Healthcare IT Personas Battlecard

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Lenovo Health provides innovative, wrist-to-cloud IT solutions that empower clinicians, engage patients and improve ...

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

HEALTHCARE IT PERSONAS Overall Value Proposition Lenovo Health provides innovative, wrist-to-cloud IT solutions that empower clinicians, engage patients and improve outcomes across the care continuum. We help organizations thrive in the ever-evolving move to patient-centric, accountable care. Our solutions offer high-performance technology at reduced total cost of ownership so healthcare organizations can maximize the IT investment. With more than a decade of experience serving the global care delivery community, including 1,300+ healthcare organizations across North America, we have the expertise to help you tackle today’s challenges and successfully prepare to meet your goals for the future.

IT DecisionMaking Involvement

Pain Points/ Pressures

Chief Information Officer (CIO) “What technologies will help me meet my hospital’s long-term IT goals, support optimum patient care, meet compliance and drive innovation in my organization?”

Role/ Responsibilities

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

VP/Director/ Manager of IT

Director of Purchasing/ Procurement

Chief Medical Officer CMO)/Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)

“How can you help me support risk mitigation, meet compliance and justify increased IT spend?”

“How can I narrow down the IT tools most worth my time?”

“How can you help me meet hospital IT demands and resource constraints?”

“How can I meet IT’s demands while staying on budget?”

“Our clinician teams need technology they can depend on that improves care delivery and integrates seamlessly with our current systems.”

•R  esponsible for overall management of IT department and budget

•H  andles executive financial decisions for the organization

•D  evelops strategic, long-term IT goals to accomplish business objectives

•S  pans accounting, budgeting, credit, insurance, tax, and treasury

•C  onsults with other C-level personnel on technology-related needs and purchasing decisions

•T  ypically reports to CEO or COO

•T  ypically reports to CIO, but may report to CFO

Intel Inside.® Powerful Productivity Outside.

•D  evelops technical standards for enterprisewide computing environment

•E  ither manages the IS department for a hospital or reports to a CIO

•M  anages departments within IS, including network services and data center operations

•H  as tactical responsibility for executing organizational IT strategy

•T  ypically reports to CIO or CEO; may also collaborate with chief innovation officer, if facility has one

•D  irects, manages and supervises daily procurement operations

•C  ommonly reports to CEO/CFO; often sits on board

•D  evelops operational and financial outcome measures

•R  esponsible for performance of medical and nursing staff; some accountability for quality of care, clinical safety and compliance

•M  anages financials and creates operating budget •C  ould report to CFO or COO, or even a chief procurement officer, depending on how the organization is structured

•O  versees physician recruiting, credentialing and appointments •O  ften leads case management, rehab, pharmacy, home care, hospice, and quality improvement

Key Messages

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

•L  eads IT department in planning

• “ Ambassador” to financial side of the organization

•H  elps determine if organization will support newer technologies for advanced patient care

•U  ltimately approves technology budget and points out risk to others in the C-suite

•D  etermines how to handle and use growing stash of digital data

•S  hifting from “number cruncher” to “strategic thinker” with increased responsibility for risk management

•B  usiness knowledge to align technologyrelated decisions with organization’s goals •M  onitors technology/ trends that could impact the facility •M  aintains current information about technology standards and compliance regulations

VP/Director/ Manager of IT

Director of Purchasing/ Procurement

• “ Customers” are internal stakeholders, including clinicians

•D  oesn’t select specific IT components, but guides IT to stay within allotted • Manages IT implementation budget to meet overall healthcare organization but not always final outcomes purchase sign-off • Also manages GPO relationships (ultimate PO placer)

• System interoperability • Sometimes must justify • Needs to justify IT spend/ • Must address many issues, meeting security and IT budget/issues to CEO/ conditions to CIO users’ differing and compliance, and balancing COO (often the CIO is diverse technology • Must actively participate human capital resources to doing this and CFO is needs/challenges in strategic C-level meet regulatory and checking and balancing) discussions, using intimate • On front lines when business requirements • Dealing with transition knowledge of technical there’s an IT problem • Concerned with hardware to value-based care, systems to guide key • Concerned about and software upgrades, EHR decreased Medicare dollars decisions and map out security for IT, networks systems and integration, and the need to cut costs enterprise-wide plans and systems analytics and Big Data • Motivated by getting • Concerned with the initiatives, patient portals, the biggest bang for latest IT trends and what leveraging IT to manage the “IT buck” peers are doing, and with population health initiatives, innovation and patient and best practices for satisfaction data management and patient satisfaction — with a concern for security underlying all

• Budget creation/review

•D  ifferentiate your hospital • Take advantage of a with IT solutions that help comprehensive set of you transform care solution offerings to help delivery, boost safety and you minimize risk and security, promote patient realize a lower total cost engagement and maximize of ownership mobility and efficiency

•A  wide range of IT options to fit your budget

•R  eliable, innovative technologies that help securely address compliance requirements

• Single-source IT partner for end-to-end solutions • Provide foundation of security, compatibility, mobility and stability

•J  uggling budget demands for all departments, including IT

•M  aintain strategic alliances with top healthcare GPOs • Collaborations with leading ISVs, system integrators, accessory manufacturers and EHR vendors • Ongoing support and services for every stage of the technology lifecycle

Key Questions/ Conversation Starters

•H  ow far along are you in the adoption of telemedicine and other patient-centered technologies?

•D  o you feel budget constraints are impacting your IT investments?

•W  hat leading-edge technologies are on • What analytics and data your radar for this management tools are you calendar year? using? EMR upgrade? Data center or mobility refresh?

Intel Inside.® Powerful Productivity Outside.

•H  ow have compliance regulations impacted IT decisions for your organization?

•W  hat are your major upcoming IT initiatives?

•D  o you have C-level buy-in to upgrade your • What are your current top EMR system? IT concerns? Security? Data storage? Staff efficiency? Others?

Chief Medical Officer CMO)/Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) •H  ighly influential in many systems because responsible for huge portion of system budget, so heavy influencer on IT decisions while representing the clinician viewpoint

•S  eeks to minimize technology-created disruptions to clinician workflow •C  oncerned about staff training and how changes in technology will impact immediate patient safety and day-to-day efficiency of the hospital staff

•H  elp clinicians improve care, gain new workflow efficiencies and maximize staff productivity •E  nhance clinician workflows and facilitate communication with easyto-use technology •S  upport patients’ ability to manage their own care

•H  as your IT budget increased or decreased in recent years?

• Which point-of-care technologies are you using? How effective are they?

•W  hat are IT’s biggest demands? How does that impact your operating budget?

•W  hat do the nurses and physicians say about your EMR? •H  ow are you utilizing clinical data to achieve better patient outcomes?

© 2016 Lenovo. All rights reserved. Lenovo is a trademark of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. V1.00 August 2016.


Chief Information Officer (CIO)


Chief Information Officer (CIO) “What technologies will help me meet my hospital’s long-term IT goals, support optimum patient care, meet compliance and drive innovation in my organization?”

Role/ Responsibilities

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

VP/Director/ Manager of IT

Director of Purchasing/ Procurement

Chief Medical Officer CMO)/Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)

“How can you help me support risk mitigation, meet compliance and justify increased IT spend?”

“How can I narrow down the IT tools most worth my time?”

“How can you help me meet hospital IT demands and resource constraints?”

“How can I meet IT’s demands while staying on budget?”

“Our clinician teams need technology they can depend on that improves care delivery and integrates seamlessly with our current systems.”

•R  esponsible for overall management of IT department and budget

•H  andles executive financial decisions for the organization

•D  evelops strategic, long-term IT goals to accomplish business objectives

•S  pans accounting, budgeting, credit, insurance, tax, and treasury

•C  onsults with other C-level personnel on technology-related needs and purchasing decisions

•T  ypically reports to CEO or COO

•T  ypically reports to CIO, but may report to CFO

IT DecisionMaking Involvement

•L  eads IT department in planning

• “ Ambassador” to financial side of the organization

•H  elps determine if organization will support newer technologies for advanced patient care

•U  ltimately approves technology budget and points out risk to others in the C-suite

•D  etermines how to handle and use growing stash of digital data

•S  hifting from “number cruncher” to “strategic thinker” with increased responsibility for risk management

Intel Inside.® Powerful Productivity Outside.

Pain Points/ Pressures

•D  evelops technical standards for enterprisewide computing environment

•E  ither manages the IS department for a hospital or reports to a CIO

•M  anages departments within IS, including network services and data center operations

•H  as tactical responsibility for executing organizational IT strategy

•T  ypically reports to CIO or CEO; may also collaborate with chief innovation officer, if facility has one

•B  usiness knowledge to align technologyrelated decisions with organization’s goals •M  onitors technology/ trends that could impact the facility •M  aintains current information about technology standards and compliance regulations

•D  irects, manages and supervises daily procurement operations

•C  ommonly reports to CEO/CFO; often sits on board

•D  evelops operational and financial outcome measures

•R  esponsible for performance of medical and nursing staff; some accountability for quality of care, clinical safety and compliance

•M  anages financials and creates operating budget •C  ould report to CFO or COO, or even a chief procurement officer, depending on how the organization is structured

• “ Customers” are internal stakeholders, including clinicians

•D  oesn’t select specific IT components, but guides IT to stay within allotted • Manages IT implementation budget to meet overall healthcare organization but not always final outcomes purchase sign-off • Also manages GPO relationships (ultimate PO placer)

Overall Value Proposition

Key Messages

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

• System interoperability • Sometimes must justify • Needs to justify IT spend/ • Must address many issues, meeting security and IT budget/issues to CEO/ conditions to CIO users’ differing and compliance, and balancing COO (often the CIO is diverse technology • Must actively participate human capital resources doing this and CFO is needs/challenges in strategic C-level to meet regulatory and checking and balancing) discussions, using intimate • On front lines when business requirements • Dealing with transition knowledge of technical there’s an IT problem • Concerned with hardware to value-based care, systems to guide key • Concerned about and software upgrades, EHR decreased Medicare dollars decisions and map out security for IT, networks systems and integration, and the need to cut costs enterprise-wide plans and systems analytics and Big Data • Motivated by getting • Concerned with the initiatives, patient portals, the biggest bang for latest IT trends and leveraging IT to manage the “IT buck” what peers are doing, population health initiatives, and with innovation and and best practices for patient satisfaction data management and patient satisfaction — with a concern for security underlying all

•H  ighly influential in many systems because responsible for huge portion of system budget, so heavy influencer on IT decisions while representing the clinician viewpoint

To learn more, please visit or

Director of Purchasing/ Procurement • Budget creation/review •J  uggling budget demands for all departments, including IT

•D  ifferentiate your hospital • Take advantage of a with IT solutions that help comprehensive set of you transform care solution offerings to help delivery, boost safety and you minimize risk and security, promote patient realize a lower total cost engagement and maximize of ownership mobility and efficiency

•R  eliable, innovative technologies that help securely address compliance requirements

• Single-source IT partner for end-to-end solutions • Provide foundation of security, compatibility, mobility and stability

•A  wide range of IT options to fit your budget

•M  aintain strategic alliances with top healthcare GPOs • Collaborations with leading ISVs, system integrators, accessory manufacturers and EHR vendors • Ongoing support and services for every stage of the technology lifecycle

Key Questions/ Conversation Starters

Chief Medical Officer CMO)/Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) •S  eeks to minimize technology-created disruptions to clinician workflow •C  oncerned about staff training and how changes in technology will impact immediate patient safety and day-to-day efficiency of the hospital staff

Lenovo Health provides innovative, wrist-to-cloud IT solutions that empower clinicians, engage patients and improve outcomes across the care continuum. We help organizations thrive in the ever-evolving move to patient-centric, accountable care. Our solutions offer high-performance technology at reduced total cost of ownership so healthcare organizations can maximize the IT investment. With more than a decade of experience serving the global care delivery community, including 1,300+ healthcare organizations across North America, we have the expertise to help you tackle today’s challenges and successfully prepare to meet your goals for the future.

•O  versees physician recruiting, credentialing and appointments •O  ften leads case management, rehab, pharmacy, home care, hospice, and quality improvement

VP/Director/ Manager of IT

•H  ow far along are you in the adoption of telemedicine and other patient-centered technologies?

•D  o you feel budget constraints are impacting your IT investments?

•W  hat leading-edge technologies are on • What analytics and data your radar for this management tools are you calendar year? using? EMR upgrade? Data center or mobility refresh?

Intel Inside.® Powerful Productivity Outside.

•H  ow have compliance regulations impacted IT decisions for your organization?

•W  hat are your major upcoming IT initiatives?

•D  o you have C-level buy-in to upgrade your • What are your current top EMR system? IT concerns? Security? Data storage? Staff efficiency? Others?

•H  elp clinicians improve care, gain new workflow efficiencies and maximize staff productivity •E  nhance clinician workflows and facilitate communication with easyto-use technology •S  upport patients’ ability to manage their own care

•H  as your IT budget increased or decreased in recent years?

• Which point-of-care technologies are you using? How effective are they?

•W  hat are IT’s biggest demands? How does that impact your operating budget?

•W  hat do the nurses and physicians say about your EMR? •H  ow are you utilizing clinical data to achieve better patient outcomes?

© 2016 Lenovo. All rights reserved. Lenovo is a trademark of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. V1.00 August 2016.