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texting and e-mailing while driving. An Introduction to Community Health. Seventh Edition. James F. McKenzie, PhD, MPH, CHES. Robert R. Pinger, PhD.
Health Science ACADEMIC CATALOG 2011

COnTEnTS New for 2011


Personal Health


Women’s Health


Consumer Health


Stress Management


Human Disease


Human Sexuality


Health Psychology, Counseling, & Mental Health


Drugs and Society


Community Health


Community & Global Health


Public Health


Health Education & Promotion


School Health Education


Research Methods in Health


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nEW FOR 2011 New for 2011 Consumer Health: Making Informed Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being, Seventh Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Human Sexuality: The Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Community Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Drugs and Society, Eleventh Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Introduction to Community Health, Seventh Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Theoretical Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion, Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 needs and Capacity Assessment Strategies for Health Education and Health Promotion, Fourth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Skills-Based Health Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Concepts of Athletic Training, Sixth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Integrated Athletic Injury Management, Fifth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Preventing Sudden Death in Sport and Physical Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Physical Education, Exercise and Sport Science in a Changing Society, Seventh Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Principles and Practice of Sport Management, Fourth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The Business of Sports, Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Kraus’ Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, ninth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

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PERSOnAL HEALTH Praise for this text: “I like that there are many pictures and anecdotes and exercises, wellness guides, etc. to break up the text and make it more interesting and user friendly. Just opening the book compared to most other texts, makes this visually, aesthetically obvious right away.” — Eric Triffin, MPH, Southern Connecticut State University

Health & Wellness Tenth Edition

Gordin Edlin, PhD, University of Hawaii Eric Golanty, PhD, Las Positas College Health and Wellness, Tenth Edition is written in a personal and engaging style with specific tips and aids to help students improve their health habits. This text encourages students to learn the skills they need to enhance the quality and longevity of life. Health and Wellness covers the many perspectives of personal health, including physical, emotional, mental, social, environmental, and spiritual perspectives, with a central theme of self-responsibility for one’s behavior. The For Your Health Study Guide and SelfAssessment Workbook is available in the back of the book at no additional cost. Perforated pages allow lab activities to be submitted for evaluation and grading.

Topics Covered • Vitamin D Deficiency and food additives • HPV, herpes zoster, and hepatitis E vaccines • The power of prayer; relaxation/managing stress with music • Arterial fibrillation; information on the connection between laughter and heart health; information on the connection between caffeine and hypertension • Pharmacogenetics; the legalization marijuana use in some states • Herbal supplements to treat Alzheimer’s; how exercise can slow aging; anti-aging hormones • The biological roots of some mental illnesses • Emerging environmental health problems such as chemicals that mimic human hormones • Alternative medicines and prescription drug recalls • The disparities in ethnic and racial medical care

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6593-4 • Paperback • 810 Pages • © 2010 • Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, ITK, PP, TB


Student Resources: CW, SG

40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |


Essential Concepts for Healthy Living Fifth Edition Update

Sandra Alters, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri–St. Louis and Salem State College Wendy Schiff, MS, St. Louis Community College Essential Concepts for Healthy Living, Fifth Edition Update provides the most current data on a comprehensive array of health and wellness topics and issues. It focuses on teaching behavior change, personal decision making, and up-to-date personal health concepts in a number of engaging ways. The critical-thinking approach encourages students to consider their own behaviors in light of the knowledge they are gaining.

Topics Covered • • • • • • •


Health Care Costs Binge Drinking Mental Illness and Depression Sexually Transmitted Diseases Eating Disorders Cervical and Prostate Cancer Drug Use and Abuse

• Applying Concepts for Healthy Living: A Critical-Thinking Workbook is built into the back of the book, allowing students to easily assess and improve their healthrelated behaviors and attitudes. It contains self-assessments and changing health habits activities • Healthy Living Practices summarize key points and state simple actions students can take to improve their own health • Diversity in Health Essays cultivate an appreciation for the practices of various ethnic, cultural, and racial groups in the US and around the world

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8975-6 • Paperback • 628 Pages • © 2011 • Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: LO, ITK, PP, TB

Student Resources: CW, SG

Health and Wellness Journal Workbook Third Edition Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute

With over 75 thought-provoking and soul-searching exercises, this journal workbook integrates all of the dimensions of wellness, balancing emotional, social, and spiritual health for total well-being. This text is perfect for use in conjunction with Essential Concepts for Healthy Living, Fifth Edition Update and Health & Wellness, Tenth Edition. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9013-4 • Paperback • 216 Pages • © 2011

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New Dimensions in Women’s Health Fifth Edition

Linda Lewis Alexander, PhD, FAAn, QAIGEn Inc. Judith H. LaRosa, PhD, Rn, FAAn, SUnY Downstate Medical Center Helaine Bader, MPH, QIAGEn, Inc. Susan Garfield, MSc, Bridgehead International William Alexander, MA, Ipas New Dimensions in Women’s Health, Fifth Edition, offers a practical approach to understanding the health of women—all races, ethnicities, socioeconomic status, cultures, and orientations. Objective and data-driven, the Fifth Edition provides solid guidance for women to optimize their well-being and prevent illness and impairment. Each chapter of this book comprehensively reviews an important dimension of a woman’s general health and examines the contributing epidemiological, historical, psychosocial, cultural/ethical, legal, political, and economic influences.

Topics Covered • • • •

Women’s health in the 21st century HPV vaccination and testing Contraceptive options and efficacy rates Menopause management and hormone replacement therapy • Diabetes, overweight and obesity • Breast cancer risk factors

• Gender and racial differences in cardiovascular disease • Techniques for optimizing breastfeeding • Legal and political dimensions of sexual intimacy, including same-sex education, sodomy laws, and laws governing same-sex marriages and unions

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6592-7 • Paperback • 480 Pages • © 2010 • Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB

Student Resources: CW

Companion Text




Explorations in Women’s Health A Workbook, Third Edition Maureen Edwards, Montgomery College Nora Howley, Montgomery College

This online workbook is designed to help students explore in more detail what they have learned in their women’s health course and apply this information to their own lives. Each chapter aims to personalize key course topics with activities that build critical thinking skills and heighten understanding of one’s own health and wellness. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0201-7• Express PDF • 200 Pages • © 2012


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Consumer Health

Consumer Health

Making Informed Decisions

Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Health Practices

J. Thomas Butler, EdD, CHES, FASHA, Delaware State University

Consumer Health: Making Informed Decisions is a concise, current text with the most upto-date information about health care reform and insurance. It is devoted to the most important issues relative to consumer health, including advertising, dietary supplements, herbal remedies, weight management, and medications. There are in-depth analyses of the American health care system, insurance options, and consumer protection. The text also takes an objective look at complementary and alternative therapies. Rather than devoting entire chapters to issues related to specific diseases such as cancer and heart disease, the text weaves diseases and health conditions into discussions of fraud, alternative and complementary treatments, advertising, and health care economics. This allows the instructor and student to apply the concepts and examples to specific health conditions. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9339-5 Paperback • 350 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: PP

Karl Larson, PhD, Gustavus Adolphus College Linda Synovitz, Rn, PhD, CHES, FASHA, Southeastern Louisiana University

In today’s society students are barraged with products, diets, health care choices, even different gym memberships. The biggest downfall is sorting through all of the information. Consumer Health: Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Health Practices discusses different health options on a myriad of topics including health insurance, traditional and alternative medicine, end of life choices, and more. It doesn’t hand students the correct answer, it arms them with the knowledge and skills they need to make educated choices regarding health products and services.

Topics Covered • • • • • • • • •

Holistic health Integrative medicine Complementary and alternative health care Alternative medical systems Biologically based therapies Self-care practices Mind-body intervention Consumer responsibilities and rights Health insurance in America

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6595-8 Paperback • 600 Pages • © 2012 Available Spring 2012

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STRESS MAnAGEMEnT Praise for this text: “The new chapter: “The Sociology of Stress” is excellent and a great synopsis of what I have been trying to say to my students for several years. Thank you for including this ever-increasing issue in the text.” — Loeen Irons, Baylor University, Texas


EW !

Managing Stress Seventh Edition

Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute

Managing Stress, Seventh Edition, contains the most comprehensive approach honoring the integration, balance and harmony of mind, body, spirit and emotions. The holistic approach taken by internationally acclaimed lecturer and author Brian Luke Seaward gently guides the reader to greater levels of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by emphasizing the importance of mind-body-spirit unity.

New to this Edition • Chapter 2, The Sociology of Stress addresses information overload, social networking, and microwave dangers; incivility; and the environmental disconnect including shortages of natural resources, lack of exposure to sunshine, and environmental toxins. • The most current research on the neuroplasticy of the brain as the result of meditation.

• Includes two new iPod tracks–The Dolphin Breath Meditation and Body Colors and Healing Light Meditation. Audio files allow students to practice many of the relaxation techniques discussed in the text. • Over 10 new exercise worksheets in the Art of Peace and Relaxation Workbook with several revised exercise worksheets as well.

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9833-8 • Paperback • 500 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: IM, ITK, LP, PP, SL, TB

Student Resources: CW, SG

Companion Text

The Art of Peace and Relaxation Workbook Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute

This workbook contains over 130 exercises in the form of surveys, questionnaires, inventories, and journal entries to help students make some or all of these stress-reducing skills part of their daily routines to achieve balance and to stop “victim consciousness.” ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5547-8 • Paperback • 280 Pages • © 2009


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |


Essentials of Managing Stress Second Edition

Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute Essentials of Managing Stress, Second Edition introduces the topic of stress management through increased awareness of the various aspects of wellness. It emphasizes that one must look at the mind, body, and spirit as equal parts of the whole person to deal with stress effectively. While other texts are heavy with theory, this text offers readers the opportunity to apply the foundational theories of stress management by providing practical skills and techniques for alleviating life’s daily stressors.

Highlights • Over 80 soul-searching and activity-based exercises • Chapter 1 has been revised and includes a section on PTSD and Racial Stress • Practical techniques like breathing exercises and visualization are clearly explained • Chapter summaries have been added to the end of each chapter • Information on the health benefits of Hatha Yoga

• Many photos are originals and were taken by the author himself • New exercises have been added including Mandala for Healthy Grieving, Comic Relief and Good Vibrations, Journaling Exercises, Communication Skills, The Circle Breath Exercise Body Work Assessment, and The Yin/ Yang of Life

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7505-6 • Paperback • 314 Pages • © 2011 • Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB

Student Resources: CW

Managing Stress A Creative Journal, Fourth Edition Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute

This journal allows students to identify common causes of stress in their lives and develop skills to manage them. Writing in this journal for a period of weeks or months, and then reading over the passages, will help students sort through personal, social, or even global issues. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9014-1 • Paperback • 220 Pages • © 2011

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An Introduction to Human Disease

Essentials of Human Disease

Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations, Eighth Edition

Leonard Crowley, MD, Century College

Leonard Crowley, MD, Century College

An Introduction to Human Disease, Eighth Edition provides students with a clear and well-illustrated explanation of the structural and functional changes associated with disease, the clinical manifestations of disease, and how to determine treatment. Ideal for Pathology, Pathophysiology, or Human Disease courses, the first part of the text deals with general concepts and with diseases affecting the body as a whole. The second part considers the various organ systems and their diseases.

Topics Covered • Varicella-zoster viruses • Cardiac function as it relates to heart disease • Electrocardiogram, arrhythmia, and heart block • Eating disorders; surgical treatment of obesity and the use of a gastric band • Bone growth and its relation to vitamin D deficiency ISBN-13:978-0-7637-6591-0 Hardcover • 786 Pages • © 2010 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: AE, IM, ITK, LO, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, SG


Designed for introductory human disease courses, Essentials of Human Disease covers the essential structural and functional characteristics of common and important diseases, as well as the principles of diagnosis and treatment. Organized into two main sections, the first part discusses general concepts and diseases affecting the body as a whole, and the second considers the various organ systems and their specific diseases

Highlights • Full-color photographs are all originals and were taken by the author • Tables are used to reinforce and summarize material in the text, such as essential features of bacterial, fungus, and parasitic diseases, and principles of diagnosis and treatment of heart attacks • A Closer Look boxes discuss important physicians and scientists who contributed to the diagnosis or treatment of specific diseases as well as other interesting facts • Student exercises such as multiple choice, true-false, fill-in-the-blank, and critical thinking questions, are included at the end of each chapter ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6590-3 Paperback • 554 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: AE, PP, TB, LO Student Resources: CW

40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |


Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality Fourth Edition

Jerrold S. Greenberg, PhD, University of Maryland Clint E. Bruess, EdD, MA, BS, CHES, Birmingham-Southern College Sarah C. Conklin, northern Illinois University Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality, Fourth Edition addresses all aspects of sexuality—biological, spiritual, psychological, and sociocultural—and presents the information both factually and impartially. Students are encouraged to explore the varied dimensions of human sexuality and see how each affects their own personal sexuality, sexual health, and sexual responsibility.



• In Focus Minichapter on Body Image takes a comprehensive look at how body image affects self-esteem and sexuality • Chapter 18, Sexual Ethics, Morality, and the Law, thoroughly discusses topics that are often overlooked in human sexuality courses • Self-Assessments afford students the opportunity to identify his or her behavior, attitudes, and perceptions regarding that chapter’s content • Critical Thinking Cases require the reader to go beyond the information presented to draw a more meaningful use of the content • The Dimensions of Human Sexuality boxed features reinforce the theme of the textbook with five distinct boxes in each chapter: Multicultural Dimensions, Global Dimensions, Gender Dimensions, Communication Dimensions, and Ethical Dimensions

The Interactive Online Workbook allows students to review chapter topics and assess their own sexuality behaviors in relation to these topics. Exercises and activities include: • • • • •

Chapter Summary: Fill in the Blanks Review the Dimensions Focus on the Facts Quick Questions Test Your Knowledge

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7660-2 • Paperback • 774 Pages • © 2011 • Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, AE, PP, TB

Student Resources: CW, SG

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Human Sexuality


The Basics

Eric Golanty, PhD, Las Positas College Gordon Edlin, PhD, University of Hawaii, Hawaii Human Sexuality: The Basics presents the core information underlying the vast subject of human sexuality in a concise, no-frills manner that is easy for students to read and comprehend. Not only is this text half the cost and size of other human sexuality texts on the market, it is unique in that it has a chapter on the genetics and inheritance of sexual anatomy, sexual development, and sexual abnormalities. Emphasis on the biological basis of sexuality provides students with a structure to understand the important aspects of sexuality presented in other chapters. This approach also provides the basis for encouraging tolerance, acceptance, and understanding of different sexual preferences and behaviors. Critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter along with learning objectives, summaries, and definitions of terms, facilitate learning by students. The goal of this text is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enable them to understand and to express their sexuality in healthy and enjoyable ways at all stages of life.

Highlights • Dear Penelope letters answer questions and lend advice about relationships, sexuality, and sexual health • Healthy Sexuality boxes provide more indepth coverage of topics addressed in the chapter

• Recommended Resources at the end of each chapter allow students to further explore topics of interest

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-3652-1 • Paperback • 272 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB

Student Resources: CW

Sexuality Education Theory and Practice Fifth Edition Clint E. Bruess, EdD, MA, BS, CHES, Birmingham-Southern College Jerrold S. Greenberg, PhD, University of Maryland

Sexuality Education offers future educators a variety of ideas and perspectives on how to mindfully address sexuality education. The authors, both sexuality educators, provide instructional expertise and strategies to help future educators teach sexuality education to learners of all ages, races, ethnicities, cultures, religious persuasions, and mental and/or physical challenges. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5495-2 • Paperback • 319 Pages • © 2009

Instructor Resources: PP


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |


Health Counseling

Health Psychology

A Microskills Approach for Counselors, Educators, and School Nurses, Second Edition

Biological, Psychological, and Sociocultural Perspectives

Richard Blonna, EdD, CHES, William Paterson University Janice Loschiavo, MA, Rn Dan Watter, EdD, Seton Hall University

Health Counseling: A Microskills Approach for Counselors, Educators, and School Nurses, Second Edition teaches the basic skills of health counseling to non-professionally trained counselors. Merging theory and practice with specific applications to common health problems, this reader-friendly text provides a sound theoretical framework for the practice of health counseling and allows students to practice, review, and apply the information presented.

Highlights • Counseling Hints present quick tips for achieving optimal use of the microskills with clients • Diverse Perspectives boxes present diverse client (age, gender, race/ethnicity, etc.) perspectives on the important health issues covered in the chapters • Case studies allow students to see how the health problem is manifested in real people, making it more than just a theoretical description in the text ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8156-9 Paperback • 328 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Margaret K. Snooks, PhD, University of Houston

This engaging text provides students with the latest research, theories, and skills to examine their health-related behaviors and attitudes. Emphasizing the biopsychosocial model, Health Psychology examines how biological, psychological, and social-cultural perspectives influence an individual’s overall health, and guides students through common health psychology topics, such as the rehabilitation of the sick and injured, how emotions cause change in the body’s biological system, the effects of stress on health, and much more. With its accessible writing style and numerous realworld examples, this text motivates students to make positive changes that are based on current health research.

Highlights • Learning objectives prepare students for what the chapter will discuss • Review questions encourage critical thinking and reflection on chapter topics • Activities at the end of each chapter to help students to apply what was discussed in the chapter ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4382-6 Hardcover • 397 Pages • © 2009

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW

Instructor Resources: IM, PP Student Resources: CW

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Community Mental Health

Living, Dying, Grieving

Lois Ritter, EdD, MS, MA, California State University Shirley Manly Lampkin, Rn, PhD, UCSF School of nursing

Dixie L. Dennis, PhD, CHES, Austin Peay State University

Community Mental Health is unique in that it focuses specifically on mental health at the community level. The authors carefully outline the essential skills that health professionals need in order to identify mental health concerns and develop effective programs for communities encountering symptoms of mental disorders or illness. The text includes up-to-date information about mental health issues across the lifespan, the mental health care system, prominent mental health concerns faced by many communities, as well as information about interventions and model programs.

Topics Covered • • • • • • • •

Indicators of illness and problems Substance abuse Violence Child and elder abuse Environmental stressors Legal issues Methods of prevention and promotion Evaluation, and research

ISBN-13:978-0-7637-8380-8 Paperback • 542 Pages • © 2012

Many students wonder what it is like to die or how to cope when someone they love dies. Living, Dying, Grieving helps answer these important questions and provides a mature understanding of what death really is. Taking a “life education” approach, this book offers helpful tips and techniques for mastering a fear of death, suggests helpful ideas for taking care of the business of dying, and encourages students to live longer by adding excitement into their lives.

Highlights • My Story feature highlights young adults “speaking” about particular experiences regarding living, dying, and grieving • Critical thinking questions allow students to apply what they’ve read to their everyday lives. • Each chapter contains a list of books, movies, and activities which shed light on the task of learning about dying to help students cope with the study of death while encouraging them to learn how to live ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4326-0 Paperback • 227 Pages • © 2009

Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |

DRUGS AnD SOCIETY Praise for this text: “This text is superior to other books that I have used. Its major strengths are the clear organization and superb writing style. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this text!” — David S. Soriano, University of Pittsburgh–Bradford “…one of the best on the market EW


when it comes to covering such a N

diverse topic in a condensed and easily understandable fashion.” — Jeanne Freeman, California State University, Chico

Drugs and Society Eleventh Edition

Glen R. Hanson, PhD, DDS, University of Utah Peter J. Venturelli, PhD, Valparaiso University Annette E. Fleckenstein, PhD, University of Utah Thoroughly revised and updated, Drugs and Society, Eleventh Edition, provides students with a realistic perspective of drug-related problems in our society. Written in an objective and userfriendly manner, this best-selling text continues to captivate students by taking a biological approach to the impact of drug use and abuse on the lives of ordinary people.

New to this Edition • Family Ties feature discusses genetics and heritability of drug abuse elements • Prescription for Abuse feature focuses on social and personal issues that highlight the problems of abusing prescription drugs such as Michael Jackson’s death • Includes as many as 50-60 new citations per chapter that reflect the current state of drug abuse issues and the rapidly changing issues of substance abuse/addiction. • Two major areas of revision that set this text apart are the updated accounts of: (i) prescription drug abuse, (particularly in Chapter 15 (Prescription Drugs), and public/ governmental reactions and (ii) a thorough revision of Chapter 9 (Narcotics) to reflect recent issues

The Eleventh Edition incorporates the authors’ combined expertise in pharmacology, drug abuse, and sociology and extensive experience in research, teaching, drug policy-making, and drug policy implementation and includes hundreds of new citations that reflect the current state of drug abuse issues and the rapidly changing issues of substance abuse/addiction.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-1369-3 • Paperback • 576 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: AE, ITK, LO, PP, TB

Student Resources: CW, SG

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Drug Abuse Prevention A School and Community Partnership, Third Edition Richard Wilson, PhD, University of Louisville Cheryl Kolander, PhD, University of Louisville

Drug Abuse Prevention: A School and Community Partnership, Third Edition, takes an evidence-based approach to teach students the important concepts and skills needed to design effective drug prevention programs. Covering more than just the facts, this text provides a background of drug use and abuse, and presents the principles and skills of prevention, with particular focus on adolescents and school settings.

Highlights • Covers essential concepts and competencies needed by aspiring drug educators and prevention specialists • Provides narratives devoted to drug information as well as best-practice prevention concepts • Discusses early intervention and treatment • Includes a chapter on the theory and practice of evaluation to address the need for more effective evaluation efforts ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7158-4 Paperback • 332 Pages • © 2011

Instructor Resources: PP

Becoming an Addictions Counselor A Comprehensive Text, Second Edition Peter L. Myers, PhD, Essex County College Norman R. Salt, MA, CPS, new Jersey Department of Health

Becoming an Addictions Counselor: A Comprehensive Text, Second Edition, is the only addictions counseling text to address knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Evidence-based findings, cutting-edge treatment techniques, and a focus on critical thinking show future counselors how to respond to clients’ needs rather than impose “cookie-cutter” routines.

Highlights • Chapter 2, Thinking About Addiction Treatment, covers critical thinking, attitudes, and combating stigma • Information on motivational interviewing, including simple assessment instruments on readiness to change • Coverage of the Comprehensive Continuous Integrated System of Care for co-occurring disorders • New evidence-based treatment for adolescents • Section on ongoing recovery management • Coverage of buprenorphine ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4922-4 Paperback • 356 Pages • © 2007

Instructor Resources: PP, SA Student Resources: CW


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Praise for this text: “…a great text and wonderful presentation. The case studies and follow-up questions are a wonderful learning activity and a godsend for this type of text.” — Kari R. Lane, MSN, RN, South Dakota State University

An Introduction to Community Health Seventh Edition

James F. McKenzie, PhD, MPH, CHES Robert R. Pinger, PhD Jerome E. Kotecki, HSD All of Ball State University Since the publication of the first edition in 1995, An Introduction to Community Health has been a mainstay in community health education, and has been used in hundreds of colleges and universities across the country.

New to this Edition • Details on the Affordable Care Act, the health insurance reform law passed in March 2010 • The importance of immunizations and needle exchange programs in the prevention of communicable disease • The latest information about school wellness polices • New details on the causes of mental illness and the mental health needs of culturally diverse groups • Information on the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act • Natural and human generated environmental disasters and how communities respond to them • Discussion of distracted driving, including texting and e-mailing while driving

Now in its Seventh Edition, this best-selling text features the latest trends and statistics in community health, covering such topics as epidemiology, community organization, program planning, minority health, health care, mental health, environmental health, drugs, safety, and occupational health. With an emphasis on developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in health education, it incorporates a variety of pedagogical elements that assist and encourage students to understand complex community health issues.

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9011-0 • Paperback • 656 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: ITK, LO, PP, TB, IB

Student Resources: CW

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Multicultural Health Lois Ritter, EdD, MS, MA, California State University Nancy Hoffman, JD, BSn, California State University

Multicultural Health is a comprehensive guide for health-care workers in any cultural community. Focusing on differences in cultural beliefs about health and illness and models for cross-cultural health and communication, this text helps students and professionals learn effective ways to implement health promotion programs and program evaluation across cultures.

Topics Covered • What are culture, ethnicity, and race? • Assimilation and acculturation • Disparities in healthcare • Cross-cultural communication • Health promotion, planning, and evaluation in multicultural settings ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5742-7 Paperback • 405 Pages • © 2010

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW

Community Health Education Methods Third Edition Robert J. Bensley, PhD, Western Michigan University Jodi Brookins-Fisher, PhD, Central Michigan University

The Third Edition of Community Health Education Methods: A Practical Guide teaches students to effectively communicate health education messages and positively influence the norms and behaviors of both individuals and communities. This text explores the methods used by health educators, including didactic techniques designed to guide others toward the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.

Highlights • Community Connections and Did You Know? features provide students with examples of practical applications to improve understanding • Chapters include practical steps to implement change, strategies for overcoming barriers, and a section on expected outcomes. ISBN-13: 78-0-7637-5533-1 Paperback • 398 Pages • © 2009

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW


Community Health Education Settings, Roles, and Skills Fifth Edition Mark J. Minelli, PhD, Central Michigan University Donald J. Breckon, MA, PhD, MPH, President Emeritus, Park University

Now in its Fifth Edition, this comprehensive text addresses the latest concepts and strategies in the field of health education. Discussions about new public health challenges such as emergency response, Avian Flu, and SARS have been woven throughout the chapters.

Highlights • Two new chapters cover the topics of creativity and international health education and promotion • New features: Tips from Practicing Health Professionals–Health practitioners share their wisdom from years of real-life experiences; Field Site Experiences–Dr. Minelli shares his professional experiences to enable readers to better understand the subject matter ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5410-5 Paperback • 370 Pages • © 2009

Instructor Resources: IM, TB, WK

40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Foundations of Global Community Health Promotion and Education Barbara Lorraine Michiels Hernandez, PhD, CHES, CDE, Lamar University

Foundation Concepts of Global Community Health Promotion and Education examines the underlying concepts appropriate in any global community health promotion and education course. It investigates the history, terminology, philosophy, theory, ethics, programs, resources, and settings for the practice of community health education and promotion.

Highlights • Specific objectives from the American Association of Health Education and National Council on the Accreditation of Teacher Education Responsibilities and Competencies for Undergraduate and Graduate Level Health Educators are addressed in each chapter • Emerging and re-emerging threats to the Healthy Communities principle are explored as well as societal influences on health • Health literacy, prevention, promotion, protection, access, enhancement, and maintenance are emphasized throughout the book ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8168-2 Paperback • 304 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Global Health 101 Second Edition Richard Skolnik, MPA, The George Washington University

Global Health 101, Second Edition (formerly titled Essentials of Global Health) is a clear, concise, and user-friendly introduction to the most critical issues in global health. It illustrates key themes with an extensive set of case studies, examples, and the latest evidence. While the book offers a global perspective, particular attention is given to the health-development link, to developing countries, and to the health needs of poor and disadvantaged people.

New to this Edition • A new section on drug resistance and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases • Additional information on innovative mechanisms for program implementation • An expanded section on public-private partnerships and product development partnerships for health • A new chapter on careers in global health • A completely revised chapter on ethics in global health, highlighting key ethical concepts to be considered in global health efforts • An expanded chapter on noncommunicable diseases ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9751-5 Paperback • 375 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW Sign Up to Receive Updates and Special Offers:



Public Health 101 Healthy People–Healthy Populations Richard Riegelman, MD, MPH, PhD, The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services

From clean drinking water, to seat belts, to immunizations, the impact of public health on every individual is undeniable. Public Health 101: Healthy People––Healthy Populations provides a big-picture, population perspective on the determinants of health and disease and the tools available to protect and promote health. It examines the full range of options for intervention including use of the healthcare system, the public health system, and societywide systems such as laws and taxation. Through case studies, vignettes, and extensive examples, readers will come away with a clear understanding of how public health affects them in their everyday lives. They will learn and apply frameworks for thinking about the issues of public health and gain a deeper understanding about the health news they are exposed to each day. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0149-2 Paperback • 232 Pages • © 2010 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW

Introduction to Public Health Third Edition Mary-Jane Schneider, PhD, University at Albany

Published in conjunction with the American Public Health Association, Introduction to Public Health, Third Edition offers a thorough, accessible overview of the expanding field of public health for students new to its concepts and actors. Written in engaging, nontechnical language, this best-selling text explains in clear terms the multi-disciplinary strategies and methods used for measuring, assessing, and promoting public health, and provides students with informative discussions of the current technical issues and practical obstacles facing public health practitioners and policymakers alike.

Highlights • Expanded discussions on pandemic flu, poisoning, promotion of physical activity, product contamination, information technology, and health disparities • New discussions regarding U.S. healthcare reform and the effect of the globalization of national economies on the health of populations • New analysis of public health efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6381-7 Paperback• 595 Pages • © 2011

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB , SL, IB


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Theoretical Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion

Assessment and Planning in Health Programs

Second Edition

Bonni C. Hodges, PhD, State University of new York-Cortland Donna M. Videto, PhD, State University of new York-Cortland

Manoj Sharma, MBBS, CHES, PhD, University of Cincinnati John A. Romas, MPH, PhD, Minnesota State University, Mankato

Theoretical Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion, Second Edition, introduces students to common theories from behavioral and social sciences that are currently being used in health education and promotion. Each discussion of theory is accompanied by a practical skill building activity in the context of planning and evaluation and a set of application questions, which will assist the student in mastering the application of the theory.

Highlights • Up-to-date examples of applications from current literature serve as ideas for designing interventions and resources for initiating literature review • Application exercises in each chapter present a case study pertaining to the concepts discussed and urge the reader to retrieve more applications from the literature • Diagrammatic depictions of each model and theory are included to enhance readers’ understanding ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9611-2 Paperback • 306 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW

Second Edition

Assessment and Planning in Health Programs, Second Edition provides a comprehensive overview of needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation, and thoroughly explores several goals and strategies for each. It addresses the importance and use of theories, data collection strategies, and key terminology in the field of health education and health promotion, and highlights how to design and carry out processes when money is tight.

Highlights • New chapters on social marketing (Chapter 5) and program implementation (Chapter 9) • A running case study throughout the text applies the knowledge and skills of each chapter to a real world situation • Boxes and figures illustrate how to apply the skills covered in each chapter • End of chapter exercises allow students to apply and/or illustrate knowledge and skills gained from the reading ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9009-7 Paperback • 266 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW

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Needs and Capacity Assessment Strategies for Health Education and Health Promotion Fourth Edition Gary D. Gilmore, MPH, PhD, CHES, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Needs and Capacity Assessment Strategies for Health Education and Health Promotion, Fourth Edition focuses on realistic needs and capacity assessment strategies with considerations for preparation, implementation, and incorporation of findings into the planning process. It also provides an overview of settings, specific target audiences, approaches to assessing needs, and recommendations for addressing problems encountered along the way. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0210-9 Paperback • 270 Pages • © 2012

Systems Approach Workbook for Health Education and Program Planning Mary E Watson, MSCP, EdD, Associate Professor of Health Sciences, northeastern University

Systems Approach Workbook for Health Education and Program Planning is designed to help students plan programs in the health setting for patients, clinical students, staff development, and continuing education programs. Information is presented in outline form so students can use it as a “cookbook” to create a program, a single lesson, or an entire curriculum. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8660-1 Paperback • 102 Pages • © 2011

Instructor Resources: PP

Planning, Program Development and Evaluation Second Edition Thomas C. Timmreck, PhD, California State University

Planning, Program Development and Evaluation, Second Edition functions both as a handbook for busy administrators as well as a text for undergraduate and graduate level courses. The concepts and approaches presented provide an efficient approach to planning, program development, and evaluation for all health and human service populations. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-0062-1 • Paperback • 238 Pages • © 2003


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Promoting Health and Emotional Well-Being in Your Classroom Fifth Edition Randy M. Page, PhD, Brigham Young University Tana S. Page, MS, Brigham Young University

Promoting Health and Emotional Well-Being in Your Classroom, Fifth Edition provides preservice and current teachers all the tools and up-to-date information needed for effectively promoting healthy life choices. Framed around the National Health Education Standards and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s six risk behaviors, this practical text facilitates instructional planning, allows for easy adaptation into various curricular frameworks, and ensures that the most essential health education content is addressed.

Highlights • New and expanded coverage of 21st Century teaching, instructional planning, and models for behavior change • Expanded life skill chapters that are presented early in the text for easy integration into the updated risk behavior chapters that follow • New content on infectious and chronic diseases, stress management, information literacy, advocacy, assessment, and cyber bullying ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7612-1 Paperback • 438 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: LO, PP, SA, SL, TB

Skills–Based Health Education Mary Connolly, BS, MEd, Adjunct Professor, Curry College; Professor, Cambridge College

Skill–Based Health Education provides pre-service and practicing teachers with the pedagogical foundation and tools to develop a comprehensive PreK-12 health education program using the National Health Education Standards. Rather than solely focusing on teaching content, an approach which can prove ineffective in developing healthy behaviors, readers learn to teach the content and skills their students need to be healthy and prepared for the 21st century.

Highlights • Connects skills-based health education to coordinated school health and the national initiatives of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Healthy People 2020, The Whole Child, and 21st Century Skills • Explains the advantage of using rubrics and demonstrates how to assemble rubrics based on the performance indicators of the National Health Education Standards • An electronic supplement containing important teaching tools from the text including rubrics, worksheets, and checklists is available with every new text at no additional cost ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3020-1 Paperback • 440 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW, WK

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Health Education Creating Strategies for School and Community Health, Third Edition Glen G. Gilbert, PhD, East Carolina University Robin G. Sawyer, PhD, The University of Maryland, College Park Elisa Beth McNeill, PhD, MS, Texas A&M University

The skills necessary to plan and deliver effective health education programs are fundamentally the same, whether it’s in a classroom, workplace, hospital, or community setting. Health Education: Creating Strategies for School and Community Health, Third Edition assists the health educator in making appropriate programming decisions based on the needs of their clients and educational setting. It encourages the systematic development of sound presentation methods and illustrates the evolving state of health education.

Highlights • Updated information on the use of technology in health education • Health educator competencies, case studies, objectives, questions, and exercises in each chapter • Expanded content on health literacy • Discussion on the unique qualities of adult learners

Teaching Health Education in Language Diverse Classrooms Robert Wandberg, PhD, Columbia Heights Public Schools John Rohwer, EdD, University of St. Thomas

Teaching Health Education in Language Diverse Classrooms guides prospective and current health education teachers in elementary and secondary school settings in designing, implementing, assessing, and evaluating active, achievement focused activities for diverse learners. The activities in this text are designed to increase the learning, achievement, and success of all students in the learner diverse health education classroom. Each chapter provides best practices and models for replication and suggestions for instructional success. The variety of instructional strategies in Teaching Health Education in Language Diverse Classrooms helps facilitate the student’s development in critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4945-3 Paperback • 273 Pages • © 2010

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5929-2 Paperback • 431 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Health Promotion and Education Research Methods

Introduction to Health Research Methods

Second Edition

Kathryn H. Jacobsen, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, George Mason University

Randy Cottrell, DEd, CHES, University of Cincinnati James F. McKenzie, PhD, MPH, CHES, Ball State University

Health Promotion and Education Research Methods, Second Edition provides a comprehensive and thorough presentation of the processes involved and the skills needed to complete high quality research. The main objective in writing a thesis or dissertation is to teach students how to conduct research in a planned and systematic way. This practical text provides an overview of the different approaches to research methods and introduces students to the five-chapter thesis or dissertation format.

Highlights • Includes new information on telephone surveys, online surveys, multimode surveys, and effect size. • Assists students in conceptualizing, narrowing, and selecting a topic for their thesis or dissertation. • Presents new information on research ethics and the health education code of ethics. • Includes a new section on evaluating experimental and quasi-experimental research. • Discusses the importance of effect size.

A Practical Guide

Introduction to Health Research Methods demystifies the research process and empowers students to conduct their own original research projects. Using clear language and practical examples, the text has five sections that describe the entire research process beginning with the identification of a research question and the selection of a study approach, proceeding through the collection and analysis of data and the preparation of a formal scientific report, and ending with academic and professional presentations and publishing. By breaking the research process down into manageable steps, Introduction to Health Research Methods communicates the excitement and importance of health research—and encourages readers to make their own contribution to improving the health of individuals and communities through research. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8334-1 Paperback • 450 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: IM, PP

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7507-0 Hardcover • 345 Pages • © 2011

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Physical Activity and Health An Interactive Approach, Third Edition

Jerome E. Kotecki, HSD, Ball State University Physical Activity and Health: An Interactive Approach, Third Edition arms students with the information, skills, and practical knowhow to gain control of their health. It offers expert knowledge based on the latest scientific findings from physical activity and health research along with a variety of instructive elements that assist and encourage students in developing a personalized physical activity and health plan. As students progress through this text they will be able to examine their attitudes toward physical activity and modify their behavior to improve their health. The goal is to introduce concepts and develop the skills and interest to make physical activity a lifelong habit. By reading the chapters carefully and making an honest effort to complete the various activities and assessments provided in the accompanying manual, students will gain the competence and confidence to make informed decisions and take fitting action to improve their well-being.

Highlights • Clearly and thoroughly explains the relationships between physical activity, health and disease, and presents the benefits of exercise that allow for health enrichment over a wide range of important human conditions • Complete integration of the most recent Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans throughout the book • What’s the Connection and the Making the Connection scenarios personalize the importance of the concepts addressed in each chapter • Chapter summaries include reinforcement of concepts, critical thinking questions, and the connection between physical activity and health • Chapter 2: Understanding and Enhancing Health Behaviors provides the reader with the essential information and necessary skills to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Supplements Activities and Assessment Manual, Third Edition This easy-to-use manual offers activities and self-assessments to motivate students to improve and enhance their health and well-being through physical activity. Students will learn how to apply the techniques discussed in the main text, examine their attitude toward physical activity, and assess their readiness to change lifestyle behaviors. Available in print and as an Express PDF.

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7970-2 • Paperback • 400 Pages • © 2011

Instructor Resources: ITK, IM, PP, TB


Student Resources: CW, SG

40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |


Fit to Be Well

Yoga for the Joy of It!

Essential Concepts Alton L. Thygerson, EdD, FAWM, Brigham Young University Steven M. Thygerson, PhD, MSPH

Fit to Be Well: Essential Concepts aims to increase student awareness of each aspect of a physically fit lifestyle and provides information for healthy behavioral change. It offers simple, workable approaches for being healthy and fit that can easily be added into the lifestyle and schedule of a student. Throughout each chapter, there are easy to follow guidelines for: modifying lifestyle behaviors, eating a balanced diet, and improving physical endurance, strength, and flexibility.

Minda Goodman Kraines, MA, Mission College Barbara Rose Sherman, BS, Registered Yoga Teacher, E-RY T 500

Yoga for the Joy of It! immerses the beginning yoga student in the history and practice of yoga by educating readers about the background of yoga, its health benefits, and specific exercises and poses. This text is an essential resource for any student embarking on a new yoga class or for those students who are already familiar with the practice of yoga. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6594-1 Paperback • 258 Pages • © 2010

Instructor Resources: PP Student Resources: CW

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6015-1 Paperback • 376 Pages • © 2009 Alternative Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW

Companion Guide to Measurement and Evaluation for Kinesiology David Tomchuk, LAT, ATC, CSCS, Missouri Valley College

Companion Guide to Measurement and Evaluation for Kinesiology serves as a quick reference for how to set-up, perform, and administer an array of physical performance field tests. It focuses on the presentation of the objective, age, appropriateness, necessary equipment, required personnel, set-up, administration, scoring, and emphasis areas for an array of different physical fitness tests and test batteries. The book is organized by the type of physical parameter to be tested and includes relevant photographs and figures that show how to set-up and administer each test. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7610-7 • Paperback • 244Pages • © 2012

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Praise for this text: “This is the best text that I have come across for the courses that I teach. Information is presented clearly and concisely, and the chapters are well-organized and provide all of the pertinent information that this level of student needs to know.” — Patricia Patane, ATC, PT, Stony Brook University

Concepts of Athletic Training Sixth Edition

Ronald P. Pfeiffer, EdD, ATC, Boise State University Brent C. Mangus, EdD, ATC, Texas A&M University Initial decisions and subsequent actions are critical in determining the outcome of a sports injury. Concepts of Athletic Training, Sixth Edition focuses on the care and management of sport and activity related injuries while presenting key concepts in a comprehensive, logically sequential manner that will assist future professionals in making the correct decisions when confronted with an activity-related injury or illness in their scope of practice.

Highlights • What If? “real life” scenarios encourage students to work on critical decision-making skills. These sections provide the sort of information typically available to coaching personnel when confronted with an injuryrelated problem • Time Out boxes provide additional information related to the text, such as NATA Athletic Helmet Removal Guidelines, how to recognize the signs of a concussion, and first aid for epilepsy. • Athletic Trainers Speak Out boxes feature a different athletic trainer in every chapter who discusses an element of athlete care and injury prevention. • Anatomy Reviews introduce body parts to students unfamiliar with human anatomy and/or provide a refresher for students who need one.

New to this Edition • Discussion on the increase of lawsuits against coaching personal • Depression in athletes • Information regarding the safety of participation for athletes who are missing one of a paired set of organs • Recommendations on how best to address the psychological needs of athletes after injury and during rehabilitation • Nutrition needs for recovery

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8378-5 • Paperback • 392 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: ITK, IM, TB, PPT


Student Resources: CW

40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Integrated Athletic Injury Management Fifth Edition

Chad Starkey, PhD, ATC Written in cooperation with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Integrated Athletic Injury Management, Fifth Edition is a multi-purpose, multicourse text that emphasizes the post-injury management techniques used by athletic trainers and physicians in management of orthopaedic injuries. This classic text has been re-titled (formerly Athletic Training and Sports Medicine) to more accurately reflect the topical coverage of injury management and care. Richly illustrated and full of evidence-based practice, this text describes surgical techniques and their implications on rehabilitation/ activity and captures the totality of injury management including: pathology, immediate management, diagnostic imaging, definitive and differential diagnosis, medical management, medications, surgical intervention, post-injury and/or post-surgical management, and rehabilitation. Athletic trainers are well educated on how to evaluate, manage, and rehabilitate athletic injuries. However, no other mainstream textbook describes what is involved with common surgical procedures and how those procedures affect the treatment and rehabilitation process and the eventual return to activity. Integrated Athletic Injury Management serves as a primary reference to tie it all together.

Highlights • Clinical Presentation boxes list the characteristics of each injury, including the history, mechanism of injury, the symptoms that one would observe with the injury, the functional status of the athlete, and various tests to diagnose the pathology. • Surgical Technique boxes describe surgical treatment for a particular pathology and are accompanied by a figure illustrating the surgical technique.

• Clinical Technique boxes explain the steps for non-surgical procedures, such as taping and bracing for a particular pathology. • Rehabilitation sections provides an overview of various therapeutic exercises and rehabilitation techniques that apply to the pathologies in the chapter.

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9609-9 • Hardcover • 700 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: PPT, TB

Student Resources: CW

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Preventing Sudden Death in Sport and Physical Activity

The Practical Guide to Athletic Training

Douglas J. Casa, PhD, ATC, FACSM, FnATA, University of Connecticut

Ted Eaves, MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS, north Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Preventing Sudden Death in Sport and Physical Activity explores the 13 main causes of sudden death in sport. Each chapter is written by a clinician and a scientist, both of whom are experts in the content area. This approach combines the most current basic science with the most current clinical practices related to the topic areas covered.

The Practical Guide to Athletic Training is an essential resource for students interested in the fields of athletic training and sports medicine. The text focuses directly on issues and injuries that are seen in daily practice rather than all issues that may (or may not) arise during a professional career. Its practical structure makes this text ideal for the beginning student and as a reference for athletic training/sports medicine professionals in the field.

Topics covered include: exertional heat stroke, congenital heart conditions, anaphylaxis, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, lightning, commotio cordis, hypothermia and more. Each chapter contains a case-study which explores a specific sport-related death, and provides a scenario of how the person might have been saved. The text gives examples of the possible outcomes-both good and bad-that an athletic trainer might achieve. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8554-3 Paperback • 400 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: AE Student Resources: CW

Highlights • Provides practical information on the topics and injuries that a professional in the field will need to utilize daily • Contains information on how to enter the workforce and succeed as an athletic professional • Includes an in-depth discussion on administration • Key terms, end of chapter questions, and critical thinking questions provide students with a better understanding of athletic training and sports medicine ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4633-9 Paperback • 256 Pages • © 2010 Alternative Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: SA, LO, PP, TB Student Resources: CW


40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |





Physical Education, Exercise and Sport Science in a Changing Society Seventh Edition

William H. Freeman, PhD, Campbell University, Professor Emeritus Physical Education, Exercise and Sport Science in a Changing Society, Seventh Edition provides a current, complete, and balanced introduction to the fields of physical education, sport, and exercise science. It gives a thorough overview of the varied elements within the disciplines, how they came to be, and how they are developing, including the conflicts over field, major, and departmental names. It also examines the developing subdisciplines within physical education, sport, exercise science, and kinesiology. The Seventh Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to represent the state and potential of the field of physical education today. It surveys both teaching and non-teaching careers and addresses technology, current issues, and future trends.


New to this Edition

• Examines exercise science and sport in today’s world, with chapters on comparative international programs, current issues, and future directions • Surveys both teaching and non-teaching careers and addresses technology, current issues, and future trends • Includes suggested readings and discussion questions in each chapter to encourage students to explore the work of specialists in those areas and promote critical thinking • Provides a solid background of the profession in order to help students prepare for the Praxis exams • Includes a full chapter devoted to ethics, Chapter 9, which is unique among introductory textbooks

• The growth of professionalism in lower school sports • Change of emphasis in sport to a focus on financial gain • Growing focus on unnatural bodies and the influence and impact of drugs • Discussion of the turn from science to an education focus in the field in the late 1800s

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8157-6 • Casebound • 384 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB

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Movement Discovery Physical Education for Children Andrea Boucher, PhD, MEd, Towson University Evelyn Wiseman, MEd, MA

Movement Discovery: Physical Education for Children is designed to change traditional thinking in physical education. Written to encourage early childhood and elementary school teachers to value simple, strenuous, and enjoyable activity, this text provides the foundation teachers need to develop challenging yet gratifying physical education lessons for young children.

Highlights • Includes discussion topics and assignments throughout the text to help students actively learn and reflect upon material • Provides personal anecdotes to provoke discussion, stimulate observation, and aid in a greater understanding of the teaching process • Contains over one hundred photographs showcasing the text’s methodology, many of which the authors took themselves • Includes guidelines to help teachers ensure that their program is physically demanding enough to develop fitness ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5041-1 Paperback • 320 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB


Standards-Based Physical Education Curriculum Development Second Edition Jacalyn Lund, MD, MPH, FACP Deborah Tannehill, University of Limerick

Standards-Based Physical Education Curriculum Development, Second Edition teaches students about writing curriculum in conjunction with the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) standards for K-12 physical education. It is written by recognized curriculum experts who have specific experience designing and implementing the standards discussed.

Highlights • Discusses the process of designing a standards-based curriculum by developing goals that are based on a sound philosophy and that reflect a teacher’s beliefs and values • Explores assessment and the importance of documenting how students are progressing toward achieving the standards • Examines how teachers can provide all students with opportunities to achieve their learning goals through challenging and motivating choices ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7159-1 Paperback • 426 Pages • © 2010 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: PP Student Resources: CW

40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |


Service-Learning in Physical Education and Other Related Professions A Global Perspective Marybeth P. Miller, PhD, Slippery Rock University James D. Nendel, PhD, A Champion’s Heart

Analysis of Teaching and Learning in Physical Education Mary Lou Veal, EdD, Middle Tennessee State University William G Anderson, EdD, Teachers College, Columbia University, Retired

Service-Learning in Physical Education and Other Related Professions: A Global Perspective demonstrates how faculty in physical education and other related professions have designed, implemented, assessed, and conducted action research involving service learning as a teaching and learning method, both locally and globally, as a means of both serving the community and enriching the lives of their students.

Analysis of Teaching and Learning in Physical Education presents research-based “best practices” for teaching physical education in order to help pre-service and practicing teachers improve their skills through analysis and reflection. The text begins with an informal analysis of teaching and then quickly moves into systematic strategies for analyzing student and teacher behaviors and interactions.



• Addresses a global perspective of servicelearning. • Written by experts in the field with direct experience in designing and applying service-learning programs. • Provides a standards-based framework of national physical education standards for K-12 physical education. • Discusses a wide variety of specific national and international program models for the integration of service-learning and physical education. • Presents specific examples of successful projects that both students and educators will find insightful. ISBN-13:978-0-7637-7506-3 Paperback • 368 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

• Contains 4 to 5 clinical tasks in each chapter to help pre-service teachers collect and analyze information about their style of teaching • Covers both formal and informal analysis of student behaviors, teaching behaviors, student achievement data, and teacher– student interactions • Includes blank forms to collect information about teaching as well as sample completed forms to show students how their clinical task information might be recorded and analyzed • Addresses how to use analysis of teaching in the future to continue professional growth and development ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4635-3 Paperback • 136 Pages • © 2011

Instructor Resources: PP Sign Up to Receive Updates and Special Offers:






Principles and Practice of Sport Management Fourth Edition

Lisa P. Masteralexis, BS, JD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Carol Barr, BS, MS, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Mary Hums, BBA, MBA, PhD, University of Louisville, Lafayette Teaching sport management has never been more exciting and challenging. Principles and Practice of Sport Management, Fourth Edition, provides a comprehensive, current overview of the sport industry and the sport management field. Students are introduced to various segments of the industry providing them with a foundation of knowledge and understanding important for anyone interested in pursuing a career in sports. The Fourth Edition continues to offer historical perspectives as well as insight into current and future industry issues and trends. From the basic knowledge and skill sets of a sport manager to current trends and issues in the sport management industry, this best-selling text provides the foundation for students as they study and prepare for a variety of sport management careers.


New to this Edition

• Practical advice on how virtual communities like LinkedIn can affect the job search process • Updated information on salaries in professional sports • Heavily revised sections on evaluating coaches, programmatic goals, ethics, finances, and marketing as they relate to youth sports • Two new chapters – Chapter 18, Sport and New Media, and Chapter 20, Club Management • Additional case studies - Is the NFL Conduct Policy Working?; The Outsourcing of College Ticket Sales Operations; Introducing …The FedEx, I mean, the Discover Orange Bowl! • More in-depth coverage of disability sport • Chapters contributed by well-known academics and professionals in the field

• Discussion of professionalism in electronic correspondence (text, email) • The impact of social networking on sport management • Social responsibility in sport management • Advances in television technology (HDTV, 3D TV) and how they have influenced the sport industry • Agents, gambling, and amateurism • Online inventory

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9607-5 • Paperback • 560 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB


Student Resources: CW

40 Tall Pine Drive | Sudbury, MA | 01776 | 978-443-5000 |








The Business of Sports Second Edition Scott Rosner, CCnS, University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School Kenneth Shropshire, JD, University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School

The Business of Sports, Second Edition is a comprehensive collection of readings that focus on the multibilliondollar sports industry and the dilemmas faced by today’s sports business leaders. It provides insight from a variety of stakeholders in the industry and covers the major business disciplines of management, marketing, finance, information technology, accounting, ethics, and law. The Second Edition is divided into three sections: Professional, Olympic, and Intercollegiate sports. The major issues that impact each of these broad areas are subsequently addressed within each section. In addition, there are separate sections on gender equity, race, and ethics. Targeted discussion questions, and graphs and tables used to convey relevant financial data and other statistics, are included throughout the book.

Sports Law Patrick Thornton, D, LLM, University of Houston Law Center; Rice University

Sports Law looks at major court cases, statutes, and regulations that explore a variety of legal issues in the sports industry. The early chapters provide an overview of sports law in general terms and explore its impact on race, politics, religion, and everyday affairs. Later chapters address hot button issues such as gender equity, drug testing, and discrimination. Written from a sport management perspective, rather than from a lawyer’s, this text covers all the major areas presented in sports law today including: cases relating to torts, contracts, intellectual property, and agents. Factual scenarios throughout the text allow students to critically examine and apply sport management principles to legal issues facing the sports executive.

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-3650-7 Paperback • 823 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM

Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals Patrick Thornton, JD, LLM, University of Houston Law Center; Rice University Walter Champion, JD, Texas Southern University Law School Larry Ruddell, EdD, MDiv, Houston Baptist University

Addressing ethics at both the amateur and professional level, Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals covers hot button topics such as: discrimination in sports, drug testing, unsportsmanlike conduct, the bad behavior of athletes, conduct and fans, and more. It also addresses the many legal and ethical issues facing student-athletes, parents, coaches, and others involved in the sports industry. Chapter 12, Ethical Considerations in Sports Media, makes this text unique, along with case studies and discussion questions that encourage classroom discussion. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4384-0 Paperback • 424 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: AE, IM

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8078-4 Paperback • 770 Pages • © 2012

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Praise for this text: “This text provides a great overview of Recreation and Leisure Studies. The information is presented in a clear and concise manner and in a way that students can relate to. I have taught Intro several times and never have I had a textbook that was so well organized and current.” — Dr. Jan Louise Jones, Southern Connecticut State University

Kraus’ Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society Ninth Edition

Daniel McLean, PhD, CPRP, University of nevada, Las Vegas Amy Hurd, PhD, Illinois State University

Kraus’ Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society, Ninth Edition, provides a detailed overview of the history, developments, and current trends in leisure studies. It addresses contemporary issues facing the recreation and leisure profession and focuses on challenges and opportunities that will impact the profession over the next 5 to 20 years. Extensive research into emerging trends helps support the text and provide insights into the future.


Focusing on ten different types of organizations —ranging from nonprofit community organizations and armed forces recreation to sports management and travel and tourism sponsors—this classic text is an invaluable resource for students considering a career in the recreation and leisure industry.

• Case Studies with questions designed to probe and stimulate student thinking have been added to the text. Topics include: Types and Uses of Urban Parks; Quality of Life; The Obesity Epidemic in the United States; and Serious Leisure Contributes to Successful Aging • Chapter 10 (Travel and Tourism) and Chapter 11 (Sport as Leisure) were completely rewritten to provide a more in-depth review of the marketplace–including more commercial and economic perspectives • Chapter 13 (Future Perspectives of Recreation and Leisure) has over 40% new content and reflects the dynamic changes occurring in recreation and leisure • Tables and figures help illustrate important and challenging issues & points • New side bars highlight key material in the text and offer additional information on related topics

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8159-0 • Paperback • 464 Pages • © 2012

Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB


Student Resources: CW

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Programming Recreational Services Jay S. Shivers, PhD, Professor Emeritus,University of Connecticut

Written for recreational practitioners at every level, Programming Recreational Services offers observations of facilities and recreational experiences throughout the world, assessments of recreational participation, and an understanding of the organization, operation, and management of recreational services. Designed to address recreation services from two perspectives—those who deliver the services and those who receive the services— this text offers the basis from which a recreational service program can be delivered, and provides programming ideas that can be easily assimilated by both recreationists and laymen. Special emphasis is offered in terms of activity techniques, cost factors, facilities, supplies and equipment, as well as the leadership involved in the promotion of a comprehensive and well-balanced recreational program ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5198-2 Paperback • 434 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

Instructor Resources: IM

Mastering the Job Search Process in Recreation and Leisure Services Second Edition Craig Ross, PhD, Indiana University Brent Beggs, PhD, Illinois State University Sarah J. Young, PhD, Indiana University

Mastering the Job Search Process in Recreation and Leisure Services, Second Edition is full of practical tools and advice for future recreation and leisure service professionals. Written by experts in the field, this text guides students through identifying goals and career expectations, formatting their resume and cover letters, preparing for interviews, deciding which job offer to take, and making a successful transition from college to professional life.

Highlights • Worksheets, checklists, and case studies in each chapter make information more personal and field-specific • Expanded discussion about the impact of technology on the job search process includes the latest information on electronic resumes and portfolios, blogs, and the use of professional and social networks • Appendices include lists of recreation and leisure organizations, online resources for newspapers and journals, questions most frequently asked by interviewers, and questions most frequently asked by candidates ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7761-6 Paperback • 218 Pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart

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The Dimensions of Health

An Athlete’s Guide to Agents

Conceptual Models

Fifth Edition

John Hjelm, PhD, north Park University

Robert H. Ruxin with contributions from Darren Heitne

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5609-3 $45.95 $36.76* Save 20% Paperback • 98 Pages • © 2010

Integrating ServiceLearning into the University Classroom J. Alison Bryant, PhD, PlayScience Nicole Schonemann,PhD, Indiana University Bloomington Doug Karpa, PhD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8075-3 $32.95 $26.36* Save 20% Paperback • 192 Pages • © 2011

A Health Educator’s Guide to Understanding Drug Abuse Testing Amitava Dasgupta, PhD, University of Texas ISBN-13:978-0-7637-6589-7 $55.95 $44.76* Save 20% Paperback • 230 Pages • © 2010

Preparing the Successful Coach Matt Garrett, PhD, Loras College ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4099-3 $43.95 $35.16* Save 20% Paperback • 271 Pages • © 2008

ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7611-4 $49.95 $39.96* Save 20% Paperback • 258 Pages • © 2010

Teaching Sport Management A Practical Guide Dina Gentile, EdD, Endicott College ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6672-6 $45.95 $36.76* Save 20% Paperback • 148 Pages • © 2010

The Comprehensive Guide to Careers in Sports Conceptual Models Glenn M. Wong, JD, University of Massachusetts Amherst ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-2884-7 $87.95 $70.36* Save 20% Paperback • 526 Pages • © 2009

Lifestyle Modification to Control Heart Disease Evidence and Policy Donald S. Shepard, PhD, Brandeis University ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4947-7 $53.95 $43.16* Save 20% Paperback • 232 Pages • © 2010

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