Jan 1, 2014 ... This directory is for the service area of our Ohio region, which is the following
counties: Cuyahoga, Geauga ... Your doctors are part of a single, integrated
medical group that enables them to easily consult ..... Oral Surgery.
HealthSpan Medicare Plus (Cost) Plan
Provider Directory This directory provides a list of HealthSpan network providers. This directory is for the service area of our Ohio region, which is the following counties: Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage and Summit. This directory is current as of January 2014. Some network providers may have been added or removed from our network after this directory was printed. We do not guarantee that each provider is still accepting new members. To get the most up-to-date information about HealthSpan’s network providers in your area, you can visit healthspan.org/locations or call our Customer Relations Department at 1-800-493-6004, seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. TTY/TDD users should call 711.
HealthSpan is a Cost plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in HealthSpan depends on contract renewal. This document is available in different format for the visually impaired by calling Customer Relations at the number listed above. H6360_13_025_Final02 approved 130931
Introduction This directory provides a list of HealthSpan Medicare Plus’s network providers. To get detailed information about your health care coverage, please see your Evidence of Coverage. The “network providers” listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care coverage. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory; however, some services may require a referral. If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue going to that same provider. In some cases, you may get covered services from non-network providers. For more information about obtaining covered services from non-network providers, please see Section Non-plan providers and When a non-network provider sends you a bill. Some services may require a referral. If your primary care physician decides that you require covered services from other providers, you will usually be referred to a network physician. Should you require services not available within our network or where such services do not meet regulatory requirements for access, you might be referred to an associated provider in the community for that service. You must have an authorized referral for specialists and non-plan providers for us to cover the services and/or supplies provided. In some cases, you may get covered services from non-network providers. Use this directory to learn about selecting your PCP and getting referrals. These processes are described in detail on the following pages.
Our Provider Network: The HealthSpan Physicians In the HealthSpan Physicians, there are a broad range of expertly skilled physicians. They practice in HealthSpan medical offices and care for HealthSpan members. The group includes physicians from all major specialties and most subspecialties in addition to alternative and complementary medicine, and behavioral health. When you choose a HealthSpan physician, you can be confident that he or she has immediate access to your medical information so that you get the right care at the right time—care that is personalized, affordable, and coordinated. Your doctors are part of a single, integrated medical group that enables them to easily consult about your health with other doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and other HealthSpan health professionals locally and across the country. The electronic medical record system also provides information about your health to any HealthSpan caregiver who can see your medical record. That means most of the prescriptions written by HealthSpan physicians are sent electronically to our medical office pharmacies, so they can be filled fast and you can be on your way. When you speak with an advice nurse, they can easily access your information through your secure electronic medical record, which is at their fingertips. That same technology connects your HealthSpan doctor to you. At healthspan.org, you can email your doctor’s office, read doctor’s instructions, manage appointments, read most lab test results, order most prescription refills, and more.
Your primary care physician Establishing a relationship with a physician and seeing him or her regularly is important so you get consistent and personalized care. You will have to choose one of our network providers who are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Physician (PCP). The term “PCP” will be used throughout this directory. Generally, you must get your health care coverage from your PCP. Your PCP partners with you to help you live the healthiest life possible. He or she coordinates your care, orders needed tests, and consults with specialists, pharmacists, and others, as needed. Adults should select a PCP who specializes in internal medicine or family practice. You may also choose a family practitioner to care for your entire family. When you have a PCP, you always have a physician who knows you, understands your health goals and preferences, and advocates for you. Note: In addition to HealthSpan physicians, you may also choose from among affiliated physicians for primary care and obstetrics/gynecology. Affiliated physicians are in private practice in the community, located in throughout our service area. Each HealthSpan PCP has a panel of patients composed of members who have either selected or been assigned to that physician. Occasionally, we must temporarily close a physician’s panel to new patients because of high demand to see that physician. If, when choosing your PCP, you are told the physician you have selected is not accepting new patients, we will try to offer you another physician who is a member of your originally requested physician’s health care team. 2
Your doctor’s office, plus added convenience You may choose to receive care in any of our medical offices in Ohio (see page 10).
Wherever you visit your HealthSpan physician, convenience is built into your medical office.
Your doctor’s office
Because HealthSpan staff and physicians respect your time, convenience extends beyond the walls of your medical office. You can set telephone appointments with your doctor to save trips to his or her office and whenever you need medical advice, specially trained nurses are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Referrals for specialty care You must get your routine or basic care from your primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP may also coordinate the rest of your care and may refer you to a specialist when needed. You can also consult with some of our specialists—without a referral. Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage or contact your PCP for the plan with questions about benefit coverage and authorization requirements. Your PCP works with you to help manage your care.
Non-plan providers As a member of HealthSpan Medicare Plus, you must use HealthSpan plan providers for in-network care. However, you may also use your Original Medicare coverage separate from your Medicare Plus benefits and obtain care from non-plan providers. If you do so, ask the non-plan provider to file a claim directly with Medicare. You will be responsible for Medicare coinsurance, any unmet portion of deductibles, and for charges from providers who do not participate in Medicare, up to the limiting charge. 3
When a non-network provider sends you a bill If you receive a bill from an out-of-network provider, you should not pay the bill and instead send it to our Claims Department for processing and determination of your cost-sharing amount, if any. HealthSpan Claims Department P.O. Box 5316 Cleveland, Ohio 44101-9774
Emergency Care You are covered for emergency care. A medical emergency is when you, or any other prudent layperson with an average knowledge of health and medicine, believe that you have medical symptoms that require immediate medical attention to prevent loss of life, loss of a limb, or loss of function of a limb. The medical symptoms may be an illness, injury, severe pain, or a medical condition that is quickly getting worse. If you think you are having an emergency, call 911 or proceed to the nearest hospital emergency room. Emergency care can always be obtained in or out of the service area from the nearest available provider. After the emergency is over, it is important you notify us by calling the Medical Advice line so we can be involved in the coordination of your follow-up health care. We are committed to providing you with the right care at the right time, in the right place. A member of our trained staff will assess your concerns and symptoms and direct you to the most appropriate treatment. Treatment options include: • • • • •
Telephone Nurse advice – free Telephone Physician advice – free A same-day appointment with the doctor An urgent care visit A HealthSpan emergency services visit (at Parma Medical Center and Cleveland Heights Medical Center) • A hospital emergency department visit • A scheduled physician telephone visit – free You may contact our 24-hour Care Line at the Member Service Center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-524-7377. Our team will assess your condition and review your electronic medical record. You will be directed to the appropriate place, and often we can prescribe a medication or treatment over the phone so you can avoid an unnecessary visit. If you believe you are in an emergency situation and time is critical, go to the nearest emergency department or call 911.
Post-stabilization care Post-stabilization care is medically necessary services related to your emergency medical condition that you receive after your treating physician determines that your condition is clinically stable. Your follow-up post-stabilization care will be covered according to Medicare guidelines. In general, if your emergency care
is provided by non-plan providers, we will try to arrange for plan providers to take over your care as soon as your medical condition and circumstances allow. If our plan does not cover the post-stabilization care, but Original Medicare does, you will pay the Original Medicare cost-sharing amount. Refer to your Evidence of Coverage for more information. • If you receive in-network emergency care, it is important to notify us afterward so that we can be involved in the coordination of your follow-up health care. Either let your HealthSpan PCP know, or give us a call at 1-866-433-1333 (TTY 711). • If you receive out-of-network emergency care, it is very important that your provider call us (1-866-433-1333; TTY 711) to get authorization for post-stabilization care before you receive care from the out-of-network provider. The phone numbers listed above are also listed on the back of your membership card for convenience.
Urgent care Urgently needed care is medical care you need right away because of an illness, injury, or condition that you did not expect or anticipate, but your health is not in serious danger.
Inside our service area When in the service area you must use plan providers for urgent care, except in unusual and extraordinary circumstances, such as if our providers are temporarily not available or inaccessible (such as a major disaster, epidemic, war, and riot). If you require urgent care during normal office hours, call the 24-hour Care line. You will be given an appointment with your primary care physician or a member of his or her team. If your PCP is not located in a HealthSpan medical center, we might ask you to call your physician’s office directly. On weekends, evenings, and holidays, call the appointment and advice line to discuss the situation and get an urgent appointment. The nurse or representative will find the best choice location for you.
Outside our service area If you need urgent care while outside the service area, we cover medically necessary services from a non-plan provider. You must be temporarily outside our service area and you must reasonably believe that your health would seriously deteriorate if you delayed treatment until you returned to our service area. In addition, when out of the service area you can obtain dialysis treatment from any qualified dialysis provider accepting Original Medicare. You will be responsible for paying the Original Medicare cost-share amounts (such as coinsurance and deductibles).
Services when you are traveling While you are traveling, you can get certain medically necessary health care services and items from plan providers in other regions or providers in Group Health Cooperative’s (GHC) service area for up to 90 days. You may call Customer Relations for more information about getting care when visiting other regions or GHC’s service area, including coverage information and facility locations in parts of California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Mid-Atlantic States (Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C.), Oregon, and Washington.
What is the service area for HealthSpan Medicare Plus? The counties in our service area are listed below. For a map of our service area, please refer to page 10. Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage and Summit.
How do you find HealthSpanMedicare Plus providers in your area? We have made it easy to locate the physicians of your choice by organizing the directory into sections. • Physicians are organized by specialty, city and then provider. • This directory is broken out by primary care physicians, self-referral specialists and referral specialists. • Other providers are listed by service category; hospital, optometry and emergency; and then by county, city and provider. • There is an alphabetical index of physicians and their specialties at the back of this directory.
How to choose your doctor 1. Learn about our doctors • You can easily read about HealthSpan physicians at healthspan.org/locations. • Look through this Provider Directory, or the electronic version at healthspan.org/medicare.
2. Choose your PCP • If you don’t choose a PCP when you enroll, we’ll send you a letter asking you to make a selection. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll make a selection for you, based on where you live, and notify you in writing. Of course, you can change your assigned primary care physician any time you like.
3. Tell us your choices. You can: • Indicate your selection on the enrollment form. • Choose or change your physician by visiting healthspan.org or calling the HealthSpan Customer Relations department seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711).
healthspan.org/locations You can easily read about HealthSpan physicians and choose your doctor online.
You can easily search for our doctors in a variety of ways. • Choose a medical office that is close to your home or work. • Search by primary care physicians accepting new patients, specialty, city, zip code, hospital affiliation, or provider specialty to find a doctor that fits your needs. • Search through the site by using the keyboard search box.
Choosing a physician listed in this directory The medical office where this physician practices
Each doctor has a provider number you use when selecting a PCP
HealthSpan Medical Offices
00866 Mr. Doctor, MD Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Medical College College Internship & Residency: XX Hospital and Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine
Physician name
Physician’s specialty
Doctor’s education and training
Shows if the physician is board certified or awaiting certification
Listings for non-HealthSpan physicians are similar but may not contain all the informational categories noted above. This directory also includes listings HealthSpan medical offices, hospitals, emergency services, urgent care locations, ambulatory surgery facilities, dialysis centers, skilled nursing facilities, optometry locations, pharmacies, radiology centers and maps and directions to our facilities.
If you have questions about HealthSpan Medicare Plus or require assistance in selecting a PCP, please call our Customer Relations department at 1-800-4936004, seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. TTY users should call 711. Or visit healthspan.org.
SECTION 2 List of Network Providers Our service area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 HealthSpan Medical Centers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 HealthSpan Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Affiliated Community Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 HealthSpan Self-Referral Specialists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Affiliated Community Self-Referral Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 HealthSpan Referral Specialists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Affiliated Community Referral Specialists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Hospitals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 HealthSpan and Hospital Network Emergency Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Urgent Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Dialysis Centers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Skilled Nursing Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Optometry Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Pharmacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Radiology Centers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Maps and Directions to our Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Index of Physicians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
HealthSpan Service Area We offer 255 primaryOhio care physicians and 1,655 specialists The counties in our serviceand area18 arehospitals Cuyahoga,throughout Geauga, at 15 medical offices Ohio. Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage and Summit.
What is the service area for HealthSpan Medicare Plus?
The counties in our service area are Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage and Summit. L A K E 90
2 10
21 2
271 8 71 Affiliated Hospitals
HealthSpan77Medical Offices HealthSpan76Medical Office/ Emergency Services 480 HealthSpan Medical Facilities 80 1 Avon Medical Offices Avon 2 Bedford Medical Offices Bedford 3 Chapel Hill Medical Offices Akron 4 Cleveland Heights Medical Center Cleveland Heights 5 Concord Medical Offices Concord 6 Fairlawn Medical Offices Fairlawn 7 Kent Medical Offices Kent 8 Medina Medical Offices Medina 9 Mentor Medical Offices Mentor 10 Parma Medical Center Parma 11 Rocky River Medical Offices Rocky River 12 Strongsville Medical Offices Strongsville 13 Twinsburg Medical Offices Twinsburg 14 Willoughby Medical Offices Willoughby © 2013 HealthSpan Integrated Care 10
14 19 E R I E 90 30 4 27 1 Cuyahoga 22 28 29 271 26 11 2 80 480 23 10 77
12 10 71
Lorain Medina 20
2 Lake
271 6
13 8 Summit 17 3 16 15
31 9
25 5
80 14 24 7
Portage 76
76 77
Affiliated Hospitals (Coverage of specific services may vary by hospital. Please reference your Evidence of Coverage for more information.) 15 Akron General Medical Center Akron 16 Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron Akron 17 Edwin Shaw Rehabilitation Institute Cuyahoga Falls 18 EMH Regional Medical Center Elyria 19 LakeWest Medical Center Willoughby 20 Lodi Community Hospital Lodi 21 Mercy Regional Medical Center Lorain (Effective January 1, 2014) 22 MetroHealth Medical Center Cleveland 23 Parma Community General Hospital Parma
24 Robinson Memorial Hospital Ravenna 25 TriPoint Medical Center Concord 26 University Hospital Ahuja Medical Center Beachwood 27 University Hospitals Case Medical Center Cleveland 28 University Hospital MacDonald Women’s Hospital Cleveland 29 University Hospital Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Cleveland 30 University Hospitals Richmond Medical Center Richmond Heights (Inpatient Psychiatric Admissions Only) 31 Windsor Laurelwood Center for Behavioral Medicine Willoughby
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Avon Medical Offices HealthSpan Avon Medical Offices Avon Pointe Professional Campus 36711 American Way Avon, Ohio 44011 (216) 524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5935 or 877-524-5935 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., M-Th 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., F
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Internal Medicine • Pediatrics • Laboratory • Pharmacy
The Avon Medical Offices are located off of I-90 and Route 83. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 150.
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 11
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Bedford Medical Offices HealthSpan Bedford Medical Offices 19999 Rockside Road Bedford, Ohio 44146 (216) 524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5114 or 877-524-5114 TTY 866-513-9966 The Bedford Medical Offices are located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Rockside Road and Warrensville Center Road.
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., M/Th 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tu/W/F 8:30 a.m. – noon, Sa
Pharmacy hours 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sa
Services • Bone Testing (DEXA) • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Nutrition Services • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Radiology
A map and directions to this facility are located on page 151.
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 12
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Chapel Hill Medical Offices HealthSpan Chapel Hill Medical Offices 1260 Independence Avenue Akron, Ohio 44310 (330) 633-8400 800-524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5958 or 888-524-5958 TTY 866-513-9966 The Chapel Hill Medical Offices are located on Independence Avenue off of Buchholzer Blvd. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 152.
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., M 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tu/W/Th/F 8:30 a.m. – noon, Sa Services • Allergy • Behavioral Health • Cardiology • Endocrinology • ENT • Gastroenterology • Gynecology • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Mammography • Neurology
Pharmacy hours 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sa
• Nutrition • Ophthalmology • Orthopedics • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Podiatry • Radiology • Surgery • Ultra sound • Urology
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 13
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Cleveland Heights Medical Center HealthSpan Cleveland Heights Medical Center 10 Severance Circle Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 (216) 524-7377 TTY 711
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., M-Th 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., F 8:30 a.m. – noon, Sa
Chemical Dependency office hours 8:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., M-Th
Pharmacy 216-524-5105 or 877-524-5105 TTY 866-513-9966
Pharmacy hours 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Su
Behavioral Health office hours 8:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., M/W 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tu/Th/F
The Cleveland Heights Medical Center is located at Severance Town Center on Mayfield Road between South Taylor Road and Warrensville Center Road. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 153.
Emergency Services hours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Services • Allergy • Audiology • Behavioral Health • Cardiology • Dermatology • Emergency Services • Gastroenterology • Infectious Disease • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Nutrition • Mammography • Nephrology • Neurology • Obstetrics/Gynecology • Occupational Medicine • Oncology
• Ophthalmology • Oral Surgery • Orthopedics • Otolaryngology (ENT) • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Podiatry • Pre-Admission Testing • Pulmonology • Radiology • Rheumatology • Speech Therapy • General Surgery • Technical Services • Thoracic Surgery • Urology • Vascular Surgery
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 14
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Concord Medical Offices HealthSpan Concord Medical Offices The Shops at Gristmill Village (Rt 44 & I-90) 7536 Fredle Drive Concord, Ohio 44077 800-524-7377 TTY/TDD 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5095 or 888-659-0537 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M/W/Th/F 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Tu
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Family Practice • Laboratory • Pharmacy
The Concord Medical Offices are located are located off of I-90 and Route 44. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 154.
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Fairlawn Medical Offices HealthSpan Fairlawn Medical Offices 4055 Embassy Parkway, Suite 110 Fairlawn, OH 44333 (330) 873-4800 800-524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5125 or 877-524-5125 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Th 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. M/Tu/W/F
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Behavioral Health • Family Practice • Gynecology • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Pharmacy
The Fairlawn Medical Center is conveniently located off Route 18 and easily accessible from I-77. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 155.
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 16
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Kent Medical Offices HealthSpan Kent Medical Offices Meadowview Square Shopping Center 2500 State Route 59, Suite 28 Kent, Ohio 44240 800-524-7377 TTY/TDD 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5409 or 888-659-0538 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M/Tu/Th/F 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., W
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Family Practice • Laboratory • Pharmacy
The Kent Medical Offices are located on State Route 59 between Route 8 and Route 44. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 156.
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Medina Medical Offices HealthSpan Medina Medical Offices 3443 Medina Road, Suite 108 Medina, Ohio 44256 800-524-7377 TTY/TDD 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5867 or 888-659-0539 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M/Tu/W/F 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Th
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Family Practice • Internal Medicine • Pediatrics • Laboratory • Pharmacy
The Medina Medical Offices are located on Medina Road just west of I-71. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 157.
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 18
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Mentor Medical Offices HealthSpan Mentor Medical Offices 7695 Mentor Avenue Mentor, Ohio 44060 800-524-7377 TTY/TDD 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5095 or 888-658-1432 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M/Tu/Th/F 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., W
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Internal Medicine • Pediatrics • Laboratory • Pharmacy
The Mentor Medical Offices are located on Mentor Avenue between Route 306 and Route 615. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 158.
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
North Canton Medical Offices HealthSpan North Canton Medical Offices Gander Mountain Plaza 4914 Portage Street NW North Canton, Ohio 44720 800-524-7377 TTY/TDD 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5088 or 888-632-2963 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M/W/Th/F 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Tu
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Family Practice • Laboratory • Pharmacy
The North Canton Medical Offices are located on Portage Street NW just west of Route I-77. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 159.
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 20
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Parma Medical Center HealthSpan Parma Medical Center 12301 Snow Road Parma, Ohio 44130 (216) 524-7377 TTY 711
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-Th 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., F 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Sa
Pharmacy hours 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Su
Pharmacy 216-524-5929 or 888-524-5929 TTY 866-513-9966
Behavioral Health services hours 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M-F
Emergency Services hours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
The Parma Medical Center is located east of the intersection of West 130th Street and Snow Road. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 160.
Services • Allergy • Ambulatory Surgery • Audiology • Behavioral Health • Cardiology • Dermatology • Emergency Services • Endocrinology • Gastroenterology • General Surgery • Infectious Disease • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Mammography • Nephrology • Neurology • Nuclear Medicine • Nutrition • Obstetrics/Gynecology
• Occupational Medicine • Oncology • Ophthalmology • Otolaryngology (ENT) • Oral Surgery • Orthopedics • Pain Management • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Physical Therapy • Podiatry • Pre-Admission Testing • Pulmonology • Radiology • Rheumatology • Speech • Urology
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Rocky River Medical Offices HealthSpan Rocky River Medical Offices 20575 Center Ridge Road, Suite 500 Rocky River, OH 44116 (216) 524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy Suite 502 216-524-5884 or 888-524-5884 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., M-Th 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., F
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Family Practice • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Pediatrics • Pharmacy
The Rocky River Medical offices are located in the HealthSpan Building on Center Ridge Road between W210 (Wagar Rd) and Linden Rd. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 161.
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 22
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Strongsville Medical Offices HealthSpan Strongsville Medical Offices 17406 Royalton Road Strongsville, Ohio 44136 (216) 524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5145 or 877-524-5145 TTY 866-513-9966 The Strongsville Medical Offices are on Royalton Road (Route 82) and Fallingwater Road.
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., M 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tu-F
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Family Practice • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Radiology
A map and directions to this facility are located on page 162.
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Twinsburg Medical Offices HealthSpan Twinsburg Medical Offices 8920 Canyon Falls Boulevard Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 (330) 486-2800 800-524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5108 877-524-5108 TTY 866-513-9966
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., M-F
Pharmacy hours 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
Services • Cardiology • Family Practice • Laboratory • Nutrition Services • Pharmacy
The Twinsburg Medical Offices are located off of Route 82 on Canyon Falls Blvd. A map and directions to this facility are located on page 163.
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services of any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services. Contact Customer Relations toll free seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 1-800-493-6004 (TTY 711) or visit healthspan.org 24
HealthSpan Medical Offices*
Willoughby Medical Offices HealthSpan Willoughby Medical Offices 5105 S.O.M. Center Road Willoughby, Ohio 44094 (216) 524-7377 TTY 711 Pharmacy 216-524-5480 or 877-524-5480 TTY 866-513-9966 The Willoughby Medical Offices are located one block south of Euclid Avenue on Route 91 (S.O.M. Center Road). A map and directions to this facility are located on page 164.
Hours and services are subject to change. Office hours 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., M/W 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Tu/Th/F 8:30 a.m. – noon, Sa Services • Behavioral Health • Cardiology • Endocrinology • Family Practice • Gerontology • Infectious Disease • Internal Medicine • Laboratory • Mammography • Nutrition • Obstetrics/Gynecology
Pharmacy hours 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sa
• Ophthalmology • Orthopedics • Pediatrics • Pharmacy • Podiatry • Pre-Admission Testing • Radiology • Surgery • Urology • Vascular/Thoracic Surgery
Primary Care Physicians HealthSpan Medical Group Primary Care Physicians*
This section includes the HealthSpan Medical Group primary care physicians (PCP) our HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians* Avon Medical Offices 36711 American Way Avon, Ohio 44011 (216) 524-7377
Bedford Medical Offices 19999 Rockside Road Bedford, Ohio 44146 (216) 524-7377
01189 Alfes, John, MD Avon Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE/ PEDIATRICS Medical Education: Wayne State University College Internship & Residency: Ohio State University Hospitals Board Certified: Internal Medicine
02005 Binstock, Martine, MD Bedford Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Paris College Internship & Residency: UCLA, Kaiser West – Los Angeles Board Certified: Internal Medicine
03596 Tinio, Joaquin, MD Bedford Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Rochester College Internship & Residency: University Hospitals of Cleveland Board Certified: Internal Medicine
01590 Pileski, Cassandra, MD Avon Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Medical College of Ohio College Internship & Residency: Summa Healthcare System, Akron City Hospital Board Certified: Internal Medicine
04076 Murphy, Pamala, MD Bedford Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Case Western Reserve University College Internship & Residency: Mt. Sinai Hospital Board Certified: Internal Medicine
03263 Wang, Jianhua, MD Bedford Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Shanghai Medical University College Internship & Residency: Meridia Huron Hospital, NEOUCOM/ Aultman Hospital Board Certified: Internal Medicine
02506 Obi, Gabriel, MD Bedford Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Medical College of Ohio College Internship & Residency: Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine
01036 Vibhakar, Nilla, MD Bedford Medical Offices PEDIATRICS Medical Education: T. N. Medical College College Internship & Residency: MetroHealth St. Luke’s Medical Center, MetroHealth St. Luke’s Medical Center Board Certified: Pediatrics
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians* Chapel Hill Medical Offices 1260 Independence Avenue Akron, Ohio 44310 (330) 633-8400 00866 Shah, Dipti, MD Chapel Hill Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: N.H.L. Municipal Medical College College Internship & Residency: EHS Christ Hospital and Medical Center, EHS Christ Hospital and Medical Center, Lutheran Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine 01133 Lawrence, H. Steven, MD Chapel Hill Medical Offices PEDIATRICS Medical Education: St. Louis University College Internship & Residency: San Bernadino County Medical Center, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Board Certified: Pediatrics
Cleveland Heights Medical Center 10 Severance Circle Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 (216) 524-7377 07372 Jones, Alicia, DO Cleveland Heights Medical Center FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine; Erie, PA College Residency: South Pointe Hospital Board Certification: TBD 07559 Pankow, Nikolaus, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center FAMILY MEDICINE 07275 Schiaffino, Maria, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: Universidad De Buenos Aires, Argentina College Residency: University of Louisville Hospitals Board Certification: Family Medicine
00972 Adams, Ronald, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Cincinnati College Internship & Residency: MetroHealth Medical Center, MetroHealth Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine 03319 Armstrong, Delilah, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: UCLA School of Medicine College Internship & Residency: King/Drew Medical Center, King/Drew Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine 03309 Henry, Lilia, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine College Internship & Residency: University Hospitals of Cleveland Board Certified: Internal Medicine
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians*
Cleveland Heights Medical Center 10 Severance Circle Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 (216) 524-7377 01320 Mariappuram, Valsa, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Kerala College Internship & Residency: Medical College Hospital, Alleppey; MetroHealth St. Luke’s Medical Center; MetroHealth Medical Center; Mar Kavukattu Memorial Hospital; MetroHealth St. Luke’s Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine 00809 Cook, Lydia, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center PEDIATRICS Medical Education: State University of New York – Syracuse College Internship & Residency: UMDNJ University Hospital, UMDNJ University Hospital, University Hospitals of Cleveland Board Certified: Pediatrics
Concord Medical Offices 7536 Fredle Drive Concord, Ohio 44077 (216) 524-7377 01195 Mathew, Raichal, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center PEDIATRICS Medical Education: Medical College Trivandrum College Internship & Residency: Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center Board Certified: Pediatrics
04259 Posner, Gary, MD Concord Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Michigan College Internship & Residency: Saginaw Co-Operative Hospitals, Inc. Board Certified: Family Medicine
Woods, Natalie, MD Cleveland Heights Medical Center PEDIATRICS Medical Education: Wright State University School of Medicine Residency: University of Chicago Medical Center Board Certified: Pediatrics
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians* Fairlawn Medical Offices 4055 Embassy Parkway Fairlawn, Ohio 44333 (330) 873-4800 01180 Armao, Joseph, MD Fairlawn Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Cincinnati College Internship & Residency: William Beaumont Hospital, St. Elizabeth Medical Center Board Certified: Family Medicine, Family Medicine/ Geriatric Medicine 05298 Friedman, AmyJo, MD Fairlawn Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine College Internship & Residency: Akron General Medical Center, Mount Carmel Medical Center Board Certified: Family Medicine
Kent Medical Offices 2500 State Route 59, Suite 28 Kent, Ohio 44240 1-800-524-7377 05634 Scroggins, Kathleen, MD Kent Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE
FAIRLAWN/KENT/MEDINA Medina Medical Offices 3443 Medina Road, Suite 108 Medina, Ohio 44256 1-800-524-7377 01180 Armao, Joseph, MD Medina Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Cincinnati College Internship & Residency: William Beaumont Hospital, St. Elizabeth Medical Center Board Certified: Family Medicine, Family Medicine/ Geriatric Medicine 05298 Friedman, AmyJo, MD Medina Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine College Internship & Residency: Akron General Medical Center, Mount Carmel Medical Center Board Certified: Family Medicine
04067 Novak, Keith, MD Medina Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine College Internship & Residency: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Board Certified: Family Medicine *Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians* Mentor Medical Offices 7695 Mentor Avenue Mentor, Ohio 44060 (216) 524-7377 00754 Roth, Mark, MD Mentor Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Ohio State University School of Medicine College Internship & Residency: Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine 01478 Zets, Andrea, MD Mentor Medical Offices PEDIATRICS Medical Education: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine College Internship & Residency: Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Children’s Hospital Medical Center Board Certified: Pediatrics
North Canton Medical Offices 4914 Portage Street NW North Canton, Ohio 44720 1-800-524-7377 05634 Scroggins, Kathleen, MD North Canton Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE
Parma Medical Center 12301 Snow Road Parma, Ohio 44130 (216) 524-7377 00905 D’Souza, Carol, MD Parma Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: St. Johns Medical College College Internship & Residency: MetroHealth St. Luke’s Medical Center, MetroHealth St. Luke’s Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine 00557 Grieser, Kathleen, MD Parma Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Medical College of Ohio College Internship & Residency: Medical College of Ohio Hospitals, Medical College of Ohio Hospitals Board Certified: Internal Medicine 01083 Nayak, Hemanta, MD Parma Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: V.S.S. Medical College College Internship & Residency: SCB Medical College, Prince George’s Hospital Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians* Parma Medical Center 12301 Snow Road Parma, Ohio 44130 (216) 524-7377 06556 Nwaokafor, Felix, MD Parma Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Ibadan College Residency: St. Vincent Charity Hospital Board Certified: Internal Medicine 01513 Turakhia, Ashwin, MD Parma Medical Center INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College College Internship & Residency: Lutheran Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine 00809 Cook, Lydia, MD Parma Medical Center PEDIATRICS Medical Education: State University of New York – Syracuse College Internship & Residency: UMDNJ University Hospital, UMDNJ University Hospital, University Hospitals of Cleveland Board Certified: Pediatrics
PARMA/ROCKY RIVER Rocky River Medical Offices 20575 Center Ridge Road Rocky River, Ohio 44116; (216) 524-7377
01068 Fedak, Michael, MD Parma Medical Center PEDIATRICS Medical Education: St. Louis University College Internship & Residency: Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Board Certified: Pediatrics
01189 Alfes, John, MD Rocky River Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE/ PEDIATRICS Medical Education: Wayne State University College Internship & Residency: Ohio State University Hospitals Board Certified: Internal Medicine
01133 Lawrence, H. Steven, MD Parma Medical Center PEDIATRICS Medical Education: St. Louis University College Internship & Residency: San Bernadino County Medical Center, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Board Certified: Pediatrics
01267 Narra, Ammaji, MD Rocky River Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Guntur Medical College College Internship & Residency: M.G.M. Hospital, Brooklyn Jewish Medical Center, St. John’s Hospital, Lutheran Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine/Geriatric Medicine
01590 Pileski, Cassandra, MD Rocky River Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Medical College of Ohio College Internship & Residency: Summa Healthcare System, Akron City Hospital Board Certified: Internal Medicine *Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians* Strongsville Medical Offices 17406 Royalton Road Strongsville, Ohio 44136 (216) 524-7377 06962 Dardir, Noha, MD Strongsville Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: University of Alexandria College Internship & Residency: Flower Hospital Board Certified: Family Medicine 07435 Glori, Maria, MD Strongsville Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: St. George’s University School of Medicine Grenada College Internship & Residency: JFK Medical Center, Forbes Regional Hospital Board Certified: Family Medicine 04087 Wertman, J. Michael, MD Strongsville Medical Offices PEDIATRICS Medical Education: West Virginia University School of Medicine College Internship & Residency: West Virginia University Medical Center, West Virginia University Medical Center Board Certified: Pediatrics
Twinsburg Medical Offices 8920 Canyon Falls Boulevard Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 (330) 486-2800 04326 Mark, Myra, MD Twinsburg Medical Offices FAMILY MEDICINE Medical Education: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine College Internship & Residency: Aultman Hospital Board Certified: Family Medicine
Willoughby Medical Offices 5105 S.O.M. Center Road Willoughby, Ohio 44094 (216) 524-7377 02929 Joseph, Dawn, MD Willoughby Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine College Residency: University Hospitals Board Certified: Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology 03278 Purisima, Mary Grace, MD Willoughby Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: University of the East College Internship & Residency: University of the Philippines, Meridia Huron Hospital Board Certified: Internal Medicine 02646 Quaderi, Mahboob, MD Willoughby Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Dhaka Medical College College Internship & Residency: St. Luke’s Medical Center Board Certified: Internal Medicine
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians*
Willoughby Medical Offices 5105 S.O.M. Center Road Willoughby, Ohio 44094 (216) 524-7377 06485 Strickland, Jameelah, MD Willoughby Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Medical College of Ohio College Internship & Residency: University Hospitals of Cleveland Board Certified: Internal Medicine 01279 Urban, Monica, MD Willoughby Medical Offices INTERNAL MEDICINE Medical Education: Medical Academy of Warsaw College Internship & Residency: St. Luke’s Hospital Board Certified: Internal Medicine 01478 Zets, Andrea, MD Mentor Medical Offices PEDIATRICS Medical Education: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine College Internship & Residency: Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Children’s Hospital Medical Center Board Certified: Pediatrics
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
Affiliated Community Primary Care Physicians*
This section includes the Affiliated Community primary care physicians our HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians* CUYAHOGA
04960 Bukulmez, Hulya, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200
FAMILY MEDICINE 04386 Baltes, Matthew, DO MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 03797 El-Khoury, Gaby, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 05358 Lowenthal, Rebecca, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 07355 Ng, Ranier, DO MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 INTERNAL MEDICINE 07048 Lane, Mary, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200 INTERNAL MEDICINE/ PEDIATRICS 07312 Berry, Shanail, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
00080 Feingold, Mark, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 02750 Scharfstein, Suzanne, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 07190 Tien, Matthew, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
BEACHWOOD – CLEVELAND 03796 Antenucci, Christina, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-7800 03796 Antenucci, Christina, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740 07382 Aprile, Bettina, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 02780 Beachy, Rochele, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 02780 Beachy, Rochele, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200
07014 Chrisman-Khawam, Leanne, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
06202 Abou-Haidar, Antoinette, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
07539 Combs, Meaghan, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
04351 Adebambo, Ifeolorunbode, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
05113 Dasarathy, Jaividhya, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
03298 Alexander, Christine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
03797 El-Khoury, Gaby, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
03796 Antenucci, Christina, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
03797 El-Khoury, Gaby, MD MetroHealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians* 03299 Forde, Wayne, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 02685 Frisof, Kenneth, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 05618 Gillespie, Christopher, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740 06929 Griggs, Jessica, DO MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 03798 Labastille, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 04092 Liu, Sheng, MD MetroHealth Asia Town Health Center 2999 Payne Avenue, #216 (216) 861-4646 04092 Liu, Sheng, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 06574 Lodhi, Wajahat, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 06574 Lodhi, Wajahat, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 05701 Lopez, Karim, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788
05358 Lowenthal, Rebecca, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
07586 Sakhrani, Mohan, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740
05358 Lowenthal, Rebecca, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
06854 Schroeder, Rebecca, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
04072 Magoulias, Constance, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 07386 Matthew, Leah, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 07355 Ng, Ranier, DO MetroHealth Asia Town Health Center 2999 Payne Avenue, #216 (216) 861-4646 07355 Ng, Ranier, DO MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 07355 Ng, Ranier, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 07355 Ng, Ranier, DO MetroHealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000
03967 Seidman, Michael, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 03967 Seidman, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 06054 Senthilkumar, Hemalatha, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 06750 Singh, Anita, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 06750 Singh, Anita, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100
03800 Raddock, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
07571 Sooriyapalan, Nishanthini, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200
06990 Said, Tamer, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
06284 Tolentino, Rumilia, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians*
06284 Tolentino, Rumilia, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740
02705 Corrigan, Mary, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
06360 Bolen, Shari, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000
02699 Van Auken, Douglas, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740
04816 Gemechu, Fassil, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788
06360 Bolen, Shari, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200
07432 Weiss, Judith, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200
04816 Gemechu, Fassil, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 GERIATRIC MEDICINE
06536 Zack, Amy, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
07280 Adusumilli, Pavani, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788
06536 Zack, Amy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731
03527 Campbell, Patricia, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
FAMILY MEDICINE & GERIATRICS 05238 Baker, Joseph, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788 05238 Baker, Joseph, DO MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
06339 Dhillon, Jaspinder, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788 06339 Dhillon, Jaspinder, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 INTERNAL MEDICINE
02704 Campbell, James, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788
07264 Antonelli, Maria, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273
02704 Campbell, James, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
02713 Behmer, Mary Ellen, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000
02705 Corrigan, Mary, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788
06360 Bolen, Shari, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
06360 Bolen, Shari, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 06309 Cisarik, Paul, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 70091 Cox, Diethra, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 70091 Cox, Diethra, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 06477 Creamer, Johnbuck, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 02792 DeChant, Hallie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 02719 Dziwis, Carolyn, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788 02719 Dziwis, Carolyn, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 03883 Falck-Ytter, Corinna, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians* 02682 Feldman, Edward, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 02682 Feldman, Edward, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 02682 Feldman, Edward, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 07047 Finton, Paula, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 02686 Fuller, Thomas, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 06785 Galvin, Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 06785 Galvin, Jeffrey, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 05195 Gelles, Ellen, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 03374 Geraci-Rambasek, Michele, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 07085 Gifford, Susan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273
07449 Gill, Hardeep, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 02722 Greco, Peter, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 06042 Haddad, Maryanne, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 05893 Jones, David, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 02691 Kea, Karen, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 02691 Kea, Karen, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 07498 Kumar, Nilima, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 06618 Manning, Paul, DO MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200 07525 Mastrodicasa, Mark, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 04167 Redahan, Anita, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
CLEVELAND 04167 Redahan, Anita, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 04202 Ricanati, Steven, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 02696 Ryan, Martin, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 02696 Ryan, Martin, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 07271 Srighanthan, Kavitha, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 07510 Tandon, Amit, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 INTERNAL MEDICINE & GERIATRICS 03647 Fischer, Christine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 05355 Geho, Hans, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788 05355 Geho, Hans, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians* INTERNAL MEDICINE/ PEDIATRICS 07312 Berry, Shanail, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 07461 Boakye, Emmanuel, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 03635 Daprano, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 03635 Daprano, Joseph, MD MetroHealth J. Glen Smith Health Center 11100 St. Clair Avenue (216) 249-3600 03635 Daprano, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273 05134 Finizia, Anthony, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 04916 Gregory, Jolee, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 04916 Gregory, Jolee, MD MetroHealth J. Glen Smith Health Center 11100 St. Clair Avenue (216) 249-3600 05247 Kaelber, David, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 06323 Kaelber, Kristin, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
07285 Kessler, Kate, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273
06632 Corrigan, Kathryn, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
05699 Magliola, Ronald, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273
03988 Davis, Ajuah, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
05367 Ng, Henry, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2273
02681 Ekstein, Laurie, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740
02761 Sieben, Louise, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 07553 Torres, Lisa, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5198 PEDIATRICS 03460 Bar-Shain, David, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 07084 Bement, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 07084 Bement, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 02677 Brand, Lisa, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000
00080 Feingold, Mark, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 02684 Fragassi, Philip, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 02684 Fragassi, Philip, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 04111 Ghori, Abdulla, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 02688 Glazer, Gwen, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 02688 Glazer, Gwen, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100
04960 Bukulmez, Hulya, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
02688 Glazer, Gwen, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000
02743 Carlin, Susan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
70002 Haddad, Nada, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians*
07318 Herran, Maria, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
06218 Patel, Swati, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
02692 Kiefer, Harry, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
06648 Pearlman, Fred, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
02692 Kiefer, Harry, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 02692 Kiefer, Harry, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740 06884 L’Armand, Catherine, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 06884 L’Armand, Catherine, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 03723 Mhanna, Maroun, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 03277 Neyman, Margarita, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 01191 Orraca-Tetteh, Sophia, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 01191 Orraca-Tetteh, Sophia, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000
04760 Platt-Houston, Candis, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 04760 Platt-Houston, Candis, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200 03498 Saadeh, Wasim, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 03719 Santos, Susan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 02750 Scharfstein, Suzanne, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 06624 Swamy, Kumar, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 06624 Swamy, Kumar, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 07190 Tien, Matthew, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
LAKEWOOD PEDIATRICS 02743 Carlin, Susan, MD MetroHealth Lakewood Pediatrics 14701 Detroit Avenue, #400 (216) 227-1330 70002 Haddad, Nada, MD MetroHealth Lakewood Pediatrics 14701 Detroit Avenue, #400 (216) 227-1330 06648 Pearlman, Fred, DO MetroHealth Lakewood Pediatrics 14701 Detroit Avenue, #400 (216) 227-1330 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS FAMILY MEDICINE 03797 El-Khoury, Gaby, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 07526 Pahlajani, Geetu, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 07571 Sooriyapalan, Nishanthini, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 INTERNAL MEDICINE/ PEDIATRICS 07461 Boakye, Emmanuel, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 07285 Kessler, Kate, DO MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians* 03465 Mansour, David, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 05367 Ng, Henry, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 06988 Pujara, Priya, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 PEDIATRICS 06624 Swamy, Kumar, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 WESTLAKE INTERNAL MEDICINE 06785 Galvin, Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth Westlake Health Center 24700 Center Ridge Road, #220/#230 (216) 957-3200 LORAIN AMHERST PEDIATRICS 02544 Szollosy, Frank, MD Frank Szollosy, MD 343 Tenney Avenue (440) 984-5437 AVON PEDIATRICS 06376 Farner, Paula, MD Paula M. Farner, MD, Inc. 36595 Detroit Road (440) 934-4070
AVON LAKE PEDIATRICS 05845 Ramsey, Teresa, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 33398 Walker Road, Suite C (440) 930-8630 ELYRIA INTERNAL MEDICINE 01789 Abumeri, Sana, MD Sana Abumeri, MD, Inc. 860 E. Broad Street (440) 284-3800 07308 Dahbar, Mazen, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 125 E. Broad Street, #122 (440) 329-7350 03378 Hampole, Vagesh, MD Vagesh M. Hampole, MD 125 E. Broad Street, #215 (440) 329-7360 LORAIN FAMILY MEDICINE 05840 Adams, George, DO Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 05841 Barb, John, DO Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 05842 Dinger, Gary, DO Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 GERIATRIC MEDICINE 05688 Solis, Juan, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 INTERNAL MEDICINE 07308 Dahbar, Mazen, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420
05780 Frazier, Jason, DO Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 05310 Khatri, Saloni, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 05688 Solis, Juan, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 06171 Sundaram, Rajendran, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 SHEFFIELD VILLAGE FAMILY MEDICINE 03301 Moya, Digna, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 04290 Sabine, Laurie, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 06181 Wolf, John, DO Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 INTERNAL MEDICINE 07225 Botros, Geehan, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 07308 Dahbar, Mazen, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 04035 Girgis, Joseph, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 03262 Moya, Rummel, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians* 06472 Sanad, Mohamed, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 06171 Sundaram, Rajendran, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 05311 Trzeciak, Victor, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 PEDIATRICS 05845 Ramsey, Teresa, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 MEDINA LODI FAMILY MEDICINE 07078 Sheets, Kimberly, DO Lodi Community Care Center 402 Highland Drive (330) 948-9939
WADSWORTH PEDIATRICS 07182 Archinal, Jeffrey, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 165 Smokerise Drive (330) 336-3539 05582 Ben-Zion, Sabrina, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 165 Smokerise Drive (330) 336-3539 05524 Karas, David, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 165 Smokerise Drive (330) 336-3539 06685 Patilla, Tamika, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 165 Smokerise Drive (330) 336-3539 06943 Yi, Neelam, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 165 Smokerise Drive (330) 336-3539
04414 Smith, Scott, MD Total Lifetime Care Medical Affiliates, Inc. 1 Memory Lane (330) 527-4852 MANTUA FAMILY MEDICINE 06014 Janovick, Patrick, MD Mantua Family Medicine (RHA) 10760 Main Street (330) 274-2170 STREETSBORO FAMILY MEDICINE 04822 Lang, Sarah, MD Streetsboro Family Practice (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Second Floor (330) 626-3111 05221 Lefoer, Dominic, MD Streetsboro Family Practice (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Second Floor (330) 626-3111
07216 Safko, Lonna, MD Streetsboro Family Practice (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Second Floor (330) 626-3111
07459 Iovi, Mihaela, MD Lodi Community Care Center 221 Elyria Street, #102 (330) 948-5533
06440 Bittence, Jessica, MD Garrettsville Family Medicine (RHA) 10327 South Street (330) 527-5430
04417 Adams, Sarah, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 9318 State Route 14, Second Floor (330) 626-4080
07079 Walker, John, MD Lodi Community Care Center 402 Highland Drive (330) 948-9939
05520 Jain, Sushil, MD Sushil K. Jain, MD, Inc. 5041 Victor Drive, Suite C (330) 723-3338
04403 Andrews, Annette, MD Total Lifetime Care Medical Affiliates, Inc. 1 Memory Lane (330) 527-4852
04421 Leonard, John, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 9318 State Route 14, Second Floor (330) 626-4080
*Please note that some physicians may not be accepting new patients. To verify if a physician is accepting new patients, call 1-877-524-5001 or 711 TTY/TDD. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. to noon.
Affiliated Community
Primary Care Physicians* SUMMIT AKRON PEDIATRICS 05582 Ben-Zion, Sabrina, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8452
07226 Papouras, Julia, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 62 Conservatory Drive, Building D, Suite A (330) 753-0345 HUDSON PEDIATRICS
05582 Ben-Zion, Sabrina, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 4125 Medina Road (330) 543-2500
05582 Ben-Zion, Sabrina, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 342-5437
62380 Cook, John, DO Austin Primary Care, LLC 101 Fifth Street, SE, Suite G (330) 745-3151 63643 Pamfilie, Jennifer, MD Austin Primary Care, LLC 101 Fifth Street, SE, Suite G (330) 745-3151 62382 Pluskota, Mark, DO Austin Primary Care, LLC 101 Fifth Street, SE, Suite G (330) 745-3151 PEDIATRICS 07218 Aemmer, Lysa, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 62 Conservatory Drive, Building D, Suite A (330) 753-0345 07219 Collum, Nichole, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 62 Conservatory Drive, Building D, Suite A (330) 753-0345 07220 Dwyer, Jennifer, MD Children’s Hospital Physician Associates (CHPA) 62 Conservatory Drive, Building D, Suite A (330) 753-0345
62835 Buis, Brenda, DO Akron General Portage Hills Family Medicine 754 S. Cleveland Avenue, #300 (330) 628-2686 07067 Cain, Brian, MD Akron General Portage Hills Family Medicine 754 S. Cleveland Avenue, #300 (330) 628-2686 07069 McCluskey, Dennis, MD Akron General Portage Hills Family Medicine 754 S. Cleveland Avenue, #300 (330) 628-2686 UNIONTOWN FAMILY MEDICINE 07071 Braman, Kenneth, DO Green Primary Care 1946 Town Park Blvd., #200 (330) 896-3447 07073 Everly, Bradley, MD Green Primary Care 1946 Town Park Blvd., #200 (330) 896-3447
Specialists* HealthSpan Medical Group Self-Referral Specialists You must use HealthSpan Plan providers for in-network care. You may use your Original Medicare coverage separate from your Health Plan benefits and obtain care from non-Plan providers. If you do so, ask the non-Plan provider to file a claim directly with Medicare. You are responsible for Medicare coinsurance, any unmet portion of deductibles, and for charges from providers who do not participate in Medicare, amounts up to the Medicare limiting charge. *Members cannot choose a specialist as a primary care physician.
This section includes the HealthSpan Medical Group Self-referral specialists our HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Self-Referral Specialists CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY CHAPEL HILL 1-800-524-7377 Elgudin, Larissa, MD CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Moussavand , Samareh, MD
1-800-524-7377 Baker-Alden, Constance, LISW Friese, Lisa, LISW McGowan, Janis, LISW Sanchez-Benitez, Dario, LISW
WILLOUGHBY 1-800-524-7377 Kopelowitz, Gail, LISW
1-800-524-7377 Binstock, Mark, MD Brashear, Susan, MD Flynn, Cynthia, MD Kamada, Joel, MD Keng, Rachelle, MD Shuffer, Phillip, MD
1-800-524-7377 Elgudin, Larissa, MD
1-800-524-7377 Flynn, Cynthia, MD Keng, Rachelle, MD Shuffer, Phillip, MD
PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Elgudin, Larissa, MD CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST
1-800-524-7377 Chavda, Roopa, MD PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Mathew, Shila, MD
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 DeBalzo, Linda, CNS FAIRLAWN 1-800-524-7377 Nicholson, Lois, CNS PARMA 1-800-524-7377 DeBalzo, Linda, CNS
PSYCHOLOGY CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 LaPlace, Arthur, PhD
PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Escobedo, Joel, MD Flynn, Cynthia, MD Prinz-Gentile, Deborah M, MD Rauser, Laura, MD Zonfa, Charles, MD
1-800-524-7377 Dinner, Sherry, PhD LaPlace, Arthur, PhD
1-800-524-7377 Chernin, Diane, MD Farinacci, John, DO Grossman, William, MD Knotek, Jeanne, MD
PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Gutow, Eliot, LISW Kopelowitz, Gail, LISW FAIRLAWN 1-800-524-7377 Friese, Lisa, LISW
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community Self-Referral Specialists
This section includes the Affiliated Community Self-referral specialists our HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists ADDICTION MEDICINE
Dass, Kamal-Neil, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3745
CUYAHOGA FALLS DiFrangia, Ann, DO ESR Medication Assisted Treatment 405 Tallmadge Road (330) 436-0950 ADDICTION PSYCHIATRY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Turkson, Peter, DO MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Turkson, Peter, DO MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Turkson, Peter, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Dass, Kamal-Neil, DO MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 Turkson, Peter, DO MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 48
Kimbo, Florence, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3745 Turkson, Peter, DO MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Turkson, Peter, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Bober, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Bober, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Cosby, Stephen, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590
Cosby, Stephen, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590
Kimbo, Florence, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Markley, Laura, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8844
LAKE MENTOR Devulapalli, Krishna, MD Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 SUMMIT AKRON Bilge-Johnson, Sumru, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Bilge-Johnson, Sumru, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590
Mohamed, Rihab, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Rocker, Laura, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Rocker, Laura, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Spivey, Jason, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Place (330) 543-8589
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Tambyraja, Samuel, MD Samuel Tambyraja, MD 3200 W. Market Street, #111 (330) 836-7702
Ginsberg, Amy, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590
Lieb, Rebecca, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8058
CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Stancin, Terry, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3745 SUMMIT AKRON Constantinou, Georgette, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Constantinou, Georgette, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Deggelman, Elissa, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4270 Gerak, Laura, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Gerak, Laura, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Ginsberg, Amy, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590
Putt, Geoffrey, PsyD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Putt, Geoffrey, PsyD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Seifert, Patricia, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-7472 Seifert, Patricia, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-7472 Swain, Nicole, PsyD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8058 Weyand, Chelsea, PsyD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8058 Woods, Kristine, PsyD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Blasse, Margaret, CNS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Cardello, Carol, CNS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Oney, Tina, CNS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Rader, Erin, CNS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788 Radziewicz, Rosanne, CNS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Snider-Fuller, Rebecca, CNS MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Snider-Fuller, Rebecca, CNS MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200 SUMMIT AKRON Abels, Laura, CNS Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Berchin, Holly, CNS Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Berchin, Holly, CNS Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Kellogg, Jacsun, CNS Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Kellogg, Jacsun, CNS Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Marshall, Diana, CNS Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 FAIRLAWN Cihlar, Claudia, CNS Summit Center for Behavioral Sciences 3200 W. Market Street, #205 330-836-6825 PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORKER CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Bacon, Beth, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Budak, Pamela, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Casciato, Deborah, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Edwards, Yvette, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 50
Fallon, Mary Colleen, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Fernandez, Michelle, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Freeman, Linda, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Jurkiw, Adrian, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Liviskie, Kristen, LISW MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Mars, Maria , LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Rae, Carrie, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Roll, Margaret, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Runner, Jennifer, LISW MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS Lindsey, Karryl, LISW Cornerstone Marriage and Family Counseling, LLC 2490 Lee Blvd., #307 (216) 320-0440
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH NORTH OLMSTED McKnight, Peggy, LISW Psychological & Behavioral Consultants 25111 Country Club Blvd., #290 (440) 614-2520 Plott, Lauren, LISW Psychological & Behavioral Consultants 25111 Country Club Blvd., #290 (440) 614-2520 ROCKY RIVER Fiala, Ruth, LISW Behavioral Health Services of Greater Cleveland 20525 Center Ridge Road, #325 (216) 456-5510 Smith, David, LISW Behavioral Health Services of Greater Cleveland 20525 Center Ridge Road, #325 (216) 456-5510 Treisch-Chirdon, Valerie, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 20525 Center Ridge Road, #612 (440) 327-1800 WESTLAKE Clark, Anna Lisa, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 2001 Crocker Road (440) 327-1800 LAKE MENTOR Childers, Jennifer, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 Dugan, Amy, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Dzugan, Jennifer, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700
Plott, Lauren, LISW Psychological & Behavioral Consultants 2770 SOM Center Road, #2 (440) 614-2520
Goldhamer, Susan, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700
Gunsch, Annmarie, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 Heidemann, Melissa, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 Korsch, Amy, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 Mongenel, Jennifer, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 Morris, Lyle, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 Scott, Donna, LISW Crossroads: Lake County Adolescent Counseling Center 8445 Munson Road (440) 255-1700 WILLOUGHBY Antonio, Anne, LISW Soltis & Associates, Inc. 38039 W. Spaulding Street (440) 918-1806
ELYRIA Davila, Doris, LISW Applewood Centers, Inc. 347 Midway Blvd., #306 (440) 324-1300 Eltrich, Pamela, LISW Psychiatric & Psychological Services 750 S. Abbe Road (440) 323-5121 Geller, Trenda, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 5329 N. Abbe Road, #1 (440) 327-1800 Golba, Timothy, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 5329 N. Abbe Road, #1 (440) 327-1800 Manns-Birmingham, Patricia, LISW Psychiatric & Psychological Services 750 S. Abbe Road (440) 323-5121 Mayer, Joanne, LISW Applewood Centers, Inc. 347 Midway Blvd., #306 (440) 324-1300 Migra, Mary, LISW Psychiatric & Psychological Services 750 S. Abbe Road (440) 323-5121 Petrey, Timothy, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 5329 N. Abbe Road, #1 (440) 327-1800 Priester, James, LISW Psychiatric & Psychological Services 750 S. Abbe Road (440) 323-5121
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Roll, Emily, LISW Psychiatric & Psychological Services 750 S. Abbe Road (440) 323-5121 Walker, Crystal, LISW Applewood Centers, Inc. 347 Midway Blvd., #306 (440) 324-1300 NORTH RIDGEVILLE Clark, Anna Lisa, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Golba, Timothy, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Joslyn, Noreen, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 McKenna, Colleen, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Petrey, Timothy, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Sulin, Marjorie, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Treisch-Chirdon, Valerie, LISW Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists STARK NORTH CANTON Bradford, Stephanie, LISW Vista Psychological & Counseling Centre, LLC 1201 S. Main Street, #100 (330) 244-8782 SUMMIT AKRON Bach, Kimberly, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-7472 Emmer, Robert, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-7476 Falb, Elizabeth, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4115 Jones, Gizelle, LISW Bharat J. Shah, MD 63 Baker Blvd. (330) 864-6331 Kast, Kristy, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-7476 Leslie, Terri, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-4747 Maltarich, Gayle, LISW Bharat J. Shah, MD 63 Baker Blvd. (330) 864-6331 Mramor, Elizabeth, LISW Bharat J. Shah, MD 63 Baker Blvd. (330) 572-0641 52
Mullaney, Gerard, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4747 Ress, Kathryn, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8590 Ress, Kathryn, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 388 S. Main Street (330) 543-8590 Walter, Deanna, LISW Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 CUYAHOGA FALLS Julia, Anna, LISW Anna M. Julia, LISW 2495 State Road (330) 940-3441 FAIRLAWN Kurzweil, Alan , LISW Summit Center for Behavioral Sciences 3200 W. Market Street, #205 (330) 836-6825 PSYCHIATRY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Stefanac, Kristina, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLEVELAND Aneja, Jyoti, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Aneja, Jyoti, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200 Fajobi, Olufunke, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Feier, Gabriela, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Gottesman, Howard, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Haxhiu-Erhardt, Lendita, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Horwath, Ewald, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Kimbo, Florence, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3745 Lalone, Katy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Lavakumar, Mallika, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Miller, Mary, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Weiss, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428
Adury, Kamala , MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 4125 Medina Road, #214 (330) 665-8168
Adury, Kamala, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525
Fajobi, Olufunke, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Kimbo, Florence, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 NORTH OLMSTED Royak, Boris, MD Psychological & Behavioral Consultants 25111 Country Club Blvd., #290 (440) 614-2520 WESTLAKE Alamir, Samer, MD Alamir Health, Inc. 30400 Detroit Road, #404 (440) 250-2130 STARK CANTON Patel, Kanubhai, MD Behavioral Psychiatric Consultants, Inc. 3745 Whipple Avenue, NW, Suite A (330) 493-3313 Patel, Suresh, MD Behavioral Psychiatric Consultants, Inc. 3745 Whipple Avenue, NW, Suite A (330) 493-3313 SUMMIT AKRON Shahan, Heather, CNS Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525
Blakeslee, Dustin, DO Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525 Ciancone, Ann, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525 Ciancone, Ann, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 4125 Medina Road, #214 (330) 665-8168 DiLauro, Sharon, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525 Hartmann, III, William, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525 Moore, Jeffrey, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525 Pittinger, Lori, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525 Shah, Bharat, MD Bharat J. Shah, MD 63 Baker Blvd. (330) 864-6331 Smartnick, Anthony, MD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CUYAHOGA FALLS Babai, Massood, MD Massood R. Babai, M.D., Inc. 275 Graham Road, #8 (330) 929-8631 FAIRLAWN Chaturvedi, Anand, MD Summit Center for Behavioral Sciences 3200 W. Market Street, #205 (330) 836-6825 Mansour, Maher, MD Summit Center for Behavioral Sciences 3200 W. Market Street, #205 (330) 836-6825 PSYCHOLOGY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Tisdale, Martha, PhD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Berko, Eric, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 Cook, Alice, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Fass, Shira, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Koushik, Nikhil, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Nielsen, Britt, PsyD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3745 Ratner, Sheerli, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5731 Smith, Robert, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 Tisdale, Martha, PhD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740 Yokley, James, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4428 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Cook, Alice, PhD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Koushik, Nikhil, PhD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 NORTH ROYALTON Bertschler, John, PhD Northcoast Conflict Solutions 8040 Corporate Circle, #4 (216) 236-6200 SOLON Kelley, Gary, PhD Multimodal Therapy Institute, Inc. 33595 Bainbridge Road, #102 (440) 349-5445 WESTLAKE Brandon, Catherine, PsyD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 2001 Crocker Road (440) 327-1800 54
LORAIN ELYRIA Brandon, Catherine, PsyD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 5329 N. Abbe Road, #1 (440) 327-1800 DeLuca, Kenneth, PhD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 5329 N. Abbe Road, #1 (440) 327-1800 Hoelscher, Joseph, EdD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 5329 N. Abbe Road, #1 (440) 327-1800 Santantonio, Diana, EDS Psychiatric & Psychological Services 750 S. Abbe Road (440) 323-5121 NORTH RIDGEVILLE Bacon, Jill, PsyD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Brandon, Catherine, PsyD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 DeLuca, Kenneth, PhD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Elman, Barnett, PhD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Randall, Janet, PhD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 Zbornik, John, PhD Kenneth A. DeLuca, PhD & Associates, Inc. 35888 Center Ridge Road, #5 (440) 327-1800 PORTAGE KENT Sipps, Gary, PhD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 411 Devon Place (330) 677-7680 SUMMIT AKRON Bennett, Adriane, PhD Greater Akron Psychiatry 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6525 Bennett, Adriane, PhD Greater Akron Psychiatry 4125 Medina Road, #214 (330) 665-8168 CUYAHOGA FALLS Sipps, Gary, PhD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 1900 23rd Street (330) 971-7246 FAIRLAWN Sigalow, Susan, PhD Summit Center for Behavioral Sciences 3200 W. Market Street, #205 (330) 836-6825 HUDSON Sipps, Gary, PhD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 971-7246
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists OB/GYN CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD MacPhedran, Sally, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 Rhoads, Barbara, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Johnson-Guy, Karen, CNM MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Saikus, Sylvia, CNM MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Saikus, Sylvia, CNM MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5341 Arora, Kavita, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Arora, Kavita, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Blossom, Marie, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000
Blossom, Marie, MD MetroHealth J. Glen Smith Health Center 11100 St. Clair Avenue (216) 249-3600
Edelman, Kenneth, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Blossom, Marie, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200
Edelman, Kenneth, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000
Blossom, Marie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Ethridge, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5341
Blossom, Marie, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Frank, Thomas, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Caril, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Caril, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200 Caril, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Caril, Sarah, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Catalano, Patrick, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4881 Edelman, Kenneth, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Frank, Thomas, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Gibson, Kelly, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Hendryx, Paula, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Hendryx, Paula, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Hendryx, Paula, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 Hollins, Lori-Linell, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists James, Rebecca, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5341 Kane, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5341 Kitagawa, Gregory, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Kitagawa, Gregory, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740 Kitagawa, Gregory, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Lieser, Sofia, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 MacPhedran, Sally, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 MacPhedran, Sally, MD MetroHealth Thomas F. McCafferty Health Center 4242 Lorain Avenue (216) 651-3740 MacPhedran, Sally, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Mangel, Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Mangel, Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Rose, Peter, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Mercer, Brian, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4881
Schubeck, Dianne, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100
Myers, Stephen, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Schubeck, Dianne, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Myers, Stephen, DO MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Schubeck, Dianne, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Myers, Stephen, DO Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000
Shalodi, Abdelwahab, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Orasanu, Bogdan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5341 Pollard, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Pollard, Robert, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Rhoads, Barbara, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200 Rhoads, Barbara, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Springel, Edward, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Stetzer, Bradley, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4881 Suster, Maureen, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Suster, Maureen, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Suster, Maureen, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists
Todia, William, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Stokes, George, MD North Coast OB/GYN, Inc. 125 E. Broad Street, #201 (440) 329-7375
Godwin, Jennifer, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Weight, Steven, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Homafar, Soghra, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 401 Devon Place, #210 (330) 676-9465
Weight, Steven, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Kane, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Kitagawa, Gregory, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Farrow, Tracy, MD Erie Shore Women’s Health, Inc. 5054 Waterford Place Drive (440) 934-8344 Kovach, Corie, MD Erie Shore Women’s Health, Inc. 5054 Waterford Place Drive (440) 934-8344 MEDINA MEDINA Wolfe, Katherine, DO Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-4500
Kaforey, Mary, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638 Kirven, Melissa, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638 McKnight, Eric, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Mendise, Thomas, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Ridenbaugh, Cheryl, CNM Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 401 Devon Place, #210 (330) 676-9465
Mitchell, Richard, DO Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Black, John, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Monte, James, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Mihalik-Potoczak, Karen, MD North Coast OB/GYN, Inc. 590 Leavitt Road (440) 985-3050
Burkett, Amy, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Montgomery, David, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Stokes, George, MD North Coast OB/GYN, Inc. 590 Leavitt Road (440) 985-3050
Davis, Mark, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Reynolds, Beth, DO Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 401 Devon Place, #210 (330) 676-9465
Ferris, Edward, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Rhee, Margaret, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Lieser, Sofia, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 LORAIN
Mihalik-Potoczak, Karen, MD North Coast OB/GYN, Inc. 125 E. Broad Street, #201 (440) 329-7375
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists
Rosenwasser, Alan, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 401 Devon Place, #210 (330) 676-9465
Rosenwasser, Alan, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #300 (330) 296-4165
Gordon, Alice, CNM Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Scott, Tara, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Mihalik, Catherine, CNM Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Shondel, Susan, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638 Terpylak, Mark, DO Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638 White, Kimberly, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638 Yeropoli, Sevasti, MD Paragon - Kent 1951 State Route 59, Suite C (330) 677-3638
Ridenbaugh, Cheryl, CNM Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-2710 Banerjee, Tanya, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-2710 Carroll, Jennifer, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-2710 Egdell, Robert, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-2710
Homafar, Soghra, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-2710
Ridenbaugh, Cheryl, CNM Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #300 (330) 296-4165
Reynolds, Beth, DO Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-2710
Carroll, Jennifer, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #300 (330) 296-4165
Rosenwasser, Alan, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-2710
Egdell, Robert, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #300 (330) 296-4165
Homafar, Soghra, MD Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #300 (330) 296-4165 Reynolds, Beth, DO Northeast Ob/Gyn (RHA) 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #300 (330) 296-4165
AKRON Claypoole, Bobbi, CNM Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Franklin, Mary, CNM Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Warner, Lisa, CNM Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Alvarez, Benito, MD Benito A. Alvarez, MD 224 W. Exchange Street, #420 (330) 344-8090 Babai, Sarah, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 919 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Suite A (330) 899-9626 Beining, Heidi, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 3636 Yellow Creek Road (330) 666-1166 Benmessaoud-Zahir, Nisrine, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 919 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Suite A (330) 899-9626 Biats, David, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 3636 Yellow Creek Road (330) 666-1166 Black, John, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Black, John, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Burkett, Amy, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Burkett, Amy, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Byler, Jamie, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 605 N. Cleveland Massillon Road, Suite A (330) 668-6545 Byler, Jamie, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 75 Arch Street, #401 (330) 535-2689 Cousineau, Lisa, DO Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 605 N. Cleveland Massillon Road, Suite A (330) 668-6545 Cousineau, Lisa, DO Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 75 Arch Street, #401 (330) 535-2689 Davis, Mark, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Davis, Mark, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Drake, George, DO Akron General Women’s Care 224 W. Exchange Street, #420 (330) 745-3080 Ellis, Cecilia, DO Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 605 N. Cleveland Massillon Road, Suite A (330) 668-6545
Ellis, Cecilia, DO Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 75 Arch Street, #401 (330) 535-2689
Jadallah, Ahmad, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 919 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Suite A (330) 899-9626
Ferris, Edward, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406
Johnson, Cheryl, MD Paragon - East Market 468 E. Market Street (330) 376-2300
Ferris, Edward, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Johnson, Cheryl, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Godwin, Jennifer, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406
Kaforey, Mary, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406
Godwin, Jennifer, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Kaforey, Mary, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Gorsuch, Steven, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 919 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Suite A (330) 899-9626
Kirven, Melissa, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406
Hall, Daniel, MD Akron General Women’s Care 224 W. Exchange Street, #420 (330) 745-3080 Hutzler, John, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 919 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Suite A (330) 899-9626
Kirven, Melissa, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Lewis, Dawn, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 3636 Yellow Creek Road (330) 666-1166
Huynh, Anhtuan, DO Akron General Women’s Care 224 W. Exchange Street, #420 (330) 745-3080
Marchetta, Ross, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 3636 Yellow Creek Road (330) 666-1166
Huynh, Anhtuan, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 3636 Yellow Creek Road (330) 666-1166
Marchetta, Ross, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 799 Wye Road (330) 666-1166
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists
Maseelall, Priya, MD Reproductive Gynecology, Inc. 95 Arch Street, #250 (330) 375-7722
Montgomery, David, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406
Rhee, Margaret, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
McGrievy, Nancy, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 605 N. Cleveland Massillon Road, Suite A (330) 668-6545
Montgomery, David, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Roulette, Gregory, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
O’Shea, Maura, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 605 N. Cleveland Massillon Road, Suite A (330) 668-6545
Ruzics, Thomas, MD Akron General Women’s Care 224 W. Exchange Street, #420 (330) 745-3080
McGrievy, Nancy, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 75 Arch Street, #401 (330) 535-2689 McKnight, Eric, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 McKnight, Eric, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Mendise, Thomas, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Mendise, Thomas, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Mitchell, Richard, DO Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Mitchell, Richard, DO Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Monte, James, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Monte, James, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 60
O’Shea, Maura, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 75 Arch Street, #401 (330) 535-2689 Parenti, Linda, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 605 N. Cleveland Massillon Road, Suite A (330) 668-6545 Parenti, Linda, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 75 Arch Street, #401 (330) 535-2689 Pedersen, Sejal, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Polifrone, C. Bradley, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 3636 Yellow Creek Road (330) 666-1166 Polifrone, C. Bradley, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 799 Wye Road (330) 666-1166 Rhee, Margaret, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406
Schaffer-Polakof , Paula, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 3636 Yellow Creek Road (330) 666-1166 Scott, Tara, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Scott, Tara, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Shondel, Susan, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Shondel, Susan, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 Smelcer, Philip, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 919 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road, Suite A (330) 899-9626 Terpylak, Mark, DO Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Terpylak, Mark, DO Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists
White, Kimberly, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406
Pedersen, Sejal, MD Paragon - Barberton 28 Conservatory Drive, Suite C (330) 475-0266
Mendise, Thomas, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138
White, Kimberly, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777
Ruzics, Thomas, MD Akron General Women’s Care 169 5th Street, SE, Suite A (330) 745-3080
Mitchell, Richard, DO Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138
Wolfe, Katherine, DO Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine One Perkins Square (330) 543-4500 Wolfe, Katherine, DO Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1876 Wolfe, Katherine, DO Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 75 Arch Street, #101 (330) 375-3265 Yeropoli, Sevasti, MD Paragon - Ellet 493 Canton Road (330) 784-5406 Yeropoli, Sevasti, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 BARBERTON Drake, George, DO Akron General Women’s Care 169 5th Street, SE, Suite A (330) 745-3080 Godwin, Jennifer, MD Paragon - Barberton 28 Conservatory Drive, Suite C (330) 475-0266 Hall, Daniel, MD Akron General Women’s Care 169 5th Street, SE, Suite A (330) 745-3080 Huynh, Anhtuan, DO Akron General Women’s Care 169 5th Street, SE, Suite A (330) 745-3080
CUYAHOGA FALLS Black, John, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Burkett, Amy, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Davis, Mark, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Espinal, Sue, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Ferris, Edward, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Godwin, Jennifer, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Kaforey, Mary, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Kirven, Melissa, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 McKnight, Eric, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138
Monte, James, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Montgomery, David, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Rhee, Margaret, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Scott, Tara, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Shondel, Susan, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Terpylak, Mark, DO Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 White, Kimberly, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 Yeropoli, Sevasti, MD Paragon - Cuyahoga Falls 1860 State Road, Suite D (330) 923-3138 FAIRLAWN Fish, Barry, MD Barry J. Fish, MD, LLC 100 Merz Blvd. (330) 869-3900
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Savitski, Jennifer, MD Barry J. Fish, MD, LLC 100 Merz Blvd. (330) 869-3900 GREEN Beining, Heidi, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1003 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road (330) 899-9955 Biats, David, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1003 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road (330) 899-9955 Huynh, Anhtuan, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1003 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road (330) 899-9955
Black, John, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Mendise, Thomas, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Burkett, Amy, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Mitchell, Richard, DO Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Davis, Mark, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Monte, James, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Ferris, Edward, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Montgomery, David, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Godwin, Jennifer, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Polifrone, C. Bradley, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1355 Corporate Drive (330) 650-6677
Lewis, Dawn, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1003 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road (330) 899-9955
Huynh, Anhtuan, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1355 Corporate Drive (330) 650-6677
Marchetta, Ross, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1003 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road (330) 899-9955
Kaforey, Mary, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Polifrone, C. Bradley, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1003 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Road (330) 899-9955 HUDSON Beining, Heidi, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1355 Corporate Drive (330) 650-6677 Biats, David, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1355 Corporate Drive (330) 650-6677
Kirven, Melissa, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241 Lewis, Dawn, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1355 Corporate Drive (330) 650-6677 Marchetta, Ross, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1355 Corporate Drive (330) 650-6677 McKnight, Eric, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Rhee, Margaret, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241 Schaffer-Polakof , Paula, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology of the Reserve 1355 Corporate Drive (330) 650-6677 Scott, Tara, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241 Shondel, Susan, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241 Terpylak, Mark, DO Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241 White, Kimberly, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241
Affiliated Community
Self-Referral Specialists Yeropoli, Sevasti, MD Paragon - Stow/Hudson 1305 Corporate Drive, Suite A (330) 650-4241 MOGADORE Fish, Barry, MD Barry J. Fish, MD, LLC 754 S. Cleveland Avenue (330) 665-8060 STOW Byler, Jamie, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 4300 Allen Road, #140 (330) 668-6545 Cousineau, Lisa, DO Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 4300 Allen Road, #140 (330) 668-6545 Ellis, Cecilia, DO Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 4300 Allen Road, #140 (330) 668-6545 McGrievy, Nancy, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 4300 Allen Road, #140 (330) 688-7778 O’Shea, Maura, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 4300 Allen Road, #140 (330) 668-6545 Parenti, Linda, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates of Akron, Inc. 4300 Allen Road, #140 (330) 668-6545 TALLMADGE Babai, Sarah, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 121 Northwest Avenue (330) 633-1350
Benmessaoud-Zahir, Nisrine, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 121 Northwest Avenue (330) 633-1350
Kirven, Melissa, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696
Gorsuch, Steven, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 121 Northwest Avenue (330) 633-1350
McKnight, Eric, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696
Hutzler, John, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 121 Northwest Avenue (330) 633-1350
Mendise, Thomas, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696
Jadallah, Ahmad, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 121 Northwest Avenue (330) 633-1350
Mitchell, Richard, DO Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696
Smelcer, Philip, MD Women’s Health Group, Inc. 121 Northwest Avenue (330) 633-1350
Monte, James, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696
UNIONTOWN Black, John, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Burkett, Amy, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Davis, Mark, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Ferris, Edward, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Godwin, Jennifer, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Kaforey, Mary, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696
Montgomery, David, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Rhee, Margaret, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Scott, Tara, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Shondel, Susan, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Terpylak, Mark, DO Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 White, Kimberly, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 Yeropoli, Sevasti, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696
No referral necessary when seeking care for Behavioral Health and Ob/Gyn.
HealthSpan Medical Group Referral Specialists
This section includes the HealthSpan Medical Group Referral specialists our HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Referral Specialists
1-800-524-7377 Vielhaber, Marta, MD
1-800-524-7377 Stegmoyer, Robert, MD
1-800-524-7377 Kaur, Hanspreet, MD Verma, Ravi, MD
1-800-524-7377 Nowak, Michael, MD
1-800-524-7377 Lane, Gerri, MD
1-800-524-7377 Novak, David, MD Zhang, Howard, MD
1-800-524-7377 Kruithoff, Keith, MD PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Ashwath, Mahi, MD Das, Manisha, MD Miller, Paul, MD WILLOUGHBY 1-800-524-7377 Miller, Paul, MD DERMATOLOGY CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Assaf, Richard, MD PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Assaf, Richard, MD ENDOCRINOLOGY BEDFORD 1-800-524-7377 Briskin, Toby, MD
INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Mariappuram, Valsa, MD WILLOUGHBY 1-800-524-7377 Urban, Monica, MD
1-800-524-7377 Lichtenberger, Erik, MD
1-800-524-7377 Mostow, Ann, MD
1-800-524-7377 Carneval, Mary, DO
1-800-524-7377 Wehbe, Charles, MD
PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Bayar, Ahmet, MD Carneval, Mary, DO Hauer, James, MD Lichtenberger, Erik J, MD Nowak, Michael, MD Sarmiento, Ramon, MD HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY
NEPHROLOGY CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Kahn, Daniel, DO Shad, Fariha, MD PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Ashai, Nuzhat, MD Sadasivan, Peter, MD
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Kaur, Hanspreet, MD Wang, Yiping, MD
HealthSpan Physicians Medical Group
Referral Specialists
1-800-524-7377 Madalin, Karla, MD
1-800-524-7377 Beverley, Laurel, MD Rapuri, Venkat, MD Wood, John, MD
1-800-524-7377 Hong, Raymond, MD Rajan, Rallis, MD
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Ewing-Wilson, Deborah, DO Madalin, Karla, MD
1-800-524-7377 Madalin, Karla, MD
1-800-524-7377 Beverley, Laurel, MD Cheng, Stephen, MD Doyle, Lorraine, MD Rapuri, Venkat, MD Sabogal, Jaime, MD
1-800-524-7377 Kirschman, Jeffrey, MD
1-800-524-7377 Landers, Patrick, DPM
OPHTHALMOLOGY CHAPEL HILL 1-800-524-7377 Bohl, Jennifer, MD CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Bohl, Jennifer, MD Shands, Philip, MD PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Damaske, Martha, MD Goyal, Supriya, MD Stewart, Ralph, MD Thornton, Ivey, MD WILLOUGHBY 1-800-524-7377 Lane, James, MD
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Hardy, Mark, DPM PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Matalavage, Anthony, DPM Schmieder, Frederick, DPM WILLOUGHBY 1-800-524-7377 Salamone, John, DPM PULMONOLOGY PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Smith, Andre, MD
1-800-524-7377 Hong, Raymond, MD THORACIC SURGERY PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Bayar, Ahmet, MD UROLOGY CHAPEL HILL 1-800-524-7377 Jaeger, Irina, MD CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1-800-524-7377 Altman, Andrew, MD Fitzgerald, Kim, MD PARMA 1-800-524-7377 Jaeger, Irina, MD Love, Allan, MD WILLOUGHBY 1-800-524-7377 Fitzgerald, Kim, MD
Affiliated Community Referral Specialists
This section includes the Affiliated Community Referral specialists our HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists ADOLESCENT MEDICINE CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Stager, Margaret, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 SUMMIT AKRON Castonguay, Jessica, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8538 Fitzgibbon, James, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8538 Holder, Nneka, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8538 ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
ADOLESCENT MEDICINE – ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Swamy, Kumar, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000
Rambasek, Todd, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 25761 Lorain Road, 3rd Floor (440) 779-1112
Swamy, Kumar, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
SOUTH EUCLID Hostoffer, Robert, DO Allergy Immunology Associates, Inc. 1611 S. Green, #231 (216) 381-3333
LAKEWOOD Rambasek, Todd, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 14701 Detroit Road, #730 (216) 221-4900 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Panuto, John, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 15299 E. Bagley Road, #300 (440) 234-5150 Rambasek, Todd, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 15299 E. Bagley Road, #300 (440) 234-5150 Swamy, Kumar, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791
Panuto, John, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 25761 Lorain Road, 3rd Floor (440) 779-1112
Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 68
Sher, Theodore, MD Allergy Immunology Associates, Inc. 1611 S. Green, #231 (216) 381-3333 Tcheurekdjian, Haig, MD Allergy Immunology Associates, Inc. 1611 S. Green, #231 (216) 381-3333 GEAUGA CHARDON Lavi, Richard, MD Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Relief Center, Inc. 510 Fifth Street (330) 423-4444 LORAIN ELYRIA Panuto, John, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 252 E. Broad Street (440) 329-7760 LORAIN Rambasek, Todd, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 5065 Oberlin Avenue (440) 282-5910 MEDINA MEDINA Chernin, Leah, DO The Allergy & Asthma Treatment Center, Inc. 3637 Medina Road, #225 (330) 723-2923
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Sanyurah, Saad, MD The Allergy & Asthma Treatment Center, Inc. 3637 Medina Road, #225 (330) 723-2923
Faltay, Bela, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200C (330) 344-1260
White, Erik, MD The Allergy & Asthma Treatment Center, Inc. 3637 Medina Road, #225 (330) 723-2923
Karnani, Ravi, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-0140
Diaz, Alberto, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
WADSWORTH Chernin, Leah, DO The Allergy & Asthma Treatment Center, Inc. 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite H (330) 334-6212 Sanyurah, Saad, MD The Allergy & Asthma Treatment Center, Inc. 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite H (330) 334-6212 White, Erik, MD The Allergy & Asthma Treatment Center, Inc. 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite H (330) 334-6212
Kishore, Rajeev, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-0140 BARBERTON Faltay, Bela, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161
HUDSON Karnani, Ravi, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-0140
RAVENNA Faltay, Bela, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969
TWINSBURG Lavi, Richard, MD Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Relief Center, Inc. 8054 Darrow Road, #2 (330) 423-4444
Faltay, Bela, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Quan, Kara, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Ziv, Ohad, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Ziv, Ohad, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 LAKE WILLOUGHBY Moore, Stephen, DO Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 36100 Euclid Avenue, #300 (440) 942-5400 MEDINA LODI
SUMMIT AKRON Alexander, Joseph, MD Joseph F. Alexander Jr., M.D. Inc. 3090 W. Market Street, #110 (330) 836-7110
ANESTHESIOLOGY LORAIN SHEFFIELD VILLAGE Choi, Charles, MD Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015
Courson, Jeffrey, DO Heart Rhythm Associates 225 Elyria Street (330) 344-4377 SUMMIT AKRON Courson, Jeffrey, DO Heart Rhythm Associates 224 W. Exchange Street, #225 (330) 344-4377
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Courson, Jeffrey, DO Heart Rhythm Associates 4125 Medina Road (330) 344-4377
Cutler, Michael, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Hodgson, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Schweikert, Robert, MD Heart Rhythm Associates 224 W. Exchange Street, #225 (330) 344-4377
Diaz, Alberto, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Kaufman, Elizabeth, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Vitebskiy, Sergey, MD Heart Rhythm Associates 224 W. Exchange Street, #225 (330) 344-4377
Dunlap, Mark, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Kaufman, Elizabeth, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
CARDIOLOGY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Kutoloski, Karen, DO MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Aneja, Ashish, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Bahler, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Cater, Grace, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Cater, Grace, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Cater, Grace, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 70
Dunlap, Mark, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Fallick, Catherine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Farhat, Naim, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Finkelhor, Robert, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Finkelhor, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Gandhi, Sanjay, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Gunawardena, Diyana, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Gunawardena, Diyana, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
Kutoloski, Karen, DO MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Kutoloski, Karen, DO MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 Kutoloski, Karen, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Kutoloski, Karen, DO MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Lewis, William, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Lewis, William, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Lewis, William, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Natale, Andrea, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Pillai, Dilip, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
CARDIOLOGY CLEVELAND HEIGHTS Lane, James, MD James Lane, MD, Inc. 5 Severance Circle, #705 (216) 381-1311 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS
Quan, Kara, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Kaufman, Elizabeth, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Quealy, Kathleen, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100
Ziv, Ohad, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Quealy, Kathleen, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Rovner, Aleksandr, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Rowan, Shane, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Schnell, David, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Schnell, David, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 Schnell, David, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221 Ziv, Ohad, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-1221
Fallick, Catherine, MD MetroHealth Westlake Health Center 24700 Center Ridge Road, #220/#230 (216) 957-3200 Lewis, William, MD MetroHealth Westlake Health Center 24700 Center Ridge Road, #220/#230 (216) 957-3200 GEAUGA
Grinblatt, Michael, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 150 Seventh Avenue (440) 942-5400 VanDyke, Arthur, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 150 Seventh Avenue (440) 942-5400 MIDDLEFIELD Botti, Robert, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 16030 E. High Street (440) 461-2600 Feldman, Aaron, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 16030 E. High Street (440) 461-2600 Grinblatt, Michael, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 16030 E. High Street (440) 461-2600 VanDyke, Arthur, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 16030 E. High Street (440) 461-2600
Botti, Robert, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 150 Seventh Avenue (440) 942-5400
Feldman, Aaron, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 150 Seventh Avenue (440) 942-5400
Botti, Robert, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 7500 Auburn Road, #2500 (440) 942-5400 Doyle, Timothy, MD Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 7580 Auburn Road, #106 (440) 352-9554
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Samsa, John, DO Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 7580 Auburn Road, #106 (440) 352-9554
VanDyke, Arthur, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 36100 Euclid Avenue, #300 (440) 942-5400
Schrode, Marc, DO Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 7580 Auburn Road, #106 (440) 352-9554
WILLOUGHBY Botti, Robert, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 36100 Euclid Avenue, #300 (440) 942-5400 Doyle, Timothy, MD Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 36100 Euclid Avenue, #120 (440) 951-8360 Feldman, Aaron, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 36100 Euclid Avenue, #300 (440) 942-5400 Grinblatt, Michael, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 36100 Euclid Avenue, #300 (440) 942-5400
ELYRIA Coletta, John, MD West Side Cardiology Associates 5323 Meadow Lane Court (440) 899-2423
Garg, Anubhav, MD Akron General Cardiology 224 W. Exchange Street, #305 (330) 344-7759 Garg, Anubhav, MD Akron General Cardiology 4125 Medina Road, #202 (330) 344-7400
Ibrahim, Osama, MD Tri-City Medical Services, LLC 1120 E. Broad Street, Second Floor (440) 366-2239
Hegde, Vinayak, MD Akron General Cardiology 224 W. Exchange Street, #305 (330) 344-7759
Nukta, Emad, MD West Side Cardiology Associates 5323 Meadow Lane Court (440) 899-2423
Hodsden, James, MD Pinnacle Cardiology 224 W. Exchange Street, #230 (330) 344-7759
MEDINA LODI Hegde, Vinayak, MD Akron General Cardiology 225 Elyria Street (330) 344-7400 MEDINA Jain, Than, MD Medina Cardiovascular Associates, Inc. 970 E. Washington Street, #2E (330) 722-8707
Samsa, John, DO Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 36100 Euclid Avenue, #120 (440) 951-8360
Ramanavarapu, Sampath, MD Medina Cardiovascular Associates, Inc. 970 E. Washington Street, #2E (330) 722-8707
AKRON Bhakta, Shyam, MD Cardiovascular & Interventional Associates 224 W. Exchange Street, #225 (330) 344-1200
Eid, Wassim, DO Tri-City Medical Services, LLC 1120 E. Broad Street, Second Floor (440) 366-2239
Moore, Stephen, DO Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 36100 Euclid Avenue, #300 (440) 942-5400
Schrode, Marc, DO Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 36100 Euclid Avenue, #120 (440) 951-8360
Isada, Loretta, MD Premier Cardiology Associates 4125 Medina Road (330) 665-8222 Litman, George, MD Premier Cardiology Associates 4125 Medina Road (330) 665-8222 Munoz, Fernando, MD Akron General Cardiology 224 W. Exchange Street, #305 (330) 344-7759 Pai, Vinay, MD Akron General Cardiology 224 W. Exchange Street, #305 (330) 344-7759 Syed, Qarab, MD Akron General Cardiology 224 W. Exchange Street, #305 (330) 344-7759 Syed, Qarab, MD Akron General Cardiology 4125 Medina Road, #202 (330) 344-7400
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Taub, Ira, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8521 Tobias, S. Leslie, MD Cardiovascular & Interventional Associates 224 W. Exchange Street, #225 (330) 344-1200 STOW Garg, Anubhav, MD Akron General Cardiology 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-7400 Syed, Qarab, MD Akron General Cardiology 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-7400 UNIONTOWN Syed, Qarab, MD Akron General Cardiology 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-7400 CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Akhrass, Rami, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4304 Chavez, Altagracia, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4304 Gill, Inderjit, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4304 Lahorra, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4304
CARDIOLOGY – CLINICAL GENETICS Temes, R. Thomas, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5461 LORAIN
ELYRIA Barry, Janet, DC Chiropractic Concepts, Inc. 5395 Abbe Road (440) 934-2273
SHEFFIELD VILLAGE Mikhail, Michael, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454
Poyle, Gregory, DC Chiropractic Concepts, Inc. 5395 Abbe Road (440) 934-2273
Longworth, Craig, DC Longworth Chiropractic Clinic 7023 Mears Gate Drive, Suite B (330) 494-5554
AKRON Kamienski, Robert, MD Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery of Akron 400 Wabash Avenue, #3500 (330) 762-9165 Laden, Nathaniel, MD Heart & Lung Surgery of Akron 400 Wabash Avenue, #3500 (330) 344-7631 Lee, Jai, MD Cardiothoracic Consultants, LLC 75 Arch Street, #407 (330) 384-9001 Netzley, Robert, MD Summit Vascular Specialists 400 Wabash Avenue, #3500 (330) 344-1400 Stocker, Patrick, MD Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery of Akron 400 Wabash Avenue, #3500 (330) 762-9165 CHIROPRACTIC LORAIN AVON LAKE Poyle, Geoffrey, DC Chiropractic Concepts, Inc. 32730 Walker Road (440) 933-7894
SUMMIT AKRON Longworth, Brian, DC Health First Chiropractic Clinic 3577 S. Arlington Road, Suite A (330) 896-8500 CLINICAL GENETICS CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Traboulsi, Elias, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 MEDINA MEDINA Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-8050 Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-4500
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists SUMMIT AKRON Khalifa, Mohamed, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8792
CLINICAL GENETICS – CRITICAL CARE Lipman, Jeremy, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 PORTAGE RAVENNA
Melver, Catherine, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8792
Yuh, Jen-Nan, MD Portage Surgical Associates, Inc. 3973 Loomis Parkway, Suite A (330) 296-8239
Pauli, Richard, MD, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-7725
Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine One Perkins Square (330) 543-4500 Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1876 Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 75 Arch Street, #101 (330) 375-3265 Robinson, Haynes, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8792 COLON & RECTAL SURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Lipman, Jeremy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 74
CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Altaqi, Basel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 2322 East 22nd Street, #306 (216) 363-2673 Duran-Castillo, Marina, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Iltchev, Daniel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 2322 East 22nd Street, #306 (216) 363-2673 Krishnan, Vidya, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Duran-Castillo, Marina, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Krishnan, Vidya, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
PARMA Altaqi, Basel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #106 (440) 886-2509 Altaqi, Basel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #105 (440) 842-8400 Iltchev, Daniel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #105 (440) 842-8400 Sopko, Joseph, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #105 (440) 842-8400 LAKE WILLOUGHBY Blair, Russell, MD Gary B. Kaplan, MD, Inc. 36001 Euclid Avenue, Suite C6 (440) 946-0053 SUMMIT AKRON Leano, Ann, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200C (330) 344-1260 Lo, Kar-Ming, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 Marsh , Jeffrey, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 Passero, Michael, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200C (330) 344-1260
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Paxson, Chad , DO Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411
Camp, William, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Somach, Stephen, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Chang, Timothy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Durden, Faith, MD Western Reserve Dermatology, Inc. 3690 Orange Place, #300 (216) 378-1880 BROADVIEW HEIGHTS Cevasco, Nathaniel, MD Dermatology Partners, Inc. 9075 Town Center Drive (440) 526-4570 Fleming, Thomas, MD Dermatology Partners, Inc. 9075 Town Center Drive (440) 526-4570 CHAGRIN FALLS Hamilton, Cecelia, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 17747 Chillicothe Road, #204 (440) 543-5561 Kassouf, Amy, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 17747 Chillicothe Road, #204 (440) 543-5561 Kooken, Ann, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 17747 Chillicothe Road, #204 (440) 543-5561 Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 17747 Chillicothe Road, #204 (440) 543-5561
Crowe, David, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388 Davis, Bryan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Baud, Eric, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 5 Severance Circle, #410 (216) 382-8244 Katz, Leonard, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 5 Severance Circle, #410 (216) 382-8244 INDEPENDENCE
Davis, Pamela, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Burg, Carol, MD North Coast Dermatology Associates, Inc. 6701 Rockside Road, #330 (216) 524-4009
Davis, Pamela, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Willen, Marlene, MD North Coast Dermatology Associates, Inc. 6701 Rockside Road, #330 (216) 524-4009
Dong-Kondas, Julia, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Gelles, Lisa, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388 Jaworsky, Christine, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
Jaworsky, Christine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Bass, Jonathan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Love, William, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3388
Davis, Pamela, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Dong-Kondas, Julia, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Love, William, DO MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 PARMA Hott, Morgan, MD, PhD University Dermatologists, Inc. 6820 Ridge Road, #201 (440) 845-1146 75
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Lamkin, Barry, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 6820 Ridge Road, #201 (440) 845-1146 Lynch, William, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 6820 Ridge Road, #201 (440) 845-1146 Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 6820 Ridge Road, #201 (440) 845-1146 Trotter Lynch, Kirsten, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 6820 Ridge Road, #201 (440) 845-1146 PEPPER PIKE Bass, Jonathan, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 Camp, William, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 Chang, Timothy, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 Gelles, Lisa, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 Jaworsky, Christine, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 Love, William, DO MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 76
DERMATOLOGY Tung, Rebecca, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 SOUTH EUCLID Baud, Eric, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 Hamilton, Cecelia, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 Kassouf, Amy, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 Kooken, Ann, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 Lynch, William, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 Trotter Lynch, Kirsten, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 Woodhouse, Justin, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 WESTLAKE Baud, Eric, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 2001 Crocker Road, #100 (440) 617-1522
Crowe, David, MD MetroHealth at Premier Center Westlake 25200 Center Ridge Road, #2100 (216) 778-7612 Hott, Morgan, MD, PhD University Dermatologists, Inc. 2001 Crocker Road, #100 (440) 617-1522 Lynch, William, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 2001 Crocker Road, #100 (440) 617-1522 Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 2001 Crocker Road, #100 (440) 617-1522 GEAUGA CHAGRIN FALLS Hamilton, Cecelia, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 17747 Chillicothe Road, #203 (440) 543-5561 GEAUGA CHAGRIN FALLS Woodhouse, Justin, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 17747 Chillicothe Road, #203 (440) 543-5561 LAKE MENTOR Krug, William, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue (440) 266-5500 Woodhouse, Justin, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue (440) 266-5500 SAGAMORE HILLS Burg, Carol, MD North Coast Dermatology Associates, Inc. 885 W. Aurora Road, #3 (216) 524-0009
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Mirando, William, MD William S. Mirando, MD, LLC 201 N. Leavitt Road (440) 985-3376
Fox, Monte, DO Tri-County Dermatology, Inc. 401 Devon Place, #250 (330) 929-9009
Wikas, Schield, DO Tri-County Dermatology, Inc. 401 Devon Place, #250 (330) 929-9009
Bedocs, Paul, DO Dermatology Partners, Inc. 36701 American Way, #3 (440) 937-4951 Cevasco, Nathaniel, MD Dermatology Partners, Inc. 36701 American Way, #3 (440) 937-4951 Fleming, Thomas, MD Dermatology Partners, Inc. 36701 American Way, #3 (440) 937-4951 Gould, Jennifer, MD Dermatology Partners, Inc. 36701 American Way, #3 (440) 937-4951 MEDINA MEDINA Killian, Patrick, MD HMT Dermatology 5779 Wooster Pike Road (330) 725-0569 Rosenmeier, Gary, MD HMT Dermatology 5783 Wooster Pike Road (330) 725-0569 Rosenmeier, Gary, MD HMT Dermatology 5779 Wooster Pike Road (330) 725-0569 Torok, Helen, MD HMT Dermatology 5779 Wooster Pike Road (330) 725-0569 Torok, Helen, MD HMT Dermatology 5783 Wooster Pike Road (330) 725-0569
RAVENNA Jahnke, Michelle, MD New Horizon Dermatology, Inc. 6693 N. Chestnut Street, #125A & B (330) 296-2879
Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 Woodhouse, Justin, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 CUYAHOGA FALLS Fox, Monte, DO Tri-County Dermatology, Inc. 421 Graham Road, Suite B (330) 929-9009 Wikas, Schield, DO Tri-County Dermatology, Inc. 421 Graham Road, Suite B (330) 929-9009
Hamilton, Cecelia, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 Kassouf, Amy, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 Kooken, Ann, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 Lamkin, Barry, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 Lichten, Gary, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 Lynch, William, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555
Popovsky, Jennifer, MD Dermatologic Surgery Center of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 1133 Medina Road, #100 (330) 239-4350 DERMATOLOGY: MOHS SURGERY CUYAHOGA CHAGRIN FALLS Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 17747 Chillicothe Road, #204 (440) 543-5561 PARMA Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 6820 Ridge Road, #201 (440) 845-1146 SOUTH EUCLID Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 77
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 2001 Crocker Road, #100 (440) 617-1522
SUMMIT AKRON Moosally, Allison, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200A (330) 665-0555 MEDINA MEDINA Popovsky, Jennifer, MD Dermatologic Surgery Center of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 1133 Medina Road, #100 (330) 239-4350 DERMATOPATHOLOGY CUYAHOGA SOUTH EUCLID Zaim, M. Tarif, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 DEVELOPMENTAL PEDIATRICS CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND
Blondis, Thomas, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Delahunty, Carol, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Duby, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Hull, Robert, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Langkamp, Diane, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC MEDICINE SUMMIT AKRON
Khan, Tariq, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5371 Murphy, Thomas, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5371 WESTLAKE Khan, Tariq, MD MetroHealth at Premier Center Westlake 25200 Center Ridge Road, #2100 (440) 892-6524 LAKE WILLOUGHBY Mandel, Martin, MD Martin L. Mandel, MD 36100 Euclid Avenue, #320 (440) 951-1073 LORAIN ELYRIA Kumar, Vikramjeet, MD Vikram Kumar, MD, Inc. 210 E. Broad Street (440) 322-0872 PORTAGE STREETSBORO Gehlaut, Richa , MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 9318 State Route 14 (330) 422-7715
Dietz, Irene, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5198
Klejka, James, MD Summit Rehabilitation Medicine, Inc. 3975 Embassy Parkway, #002 (330) 668-4094
Needlman, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5198
Dombrowski, Nicole, DO Endocrine Associates 1946 Town Park Blvd., #330 (330) 535-4530
CLEVELAND Calles-Escandon, Jorge, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5371 78
Wojtowicz, Jennifer, DO SWRH Physicians, Inc. 9318 State Route 14 (330) 422-7715
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists King, Toni, MD Endocrine Associates 1946 Town Park Blvd., #330 (330) 535-4530 Miller, Kevin, MD Endocrine Associates 1946 Town Park Blvd., #330 (330) 535-4530 Morocco, Michael, MD Endocrine Associates 1946 Town Park Blvd., #330 (330) 535-4530
ENDOCRINOLOGY – ENT Tucker, Harvey, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Broniatowski, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791
Tucker, Harvey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791 Tucker, Harvey, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS
Carter, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791
Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Carter, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
Mehle, Mark, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 15299 E. Bagley Road, #300 (440) 234-5150
Gehlaut, Richa , MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 650-5110
Carter, Joseph, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Wojtowicz, Jennifer, DO SWRH Physicians, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 650-5110
Hamid, Mohamed, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791
Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791
SUMMIT AKRON Ciltea, Daniela, MD Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism 224 W. Exchange Street, #240 (330) 344-1687 HUDSON
CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Carter, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200
Houser, Steven, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Johnson, Freedom, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791 Lenox, Madeleine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5791
Binder, Jeffrey, DO ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 25761 Lorain Road, 3rd Floor (440) 779-1112 Mehle, Mark, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 25761 Lorain Road, 3rd Floor (440) 779-1112 LORAIN ELYRIA Guay, Marc, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 252 E. Broad Street (440) 329-7760 Mehta, Govindram, MD Govindram K. Mehta, MD, Inc. 125 E. Broad Street, #322 (440) 329-7345
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists LORAIN Guay, Marc, MD ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 5065 Oberlin Avenue (440) 282-5910 MEDINA MEDINA Kalucis, Chris, DO ENT and Allergy Health Services, Inc. 970 E. Washington Street, #5D (330) 725-5972 PORTAGE RAVENNA Abbass, Abdul Hassan, MD Ohio ENT Associates, Inc. 6693 N. Chestnut Street, #215 (330) 297-9080 Abbass, Fadi, MD Ohio ENT Associates, Inc. 6693 N. Chestnut Street, #215 (330) 297-9080 Abbass, Hassan, MD Ohio ENT Associates, Inc. 6693 N. Chestnut Street, #215 (330) 297-9080 SUMMIT AKRON Albert, Samuel, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4930 Griffin, Janet, MD Akron ENT Associates 395 E. Market Street (330) 762-8959 Kutnick, Steven, MD Akron ENT Associates 395 E. Market Street (330) 762-8959
ENT – GASTROENTEROLOGY Milo, Anton, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4930
Kirsh, Brian, MD Gastroenterology Associates of Cleveland, Inc. 3700 Park East Drive, #100 (216) 593-7700
Mooney, Kenneth, MD Akron ENT Associates 395 E. Market Street (330) 762-8959
Lissauer, Jack, MD Gastroenterology Associates of Cleveland, Inc. 3700 Park East Drive, #100 (216) 593-7700
Steinberger, Sidney, MD Sidney J. Steinberger, MD 2708 Crawfis Blvd. (330) 869-6673 Sterman, Bruce, MD Bruce Sterman, MD 2708 Crawfis Blvd. (330) 869-6673 HUDSON Milo, Anton, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-4930 GASTROENTEROLOGY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Ferguson, D. Roy, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 Frankel, Michael, MD Gastroenterology Associates of Cleveland, Inc. 3700 Park East Drive, #100 (216) 593-7700 Kamionkowski, Mario, MD Gastroenterology Associates of Cleveland, Inc. 3700 Park East Drive, #100 (216) 593-7700
CLEVELAND Dasarathy, Srinivasan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 Fass, Ronnie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5376 Ferguson, D. Roy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 Ferguson, D. Roy, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Jain, Alok, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 Kale, Hemangi, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 Kyprianou, Annette, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 Maxwell, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Mullen, Kevin, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 GARFIELD HEIGHTS Kirsh, Brian, MD Gastroenterology Associates of Cleveland, Inc. 12000 McCracken Road, #550 (216) 593-7700
GASTROENTEROLOGY MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Jain, Alok, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Straub, Robert, MD North Shore Gastroenterology, Inc. 7225 Old Oak Blvd., Suite B310 (440) 808-1212
Gottesman, David, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 5900 Landerbrook Drive, #190 (440) 461-2550
Straub, Robert, MD North Shore Gastroenterology, Inc. 850 Columbia Road, #200 (440) 808-1212
Pollack, Michael, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 6770 Mayfield Road, #415 (440) 461-2550 Vishny, Miriam, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 5900 Landerbrook Drive, #190 (440) 461-2550 Wiesen, Ari, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 6770 Mayfield Road, #415 (440) 461-2550 Wolf, Jason, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 6770 Mayfield Road, #415 (440) 461-2550 Yang, Peter, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 5900 Landerbrook Drive, #190 (440) 461-2550
Tully, John, MD North Shore Gastroenterology, Inc. 850 Columbia Road, #200 (440) 808-1212 LAKE CONCORD Powell, Gregory, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 7530 Fredle Drive (440) 386-2250 Schwartz, Steven, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 7530 Fredle Drive (440) 386-2250 MENTOR Ascha, Ahmad, MD North Coast Endoscopy, Inc. 9500 Mentor Avenue, #380 (440) 352-9400 Brinberg, Don, MD Great Lakes Gastroenterology, LLC 9485 Mentor Avenue, #105 (440) 205-1225 Friedenberg, Keith, MD Great Lakes Gastroenterology, LLC 9485 Mentor Avenue, #105 (440) 205-1225
Khatami, Sayed, MD Great Lakes Gastroenterology, LLC 9485 Mentor Avenue, #105 (440) 205-1225 Schwartz, Steven, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue, #210 (440) 942-7909 WILLOUGHBY Brinberg, Don, MD Great Lakes Gastroenterology, LLC 36100 Euclid Avenue, #490 (440) 205-1225 Khatami, Sayed, MD Great Lakes Gastroenterology, LLC 36100 Euclid Avenue, #490 (440) 205-1225 Powell, Gregory, MD Consultants in Gastroenterology, Inc. 36100 Euclid Avenue, #440 (440) 942-7909 LORAIN ELYRIA Straub, Robert, MD North Shore Gastroenterology, Inc. 125 E. Broad Street, #115 (440) 808-1212 Tully, John, MD North Shore Gastroenterology, Inc. 125 E. Broad Street, #115 (440) 808-1212 LORAIN Razack, Abdul, MD Abdul T. Razack MD., Inc. 3600 Kolbe Road, #221 (440) 960-2718 MEDINA BRUNSWICK Bashour, Fadi, MD Digestive Disease Consultants of Medina 1299 Industrial Parkway, N, #110 (877) 891-3636 81
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Del Rio, Richard, MD Digestive Disease Consultants of Medina 1299 Industrial Parkway, N, #110 (877) 891-3636 Merheb, Maya, MD Digestive Disease Consultants of Medina 1299 Industrial Parkway, N, #110 (330) 891-3636 Myers, David, MD Digestive Disease Consultants of Medina 1299 Industrial Parkway, N, #110 (877) 891-3636 Sharma, Bipin, MD Digestive Disease Consultants of Medina 1299 Industrial Parkway, N, #110 (877) 891-3636 SUMMIT AKRON Salvino, Richard, MD Akron General Gastroenterology 4125 Medina Road, #211 (330) 665-8270 CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Wolfe, Murray, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5736 GENERAL SURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Brandt, Christopher, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 Brandt, Christopher, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 82
GASTROENTEROLOGY – GENERAL SURGERY Claridge, Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3679 Lipman, Jeremy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 Lipman, Jeremy, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Mansour, Edward, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360 Mansour, Edward, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 McDonald, Amy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3679 McHenry, Christopher, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 McHenry, Christopher, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Priebe, Paul, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5381 Stevenson, Jean, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360
Stevenson, Jean, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Yowler, Charles, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3679 Yowler, Charles, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 MAYFIELD HEIGHTS Borison, Daniel, MD Cleveland Surgical Associates 6770 Mayfield Road, #320 (440) 684-0000 Parks, Jeffrey, MD Cleveland Surgical Associates 6770 Mayfield Road, #320 (440) 684-0000 NORTH OLMSTED Nelson, Dvora, MD Nelson Vein and Surgical Services, LLC 30915 Lorain Road (440) 617-6061 LAKE WILLOUGHBY Borison, Daniel, MD Cleveland Surgical Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #107 (440) 684-0000 Parks, Jeffrey, MD Cleveland Surgical Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #107 (440) 684-0000 LORAIN ELYRIA Chari, Ravi, MD Superior Medical Care, Inc. 210 E. Broad Street (440) 322-4510
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Warner, Keith, MD Northeast Surgical Associates of Ohio, Ltd. 125 E. Broad Street, #219 (440) 326-5250 MEDINA LODI Fenton, Andrew, MD Andrew H. Fenton, MD 225 Elyria Street (330) 344-6500 Papouras, William, MD William C. Papouras, MD 225 Elyria Street (330) 344-7200 PORTAGE RAVENNA Fried, Jason, DO Cuyahoga Falls Surgical Associates 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #225 (330) 926-0618 Gusz, John, MD Portage Surgical Associates, Inc. 3973 Loomis Parkway, Suite A (330) 296-8239 Panzeter, Edward, MD Portage Surgical Associates, Inc. 3973 Loomis Parkway, Suite A (330) 296-8239 Swegan, Amy, MD Portage Surgical Associates, Inc. 3973 Loomis Parkway, Suite A (330) 296-8239 Wojtasik, Lynn, MD Portage Surgical Associates, Inc. 3973 Loomis Parkway, Suite A (330) 296-8239 STREETSBORO Swegan, Amy, MD Portage Surgical Associates, Inc. 9318 State Route 14 (330) 296-8239
GENERAL SURGERY – GENERAL SURGERY: HAND SURGERY NORTH CANTON Borth, Dean, MD Canton General Surgery Associates, Inc. 6046 Whipple Avenue, N.W., Entrance C (330) 433-1301 Kelly, Steven, MD Canton General Surgery Associates, Inc. 6046 Whipple Avenue, N.W., Entrance C (330) 433-1301 Linz, David, MD Canton General Surgery Associates, Inc. 6046 Whipple Avenue, N.W., Entrance C (330) 433-1301 SUMMIT AKRON Chlysta, Walter, MD Walter J. Chlysta, MD, Inc. 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1100 Fenton, Andrew, MD Andrew H. Fenton, MD 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6500 Guyton, Daniel, MD Daniel P. Guyton, MD, Inc. 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6234 Horattas, Mark, MD Mark C. Horattas, MD 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6699
Marley, Robert , MD Robert A. Marley, MD 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-7708 Papouras, William, MD William C. Papouras, MD 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-7200 Paranjape, Charudutt, MD Akron General Surgical Associates 400 Wabash Avenue, #492 (330) 344-4800 Partin, Jessica, MD Akron Breast Surgeons 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-2771 BARBERTON Scarcella, Robert, MD Robert G. Scarcella, MD Inc. 101 Fifth Street SE, Suite E (330) 848-9209 CUYAHOGA FALLS Fried, Jason, DO Cuyahoga Falls Surgical Associates 1900 23rd Street (330) 926-0618 GENERAL SURGERY: BREAST SURGERY SUMMIT AKRON Partin, Jessica, MD Jessica Partin MD 400 Wabash Avenue 1st FL (330) 344-2778
Lanzinger, William, MD Akron General Hand Surgery 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-1980
Lowe, Kevin, MD Akron General Surgical Associates 400 Wabash Avenue, #492 (330) 344-4800
SUMMIT Lanzinger, William, MD Akron General Hand Surgery 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-4263 83
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Lanzinger, William, MD Akron General Hand Surgery 33 Baker Blvd. (330) 344-4263 MUNROE FALLS Lanzinger, William, MD Akron General Hand Surgery 43 S. Main Street (330) 344-4263 STOW Lanzinger, William, MD Akron General Hand Surgery 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-4263 GENERAL SURGERY: TRAUMA/ CRITICAL CARE
Dietz, Michelle, MD MetroHealth Skilled Nursing Services 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2000 SUMMIT AKRON Reuben, Rufus, MD Internal Medicine Center of Akron 400 Wabash Avenue, OSE Building 301 (330) 344-6015 CUYAHOGA FALLS Reuben, Rufus, MD Rufus A. Reuben, MD 275 Graham Road, #4 (330) 926-9409
Claridge, Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3679
CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Como, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3679
SUMMIT Karlen, John, MD Akron General Gynecologic Oncology 75 Arch Street, #402 (330) 376-4810 Karlen, John, MD Akron General Gynecologic Oncology 224 W. Exchange Street, #140 (330) 344-6041
Dietz, Michelle, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
Dietz, Michelle, MD MetroHealth Prentiss Center for Skilled Nursing 3525 Scranton Road (216) 957-8899 84
Cola, Lynne, MD Bath Medical Group 4125 Medina Road, #215 (330) 665-8143 Moretuzzo, Richard, MD Reproductive Gynecology, Inc. 95 Arch Street, #250 (330) 375-7722
Nash, David, MD Reproductive Gynecology, Inc. 95 Arch Street, #250 (330) 375-7722 Tabet, Muriel, MD Paragon - Park West One Park West Blvd., #200 (330) 869-9777 BARBERTON Tabet, Muriel, MD Paragon - Barberton 28 Conservatory Drive, Suite C (330) 475-0266 UNIONTOWN Tabet, Muriel, MD Paragon - Green 1700 Boettler Road, #225 (330) 899-9696 HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Crum, Edward, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360 Myhand, Rickey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360 O’Brien, Timothy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360 Schwartzman, Larisa, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360 Snell, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Trey, Joan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360
Litam, Patrick, MD Hematology Oncology Center, Inc. 41201 Schadden Road, #2 (440) 324-0401
Sidloski, Jay, DO Hematology Oncology Center, Inc. 41201 Schadden Road, #2 (440) 324-0401
Cowan, Dale, MD Southwest Urology, Inc. 6900 Pearl Road, Second Floor (440) 845-0900
Marquinez, Frederick, MD Drs. Mubashir, Marquinez & Rehman, Inc. 3957 Loomis Parkway, #102 (330) 297-5620
Espinosa, Maria, MD Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center Physicians Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue, #3 (440) 205-5755 Lobins, Raymond, DO Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center Physicians Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue, #3 (440) 205-5755 Saltzman, Joel, MD Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center Physicians Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue, #3 (440) 205-5755 van Heeckeren, Willem, MD Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center Physicians Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue, #3 (440) 205-5755 LORAIN ELYRIA Escuro, Ruben, MD Hematology Oncology Center, Inc. 41201 Schadden Road, #2 (440) 324-0401 Kantharaj, Belagodu, MD Hematology Oncology Center, Inc. 41201 Schadden Road, #2 (440) 324-0401
Mubashir, Bashar, MD Drs. Mubashir, Marquinez & Rehman, Inc. 3957 Loomis Parkway, #102 (330) 297-5620 Rehman, Saif Ur, MD Drs. Mubashir, Marquinez & Rehman, Inc. 3957 Loomis Parkway, #102 (330) 297-5620
SUMMIT AKRON Lu, Weiquan, MD Akron General Hematology & Oncology 224 W. Exchange Street, #160 (330) 344-6505 Marquinez, Frederick, MD Drs. Mubashir, Marquinez & Rehman, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #310 (330) 344-5000 McGee, Scott, MD Akron General Hematology & Oncology 224 W. Exchange Street, #160 (330) 344-6505 Mubashir, Bashar, MD Drs. Mubashir, Marquinez & Rehman, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #310 (330) 344-5000
Petrus, John, MD Akron General Hematology & Oncology 224 W. Exchange Street, #160 (330) 344-6505
Manson, Greg , MD Tri-County Hematology & Oncology Associates, Inc. 7337 Caritas Circle, #150 (330) 478-0001
Rehman, Saif Ur, MD Drs. Mubashir, Marquinez & Rehman, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #310 (330) 344-5000
Nagajothi, Nagaprasad, MD Tri-County Hematology & Oncology Associates, Inc. 7337 Caritas Circle, #150 (330) 478-0001
Rehmus, Esther, MD Akron General Hematology & Oncology 224 W. Exchange Street, #160 (330) 344-6505
Rafique, Noman, MD Tri-County Hematology & Oncology Associates, Inc. 7337 Caritas Circle, #150 (330) 478-0001 Rooney, Dina, MD Tri-County Hematology & Oncology Associates, Inc. 7337 Caritas Circle, #150 (330) 478-0001
INFECTIOUS DISEASE ASHTABULA ASHTABULA Ogunlesi, Olusegun, MD Axelix Health Consulting, Inc. 2422 Lake Avenue (440) 867-4800 85
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists GENEVA
Ogunlesi, Olusegun, MD Axelix Health Consulting, Inc. 890 W. Main Street (440) 867-4800
CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Avery, Ann, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305 Bark, Charles, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305 Hanrahan, Jennifer, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305
Abbud-Abdelnour, Rita, MD Community Health Partners Physicians, Inc. 221 W. 21st Street, #1 (440) 233-0138 Murry, Paul, MD Community Health Partners Physicians, Inc. 221 W. 21st Street, #1 (440) 233-0138 Wells, Jessica, MD Community Health Partners Physicians, Inc. 221 W. 21st Street, #1 (440) 233-0138
Sahni, Rajiv, MD Stephen J. Francis, MD 3033 State Road, #204 (330) 253-9727 INTERNAL MEDICINE CUYAHOGA WESTLAKE Petrulis, Alice, MD MetroHealth Westlake Health Center 24700 Center Ridge Road, #220/#230 (216) 957-3200 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY
Hecker, Michelle, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305
Bollin, Gary, MD Gary E. Bollin, MD, LLC 224 W. Exchange Street #290 (330) 344-6643
Hileman, Corrilynn, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305
Dumford, Donald, MD Summit Infectious Diseases, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street #290 (330) 344-6643
Grinblatt, Michael, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 150 Seventh Avenue (440) 942-5400
Kalayjian, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305
Watkins, David, MD Summit Infectious Diseases, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street #290 (330) 344-6643
Osborn, Melissa, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305
Watkins, Richard, MD Richard R. Watkins, MD LLC 224 W. Exchange Street #290 (330) 344-6643
Wiest, Peter, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8305 LAKE MENTOR Ogunlesi, Olusegun, MD Axelix Health Consulting, Inc. 7062 Wayside Drive (440) 867-4800 86
CUYAHOGA FALLS Duggal, Anurag, MD Stephen J. Francis, MD 3033 State Road, #204 (330) 253-9727 Francis, Stephen, MD Stephen J. Francis, MD 3033 State Road, #204 (330) 253-9727
MIDDLEFIELD Grinblatt, Michael, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 16030 E. High Street (440) 461-2600 LAKE CONCORD Schrode, Marc, DO Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 7580 Auburn Road, #106 (440) 352-9554 WILLOUGHBY Grinblatt, Michael, MD Cardiovascular Consultants of Cleveland 36100 Euclid Avenue, #300 (440) 942-5400
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Schrode, Marc, DO Northeast Ohio Heart Associates, LLC 36100 Euclid Avenue, #120 (440) 951-8360
Saab, Georges, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4159
Collin, Marc, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5909
Sedor, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4159
Coletta, John, MD West Side Cardiology Associates 5323 Meadow Lane Court (440) 899-2423
Kumar, Deepak, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5909
Silver, Marcia, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4159
Ibrahim, Osama, MD Tri-City Medical Services, LLC 1120 E. Broad Street, Second Floor (440) 366-2239
Moore, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5909
Nukta, Emad, MD West Side Cardiology Associates 5323 Meadow Lane Court (440) 899-2423
Thomas, Biju, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5909
Silver, Marcia, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
Hergenroeder, Paul, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360
LAKE MENTOR Bergman, Mark, MD Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center Physicians Inc. 9485 Mentor Avenue, #3 (440) 205-5755 SUMMIT AKRON Owusu, Osei-Tutu, MD Akron General Hematology & Oncology 224 W. Exchange Street, #160 (330) 344-6505
BEDFORD Azem, Jamal, MD Jamal Azem MD 88 Center Road, #130 (440) 269-8020 CLEVELAND Horwitz, Edward, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4159 Lam, Mildred, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4159 Madhavan, Sethu, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4159 O’Toole, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4159
WESTLAKE Petrulis, Alice, MD MetroHealth Westlake Health Center 24700 Center Ridge Road, #220/#230 (216) 957-3200 LAKE WILLOUGHBY Azem, Jamal, MD Jamal Azem MD 36100 Euclid Avenue, #330 (440) 269-8020 LORAIN ELYRIA Gayomali, Nestor, MD Nestor Gayomali, MD, Inc. 5311 Meadow Lane Court, #3 (440) 934-5443 PORTAGE KENT Zidehsarai, Miriam, DO Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 401 Devon Place, #100 (330) 677-2266
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists SUMMIT AKRON Anderson, Darryl, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600 Boshkos, Christopher, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600 Chaturvedi, Preti, MD Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 Eltayeb, Babiker, MD Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 Gayomali, Charina, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600 Jacobs, John, MD Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 Kayani, Thomas, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600 Lee, Christine, DO Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 May, Richard, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600
NEPHROLOGY – NEUROLOGY Phinney, Melinda, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600 Raina, Rupesh, MD Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 Ray, Susan, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600 Schwarze, Karl, MD Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 Tanphaichitr, Natthavat, MD Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 Zarconi, Joseph, MD Northeast Ohio Nephrology Associates, Inc. 411 E. Market Street (330) 252-0600 Zidehsarai, Miriam, DO Akron Nephrology Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #330 (330) 436-3150 NEUROLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Bahntge, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5387 Hanna, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100
Hanna, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5387 Hanna, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Kunhi Veedu, Haripras, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3958 Winkelman, Marc, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5387 Winkelman, Marc, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Bahntge, Michael, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Hanna, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 WESTLAKE Bahntge, Michael, MD MetroHealth at Premier Center Westlake 25200 Center Ridge Road, #2100 (440) 892-6524 LAKE CONCORD Tani, Marie, MD Leonard M. Weinberger, MD, Inc. 7535 Fredle Drive (440) 357-3100
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Smith, Kristen, MD Associates in Neurology, Inc. 35040 Chardon Road, #110 (440) 946-1200
Sunshine, Joshua, MD Associates in Neurology, Inc. 35040 Chardon Road, #110 (440) 946-1200 Tessman, Patrick, MD Associates in Neurology, Inc. 35040 Chardon Road, #110 (440) 946-1200
Deoras, Mita, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700 Deoras, Mita, MD Unity Health Network 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700
Dorsett, Roswell, DO Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700
Mahajan, Darshan, MD Neurology Center, Inc. 673 E. River Street (440) 323-6422
Dorsett, Roswell, DO Unity Health Network 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700
Parikh, Sanjay, MD Neurology Center, Inc. 673 E. River Street (440) 323-6422
Huang, Deren, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700
Patel, Dhruv, MD Neurology Center, Inc. 673 E. River Street (440) 323-6422 LORAIN Mahajan, Darshan, MD Neurology Center, Inc. 3600 Kolbe Road, #208 (440) 989-6422 Parikh, Sanjay, MD Neurology Center, Inc. 3600 Kolbe Road, #208 (440) 989-6422 Patel, Dhruv, MD Neurology Center, Inc. 3600 Kolbe Road, #208 (440) 989-6422
Huang, Deren, MD Unity Health Network 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700 Lewton, Zachary, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700 Lewton, Zachary, MD Unity Health Network 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700 WADSWORTH Chandos, Brandon, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 195 Wadsworth Road (330) 336-8831
Chandos, Brandon, MD Unity Health Network 195 Wadsworth Road (330) 336-8831 Lewton, Zachary, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 195 Wadsworth Road (330) 328-4472 Lewton, Zachary, MD Unity Health Network 195 Wadsworth Road (330) 328-4472 PORTAGE RAVENNA Dorsett, Roswell, DO Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048 Dorsett, Roswell, DO Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048 Rafecas, Jose, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048 Rafecas, Jose, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048 Weiss, Roger, DO Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048 Weiss, Roger, DO Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists SUMMIT AKRON Ansari, Hossain, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
NEUROLOGY Dupont, Stefan, MD Neurosciences Group 3562 Ridge Park Drive, Suite A (330) 665-4100
Mazhari, Amir, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Dupont, Stefan, MD Neurosciences Group 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100
Miller, Hugh, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Ansari, Hossain, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Freiberg, William, DO Akron Neurology, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #203 (330) 344-6262
Bowling, Susana, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Friedman, Norman, MD Akron Neurology, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #203 (330) 344-6262
Bowling, Susana, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Chandos, Brandon, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Chandos, Brandon, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Deoras, Mita, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Deoras, Mita, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Dorsett, Roswell, DO Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Dorsett, Roswell, DO Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 90
Gebel, James, MD Neurosciences Group 3562 Ridge Park Drive, Suite A (330) 665-4100 Gebel, James, MD Neurosciences Group 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100 Huang, Deren, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Huang, Deren, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Lewton, Zachary, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Lewton, Zachary, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Mazhari, Amir, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Miller, Hugh, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Novak, Jr., William, MD Akron Neurology, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #203 (330) 344-6262 Rafecas, Jose, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Rafecas, Jose, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Saltis, Lawrence, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Saltis, Lawrence, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Wachsman, Ari, MD Neurosciences Group 3562 Ridge Park Drive, Suite A (330) 665-4100 Wachsman, Ari, MD Neurosciences Group 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Weiss, Roger, DO Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Weiss, Roger, DO Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020
Peluso, Eugenio, PhD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048
Weiss, Roger, DO Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Weiss, Roger, DO Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020
Peluso, Eugenio, PhD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048
Bowling, Susana, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020
Rafecas, Jose, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 1700 Boettler Road, #250 (330) 899-5730
Bowling, Susana, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020
Rafecas, Jose, MD Unity Health Network 1700 Boettler Road, #250 (330) 899-5730
Chandos, Brandon, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Chandos, Brandon, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Huang, Deren, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Huang, Deren, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Saltis, Lawrence, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Saltis, Lawrence, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020
NEUROPSYCHOLOGY MEDINA MEDINA Frye, DeAnna, PhD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700 Frye, DeAnna, PhD Unity Health Network 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700 PORTAGE RAVENNA Frye, DeAnna, PhD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048 Frye, DeAnna, PhD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #330 (330) 296-8048
Frye, DeAnna, PhD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Frye, DeAnna, PhD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Peluso, Eugenio, PhD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Peluso, Eugenio, PhD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Pulsipher, Dalin, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8058 Samson, Laura, PsyD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Samson, Laura, PsyD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Sullivan, T. Shawn, PhD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Anderson, James, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Sullivan, T. Shawn, PhD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011
Geertman, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4386
Likavec, Matt, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4386
Frye, DeAnna, PhD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Frye, DeAnna, PhD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Samson, Laura, PsyD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Samson, Laura, PsyD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 NEURORADIOLOGY SUMMIT AKRON Al-Ali, Firas, MD Neurosciences Group 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100 NEUROSURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Anderson, James, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4836 92
Likavec, Matt, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Steinmetz, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 Yapicilar, Bulent, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4386 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Anderson, James, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Likavec, Matt, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Steinmetz, Michael, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
LORAIN SHEFFIELD VILLAGE Gonzalez, Domingo, MD Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015 Hazen, Gale, MD Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015 Sertich, Mario, MD Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015 MEDINA MEDINA Donich, Dane, MD Donich Neurosurgery and Spine, LLC 3780 Medina Road, #300 (330) 576-3500 PORTAGE STREETSBORO Donich, Dane, MD Donich Neurosurgery and Spine, LLC 9318 State Route 14 (330) 576-3500 SUMMIT AKRON Vorster, Sarel, MD Neurosciences Group 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100 FAIRLAWN Butler, John, MD Center for Neuro and Spine, Inc. 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Donich, Dane, MD Donich Neurosurgery and Spine, LLC 3378 W. Market Street (330) 576-3500
Myers, Stephen, DO Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000
Hoeprich, Mark, MD Center for Neuro and Spine, Inc. 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100
Stetzer, Bradley, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4881
Khayyat, Ghassan, MD Center for Neuro and Spine, Inc. 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100
Markarian, Georges, MD Center for Neuro and Spine, Inc. 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100 Satyan, Krishna, MD Center for Neuro and Spine, Inc. 762 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road (330) 665-4100 OB/GYN: MATERNAL & FETAL MEDICINE CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Bailit, Jennifer, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884 Mercer, Brian, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4881
MEDINA Crane, Stephen, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-8050
SUMMIT AKRON Crane, Stephen, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1876 Crane, Stephen, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine One Perkins Square (330) 543-4500 Crane, Stephen, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 75 Arch Street, #101 (330) 375-3265
Crane, Stephen, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-4500
Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine One Perkins Square (330) 543-4500
Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-8050
Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1876
Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-4500
Myers, Stephen, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5884
Silber, Angela, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-8050
Myers, Stephen, DO MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Silber, Angela, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-4500
Pekarek, Dawn, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 75 Arch Street, #101 (330) 375-3265 Silber, Angela, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1876 Silber, Angela, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 75 Arch Street, #101 (330) 375-3265 Silber, Angela, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine One Perkins Square (330) 543-4500 93
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Stewart, John, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1876
Stewart, John, MD John W. Stewart, Jr., MD 224 W. Exchange Street, #280 (330) 384-1650
Maseelall, Priya, MD Reproductive Gynecology, Inc. 95 Arch Street, #250 (330) 375-7722
Mooney, Stephen, MD Reproductive Gynecology, Inc. 95 Arch Street, #250 (330) 375-7722
MEDINA Mancuso, Melissa, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-4500 Mancuso, Melissa, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-4500 SUMMIT AKRON Mancuso, Melissa, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine One Perkins Square (330) 543-4500 Mancuso, Melissa, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1876 Mancuso, Melissa, MD Akron Children’s Maternal Fetal Medicine 75 Arch Street, #101 (330) 375-3265
Moretuzzo, Richard, MD Reproductive Gynecology, Inc. 95 Arch Street, #250 (330) 375-7722 Nash, David, MD Reproductive Gynecology, Inc. 95 Arch Street, #250 (330) 375-7722 OPHTHALMOLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Bala, Elisa, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Cappaert, William, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Courtney, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Englander, Miriam, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778/7800 Lancione, Raymond, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830
Lancione, Raymond, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Lancione, Raymond, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Levine, Mark, MD Ophthalmic Consultants & Surgeons 1611 S. Green Road, #306A (216) 291-9770 Levison, Ashleigh, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Prokopius, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Prokopius, Michael, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Prokopius, Michael, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Ross, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Ross, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Ross, Joseph, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Rychwalski, Paul, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Rychwalski, Paul, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Schmitt, Melanie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Sears, Jonathan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Sears, Jonathan, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Shah, Rupa, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Shah, Rupa, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Shah, Rupa, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
OPHTHALMOLOGY Srivastava, Sunil, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Steinemann, Thomas, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Steinemann, Thomas, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Steinemann, Thomas, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Stephens, Donald, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Traboulsi, Elias, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Wall, Palak, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 Yuan, Alex, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830
Smith, Adiel, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830
Yuan, Alex, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Srivastava, Sunil, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830
Zielinski, Kathleen, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830
FAIRVIEW PARK Chi, Thomas, MD Ohio Eye Care Consultants, LLC 22715 Fairview Center (440) 777-8400 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Mayer, Daniel, MD Daniel J. Mayer, M.D., Inc. 18000 Jefferson Park (440) 816-1870 Rao, Llewelyn, MD Retina Associates of Cleveland, Inc. 15299 E. Bagley Road, #200 (440) 663-0022 LAKE MENTOR Pachydaki, Sophia, MD Vitreo-Retinal Consultants, Inc. 7766 Reynolds Road (440) 918-7417 LORAIN ELYRIA Bafna, Shamik, MD Cleveland Eye Clinic 1180 E. Broad Street (440) 366-6969 Wiley, William, MD Cleveland Eye Clinic 1180 E. Broad Street (440) 366-6969 LORAIN Zegarra, Hernando, MD Retina Associates of Cleveland, Inc. 6100 S. Broadway Avenue, #200 (440) 233-6100 MEDINA MEDINA Chi, Thomas, MD Ohio Eye Care Consultants, LLC 3583 Reserve Commons Drive (330) 722-8300
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #101 (330) 434-1185 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #101 (330) 434-1185 Mayer, Daniel, MD Daniel J. Mayer, M.D., Inc. 4067 N. Jefferson Street (330) 725-4174 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #101 (330) 434-1185 WADSWORTH Chi, Thomas, MD Ohio Eye Care Consultants, LLC One Park Centre Drive, #106 (330) 334-1300 PORTAGE HUDSON Stephens, Donald, MD Ripkin Vision & Laser Center, Inc. 100 First Street (330) 650-0212
OPHTHALMOLOGY Jones, Marc, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 434-1185 Locastro, Anthony, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201 Lohman, Lawrence, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201 Steiner, Scott, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 434-1185 Willett, Matthew, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201 STREETSBORO
Beyer, Todd, DO Ripkin Vision & Laser Center, Inc. 9424 State Route 14 (330) 422-1111
Cingle, Kimberly, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201
Ripkin, Douglas, MD Ripkin Vision & Laser Center, Inc. 9424 State Route 14 (330) 422-1111
Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 434-1185
Stephens, Donald, MD Ripkin Vision & Laser Center, Inc. 9424 State Route 14 (330) 422-1111
TALLMADGE Beyer, Todd, DO System Optics, Inc./Novus Clinic 518 West Avenue (330) 630-9699 Johnston, James, DO System Optics, Inc./Novus Clinic 518 West Avenue (330) 630-9699 Stephens, Donald, MD System Optics, Inc./Novus Clinic 518 West Avenue (330) 630-9699 NORTH CANTON Gray, Gregory, MD Eye Centers of Ohio, Inc. 6407 Frank Avenue, NW (330) 966-1111 Karns, Laurence, MD Eye Centers of Ohio, Inc. 6407 Frank Avenue, NW (330) 966-1111 Magoon, Elbert, MD Eye Centers of Ohio, Inc. 6407 Frank Avenue, NW (330) 966-1111 Nelson, David, MD Eye Centers of Ohio, Inc. 6407 Frank Avenue, NW (330) 966-1111 Turgeon, Paul, MD Eye Centers of Ohio, Inc. 6407 Frank Avenue, NW (330) 966-1111 SUMMIT AKRON Beyer, Todd, DO System Optics, Inc./Novus Clinic 3510 Manchester Road (330) 630-9699 Burket, David, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. One Park West, #150 (330) 864-8060
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Cannatti, James, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. One Park West, #150 (330) 864-8060 Chi, Thomas, MD Ohio Eye Care Consultants, LLC One Park West Blvd., #260 (330) 864-0000 Dash-Modi, Anita, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. One Park West, #150 (330) 864-8060 Ellison, Richard, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. One Park West, #150 (330) 864-8060 Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 150 Springside Drive, #330 (330) 665-2260 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 150 Springside Drive, #330 (330) 665-2260 Locastro, Anthony, MD Pediatric Eye & Oculoplastic Surgeons, Inc. 300 Locust Street, #400 (330) 374-5666 Peter, Charles, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. One Park West, #150 (330) 864-8060 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 150 Springside Drive, #330 (330) 665-2260 Yeakley, William, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. One Park West, #150 (330) 864-8060
Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 650 Graham Road, #103 & #104 (330) 922-9860
Burket, David, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. 3838 Massillon Road, #370 (330) 864-8060
Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 650 Graham Road, #103 & #104 (330) 922-9860 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 650 Graham Road, #103 & #104 (330) 922-9860
Cannatti, James, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. 3838 Massillon Road, #370 (330) 864-8060 Dash-Modi, Anita, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. 3838 Massillon Road, #370 (330) 864-8060
Ellison, Richard, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. 3838 Massillon Road, #370 (330) 864-8060
Beyer, Todd, DO Ripkin Vision & Laser Center, Inc. 100 First Street (330) 650-0212
Peter, Charles, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. 3838 Massillon Road, #370 (330) 864-8060
Ripkin, Douglas, MD Ripkin Vision & Laser Center, Inc. 100 First Street (330) 650-0212
Yeakley, William, MD Summit Ophthalmology, Inc. 3838 Massillon Road, #370 (330) 864-8060
STOW Cingle, Kimberly, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 4277 Allen Road (330) 928-0201
Jones, Marc, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 4277 Allen Road (330) 929-8204
Stephens, Donald, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830
Lohman, Lawrence, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 4277 Allen Road (330) 929-8204
Steiner, Scott, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 4277 Allen Road (330) 929-8204 Willett, Matthew, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 4277 Allen Road (330) 928-0201
MENTOR Estafanous, Marcus, MD Vitreo-Retinal Consultants, Inc. 7766 Reynolds Road (440) 918-7417 Gersman, Mark, MD Vitreo-Retinal Consultants, Inc. 7766 Reynolds Road (440) 918-7417 97
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Kaufman, Stephen, MD Vitreo-Retinal Consultants, Inc. 7766 Reynolds Road (440) 918-7417 Wenz, Robert, MD Vitreo-Retinal Consultants, Inc. 7766 Reynolds Road (440) 918-7417 MEDINA MEDINA Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #101 (330) 434-1185 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #101 (330) 434-1185 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #101 (330) 434-1185 PORTAGE KENT Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 434-1185 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 434-1185 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 434-1185 98
Stephens, Donald, MD System Optics, Inc./Novus Clinic 518 West Avenue (330) 630-9699
SUMMIT AKRON Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 150 Springside Drive, #330 (330) 665-2260 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 150 Springside Drive, #330 (330) 665-2260 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 150 Springside Drive, #330 (330) 665-2260 CUYAHOGA FALLS Hull, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 650 Graham Road, #103 & #104 (330) 922-9860 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 650 Graham Road, #103 & #104 (330) 922-9860 Tsai, Thomas, MD The Retina Group of Northeast Ohio, Inc. 650 Graham Road, #103 & #104 (330) 922-9860
CLEVELAND Forde, Anthony, DDS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4488 Karfes, Frank, DDS Frank J. Karfes, DDS 850 Euclid Avenue, #500 (216) 621-8448 Picard, Urban, DDS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4488 Picard, Urban, DDS MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Schween, Gary, DDS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4488 Schween, Gary, DDS MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Shaikh, Rishad, DMD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4488 Shaikh, Rishad, DMD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Zetz, Michael, DDS MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4488
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Zetz, Michael, DDS MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Clemow, Justin, DMD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4488 Schneider, Keith, DMD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4488 Schneider, Keith, DMD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 LAKE MENTOR Schneider, Keith, DMD Schneider Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Inc. 7207 Hopkins Road (440) 255-3700 PORTAGE KENT Pavlick, Matthew, DDS J. P. Neary, MD, Inc 1551 S. Water Street (330) 678-6564
ORAL SURGERY – ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Keith, Michael, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200 Moore, Timothy, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 Sontich, John, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Bafus, Blaine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Brady, Megan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
Feighan, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
Pavlick, Matthew, DDS J. P. Neary, MD, Inc 571 Boston Mills Road, #100 (330) 678-6564
Hoyen, Harry, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
Hoyen, Harry, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Keith, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Keith, Michael, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Lacey, Stephen, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Lacey, Stephen, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Levine, Ari, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Liu, Raymond, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Moore, Timothy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4386 Nash, Clyde, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Nash, Clyde, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Patterson, Brendan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Patterson, Brendan, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Robertson, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Sontich, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Sontich, John, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Brady, Megan, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Levine, Ari, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Patterson, Brendan, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Nickodem, Robert, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 9500 Mentor Avenue, #210 (440) 352-1711 Parsons, Eric, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 9500 Mentor Avenue, #210 (440) 352-1711 WILLOUGHBY Combs, Steven, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #104 (440) 942-1050
Nahra, Mitchell, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #104 (440) 942-1050
Vallier, Heather, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
Krebs, John, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 2211 Crocker Road, #130 (440) 329-2800
Nickodem, Robert, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #104 (440) 942-1050
Wilber, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
Parsons, Eric, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #104 (440) 942-1050
Wilber, John, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Wilber, Roger, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Wilber, Roger, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 LYNDHURST Keith, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 29001 Cedar Road, #519 (440) 473-3434
CONCORD Parsons, Eric, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 7580 Auburn Road, #214 (888) 377-1711 MADISON Combs, Steven, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 6270 N. Ridge Road (888) 377-1711 MENTOR Combs, Steven, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 9500 Mentor Avenue, #210 (440) 352-1711 Nahra, Mitchell, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 9500 Mentor Avenue, #210 (440) 352-1711
LORAIN AMHERST Zanotti, Daniel, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 254 Cleveland Avenue, Suite A (440) 329-2800 Zanotti, Robert, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 254 Cleveland Avenue, Suite A (440) 329-2800 AVON Stanfield, William, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 1997 Healthway Drive, #203 (440) 988-6950 Zanotti, Daniel, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 1997 Healthway Drive, #203 (440) 988-6950
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Zanotti, Robert, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 1997 Healthway Drive, #203 (440) 988-6950 ELYRIA Palekar, Sanjay, MD Sanjay S. Palekar, MD, Inc. 436 E. River Street (440) 322-0780 OBERLIN Berkowitz, Robert, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 224 W. Lorain Street, Suite B (440) 329-2800 Zanotti, Daniel, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 224 W. Lorain Street, Suite B (440) 329-2800 Zanotti, Robert, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 224 W. Lorain Street, Suite B (440) 329-2800
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY MEDINA MEDINA Rose, Richard, MD Richard F. Rose, MD 970 E. Washington Street, #102 (330) 722-1610 PORTAGE KENT Pryce, Michael, MD Stow-Kent Orthopedics, Inc. 174 Currie-Hall Parkway, Suite A (330) 673-5519 SUMMIT AKRON DiNicola, Nicholas, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663
DiNicola, Nicholas, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663
Berkowitz, Robert, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 5001 Transportation Drive (440) 329-2800
Gasser, Ryan, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663
Krebs, John, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 5001 Transportation Drive (440) 329-2800
Gasser, Ryan, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663
Stanfield, William, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 5001 Transportation Drive (440) 329-2800
Hatherill, Michele, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663
Zanotti, Daniel, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 5001 Transportation Drive (440) 329-2800
Hatherill, Michele, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663
Zanotti, Robert, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 5001 Transportation Drive (440) 329-2800
Kantaras, Anthony, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663
Kantaras, Anthony, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663 Kurtz, William, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663 Kurtz, William, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663 Lippitt, Steven, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663 Lippitt, Steven, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663 Pinkowski, John, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663 Pinkowski, John, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663 Steurer, Jr., Paul, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663 Steurer, Jr., Paul, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663 Thompson, Thomas, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663 Tucker, Amy, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Tucker, Amy, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663
Tucker, Amy, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Vrabec, Gregory, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Vrabec, Gregory, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663
Vrabec, Gregory, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Vrabec, Gregory, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663
DiNicola, Nicholas, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
DiNicola, Nicholas, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Hatherill, Michele, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
DiNicola, Nicholas, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Gasser, Ryan, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Kantaras, Anthony, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Gasser, Ryan, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Hatherill, Michele, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Kurtz, William, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Hatherill, Michele, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Kantaras, Anthony, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Lippitt, Steven, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Kantaras, Anthony, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Kurtz, William, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Pinkowski, John, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Kurtz, William, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Lippitt, Steven, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Steurer, Jr., Paul, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Lippitt, Steven, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Pinkowski, John, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Tucker, Amy, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Pinkowski, John, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Steurer, Jr., Paul, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Vrabec, Gregory, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Steurer, Jr., Paul, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
Tucker, Amy, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY: HAND SURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Bafus, Blaine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Hoyen, Harry, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Hoyen, Harry, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Lacey, Stephen, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Lacey, Stephen, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Malone, Kevin, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Malone, Kevin, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 LYNDHURST Malone, Kevin, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 29001 Cedar Road, #519 (440) 473-3434 WESTLAKE Krebs, John, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 2211 Crocker Road, #130 (440) 329-2800
Smith, Michael, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663
Bucchieri, John, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 9500 Mentor Avenue, #210 (440) 352-1711 WILLOUGHBY Bucchieri, John, MD Lake Orthopaedic Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #104 (440) 942-1050 LORAIN SHEFFIELD VILLAGE Krebs, John, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 5001 Transportation Drive (440) 329-2800 CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Moore, Timothy, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 SUMMIT AKRON Smith, Michael, MD Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663 Smith, Michael, MD Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663 MUNROE FALLS Smith, Michael, MD Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663
UNIONTOWN Smith, Michael, MD Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663 PAIN MANAGEMENT CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Tabbaa, Kutaiba, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Tabbaa, Kutaiba, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3609 Tabbaa, Kutaiba, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 WESTLAKE Kodsy, Maher, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 902 Westpoint Parkway, #330 (440) 899-8622 Malak, Osama, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 2211 Crocker Road (440) 989-2066
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Malak, Osama, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 902 Westpoint Parkway, #330 (440) 899-8622
Malak, Osama, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court, #200 (440) 934-8922
Demangone, David, MD Pain Management Associates, Inc. 6025 Commerce Circle, #2 (440) 944-1414
Griffiths, Maria, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite G (330) 208-2720
Malak, Osama, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 32900 Detroit Road (440) 937-0410
Geiger, Robert, MD Summit Pain Specialists, Inc. 4302 Allen Road, #300 (330) 945-7246
Kodsy, Maher, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 4804 Leavitt Road (440) 989-2066
Griffiths, Maria, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 1560 Corporate Woods Parkway (330) 208-2720
Malak, Osama, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 4804 Leavitt Road (440) 989-2066
Malak, Osama, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 989-2066
Kalin, Andrew, MD Pinnacle Pain & Spine Consultants 6115 Powers Blvd., #201, Building 4 (440) 385-0344
Shah, Bharat, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 902 Westpoint Parkway, #330 (440) 899-8622
Choi, Charles, MD Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015 Gupta, Parshotam, MD Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015
Yonan, Sameh, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 902 Westpoint Parkway, #330 (440) 989-2066
LAKE PAINESVILLE Ko, Timothy, MD Pinnacle Pain & Spine Consultants 7580 Auburn Road, #102 (440) 358-1116 LORAIN LORAIN Shah, Bharat, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 4804 Leavitt Road (440) 989-2066 Yonan, Sameh, MD Comprehensive Pain Care Center, Inc. 4804 Leavitt Road (440) 989-2066 SHEFFIELD VILLAGE Eid, Joanne, MD Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015 Kumar, Sanjay, DO Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015 MEDINA MEDINA Balter, Kevin, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3780 Medina Road, #110 (330) 208-2720 Jones, Matthew, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3780 Medina Road, #110 (330) 208-2720 WADSWORTH Balter, Kevin, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite G (330) 208-2720
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Fouad, Maged, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite G (330) 208-2720 Jones, Matthew, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite G (330) 208-2720 Lababidi, Tony, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite G (330) 208-2720 PORTAGE KENT Ali, Syed, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 411 Devon Place (330) 677-7680 Narouze, Samer, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 411 Devon Place (330) 677-7680 Sable, James, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 411 Devon Place (330) 677-7680 Souzdalnitski, Dmitri, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 411 Devon Place (330) 677-7680 Vucetic, Henry, MD Western Reserve Professional Group 307 W. Main Street, Suite C (330) 677-3628 Vucetic, Henry, MD Western Reserve Professional Group 265 W. Main Street, #201 (330) 677-3628
PAIN MEDICINE SUMMIT AKRON Ali, Syed, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #210 (330) 835-3922 Balter, Kevin, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3535 S. Smith Road, Suite A (330) 208-2720 Farid, Ibrahim, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8823 Fouad, Maged, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3535 S. Smith Road, Suite A (330) 208-2720 Jones, Matthew, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3535 S. Smith Road, Suite A (330) 208-2720 Lababidi, Tony, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3535 S. Smith Road, Suite A (330) 208-2720 Lababidi, Tony, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 2215 E. Waterloo Road, #313 (330) 208-2720 Narouze, Samer, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #210 (330) 835-3922 Riemenschneider, Bradley, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8823
Souzdalnitski, Dmitri, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #210 (330) 835-3922 Vucetic, Henry, MD Western Reserve Professional Group 525 N. ClevelandMassillon Road, #204 (330) 665-5192 CUYAHOGA FALLS Ali, Syed, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 1900 23rd Street (330) 971-7246 Narouze, Samer, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 1900 23rd Street (330) 971-7246 Sable, James, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 1900 23rd Street (330) 971-7246 Souzdalnitski, Dmitri, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 1900 23rd Street (330) 971-7246 HUDSON Ali, Syed, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 971-7246 Narouze, Samer, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 971-7246 Sable, James, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 971-7246 Souzdalnitski, Dmitri, MD SWRH Physicians, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 971-7246
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Balter, Kevin, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3051 Graham Road (330) 208-2720
Wasserbauer Kingston, Nancy, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-0140
Jones, Matthew, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3051 Graham Road (330) 208-2720
SOUTH EUCLID Zaim, M. Tarif, MD University Dermatologists, Inc. 1611 S. Green Road, #146 (216) 382-3806 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY
Balter, Kevin, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 1560 Corporate Woods Parkway (330) 208-2720
Fouad, Maged, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 1560 Corporate Woods Parkway (330) 208-2720 Jones, Matthew, MD Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 1560 Corporate Woods Parkway (330) 208-2720 Lababidi, Tony, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 1560 Corporate Woods Parkway (330) 208-2720
Chouksey, Akhilesh, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000 Chouksey, Akhilesh, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Chouksey, Akhilesh, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 SOUTH EUCLID
Sher, Theodore, MD Allergy Immunology Associates, Inc. 1611 S. Green, #231 (216) 381-3333
Gelehrter, George, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8788
Wasserbauer Kingston, Nancy, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-0140
PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Bockoven, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Erenberg, Francine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Golden, Alex, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Khan, Wasim, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Smith, Grace, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Tracy, Christine, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 SUMMIT AKRON Bockoven, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8523
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Clark, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8520
Jacobstein, Mark, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8523
Smith, Philip, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
Khan, Wasim, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8521 Lane, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8520 Patel, Chandrakant, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8030 Smith, Grace, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8523 Tracy, Christine, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8521 Vande Kappelle, R. Peter, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8030 Waight, David, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8030
Spector, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 SUMMIT AKRON Smith, Philip, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8030 Spector, Michael, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8030
PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Besunder, James, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5980 Latifi, Samir, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-7222 Lebovitz, Daniel, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5980 Pope, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5980 Super, Dennis, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5980 SUMMIT AKRON
PEDIATRIC CLINICAL GENETICS CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Crowe, Carol, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4323 SUMMIT AKRON Kurczynski, Thaddeus, MD, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8792
Baker, Kimberly, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Besunder, James, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Bigham, Michael, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Billow, Michael, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8452 107
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Billow, Michael, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 4125 Medina Road (330) 543-2500 Forbes, Michael, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Latifi, Samir, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8434 Lebovitz, Daniel, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Malhotra, Vivek, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Nofziger, Ryan, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Pope, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 Tirodker, Urmila, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8639 HUDSON Billow, Michael, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 342-5437
PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE – PEDIATRIC GENERAL SURGERY PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY MEDINA MEDINA Fenton, Cydney, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-8050 SUMMIT AKRON Fenton, Cydney, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3276 Haidet, Jaime, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3276 Van Sickle, Bradley, MD, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3276
PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Gulati, Reema, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Haddad, Ibrahim, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 SUMMIT AKRON Fyda, John, MD Pediatric Gastroenterology of Akron 300 Locust Street, #470 (330) 376-3800 Garcia-Naveiro, Reinaldo, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-5271 PEDIATRIC GENERAL SURGERY CUYAHOGA
Garrison, Aaron, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391
AKRON Nelson, Marc, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4930 HUDSON Nelson, Marc, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-4930
McCollum, Mark, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Parry, Robert, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 Parry, Robert, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Ponsky, Todd, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 Soldes, Oliver, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-7800 Taub, Ira, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 MEDINA MEDINA Parry, Robert, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-4930
Ponsky, Todd, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-6060 Rush, Sarah, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Soldes, Oliver, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-6060 HUDSON Parry, Robert, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-4930
SUMMIT AKRON Andrews, David, MD Akron Pediatric Surgical Associates, Inc. 300 Locust Street, #560 (330) 434-5341 Crow , John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-6060 McCollum, Mark, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-1000 Parry, Robert, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4930 Pittinger, Timothy, MD Akron Pediatric Surgical Associates, Inc. 300 Locust Street, #560 (330) 434-5341
PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY/ ONCOLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Bodas, Prasad, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Friebert, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Hord, Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Kuerbitz, Steven, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
SUMMIT AKRON Bodas, Prasad, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Fargo, John, DO Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Friebert, Sarah, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Hord, Jeffrey, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Kuerbitz, Steven, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Patton, Donna, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Savelli, Stephanie, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730 Talaizadeh, Mohammad, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8730
Savelli, Stephanie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 109
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Abughali, Nazha, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Schein, Rebecca, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 SUMMIT AKRON Bower, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8395 Congeni, Blaise, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8395 PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Mahesh, Shefali, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Patterson, Larry , MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Prebis, James, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
MEDINA MEDINA Cha, Stephen, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-8950 Mahesh, Shefali, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-8950 Patterson, Larry , MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-8950 Prebis, James, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 543-8950 SUMMIT AKRON Cha, Stephen, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8950 Mahesh, Shefali, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8950 Patterson, Larry , MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-5950 Prebis, James, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8950
HUDSON Prebis, James, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-8950 PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY CUYAHOGA BRECKSVILLE Cohen, Bruce, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 7001 S. Edgerton Road, #500 (330) 543-8050 CLEVELAND Jacobs, Irwin, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Prochoroff, Andre, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Rizkala, Elie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Prochoroff, Andre, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Rizkala, Elie, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 MEDINA MEDINA Abdalla, Abdalla, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-8050
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Enlow, Thomas, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, #100 (330) 543-8050 Veluchamy, Vivekanand, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 3780 Medina Road, #240 (330) 725-5929 SUMMIT AKRON Abdalla, Abdalla, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-1000 Brown, Christopher, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Cohen, Bruce, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Enlow, Thomas, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Holder, Deborah, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Kalavsky, Steven, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Kulasekaran, Thiruvengadam, MD Akron Pediatric Neurology 300 Locust Street, #150 (330) 253-2113
PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY – PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY McBride, Margaret, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050 Veluchamy, Vivekanand, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050
PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Ghasia, F. Fatema, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5830 PORTAGE KENT
Victorio, Maria, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050
Locastro, Anthony, MD Northeast Ohio Eye Surgeons, Inc. 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201
Enlow, Thomas, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-8050
PEDIATRIC NEUROPSYCHOLOGY SUMMIT AKRON Stanford, Lisa, PhD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8058 PEDIATRIC NEUROSURGERY SUMMIT AKRON Chen, Tsulee, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8058 Hudgins, Roger, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8058
Burnstine, Robert, MD Akron Pediatric Ophthalmology & Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery 300 Locust Street, #490 (330) 535-8000 Hanna, Nancy, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8568 Hertle, Richard, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-5290 Lawhon, William, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8568 Locastro, Anthony, MD Pediatric Eye & Oculoplastic Surgeons, Inc. 300 Locust Street, #400 (330) 374-5666
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Hardesty, Christina, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 SUMMIT AKRON Adamczyk, Mark, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3500
Riley, Patrick, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 762-3100
Schrader, William, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-3500 PEDIATRIC PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION
Bhatia, Rajeev, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8885
Jones, Kerwyn, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3500
Mosher, Kathryn, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050
Riley, Patrick, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3500
Najarian, Christopher, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050
Ritzman, Todd, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3500
Sahgal, Suneet, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050
Birnkrant, David, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222
Baird, Micah, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8050
Weiner, Dennis, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-6633
Birnkrant, David, MD MetroHealth Buckeye Health Center 2816 East 116th Street (216) 957-4000
Bono, Kenneth, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3500
Schrader, William, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-3500
CANTON Baird, Micah, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 2600 6th Street, SW Memorial 3 North (330) 543-8050
Martinez, Starla, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8885 McBride, John, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8885 Omlor, Gregory, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8885 Strawbridge, Heather, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8885 Toder, Debbie, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8885
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists HUDSON Omlor, Gregory, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-8885 UNIONTOWN Oliveti, John, MD John Oliveti, MD 1790 Town Park Blvd., #1 (330) 899-0300 PEDIATRIC RHEUMATOLOGY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Bukulmez, Hulya, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200 Singer, Nora, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200 CLEVELAND Bukulmez, Hulya, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-2222 Singer, Nora, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5154
PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY – PEDIATRIC UROLOGY Toth, Mary, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8574 PEDIATRIC SPORTS MEDICINE SUMMIT AKRON Burke, Michelle, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8260 Congeni, Joseph, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8260 Kerr, Julie, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8260 Loud, Keith, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8538 Smurawa, Troy, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8260 HUDSON Loud, Keith, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 342-5437
Woo, Lynn, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4257 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Palmer, Jeffrey, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Institute, LLC 6900 Pearl Road (216) 292-2111 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Palmer, Jeffrey, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Institute, LLC 14100 Cedar Road, #280 (216) 292-2111 LAKE MENTOR Palmer, Jeffrey, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Institute, LLC 9485 Mentor Avenue, #203 (216) 292-2111 LORAIN AVON Palmer, Jeffrey, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Institute, LLC 1997 Healthway Drive, #203 (216) 292-2111 MEDINA MEDINA Nasrallah, Phillip, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Inc. 970 E. Washington Street, #5C (330) 725-0600 MEDINA
El-Hallak, Moussa, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-8574
CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Ross, Jonathan, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4257
MEDINA Palmer, Jeffrey, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Institute, LLC 970 E. Washington Street (216) 292-2111
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists PORTAGE
Begley, James, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414
Palmer, Jeffrey, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Institute, LLC 12000 McCracken Road (216) 292-2111 STREETSBORO Palmer, Jeffrey, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Institute, LLC 9318 State Route 14 (216) 292-2111 SUMMIT AKRON Clark, Curtis, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Inc. 215 W. Bowery Street, #3500 (330) 376-3332 McMahon, Daniel, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Inc. 215 W. Bowery Street, #3500 (330) 376-3332 Nasrallah, Phillip, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Inc. 215 W. Bowery Street, #3500 (330) 376-3332 PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Malkamaki, Daniel, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
Begley, James, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Chae, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Chae, John, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Clark, Gary, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Clark, Gary, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Cui, Lixin, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Cui, Lixin, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Fox, Kermit, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Fox, Kermit, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500
Harris, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Harris, Michael, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Huang, Shu Que, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Huang, Shu Que, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Malkamaki, Daniel, MD MetroHealth Lee-Harvard Health Center 4071 Lee Road, #260 (216) 957-1200 Malkamaki, Daniel, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Malkamaki, Daniel, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Malkamaki, Daniel, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Mejia, Melvin, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Mejia, Melvin, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Morton, Antwon, DO MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Murray, Patrick, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Murray, Patrick, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Murray, Patrick, MD MetroHealth Prentiss Center for Skilled Nursing 3525 Scranton Road (216) 957-8899 Nemunaitis, Gregory, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Nemunaitis, Gregory, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Sheffler, Lynne, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414 Sheffler, Lynne, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 Vargo, Mary, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414
PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION Wilson, Richard, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Fox, Kermit, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 LAKE MENTOR Keum, Matthew, MD Oaktree Clinic 8401 Mentor Avenue (440) 205-9119 Keum, Matthew, MD Oaktree Clinic 9485 Mentor Avenue, #214 (440) 205-9119 Lee, Howard, MD Oaktree Clinic 9485 Mentor Avenue, #214 (440) 205-9119 WILLOUGHBY Keum, Matthew, MD Oaktree Clinic 36060 Euclid Avenue, #101 (440) 269-4990 LORAIN LORAIN Larsen, Teresa, DO Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420
Vargo, Mary, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-3500
SHEFFIELD VILLAGE Kumar, Sanjay, DO Neurospinecare, Inc. 5319 Hoag Drive, #100 (440) 930-6015
Wilson, Richard, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4414
Larsen, Teresa, DO Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454
MEDINA MEDINA Larsen, Teresa, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3780 Medina Road, #110 (330) 208-2720 WADSWORTH Larsen, Teresa, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite G (330) 208-2720 PORTAGE KENT Mehta, Bina, MD Western Reserve Professional Group 307 W. Main Street (330) 677-3628 Mehta, Bina, MD Western Reserve Professional Group 265 W. Main Street, #201 (330) 667-3628 SUMMIT AKRON Klejka, James, MD Summit Rehabilitation Medicine, Inc. 3975 Embassy Parkway, #002 (330) 668-4094 Larsen, Teresa, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3535 S. Smith Road, Suite A (330) 208-2720 Larsen, Teresa, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 2215 E. Waterloo Road, #313 (330) 208-2720
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists CUYAHOGA FALLS Hayek, Anthony, DO Summit Rehabilitation Medicine, Inc. 405 Tallmadge Road, #120 (330) 784-9306 STOW Larsen, Teresa, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 3051 Graham Road (330) 208-2720 Yang, Guang, MD Summit Pain Specialists, Inc. 4302 Allen Road, #300 (330) 945-7246 UNIONTOWN Larsen, Teresa, DO Comprehensive Pain Management Specialists 1560 Corporate Woods Parkway (330) 208-2720
PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION – PLASTIC SURGERY Jordan, Roderick, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Kaufman, Bram, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4450 Kaufman, Bram, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Medalie, Daniel, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4450 Medalie, Daniel, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Totonchi, Seyed, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4450
Medalie, Daniel, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
Jordan, Roderick, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
CLEVELAND Jordan, Roderick, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4450 Jordan, Roderick, MD MetroHealth Prentiss Center for Skilled Nursing 3525 Scranton Road (216) 957-8899
PEPPER PIKE Kaufman, Bram, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523 LAKE WILLOUGHBY Binder, Michael, MD Michael P. Binder, MD 36100 Euclid Avenue, #290 (440) 953-4646
LORAIN AVON Reyes, Roland, MD Roland J. Reyes, MD 1997 Healthway Drive, #203 (440) 988-6880 MEDINA MEDINA Papas, Nicholas, MD Renaissance Plastic Surgeons, LTD 3780 Medina Road, #110 (330) 334-7800 WADSWORTH Papas, Nicholas, MD Renaissance Plastic Surgeons, LTD 185 Wadsworth Road, Suite J (330) 334-7800 SUMMIT AKRON Letourneau, Peter, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4970 Murthy, Ananth, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4970 Papas, Nicholas, MD Renaissance Plastic Surgeons, LTD 4125 Medina Road, #202 (330) 334-7800 Papas, Nicholas, MD Renaissance Plastic Surgeons, LTD One Park West Blvd., #370 (330) 334-7800 Parker, Michael, MD Akron Plastic Surgeons, Inc. One Park West Blvd., #350 (330) 253-9161
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Patel, Niyant, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron One Perkins Square (330) 543-4970 Pedersen, John, MD Akron Plastic Surgeons, Inc. One Park West Blvd., #350 (330) 253-9161 Wagner, Douglas, MD Akron Plastic Surgeons, Inc. One Park West Blvd., #350 (330) 253-9161 HUDSON Dellinger, David, DO Ohio Valley Plastic Surgery 1320 Corporate Drive, #100 (330) 650-0607 Murthy, Ananth, MD Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron 5655 Hudson Drive (330) 543-4970 PLASTIC SURGERY: HAND SURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Kaufman, Bram, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4450 Kaufman, Bram, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 PEPPER PIKE Kaufman, Bram, MD MetroHealth Pepper Pike Health Center 29125 Chagrin Blvd., #110 (216) 591-0523
PLASTIC SURGERY – PODIATRY LORAIN AVON Reyes, Roland, MD Roland J. Reyes, MD 1997 Healthway Drive, #203 (440) 988-6880 PODIATRY CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD Roth, Lisa, DPM MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200
Roth, Lisa, DPM MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 Salzgeber, Gary, DPM MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216 ) 778-4393 Slomovitz, Marc, DPM MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Slomovitz, Marc, DPM MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
Slomovitz, Marc, DPM MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
MAYFIELD VILLAGE Weaver, Robert, DPM Robert D. Weaver, DPM, Inc. 6551 Wilson Mills Road, #104 (440) 442-3113
CLEVELAND Bodman, Michael, DPM MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Grady, Angela, DPM MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Bodman, Michael, DPM MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Grady, Angela, DPM MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500 Grady, Angela, DPM MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393 Roth, Lisa, DPM MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4393
Roth, Lisa, DPM MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 GEAUGA CHARDON Weaver, Robert, DPM Robert D. Weaver, DPM, Inc. 510 Fifth Avenue (440) 286-4945 LAKE MENTOR Lupica, Jeffrey, DPM Lake Orthopaedic Associates 9500 Mentor Avenue, #210 (440) 352-1711 117
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Lupica, Jeffrey, DPM Lake Orthopaedic Associates 36060 Euclid Avenue, #104 (440) 942-1050
Chokan, Aaron, DPM Ohio Foot & Ankle Center 2660 W. Market Street, # 101 (330) 867-9303
WILLOWICK Weaver, Robert, DPM Robert D. Weaver, DPM, Inc. 29804 Lakeshore Blvd. (440) 833-2001 LORAIN AVON Martinko, Karen, DPM Great Lakes Podiatry Center, Inc. 1502 Lear Industrial Parkway, #1A (440) 937-5400 ELYRIA Friedman, Roger, DPM Roger L. Friedman, DPM 5321 Meadow Lane Court, #22 (440) 934-8444 LORAIN DeBarr, Colleen, DPM Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5172 Leavitt Road (440) 282-7420 SHEFFIELD VILLAGE DeBarr, Colleen, DPM Superior Medical Care, Inc. 5334 Meadow Lane Court (440) 934-5454 MEDINA MEDINA Stein, Ronald, DPM Agape Podiatry, Inc. 535 E. Smith Road (330) 725-7075 Unsdorfer, Gary, DPM Agape Podiatry, Inc. 535 E. Smith Road (330) 725-7075
Stoddard, Frank, DPM Massillon Foot and Ankle Clinic, Inc. (dba Garrettsville Foot & Ankle Clinic) 8131 Main Street (330) 527-4088 KENT Cole, Windy, DPM Windy Cole, DPM 1533 S. Water Street (330) 673-4200 Fath, Jennifer, DPM A Plus Family Foot & Ankle Center, Inc. 1221 S. Water Street, Suite A (330) 474-0500 Pham, Hai, DPM A Plus Family Foot & Ankle Center, Inc. 1221 S. Water Street, Suite A (330) 474-0500 RAVENNA Paul, Eric, DPM Eric J. Paul, DPM, DABPS, FASCFAS 6693 N. Chestnut Street, #12B (330) 297-1211 STREETSBORO Cole, Windy, DPM Windy Cole, DPM 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 626-3392
MOGADORE Grossman, Jordan, DPM Akron General Orthopedics 754 S. Cleveland Avenue (330) 344-2663 MUNROE FALLS Grossman, Jordan, DPM Akron General Orthopedics 43 S. Main Street, #2 (330) 344-2663 STOW Chokan, Aaron, DPM Ohio Foot & Ankle Center 3226 Kent Road (330) 929-3331 Diller, Andrew, DPM Ohio Foot & Ankle Center 3226 Kent Road (330) 929-3332 Grossman, Jordan, DPM Akron General Orthopedics 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-2663 UNIONTOWN Grossman, Jordan, DPM Akron General Orthopedics 1587 Boettler Road, #102 (330) 344-2663
Grossman, Jordan, DPM Akron General Orthopedics 224 W. Exchange Street, #440 (330) 344-2663
Grossman, Jordan, DPM Akron General Orthopedics 4125 Medina Road, #201 (330) 344-2663
BEACHWOOD Infeld, Michael, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Williams, Sherrie, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 CLEVELAND Altaqi, Basel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 2322 East 22nd Street, #306 (216) 363-2673 Auckley, Dennis, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Connors, Alfred, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Duran-Castillo, Marina, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Finley, James, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Golish, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Iltchev, Daniel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 2322 East 22nd Street, #306 (216) 363-2673
PULMONOLOGY Krishnan, Vidya, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Shaman, Ziad, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Shaman, Ziad, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Sivak, Edward, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Thornton, John, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Warren, Edward, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 Warren, Edward, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100 Williams, Sherrie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS
Infeld, Michael, MD MetroHealth Broadway Health Center 6835 Broadway Avenue (216) 957-1500
Duran-Castillo, Marina, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Infeld, Michael, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5106
Krishnan, Vidya, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
PARMA Altaqi, Basel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #106 (440) 886-2509 Altaqi, Basel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #105 (440) 842-8400 Iltchev, Daniel, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #105 (440) 842-8400 Sopko, Joseph, MD Ohio Chest Physicians, Ltd. 6707 Powers Blvd., #105 (440) 842-8400 WESTLAKE Shaman, Ziad, MD MetroHealth at Premier Center Westlake 25200 Center Ridge Road, #2100 (440) 892-6524 Sivak, Edward, MD MetroHealth at Premier Center Westlake 25200 Center Ridge Road, #2100 (440) 892-6524 LAKE WILLOUGHBY Blair, Russell, MD Gary B. Kaplan, MD, Inc. 36001 Euclid Avenue, Suite C6 (440) 946-0053 Kaplan, Gary, MD Gary B. Kaplan, MD, Inc. 36001 Euclid Avenue, Suite C6 (440) 946-0053 LORAIN ELYRIA Ramadugu, Ashok, MD Chest Physicians, Inc. 661 E. River Street, Suite B (440) 323-0082 119
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists MEDINA MEDINA Kim, Albert, MD Unity Health Network 3780 Medina Road, #105 (330) 253-1411 Makkar, Hitesh, MD Unity Health Network 3780 Medina Road, #105 (330) 253-1411 PORTAGE RAVENNA Botros, Nader, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 Fuenning, Charles, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 Hines, Robert, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 Kim, Albert, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 Krauza, Matthew, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 Kretchmer, Kenneth, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 Makkar, Hitesh, MD Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 White, Brian, DO Unity Health Network 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969
PULMONOLOGY White, Ralph, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #325 (330) 296-6969 SUMMIT AKRON Arthur, Bruce, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 520 S. Main Street, #2436B (330) 252-9310
Krauza, Matthew, MD Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411 Kretchmer, Kenneth, MD Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411 Leano, Ann, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200C (330) 344-1260
Bindra, Akhil, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Lo, Kar-Ming, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Botros, Nader, MD Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411
Makkar, Hitesh, MD Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411
Castro, Jonathan, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Marsh , Jeffrey, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Chen, Gina, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Murray, Timothy, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Fuenning, Charles, MD Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411
Passero, Michael, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200C (330) 344-1260
Hines, Robert, MD Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411 Kakarala, Harish, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 Kim, Albert, MD Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411
Paxson, Chad , DO Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411 Tewari, Sanjiv, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Venkateshaiah, Lokesh, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 Venkateshaiah, Lokesh, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 White, Brian, DO Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411 White, Ralph, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #200C (330) 344-1260 White, Ralph, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 BARBERTON Botros, Nader, MD Unity Health Network 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161 Hines, Robert, MD Unity Health Network 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161 Kim, Albert, MD Unity Health Network 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161 Krauza, Matthew, MD Unity Health Network 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161 Kretchmer, Kenneth, MD Unity Health Network 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161
PULMONOLOGY – RADIATION ONCOLOGY Makkar, Hitesh, MD Unity Health Network 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161 White, Brian, DO Unity Health Network 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161 White, Ralph, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 201 Fifth Street, NE, #15 (330) 753-6161 CUYAHOGA FALLS Botros, Nader, MD Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411 Fuenning, Charles, MD Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411 Hines, Robert, MD Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411 Kim, Albert, MD Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411 Krauza, Matthew, MD Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411 Kretchmer, Kenneth, MD Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411
HUDSON Botros, Nader, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 Fuenning, Charles, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 Hines, Robert, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 Kim, Albert, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 Krauza, Matthew, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 Kretchmer, Kenneth, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 Makkar, Hitesh, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 White, Brian, DO Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #315 (330) 253-1411 RADIATION ONCOLOGY CUYAHOGA
Makkar, Hitesh, MD Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411
CLEVELAND Castro, Leonidas, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8343
White, Brian, DO Unity Health Network 1900 Twenty Third Street, #1000 (330) 253-1411
Duncan, Philip, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8343
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Laye, Peter, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8343
Godwin, Blessing, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428
Ramalingam, Ashok, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6448
MENTOR Barton, Fredrick, MD Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Centers 9485 Mentor Avenue, #3 (440) 205-5788 Novak, Louis, MD Lake Health/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Centers 9485 Mentor Avenue, #3 (440) 205-5788 PORTAGE RAVENNA Fromm, Mitchel, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 6847 Chestnut Street (330) 344-6448 Godwin, Blessing, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 6847 Chestnut Street (330) 344-6448
Magrey, Marina, MD MetroHealth Old Brooklyn Senior Health & Wellness Center 4229 Pearl Road (216) 957-2100
CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Dreben, Elizabeth, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8804 Gantner, Anita, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8804 Smith, Kip, PhD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-8804 RHEUMATOLOGY
Fromm, Mitchel, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-6448
Hassan, Sobia, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5154 Magrey, Marina, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5154
Godwin, Blessing, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-1733
Ballou, Stanley, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5154
Ramalingam, Ashok, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428
Fromm, Mitchel, MD Akron Radiation Oncology Associates, Inc. 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428
BEACHWOOD Magrey, Marina, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 957-9959 BEACHWOOD Singer, Nora, MD MetroHealth Beachwood Health Center 3609 Park East, North Building, #300 (216) 464-0200
Magrey, Marina, MD Metrohealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 Singer, Nora, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5154 MAYFIELD VILLAGE Mandel, David, MD David R. Mandel, MD, Inc. 6551 Wilson Mills Road, #106 (440) 449-8277 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Ballou, Stanley, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Hassan, Sobia, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists GEAUGA CHARDON Mandel, David, MD David R. Mandel, MD, Inc. 320 Center Street, Dry Insurance Bldg., Suite B (440) 286-9433 LORAIN ELYRIA Hampole, Vagesh, MD Vagesh M. Hampole, MD 125 E. Broad Street, #215 (440) 329-7360 PORTAGE STREETSBORO Singh, Inderprit, MD Portage Rheumatology (RHA) 9318 State Route 14, Third Floor (330) 422-7790 SUMMIT AKRON Azem, May, MD Arthritis & Rheumatology Associates 739 Graham Road (330) 344-7820 Hegde, Nikita, MD Arthritis & Rheumatology Associates 739 Graham Road (330) 344-7820 Lang, David, MD Arthritis & Rheumatology Associates 4125 Medina Road, #200C (330) 665-8031 SLEEP MEDICINE MEDINA MEDINA Roman, Frankie, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700
RHEUMATOLOGY – SPORTS MEDICINE Roman, Frankie, MD Unity Health Network 3985 Medina Road, #200 (330) 723-2700 WADSWORTH Chandos, Brandon, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 195 Wadsworth Road (330) 336-8831 Chandos, Brandon, MD Unity Health Network 195 Wadsworth Road (330) 336-8831 SUMMIT AKRON Chandos, Brandon, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Chandos, Brandon, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Chen, Gina, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 Lo, Kar-Ming, MD NE Ohio Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 224 W. Exchange Street, #380 (330) 344-6676 Novak, Jr., William, MD Akron Neurology, Inc. 4125 Medina Road, #203 (330) 344-6262 Paxson, Chad , DO Unity Health Network 95 Arch Street, #210 (330) 253-1411
Roman, Frankie, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 Roman, Frankie, MD Unity Health Network 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 HUDSON Chandos, Brandon, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Chandos, Brandon, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Roman, Frankie, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 Roman, Frankie, MD Unity Health Network 5655 Hudson Drive, #110 (330) 342-4020 UNIONTOWN Roman, Frankie, MD Neurology & Neuroscience Associates, Inc. 1700 Boettler Road, #250 (330) 899-5730 Roman, Frankie, MD Unity Health Network 1700 Boettler Road, #250 (330) 899-5730 SPORTS MEDICINE CUYAHOGA WESTLAKE Sandhu, Harkeet, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 2211 Crocker Road, #130 (440) 329-2800 123
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Sandhu, Harkeet, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 224 W. Lorain Street, Suite B (440) 329-2800
Golob, Joseph, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-3679
Ghumrawi, Badr, MD Badr Ghumwari, MD, Inc. 6693 N. Chestnut Street, #268A (330) 296-2829
Sandhu, Harkeet, MD Center for Orthopedics, Inc. 5001 Transportation Drive (440) 329-2800
Patel, Nimitt, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-7800
SUMMIT AKRON Lear, Aaron, MD Akron General Sports Medicine 224 W. Exchange Street (330) 344-4115 Lear, Aaron, MD Akron General Sports Medicine 4125 Medina Road (330) 344-1980 Peiffer, Jeffery, DO Akron General Sports Medicine 224 W. Exchange Street (330) 344-1980 Peiffer, Jeffery, DO Akron General Sports Medicine 4125 Medina Road (330) 344-1980
AKRON Baranek, Robert, MD Thoracic & Cardiovascular Associates, Inc. 75 Arch Street, #412 (330) 762-0366
CLEVELAND Averbook, Bruce, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360
Averbook, Bruce, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Kane, Sarah, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5341
Joseph, Natalie, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-5360 SUMMIT
SUMMIT AKRON Apostolis, Costas, MD Akron Urogynecology Associates 2603 W. Market Street, #210 (330) 344-1382
Lear, Aaron, MD Akron General Sports Medicine 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-1980
Murray, Mary, MD Akron Breast Surgeons 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-2771
Peiffer, Jeffery, DO Akron General Sports Medicine 4302 Allen Road (330) 344-1980
Murray, Mary, MD Mary K. Murray, MD, LLC 2603 W. Market Street, #210 (330) 873-9700
Dinchman, Kurt, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4257
Murray, Mary, MD Mary K. Murray, MD, LLC 400 Wabash Avenue (330) 344-2778
Dinchman, Kurt, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists Haas, Christopher, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4257 Lengu, Irma, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4257 Lengu, Irma, MD MetroHealth West Park Health Center 3838 West 150th Street (216) 957-5000 Nguyen, Carvell, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-7800 Spirnak, J. Patrick, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4257 Spirnak, J. Patrick, MD MetroHealth West 150th Health and Surgery Center 4330 West 150th Street (216) 251-6990 GARFIELD HEIGHTS Wong, Carson, MD Southwest Urology, Inc. 12000 McCracken Road, #451 (216) 581-0700
Lengu, Irma, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700
Nguyen, Carvell, MD MetroHealth Middleburg Heights Health Center 7800 Pearl Road (216) 957-9700 Wong, Carson, MD Southwest Urology, Inc. 6900 Pearl Road, Second Floor (440) 845-0900 GEAUGA CHARDON Levine, Frederic, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 13221 Ravenna Road, #2 (440) 753-0018 Reigle, Melissa, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 13221 Ravenna Road, #2 (440) 753-0018 Schneider, Kurt, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 13221 Ravenna Road, #2 (440) 753-0018 LAKE
Levine, Frederic, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 6803 Mayfield Road, #418 (440) 753-0018
Levine, Frederic, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 7580 Auburn Road (440) 753-0018
Reigle, Melissa, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 6803 Mayfield Road, #418 (440) 753-0018
Reigle, Melissa, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 7580 Auburn Road (440) 753-0018
Schneider, Kurt, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 6803 Mayfield Road, #418 (440) 753-0018
Schneider, Kurt, MD Drs. Levine, Reigle & Schneider, Inc. 7580 Auburn Road (440) 753-0018
Nasrallah, Phillip, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Inc. 970 E. Washington Street, #5C (330) 725-0600 Slaby, Denis, MD Denis Slaby, M.D., Inc. 970 E. Washington Street, #403 (330) 722-0333 Wong, Carson, MD Southwest Urology, Inc. 970 E. Washington Street, #5C (330) 725-0600 WADSWORTH Slaby, Denis, MD Denis Slaby, M.D., Inc. 195 Wadsworth Road (330) 722-0333 PORTAGE RAVENNA Dankoff, Joseph, MD Physicians Urology 3963 Loomis Parkway (330) 296-6441 Minott, Howard, MD Physicians Urology 3963 Loomis Parkway (330) 296-6441 Zhao, John, MD Physicians Urology 3963 Loomis Parkway (330) 296-6441 SUMMIT AKRON Bentley, Dennis, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848 Bentley, Dennis, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 125
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists
Bologna, Raymond, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848
Heiser, David, MD Urology One, Inc. 157 W. Cedar Street, #203 (330) 434-1204
Bologna, Raymond, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428
McMahon, Daniel, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Inc. 215 W. Bowery Street, #3500 (330) 376-3332
Breaux, Todd, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848 Breaux, Todd, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 Canterbury, Brian, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848 Canterbury, Brian, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 Danesis, Gregory, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 Dankoff, Joseph, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848 Gangel, Michael, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 Gangel, Michael, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848 Geller, Lawrence, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 Green, Douglas, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 126
FAIRLAWN Danesis, Gregory, MD Physicians Urology 2651 W. Market Street (330) 864-8008 Gangel, Michael, MD Physicians Urology 2651 W. Market Street (330) 864-8008
Minott, Howard, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428
Geller, Lawrence, MD Physicians Urology 2651 W. Market Street (330) 864-8008
Nasrallah, Phillip, MD Pediatric and Adolescent Urology Inc. 215 W. Bowery Street, #3500 (330) 376-3332
Green, Douglas, MD Physicians Urology 2651 W. Market Street (330) 864-8008
Spear, Kevin, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848 Spear, Kevin, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 Tabet, Bechara, MD Urology One, Inc. 157 W. Cedar Street, #203 (330) 434-1204 Zhao, John, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 BARBERTON Gangel, Michael, MD Physicians Urology 201 5th Street, NE, #5 (330) 864-8008 Danesis, Gregory, MD Physicians Urology 201 5th Street, NE #5 (330) 864-8008 Green, Douglas, MD Physicians Urology 201 5th Street, NE #5 (330) 864-8008
RAVENNA Gangel, Michael, MD Physicians Urology 3963 Loomis Parkway (330) 296-6441 STOW Danesis, Gregory, MD Physicians Urology 3869 Darrow Road, #206 (330) 864-8008 Gangel, Michael, MD Physicians Urology 3869 Darrow Road, #206 (330) 864-8008 Geller, Lawrence, MD Physicians Urology 3869 Darrow Road, #206 (330) 864-8008 Green, Douglas, MD Physicians Urology 3869 Darrow Road, #206 (330) 864-8008 UROLOGY: TRANSPLANT SURGERY SUMMIT AKRON Wegryn, John, MD Physicians Urology 95 Arch Street, #165 (330) 375-4848
Affiliated Community
Referral Specialists AKRON Wegryn, John, MD Physicians Urology 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428 VASCULAR MEDICINE LAKE MENTOR Kezele, Gregory, MD Northeast Ohio Vascular Associates, Inc. 7062 Wayside Drive (440) 269-8346 WILLOUGHBY Kezele, Gregory, MD Northeast Ohio Vascular Associates, Inc. 36060 Euclid Avenue, #107 (440) 269-8346 VASCULAR SURGERY CUYAHOGA CLEVELAND Alexander, J. Jeffrey, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 Moise, Mireille, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391 Smith, Christopher, MD MetroHealth Brooklyn Health Center 5208 Memphis Avenue (216) 398-0100 Smith, Christopher, MD MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive (216) 778-4391
UROLOGY: TRANSPLANT SURGERY – VASCULAR SURGERY GARFIELD HEIGHTS Stanley, Jeffrey, DO Cleveland Vascular Institute, LLC 12000 McCracken Road, #111 (216) 991-2600 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS Plecha, Ferdinand, MD Vascular Consultants, Inc. 7255 Old Oak Blvd., Suite B306 (440) 816-2786 Plecha, Ferdinand, MD Vascular Surgical Associates, Inc. 7255 Old Oak Blvd., Suite C108 (440) 816-5488 Rogers, Gregory, MD Vascular Consultants, Inc. 7255 Old Oak Blvd., Suite B306 (440) 816-2786 Rogers, Gregory, MD Vascular Surgical Associates, Inc. 7255 Old Oak Blvd., Suite C108 (440) 816-5488 WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS Nemeth, Kimberly, DO Cleveland Vascular Institute, LLC 4110 Warrensville Center Road, #1002 (216) 991-2600 Stanley, Jeffrey, DO Cleveland Vascular Institute, LLC 4110 Warrensville Center Road, #1002 (216) 991-2600 LAKE MENTOR Rollins, David, MD Northeast Ohio Vascular Associates, Inc. 7062 Wayside Drive (440) 269-8346
Rao, Vikram, MD Northeast Ohio Vascular Associates, Inc. 36060 Euclid Avenue, #107 (440) 269-8346 Rollins, David, MD Northeast Ohio Vascular Associates, Inc. 36060 Euclid Avenue, #107 (440) 269-8346 MEDINA MEDINA Plecha, Ferdinand, MD Vascular Consultants, Inc. 970 E. Washington, #5C (440) 816-5488 Plecha, Ferdinand, MD Vascular Surgical Associates, Inc. 970 E. Washington, #5C (440) 816-5488 Rogers, Gregory, MD Vascular Consultants, Inc. 970 E. Washington, #5C (440) 816-5488 Rogers, Gregory, MD Vascular Surgical Associates, Inc. 970 E. Washington, #5C (440) 816-5488 PORTAGE RAVENNA Fried, Jason, DO Cuyahoga Falls Surgical Associates 6847 N. Chestnut Street, #225 (330) 926-0618 SUMMIT CUYAHOGA FALLS Fried, Jason, DO Cuyahoga Falls Surgical Associates 1900 23rd Street (330) 926-0618
WILLOUGHBY Langenberg, Matthew, MD Northeast Ohio Vascular Associates, Inc. 36060 Euclid Avenue, #107 (440) 269-8346 127
Hospitals* This section contains the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the hospital network HealthSpan contracts with for inpatient care and other specific services.
In an emergency If you believe you are experiencing an emergency, please go to the nearest hospital. If you receive emergency care in or are admitted to a hospital not listed above, we may choose to move you to a hospital with our network physicians once your condition is stable. By doing so, we can provide you seamless and integrated care both during your hospitalization and in your transition out of the hospital. Your transportation costs will be covered. To understand your benefits for emergency services, please refer to your Evidence of Coverage (EOC).
AKRON GENERAL MEDICAL CENTER 400 Wabash Avenue Akron, OH 44307 (330) 344-6000
MERCY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 3700 Kolbe Rd Lorain, OH 44053 (440) 960-4000
CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER OF AKRON One Perkins Square Akron, OH 44308 (330) 543-1000
METROHEALTH MEDICAL CENTER 2500 MetroHealth Drive Cleveland, OH 44109 (216) 778-7800
EDWIN SHAW REHABILITATION INSTITUTE 330 Broadway Street, East Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 436-0910
PARMA COMMUNITY GENERAL HOSPITAL 7007 Powers Blvd. Parma, OH 44129 (440) 743-3000
EMH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 630 E. River Street Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-7500
ROBINSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 6847 N. Chestnut Street Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 297-0811
LAKEWEST MEDICAL CENTER 36000 Euclid Avenue Willoughby, OH 44094 (440) 953-9600
TRIPOINT MEDICAL CENTER 7590 Auburn Road Concord , OH 44077 (440) 375-8100
LODI COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 225 Elyria Street Lodi, OH 44254 (330) 948-1222
UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS AHUJA MEDICAL CENTER 3999 Richmond Rd Beachwood, OH 44122 UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS CASE MEDICAL CENTER 11100 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 844-1000 UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS RAINBOW BABIES & CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 11100 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 844-1000 UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS MACDONALD WOMEN’S HOSPITAL 11100 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 844-3941 WINDSOR LAURELWOOD CENTER FOR BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE 35900 Euclid Avenue Willoughby, OH 44094 (440) 953-3000
*Hospital addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. The continued availability and/or participation of any hospital cannot be guaranteed.
HealthSpan and Hospital Network Emergency Care This section contains the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the HealthSpan facilities and the hospitals that HealthSpan contracts with for emergency services. Listed below are the HealthSpan facilities and contracted emergency departments. When possible seek care from a location listed below. This enables us to better coordinate your care.
AKRON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER – GREEN 1940 Town Park Boulevard Uniontown OH 44685 (330) 896-5000 AKRON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER – NORTH 4300 Allen Road Stow OH 44224 (330) 945-9300 AKRON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER – WEST 4125 Medina Road Akron OH 44333 (330) 665-8000 AKRON GENERAL MEDICAL CENTER 400 Wabash Avenue Akron OH 44307 (330) 344-6000 AMHERST HOSPITAL 254 Cleveland Avenue Amherst OH 44001 (440) 988-6000 CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER OF AKRON One Perkins Square Akron OH 44308 (330) 543-1000
EMH CENTER FOR FITNESS 1997 Healthway Drive Avon OH 44011 (440) 988-6800
LODI COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 225 Elyria Street Lodi OH 44254 (330) 948-1222
EMH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 630 E. River Street Elyria OH 44035 (440) 329-7500
METROHEALTH MEDICAL CENTER 2500 MetroHealth Drive Cleveland OH 44109 (216) 778-7800
HEALTHSPAN CLEVELAND HEIGHTS MEDICAL OFFICES 24-Hour Emergency Facility 10 Severance Circle Cleveland Heights OH 44118 (216) 297-2420
ROBINSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 6847 N. Chestnut Street Ravenna OH 44266 (330) 297-0811
HEALTHSPAN PARMA MEDICAL OFFICES 24-Hour Emergency Facility 12301 Snow Road Parma OH 44130 (216) 362-2100
TRIPOINT MEDICAL CENTER 7590 Auburn Road Concord OH 44077 (440) 375-8100
LAKE HEALTH – MADISON EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT 6270 North Ridge Road Madison OH 44057 (440) 354-2400 LAKEWEST MEDICAL CENTER 36000 Euclid Avenue Willoughby OH 44094 (440) 953-9600
Urgent Care* This section contains the names, addresses, and phone numbers of HealthSpan network for urgent care services. During weekends, evenings and holidays, you may receive an urgent care appointment at one of the following centers:
WILLOWICK LAKE HEALTH – WILLOWICK CAMPUS 29804 Lakeshore Blvd. (440) 585-3322 LORAIN AVON AVON URGENT CARE, LLC 2100 Center Road (440) 934-3538
ELYRIA ELYRIA MEDICAL CENTER, LLC 160 Cleveland Street (440) 322-6032
*If you believe you are experiencing an emergency, please go to the nearest hospital.
Ambulatory Surgery Facilities HealthSpan contracts with the Ambulatory Surgery Centers listed below. If an outpatient surgical procedure is needed, your physician can refer you to any of these facilities.
LORAIN ELYRIA PREMIUM SURGERY CENTER, LLC 5319 Hoag Drive (440) 930-6047 MEDINA BRUNSWICK ENDOSCOPY CENTER OF NORTHERN OH 1299 Industrial Parkway, North (330) 225-6468 MEDINA THE MEDINA SURGERY CENTER 3780 Medina Road, Suite 120 (330) 952-0014 AKRON DIGESTIVE HEALTH CENTER, LTD. 570 White Pond Drive, #150 (330) 869-0178 THE SURGERY CENTER AT AKRON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS 4125 Medina Road, #104 (330) 665-8120 STOW ST. CLARE SURGERY CENTER 4441 Hudson Drive (330) 920-4500 TALLMADGE SYSTEM OPTICS, INC. 518 West Avenue (330) 630-9699
Dialysis Centers This list includes the Dialysis Centers HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
CUYAHOGA BEACHWOOD CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – BEACHWOOD 27350 Cedar Road (216) 378-1580 CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – HARBORSIDE 3800 Park East Drive (216) 593-1234 BROOKPARK OHIO RENAL CARE GROUP – WEST 14670 Snow Road (216) 267-1451 CLEVELAND CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – CITYVIEW 6606 Carnegie Avenue (216) 426-2020 CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – CLEVELAND EAST 11717 Euclid Avenue (216) 229-1100 CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – CLEVELAND WEST 3330 West 25th Street (216) 741-5776 OHIO RENAL CARE GROUP – EAST 11203 Stokes Blvd. (216) 368-0004
OHIO RENAL CARE GROUP – FARNSWORTH 3764 Pearl Road, 2nd Floor (216) 739-0500 OHIO RENAL CARE GROUP – HOME DIALYSIS 11203 Stokes Blvd. (216) 421-1013 EUCLID CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – EUCLID 25301 Euclid Avenue (216) 732-3750 OHIO RENAL CARE GROUP – EUCLID 26450 Euclid Avenue (216) 731-0513 GARFIELD HEIGHTS CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – GARFIELD HEIGHTS 5595 Transportation Blvd., #110 (216) 581-0801 NORTH RANDALL OHIO RENAL CARE GROUP – NORTH RANDALL 4750 Northfield Road (216) 581-3948 OAKWOOD VILLAGE CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – OAKWOOD 7690 First Place, Suite E1 (440) 439-1526
SHAKER HEIGHTS CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – SHAKER 18720 Chagrin Blvd. (216) 283-7200 SOLON OHIO RENAL CARE GROUP – SOLON 6020 Enterprise Parkway (440) 248-7061 WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – WARRENSVILLE 4877 Galaxy Parkway (216) 378-5050 WESTLAKE RENAL CARE GROUP – WESTLAKE 26024 Detroit Road (440) 835-1139 GEAUGA CHARDON CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – HEATHER HILL 12340 Bass Lake Road (440) 286-4103
Dialysis Centers LAKE
MENTOR CENTER FOR DIALYSIS CARE – MENTOR 8900 Tyler Blvd. (440) 951-3602
KENT PORTAGE COUNTY KIDNEY CENTER 401 Devon Place, #100 (330) 602-5001
LORAIN AMHERST ELYRIA RENAL CARE – AMHERST 1168 Cleveland Avenue, 1st Floor, #3 (440) 985-2280 ELYRIA ELYRIA RENAL CARE – ELYRIA 5316 Hoag Drive (440) 934-5700
AKRON BMA – AKRON EAST 199 Perkins Street (330) 376-7600 FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE – AKRON WEST 3558 Ridgewood Road (330) 668-6200 GREATER AKRON DIALYSIS CENTER 345 Bishop Street (330) 376-4905
MEDINA HINCKLEY FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE OF BRUNSWICK 2583 Center Road (330) 220-4366 MEDINA BMA – MEDINA COUNTY KIDNEY CENTER 970 E. Washington Street (330) 722-5565 FMC DIALYSIS SERVICES – VALLEY CITY 2400 Columbia Road (330) 483-4666
Skilled Nursing Facilities* This page lists the Skilled Nursing Facilities HealthSpan Medicare Plus members can utilize.
BEACHWOOD BEACHWOOD POINTE CARE CENTER 23900 Chagrin Blvd. (216) 464-1000
CHARDON HEATHER HILL CARE COMMUNITIES 12340 Bass Lake Road (440) 285-4040
AURORA AURORA MANOR 101 S. Bissell Road (440) 424-4000
MENORAH PARK CENTER FOR SENIOR LIVING 27100 Cedar Road (216) 360-8221
CLEVELAND A.M. MCGREGOR HOME 14900 Private Drive (216) 851-8200 KINDRED HOSPITAL 11900 Fairhill Road (216) 983-8013 METROHEALTH PRENTISS CENTER FOR SKILLED NURSING 3525 Scranton Road (216) 957-8899 GARFIELD HEIGHTS VILLA ST. JOSEPH 5200 Marymount Village Drive (216) 332-1100 PARMA BROADVIEW MULTI-CARE CENTER 5520 Broadview Road (216) 749-4010
MEDINA LODI LODI COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 225 Elyria Street (330) 948-1222 MEDINA LIFE CARE CENTERS OF MEDINA 2400 Columbia Road (330) 483-3131
*Facility addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. The continued availability and/or participation of any facility cannot be guaranteed.
Optometry Locations This list includes the VSP Providers HealthSpan contracts with to provide routine eye exams for our members and eyewear benefits for HealthSpan Medicare Plus members with a Vision Care Allowance Program.
CUYAHOGA BAY VILLAGE THOMAS M KELLY OD INC Kelly, Thomas, OD 570 Dover Center Rd (440) 871-1139 BEACHWOOD DOUGLAS R COX OD Cox, Douglas, OD 3795 Green Rd (216) 292-6900 THOMAS EYECARE OPTICAL LLC Lewis, Jenna, OD Thomas, Joseph, MD 3619 Park East Dr Ste 306 (216) 292-9150 WESTERN RESERVE VISION CARE INC Kostranchuk, Bianca, OD Simon, Jessica, OD Stiegemeier, Mary Jo, OD Unkefer, Haley, OD 3690 Orange Pl Ste 150 (216) 839-0200 BEDFORD CLEVELAND EYE CLINIC Bafna, Shamik, MD Chester, Thomas, OD Mckinnis, Ryan, OD 88 Center Rd Ste 300 (440) 439-2700 MARCELA B VIZMULLER OD Vizmuller, Marcela, OD 767 Broadway Ave (440) 232-3615
BEREA PROCARE VISION CENTER OF BEREA Filips, Caitlin, OD 587 W Bagley Rd (440) 891-1940 S DANIEL OD & T DANIEL OD INC Daniel, Terry, OD Engle, Jennifer, OD Engle, Jon, OD 359 Front St Ste 4 (440) 234-3800 BRECKSVILLE CLEVELAND EYE CLINIC Bafna, Shamik, MD Bornhorst, Troy, OD Chester, Thomas, OD Mckinnis, Ryan, OD Wiley, William, MD 7001 S Edgerton Rd Ste B (440) 550-4231 STAGE HOUSE VISION CENTER Manenti, Alicia, OD Ravagnani, Joseph, OD 8879 Brecksville Rd (440) 526-3160 BROADVIEW HEIGHTS BROADVIEW EYE CENTER Kosunick, Josephine, OD Scott, Nicolette, OD 403 E Royalton Rd Ste 118 (440) 526-7070
BROOKLYN OLDENBURGH EYE CENTER LLC Oldenburgh, David, OD 4342 Ridge Rd Ste 1 (216) 741-3733 CLEVELAND ABRAMS EYE CENTER INC Abrams, Marc, MD 2322 East 22Nd St Ste 102 (216) 937-2020 CLEVELAND EYE CLINIC Bafna, Shamik, MD Bornhorst, Troy, OD Chester, Thomas, OD Gonzalez, Kathy, OD Mckinnis, Ryan, OD Pierre, Daniel, MD 2740 Carnegie Ave (216) 621-6132 CLEVELAND VISION CENTER Keaney, Joseph, OD 6204 Brookpark Rd (216) 351-6270 CYNTHIA J JEMIOLA OD Jemiola, Cynthia, OD Pesak, Jennifer, OD BP Bldg 200 Public Sq Ste 219 (216) 621-2815 DANIEL R FRESON OD INC Freson, Daniel, OD 2012 W 25Th St Ste 1 (216) 771-8311 DR ARTHUR Z KOVESDY INC Kovesdy, Jeffrey, OD 17730 Lorain Ave (216) 252-5090 135
Optometry Locations DR STEPHEN A FIGLER AND ASSOCIATES INC Figler, Stephen, OD 7211 Broadway Ave (216) 641-0055 FREDERICK D BLANK OD Blank, Frederick, OD 2512 Clark Ave (216) 241-2040 PRIMARY EYECARE Michalos, Phillip, OD 10680 Lorain Ave (216) 671-2998 SVS VISION INC Martin, Herlynne, OD 6835 Pearl Rd Unit 111 (440) 884-4725 UNION EYE CARE Grucella, Matthew, OD Sluss, Ronnie, OD 2020 Carnegie Ave (216) 241-3211 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS FOREST HILLS VISION CENTER Lim, Joaquin, OD 2460 Fairmount Blvd Ste F (216) 451-4400 EUCLID NEIL C PERKO OD Perko, Neil, OD 26100 Lake Shore Blvd (216) 289-3937 SHORE VISION CLINIC Bram, Arthur, OD 22472 Shore Center Dr (216) 261-1900 FAIRVIEW PARK FAIRVIEW EYE CENTER INC Caravella, Louis, MD Hershner, Todd, OD Krebs, Carla, MD Loizos, Theodore, MD Meadows, Steven, MD Miller, Gwen, OD 21375 Lorain Rd (440) 333-3060 136
GARFIELD HEIGHTS KONDRAY OPTICAL LLC Kondray, Ildiko, MD 12000 Mccracken Rd Ste 101 (216) 581-0470
LAKEWOOD EYENSTEINS VISION Lorand, Andrew, OD 14553 Madison Ave (216) 227-2020
UNION EYE CARE Marcellus, Jason, OD 9571 Vista Way (216) 663-4061
FAIRVIEW EYE CENTER INC Caravella, Louis, MD Krebs, Carla, MD Meadows, Steven, MD Miller, Gwen, OD 16400 Hilliard Rd (216) 228-1800
HIGHLAND HEIGHTS CLEVELAND EYE CARE & OPTICAL Saliba, Salwa, OD 850 Brainard Rd (440) 684-0080 KANE AND FIGLER Figler, Stephen, OD Kane, Brian, OD 6335 Wilson Mills Rd (440) 995-1500
LAKEWOOD OPTICAL Haney, Bradd, OD 14650 Detroit Ave (216) 226-9615 LAKEWOOD VISION CENTER Ross, Susan, OD 18216 Sloane Ave (216) 521-2020
INDEPENDENCE ADVANCED EYE CARE CENTERS OF CLEVELAND INC Asseff, Carl, MD 6595 Brecksville Rd Ste 2 (216) 520-2045
MADISON EYE CARE ASSOCIATES Ellsesser, Anna, OD Kovats, Gregory, OD Mogyordy, Peter, OD 17520 Madison Ave (216) 228-3343
LIFETIME EYE CARE Schultz, Jeffrey, OD 6060 Rockside Woods Bl N 10 (216) 581-8484
THOMAS P CLIFFEL MD Cliffel, Thomas, MD 14200 Madison Ave (216) 521-5553
PERFORMANCE VISION CARE INC Uzl, Daniel, OD Zimmerman, Ryan, OD 6901 Rockside Rd (216) 525-0740
LYNDHURST HILLCREST FAMILY VISION Lander, Giselle, OD 5035 Mayfield Rd Ste 110 (216) 291-2020
RONALD J SKUZA OD Skuza, Michael, OD Skuza, Ronald, OD 7111 Brecksville Rd (216) 524-4525
MAPLE HEIGHTS EYEWEAR 2020 D Agostino, Gerald, OD 5404 Northfield Rd (216) 587-6620
Optometry Locations MAYFIELD HEIGHTS EYEZONE Marsh, Gerald, OD 5852 Mayfield Rd (440) 684-0800
DR ANITA M SOTO OD INC Glanville, Philip, OD Soto, Anita, OD Travaglianti, Sandra, OD 6785 Wallings Rd (440) 237-9120
MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS SOUTHLAND VISION CARE INC Marks, William, OD 6879B Southland Dr (440) 888-3515
PREMIER EYE CARE INC Porter, John, OD 12794 Royalton Rd (440) 230-4362
VISION WORLD INC Kretch, Daniel, OD 7835 W Ridgewood Dr Ste 437 (440) 888-3937 PARMA HEIGHTS LASZLO S TOMASCHEK MD Tomaschek, Laszlo, MD 6390 Pearl Rd (440) 843-2301
PARMA CAPITAL EYES OPHTHALMOLOGY Ungier, Mirfee, MD 6820 Ridge Rd Ste 102 (440) 743-7456
RICHMOND HEIGHTS EYEWEAR 20/20 Jemiola, Cynthia, OD Pesak, Jennifer, OD 5194 Wilson Mills Rd (440) 461-2500
JAMES W KERSHAW OD INC Kershaw, James, OD Szabo, Alex, OD 26777 Lorain Rd Ste 203 (440) 734-4777
DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY INC Dowd, Paul, OD Hornik, Paul, OD Zanoudakis, Emmanuel, OD 7448 Ridge Rd (440) 885-0822
ROCKY RIVER EUROPTICAL INC Davis, Mark, OD 19113 Detroit Rd (440) 895-3030
UNION EYE CARE Brazina, Ernest, OD Sluss, Ronnie, OD 23150 Lorain Rd (440) 716-1330
EYE CARE PLUS Zunich, Nick, OD 12000 Snow Rd Unit 1A (440) 885-1060
VISION SOURCE Bobst, Thomas, OD 23609 Lorain Rd (440) 734-9920
JAMES D BING/LOIS B BING Bing, James, OD 7054 W 130Th St (440) 845-5210
NORTH RANDALL DAVID P BUCUREL OD INC Bucurel, David, OD 4840 Northfield Rd (216) 475-2160
PLEASANT VALLEY EYE CARE INC Crapanzano, Gary, OD 7630 Broadview Rd (216) 642-5500
NORTH OLMSTED EYEWEAR 20/20 Rosenberg, Les, OD 26041 Lorain Rd (440) 777-8686
NORTH ROYALTON DISTINCTIVE EYEWEAR INC Mentessi, Jennifer, OD Orehek Dreyer, Jean, OD 5690 Wallings Rd (440) 877-2020
UNION EYE CARE Guzik, Kenneth, OD 5370 Pearl Rd (440) 842-6998 Hassinger, Mark, OD 5370 Pearl Rd (440) 842-6997
ROCKY RIVER BERRIS OPTICAL CORP Fleming, Kathleen, OD Gerhart, Mary, OD 21631 Center Ridge Rd (440) 333-3138 SEVEN HILLS OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATES Glosik, George, OD Glosik, Robert, OD 7305 Broadview Rd Ste F (216) 642-7373 SOLON GALES VISION SOURCE Gale, David, OD 33541 Aurora Rd (440) 248-2020 SHAWNA L FRANEY OD INC Franey, Shawna, OD 33775 Aurora Rd (440) 248-5691
Optometry Locations SOLON BERRIS OPTICAL CORP Stoler, Joy, OD 33532 Aurora Rd (440) 349-2225 SOUTH EUCLID I CARE VISION CENTER Brister, Arlogia, OD 4141 Mayfield Rd (216) 321-9630 MICHAEL D SCHLOSS OD INC Schloss, Michael, OD 14433 Cedar Rd (216) 291-1255 STRONGSVILLE ALESSIO OPTICAL Alessio, Reno, MD Clemans, Chelsey, OD 17534 Royalton Rd (440) 238-5030 ANDROS GAGLIANI EYE CENTER Andros Andrzejewska, Paula, OD 18891 Pearl Rd (440) 268-0808 EYE & VISION CENTER Atanasoff, George, OD Simmons, Paul, OD 11925 Pearl Rd (440) 238-7865 NEIL SIKA OD Sika, Neil, OD 14365 Pearl Rd (440) 238-1966 THE EYE PLACE Sedlacek, Scott, OD 17100 Royalton Rd (440) 238-9020 TREPKE VISION CARE Toth, Lauren, OD Trepke, Ronald, OD 20914 Drake Rd (440) 878-0122
WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS DR ERNEST J ROBINSON Robinson, Ernest, OD 4625 Richmond Rd (216) 765-0532 WESTLAKE CHARLES B KUTINA MD Kutina, Charles Bruce, MD 25200 Center Ridge Rd Ste 1200 (440) 331-2060 ENVISION MEDICAL SPECIALISTS Kaster, Brad, OD Ross, Joseph, MD 29101 Health Campus Dr Ste 380 (440) 892-6699 MADISON EYE CARE ASSOCIATES Ellsesser, Anna, OD Keaney, Joseph, OD Kovats, Gregory, OD Mogyordy, Peter, OD Workman, Beth, OD 30588 Center Ridge Rd (440) 892-5367 SKYVISION CENTERS Kaye, Gregory, OD Schlegel, Scott, OD White, Darrell, MD 2237 Crocker Rd Ste 100 (440) 892-3931 WESTLAKE EYE CENTER INC Cingle, Kimberly, MD Lavery, Mary Ann, MD 27059 Center Ridge Rd (440) 871-8933 WOODMERE EYES ON CHAGRIN Kretch, Daniel, OD 28700 Chagrin Blvd (216) 292-3937
GEAUGA CHAGRIN FALLS CHAGRIN VALLEY OPT INC Jurcak, Ronald, OD 5210B Chillicothe Rd (440) 338-5900 CHAGRIN FALLS TANGLEWOOD FAMILY EYE CARE Greenberg, Michael, OD 8505 Tanglewood Square (440) 543-5186 CHARDON CATHY PAPPAS OD Orehek Dreyer, Jean, OD Pappas, Cathy, OD 301 Center St Ste 10 (440) 286-3142 MARILYN L GEORGE OD George, Marilyn, OD 100 Parker Ct (440) 286-9555 OPHTHALMOLOGY & OCULOPLASTIC SURGERY INC Barkan, Dawn, OD Johnson, Gene, MD Kellis, Augustine, MD 150 7th Ave Ste 100 (440) 285-2020 VANCE AND TEKNIPP EYE CARE LLC Vance, Trisha, OD Yaniglos, David, OD 602 South St Ste B14 (440) 285-5007 MIDDLEFIELD CATHY PAPPAS BRAVO OD INC Graley, Christine, OD Lorand, Andrew, OD Pappas, Cathy, OD 14901 State Ave N (440) 632-0196
Optometry Locations ISADORE J YOUSHAK OD Youshak, Isadore, OD 15795 W High St (440) 632-0194 LAKE CONCORD KENDRA L MAHAFFEY OD INC Mahaffey, Kendra, OD 7529 Fredle Dr (440) 853-8581 EASTLAKE TWIN VALUE OPTICAL Decastecker, Christopher, OD 34690 Vine St (440) 946-6662 MENTOR CLEAR SIGHT EYECARE Hasan, Sayed, OD 7640 Mentor Ave (440) 942-3937 DAVID P BUCUREL OD Bucurel, David, OD 9354 Mentor Ave Ste 6 (440) 255-1929 UNION EYE CARE Sluss, Ronnie, OD Yoder, Beth, OD 7593 Mentor Ave (440) 942-8435 PAINESVILLE FAMILY EYE CARE INC Dalessandro, Todd, OD Figler, Stephen, OD Kane, Brian, OD Pettitt, Jocelyn, OD 77 Normandy Dr (440) 352-0616 GAIL A FEDAK OD INC Fedak, Gail, OD 70 N Saint Clair St Ste 200B (440) 352-3339
WICKLIFFE SID E SAVITT OD Savitt, Sid, OD Titus, Amy, OD 29610 Euclid Ave (440) 943-1993 WILLOUGHBY FAMILY EYE CARE INC Dalessandro, Todd, OD Figler, Stephen, OD Kane, Brian, OD Pettitt, Jocelyn, OD 37131 Euclid Ave (440) 946-8809 MARK F KAPUSTA OD INC Kapusta, Mark, OD 30851 Euclid Ave (440) 944-5155 VANCE AND TEKNIPP EYE CARE LLC Vance, Trisha, OD Yaniglos, David, OD 34302 Euclid Ave Unit 3 (440) 942-3677 WILLOUGHBY HILLS THE COMPLETE EYECARE INSTITUTE INC Bello, Victor, MD 34950 Chardon Rd Ste 102 (440) 975-8200 UNION EYE CARE CENTER INC Optical, Uec NA 28112 Chardon Rd (440) 944-8333 UNION EYECARE Paxson, Clint, OD 28112 Chardon Rd (440) 944-6108 LORAIN AMHERST AMHERST VISION CENTER Koos, Stephen, OD 1927 Cooper Foster Park Rd (440) 282-6100
NORTH COAST EYE CARE AMHERST Delprincipe, David, OD Fisher, Andrea, OD 1541 Cooper Foster Park Rd (440) 282-2020 PROFESSIONAL EYE CARE Martin, Eric, OD 2268 Kresge Dr (440) 282-4418 AVON AVON EYE DESIGN: DR. JOHN NOVA Bader, Brooke, OD Novak, John, OD 36840 Detroit Rd (440) 934-1144 AVON FAMILY EYECARE LLC Pham, Huan, OD 36941 Detroit Rd (440) 934-3770 AVON VISION CENTRE LLC Oberg, Jeffrey, OD 37500 Harvest Dr (440) 934-2710 CLEVELAND EYE CLINIC Bornhorst, Troy, OD Killian, Jennifer, OD McKinnis, Ryan, OD 36505 Detroit Rd (440) 934-5816 ELYRIA Bafna, Shamik, MD Bornhorst, Troy, OD Mckinnis, Ryan, OD 1180 E Broad St (440) 366-6969 JOSEPH VANKEUREN OD Vankeuren, Joseph, OD 1212 N Abbe Ste B (440) 365-2021 MATTHIAS HELFRICH OD Helfrich, Matthias, OD 1027 E Broad St (440) 366-6700 139
Optometry Locations TIMOTHY R DOSTALL OD Dostall, Timothy, OD 411 East Ave (440) 323-5709 LORAIN DAVID J STERNA OD & ASSOCIATES LLC Sterna, David, OD Workman, Beth, OD 1710 Cooper Foster Park Rd W (440) 960-2020 DOWNTOWN VISION CENTER Mcvey, Brett, OD 209 5Th St (440) 246-2020 PAUL J ALTON OD INC Alton, Paul, OD 4650 Oberlin Ave (440) 282-9800 NORTH RIDGEVILLE NORTH COAST EYE CARE LLC Delprincipe, David, OD Fisher, Andrea, OD Kelly, Thomas, OD Yoder, Beth, OD 35888 Center Ridge Rd Ste 2 (440) 327-2747 OBERLIN OTTICA EYECARE Alton, Paul, OD 32 S Main St (440) 775-2010 SHEFFIELD LAKE SHEFFIELD LAKE VISION CTR Dziama, Gregory, OD 4282 E Lake Rd (440) 949-2204 SVS VISION INC Martin, Herlynne, OD Wiersma, Douglas, OD 5249 Detroit Rd Unit 111 (440) 934-3267
WELLINGTON CURTIS D FERRIMAN OD Ferriman, Curtis, OD 602 W Herrick Ave (440) 647-2112 MEDINA
OHIO EYE CARE CONSULTANTS Balthaser, Carrie, OD Chi, Thomas, MD Fernandez, Amy, OD Prusinski, Sara, OD 3583 Reserve Commons Dr (330) 722-8300
BRUNSWICK SANDY L DANG OD Dang, Sandy, OD 1333 N Carpenter Rd (330) 273-3333
VALLEY CITY VALLEY CITY VISION CENTER Jesse, Norma, OD 6621 Center Rd (330) 483-4035
UNION EYE CARE Grucella, Matthew, OD Kershaw, Richard, OD 1333 N Carpenter Rd (330) 273-3333
WADSWORTH OHIO EYE CONSULTANTS Balthaser, Carrie, OD Chi, Thomas, MD Fernandez, Amy, OD Prusinski, Sara, OD 1 Park Center Dr Ste 106 (330) 334-1300
LODI OHIO EYE CARE CONSULTANTS LLC Chi, Thomas, MD Fernandez, Amy, OD 221 Elyria St Ste 104 (330) 948-5714 MEDINA EXCELLENCE IN EYE CARE INC Noreika, Joseph, MD Wiseman, Lisa, OD 3609 Medina Rd (330) 722-1313 MEDINA VISION CENTRE INC Beiling-Sheerer, Christine, OD Earley, Andrea, OD Earley, Timothy, OD 4463 Weymouth Rd (330) 722-2150 MILBURN EYE CENTER Milburn, Annamarie, OD Milburn, Tim, OD 409 N Court St (330) 725-4680
PARK CENTRE OPTICAL Hakim, Edmond, OD 1 Park Center Dr Ste 101 (330) 335-3881 WADSWORTH EYE CLINIC INC Biedenbach, Rachel Alice, MD Dawson, Michelle, OD Wiseman, Lisa, OD 195 Wadsworth Rd Ste 304 (330) 247-2480 PORTAGE AURORA AURORA EYE CARE Smargiasso, Craig, OD 220 S Chillicothe Rd (330) 348-0269 JAMES TOMKO OD Tomko, James, OD 215 W Garfield Rd Ste 130 (330) 562-2020
Optometry Locations GARRETTSVILLE EYENSTEINS VISION Lorand, Andrew, OD 8106 Main St (330) 527-2020
THE EYE SOURCE Parnell, Robin, OD 9424 State Route 14 (330) 422-1488
KENT CHARLES M GLANVILLE OD INC Fath, Nikolaus, OD Glanville, Jennifer, OD Hussing, Scott, OD 307 W Main St Ste A (330) 673-7538
AKRON CLEAR CHOICE EYE CENTERS Kim, Susie, OD McKinnis, Ryan, OD Schmid, Peter, OD 1558 Akron Peninsula Rd (330) 922-0828
KENT OPTOMETRIC Reeves, William, OD 143 E Main St (330) 678-8079
DR ANDREW M DODD LLC Dodd, Andrew, OD Dodd, Gary, OD 2282 Newton St (330) 794-9700
NORTHEAST OHIO EYE SURGEONS Greiner, Katie, OD Jones, Marc, MD Lohman, Lawrence, MD Muckley, Elizabeth, OD Rudy, William, OD Steiner, Scott, MD Willett, Matthew, MD 2013 State Route 59 (330) 678-0201 MANTUA THE MANTUA EYE CENTER Meyer, Christopher, OD 10730 Main St (330) 274-0502 RAVENNA PORTAGE VISION CARE Marchand, Gregory, OD 950 E Main St (330) 296-0100 STREETSBORO CLEARVISION CENTERS Mcgann, William, OD Mckinnis, Ryan, OD Schmid, Peter, OD 1155 St Rte 303 (330) 422-2020
ELLET VISION Barber, Angela, OD 477 Darrow Rd Ste A (330) 784-3937 EYE & VISION CENTER Atanasoff, George, OD Simmons, Paul, OD 1000 Ghent Rd (330) 666-6786 HANDEL VISION CLINIC Handel, Thomas, OD Nelson, Ronald, OD 919 E Turkeyfoot Lake Rd Ste C (330) 899-0202 HARRY R GILBERT OD Gilbert, Harry, OD Haught, Jeffrey, OD 3308 S Main St (330) 408-9055 LISA M TESTA OD INC Testa, Lisa, OD 2383 S Main St Ste B100 (330) 785-5111 NEO VISION GROUP Barger, Lawrence, OD Lack, Mary, OD 150 Springside Dr Ste C300 (330) 666-0707
NORTHEAST OHIO EYE SURGEONS Willett, Matthew, MD 1 Park West Blvd Ste 310 (330) 836-8545 NOVUS CLINIC COVENTRY Beyer, Todd DO Giusto, Kenneth, OD Oberg, Jeffrey, OD Sude, Jerome, OD 3510 Manchester Rd (330) 630-9699 THE VISION CENTER Bolinger, Alison, OD Yaniglos, David, OD 224 W Exchange St Ste 250 (330) 344-2020 UNION EYE CARE Denman, Mark, OD 1948 Buchholzer Blvd (330) 633-9701 VISIONCARE ASSOCIATES Bevington, Robert, OD Miller, R Timothy, OD Miller, Sheri, OD 3235 Manchester Rd (330) 644-7138 BARBERTON EYE CARE SERVICES Hakim, Edmond, OD 254 Norton Ave (330) 753-2004 NEO VISION GROUP Calaway, Chris, OD Kades, Phillip, OD Lack, Mary, OD 31 Conservatory Dr (330) 745-4404 COPLEY THE EYE SITE Hazelwood, Jennifer, OD 1394 S Cleve Mass Rd Ste 200 (330) 668-0150
Optometry Locations CUYAHOGA FALLS GLANVILLE & HUSSING, O.D., INC Fath, Nikolaus, OD Glanville, Charles, OD Glanville, Jennifer, OD Hussing, Scott, OD 646 Portage Trail (330) 929-9941 FAIRLAWN BORODKIN EYECARE Borodkin, Jeffrey, OD 2820 W Market St Ste 140 (330) 253-2436 CO OP OPTICAL OF FAIRLAWN Feldman, Michael, OD 2858 W Market (330) 836-9501 FLICKINGER EYE CENTER LTD Flickinger, Thomas, OD 3040 W Market St (330) 836-3828 HANDEL VISION CLINIC Handel, Thomas, OD King, Kenneth, OD Nelson, Ronald, OD 270 S Cleveland Massillon Rd S (330) 666-1766 SNODGRASS EYE CARE Barber, Angela, OD 2872 W Market St Ste C2 (330) 836-2945
WESTERN RESERVE VISION CARE INC Kostranchuk, Bianca, OD Simon, Jessica, OD Stiegemeier, Mary Jo, OD Unkefer, Haley, OD 5992 Darrow Rd (330) 656-4384 NORTH CANTON GARY J GUIDO OD Guido, Gary, OD 5399 Lauby Rd Ste 205 (330) 494-8814 NORTHFIELD BUCKEYECARE OPTOMETRISTS Gonzalez, Kathy, OD Woodruff II, Robert, OD 8051 Vesta Ave Ste 2 (330) 468-0585 STOW BELLA EYECARE Sedlacek, Linda, OD 4153 Bridgewater Pkwy (330) 922-4393 CO-OP OPTICAL EYE CARE CENTER Lohman, Robert, OD 3330 Kent Rd (330) 688-8811
HUDSON HUDSON OPTOMETRIC CENTRE Corpora, Nalini, OD Martin, Daniel, OD 5854 Darrow Rd (330) 650-2220
NORTHEAST OHIO EYE SURGEONS Greiner, Katie, OD Jones, Marc, MD Lohman, Lawrence, MD Muckley, Elizabeth, OD Rudy, William, OD Steiner, Scott, MD Willett, Matthew, MD 4277 Allen Rd (330) 928-0201
SPECS EYECARE Lewis, Kristine, OD 100 1St St (330) 650-0212
PRECISION EYECARE CENTER Nguyen, Troy, OD 4466 Darrow Rd Unit 11 (330) 686-3300
TALLMADGE SYSTEM OPTICS INC Beyer, Todd DO Johnston Jr, James DO Pirman, Joseph, OD Sude, Jerome, OD Yaniglos, David, OD 518 West Ave (330) 630-9699 TALLMADGE VISION CLINIC Roth, Lawrence, OD 384 Northeast Ave (330) 633-9190 TWINSBURG TWINSBURG EYE ASSOCIATES INC Keown, Lindsey, OD Mckinnis, Ryan, OD Perlmutter, Donald, OD 9224 Darrow Rd (330) 963-0004 UNIONTOWN EYE TECH OF GREEN INC Cefalu, Carl, OD Kaster, Brad, OD 1790 Town Park Blvd Ste D (330) 896-3937
Pharmacies Members may obtain an extended supply of certain medications at these pharmacies in our network.
CUYAHOGA COUNTY BEACHWOOD PARKWAY PHARMACY 23350 Mercantile Road Beachwood, OH 44122 (216) 514-4944 BEDFORD HEALTHSPAN BEDFORD OFFICES* 19999 Rockside Road Bedford, OH 44146 (216) 524-5114 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sa CLEVELAND METROHEALTH PHARMACY* 2500 MetroHealth Drive Cleveland, OH 44109 (216) 778-3017 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., M-F (Prescription drop-off closes at 4:30 p.m.) METROHEALTH BUCKEYE PHARMACY* 2816 East 116th Street Cleveland, OH 44120 (216) 957-4050 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., M-Th (Prescription drop-off closes at 6 p.m.)
METROHEALTH OLD BROOKLYN PHARMACY* 4229 Pearl Road, #280 Cleveland, OH 44109 (216) 957-2150 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., M-F (Prescription drop-off closes at 4:45 p.m.) CLEVELAND HEIGHTS HEALTHSPAN CLEVELAND HEIGHTS MEDICAL CENTER* 10 Severance Circle Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 (216) 524-5105 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Su FAIRVIEW PARK OHLIGER DRUG OF FAIRVIEW PARK* 21720 Lorain Road Fairview Park, OH 44126 (440) 333-1200
PARMA HEALTHSPAN PARMA MEDICAL CENTER* 12301 Snow Road Parma, OH 44130 (216) 524-5929 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Su WALGREENS 5400 Pearl Road Parma, OH 44129 (440) 886-6198 ROCKY RIVER HEALTHSPAN ROCKY RIVER MEDICAL OFFICES* 20575 Center Ridge Road, Ste.500 Rocky River, OH 44116 (216) 524-5884 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
GARFIELD HEIGHTS WALGREENS 5090 Turney Rd Garfield Heights, OH 44125 (216) 581-6790
8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., F (Prescription drop-off closes at 5 p.m.) 143
Pharmacies STRONGSVILLE HEALTHSPAN STRONGSVILLE MEDICAL OFFICES* 17406 Royalton Road Strongsville, OH 44136 (216) 524-5145 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F MARC’S 16224 Pearl Rd Strongsville, OH 44136 (440) 846-5535 WALGREENS 19980 W 130th St Strongsville, OH 44136 (440) 572-2833 SOUTH EUCLID WALGREENS 2135 Warrenville Center Rd South Euclid, OH 44121 (216) 932-0469 GEAUGA COUNTY CHAGRIN FALLS DISCOUNT DRUG MART* 16765 Chillicothe Road Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 (440) 543-8844
MIDDLEFIELD RITE AID PHARMACY 15596 West High Street Middlefield, OH 44062 (440) 632-5201 LAKE COUNTY MADISON WAL-MART PHARMACY* 6067 North Ridge Road Madison, OH 44057 (440) 417-0373 Hours: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su MENTOR HEALTHSPAN MENTOR MEDICAL OFFICES* 7695 Mentor Avenue Mentor, OH 44720 (216) 524-5095 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F WALGREENS* 9400 Mentor Avenue Mentor, OH 44060 (440) 255-6247
Hours: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa/Su
Hours: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su
CHARDON RITE AID PHARMACY* 501 Water Street Chardon, OH 44024 (440) 286-4167
NORTH MADISON GIANT EAGLE PHARMACY 6556 N Ridge Road North Madison, OH 44057 (440) 428-6111
Hours: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-Su
PAINESVILLE GIANT EAGLE PHARMACY* 1201 Mentor Avenue Painesville, OH 44077 (440) 358-7769 Hours: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sa 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Su HEALTHSPAN CONCORD MEDICAL OFFICES* 7536 Fredle Drive Painesville, OH 44077 (216) 524-5095 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F WALGREENS* 132 Richmond Street Painesville, OH 44077 (440) 350-1928 Hours: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su WILLOUGHBY HEALTHSPAN WILLOUGHBY MEDICAL OFFICES* 5105 S.O.M. Center Road Willoughby, OH 44094 (216) 524-5480 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sa PROGRESSIVE PHARMACY 388789 Mentor Ave Willoughby, OH 44094 (440) 953-9999
Pharmacies LORAIN COUNTY AMHERST DISCOUNT DRUG MART* 300 Leavitt Road Amherst, OH 44001 (440) 984-2439 Hours: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., Sa 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su AVON HEALTHSPAN AVON MEDICAL OFFICES* 36711 American Way Avon, OH 44011 (216) 524-5935 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F ELYRIA GATES PHARMACY* 125 East Broad Street, #109 Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 329-7300 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sa GRAFTON RITE-AID PHARMACY* 479 Main Street Grafton, OH 44044 (440) 926-2126 Hours: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su OBERLIN DISCOUNT DRUG MART* 12289 Leavitt Road Oberlin, OH 44074 (440) 774-5212 Hours: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-Sa 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su
VERMILLION DISCOUNT DRUG MART* 4208 Liberty Avenue Vermilion, OH 44089 (440) 967-3000 Hours: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-Sa 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su THE VINTAGE PHARMACY* 1605 State Route 60, Suite 11 Vermilion, OH 44089 (440) 967-3100 Hours: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sa WELLINGTON DISCOUNT DRUG MART* 814 North Main Street Wellington, OH 44090 (440) 647-6634 Hours: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa/Su MEDINA COUNTY LODI DISCOUNT DRUG MART* 661 Wooster Street Lodi, OH 44254 (330) 948-0520 Hours: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m., M-Sa 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su MEDINA RITZMAN PHARMACY* 275 Forest Meadows Drive Medina, OH 44256 (330) 725-0535 Hours: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Su
RITZMAN PHARMACY* 3626 Medina Road Medina, OH 44256 (330) 725-2255 Hours: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Su HEALTHSPAN MEDINA MEDICAL OFFICES* 3443 Medina Road, Suite 108 Medina, OH 44256 (216) 524-5867 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F MARC’S PHARMACY* 1041 N. Court Street Medina, OH 44256 (330) 722-3662 Hours: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa/Su SEVILLE RITZMAN PHARMACY* 255 Center Street Seville, OH 44273 (330) 769-2995 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sa WADSWORTH RITZMAN PHARMACY* 120 High Street Wadsworth, OH 44281 (330) 334-1549 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sa 12 – 4 p.m., Su
Pharmacies PORTAGE COUNTY GARRETTSVILLE GARRETTSVILLE FAMILY PHARMACY* 8295 Windham Street P.O. Box 53 Garrettsville, OH 44231 (330) 527-4349 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sa KENT HEALTHSPAN KENT MEDICAL OFFICES* 2500 State Route 59, Suite 28 Kent, OH 44240 (216) 524-5409 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F MANTUA MANTUA STATION PHARMACY* 10870 Main Street Mantua, OH 44255 (330) 274-2209 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Su RAVENNA SPIEDELS MEDICAL ARTS PHARMACY* 6693 North Chestnut Street Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 296-6014 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sa TRIANGLE PHARMACY* 219 West Main Street Ravenna, OH 44266 (330) 296-8508 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Sa 146
WINDHAM WINDHAM PHARMACY* 9650 East Center Street Windham, OH 44288 (330) 326-3851 Hours: 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Sa SUMMIT COUNTY AKRON HEALTHSPAN CHAPEL HILL MEDICAL OFFICES* 1260 Independence Avenue Akron, OH 44310 (216) 524-5958 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sa RITE-AID PHARMACY* 4053 S. Main Street Akron, OH 44319 (330) 644-9911 Hours: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Su RITE-AID PHARMACY* 325 E. Waterloo Road Akron, OH 44319 (330) 724-5219 BARBERTON GIANT EAGLE PHARMACY* 41 5th Street, SE Barberton, OH 44203 (330) 861-0849 Hours: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., M-F 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sa 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Su
FAIRLAWN HEALTHSPAN FAIRLAWN MEDICAL OFFICES* 4055 Embassay Parkway, Suite 110 Fairlawn, OH 44333 (216) 524-5125 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F TWINSBURG HEALTHSPAN TWINSBURG MEDICAL OFFICES* 8920 Canyon Falls Boulevard Twinsburg, OH 44087 (216) 524-5108 Hours: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m., M-F
HEALTHSPAN DIRECT MAIL PHARMACY Toll free 1-877-778-6695 (toll free TTY 1-877-676-6677) healthspan.org
Radiology Centers* These are several options for members who need to obtain outpatient radiology services. Outpatient radiology services for members can be provided at many HealthSpan medical offices.
PARMA ADVANTAGE DIAGNOSTICS OF PARMA 6900 Ridge Road, #101 (440) 843-9900
HEALTHSPAN – PARMA MEDICAL OFFICES 12301 Snow Road (216) 362-2205
TRIPOINT MEDICAL CENTER 7590 Auburn Road (440) 375-8100
UH PARMA CANCER CENTER 6525 Powers Blvd. (440) 743-4749 WESTLAKE EMH WESTLAKE IMAGING CENTER 2211 Crocker Road, #140 (440) 808-9729 UH WESTLAKE MEDICAL CENTER 960 Clague Road, #1200 (440) 250-2001 GEAUGA CHARDON LAKE HEALTH – CHARDON CAMPUS 510 Fifth Avenue (440) 286-8908
MADISON LAKE HEALTH – MADISON CAMPUS 6270 N. Ridge Road (440) 428-6800 MENTOR LAKE HEALTH – MENTOR CAMPUS 9485 Mentor Avenue (440) 974-6800 LAKE HEALTH – OUTPATIENT RADIOLOGY CENTER 8401 Mentor Avenue (440) 205-1730 LAKE HEALTH – TYLER BLVD. URGENT CARE CENTER 7956 Tyler Blvd. (440) 255-6400
*The continued availability and location of physicians or services at any medical office cannot be guaranteed. Addresses, telephone numbers, and hours of operation are subject to change. Not all services are available at each medical office or site. HealthSpan reserves the right to relocate services.
Radiology Centers WILLOUGHBY HEALTHSPAN – WILLOUGHBY MEDICAL OFFICES 5105 Som Center Road (440) 953-5622 LAKE HEALTH – OUTPATIENT RADIOLOGY CENTER 34600 Chardon Road, #8 (440) 585-6163 LAKEWEST MEDICAL CENTER 36000 Euclid Avenue (440) 953-9600 WILLOWICK LAKE HEALTH – WILLOWICK CAMPUS 29804 Lakeshore Blvd. (440) 585-3322 LORAIN AMHERST EMH AMHERST CAMPUS 254 Cleveland Avenue (440) 988-6000 AVON EMH CENTER FOR FITNESS 1997 Healthway Drive (440) 988-6800 ELYRIA EMH REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER 630 E. River Street (440) 329-7500 SHEFFIELD VILLAGE ADVANTAGE DIAGNOSTICS OF SHEFFIELD 5455 Detroit Road, #101 (440) 934-7722
PORTAGE AURORA AURORA OUTPATIENT SERVICES CENTER 700 Walden Place (330) 562-3169 KENT THE IMAGING CENTER OF KENT (RMH) 401 Devon Place, #115 (330) 677-3434 THE IMAGING CENTER OF KENT (RMH) 401 Devon Place, #115 (330) 677-3434 RAVENNA ROBINSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 6847 N. Chestnut Street (330) 297-2795 STREETSBORO ROBINSON HEALTH CENTER AT STREETSBORO 9318 State Route 14 (330) 677-3434 SUMMIT AKRON AKRON GENERAL CENTER FOR NEURO & SPINE 762 S. Cleveland Massillon Road (330) 665-4100 AKRON GENERAL CENTER FOR UROLOGIC HEALTH 320 W. Exchange Street (330) 535-4428
AKRON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER – WEST 4125 Medina Road (330) 665-8000
MEDINA MEDINA GENERAL HOSPITAL 1000 E. Washington Street (330) 725-1000
HEALTHSPAN – CHAPEL HILL MEDICAL OFFICES 1260 Independence Avenue (330) 630-4267 NEUROLOGY & NEUROSCIENCE ASSOCIATES, INC. (DBA ADVANCED MRI SERVICES) 701 White Pond Drive, #300 (330) 572-1011 REFLECTIONS BREAST HEALTH CENTER – FAIRLAWN 2603 W. Market Street, #200 (330) 864-1571 STOW AKRON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER – NORTH 4300 Allen Road (330) 945-9300 REFLECTIONS BREAST HEALTH CENTER – STOW 4300 Allen Road (330) 945-9300 THE IMAGING CENTER 4161 Bridgewater Parkway (330) 920-3770 TALLMADGE AKRON GENERAL TALLMADGE HEALTH CENTER 33 North Avenue (330) 630-3142 REFLECTIONS BREAST HEALTH CENTER – TALLMADGE 33 North Avenue, #202 (330) 630-9381 UNIONTOWN AKRON GENERAL HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER – GREEN 1587 Boettler Road (330) 896-9812
Maps and Directions to HealthSpan Medical Offices This section includes maps and directions to HealthSpan Medical Offices. For detailed information about HealthSpan Medical Offices, addresses, phone numbers, office hours, and services offered, please see pages 10 through 25.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Avon Medical Offices HealthSpan Avon Medical Offices Avon Pointe Professional Campus 36711 American Way Avon, Ohio 44011 See page 11 for a detailed description of this facility. DRIVING DIRECTIONS Traveling Rt. 2 East / 1-90 East / I-90 West Travel on I-90 to Avon Lake/Avon. Take exit #153 (Route 83). Turn right (north) onto Route 83. Travel approximately onequarter mile to Chester Rd. Turn left (west) onto Chester Rd. Travel one-quarter mile to the Avon Pointe Professional Campus, located on your left.
LCT BUS ROUTES For the Lorain County Transit (LCT) schedules, please call (440) 949-2525 or online at www.loraincountytransit.com.
Bedford Medical Offices
Traveling I-271 South Take the Rockside Road exit and turn right at the top of the exit ramp. Follow Rockside west to Warrensville Center Road. Turn left at the Bedford Medical Offices entrance.
Traveling I-480 East Take the Bedford/Warrensville Heights exit. Travel south on Warrensville Center Road to Rockside Road. Turn right at Rockside Road and then left at the Bedford Medical Offices entrance.
E. 116TH ST.
See page 12 for a detailed description of this facility.
HealthSpan Bedford Medical Offices 19999 Rockside Road Bedford, Ohio 44146
HealthSpan Medical Offices
RTA BUS ROUTES For the Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Authority (RTA) schedules, please call the RTAnswerline at (216) 621-9500 or TTY at (216) 781-4271 or online at www.gcrta.org/schedules.asp.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Chapel Hill Medical Offices HealthSpan Chapel Hill Medical Offices 1260 Independence Avenue Akron, Ohio 44310
Traveling I-271 South Take the Route 8 South exit to the Howe Avenue exit and turn left. Turn right on Bucholzer. Turn left on Independence Avenue. The Chapel Hill Medical Offices are located on your right.
18 AN
. ST
Traveling I-271 South Take the Route 8 exit south to the Howe Avenue exit and turn left. Turn right on Bucholzer, which becomes Home. Turn left at the second light onto Independence Avenue. The Chapel Hill Medical Offices are immediatley on your right.
Traveling I-77 North to Route 8 North To Howe Ave. Turn right, east on Howe Ave. and turn right at Bucholzer road. Turn Left at Independende Ave. The Chapel Hill Medical Offices are immediatley on your right.
.M W
Traveling I-71 South Take the I-80 east (Ohio Turnpike) exit to the Route 8 south (Akron interchange) exit to Akron. Follow Route 8 south to the Howe Avenue exit. Turn left (east) on Howe and turn right onto Buchholzer Blvd. Turn left at Independence Avenue. The Chapel Hill Medical Offices are immediately on your right.
See page 13 for a detailed description of this facility. DRIVING DIRECTIONS
METRO RTA BUS ROUTES For the Metro RTA schedules please call the customer service center at (330) 762-0341 or toll free at (800) 227-9905 or online at www.akronmetro.org/.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Cleveland Heights Medical Center 6 20
RTA BUS ROUTES MILES RD. 43 For the Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Authority (RTA) schedules, please call the RTAnswerline at 480 (216) 621-9500 or TTY at (216) 781-4271 or online LIBBY RD. 8 at www.gcrta.org/schedules.asp. AY DW OA BR
Traveling I-271 South Take the Brainard Road exit and turn left at the top of the ramp. Turn right onto Cedar Road. Travel west on Cedar Road for three and a half miles to Warrensville Center Road. Turn right. Travel north on Warrensville Center Road one and a half miles to Mayfield Road. Turn left. Follow Mayfield Road one-half mile to Severance Town Center. The Cleveland Heights Medical Center is across from Home Depot.
Traveling I-90 East Take the University Circle exit and follow Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive for two miles to East 105th Street. Turn right. Travel south to Chester Avenue. Turn left. Follow Chester Avenue to Euclid Avenue (Chester Avenue runs into Euclid Avenue). Turn left. Follow Euclid Avenue to Mayfield Road. Turn right and follow Mayfield Road approximately four miles to Severance Town Center, which will be on your right. The Cleveland Heights Medical Center is across from Home Depot.
E. 116TH ST.
E. 105TH ST.
See page 14 for a detailed description of this facility.
HealthSpan Cleveland Heights Medical Center 10 Severance Circle Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Concord Medical Offices HealthSpan Concord Medical Offices
The Shops at Gristmill Village (Rt 44 & I-90) 7536 Fredle Drive Concord, Ohio 44077
See page 15 for a detailed description of this facility.
Traveling I-90 East Exit at Route 44. Turn left onto Route 44 south, then take the first left onto Auburn Road. Take an immediate right onto Crile Road. Take the first left onto Fredle Drive and then take the first right to stay on Fredle Drive. The Concord Medical Offices are on your right.
Traveling I-271 North Take I-90 east and exit at Route 44. Turn left onto Route 44 south, then take the first left onto Auburn Road. Take an immediate right onto Crile Road. Take the first left onto Fredle Drive and then take the first right to stay on Fredle Drive. The Concord Medical Offices are on your right.
LAKETRAN BUS ROUTES For the LAKETRAN schedules, please call (440) 942-1300 or online at www.laketran.com.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Fairlawn Medical Offices
Traveling I-77 North from Akron Take Exit 137B to merge onto Medina Rd./Route 18 toward Medina. Drive 0.7 miles and turn right at Crystal Lake Road. Turn right at the first intersection onto Embassy Pkwy. Drive 0.2 miles then make a U-turn. Drive 0.1 miles. The Fairlawn Medical Offices are on your right. Medical office is the first building on the left, closest to the street. The driveway entrance is on the left prior to the building.
Traveling I-77 South from Cleveland Take Exit 137B to merge onto Medina Rd./Route 18 toward Medina. Drive 0.6 miles and turn right at Crystal Lake Road. Turn right at the first intersection onto Embassy Pkwy. Drive 0.2 miles then make a U-turn. Drive 0.1 miles. The Fairlawn Medical Offices are on your right. Medical office is the first building on the left, closest to the street. The driveway entrance is on the left prior to the building.
See page 16 for a detailed description of this facility.
HealthSpan Fairlawn Medical Offices 4055 Embassy Parkway Suite 110 Fairlawn, Ohio 44333
METRO RTA BUS ROUTES For the Metro RTA schedules please call the customer service center at (330) 762-0341 or toll free at (800) 227-9905 or online at www.akronmetro.org/.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Kent Medical Offices HealthSpan Kent Medical Offices Meadowview Square Shopping Center 2500 State Route 59, Suite 28 Kent, Ohio 44240
43 271
See page 17 for a detailed description of this facility.
N. M
DRIVING DIRECTIONS Traveling I-77 South from Cleveland Merge onto I-480 east toward Youngstown. Go 12 miles and merge onto Route 14 east. Continue on Route 14 east, then turn right onto Route 43 south (Cleveland Canton Road). Turn left onto Route 59 and travel 6 miles. The Kent Medical Offices are on your right.
Traveling I-77 North from Akron 77 Merge onto I-76 east toward Youngstown. 277 Travel 9 miles and exit onto Route 43. Turn left onto Route 43 north. Turn right onto Route 261 east. Then turn right onto RTA BUS ROUTES For the Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority Route 59. The Kent Medical Offices are (PARTA) schedules, please call (330) 678-1287 or online on your right. at www.partaonline.org/. 244
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Medina Medical Offices HealthSpan Medina Medical Offices 3443 Medina Road, Suite 108 Medina, Ohio 44256
N 480
See page 18 for a detailed description of this facility.
80 271
Traveling I-71 South from Cleveland Take the Route 18 exit. Turn right onto Route 18 (Medina Road). Travel .8 miles. The Medina Medical Offices are on your right.
Traveling I-71 North Take the Route 18 exit. Turn left onto Route 18 (Medina Road). Travel .9 miles. The Medina Medical Offices are on your right.
59 21 77
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Mentor Medical Offices HealthSpan Mentor Medical Offices 7695 Mentor Avenue Mentor, Ohio 44060
20 L A K E
84 N
See page 19 for a detailed description of this facility.
Traveling I-90 East to Route 2 East Take the Route 2 exit toward Painesville. Travel 4.5 miles and take the Route 640 east exit. Turn right onto Route 640 east (Vine Street). Vine Street turns into Route 20 (Mentor Avenue) at Erie Street. Continue on Mentor Avenue and drive 2.5 miles. The Mentor Medical Offices are on your left.
Traveling I-271 North Merge onto I-90 east and take the Route 306 exit toward Mentor. Turn left onto Route 306 north (Broadmoor Road). Turn right onto Route 20 (Mentor Avenue) and travel .8 miles. The Mentor Medical Offices are on your left.
LAKETRAN BUS ROUTES For the LAKETRAN schedules, please call (440) 942-1300 or online at www.laketran.com.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
North Canton Medical Offices 80
43 77
77 277
Traveling I-77 South from Cleveland Take the Portage Street NW exit and turn right at the end of the exit ramp. Continue past Strip Avenue NW. The North Canton Medical Offices are on your left. Traveling I-77 North from Akron Take the Portage Street NW exit and turn left at the end of the exit ramp. Continue past Strip Avenue NW. The North Canton Medical Offices are on your left.
See page 20 for a detailed description of this facility.
HealthSpan North Canton Medical Offices Gander Mountain Plaza 4914 Portage Street NW North Canton, Ohio 44720
62 30 30
RTA BUS ROUTES For the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) schedules, please call 330-477-2782 or online at www.SARTAonline.com.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Traveling I-480 West Exit at West 130th Street. Turn left and follow West 130th Street to Snow Road. Turn left. The Parma Medical Center is on your right. Traveling I-480 East Take the Brookpark Road exit, turn left onto Brookpark Road, follow to West 130th Street. Turn right and follow to Snow Road. Turn left at Snow Road. The Parma Medical Center is on your right.
W. 130
W. 117
Traveling I-71 North Take the Airport-Snow Road exit 237. Bear right and follow Snow Road for two miles. The Parma Medical Center is on your right, just past West 130th Street.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS Traveling I-71 South Take the Snow Road East exit 237B. Bear right and follow Snow Road for two miles. The Parma Medical Center is on your right, just past West 130th Street.
W. 150
See page 21 for a detailed description of this facility.
HealthSpan Parma Medical Center 12301 Snow Road Parma, Ohio 44130
Parma Medical Center
METRO RTA BUS ROUTES For the Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Authority (RTA) schedules, please call the RTAnswerline at ROYALTON RD. (216) 621-9500 or TTY at (216)82781-4271 or online at www.gcrta.org/schedules.asp.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Rocky River Medical Offices
Traveling I-90 West Travel along I-90 W/OH-2 W along the Shoreway towards downtown. Continue to follow I-90 W. Take Exit 162 to merge onto Hilliard Boulevard. Slight left at Lakeview Avenue. Turn right at Center Ridge Road. The Rocky River facility will be on the left.
W. 117
W. 130
W. 150
Traveling I-90 East As you’re traveling I-90 E/OH-2 toward Cleveland, take Exit 161 for Detroit Road/OH-254/OH-2 E. Turn left at Detroit Road/OH-2 E/OH-254 E. Turn right at Westway Drive. Take the first right onto Wagar Road. Take the third left onto Center Ridge Road/OH-113 E/US20 E. The Rocky River facility will be on the right.
W. 210
See page 22 for a detailed description of this facility.
HealthSpan Rocky River Medical Offices 20575 Center Ridge Road Suite 500 Rocky River, Ohio 44116
RTA BUS ROUTES For the Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Authority ROYALTON RD. (RTA) schedules, please call the 82 RTAnswerline at (216) 621-9500 or TTY at (216) 781-4271 or online at www.gcrta.org/schedules.asp.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Traveling I-71 North Take the Route 82 exit and turn left. Follow Royalton Road (Route 82) approximately one-half mile. The Strongsville Medical Offices are on your right at Fallingwater Road.
71 42
Traveling I-71 South Take the Route 82 West exit. Follow Royalton Road (Route 82) approximately one-half mile. The Strongsville Medical Offices are on your right at Fallingwater Road.
. RD
See page 23 for a detailed description of this facility.
W. 130
20 113
HealthSpan Strongsville Medical Offices 17406 Royalton Road Strongsville, Ohio 44136
W. 210
W. 150
Strongsville Medical Offices
RTA BUS ROUTES For the Greater Cleveland Rapid Transit Authority (RTA) schedules, please call the RTAnswerline at (216) 621-9500 or TTY at (216) 781-4271 or online at www.gcrta.org/schedules.asp.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Twinsburg Medical Offices HealthSpan Twinsburg Medical Offices 8920 Canyon Falls Boulevard Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 See page 24 for a detailed description of this facility.
N 271 480
Traveling I-480 East or West Take the Route 82 (Twinsburg) exit. Travel west on Route 82, then turn right onto Canyon Falls Blvd. The Twinsburg Medical Offices are on your left.
HealthSpan Medical Offices
Willoughby Medical Offices HealthSpan Willoughby Medical Offices 5105 S.O.M. Center Road Willoughby, Ohio 44094
See page 25 for a detailed description of this facility.
6 20
Traveling I-90 East to Route 2 East Take the Route 91 (S.O.M. Center Road) exit and turn right at the traffic signal. Follow Route 91 south, crossing Euclid Avenue. The Willoughby Medical Offices are located on your left, one block south of Euclid Avenue.
Traveling I-271 North Take I-90 East and exit at Route 91 (S.O.M. Center Road). Turn right at the traffic signal. Follow Route 91 north one and a half miles. The Willoughby Medical Offices are on your right.
LAKETRAN BUS ROUTES For the LAKETRAN schedules, please call (440) 942-1300 or online at www.laketran.com.
Index of Physicians Abbass, Abdul Hassan, MD......... 80 Abbass, Fadi, MD......................... 80 Abbass, Hassan, MD.................... 80 Abbud-Abdelnour, Rita, MD........ 86 Abdalla, Abdalla, MD..........110-111 Abels, Laura, CNS........................ 49 Abou-Haidar, Antoinette, MD...... 36 Abrams, Marc, MD..................... 135 Abughali, Nazha, MD................. 110 Abumeri, Sana, MD...................... 42 Adamczyk, Mark, MD................. 112 Adams, George, DO.................... 42 Adams, Ronald, MD..................... 28 Adams, Sarah, MD....................... 43 Adebambo, Ifeolorunbode, MD.................. 36 Adury, Kamala, MD...................... 53 Adury, Kamala , MD..................... 53 Adusumilli, Pavani, MD................ 38 Aemmer, Lysa, MD....................... 44 Akhrass, Rami, MD....................... 73 Al-Ali, Firas, MD............................ 92 Alamir, Samer, MD........................ 53 Albert, Samuel, MD...................... 80 Alessio, Reno, MD...................... 138 Alexander, Christine, MD............. 36 Alexander, J. Jeffrey, MD........... 127 Alexander, Joseph, MD................ 69 Alfes, John, MD...................... 27, 32 Ali, Syed, MD.............................. 105 Altaqi, Basel, MD.................. 74, 119 Altman, Andrew, MD.................... 66 Alton, Paul, OD........................... 140 Alvarez, Benito, MD...................... 58 Anderson, Darryl, MD.................. 88 Anderson, James, MD.................. 92 Andrews, Annette, MD................. 43 Andrews, David, MD.................. 109 Andros Andrzejewska, Paula, OD............................... 138 Aneja, Ashish, MD........................ 70 Aneja, Jyoti, MD........................... 52 Ansari, Hossain, MD..................... 90 Antenucci, Christina, MD............. 36 Antonelli, Maria, MD.................... 38 Antonio, Anne, LISW.................... 51 Apostolis, Costas, MD................ 124 Aprile, Bettina, MD....................... 36
Archinal, Jeffrey, MD.................... 43 Armao, Joseph, MD..................... 30 Armstrong, Delilah, MD............... 28 Arora, Kavita, MD......................... 55 Arthur, Bruce, MD....................... 120 Ascha, Ahmad, MD...................... 81 Ashai, Nuzhat, MD........................ 65 Ashwath, Mahi, MD...................... 65 Assaf, Richard, MD....................... 65 Asseff, Carl, MD.......................... 136 Atanasoff, George, OD...... 138, 141 Auckley, Dennis, MD.................. 119 Averbook, Bruce, MD................. 124 Avery, Ann, MD............................. 86 Azem, Jamal, MD......................... 87 Azem, May, MD.......................... 123 Babai, Massood, MD.................... 53 Babai, Sarah, MD.................... 58, 63 Bach, Kimberly, LISW.................... 52 Bacon, Beth, LISW........................ 50 Bacon, Jill, PsyD........................... 54 Bader, Brooke, OD..................... 139 Bafna, Shamik, MD....... 95, 135, 139 Bafus, Blaine, MD................. 99, 103 Bahler, Robert, MD....................... 70 Bahntge, Michael, MD................. 88 Bailit, Jennifer, MD....................... 93 Baird, Micah, MD........................ 112 Baker-Alden, Constance, LISW.... 46 Baker, Joseph, DO....................... 38 Baker, Kimberly, DO................... 107 Bala, Elisa, MD.............................. 94 Ballou, Stanley, MD.................... 122 Balter, Kevin, MD.................104-106 Baltes, Matthew, DO.................... 36 Balthaser, Carrie, OD.................. 140 Banerjee, Tanya, MD.................... 58 Baranek, Robert, MD.................. 124 Barber, Angela, OD.............141-142 Barb, John, DO............................. 42 Barger, Lawrence, OD................ 141 Barkan, Dawn, OD...................... 138 Bark, Charles, MD......................... 86 Barry, Janet, DC............................ 73 Bar-Shain, David, MD................... 40 Barton, Fredrick, MD.................. 122 Bashour, Fadi, MD........................ 81 Bass, Jonathan, MD................. 75-76
Baud, Eric, MD......................... 75-76 Bayar, Ahmet, MD................... 65-66 Beachy, Rochele, MD................... 36 Bedocs, Paul, DO......................... 77 Begley, James, MD..................... 114 Behmer, Mary Ellen, MD.............. 38 Beiling-Sheerer, Christine, OD... 140 Beining, Heidi, DO................. 58, 62 Bello, Victor, MD......................... 139 Bement, Sarah, MD...................... 40 Benmessaoud-Zahir, Nisrine, MD......................... 58, 63 Bennett, Adriane, PhD................. 54 Bentley, Dennis, MD................... 125 Ben-Zion, Sabrina, MD............ 43-44 Berchin, Holly, CNS................. 49-50 Bergman, Mark, MD..................... 87 Berko, Eric, PhD............................ 53 Berkowitz, Robert, MD............... 101 Berry, Shanail, MD.................. 36, 40 Bertschler, John, PhD................... 54 Besunder, James, DO................. 107 Beverley, Laurel, MD..................... 66 Bevington, Robert, OD.............. 141 Beyer, Todd DO.......................... 141 Beyer, Todd, DO...................... 96-97 Bhakta, Shyam, MD...................... 72 Bhatia, Rajeev, MD..................... 112 Biats, David, DO..................... 58, 62 Biedenbach, Rachel Alice, MD................................ 140 Bigham, Michael, MD................. 107 Bilge-Johnson, Sumru, MD.......... 48 Billow, Michael, DO.............107-108 Binder, Jeffrey, DO....................... 79 Binder, Michael, MD................... 116 Bindra, Akhil, MD....................... 120 Bing, James, OD........................ 137 Binstock, Mark, MD...................... 46 Binstock, Martine, MD.................. 27 Birnkrant, David, MD.................. 112 Bittence, Jessica, MD................... 43 Black, John, MD...........57-58, 61-63 Blair, Russell, MD.................. 74, 119 Blakeslee, Dustin, DO.................. 53 Blank, Frederick, OD.................. 136 Blasse, Margaret, CNS................. 49 Blondis, Thomas, MD................... 78 165
Index of Physicians Blossom, Marie, MD..................... 55 Boakye, Emmanuel, MD......... 40-41 Bober, John, MD.......................... 48 Bobst, Thomas, OD.................... 137 Bockoven, John, MD.................. 106 Bodas, Prasad, MD..................... 109 Bodman, Michael, DPM............. 117 Bohl, Jennifer, MD........................ 66 Bolen, Shari, MD........................... 38 Bolinger, Alison, OD................... 141 Bollin, Gary, MD............................ 86 Bologna, Raymond, MD............. 126 Bono, Kenneth, MD................... 112 Borison, Daniel, MD..................... 82 Bornhorst, Troy, OD............ 135, 139 Borodkin, Jeffrey, OD................. 142 Borth, Dean, MD.......................... 83 Boshkos, Christopher, MD........... 88 Botros, Geehan, MD.................... 42 Botros, Nader, MD...............120-121 Botti, Robert, MD.................... 71-72 Bower, John, MD........................ 110 Bowling, Susana, MD.............. 90-91 Bradford, Stephanie, LISW........... 52 Brady, Megan, MD................ 99-100 Braman, Kenneth, DO.................. 44 Bram, Arthur, OD........................ 136 Brand, Lisa, MD............................ 40 Brandon, Catherine, PsyD............ 54 Brandt, Christopher, MD.............. 82 Brashear, Susan, MD .................... 46 Brazina, Ernest, OD.................... 137 Breaux, Todd, MD...................... 126 Brinberg, Don, MD....................... 81 Briskin, Toby, MD.......................... 65 Brister, Arlogia, OD.................... 138 Broniatowski, Michael, MD.......... 79 Brown, Christopher, MD............. 111 Bucchieri, John, MD................... 103 Bucurel, David, OD............. 137, 139 Budak, Pamela, LISW................... 50 Buis, Brenda, DO.......................... 44 Bukulmez, Hulya, MD..... 36, 40, 113 Burg, Carol, MD....................... 75-76 Burke, Michelle, MD................... 113 Burket, David, MD................... 96-97 Burkett, Amy, MD........57, 59, 61-63 Burnstine, Robert, MD................ 111 166
Butler, John, MD........................... 92 Byler, Jamie, MD..................... 59, 63 Cain, Brian, MD............................ 44 Calaway, Chris, OD..................... 141 Calles-Escandon, Jorge, MD....... 78 Campbell, James, MD.................. 38 Campbell, Patricia, MD................ 38 Camp, William, MD................. 75-76 Cannatti, James, MD.................... 97 Canterbury, Brian, MD................ 126 Cappaert, William, MD................ 94 Caravella, Louis, MD................... 136 Cardello, Carol, CNS.................... 49 Caril, Sarah, MD............................ 55 Carlin, Susan, MD.................... 40-41 Carneval, Mary, DO...................... 65 Carroll, Jennifer, MD..................... 58 Carter, Joseph, MD...................... 79 Casciato, Deborah, LISW............. 50 Castonguay, Jessica, DO.............. 68 Castro, Jonathan, MD................ 120 Castro, Leonidas, MD................. 121 Catalano, Patrick, MD................... 55 Cater, Grace, MD.......................... 70 Cefalu, Carl, OD......................... 142 Cevasco, Nathaniel, MD........ 75, 77 Chae, John, MD......................... 114 Chandos, Brandon, MD...............89-91, 123 Chang, Timothy, MD............... 75-76 Chari, Ravi, MD............................. 82 Cha, Stephen, MD...................... 110 Chaturvedi, Anand, MD............... 53 Chaturvedi, Preti, MD................... 88 Chavda, Roopa, MD..................... 46 Chavez, Altagracia, MD................ 73 Chen, Gina, MD.................. 120, 123 Cheng, Stephen, MD................... 66 Chen, Tsulee, MD....................... 111 Chernin, Leah, DO................... 68-69 Chester, Thomas, OD................. 135 Childers, Jennifer, LISW................ 50 Chi, Thomas, MD.............95-97, 140 Chlysta, Walter, MD...................... 83 Choi, Charles, MD................ 69, 104 Chokan, Aaron, DPM................. 118 Chouksey, Akhilesh, MD............. 106 Chrisman-Khawam, Leanne, MD. 36
Ciancone, Ann, MD...................... 53 Cihlar, Claudia, CNS..................... 50 Ciltea, Daniela, MD...................... 79 Cingle, Kimberly, MD......96-97, 138 Cisarik, Paul, MD.......................... 38 Claridge, Jeffrey, MD.............. 82, 84 Clark, Anna Lisa, LISW............. 50-51 Clark, Curtis, MD........................ 114 Clark, Gary, MD.......................... 114 Clark, John, MD.......................... 107 Claypoole, Bobbi, CNM............... 58 Clemans, Chelsey, OD............... 138 Clemow, Justin, DMD.................. 99 Cliffel, Thomas, MD.................... 136 Cohen, Bruce, MD...............110-111 Cola, Lynne, MD........................... 84 Coletta, John, MD.................. 72, 87 Cole, Windy, DPM...................... 118 Collin, Marc, MD........................... 87 Collum, Nichole, MD.................... 44 Combs, Meaghan, MD................. 36 Combs, Steven, MD................... 100 Como, John, MD.......................... 84 Congeni, Blaise, MD.................. 110 Congeni, Joseph, MD................ 113 Connors, Alfred, MD.................. 119 Constantinou, Georgette, PhD.... 49 Cook, Alice, PhD..................... 53-54 Cook, John, DO............................ 44 Cook, Lydia, MD..................... 29, 32 Corpora, Nalini, OD................... 142 Corrigan, Kathryn, MD................. 40 Corrigan, Mary, MD...................... 38 Cosby, Stephen, MD.................... 48 Courson, Jeffrey, DO............... 69-70 Courtney, Robert, MD.................. 94 Cousineau, Lisa, DO............... 59, 63 Cowan, Dale, MD......................... 85 Cox, Diethra, MD.......................... 38 Cox, Douglas, OD...................... 135 Crane, Stephen, MD.................... 93 Crapanzano, Gary, OD............... 137 Creamer, Johnbuck, MD.............. 38 Crowe, Carol, MD....................... 107 Crowe, David, MD................... 75-76 Crow , John, MD........................ 109 Crum, Edward, MD....................... 84 Cui, Lixin, MD............................. 114
Index of Physicians Cutler, Michael, DO...................... 70 D Agostino, Gerald, OD............ 136 Dahbar, Mazen, MD..................... 42 Dalessandro, Todd, OD.............. 139 Damaske, Martha, MD................. 66 Danesis, Gregory, MD................ 126 Dang, Sandy, OD........................ 140 Daniel, Terry, OD........................ 135 Dankoff, Joseph, MD..........125-126 Daprano, Joseph, MD.................. 40 Dardir, Noha, MD......................... 33 Dasarathy, Jaividhya, MD............. 36 Dasarathy, Srinivasan, MD............ 80 Dash-Modi, Anita, MD................. 97 Das, Manisha, MD........................ 65 Dass, Kamal-Neil, DO.................. 48 Davila, Doris, LISW....................... 51 Davis, Ajuah, MD.......................... 40 Davis, Bryan, MD.......................... 75 Davis, Mark, MD..........57, 59, 61-63 Davis, Mark, OD......................... 137 Davis, Pamela, MD....................... 75 Dawson, Michelle, OD............... 140 DeBalzo, Linda, CNS.................... 46 DeBarr, Colleen, DPM................ 118 Decastecker, Christopher, OD... 139 DeChant, Hallie, MD.................... 38 Deggelman, Elissa, PhD............... 49 Delahunty, Carol, MD................... 78 Dellinger, David, DO.................. 117 Delprincipe, David, OD.......139-140 Del Rio, Richard, MD.................... 82 DeLuca, Kenneth, PhD................. 54 Demangone, David, MD............ 104 Denman, Mark, OD.................... 141 Deoras, Mita, MD.................... 89-90 Devulapalli, Krishna, MD.............. 48 Dhillon, Jaspinder, MD................. 38 Diaz, Alberto, MD.................... 69-70 Dietz, Irene, MD............................ 78 Dietz, Michelle, MD...................... 84 DiFrangia, Ann, DO...................... 48 DiLauro, Sharon, MD.................... 53 Diller, Andrew, DPM................... 118 Dinchman, Kurt, MD................... 124 Dinger, Gary, DO.......................... 42 DiNicola, Nicholas, MD.......101-102 Dinner, Sherry, PhD....................... 46
Dodd, Andrew, OD.................... 141 Dodd, Gary, OD......................... 141 Dombrowski, Nicole, DO............. 78 Dong-Kondas, Julia, MD.............. 75 Donich, Dane, MD................... 92-93 Dorsett, Roswell, DO............... 89-90 Dostall, Timothy, OD.................. 140 Dowd, Paul, OD.......................... 137 Doyle, Lorraine, MD..................... 66 Doyle, Timothy, MD................ 71-72 Drake, George, DO................ 59, 61 Dreben, Elizabeth, PhD.............. 122 D’Souza, Carol, MD...................... 31 Duby, John, MD............................ 78 Dugan, Amy, LISW........................ 50 Duggal, Anurag, MD.................... 86 Dumford, Donald, MD................. 86 Duncan, Philip, MD..................... 121 Dunlap, Mark, MD........................ 70 Dupont, Stefan, MD..................... 90 Duran-Castillo, Marina, MD....................... 74, 119 Durden, Faith, MD........................ 75 Dwyer, Jennifer, MD..................... 44 Dziama, Gregory, OD................. 140 Dziwis, Carolyn, MD..................... 38 Dzugan, Jennifer, LISW................ 51 Earley, Andrea, OD..................... 140 Earley, Timothy, OD.................... 140 Edelman, Kenneth, MD................ 55 Edwards, Yvette, LISW.................. 50 Egdell, Robert, MD....................... 58 Eid, Joanne, MD......................... 104 Eid, Wassim, DO........................... 72 Ekstein, Laurie, MD....................... 40 Elgudin, Larissa, MD..................... 46 El-Hallak, Moussa, MD............... 113 El-Khoury, Gaby, MD.............. 36, 41 Ellis, Cecilia, DO..................... 59, 63 Ellison, Richard, MD..................... 97 Ellsesser, Anna, OD............ 136, 138 Elman, Barnett, PhD..................... 54 Eltayeb, Babiker, MD.................... 88 Eltrich, Pamela, LISW.................... 51 Emmer, Robert, LISW................... 52 Englander, Miriam, MD................ 94 Engle, Jennifer, OD.................... 135 Engle, Jon, OD........................... 135
Enlow, Thomas, MD................... 111 Erenberg, Francine, MD............. 106 Escobedo, Joel, MD..................... 46 Escuro, Ruben, MD....................... 85 Espinal, Sue, MD.......................... 61 Espinosa, Maria, MD.................... 85 Estafanous, Marcus, MD............... 97 Ethridge, John, MD...................... 55 Everly, Bradley, MD....................... 44 Ewing-Wilson, Deborah, DO....... 66 Fajobi, Olufunke, MD.............. 52-53 Falb, Elizabeth, LISW.................... 52 Falck-Ytter, Corinna, MD.............. 38 Fallick, Catherine, MD............. 70-71 Fallon, Mary Colleen, LISW.......... 50 Faltay, Bela, MD............................ 69 Fargo, John, DO......................... 109 Farhat, Naim, MD......................... 70 Farid, Ibrahim, MD..................... 105 Farner, Paula, MD......................... 42 Farrow, Tracy, MD......................... 57 Fass, Ronnie, MD.......................... 80 Fass, Shira, PhD............................ 53 Fath, Jennifer, DPM.................... 118 Fath, Nikolaus, OD..............141-142 Fedak, Gail, OD.......................... 139 Fedak, Michael, MD..................... 32 Feier, Gabriela, MD...................... 52 Feighan, John, MD....................... 99 Feingold, Mark, MD............... 36, 40 Feldman, Aaron, MD............... 71-72 Feldman, Edward, MD................. 39 Feldman, Michael, OD............... 142 Fenton, Andrew, MD.................... 83 Fenton, Cydney, MD.................. 108 Ferguson, D. Roy, MD.................. 80 Fernandez, Amy, OD.................. 140 Fernandez, Michelle, LISW........... 50 Ferriman, Curtis, OD.................. 140 Ferris, Edward, MD......57, 59, 61-63 Fiala, Ruth, LISW........................... 50 Figler, Stephen, OD............ 136, 139 Filips, Caitlin, OD........................ 135 Finizia, Anthony, MD.................... 40 Finkelhor, Robert, MD.................. 70 Finley, James, MD...................... 119 Finton, Paula, MD......................... 39 Fischer, Christine, MD.................. 39 167
Index of Physicians Fish, Barry, MD........................ 61, 63 Fisher, Andrea, OD..............139-140 Fitzgerald, Kim, MD...................... 66 Fitzgibbon, James, MD................ 68 Fleming, Kathleen, OD.............. 137 Fleming, Thomas, MD............ 75, 77 Flickinger, Thomas, OD.............. 142 Flynn, Cynthia, MD....................... 46 Forbes, Michael, MD.................. 108 Forde, Anthony, DDS................... 98 Forde, Wayne, MD....................... 37 Fouad, Maged, MD.............105-106 Fox, Kermit, MD..................114-115 Fox, Monte, DO............................ 77 Fragassi, Philip, MD...................... 40 Francis, Stephen, MD................... 86 Franey, Shawna, OD................... 137 Frankel, Michael, MD................... 80 Franklin, Mary, CNM..................... 58 Frank, Thomas, MD...................... 55 Frazier, Jason, DO........................ 42 Freeman, Linda, LISW.................. 50 Freiberg, William, DO.................. 90 Freson, Daniel, OD..................... 135 Friebert, Sarah, MD.................... 109 Friedenberg, Keith, MD............... 81 Fried, Jason, DO.................. 83, 127 Friedman, AmyJo, MD................. 30 Friedman, Norman, MD............... 90 Friedman, Roger, DPM............... 118 Frisof, Kenneth, MD..................... 37 Fromm, Mitchel, MD.................. 122 Frye, DeAnna, PhD.................. 91-92 Fuenning, Charles, MD.......120-121 Fuller, Thomas, MD...................... 39 Fyda, John, MD.......................... 108 Gale, David, OD......................... 137 Galvin, Jeffrey, MD................. 39, 42 Gandhi, Sanjay, MD...................... 70 Gangel, Michael, MD................. 126 Gantner, Anita, PhD.................... 122 Garcia-Naveiro, Reinaldo, MD.......................... 108 Garg, Anubhav, MD................ 72-73 Garrison, Aaron, MD.................. 108 Gasser, Ryan, MD................101-102 Gayomali, Charina, MD................ 88 Gayomali, Nestor, MD.................. 87 168
Gebel, James, MD....................... 90 Geertman, Robert, MD................ 92 Gehlaut, Richa , MD................ 78-79 Geho, Hans, MD........................... 39 Geiger, Robert, MD.................... 104 Gelehrter, George, MD.............. 106 Geller, Lawrence, MD................. 126 Geller, Trenda, LISW..................... 51 Gelles, Ellen, MD.......................... 39 Gelles, Lisa, MD....................... 75-76 Gemechu, Fassil, MD................... 38 George, Marilyn, OD.................. 138 Geraci-Rambasek, Michele, MD............................. 39 Gerak, Laura, PhD......................... 49 Gerhart, Mary, OD...................... 137 Gersman, Mark, MD..................... 97 Ghasia, F. Fatema, MD............... 111 Ghori, Abdulla, MD...................... 40 Ghumrawi, Badr, MD.................. 124 Gibson, Kelly, MD......................... 55 Gifford, Susan, MD....................... 39 Gilbert, Harry, OD....................... 141 Gillespie, Christopher, MD........... 37 Gill, Hardeep, MD........................ 39 Gill, Inderjit, MD........................... 73 Ginsberg, Amy, PhD..................... 49 Girgis, Joseph, MD....................... 42 Giusto, Kenneth, OD.................. 141 Glanville, Charles, OD................ 142 Glanville, Jennifer, OD........141-142 Glanville, Philip, OD................... 137 Glazer, Gwen, MD........................ 40 Glori, Maria, MD........................... 33 Glosik, George, OD.................... 137 Glosik, Robert, OD..................... 137 Godwin, Blessing, MD................ 122 Godwin, Jennifer, MD............57, 59, 61-63 Golba, Timothy, LISW................... 51 Golden, Alex, MD....................... 106 Goldhamer, Susan, LISW.............. 51 Golish, Joseph, MD.................... 119 Golob, Joseph, MD.................... 124 Gonzalez, Domingo, MD............. 92 Gonzalez, Kathy, OD.......... 135, 142 Gordon, Alice, CNM.................... 58 Gorsuch, Steven, MD............. 59, 63
Gottesman, David, MD................ 81 Gottesman, Howard, MD............. 52 Gould, Jennifer, MD..................... 77 Goyal, Supriya, MD...................... 66 Grady, Angela, DPM................... 117 Graley, Christine, OD.................. 138 Gray, Gregory, MD........................ 96 Greco, Peter, MD.......................... 39 Greenberg, Michael, OD........... 138 Green, Douglas, MD.................. 126 Gregory, Jolee, MD...................... 40 Greiner, Katie, OD...............141-142 Grieser, Kathleen, MD.................. 31 Griffin, Janet, MD......................... 80 Griffiths, Maria, MD.................... 104 Griggs, Jessica, DO...................... 37 Grinblatt, Michael, MD......71-72, 86 Grossman, Jordan, DPM............ 118 Grucella, Matthew, OD...... 136, 140 Guay, Marc, MD....................... 79-80 Guido, Gary, OD......................... 142 Gulati, Reema, MD..................... 108 Gunawardena, Diyana, MD.......... 70 Gunsch, Annmarie, LISW............. 51 Gupta, Parshotam, MD.............. 104 Gusz, John, MD............................ 83 Gutow, Eliot, LISW........................ 46 Guyton, Daniel, MD..................... 83 Guzik, Kenneth, OD................... 137 Haas, Christopher, MD............... 125 Haddad, Ibrahim, MD................ 108 Haddad, Maryanne, DO............... 39 Haddad, Nada, MD................. 40-41 Haidet, Jaime, MD..................... 108 Hakim, Edmond, OD...........140-141 Hall, Daniel, MD..................... 59, 61 Hamid, Mohamed, MD................ 79 Hamilton, Cecelia, MD............ 75-77 Hampole, Vagesh, MD......... 42, 123 Handel, Thomas, OD..........141-142 Haney, Bradd, OD...................... 136 Hanna, Joseph, MD...................... 88 Hanna, Nancy, MD..................... 111 Hanrahan, Jennifer, DO................ 86 Hardesty, Christina, MD.............. 112 Hardy, Mark, DPM........................ 66 Harris, Michael, MD.................... 114 Hartmann, III, William, MD.......... 53
Index of Physicians Hasan, Sayed, OD...................... 139 Hassan, Sobia, MD..................... 122 Hassinger, Mark, OD.................. 137 Hatherill, Michele, MD........101-102 Hauer, James, MD........................ 65 Haught, Jeffrey, OD.................... 141 Haxhiu-Erhardt, Lendita, MD....... 52 Hayek, Anthony, DO................... 116 Hazelwood, Jennifer, OD........... 141 Hazen, Gale, MD.......................... 92 Hecker, Michelle, MD................... 86 Hegde, Nikita, MD..................... 123 Hegde, Vinayak, MD.................... 72 Heidemann, Melissa, LISW.......... 51 Heiser, David, MD....................... 126 Helfrich, Matthias, OD................ 139 Hendryx, Paula, MD..................... 55 Henry, Lilia, MD............................ 28 Hergenroeder, Paul, MD.............. 87 Herran, Maria, MD........................ 41 Hershner, Todd, OD................... 136 Hertle, Richard, MD.................... 111 Hileman, Corrilynn, MD................ 86 Hines, Robert, MD...............120-121 Hodgson, John, MD..................... 70 Hodsden, James, MD.................. 72 Hoelscher, Joseph, EdD............... 54 Hoeprich, Mark, MD..................... 93 Holder, Deborah, MD................. 111 Holder, Nneka, MD...................... 68 Hollins, Lori-Linell, MD................. 55 Homafar, Soghra, MD.............. 57-58 Hong, Raymond, MD................... 66 Horattas, Mark, MD...................... 83 Hord, Jeffrey, MD....................... 109 Hornik, Paul, OD......................... 137 Horwath, Ewald, MD.................... 52 Horwitz, Edward, MD................... 87 Hostoffer, Robert, DO.................. 68 Hott, Morgan, MD, PhD......... 75-76 Houser, Steven, MD............... 68, 79 Hoyen, Harry, MD................. 99, 103 Huang, Deren, MD.................. 89-91 Huang, Shu Que, MD................. 114 Hudgins, Roger, MD................... 111 Hull, Robert, MD........................... 78 Hull, Thomas, MD.................... 96-98 Hussing, Scott, OD..............141-142
Hutzler, John, MD................... 59, 63 Huynh, Anhtuan, DO.........59, 61-62 Ibrahim, Osama, MD.............. 72, 87 Iltchev, Daniel, MD............... 74, 119 Infeld, Michael, MD.............118-119 Iovi, Mihaela, MD......................... 43 Isada, Loretta, MD........................ 72 Jacobs, Irwin, MD....................... 110 Jacobs, John, MD......................... 88 Jacobstein, Mark, MD................ 107 Jadallah, Ahmad, MD............. 59, 63 Jaeger, Irina, MD.......................... 66 Jahnke, Michelle, MD................... 77 Jain, Alok, MD......................... 80-81 Jain, Sushil, MD............................ 43 Jain, Than, MD............................. 72 James, Rebecca, MD.................... 56 Janovick, Patrick, MD................... 43 Jaworsky, Christine, MD.......... 75-76 Jemiola, Cynthia, OD......... 135, 137 Jesse, Norma, OD...................... 140 Johnson, Cheryl, MD.................... 59 Johnson, Freedom, MD............... 79 Johnson, Gene, MD................... 138 Johnson-Guy, Karen, CNM.......... 55 Johnston, James, DO................... 96 Jones, Alicia, DO.......................... 28 Jones, David, MD......................... 39 Jones, Gizelle, LISW..................... 52 Jones, Kerwyn, MD.................... 112 Jones, Marc, MD..... 96-97, 141-142 Jones, Matthew, MD...........104-106 Jordan, Roderick, MD................ 116 Joseph, Dawn, MD....................... 33 Joseph, Natalie, MD................... 124 Joslyn, Noreen, LISW................... 51 Julia, Anna, LISW.......................... 52 Jurcak, Ronald, OD.................... 138 Jurkiw, Adrian, LISW..................... 50 Kades, Phillip, OD...................... 141 Kaelber, David, MD...................... 40 Kaelber, Kristin, MD...................... 40 Kaforey, Mary, MD.......57, 59, 61-63 Kahn, Daniel, DO.......................... 65 Kakarala, Harish, MD.................. 120 Kalavsky, Steven, MD................. 111 Kalayjian, Robert, MD................... 86 Kale, Hemangi, MD...................... 80
Kalin, Andrew, MD...................... 104 Kalucis, Chris, DO......................... 80 Kamienski, Robert, MD................ 73 Kamionkowski, Mario, MD........... 80 Kane, Brian, OD.................. 136, 139 Kane, Sarah, MD..............56-57, 124 Kantaras, Anthony, MD.......101-102 Kantharaj, Belagodu, MD............. 85 Kaplan, Gary, MD....................... 119 Kapusta, Mark, OD..................... 139 Karas, David, MD.......................... 43 Karfes, Frank, DDS........................ 98 Karlen, John, MD.......................... 84 Karnani, Ravi, MD......................... 69 Karns, Laurence, MD.................... 96 Kassouf, Amy, MD................... 75-77 Kaster, Brad, OD................. 138, 142 Kast, Kristy, LISW.......................... 52 Katz, Leonard, MD........................ 75 Kaufman, Bram, MD............116-117 Kaufman, Elizabeth, MD.......... 70-71 Kaufman, Stephen, MD................ 98 Kaur, Hanspreet, MD.................... 65 Kayani, Thomas, MD.................... 88 Kaye, Gregory, OD..................... 138 Kea, Karen, MD............................ 39 Keaney, Joseph, OD........... 135, 138 Keith, Michael, MD................ 99-100 Kelley, Gary, PhD.......................... 54 Kellis, Augustine, MD................. 138 Kellogg, Jacsun, CNS................... 50 Kelly, Steven, MD......................... 83 Kelly, Thomas, OD.............. 135, 140 Keng, Rachelle, MD...................... 46 Keown, Lindsey, OD................... 142 Kerr, Julie, MD............................ 113 Kershaw, James, OD.................. 137 Kershaw, Richard, OD................ 140 Kessler, Kate, DO..................... 40-41 Keum, Matthew, MD.................. 115 Kezele, Gregory, MD.................. 127 Khalifa, Mohamed, MD................ 74 Khan, Tariq, MD............................ 78 Khan, Wasim, MD................106-107 Khatami, Sayed, MD..................... 81 Khatri, Saloni, MD......................... 42 Khayyat, Ghassan, MD................. 93 Kiefer, Harry, MD........................... 41 169
Index of Physicians Killian, Jennifer, OD.................... 139 Killian, Patrick, MD........................ 77 Kim, Albert, MD...................120-121 Kimbo, Florence, MD........48, 52-53 Kim, Susie, OD........................... 141 King, Kenneth, OD..................... 142 King, Toni, MD.............................. 79 Kirschman, Jeffrey, MD................. 66 Kirsh, Brian, MD....................... 80-81 Kirven, Melissa, MD.....57, 59, 61-63 Kishore, Rajeev, MD..................... 69 Kitagawa, Gregory, MD........... 56-57 Klejka, James, MD................ 78, 115 Kodsy, Maher, MD...............103-104 Kondray, Ildiko, MD.................... 136 Kooken, Ann, MD.................... 75-77 Koos, Stephen, OD.................... 139 Kopelowitz, Gail, LISW................. 46 Korsch, Amy, LISW........................ 51 Kostranchuk, Bianca, OD..................... 135, 142 Kosunick, Josephine, OD........... 135 Ko, Timothy, MD......................... 104 Koushik, Nikhil, PhD................ 53-54 Kovach, Corie, MD....................... 57 Kovats, Gregory, OD.......... 136, 138 Kovesdy, Jeffrey, OD.................. 135 Krauza, Matthew, MD..........120-121 Krebs, Carla, MD........................ 136 Krebs, John, MD..........100-101, 103 Kretch, Daniel, OD..............137-138 Kretchmer, Kenneth, MD.....120-121 Krishnan, Vidya, MD............. 74, 119 Krug, William, MD........................ 76 Kruithoff, Keith, MD...................... 65 Kuerbitz, Steven, MD................. 109 Kulasekaran, Thiruvengadam, MD.............. 111 Kumar, Deepak, MD..................... 87 Kumar, Nilima, MD....................... 39 Kumar, Sanjay, DO.............. 104, 115 Kumar, Vikramjeet, MD................ 78 Kunhi Veedu, Haripras, MD.......... 88 Kurczynski, Thaddeus, MD, PhD.............. 107 Kurtz, William, MD...............101-102 Kurzweil, Alan , LISW.................... 52 Kutina, Charles Bruce, MD......... 138 Kutnick, Steven, MD..................... 80 170
Kutoloski, Karen, DO.................... 70 Kyprianou, Annette, MD.............. 80 Lababidi, Tony, DO..............105-106 Labastille, Joseph, MD................. 37 Lacey, Stephen, MD............. 99, 103 Lack, Mary, OD........................... 141 Laden, Nathaniel, MD.................. 73 Lahorra, Joseph, MD.................... 73 Lalone, Katy, MD.......................... 52 Lamkin, Barry, MD................... 76-77 Lamkin, Jeffrey, MD................. 96-98 Lam, Mildred, MD........................ 87 Lancione, Raymond, MD.............. 94 Lander, Giselle, OD.................... 136 Landers, Patrick, DPM.................. 66 Lane, Gerri, MD............................ 65 Lane, James, MD.................... 66, 71 Lane, John, MD.......................... 107 Lane, Mary, MD............................ 36 Lang, David, MD......................... 123 Langenberg, Matthew, MD........ 127 Langkamp, Diane, MD................. 78 Lang, Sarah, MD........................... 43 Lanzinger, William, MD........... 83-84 LaPlace, Arthur, PhD..................... 46 L’Armand, Catherine, MD............ 41 Larsen, Teresa, DO..............115-116 Latifi, Samir, MD...................107-108 Lavakumar, Mallika, MD............... 52 Lavery, Mary Ann, MD................ 138 Lavi, Richard, MD..................... 68-69 Lawhon, William, MD................. 111 Lawrence, H. Steven, MD....... 28, 32 Laye, Peter, MD.......................... 122 Leano, Ann, MD................... 74, 120 Lear, Aaron, MD.......................... 124 Lebovitz, Daniel, MD...........107-108 Lee, Christine, DO........................ 88 Lee, Howard, MD....................... 115 Lee, Jai, MD.................................. 73 Lefoer, Dominic, MD.................... 43 Lengu, Irma, MD......................... 125 Lenox, Madeleine, MD................. 79 Leonard, John, MD....................... 43 Leslie, Terri, LISW.......................... 52 Letourneau, Peter, MD............... 116 Levine, Ari, MD...................... 99-100 Levine, Frederic, MD.................. 125
Levine, Mark, MD......................... 94 Levison, Ashleigh, MD................. 94 Lewis, Dawn, MD.................... 59, 62 Lewis, Jenna, OD........................ 135 Lewis, Kristine, OD..................... 142 Lewis, William, MD.................. 70-71 Lewton, Zachary, MD............... 89-90 Lichtenberger, Erik J, MD............. 65 Lichtenberger, Erik, MD................ 65 Lichten, Gary, MD......................... 77 Lieb, Rebecca, PhD...................... 49 Lieser, Sofia, MD...................... 56-57 Likavec, Matt, MD......................... 92 Lim, Joaquin, OD....................... 136 Lindsey, Karryl, LISW..................... 50 Linz, David, MD............................ 83 Lipman, Jeremy, MD.............. 74, 82 Lippitt, Steven, MD.............101-102 Lissauer, Jack, MD........................ 80 Litam, Patrick, MD........................ 85 Litman, George, MD.................... 72 Liu, Raymond, MD........................ 99 Liu, Sheng, MD............................. 37 Liviskie, Kristen, LISW................... 50 Lobins, Raymond, DO.................. 85 Locastro, Anthony, MD....96-97, 111 Lodhi, Wajahat, MD...................... 37 Lohman, Lawrence, MD..... 96-97, 141-142 Lohman, Robert, OD.................. 142 Loizos, Theodore, MD................ 136 Lo, Kar-Ming, MD......... 74, 120, 123 Longworth, Brian, DC................... 73 Longworth, Craig, DC.................. 73 Lopez, Karim, MD......................... 37 Lorand, Andrew, OD..136, 138, 141 Loud, Keith, MD......................... 113 Love, Allan, MD............................ 66 Love, William, DO................... 75-76 Lowe, Kevin, MD.......................... 83 Lowenthal, Rebecca, MD........ 36-37 Lupica, Jeffrey, DPM............117-118 Lu, Weiquan, MD.......................... 85 Lynch, William, MD.................. 76-77 MacPhedran, Sally, MD........... 55-56 Madalin, Karla, MD....................... 66 Madhavan, Sethu, MD................. 87 Magliola, Ronald, MD.................. 40
Index of Physicians Magoon, Elbert, MD.................... 96 Magoulias, Constance, MD.......... 37 Magrey, Marina, MD................... 122 Mahaffey, Kendra, OD................ 139 Mahajan, Darshan, MD................. 89 Mahesh, Shefali, MD.................. 110 Makkar, Hitesh, MD.............120-121 Malak, Osama, MD..............103-104 Malhotra, Vivek, MD................... 108 Malkamaki, Daniel, MD.............. 114 Malone, Kevin, MD..................... 103 Maltarich, Gayle, LISW................. 52 Mancuso, Melissa, MD................. 94 Mandel, David, MD.............122-123 Mandel, Martin, MD..................... 78 Manenti, Alicia, OD.................... 135 Mangel, Jeffrey, MD..................... 56 Manning, Paul, DO....................... 39 Manns-Birmingham, Patricia, LISW............................ 51 Manson, Greg , MD..................... 85 Mansour, David, MD..................... 42 Mansour, Edward, MD.................. 82 Mansour, Maher, MD.................... 53 Marcellus, Jason, OD................. 136 Marchand, Gregory, OD............. 141 Marchetta, Ross, MD.............. 59, 62 Mariappuram, Valsa, MD........ 29, 65 Markarian, Georges, MD.............. 93 Markley, Laura, MD....................... 48 Mark, Myra, MD............................ 33 Marks, William, OD.................... 137 Marley, Robert , MD..................... 83 Marquinez, Frederick, MD............ 85 Marshall, Diana, CNS................... 50 Marsh, Gerald, OD..................... 137 Marsh , Jeffrey, MD.............. 74, 120 Mars, Maria , LISW....................... 50 Martin, Daniel, OD..................... 142 Martin, Eric, OD.......................... 139 Martinez, Starla, MD................... 112 Martin, Herlynne, OD......... 136, 140 Martinko, Karen, DPM................ 118 Maseelall, Priya, MD............... 60, 94 Mastrodicasa, Mark, MD.............. 39 Matalavage, Anthony, DPM......... 66 Mathew, Raichal, MD................... 29 Mathew, Shila, MD....................... 46
Matthew, Leah, MD...................... 37 Maxwell, John, MD....................... 80 Mayer, Daniel, MD................... 95-96 Mayer, Joanne, LISW.................... 51 May, Richard, MD......................... 88 Mazhari, Amir, MD........................ 90 McBride, John, MD.................... 112 McBride, Margaret, MD............. 111 McCluskey, Dennis, MD............... 44 McCollum, Mark, MD..........108-109 McDonald, Amy, MD.................... 82 Mcgann, William, OD................. 141 McGee, Scott, MD........................ 85 McGrievy, Nancy, MD............. 60, 63 McHenry, Christopher, MD........... 82 McKenna, Colleen, LISW.............. 51 Mckinnis, Ryan, OD.........135, 139, 141-142 McKnight, Eric, MD...........57, 60-63 McKnight, Peggy, LISW................ 50 McMahon, Daniel, MD....... 114, 126 Mcvey, Brett, OD........................ 140 Meadows, Steven, MD............... 136 Medalie, Daniel, MD.................. 116 Mehle, Mark, MD.......................... 79 Mehta, Bina, MD........................ 115 Mehta, Govindram, MD............... 79 Mejia, Melvin, MD...................... 114 Melver, Catherine, MD................. 74 Mendise, Thomas, MD......57, 60-63 Mentessi, Jennifer, OD............... 137 Mercer, Brian, MD................... 56, 93 Merheb, Maya, MD...................... 82 Meyer, Christopher, OD............. 141 Mhanna, Maroun, MD.................. 41 Michalos, Phillip, OD.................. 136 Migra, Mary, LISW........................ 51 Mihalik, Catherine, CNM.............. 58 Mihalik-Potoczak, Karen, MD....... 57 Mikhail, Michael, MD.................... 73 Milburn, Annamarie, OD............ 140 Milburn, Tim, OD........................ 140 Miller, Gwen, OD........................ 136 Miller, Hugh, MD.......................... 90 Miller, Kevin, MD.......................... 79 Miller, Mary, MD............................ 52 Miller, Paul, MD............................ 65 Miller, R Timothy, OD................. 141
Miller, Sheri, OD......................... 141 Milo, Anton, MD........................... 80 Minott, Howard, MD...........125-126 Mirando, William, MD.................. 77 Mitchell, Richard, DO........57, 60-63 Mogyordy, Peter, OD......... 136, 138 Mohamed, Rihab, MD.................. 48 Moise, Mireille, MD.................... 127 Mongenel, Jennifer, LISW............ 51 Monte, James, MD............57, 60-63 Montgomery, David, MD.....................57, 60-63 Mooney, Kenneth, MD................. 80 Mooney, Stephen, MD................. 94 Moore, Jeffrey, MD....................... 53 Moore, John, MD......................... 87 Moore, Stephen, DO.............. 69, 72 Moore, Timothy, MD............ 99, 103 Moosally, Allison, MD.............. 75-78 Moretuzzo, Richard, MD......... 84, 94 Morocco, Michael, MD................. 79 Morris, Lyle, LISW......................... 51 Morton, Antwon, DO................. 115 Mosher, Kathryn, MD................. 112 Mostow, Ann, MD........................ 65 Moussavand , Samareh, MD........ 46 Moya, Digna, MD......................... 42 Moya, Rummel, MD..................... 42 Mramor, Elizabeth, LISW.............. 52 Mubashir, Bashar, MD................... 85 Muckley, Elizabeth, OD.......141-142 Mullaney, Gerard, LISW................ 52 Mullen, Kevin, MD........................ 81 Munoz, Fernando, MD................. 72 Murphy, Pamala, MD.................... 27 Murphy, Thomas, MD................... 78 Murray, Mary, MD....................... 124 Murray, Patrick, MD.................... 115 Murray, Timothy, MD.................. 120 Murry, Paul, MD............................ 86 Murthy, Ananth, MD............116-117 Myers, David, MD......................... 82 Myers, Stephen, DO............... 56, 93 Myhand, Rickey, MD..................... 84 Nagajothi, Nagaprasad, MD........ 85 Nahra, Mitchell, MD................... 100 Najarian, Christopher, MD.......... 112 Narouze, Samer, MD.................. 105 171
Index of Physicians Narra, Ammaji, MD...................... 32 Nash, Clyde, MD.......................... 99 Nash, David, MD.................... 84, 94 Nasrallah, Phillip, MD....... 113-114, 125-126 Natale, Andrea, MD..................... 71 Nayak, Hemanta, MD................... 31 Needlman, Robert, MD................ 78 Nelson, David, MD....................... 96 Nelson, Dvora, MD....................... 82 Nelson, Marc, MD...................... 108 Nelson, Ronald, OD............141-142 Nemeth, Kimberly, DO............... 127 Nemunaitis, Gregory, MD.......... 115 Netzley, Robert, MD..................... 73 Neyman, Margarita, MD.............. 41 Ng, Henry, MD........................ 40, 42 Ng, Ranier, DO........................ 36-37 Nguyen, Carvell, MD.................. 125 Nguyen, Troy, OD....................... 142 Nickodem, Robert, MD.............. 100 Nielsen, Britt, PsyD....................... 54 Nofziger, Ryan, MD.................... 108 Noreika, Joseph, MD................. 140 Novak, David, MD........................ 65 Novak, John, OD........................ 139 Novak, Jr., William, MD....... 90, 123 Novak, Keith, MD......................... 30 Novak, Louis, MD....................... 122 Nowak, Michael, MD.................... 65 Nukta, Emad, MD................... 72, 87 Nwaokafor, Felix, MD................... 32 Oberg, Jeffrey, OD............. 139, 141 Obi, Gabriel, MD.......................... 27 O’Brien, Timothy, MD................... 84 Ogunlesi, Olusegun, MD........ 85-86 Oldenburgh, David, OD............. 135 Oliveti, John, MD....................... 113 Omlor, Gregory, MD............112-113 Oney, Tina, CNS........................... 49 Orasanu, Bogdan, MD................. 56 Orehek Dreyer, Jean, OD....137-138 Orraca-Tetteh, Sophia, MD.......... 41 Osborn, Melissa, MD.................... 86 O’Shea, Maura, MD................ 60, 63 O’Toole, John, MD....................... 87 Owusu, Osei-Tutu, MD................. 87 Pachydaki, Sophia, MD................ 95 172
Pahlajani, Geetu, MD................... 41 Pai, Vinay, MD............................... 72 Palekar, Sanjay, MD.................... 101 Palmer, Jeffrey, MD..............113-114 Pamfilie, Jennifer, MD.................. 44 Pankow, Nikolaus, MD................. 28 Panuto, John, MD......................... 68 Panzeter, Edward, MD.................. 83 Papas, Nicholas, MD.................. 116 Papouras, Julia, MD..................... 44 Papouras, William, MD................. 83 Pappas, Cathy, OD..................... 138 Paranjape, Charudutt, MD........... 83 Parenti, Linda, MD.................. 60, 63 Parikh, Sanjay, MD........................ 89 Parker, Michael, MD................... 116 Parks, Jeffrey, MD......................... 82 Parnell, Robin, OD...................... 141 Parry, Robert, MD................108-109 Parsons, Eric, MD........................ 100 Partin, Jessica, MD....................... 83 Passero, Michael, MD........... 74, 120 Patel, Chandrakant, MD............. 107 Patel, Dhruv, MD.......................... 89 Patel, Kanubhai, MD..................... 53 Patel, Nimitt, MD........................ 124 Patel, Niyant, MD....................... 117 Patel, Suresh, MD......................... 53 Patel, Swati, MD........................... 41 Patilla, Tamika, MD....................... 43 Patterson, Brendan, MD........ 99-100 Patterson, Larry , MD.................. 110 Patton, Donna, MD.................... 109 Paul, Eric, DPM........................... 118 Pauli, Richard, MD, PhD.............. 74 Pavlick, Matthew, DDS................. 99 Paxson, Chad , DO....... 75, 120, 123 Paxson, Clint, OD....................... 139 Pearlman, Fred, DO...................... 41 Pedersen, John, MD................... 117 Pedersen, Sejal, MD................ 60-61 Peiffer, Jeffery, DO...................... 124 Pekarek, Dawn, MD...........73-74, 93 Peluso, Eugenio, PhD................... 91 Perko, Neil, OD.......................... 136 Perlmutter, Donald, OD............. 142 Pesak, Jennifer, OD............ 135, 137 Peter, Charles, MD........................ 97
Petrey, Timothy, LISW................... 51 Petrulis, Alice, MD................... 86-87 Petrus, John, MD.......................... 85 Pettitt, Jocelyn, OD.................... 139 Pham, Hai, DPM......................... 118 Pham, Huan, OD........................ 139 Phinney, Melinda, MD.................. 88 Picard, Urban, DDS....................... 98 Pierre, Daniel, MD...................... 135 Pileski, Cassandra, MD........... 27, 32 Pillai, Dilip, MD............................. 71 Pinkowski, John, MD...........101-102 Pirman, Joseph, OD................... 142 Pittinger, Lori, MD......................... 53 Pittinger, Timothy, MD................ 109 Platt-Houston, Candis, MD.......... 41 Plecha, Ferdinand, MD............... 127 Plott, Lauren, LISW.................. 50-51 Pluskota, Mark, DO...................... 44 Polifrone, C. Bradley, DO....... 60, 62 Pollack, Michael, MD.................... 81 Pollard, Robert, MD...................... 56 Ponsky, Todd, MD....................... 109 Pope, John, MD..................107-108 Popovsky, Jennifer, MD........... 77-78 Porter, John, OD......................... 137 Posner, Gary, MD.......................... 29 Powell, Gregory, MD.................... 81 Poyle, Geoffrey, DC...................... 73 Poyle, Gregory, DC....................... 73 Prebis, James, MD...................... 110 Priebe, Paul, MD........................... 82 Priester, James, LISW................... 51 Prochoroff, Andre, MD............... 110 Prokopius, Michael, MD............... 94 Prusinski, Sara, OD..................... 140 Pryce, Michael, MD.................... 101 Pujara, Priya, MD.......................... 42 Pulsipher, Dalin, PhD.................... 91 Purisima, Mary Grace, MD........... 33 Putt, Geoffrey, PsyD...................... 49 Quaderi, Mahboob, MD.............. 33 Quan, Kara, MD...................... 69, 71 Quealy, Kathleen, MD.................. 71 Raddock, Michael, MD................. 37 Rader, Erin, CNS........................... 49 Radziewicz, Rosanne, CNS........... 49 Rae, Carrie, LISW.......................... 50
Index of Physicians Rafecas, Jose, MD................... 89-91 Rafique, Noman, MD................... 85 Raina, Rupesh, MD....................... 88 Rajan, Rallis, MD........................... 66 Ramadugu, Ashok, MD.............. 119 Ramalingam, Ashok, MD............ 122 Ramanavarapu, Sampath, MD..... 72 Rambasek, Todd, MD................... 68 Ramsey, Teresa, MD................ 42-43 Randall, Janet, PhD...................... 54 Rao, Llewelyn, MD........................ 95 Rao, Vikram, MD......................... 127 Rapuri, Venkat, MD....................... 66 Ratner, Sheerli, PhD...................... 54 Rauser, Laura, MD......................... 46 Ravagnani, Joseph, OD............. 135 Ray, Susan, MD............................. 88 Razack, Abdul, MD....................... 81 Redahan, Anita, MD..................... 39 Reeves, William, OD.................. 141 Rehman, Saif Ur, MD.................... 85 Rehmus, Esther, MD..................... 85 Reigle, Melissa, MD.................... 125 Ress, Kathryn, LISW...................... 52 Reuben, Rufus, MD...................... 84 Reyes, Roland, MD..............116-117 Reynolds, Beth, DO................. 57-58 Rhee, Margaret, MD..........57, 60-63 Rhoads, Barbara, MD.............. 55-56 Ricanati, Steven, MD.................... 39 Ridenbaugh, Cheryl, CNM...... 57-58 Riemenschneider, Bradley, MD............................ 105 Riley, Patrick, MD........................ 112 Ripkin, Douglas, MD................ 96-97 Ritzman, Todd, MD..................... 112 Rizkala, Elie, MD......................... 110 Robertson, Michael, MD............ 100 Robinson, Ernest, OD................. 138 Robinson, Haynes, MD................. 74 Rocker, Laura, MD........................ 48 Rogers, Gregory, MD................. 127 Roll, Emily, LISW........................... 51 Rollins, David, MD...................... 127 Roll, Margaret, LISW..................... 50 Roman, Frankie, MD................... 123 Rooney, Dina, MD........................ 85 Rosenberg, Les, OD................... 137
Rosenmeier, Gary, MD.................. 77 Rosenwasser, Alan, MD................ 58 Rose, Peter, MD............................ 56 Rose, Richard, MD...................... 101 Ross, Jonathan, MD................... 113 Ross, Joseph, MD................. 94, 138 Ross, Susan, OD......................... 136 Roth, Lawrence, OD................... 142 Roth, Lisa, DPM.......................... 117 Roth, Mark, MD............................ 31 Roulette, Gregory, MD................. 60 Rovner, Aleksandr, MD................. 71 Rowan, Shane, MD....................... 71 Royak, Boris, MD.......................... 53 Rudy, William, OD...............141-142 Runner, Jennifer, LISW.................. 50 Rush, Sarah, MD......................... 109 Ruzics, Thomas, MD................ 60-61 Ryan, Martin, MD.......................... 39 Rychwalski, Paul, MD.................... 95 Saab, Georges, MD...................... 87 Saadeh, Wasim, MD..................... 41 Sabine, Laurie, MD....................... 42 Sable, James, MD....................... 105 Sabogal, Jaime, MD..................... 66 Sadasivan, Peter, MD.................... 65 Safko, Lonna, MD......................... 43 Sahgal, Suneet, MD.................... 112 Sahni, Rajiv, MD............................ 86 Said, Tamer, MD........................... 37 Saikus, Sylvia, CNM...................... 55 Sakhrani, Mohan, MD................... 37 Salamone, John, DPM.................. 66 Saliba, Salwa, OD....................... 136 Saltis, Lawrence, MD............... 90-91 Saltzman, Joel, MD....................... 85 Salvino, Richard, MD.................... 82 Salzgeber, Gary, DPM................. 117 Samsa, John, DO.......................... 72 Samson, Laura, PsyD............... 91-92 Sanad, Mohamed, MD................. 43 Sanchez-Benitez, Dario, LISW...... 46 Sandhu, Harkeet, MD..........123-124 Santantonio, Diana, EDS.............. 54 Santos, Susan, MD........................ 41 Sanyurah, Saad, MD..................... 69 Sarmiento, Ramon, MD................ 65 Satyan, Krishna, MD..................... 93
Savelli, Stephanie, MD............... 109 Savitski, Jennifer, MD................... 62 Savitt, Sid, OD............................ 139 Scarcella, Robert, MD................... 83 Schaffer-Polakof, Paula, MD........................... 60, 62 Scharfstein, Suzanne, MD...... 36, 41 Schein, Rebecca, MD................. 110 Schiaffino, Maria, MD................... 28 Schlegel, Scott, OD.................... 138 Schloss, Michael, OD................. 138 Schmid, Peter, OD...................... 141 Schmieder, Frederick, DPM.......... 66 Schmitt, Melanie, MD................... 95 Schneider, Keith, DMD................. 99 Schneider, Kurt, MD................... 125 Schnell, David, MD....................... 71 Schrader, William, MD................ 112 Schrode, Marc, DO............72, 86-87 Schroeder, Rebecca, MD.............. 37 Schubeck, Dianne, MD................. 56 Schultz, Jeffrey, OD.................... 136 Schwartzman, Larisa, MD............. 84 Schwartz, Steven, MD.................. 81 Schwarze, Karl, MD....................... 88 Schween, Gary, DDS.................... 98 Schweikert, Robert, MD............... 70 Scott, Donna, LISW...................... 51 Scott, Nicolette, OD................... 135 Scott, Tara, MD..................58, 60-63 Scroggins, Kathleen, MD........ 30-31 Sears, Jonathan, MD.................... 95 Sedlacek, Linda, OD................... 142 Sedlacek, Scott, OD................... 138 Sedor, John, MD........................... 87 Seidman, Michael, MD................. 37 Seifert, Patricia, PhD..................... 49 Senthilkumar, Hemalatha, MD..... 37 Sertich, Mario, MD....................... 92 Shad, Fariha, MD.......................... 65 Shahan, Heather, CNS.................. 53 Shah, Bharat, MD................. 53, 104 Shah, Dipti, MD............................ 28 Shah, Rupa, MD............................ 95 Shaikh, Rishad, DMD.................... 98 Shalodi, Abdelwahab, MD........... 56 Shaman, Ziad, MD...................... 119 Shands, Philip, MD....................... 66 173
Index of Physicians Sharma, Bipin, MD....................... 82 Sheets, Kimberly, DO................... 43 Sheffler, Lynne, MD.................... 115 Sher, Theodore, MD............. 68, 106 Shondel, Susan, MD..........58, 60-63 Shuffer, Phillip, MD....................... 46 Sidloski, Jay, DO........................... 85 Sieben, Louise, MD...................... 40 Sigalow, Susan, PhD..................... 54 Sika, Neil, OD............................. 138 Silber, Angela, MD........................ 93 Silver, Marcia, MD......................... 87 Simmons, Paul, OD............ 138, 141 Simon, Jessica, OD............. 135, 142 Singer, Nora, MD................ 113, 122 Singh, Anita, MD.......................... 37 Singh, Inderprit, MD................... 123 Sipps, Gary, PhD........................... 54 Sivak, Edward, MD..................... 119 Skuza, Michael, OD.................... 136 Skuza, Ronald, OD...................... 136 Slaby, Denis, MD........................ 125 Slomovitz, Marc, DPM................ 117 Sluss, Ronnie, OD........136-137, 139 Smargiasso, Craig, OD............... 140 Smartnick, Anthony, MD.............. 53 Smelcer, Philip, MD................ 60, 63 Smith, Adiel, MD.......................... 95 Smith, Andre, MD......................... 66 Smith, Christopher, MD.............. 127 Smith, David, LISW....................... 50 Smith, Grace, MD................106-107 Smith, Kip, PhD........................... 122 Smith, Kristen, MD........................ 89 Smith, Michael, MD.................... 103 Smith, Philip, MD........................ 107 Smith, Robert, PhD....................... 54 Smith, Scott, MD.......................... 43 Smurawa, Troy, MD..................... 113 Snell, Michael, MD....................... 84 Snider-Fuller, Rebecca, CNS........ 49 Soldes, Oliver, MD...................... 109 Solis, Juan, MD............................. 42 Somach, Stephen, MD................. 75 Sontich, John, MD................. 99-100 Sooriyapalan, Nishanthini, MD.................. 37, 41 Sopko, Joseph, MD.............. 74, 119 174
Soto, Anita, OD.......................... 137 Souzdalnitski, Dmitri, MD........... 105 Spear, Kevin, MD........................ 126 Spector, Michael, MD................. 107 Spirnak, J. Patrick, MD............... 125 Spivey, Jason, MD........................ 48 Springel, Edward, MD.................. 56 Srighanthan, Kavitha, MD............ 39 Srivastava, Sunil, MD.................... 95 Stager, Margaret, MD................... 68 Stancin, Terry, PhD........................ 49 Stanfield, William, MD.........100-101 Stanford, Lisa, PhD..................... 111 Stanley, Jeffrey, DO.................... 127 Stefanac, Kristina, MD.................. 52 Stegmoyer, Robert, MD............... 65 Steinberger, Sidney, MD.............. 80 Steinemann, Thomas, MD........... 95 Steiner, Scott, MD.... 96-97, 141-142 Steinmetz, Michael, MD............... 92 Stein, Ronald, DPM.................... 118 Stephens, Donald, MD............ 95-98 Sterman, Bruce, MD..................... 80 Sterna, David, OD...................... 140 Stetzer, Bradley, DO............... 56, 93 Steurer, Jr., Paul, MD..........101-102 Stevenson, Jean, MD................... 82 Stewart, John, MD........................ 94 Stewart, Ralph, MD....................... 66 Stiegemeier, Mary Jo, OD.. 135, 142 Stocker, Patrick, MD..................... 73 Stoddard, Frank, DPM................ 118 Stokes, George, MD..................... 57 Stoler, Joy, OD............................ 138 Straub, Robert, MD...................... 81 Strawbridge, Heather, MD......... 112 Strickland, Jameelah, MD............ 34 Sude, Jerome, OD..............141-142 Sulin, Marjorie, LISW.................... 51 Sullivan, T. Shawn, PhD................ 92 Sundaram, Rajendran, MD...... 42-43 Sunshine, Joshua, MD.................. 89 Super, Dennis, MD...................... 107 Suster, Maureen, MD.................... 56 Swain, Nicole, PsyD...................... 49 Swamy, Kumar, MD...........41-42, 68 Swegan, Amy, MD........................ 83 Syed, Qarab, MD..................... 72-73
Szabo, Alex, OD......................... 137 Szollosy, Frank, MD...................... 42 Tabbaa, Kutaiba, MD.................. 103 Tabet, Bechara, MD.................... 126 Tabet, Muriel, MD......................... 84 Talaizadeh, Mohammad, MD..... 109 Tambyraja, Samuel, MD............... 49 Tandon, Amit, MD........................ 39 Tani, Marie, MD............................ 88 Tanphaichitr, Natthavat, MD........ 88 Taub, Ira, MD........................ 73, 109 Tcheurekdjian, Haig, MD.............. 68 Temes, R. Thomas, MD................ 73 Terpylak, Mark, DO............58, 60-63 Tessman, Patrick, MD................... 89 Testa, Lisa, OD............................ 141 Tewari, Sanjiv, MD....................... 120 Thomas, Biju, MD......................... 87 Thomas, Joseph, MD................. 135 Thompson, Thomas, MD........... 101 Thornton, Ivey, MD....................... 66 Thornton, John, MD................... 119 Tien, Matthew, MD................. 36, 41 Tinio, Joaquin, MD....................... 27 Tirodker, Urmila, MD.................. 108 Tisdale, Martha, PhD............... 53-54 Titus, Amy, OD........................... 139 Tobias, S. Leslie, MD.................... 73 Toder, Debbie, MD..................... 112 Todia, William, MD....................... 57 Tolentino, Rumilia, MD............ 37-38 Tomaschek, Laszlo, MD.............. 137 Tomko, James, OD..................... 140 Torok, Helen, MD......................... 77 Torres, Lisa, MD............................ 40 Toth, Lauren, OD........................ 138 Toth, Mary, MD........................... 113 Totonchi, Seyed, MD.................. 116 Traboulsi, Elias, MD................ 73, 95 Tracy, Christine, MD.............106-107 Travaglianti, Sandra, OD............ 137 Treisch-Chirdon, Valerie, LISW........................ 50-51 Trepke, Ronald, OD.................... 138 Trey, Joan, MD.............................. 85 Trotter Lynch, Kirsten, MD............ 76 Trzeciak, Victor, MD...................... 43 Tsai, Thomas, MD.................... 96-98
Index of Physicians Tucker, Amy, MD..................101-102 Tucker, Harvey, MD....................... 79 Tully, John, MD............................. 81 Tung, Rebecca, MD...................... 76 Turakhia, Ashwin, MD................... 32 Turgeon, Paul, MD........................ 96 Turkson, Peter, DO....................... 48 Ungier, Mirfee, MD..................... 137 Unkefer, Haley, OD............. 135, 142 Unsdorfer, Gary, DPM................. 118 Urban, Monica, MD................ 34, 65 Uzl, Daniel, OD........................... 136 Vallier, Heather, MD.................... 100 Van Auken, Douglas, MD............. 38 Vance, Trisha, OD................138-139 Vande Kappelle, R. Peter, MD.... 107 VanDyke, Arthur, MD............... 71-72 van Heeckeren, Willem, MD........ 85 Vankeuren, Joseph, OD............. 139 Van Sickle, Bradley, MD, PhD.... 108 Vargo, Mary, MD......................... 115 Veluchamy, Vivekanand, MD...... 111 Venkateshaiah, Lokesh, MD....... 121 Verma, Ravi, MD........................... 65 Vibhakar, Nilla, MD....................... 27 Victorio, Maria, MD.................... 111 Vielhaber, Marta, MD................... 65 Vishny, Miriam, MD....................... 81 Vitebskiy, Sergey, MD................... 70 Vizmuller, Marcela, OD............... 135 Vorster, Sarel, MD......................... 92 Vrabec, Gregory, MD.................. 102 Vucetic, Henry, MD..................... 105 Wachsman, Ari, MD...................... 90 Wagner, Douglas, MD................ 117 Waight, David, MD..................... 107 Walker, Crystal, LISW.................... 51 Walker, John, MD......................... 43 Wall, Palak, MD............................. 95 Walter, Deanna, LISW................... 52 Wang, Jianhua, MD...................... 27 Wang, Yiping, MD........................ 65 Warner, Keith, MD........................ 83 Warner, Lisa, CNM........................ 58 Warren, Edward, MD.................. 119 Wasserbauer Kingston, Nancy, DO............. 106 Watkins, David, MD...................... 86
Watkins, Richard, MD................... 86 Weaver, Robert, DPM..........117-118 Wegryn, John, MD..............126-127 Wehbe, Charles, MD.................... 65 Weight, Steven, MD..................... 57 Weiner, Dennis, MD................... 112 Weiss, Judith, MD........................ 38 Weiss, Robert, MD........................ 53 Weiss, Roger, DO................... 89, 91 Wells, Jessica, MD........................ 86 Wenz, Robert, MD........................ 98 Wertman, J. Michael, MD............ 33 Weyand, Chelsea, PsyD............... 49 White, Brian, DO.................120-121 White, Darrell, MD...................... 138 White, Erik, MD............................ 69 White, Kimberly, MD.........58, 61-63 White, Ralph, MD................120-121 Wiersma, Douglas, OD.............. 140 Wiesen, Ari, MD........................... 81 Wiest, Peter, MD........................... 86 Wikas, Schield, DO....................... 77 Wilber, John, MD........................ 100 Wilber, Roger, MD...................... 100 Wiley, William, MD............... 95, 135 Willen, Marlene, MD.................... 75 Willett, Matthew, MD....... 96-97, 141-142 Williams, Sherrie, MD................. 119 Wilson, Richard, MD................... 115 Winkelman, Marc, MD.................. 88 Wiseman, Lisa, OD..................... 140 Wojtasik, Lynn, MD....................... 83 Wojtowicz, Jennifer, DO.......... 78-79 Wolfe, Katherine, DO............. 57, 61 Wolfe, Murray, MD....................... 82 Wolf, Jason, MD........................... 81 Wolf, John, DO............................. 42 Wong, Carson, MD..................... 125 Woodhouse, Justin, MD......... 76-77 Wood, John, MD.......................... 66 Woodruff II, Robert, OD............. 142 Woods, Kristine, PsyD.................. 49 Woods, Natalie, MD..................... 29 Woo, Lynn, MD........................... 113 Workman, Beth, OD........... 138, 140 Yang, Guang, MD....................... 116 Yang, Peter, MD............................ 81
Yaniglos, David, OD........ 138-139, 141-142 Yapicilar, Bulent, MD..................... 92 Yeakley, William, MD.................... 97 Yeropoli, Sevasti, MD....... 58, 61, 63 Yi, Neelam, MD............................ 43 Yoder, Beth, OD...................139-140 Yokley, James, PhD....................... 54 Yonan, Sameh, MD..................... 104 Youshak, Isadore, OD................. 139 Yowler, Charles, MD..................... 82 Yuan, Alex, MD............................. 95 Yuh, Jen-Nan, MD........................ 74 Zack, Amy, MD............................. 38 Zaim, M. Tarif, MD................ 78, 106 Zanotti, Daniel, MD.............100-101 Zanotti, Robert, MD.............100-101 Zanoudakis, Emmanuel, OD...... 137 Zarconi, Joseph, MD.................... 88 Zbornik, John, PhD....................... 54 Zegarra, Hernando, MD............... 95 Zets, Andrea, MD................... 31, 34 Zetz, Michael, DDS.................. 98-99 Zhang, Howard, MD..................... 65 Zhao, John, MD...................125-126 Zidehsarai, Miriam, DO........... 87-88 Zielinski, Kathleen, MD................. 95 Zimmerman, Ryan, OD.............. 136 Ziv, Ohad, MD........................ 69, 71 Zonfa, Charles, MD....................... 46 Zunich, Nick, OD........................ 137
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