Health plan summary vF approved

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Lower costs and enable portable, secure coverage for all Americans. Until health care is oriented around consumers, prov
The Conservative Plan for 21st Century Health ObamaCare is a government takeover of more than one-sixth of the American economy, and it epitomizes why Americans are so fed up with Washington. To win on repeal, conservatives must unite around a vision of health care for the future – one that enables transformational innovation. Governor Bush’s plan would repeal ObamaCare and accomplish three things: I. Promote innovation II. Lower costs III. Return power to states Here is how Governor Bush would repeal and replace ObamaCare1: I. Promote innovation in health care Health care costs grow faster than any other sector of the economy and innovation lags. Why? Washington over-regulation in health care creates high barriers to entry, adds excessive costs, fosters excessive complexity and impedes innovation. Governor Bush will: • • •

Modernize the Food and Drug Administration’s regulatory morass and increase funding and accountability at the National Institutes of Health Promote private sector leadership of health information technology adoption and enable better access to patient de-identified Medicare and Medicaid claims data Establish a comprehensive review of regulatory barriers to health innovation

II. Lower costs and enable portable, secure coverage for all Americans Until health care is oriented around consumers, providers and innovation, Americans will not get better value and results out of the health care system. In addition, coverage options must reflect a modern, 21st century workforce where workers frequently switch jobs or start new businesses and need the security of portable coverage. It is critical to have a well-functioning individual market side-by-side with a strong employersponsored coverage market. The employer health insurance market represents a strong and innovative coverage platform for 154 million Americans.2 To improve coverage, Governor Bush will: • • • 1 2

Provide a tax credit for the purchase of affordable, portable health plans that protect Americans from high-cost medical events Increase contribution limits and uses for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to help with outof-pocket costs Facilitate transparency on costs and outcomes



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Cap the employer tax exclusion to lower insurance premiums Allow employers to use financial incentives to encourage wellness programs Enable small businesses to make tax-free contributions to their workers’ individual, portable health plans

III. Take health care control out of Washington and return it to states States should have responsibility, freedom and accountability to make their individual insurance markets more competitive, enhance access to care, and design solutions for vulnerable Americans. Instead of Washington standardization, this approach emphasizes transparent outcome standards. States will have streamlined, capped federal funding and be responsible for meeting transparent metrics to: •

Make their insurance markets more competitive. This will include enabling access to affordable, catastrophic plans in their states; a continuous coverage guarantee for individuals with pre-existing conditions; access to affordable care and improved health outcomes in their state; lower health care cost growth, including medical liability reform; and a transition plan for the 17 million individuals entangled in ObamaCare.

Strengthen the health care safety net. To achieve this, states may use a number of strategies: individualized, community-based benefit designs; coordinated care for individuals with behavioral health conditions and the disabled; tailored care delivery to reflect the diversity of state populations; personalized care solutions for high-risk individuals with proven data analytics; work requirements for able-bodied individuals; premium assistance for individual and employer-provided coverage; and consolidated funding from various programs to better coordinate care.