The ever popular and successful series Headway has now been specially
adapted for ..... Progress tests in the Teacher's Book enable ... Headway B1 Part
Headway - the CEF edition The ever popular and successful series Headway has now been specially adapted for Germany and Austria, with new levels labelled according to the Common European Framework (CEF, Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen). Each level now has 10 Units, so that each level of the course can be covered in 2 semesters (while leaving the syllabus largely unchanged), and contains completely new up-to-date reading texts and listening material.
Teachers who have already worked with Headway will recognize all the familiar advantages that this course offers: • supremely well-crafted material that is always accurately pitched at the level it is intended for • clear grammatical presentations and exHWBegGerman(fnl)03
planations that students can easily understand • a balance of reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in every unit, structured in a way that is transparent and flexible • interesting and engaging topics • Everyday English sections that equip students for real-life situations.
Page 22
Personal information Jobs
. am/are/is – negatives and questions . Address, phone number . Social expressions 1
1 Match the jobs and the pictures. Ordnen Sie die Berufe und die Bilder einander zu. a police officer a nurse a student a teacher a shop assistant a taxi driver a businessman a doctor
1 a teacher
5 A T 3.1
Listen and repeat. (B) What’s your job?
I’m a student.
WHAT’S HER JOB? Negatives – isn’t Verkleinerte Seite aus Headway A1, S. 22
1 A T 3.2 Listen and repeat. (B)
What’s his job? He’s a teacher. What’s her job? She’s a doctor.
She isn’t a nurse. He’s a teacher.
Look at the pictures. Sehen Sie sich die Bilder an. Ask and answer questions with a partner. (H)
isn’t = is not Das ist verneint. ’s = is Das ist bejaht.
2 A T 3.3 Listen and repeat. (B)
Make more negative and positive sentences. Bilden Sie noch weitere verneinte und bejahte Sätze.
22 Unit 3
Personal information
In the early units of Headway A1, instructions are given in both English and German. In addition, there is a list of the most frequent instructions and their translations on the inside front cover of the Student’s book. Translations of frequently occurring instructions are gradually replaced with a letter, so that students can refer to this list at any point if necessary. The Grammar Spots in each unit, as well as the Grammar Reference at the back of the book, have all explanations in German. At the back of the book you will also find a full writing syllabus, pairwork activities, and chronological and alphabetical bilingual wordlists.
I’m a businessman.
2 What’s your job? Was sind Sie von Beruf? Ask and answer. (H)
He isn’t a student. He’s a teacher. She isn’t a nurse. She’s a doctor.
Headway A1 This is a foundation course for adult absolute beginners. It is also suitable for students who have learned a little English, perhaps some years ago, but prefer to start again from the very beginning. New language is introduced gradually, and vocabulary has been carefully selected to avoid overloading. The practice activities are very controlled in order to give beginners the confidence they need. However, students will also find some simple skills work, which incorporates manageable communicative activities appropriate at this level.
He/She isn’t a
He/She’s a
Headway A2 This is an updated version of New Headway Elementary, reworked to fit into 10 units. It is therefore suitable for ‘false beginners’, i.e. students who may be familiar with English, but would like to revisit the basics, as well as students who have completed A1. Skills work is developed more at this level, and reading interesting but carefully graded texts gives students a real sense of achievement. Instructions are in English in Headway A2, though there is a list of common instructions MitSprache Nr. 19 • HERBST/WINTER 2007
Page 42
READING AND SPEAKING Living in a bubble 1 What are the names of the rooms in a house? What do we do in each room? Match the lines to make sentences. We cook in We watch TV in We sleep in We eat in We work in
the living room. the kitchen. the study. the bedroom. the dining room.
2 Look at the photos. What rooms can you see? 3 Read about Cyril Jean and his house.
false (�)? 1 Cyril’s house is modern. 2 There aren’t any ‘bubble houses’ in the south of France. 3 He’s got a lot of clocks in the house. 4 The centre of the house is the kitchen. 5 Cyril doesn’t like listening to music. 6 The windows haven’t got curtains. 7 There are three rooms upstairs. 8 Antti Lovag thinks the house is funny.
Is this a modern house? Is this a house of the future? Well, no, it isn’t. Cyril Jean’s house in the south of France is 40 years old. There are more houses like this in the south of France. They are called ‘bubble houses,’ and you can see why!
u bb
4 Are the sentences true (�) or
Living in a
Answer the questions. 1 Where is Cyril’s house? How old is it? 2 Why is it called ‘a bubble house’? 3 What does Cyril do? 4 What does Cyril collect? 5 How many rooms are there in his house? 6 Has he got a garden?
Cyril Jean is a designer and he loves round things. He collects old records and clocks. He also collects round furniture. And now he has a completely round house for it all. The centre of the house is one very big bubble. This is both the living room and dining room. There are round armchairs, a round table, and a big round rug in front of a round fireplace. Around the living room are three small bubbles. One bubble is a kitchen with round cupboards, another bubble is the garden room, and the third bubble is a music room for all Cyril’s old records. Upstairs there are two more bubbles – a bedroom, and a bathroom.
5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Cyril’s home. Are there any bed rooms? Yes , there’s one bedroom. Has he got a lot of clocks ? Yes , he has. Ask about these things: • a garden • a fireplace • curtains • plants NH_ELE_SB_GBL_068_075_U07_P68-75.qxd 2/4/07 • kitchen cupboards • a TV
The doors and windows are also round, of course. The windows are like eyes. There aren’t any curtains in the house, because Cyril likes to see the garden all the time.
Page 75
Bubble houses are the idea of a Hungarian architect, Antti Lovag. Lovag thinks that a lot of modern houses are bad for us, especially tall blocks of flats. He thinks that people are happy in round homes because they are more natural. Cyril agrees with this. ‘Some people think my house is funny,’ he says.‘But I think I’ve got the perfect home.’
What do you think? • What do you like about Cyril’s home? What don’t you like? Do you agree with Antti Lovag?
EVERYDAY ENGLISH Polite requests
42 Unit 4
Where do you live?
Verkleinerte Seiten aus Headway A2: S. 42/43 und S. 75
with translations on the inside front cover. German is used for the explanations in the Grammar Spots in each unit, and also in the Grammar Reference at the back of the book, where you can also find a full writing syllabus, pairwork activities, and chronological and alphabetical bilingual wordlists.
1 What can you see in the photograph? 2 Match the questions and responses. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Would you like some more rice ? Could you pass the salt , please ? Could I have a glass of water, please ? Does an ybody want more wine? How would you like your cof fee? This is delicious! Can you give me the recipe? Do you want help with the washing- up ?
A T 7.8
Black , no sug ar, please . Yes, of course. I’m glad you like it. Do you want sparkling or still ? Yes, please . It’s de licious. Yes, of course. Here you are. Yes, please . I’d love some. No, of course not. We have a dishwasher.
Sie verwenden Can/Could I … ?, wenn Sie um etwas bitten. Can I have a glass of water? Could I have a glass of water? Sie verwenden Can/Could I … ?, wenn Sie andere bitten, etwas für Sie zu tun. Can you give me the recipe? Could you pass the salt?
Listen and check.
Music of English o A T 7.9 Listen. Notice how the voice goes up at the end of a polite request. Practise the polite intonation. Could you pass the salt , please ? Could I have a glass of water, please ? Can you give me the rec ipe? Can I see the menu, please ?
3 Complete these requests with Can/Could I … ? or Can/Could you … ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
have a cheese sandwich, please? tell me the time, please? take me to the station, please? see the menu, please? lend me some money, please? help me with my homework, please? borrow your dictionary, please?
4 Practise the requests with a partner. Give an answer for each request. Can I have a cheese sand wich, please ?
Yes , of course . That’s £1.75 .
A T 7.10 Listen and compare your answers.
WRITING Filling in forms p1 12
MitSprache Nr. 19 • HERBST/WINTER 2007
Unit 7
Food you like! 75
In Headway A2 and higher levels, the Everyday English sections contain a new feature, Music of English, which provides support with the most useful elements of pronunciation practice. As well as using the audio for guidance, the Music of English features give detailed help with intonation patterns, sentence stress and word linking to make sure that students learn how to say these useful everyday expressions correctly. Not only in the Music of English features, but throughout Headway A1 and Headway A2, students will learn to recognize the purple highlighting of key language, which gives a clear indication of main sentence stress and helps students to speak English with a natural rhythm. 13
Sentence stress – how to help your students get it right Whenever students are asked to use language in a speaking activity, Headway helps them by highlighting the main stress. However, you can do more practice with this yourself, using any of the dialogues in the book, e.g. Headway A2 Unit 8 Everyday English: SA = Shop assistant
C = Customer
SA Can I help you? C
Yes, please. I’m looking for a shirt to go with my new jeans.
SA What colour are you looking for? C
SA What about this one? Do you like this? C
No, it isn’t the right blue.
SA Well, what about this one? It’s a bit darker blue. C
Oh, yes. I like that one much better. Can I try it on?
SA Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there. Tell your students that they will have to act out this dialogue using very broken English, i.e. they can only use very few words. Ask them to reduce this 70-word dialogue to one using no more than 20 words. You can act out the beginning of the broken dialogue (see below) with yourself and another student – it’s great fun to do with lots of gesturing and an expressive voice. When students have underlined the words they will use, ask them to practice it in pairs, and then get one or two pairs to do it in open class, checking that they have underlined the words in the dialogue below. They can see from this that they have identified the words carrying key information in the dialogue, and if they now act out the full dialogue, they can see that these are the words that should receive main stress. Broken English dialoge SA Help C
Yes. Shirt. New jeans.
SA Colour? C
SA This? Like? C
No, isn’t right blue.
SA This? Darker. C
Yes. Much better. Try on?
SA Yes. Changing rooms there.
Extra Practice pages Both Headway A1 and A2 have two pages of Extra Practice after each unit. A variety of exercises revise and consolidate the key grammar and vocabulary of the unit, and can be done in class or at home. All the instructions are in German, and there is an answer key to the exercises in the back of the Student’s Book. One exercise in each unit is called English for work, and provides useful vocabulary for the workplace. The Extra Practice sections end with a Lernstrategie, which gives useful tips for learning and practicing English outside the classroom. There is also a self-evaluation feature, where students can monitor their progress using ‘Can-do-statements’ similar to those prescribed by the CEF. Workbook There is still a full supplementary Workbook for each level, with an audio CD that provides extra listening practice. CD-ROM And that is not all! From A2 onwards, each level of the Headway CEF offers a CD-ROM, providing students with additional interactive activities (including video clips) for each unit. These activities can be done as additional homework or as additional practice. Teacher’s Book As well as all the usual help and guidance that Headway Teacher’s Books are famous for, there is now an expanded photocopiable materials section, with songs and at least one communicative activity for each unit of the Student’s Book. The Stop and check and Progress tests in the Teacher’s Book enable trainers to check their students’ progress unit by unit. Headway B1 What’s coming up next? Headway B1 Part 1 will be published in August 2007. If you’re interested in more information, then log on to The site will keep you up to date on Headway CEF. 3 Paul Hancock
MitSprache Nr. 19 • HERBST/WINTER 2007
English HWBegA1GerEP(6)01
Page 12 HWBegA1GerEP(6)01
Introductions, am/are/is
1 A Hello, I/I’m Luca. Wha mes Jasek. B Hi, Luca. My name’s/na A Hello, Jasek. you? 2 A Hi, Andrej. How is/are you/your? B Fine, thanks, Sara. And A Very well/fine, thanks. 3 A Hi, Sandrine. B Hi, Patrick. s gang. Wolfgang, this are/i A Sandrine, this is/’s Wolf
name? 2 A What ______ your a. B My name ______ Elen 3 A How ______ you? ks. B I ______ fine, than el. Rachel, this ______ Jan. 4 Jan, this ______ Rach
Verkleinerte Doppelseite aus Headway A1, S. 12/13, Extra Practice pages
What’s this in English?
8 Schreiben Sie die Wörter im Plural auf. Ergänzen Sie
reception = Empfang company = Firma 6 Ihne Vervollständigen n helfen? Sie die Wörter mit a, e, i, o und u. Can I help you? = Kann ich 1 .c _a r nehm Nice to meet you. = Ange 2 s _ ndw _ ch boss = Chef 3 b__k 4 hpasse _ _ nden s _ Ausdrücken. den Ergänzen Sie die Dialoge mit 5 t _ l _ v _ s _ _ n n Job. Es ist Gregs erster Tag im neue 6 h _ m b _ rg _ r 7 c_m_r_ 8 b_g 9 ph _ t _ gr _ ph 10 c _ mp _ t _ r
anschließend den richtigen Laut in Lautschrift. (/s/, /z/ or /Iz/). 1 hamburger_s /z / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dialo 3 Nummerieren Sie die Zeilen des
Hello, Paul. Hello, Sue. A Hello, Laura. How are you? C I’m Paul, and this is Sue. B Laura. What’s your name? A 1 Hello, my name’s ks. than fine, I’m C you? I’m very well, thanks. And A
4 Berichtigen Sie die Sätze.
1 What’s you name? your ________ 2 A How you are? ____ ____________ B Very well, thanks you. ____ ____ 3 A This Maria. ____ B Hi, Maria. ____ 4 She are Sandra. ________ ____ 5 I is Matteo. ________ you? ____________ 6 A Hi, Mark. What are B OK, thanks. ________ 7 Hello. I name’s Leo. ____ ________ 8 Whats your name? ____
/ / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / /
1 Wie heißen Sie? __________________________________________ 2 A Wie geht es Ihnen? B Sehr gut, danke. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 3 Das ist Peter. __________________________________________ 4 A Wie heißt das auf Englisch? B Das ist ein Fernseher. ________________________________________ ________________________________________
7 Schreiben Sie die Zahlen als Wörter auf. one 1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______ 6 ______ 7 ______ this is Adam James 8 ______ What’s your name Hello help you? Very well, thanks Can9 I ______ Nice to meet you 10 ______ his new company Greg is at the reception of you? __ I help ____ Can ____ Kim Hello. (1)__ first day at work. Greg Yes, please. It’s my please? Kim (2)____________, Greg Greg Jones. Lernstrategie Greg. I’m Kim. Kim (3)____________, Lesen Sie die Texte und Aufgaben zu Hause immer Kim phones Greg’s boss, Adam lautAdam vor – .man will schließlich auch sprechen Kim (4)____________, können und nicht nur lesen! Wiederholen Sie diese Übung möglichst mehrmals in der Adam Hi, Kim. new boss. your ______, – bald können Sie Teile auswendig. Das ist Kim Greg, (5)______Woche you? derare erste Schritt, um spontan sprechen zu können. How . Greg , Adam Hello And you? Greg (6)____________. Adam I’m fine, thanks.
sandwich_ car_ student_ television_ house_ book_ computer_ bag_ photograph_
9 Erinnern Sie sich an den englischen Ausdruck?
Everyday English
Verwenden Sie möglichst Kurzf ’m ___ Sofia. 1 I___
Page 13
am, are oder is.
mit 2 Vervollständigen Sie die Sätze ormen.
12 Unit 1
English for work
Wört 1 Wählen Sie die jeweils richtigent’s you/your name?
Sandrine. B Hello, Sandrine. A Hello, Wolfgang.
Was können Sie schon? (✓) Haken Sie ab.
Ja, das kann ich.
Nein, ich brauche mehr Übung.
• Ich kann mich selbst anderen Leuten vorstellen. • • • •
Hello. What’s your name? How are you? Ich kann andere Leute vorstellen. This is Yuta. This is Dave. Ich kann fragen, wie Dinge auf Englisch heißen. What’s this in English? It’s a car. Ich kann die Zahlen von 1–10 schreiben und sagen. one, three, nine, etc. Ich kann Pluralformen schreiben und sagen. one sandwich, two sandwiches
Unit 1
Headway CEF A1
Headway CEF A2
Headway CEF B1 Part 1
Student's Book & CD (Best. Nr. 8043603) 978-3-06-804360-8 Q 7 19,95 Student's Book & CD/ Workbook & CD (Best. Nr. 8043590) 978-3-06-804359-2 1 7 24,95 Workbook (Best. Nr. 8043611) 978-3-06-804361-5 1 7 9,95 Workbook & CD (Best. Nr. 8043620) 978-3-06-804362-2 1 7 14,95 Teacher's Book (Best. Nr. 8043859) 978-3-06-804385-1 2 7 18,95
Workbook (Best. Nr. 8043654) 978-3-06-804365-3 1 7 9,95 Workbook & CD & CD-ROM (Best. Nr. 8043662) 978-3-06-804366-0 1 7 15,95 Teacher's Book (Best. Nr. 8043840) 978-3-06-804384-4 2 7 18,95
Teacher's Book (Best. Nr. 8043875) 978-3-06-804387-5
Headway CEF A2 Student's Book & CD (Best. Nr. 8043646) 978-3-06-804364-6 Q 7 19,95 Student's Book & CD/ Workbook & CD & CD-ROM (Best. Nr. 8043638) 978-3-06-804363-9 1 7 26,95
MitSprache Nr. 19 • HERBST/WINTER 2007
Headway CEF B1 Part 1 Student's Book & CD (Best. Nr. 8043689) 978-3-06-804368-4 Q 7 17,95 Student's Book & CD/ Workbook & CD & CD-ROM (Best. Nr. 8043670) 978-3-06-804367-7 1 7 26,95 Workbook (Best. Nr. 8043697) 978-3-06-804369-1 1 7 9,95 Workbook & CD & CD-ROM (Best. Nr. 8043700) 978-3-06-804370-7 1 7 15,95
Hello! 13
2 7 18,95
Headway CEF B1 Part 2 (Herbst 2008) Student's Book & CD (Best. Nr. 8043727) 978-3-06-804372-1 Q 7 In Vorb. Student's Book & CD/ Workbook & CD & CD-ROM (Best. Nr. 8043719) 978-3-06-804371-4 1 7 In Vorb. Workbook (Best. Nr. 8043735) 978-3-06-804373-8 1 7 In Vorb Workbook & CD & CD-ROM (Best. Nr. 8043743) 978-3-06-804374-5 1 7 In Vorb. Teacher's Book (Best. Nr. 8043883) 978-3-06-804388-2 2 7 In Vorb.