Headlight 2006 - Google Sites

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artwork (such as a business card) or draw a rough outline of the ad on a separate sheet of paper. If submitting ... If y
2018 Headlight Yearbook Business Advertising Contract South Portland High School, (Attn: Sarah Gay) 637 Highland Avenue, South Portland, ME 04106 767-3266

Advertising Rates and Dimensions Full page - $250 (21 cm wide x 27 cm tall) – Vertical layout

December 1, 2017 Deadline

Half page - $150 (21 cm wide x 14 cm tall) – Horizontal layout Third page - $100 (21 cm wide x 9 cm tall) – Horizontal layout Quarter page - $80 (11 cm wide x 14 cm tall) – Vertical layout Eighth page - $50 (11 cm wide x 7 cm tall) – Horizontal layout Patron - $25 (name of business only, no photos)

Page Sponsor - $75 (21 cm wide x 3 cm tall) – placed on section divider listed below. (“This section sponsored by name and address of your business”) Student Life










Yearbook purchase- $65 (this price is only available with the purchase or a yearbook advertisement) Please use a clean sheet of paper to NEATLY print or type your message for the ad. You may attach camera ready artwork (such as a business card) or draw a rough outline of the ad on a separate sheet of paper. If submitting scanned or digital pictures or artwork, it must be a resolution of 300 dpi and saved in either .jpg or .tiff format. A pdf version of the ad will be emailed to you once it has been created. You will have 3 business days to request any changes once the proof has been e-mailed to you. If you wish, you may either email the ad to us ([email protected]) or bring it to the main office along with this form. Businesses may either pay for the ad now or will be billed later this winter. Ads will be appearing in COLOR in our 2018 yearbook.

I have enclosed my payment for $___________ (payable to SPHS) Please bill my business for my yearbook ad Name of Business Address City Email Address Signature


ZIP Date