ∼
As in some previous papers [16], [17], we introduce a function f defined on R as ( ∼ f (t), t ∈ [a, b], (2) f (t) := 0, t∈ / [a, b]. The symbol [a] will denote the greatest integer not greater than a. 3. Convergence results We will consider the following family of nonlinear integral operators, b
(Tλ f ) (x) = Kλ (t − x, f (t)) dt,
x ∈ (a, b), λ ∈ Λ,
defined for every f ∈ X for which Tλ f is well-defined, where Kλ (t, u) = Lλ (t)Hλ (u), for every t, u ∈ R. Some approximation properties, such as convergence and rate of convergence in the variation seminorm, were obtained by L. Angeloni and G. Vinti 2007 in [2]. We are now ready to establish the main results of this study: Theorem 1. Let ψ ∈ Ψ and f ∈ L1 ([a, b]) be such that ψo|f | ∈ BV ([a, b]). Suppose that Kλ (t, u) satisfies conditions a)–e). Then for every x ∈ (a, b), and for λ sufficiently close to the accumulation point λ0 of Λ, we have (Tλ f )(x) − ψ f (x+) + f (x−) + ψ f (x+) − f (x−) 2 2 β (λ) 1/β [µX ] x+(b−x)/k b x+(b−x)/µ(λ) _ _ Bλ∗ (x) _ ≤ ψ(|fx |) + ψ(|fx |) + Bλ (x) ψ(|fx |) µ(λ) a 1/β k=1 x−(x−a)/k
where Bλ∗ (x) = Bλ (x) max{(x − a)−β , (b − x)−β }, (β > 0), f (t) − f (x+), x < t ≤ b, fx (t) = 0, t = x, f (t) − f (x−), a ≤ t < x W and ba ψ(|fx |)is the total variation of ψ(|fx |) on [a, b]. Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM
Some convergence results for nonlinear singular integral operators
Proof. The proof of Theorem 1 is similar to that of the Theorem presented in [18]. So we omit it. The following result is a corollary of Theorem 1. Corollary 1. If we choose µ(λ) := λγ (γ ≥ 1) , λ0 := ∞ and ψ (t) = t, (i.e., strong Lipschitz condition) in Theorem 1, then we have the result given in [18]. Definition 1. A point x0 ∈ R is called a Lebesgue point of the function f, if h 1 |f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )| dt = 0, h→0+ h 0
(3) holds.
Theorem 2. Let ψ ∈ Ψ and f ∈ L1 ([a, b]) be such that ψo |f | ∈ BV ([a, b]). Suppose that Kλ (t, u) satisfies conditions a)–e). Then at each point x ∈ (a, b) for which (3) holds, we have for each ε > 0 and λ sufficiently close to λ0 ε b−x a−x |(Tλ f ) (x) − f (x)| ≤ (b − x) Lλ + (x − a) Lλ µ(λ) µ(λ) µ(λ) β (λ) 1/β [µX ] x+(b−x)/k b _ Bλ∗ (x) _ 1 + ψ(|fx |) + ψ(|fx |) + , µ(λ) a µ(λ) 1/β k=1 x−(x−a)/k n o 1 1 where Bλ∗ (x) = Bλ (x) max (x−a) . , (b−x) Now we are ready to establish a convergence result. Theorem 3. Let ψ ∈ Ψ and f ∈ L1 ([a, b]) be such that ψo |f | ∈ BV ([a, b]) . Suppose that the kernel function Kλ (t, u) satisfies conditions a)–e). Then at each point x ∈ (a, b) for which (3) holds, we have lim |(Tλ f ) (x) − f (x)| = 0.
Proof. From Theorem 2 and c) we reach the result, by the arbitrariness of ε > 0. Corollary 2. Let ψ ∈ Ψ and f ∈ L1 ([a, b]) be such that ψo|f | ∈ BV ([a, b]). Suppose that the kernel function Kλ (t, u) satisfies conditions a)–e). Then lim |(Tλ f ) (x) − f (x)| = 0
holds almost everywhere in (a, b). Since almost all x ∈ (a, b) are Lebesgue points of the function f, then the assertion follows by Theorem 3. Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM
H. Karsli
4. Auxiliary result In this section, we give certain results, which are necessary to prove our theorems. Lemma 1. For all x ∈ (a, b) and for each λ ∈ Λ, let b
Lλ (u − x) |u − x|β du ≤
Bλ (x) , µ(λ)
(β > 0)
holds, where Lλ (t) and Bλ (x) are as defined in Section 2. Then t
mλ (x, t) := Lλ (u − x)du ≤
Bλ (x) 1 , β (x − t) µ(λ)
a ≤ t < x,
and (6)
1 − mλ (x, z) = Lλ (u − x)du ≤ z
1 Bλ (x) , β (z − x) µ(λ)
x < z < b.
Proof. We have t
mλ (x, t) ≤ Lλ (u − x) a
x−u x−t
β du ≤
b 1 Lλ (u − x) |u − x|β du. (x − t)β a
According to (4), we have mλ (x, t) ≤
Bλ (x) 1 . β (x − t) µ(λ)
Proof of (6) is analogous. The following lemma is a slight modification of the Lemma 1 in [8]. Lemma 2. Let ψ ∈ Ψ. Then, if x0 ∈ R is a Lebesgue point of the function f , we have h (7) ψ (|f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )|) dt = o(|h|) as h → 0. 0
Proof. In order to prove our lemma we will show the following two statements: h ψ (|f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )|) dt = o(h) as h → 0+ , 0
0 ψ (|f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )|) dt = o(−h) as h → 0− . h
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Some convergence results for nonlinear singular integral operators
Since ψ is concave, one has for h < 0 and h > 0, respectively, 0 0 1 1 ψ (|f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )|) dt ≤ ψ |f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )| dt −h h −h h and h h 1 1 ψ (|f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )|) dt ≤ ψ |f (x0 + t) − f (x0 )| dt . h0 h0 Hence, by continuity of ψ and ψ (0) = 0, we reach the desired result. 5. Proof of the main Theorem Proof of Theorem 2. Suppose that x + δ < b, x − δ > a,
for any 0 < δ. Let |I(x, λ)| := |(Tλ f ) (x) − f (x)|, that is b |I(x, λ)| = Kλ (t − x, f (t))dt − f (x) . a
From (2) and d), we can rewrite |I(x, λ)| as follows: ∼ |I(x, λ)| = Kλ (t − x, f (t))dt − f (x) R ∼ ∼ = Kλ (t − x, f (t))dt − Kλ (t − x, f (x))dt R
R ∼ + Kλ (t − x, f (x))dt − f (x) . R
From conditions b) and d), it is easy to see that the second term of the righthandside of the above inequality is less than or equal to 1/µ(λ). Indeed; ∼ ∼ Kλ (t − x, f (x))dt − f (x) = Lλ (t − x)Hλ (f (x))dt − f (x) Lλ (t)dt R R R 1 = |Hλ (f (x)) − f (x)| Lλ (t)dt ≤ µ(λ) R holds for λ sufficiently close to the accumulation point λ0 . As to the first term, by a), we have the following inequality,
|I(x, λ)| ≤ Lλ (t − x)ψ(|f (t) − f (x)|)dt. R
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H. Karsli
According to b), we can split the last integral in three terms as follows: x−(x−a)/µ(λ) x+(b−x)/µ(λ) b |I(x, λ)| ≤ + + a
× Lλ (t − x)ψ (|f (t) − f (x)|) dt := I1 (λ, x) + I2 (λ, x) + I3 (λ, x). We shall evaluate I1 (λ, x), I2 (λ, x) and I3 (λ, x). To do this, we first observe that I1 (λ, x), I2 (λ, x) and I3 (λ, x) can be written as a Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral as follows: |I1 (λ, x)| =
ψ (|f (t) − f (x)|) dt (mλ (x, t)) ,
|I2 (λ, x)| =
ψ (|f (t) − f (x)|) Lλ (t − x)dt
|I3 (λ, x)| =
ψ (|f (t) − f (x)|) dt (mλ (x, t)) .
First, we estimate I2 (λ, x). We have, for t ∈ [x−(x−a)/µ(λ), x+(b−x)/µ(λ)] |I2 (λ, x)| = ≤
x+(b−x)/µ(λ) x−(x−a)/µ(λ) x
ψ (|f (t) − f (x)|) Lλ (t − x)dt ψ (|f (t) − f (x)|) Lλ (t − x)dt
ψ (|f (t) − f (x)|) Lλ (t − x)dt
= I2,1 (λ, x) + I2,2 (λ, x). Setting
F (t) := ψ (|f (y) − f (x)|) dy, t
then, according to (7), for each ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that (9)
F (t) ≤ ε (x − t),
for all 0 < x − t ≤ δ. We now fix this δ and estimate I2,1 (λ, x) and I2,2 (λ, x) respectively. Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM
Some convergence results for nonlinear singular integral operators
Now, we recall the Lebesgue–Stieltjes integral representation, so we can write I2,1 (λ, x) as x
I2,1 (λ) =
Lλ (t − x)dF (t).
Applying partial Lebesgue–Stieltjes integration (10) and using (9), we obtain I2,1 (λ) = −F (x − (x − a) /µ(λ)) Lλ (− (x − a) /µ(λ)) x
∂ Lλ (t − x) dt ∂t
F (t)
≤ −F (x − (x − a) /µ(λ))Lλ (− (x − a) /µ(λ)) x
F (t)
∂ Lλ (t − x) dt ∂t
≤ ε (x − a) /µ(λ) Lλ (− (x − a) /µ(λ)) +ε
(x − t)
∂ Lλ (t − x) dt. ∂t
Integration by parts again gives I2,1 (λ) ≤ ε (x − a) /µ(λ) Lλ (− (x − a) /µ(λ)) + ε −(x − a)/µ(λ)Lλ (−(x − a)/µ(λ)) −
Lλ (t − x) dt
Lλ (t) dt.
Setting I2,1,1 (x, λ) :=
Lλ (t) dt,
according to e) and (8), we can now obtain the following estimate: I2,1 (x, λ) = εI2,1,1 (x, λ) = εLλ (− (x − a) /µ(λ))
x−a x−a . = εLλ − µ(λ) µ(λ) We can use a similar method for I2,2 (x, λ). Then, we find the following inequality Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM
H. Karsli
I2,2 (λ) ≤ εLλ
b−x µ(λ)
b−x . µ(λ)
Next, we estimate I1 (λ, x). Using partial Lebesgue–Stieltjes integration, we obtain |I1 (λ, x)| =
ψ (|fx (t)|) dt (mλ (x, t))
(x − a) (x − a) = ψ fx x − mλ x, x − µ(λ) µ(λ) −
mλ (x, t)dt (ψ(|fx (t)|)).
Let y = x − (x − a) /µ(λ). By (5), it is clear that mλ (x, y) ≤ Bλ (x) (x − a)−β µβ−1 (λ).
Here we note that (x − a) (x − a) = ψ fx x − − ψ (|fx (x)|) ψ fx x − µ(λ) µ(λ) x _ ≤ ψ(|fx |). x−(x−a)/µ(λ)
Using partial integration and applying (11), we obtain x _ (x − a) |I1 (λ, x)| ≤ ψ(|fx |) mλ x, x − µ(λ) x−(x−a)/µ(λ)
_ x mλ (x, t)dt − ψ(|fx |)
x _
ψ(|fx |)Bλ (x) (x − a)−β µβ−1 (λ)
Bλ (x) + µ(λ) =
x _
(x − t)
_ x dt − ψ(fx )
ψ(fx )Bλ (x) (x − a)−β µβ−1 (λ)
Bλ (x) + − (x − a)−β µβ (λ) µ(λ)
x _
ψ(|fx |)
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Some convergence results for nonlinear singular integral operators
+ (x − a)
x _
ψ(|fx |) +
x−(x−a)/µ(λ) x _ a
Bλ (x) (x − a)−β µ(λ)
x _
β dt ψ(|fx |) (x − t)β+1
x−(x−a)/µ(λ) x _
ψ(|fx |) +
Changing the variable t by x − (x − x−(x−a)/µ(λ) x _
a) /u1/β
ψ(|fx |)
β dt . (x−t)β+1
in the last integral, we have
β 1 ψ(|fx |) dt = (x − t)β+1 (x − a)β
x _
µβ (λ)
[X] 1 ≤ (x − a)β
ψ(|fx |) du
x _
ψ(|fx |).
k=1 x−(x−a)/k1/β
Consequently, we obtain β (λ) [µX ] _ x Bλ (x) −β (x − a) ψ(|fx |) + |I1 (λ, x)| ≤ µ(λ) a
x _
ψ(|fx |) .
k=1 x−(x−a)/k1/β
Using a similar method, we can find β (λ) 1/β [µX ] x+(b−x)/k _ b _ Bλ (x) −β |I3 (λ, x)| ≤ (b − x) ψ(|fx |) + ψ(|fx |) . µ(λ) x x
Collecting the above estimates we get the required result. Acknowledgment. The author would like to thank in advance the referee for his/her critical comments and remarks, which have definitely improved the quality of this study.
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[email protected]
Received May 4, 2011; revised version May 21, 2012. Unauthenticated Download Date | 5/29/17 1:57 PM