Art History II. Snell. Davies: Janson's Basic History of Art, 9th edition.
0205242634 ... Nelson: Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry, 6th edition. 978-
HASTINGS COLLEGE Spring 2014 TEXT AND SUPPLIES *Prices have been based on research and may vary depending on publisher pricing at the time of shipping. **The Bronco Bookstore tries to acquire as many used books as possible, however used books are not always available. ***All information listed below is subject to change. Course ACCOUNTING ACC 110.01 ACC 110.02 ACC 303 ACC 373 ACC 441
ACC 463
Course Title/Author, Text Title, Edition
Managerial Accounting Tietz: Managerial Accounting, 3rd edition Managerial Accounting Albrecht: Accounting Concepts and Applications, 11th edition Intermediate Accounting II Kieso: Intermediate Accounting, 15th edition Accounting Information Systems Gelinas: Accounting Information Systems, 9th edition Advanced Accounting Schaefer: Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting w/ plus card, 5th edition Schaefer: Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting Connect plus card, 5th edition (ebook) Senior Seminar in Accounting Issues Schroeder: Financial Accounting: Theory and Analysis: Text and Cases, 11th edition
Read 978-0132963152 Bierman 978-0538745482 Castek 978-1118147290 Read 978-0538469319 Read 978-0077924379 978-0077425609 Read 978-1118582794
ART HISTORY & THEORY AHT 102 Three-Dimensional Design AHT 200.01 AHT 200.02 AHT 320 AHT 375
Intro to Art Intro to Art DeWitte: Gateways to Art, 1st edition Art History II Davies: Janson's Basic History of Art, 9th edition Theology and the Arts (REL)
Kreager Stehling Stehling 978-0500289730 Snell 0205242634 Deffenbaugh
AHT 390
Pelikan: The Illustrated Jesus Through the Centuries Meehan: The Book of Kells: An Illustrated Intro to the Manuscript in Trinity College, 2nd ed. Taylor: How to Read a Church Kilde: Sacred Power, Sacred Space: An Intro to Christian Architecture and Worship Strachan: Chartres: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space Art for Elementary Teachers
0300072686 0500277907 1587680300 195336062 0863153917 Brown-Lockhart
AHT 400
Thesis/Exhibition, Seminar I
AHT 410
Thesis/Exhibition Seminar III
AHT 420
Secondary Art: methods & Measurement
AHT 450
Art Hist. Senior Seminar I
AHT 460
Art History Senior Seminar III
Introduction to Glass
ART 120
Introduction to Ceramics
ART 130
Introduction to Sculpture
Intro to Photography
ART 150
Intro to Painting
ART 203
Drawing II
Commercial Art Graphic Design I
A. May
ART 315/316/317
Intermediate Glass
ART 323
Commercial Art Graphic Design II
A. May
ART 327/328/329
Advanced Ceramics
ART 353
Photography II
ART 366
Printmaking (Lithography)
ART 371/372/373
Advanced Painting
ART 415/416/417
Advanced Glass
Biological Systems II (also BIO 107) Raven: Biology, 10th edition Biological Systems II Lab Raven: Biology, 10th edition Health Professions Seminar Armstrong: Study is Hard Work Anatomy & Physiology II Martini: Visual Essentials of A & P Anatomy & Physiology II Lab **NO TEXTBOOK** Medical Terminology Allan: Essentials of Medical Language Birds and the Environment Robbins: A Field Guide to Birds of North Am., 2001 edition Cell Biology w/ Lab Alberts: Essential Cell Biology, 4th edition Biochemistry II w/ Lab(CHM) Nelson: Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry, 6th edition Evolution Kardong: An Intro to Biological Evolution, 2nd edition Senior Seminar II
Morris 978-0073383071 Morris 978-0073383071 Wilhelm 156792025x Wilhelm 0321780779 Wilhelm
BIOLOGY BIO 103.01.02 BIO BIO 110 BIO 113 BIO 113L BIO 234 BIO 364/364L BIO 371/371L.01.02 BIO 405/405L BIO 444 BIO 483
Kuehn 978-0073374147 D. Beachly 1582380902 Bohmfalk 978-0815344544 Bohmfalk 978-1429234146 Wilhelm 978-0073050775 Staff
**NO TEXTBOOK** Senior Research Project **NO TEXTBOOK** BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUS 230.01 Business Communication BUS 230.02 Business Communication BUS 230.03 Business Communication BUS 230.04 Business Communication Flately: M Business Communication, 2nd edition BUS 313 Commercial Law Miller: Business Law Today: Comprehensive Edition, 9th edition BUS 330.01.02 Mgmt. & Leadership Principles Daft: Management, 11th edition BUS 473 HRM/HAS Seminar Bennett: Employment Law for Business, 7th edition Buckingham: First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently BUS 483.01.02 Strategic Management & Policy Hitt: Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness, 10th edition CHEMISTRY CHM 113 Introduction to Organic & Biological Chemistry Timberlake: Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological, 11th edition CHM 117.01.02 Introduction to Organic & Biological Chemistry Lab BIO 485/486/487
CHM 153.01.02 CHM CHM 363 CHM 367.01.02 CHM 371/371L CHM 405/405L
Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford 978-0073403168 Staff 978-0538452809 Meyer 978-1285068657 Batterson 978-0073524962 978-0684852867 Batterson 978-1111825874
Heckman 978-0321693457 Heckman
College Chemistry II Zumdahl: Chemistry, 9th edition College Chemistry II Lab Zumdahl: Chemistry, 9th edition Organic Chemistry II McMurry: Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications, 2nd edition Organic Chemistry II Lab
Dogbevia 978-1133611097 Dogbevia 978-1133611097 Heckman 0495391441 Heckman
Analytical Chemistry w/ Lab Skoog: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th edition Biochemistry II w/ Lab (BIO)
Dogbevia/Bohmfalk 978-0495558286 R Bohmfalk
CHM 483 COMMUNICATION COM 100.01 COM 100.02 COM 100.03 COM 100.04 COM 100.05 COM 100.06 COM 100.07 COM 100.08 COM 150 COM 241 COM 250 COM 304 COM 344
Nelson: Lehninger: Principles of Biochemistry, 6th edition Senior Project/ Seminar II
978-1429234146 Dogbevia
Principles of Human Communication Principles of Human Communication Principles of Human Communication Principles of Human Communication Principles of Human Communication Principles of Human Communication Principles of Human Communication Principles of Human Communication Wood: Communication in our Lives, 6th edition Practicum in Forensics
Perlich Henry Tushaus Tushaus Tushaus Perlich Perlich Tushaus 978-0495909408 Grace
Interpersonal Communication Wood: Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters, 7th edition Adv. Practicum in Forensics
Mahanes 978-1111346409 Grace
Persuasion Larson: Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility, 13th edition Research Methods in Communication Baxter: The Basics of Communication Research Creswell: Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among 5 Traditions American Psych. Association: Publication Manual of the APA, 6th edition Advanced Public Address O'Hair: A Speaker's Guidebook, 5th edition Teaching Speech: Methods & Measure
Henry 978-1111349271 Perlich 978-0534507787 978-0761901440 978-1433805615 Henry 978-0312642860 Perlich
Communication Theory Griffin: A First Look at Communication Theory, 8th edition Communication Theory Lab (For Comm. Studies Major)
Henry 978-0073534305 Henry
CSC 150.01.02 CSC 150.03
Intro to Computer Tools Intro to Computer Tools Vermaat: Microsoft Office 2013: Introductory, 2013 edition Advanced Computer Tools Vermaat: Microsoft Office 2013: Advanced, 2013 edition Structured Programming I Murach: Murach's C# 2012, 5th edition Systems Analysis and Design Tsui: Essentials of Software Engineering, 3rd edition Senior Project in Computer Science
Cotterman Cotterman 978-1285166025 Holliday 978-1285166230 Hall 978-1890774721 Hall 978-1449691998 Hall
Principles of Micro-Economics Sexton: Exploring Microeconomics (hard copy w/ Aplia), 6th edition Sexton: Exploring Microeconomics (ebook w/Aplia), 6th edition Principles of Macro-Economics McConnell: Macroeconomics, 19th edition (ebook ONLY) Intermediate Macro-Economics Dornbusch: Macroeconomics, 12th edition Economic Development Sen: Development as Freedom, yr. 2000 edition Todaro: Economic Development, Custom Environmental Economics and Policy Tietenberg: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, 9th edition McKibben: Deep Economy Senior Seminar in Economics
Kinnear 978-1285260419 978-1133494126 Black 978-0077337797 Black 978-0078021831 Black/Frombgen 0385720270 126928956x Kinnear 978-0131392571 978-0805087222 Kinnear
ED 140
American Schools (also ED 140) American Schools (also ED 140) Sadke: Teachers, Schools, and Society, 9th edition Educational Laboratory
Auten Smith 978-0073378756 Rempp
ED 300/500.01
Growth and Learning
CSC 250.01.02 CSC 331 CSC 464 CSC 484 ECONOMICS ECO 211.01.02
ECO 213.01.02 ECO 313 ECO 348
ECO 373
ECO 481 EDUCATION ED 100.01 ED 100.02
ED 300/500.02
ED 344S/544S
Growth and Learning Woolfolk: Educational Psychology, 12th edition Intro to Special Education (S-L) Intro to Special Education (S-L) Hallahan: Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education,m 12th edition Math Methods for Elem Teaching Reys: Helping Children Learn Mathematics, 10th edition Inst. Conten & Pract. For C.Y.-M/M Vaughn: Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Hehavior Problems, 8th ed. Principles & Charact. Early Childhood Puckett: The Young Child: Development from Prebirth through Age 8, 5th edition Diagnostic & Corrective Rdng. Honig: CORE: Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 2nd edition Diamond: CORE: Assessing Reading Multiple Measures, 2nd edition Classroom Management-Secondary Weinstein: Middle and Secondary Classroom Management, 4th edition Educational Assessment - Secondary
Loch 978-0132613163 J.Hall J.Hall 978-0137033706 Sunderman 978-1118001806 J.Hall 978-0137034673 Sunderman 978-0135147764 Auten 978-1571286901 978-1571284648 Sunderman 978-0073378619 Sunderman
ED 350
Secondary Clinical
ED 350g
Secondary Clinical
ED 352/552
Instructional Tools
ED 353/553 ED 360.01 ED 360.02
Assess. Diagnosis Evalu. Elem/Sec. Pierangelo: Assessment in Special Ed, 3rd edition Pre-Practicum Field Experience Pre-Practicum Field Experience
Auten 978-0205608355 Rempp Loch
ED 361/561
Pre-Practicum M/M K-6
J. Hall
ED 362/562
Pre-Practicum M/M 7-12
J. Hall
ED 364/564
Pre-Practicum I-M/M
J. Hall
ED 310/510.01 ED 310/510.02 ED 311/511 ED 323/523 ED 325/525 ED 333/533
ED 342S/542S
ED 382/582
Educating a Multicultural Society (D) Jensen: Teaching with Poverty in Mind, yr. 2009 edition Bolton: The Hardest Deal of All, yr. 2007 edition Senior Seminar
Smith 1416608842 1934110744 Loch
ED 440/640
Reading in the Content Field Urquhart: Teaching Reading in the Content Areas, 3rd edition Elementary Teaching Pract
Smith 1416614214 Loch
ED 440/640 M
Elementary Teaching Pract - MM
ED 450/650
Secondary Teaching Pract
ED 450/650 M
Secondary Teaching Pract - MM
ED 474.01
Post Pract Field Experience
ED 474.02
Post Pract Field Experience
ED 474M
Post Pract Field Experience II - MM
J. Hall
ED/FLL 480/680 ED 640E
Assessment & Eval. Of 2nd Lang. Lrnrs. Law: Assessment & ESL, 2nd edition Elementary Teaching Practicum/ESL-Elem
Crawford 978-1553790938 Loch
ED 650 S
Secondary Teaching Practicum/ESL-Sec
ED 400 ED 410/610
LANGUAGES & LITERATURE ENG 100.01 Composition ENG 100.02 Composition Graff: They Say/I Say: The Moves tha Matter in Academic Writing (w/o readings) 2nd ed. Hacker: Rules for Writers, 7th edition Hacker: Working with Sources, 7th edition
D. Strasheim D. Strasheim 978-0393933611 978-0312647360 978-0312678098
ENG 100.03 ENG 100.04
ENG 100.05
ENG 100.06
ENG 110.01.02
ENG 120.01.02 ENG 200
ENG 256
ENG 302/502 ENG 365/565
Composition Composition Graff: They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (w/readings), 2nd ed. Hacker: Rules for Writers, 7th edition Composition Graff: They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (w/o readings), 2nd ed Hacker: Rules for Writers, 7th edition Composition Graff: "They Say/I Say" The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (w/o readings), 2nd ed Hacker: Rules for Writers, 7th edition Intro to Literature Simak: City Keyes: Flowers for Algernon Axelrod: The Seven Year Itch Metaliou: Peyton Place Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia Selvon: The Lonely Londoners Christie: The Moustrap Modern Short Fiction Oats: The Ecco Anthology of Contemporary American Short Fiction Lit of the Western World Blackwell: Mythology for Dummies Homer: The Odyssey, The Fitzgerald Translation Sophocles: The Three Theban Plays Dante: The Inferno, Bilingual Edition Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream Goethe: Faust Literature of Fantasy Tatar: The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales Bernheimer: My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me Carter: The Bloody Chamber Survey of Brit lit 1700-Present Longman Anthology of British Literature Vol. 2 A, B, & C (W/ Extra Materials) History of the English Language
Waller Waller 978-0393912753 978-0312647360 Oman 978-0393933611 978-0312647360 Tucker 978-0393933611 978-0312647360 Oman 978-0575105232 978-0156030304 978-0822210177 978-1555534004 978-0064409421 978-0582642645 978-0451201140 Malloy 978-0061661587 Waller 978-0764554322 978-0374525743 978-0140444254 978-0374524524 978-0198328667 978-0199536214 Malloy 0393051633 978-0143117841 978-0140178210 Anderson 0321919548 D.Strasheim
ENG 383/583
ENG 400/600
ENG 420/620 FLL 260/360 FLL/ED 480/680 FRN 103 RUS 103 SPN 103 SPN 203 SPN 322 SPN 408 HISTORY HIS 110
Baugh: A History of the English Language, 6th edition (paperback) Baugh: A History of the English Language, 6th edition (hardback) Advanced Composition McQuade: The Writer's Presence, 7th edition Zinsser: On Writing Well, 30th Anniversary Edition Hacker: Rules for Writers, 7th edition Seminar: Adapting Dickens' Great Expectations Dickens: Great Expectations, Ed. Edgar Resenberg Gregory: Brief Lives: Charles Dickens Carey: Jack Maggs Russo: The Risk Pool Jones: Mr. Pip Teaching English: Methods & M **NO TEXTBOOK** Directed Study Abroad **NO TEXTBOOK** Assessemnt and Evaluation of Second Language Law: Assessment & ESL, 2nd edition Elementary French **NO TEXTBOOK** Elementary Russian **NO TEXTBOOK** Elementary Spanish (2nd Semester) Rodriguez: !Dimelo tu!, 6th edition Intermediate Spanish (2nd Semester) Rodriguez: Mundo 21, 4th edition Contemporary Histpanic Film **NO TEXTBOOK** Senior Seminar in Hispanic Culture and Civilization **NO TEXTBOOK**
978-0415655965 978-0205229390 Anderson 1457600609 0060891548 978-0312647360 Anderson 0393960692 184391901x 0679760377 0679753834 0385341075 Hedstrom
Western Civilization Since 1648 Kishlansky: Civilization in the West, Vol. 2, 7th edition Kishlansky: Sources of the West, Vol. 2, 7th edition
Babcock 978-0205664740 978-0205568406
Anderson Crawford 978-1553790938 Lamski Babcock Vizoso 978-1428263147 Vizoso Vizoso Vizoso
HIS 130
HIS 153.01.02
HIS 214/314
HIS 219/319
HIS 223
HIS 265/365
HIS 275 HIS 316/516
Arblaster: History of the Low Countries World Civilization Since 1500 Fernandez-Armesto: The World: A History, Vol. 2: Since 1300, yr. 2011 edition de Erauso: Lieutenant Nun Equiano: The Interesting Narrative Singh: Train to Pakistan US History to 1865 Tindall: America: A Narrative History, Vol. 2, Brief 9th edition Shi: For the Record: A Documentary History of America, Vol. 2, 5th edition Survey of Russian History Hosking: Russia and the Russians Zenkovsky: Medieval Russia's Epics Stevens: Russia's Wars of Emergence Daly: Russia's War and Revolution Fitzpatrick: Everyday Stalinism Modern Latin America Chasteen: Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America, 3rd edition Chasteen: Born in Blood and Fire: Latin Voices, yr. 2011 edition Vargas Llosa: War of the End of the World, yr. 2008 edition Amado: Gabriela Clove and Cinnamon, yr. 2006 edition History of Canada Ferguson: Canadian History for Dummies, 2nd edition Meggs: Salmon: The Decline of the BC Fishery, yr. 1995 edition Reksten: Illustrated History of BC, yr. 2005 edition Religion in America (REL) Griffith: American Religions: A Documentary History Lambert: The Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America Marsden: Religion and American Culture, 2nd edition Introduction to Archaeology
1403948283 Avent 0205759327 0807070734 0312442033 978-0802132215 Marino 978-0393912678 978-0393919417 Babcock 978-0674004733 0452010861 978-0582218918 978-0872209879 0195050010 Avent 978-0393911541 978-0393935585 0312427980 0307276651 Avent 978-0470836563 1550544586 1553651111 McCarthy 0195170458 069112602x 0155055321 Salem
Medieval Europe Liuzza: Beowulf: A New Verse Translation Troys: Yvain; or, the Knight with the Lion Sayers: The Song of Roland
Babcock 978-1551111896 978-0820307589 978-0140440751
HIS 376
Dutton: Carolingian Civilization Evergates: Feudal Society in Medieval France Topics in Oral History
978-1551114927 978-0812214413 Marino
HIS 386
US History After 1945
INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS INT 103.01 First Year Seminar II Pausch: The Last Lecture INT 103.02 First Year Seminar II
Amyot 978-1401323257 Avent
INT 103.03
First Year Seminar II
INT 103.04 INT 103.05
First Year Seminar II Dillard: The Writing Life First Year Seminar II
Bennett 0060919884 Buchholz
INT 103.06
First Year Seminar II
INT 103.07
First Year Seminar II
INT 103.08
First Year Seminar II Meindl: At Left Brain, Turn Right: An Uncommon Path to Shutting Up Your Inner Critic First Year Seminar II Wilson: Condiser the Fork, yr. 2012 edition First Year Seminar II
Franklin 978-00615534862 Frombgen 978-0465021765 Hall
INT 103.12
First Year Seminar II Pausch: The Last Lecture First Year Seminar II
Heckman 978-1401323257 Kettlitz
INT 103.13
First Year Seminar II
INT 103.14
First Year Seminar II
INT 103.09 INT 103.10 INT 103.11
INT 103.15
First Year Seminar II Oldknow: Richard Marquis Objects Shelley: Frankenstein, Dover Thrift Edition First Year Seminar II
Oman 978-0295976877 978-0486282114 Read
INT 103.18
First Year Seminar II Pausch: The Last Lecture First Year Seminar II
Thompson 978-1401323257 Vargas
INT 103.19
First Year Seminar II
INT 103.16 INT 103.17
INT 103.20
First Year Seminar II Waller McCloud: Making Comics 978-0060780944 INT 103.21 First Year Seminar II Watter **NO TEXTBOOK** INT 103.24 First Year Seminar II Morris Nelson: Cultivating Outdoor Classrooms: Designing and Implementing Child Centered Learning Environments 978-1605540252 INT 103. 22 First Year Seminar II Johnson **NO TEXTBOOK** INT 103. 23 First Year Seminar II Babcock Lampedusa: The Leopard 978-0375714795 JOURNALISM & MEDIA ARTS JMA 100/100L Intro to Mass Communication Literacy w/ Lab Erickson Edwards: Edward Murrow and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism 978-0471477532 Lumet: Making Movies 978-0679756606 McLuhan: The Mdium is the Message 978-1584230700 Ogilvy: Ogilvy on Advertising 978-0394729039 Smolla: Free Speech in an Open Society 978-0679742135 Auletta: Backstory: Inside the Business News 978-0143034636 Castells: Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age 978-0745662855 JMA 110/110L Audio Fundamentals w/ Lab Brooks Hausman: Modern Radio Production: Production, Programming, & Performance, 9th edition 978-1111344399 JMA 205 Broadcast and Web Power
JRN 140
**NO TEXTBOOK** Web Fundamentals Castro: HTML5 & CSS3 Visual QuickStart Guide, 7th edition Broadcast Production II w/ Lab **NO TEXTBOOK** Public Relations (MKT) Wilcox: Think Public Relations, yr. 2011 edition Web Design Bergstrom: Essentials of Visual Communicaiton Hay: Responsive Design Workflow Krause: Design Essentials Index (Kit) Vinh: Ordering Disorder: Grid Principles for Web Design Communication Law Middleton: The Law of Public Communication, 9th edition Newswriting Fundamentals Mencher: News Reporting and Writing, 12th edition Into to Photography (ART)
JRN 180
Practicum New Media
JRN 213 JRN 225
Research & Reporting Mencher: News Reporting and Writing, 12th edition Comm. Art & Grpahic Design I (ART)
Brooks 978-0073511993 A. May
JRN 230
Practicum Bronco
JRN 240
Practicum Collegian
JRN 250
Practicum HCTV **NO TEXTBOOK** Practicum KFKX
Advanced Edition and Specialty Writing Associated Press: The Associated Press Stylebook 2013, 46th edition
Tucker 978-0465082995
JMA 230 JMA 303/303L JMA 323 JMA 333
JMA 343 JRN 100
JRN 260 JRN 331
Erickson 978-0321719614 Power Shackelford 978-0205781690 Erickson 978-1856695770 978-0321887863 978-1600611421 978-0321703538 Brooks 978-0205913336 Tucker 978-0073511993 J. Brooks
JRN 380
Adv. Practicum New Media
JRN 430
Adv. Practicum Bronco
JRN 440
Adv. Practicum Collegian
JRN 450
Adv. Practicum HCTV **NO TEXTBOOK** Adv. Practicum KFKX
Fundraising & Philantropy (SOC) Sargeant: Fundraising Principles and Practice Public Relations (JMA) Wilcox: Think Public Relations, yr. 2011 edition Consumer Behavior & Target MKT Analysis Kardes: Consumer Behavior, 2nd edition Global Marketing Czinkota: International Marketing, 10th edition
Batterson 978-0470450390 Shackelford 978-0205781690 Meyer 978-1133587675 Meyer 978-1133627517
Math Foundations: Geometry and Logic Math Foundations: Geometry and Logic Sonnabend: Mathematics for Teachers: An Interactice Approach for Grades K-8, 4th edition Calculus II Stewart: Essential Calculus: Early Trancendentals, 2nd edition Intro to Statistics Intro to Statistics Bluman: Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach A Brief Version, 6th edition Linear Algebra
Buchholz Cooke 978-0495561668 Cooke 978-1133112280 M.Hall Buchholz 978-0073386119 Cooke
Differential Equations Zill: A Frist Course in Differential Equations, The Classic 5th edition Fin Math for Actuarial Science
Buchholz 0534373887 Cooke
JRN 460 MARKETING MKT/SOC 303 MKT/JMA 323 MKT 341 MKT 362 MATHEMATICS MTH 120.01 MTH 120.02 MTH 160 MTH 210.01 MTH 210.02 MTH 313 MTH 323 MTH 384
MTH 484
Senior Project in Mathematics
Laing/Smith 157766549x Watter
MU 124
Intro to Music Education Hoffer: Intro to Music Education, 3rd edition English Diction **NO TEXTBOOK** Applied Lesson (Non-Major)
MU 133.01.02
Basic Musicianship II
D. Johnson
MU 133a.01.02 MU 133f
Ear Training Lab II Krueger: Progressive Sight Singing, 2nd edition Fundamentals of Music II
Murphy 978-0195386042 D. Aikin
MU 143f
Keyboard Fundamentals II
MU 143.01.02
Basic Keyboard II
MU 151
Beg. Boice Class/ Non Maj.
MU 163
Fretted Instruments II
MU 200.01 MU 200.02
Intro to Music Danziger: The Musical Ascent of Herman Being Intro to Music
Mountford 0961342781 D. Johnson
MU 200.03
Intro to Music
MU 233
Basic Musicianship IV
MU 233 a
Ear Training Lab IV
MU 243
Basic Keyboard IV
MUSIC MU 101 MU 113k
MU 263
History and Literature I Burkholder: A History of Western Music, 8th edition Burkholder: Norton Anthology of Western Music, Vol. 1, 6th edition (PBK) Applied Lesson (Non-Major)
Rhodes 978-039393259 978-0393931266 Staff
MU 343b
Teaching Music: Methods (Elementary) Feierabend: First Steps in Music for Preshcool and Beyond Erdei: 150 American Folk Songs to Sing, Read, and Play Percussion Methods
Michalek 1579995888 0913932043 Parker
MU 352
Instructional Tools: Music
MU 353
MU 373
Choral Conducting Jordan: Evokig Sound Neuen: Choral Concepts Instrumental Conducting Miles: Teaching Music Through Performance in Band Vol. 1, 2nd edition History and Literature III Burkholder: History of Western Music, 8th edition Burkholder: History of Western Music Anthology 2, 6th edition Burkholder: Study Guide for History of Western Music, 8th edition Burkholder: History of Western Music Anthology 3, 6th edition Piano Literature II
Mountford 0941050831 0028647491 Laing 978-1579997885 Jensen 0393931250 0393931277 0393932591 0393932400 Sokastis
MU 380 a
Piano Accompanying-General
MU 380 b
Piano Accompanying-Vocal
MU 380 c
Piano Accompanying-Instru.
MU 380 d
Piano Accompanying-Ensemble
MU 390/590
Music for Elementary Teachers
MU 274 MU 303
MU 355 MU 363
Hoffer: Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers, 2nd edition Instrumentation/Orchestration Blatter: Instrumentation and Orchestration, 2nd edition
978-1577663225 LaChance 978-0534251871
Ensembles MU 100/300
Bell Choir
MU 210/410
Chamber Ensemble
MU 230/430
Jazz Ensemble
MU 230/430 a
Entertainment Arts Ensemble
MU 230/430 a L
Entertainment Arts Ensemble Lab
MU 250/450
Band (*4-6)
MU 250/450 A
Orchestra (eve)
MU 260/460A
Choir (*4-6)
MU 260/460B
Hastings College Singers
MU 260/460C
Men's Choir
MU 435
PHYSICAL ED & HUMAN PERFORMANCE PED 102.01.02 Issues in Wellness PED 102.03 Issues in Wellness PED 102.04 Issues in Wellness PED 102.05 Issues in Wellness Hoeger: Lifetime Physical Fitness & Wellness, 12th edition PED 111 Individual Fitness: Pilates
Long Harper Gavers Buttermore 978-1111990381 Jacobi
PED 150
Tennis/Paddle Tennis
PED 190
Beginning Weight Training
PED 194.01 PED 194.02 PED 194.03
Advanced Weight Training Advanced Weight Training Advanced Weight Training
Hoffman Gravers Buttermore
PED 201 PED 234
First Aid American Red Cross: First Aid/ CPR/AED Participants Guide, 4th edition Sport & Recreational Programming
Webb 978-1584804796 Kelley
PED 251
Sports Officiating
PED 272
Performance Dance (THR)
PED 282
Personal Fitness
PED 301/501
Biomechanics/Kinesiology Hall: Basic Biomechanics, 6th edition Park and Facility Planning
Kuehn 0073044814 Harrison
Adapted Physical Education (D) Winnick: Adapted PE and Sport, 5th edition Assessment & Evaluation in PE NASPE: PE Metrics for Elementary NASPE: PE Metrics for Secondary PE Activities Graham: Children Moving, 9th edition Hamik: Singing, Sweatin, and Storytime Sport Psychology
Hamik 978-0736089180 Hoffman 978-0883149522 978-0883149607 Hamik 978-078022593 978-1607092667 Hoffman
Care & Prevention of Ath. Injuries Prentice: Essentials of Athletic Injury Management, 9th edition Motor Learning Schmidt: Motor Learning and Performance, 4th edition
Burford 978-0078022616 Osgood 978-0736069649
PED 304 PED 331/531 PED 334/534
PED 341/541
PED 342/542 PED 343 PED 352/552
PED 353
PED 369
Theory of Coaching Track & Field USA Track & Field: USA Track & Field Coaching Manual Exercise Physiology Plowman: Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance Coaching Practicum
Mahoney 978-0990116046 Kuehn 0805353259 Hoffman
PED 373
Theory of Coaching Soccer
PED 390/590
PED 454/654
Methods of Teaching Elem. P.E. Graham: Children Moving, 9th edition Hamik: Singing, Sweatin, and Storytime Administration of Physical Education & Sport
Hamik 978-078022593 978-1607092667 Hofstetter
PED 483
Seminal in Exercise Science
Intro to Philosophical Ideas Cahn: Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Athology, 4th edition Ethics Vaughan: Doing Ethics: Moral Reasoning & Contemporary Issues, 3rd edition Baronett: Logic, 2nd edition Logic Vaughan: Doing Ethics: Moral Reasoning & Contemporary Issues, 3rd edition Baronett: Logic, 2nd edition Philosophy of Religion Meister: The Philosophy of Religion Reader Senior Project
Bennett 978-0199797271 Kingsley 978-0393919929 978-1099846313 Kingsley 978-0393919929 978-1099846313 Bennett 978-0415408912 Staff
PHY 203 R
General Physics. w/ Lab & Recitiation **NO TEXTBOOK** Recitation
General Physics Lab
PED 362/562
PHILOSOPHY PHL 100.01.02 PHL 104
PHL 204
PHY 213 PHY 213 R
College Physics w/Lab & Recitation Young: Univeristy Physics with Modern Physics, 13th edition Recitation
Bever 978-0321696861 Bever
PHY 213.01.02 L
College Physics Lab
PHY 314/314L
Analytical Mechanics w/ Lab Fowles: Analytical Mechanics, 7th edition Electronics w/Lab Simpson: Introductory Electronics, 2nd edition Senior Projects II **NO TEXTBOOK**
Dugan 0534494927 Bever 0205083773 Dugan
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