Hearing Disorders

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concha. The concha ends at the ear canal, most correctly called the external auditory meatus. ...... vestibular nerve inside the internal auditory meatus, the symp-.
Hearing Disorders Robert Burkard, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. This article is reproduced from the previous edition, volume 3, pp. 273–281, Ó 2008, Elsevier Inc.

Introduction Humans need their auditory system for communication. In those born without adequate hearing, speech and language will not fully develop unless the hearing loss is identified early and proper intervention is initiated in a timely manner. In adults, the development of a hearing loss can cause significant communication difficulty, which appears to be especially problematic in a noisy environment. In this article, we discuss hearing and hearing loss. Topics range from physics (acoustics) through biology (anatomy and physiology) and pathophysiology (hearing loss) to (re)habilitation (treatment).

Hearing Health-Care Professionals Audiologists Audiologists are nonmedical clinicians who evaluate hearing, fit hearing aids and other devices, and perform aural (re)habilitation. The entry-level clinical degree for this specialization in the United States is presently a doctorate, in many instances a specialized degree called an audiology doctorate (AuD), but often other doctoral degrees, including the PhD, the ScD, or the EdD. Specific requirements for the practice of clinical audiology differ in different countries.

Otolaryngologists Otolaryngologists are medical/surgical specialists who treat medical conditions affecting the ear. In the United States, board certification in Otolaryngology requires a medical degree (MD or doctor of osteopathy, DO) and a residency in otolaryngology. Some otolaryngologists do a fellowship in otology to specialize in the ear, and others specialize in ear/brain disorders, completing a neuro-otology fellowship. While specific details of certification no doubt differ across countries, in all cases clinical practice requires a medical degree and specialty training in otolaryngology.

Anatomy and Physiology of Hearing The ear is a remarkably complex structure. Entire textbooks are devoted to this topic (e.g., Pickles, 1988), and herein we can provide only the most superficial of descriptions.

Outer Ear The outer ear is the portion of the ear that can be seen by casual inspection. It consists of the pinna (what we generally call the ‘ear’), which is attached to a bowl-shaped structure called the concha. The concha ends at the ear canal, most correctly called the external auditory meatus. The ear canal ends at the eardrum


(the tympanic membrane), which serves as the boundary between the outer and middle ears. The outer ear amplifies the level of some sounds due to its physical properties. Having two ears (one on each side of the head) means that sounds arriving at the ears may differ in level or timing – cues used by the brain to determine where the sound is coming from.

Middle Ear The middle ear includes the tympanic membrane, three small bones (called ossicles), and several small muscles (and tendons). The three ossicles (from lateral to medial) are the malleus, the incus, and the stapes. The malleus is connected to the eardrum laterally, and it articulates medially with the incus. The incus connects with the stapes, and the small stapes footplate inserts into the inner ear at the oval window. The eustachian tube connects the middle-ear space to the back of the throat, and when working correctly, it allows for pressure equalization across the eardrum. The main purpose of the middle ear is to maximize the flow of sound energy between the air medium in the outer ear and the fluid medium of the inner ear, and it converts the acoustical energy in the outer ear into mechanical energy. The maximization of energy flow into the inner ear is achieved by several mechanisms, including the area ratio of the eardrum versus the stapes footplate, which amplifies the pressure at the stapes footplate, as well as a lever ratio due to the length of the malleus versus that of the incus. These factors offset the loss of energy that occurs when sound crosses from air to fluid, which would reflect much of the sound energy if the middle ear were not present. The two muscles in the middle ear are the tensor tympani and the stapedius – the latter contracts in humans in response to loud sounds, producing the acoustic (or stapedial) reflex, which helps protect the ear from noise damage, and this reflex can be used to identify various disorders of hearing.

Inner Ear The inner ear is a complex and delicate organ housed in the temporal bone of the skull. The inner ear is a lot like a Tootsie Pop – crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside. Its crunchy outer shell is called the bony labyrinth and contains both the end organ of hearing (the cochlea) and the five end organs of vestibular function (the three semicircular canals, the saccule, and the utricle). This article discusses only the chewy inside, the cochlea. The cochlea is composed of three fluid-filled chambers: The scala vestibuli, the scala media, and the scala tympani. The scala tympani and vestibuli are connected at the helicotrema and contain a fluid called perilymph, which is like extracellular fluid – an ultrafiltrate of blood, being high in sodium content and low in potassium content. In contrast, the scala media contains endolymph, which has the ionic content of intracellular fluid and is high in potassium and low in sodium. This unique ionic content of the scala media is due to the ionic

International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd edition, Volume 3


Hearing Disorders

pump of the stria vascularis, a highly vascularized organ at the lateral wall of the scala media. Two membranes form the upper and lower boundaries of the scala media, Reissner’s membrane and the basilar membrane. Sitting on the basilar membrane is the organ of Corti. Specialized cells, called inner and outer hair cells, sit on top of support cells that rest on the basilar membrane. The stereocilia (hairlike structures on the apical end, or the top, of inner and outer hair cells) that protrude from the top of the hair cells are covered by the tectorial membrane. When the basilar membrane vibrates in response to sound, the vibration creates a shearing action at the top of the hair cells, leading to a bending of the stereocilia. This bending, in turn, opens up ion channels that cause excitation (depolarization) of the hair cell, which results in a release of neurotransmitter at the base of the hair cells, which leads to excitation of the auditory nerve fibers that innervate the base of the hair cells. Thus, the hair cells of the inner ear convert (i.e., transduce) mechanical energy into electrical energy. The cochlea also performs a frequency analysis of incoming sound. The portion of the cochlea close to the stapes footplate, called the base, is sensitive to high-frequency (high-pitch) sounds, whereas the portion of the cochlea far away from the stapes (called the apex) is sensitive to low-frequency (low-pitch) sounds. The pattern of hearing loss can often tell us where damage has occurred in the inner ear.

Central Auditory Nervous System Ultimately, the organ of hearing is the brain, not the ear, as we cannot actually perceive sound if we don’t have a brain. The central auditory nervous system begins with the auditory nerve fibers that innervate the hair cells. These fibers converge inside the cochlea as a portion of the eighth cranial nerve (vestibular fibers form the rest of the eighth cranial nerve). The eighth cranial nerve projects to the lateral aspect of the pontomedullary junction (the region in the part of the brain called the brainstem, where the medulla oblongata and the pons adjoin), projecting to the first nucleus of the brain that responds to sound: the cochlear nucleus. From here, fibers from the cochlear nuclei on both sides of the brain project to the superior olivary complex, then to the inferior colliculus via the lateral lemniscus. Fibers from the inferior colliculus project to the primary thalamic nucleus of hearing, the medial geniculate body, and from there to primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe. The auditory nerve and central portions of the auditory system contribute to the generation of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), which are electrical responses to sound that can be recorded with surface electrodes. Several AEPs are useful for site-of-lesion testing and intraoperative monitoring (i.e., monitoring sensory and/or motor function during surgical procedures that put a sensory or motor or brain system at risk, with the goal of reducing the incidence and severity of systemic damage; see section ‘Special and Advanced Tests’), which specifically includes electrocochleography (EcochG; recording of AEPs detected by an electrode near the inner ear to monitor specific electrical responses that arise from the inner ear and the auditory nerve) and auditory brainstem response (ABR). AEPs (including EcochG and ABR) can be used to measure hearing threshold. The acoustic reflex is also useful for site-of-lesion testing. This reflex is mediated by a pathway that includes the


cochlea, auditory portion of the eighth cranial, cochlear nucleus, superior olivary complex, motor nucleus of the seventh cranial (facial) nerve, motor division of the seventh nerve, and stapedius muscle.

Measurement of Hearing Why Measure Hearing? Trauma, noise, various drugs, and numerous genetic and disease entities can cause hearing loss. When a patient with a hearing loss comes into a clinic, a hearing evaluation is performed to determine where in the auditory system the loss is occurring (i.e., the site of lesion). Batteries of tests are often needed to successfully determine the site of lesion. Some of these tests are not specifically tests of hearing and include a detailed case history, perhaps some blood tests, and in some instances imaging evaluations. Medical or surgical interventions for hearing loss are often a double-edged sword – they can (and it is hoped they most often do) improve hearing, but in some cases they can and do impair hearing further. As practitioners in the helping professions may occasionally be sued, documentation of baseline hearing function is necessary to document improvement, as well as for medicolegal purposes. It should also be noted that hearing loss can result from treatment of problems unrelated to hearing, such as aminoglycoside usage for bacterial infections and radiation and use of platinum-based chemotherapy agents for the treatment of various types of cancer. Finally, much of human communication occurs along the oral–aural route (speech and hearing), and hearing loss may not only have health implications but may also lead to communication problems. If an infant is born with a hearing loss (or if hearing loss develops shortly after birth), it may produce a substantial delay in, or even a complete failure to develop, oral–aural communication. For this reason most states in the United States have implemented universal newborn hearing screening programs. It is clear that identification of hearing loss early in life, followed by appropriate intervention, can greatly reduce the communication deficits resulting from hearing loss.

Acoustics As a sensory system, hearing is typically tested by presentation of a sound and evaluation of the response of the auditory system. This response could be a mechanical response (in the case of some acoustic impedance testing), an electrical response (in the case of AEPs), a voluntary motor response (as in the case of behavioral audiometry, in which patients push a button or raise their hand when they hear the sound), or a reflexive motor response (such as the acoustic reflex). In all these cases, the response has meaning only if the health professional has a rather detailed knowledge of the stimulus, that is, the physics of sound. There are really three aspects of sound: (1) its frequency content, (2) its amplitude, and (3) its temporal pattern. The simplest sound, and the basis for the audiogram, is the sinusoid, also called a sine wave or a pure tone. The sine wave has energy at only one frequency. Frequency is defined in terms


Hearing Disorders

of how many times it vibrates in 1 s. The unit of vibration is the Hertz (Hz), and a vibrator that oscillates back and forth 1000 times in 1 s vibrates at 1000 Hz. Sometimes the unit is the kilohertz (kHz), which is 1000 vibrations per second. Thus, 1000 Hz is 1 kHz. In general, as a sine wave’s frequency increases, its pitch increases. The amplitude of a sound can be reported in a number of different units, such as sound power, sound intensity, or sound pressure. For clinical purposes, sound pressure is used most often. Pressure is force per unit area: In the metric system, the unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa); 1 Pa is defined at 1 N (force) per square meter (area). The range of sound pressures from the lowest sound level that humans can barely hear, to the sound level that causes pain, can exceed six or seven orders of magnitude (1 000 000–10 000 000 times). To make the units more user friendly (and because human sensory systems are typically ratio-based), sound pressure is typically expressed as a ratio (the numerator is the pressure of interest, and the denominator is a value historically chosen to be close to human threshold: 0.000 02 Pa). This ratio is then converted to a decibel (dB) value by taking 20 times its base 10 logarithm. These units are called decibels of sound pressure level (dB SPL). In this way, a pressure range of 10 000 000 is converted to 140 dB. Lower dB values reflect lower sound pressures. The time pattern of a stimulus is another way that sound can be manipulated. For example, instead of a tone being turned on continuously, it can be turned on and off, with, for example, a 1-s on time and a 1-s off time.

Pure-Tone Audiogram A pure-tone audiogram plots the threshold of hearing over frequency (see Figure 1). The audiogram is usually obtained using a device called an audiometer. A pure-tone audiometer allows the practitioner to change the frequency of the sinusoid, change stimulus level (usually in 5-dB steps), route the

sound to different transducers (earphone, maybe a bone vibrator, discussed later, or speakers), and to turn the signal on and off. Thresholds are usually obtained in octave intervals (with a few near-half-octave frequencies) between 125 and 8000 Hz. As an octave is a doubling, the tested frequencies at octave intervals include 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 Hz. In many audiometers, frequencies are also available that are close to half-octave intervals and often include: 750, 1500, 3000, and 6000 Hz. Threshold is usually determined as the lowest level at which the patient can hear some criterion proportion (e.g., half or more) of presentations. The sound–level axis (y-axis) is plotted in dB hearing level (dB HL), rather than dB SPL. A measure of 0 dB HL represents the average threshold of a group of normal-hearing listeners for that frequency and for a specific earphone and measurement system. To calibrate an audiometer and an earphone in order to determine dB HL, a coupler (an artificial ear), a microphone, and a sound level meter may be used to measure the dB SPL for each frequency at a given dB setting. The dB SPL that corresponds to the average hearing threshold of a group of normal-hearing listeners at each frequency represents the 0 dB HL value. Fortunately, the American National Standards Institute and international groups such as the International Electrotechnical Commission and the International Organization for Standardization publish and periodically update standard corresponding values of dB SPL that correspond to OdB HL across frequency, earphone and coupler. Figure 1 also shows that there are different symbols for different transducers. Practitioners almost always test each ear individually with an earphone and use the symbols O and X for the unmasked right and left ears, respectively. Sometimes sound called a masking noise is presented to the opposite ear to prevent sound from crossing over from the test ear to the nontest ear, and different symbols are used when masking noise is presented to the opposite ear (D and ,, for right

Audiogram key Right Left

Frequency (Hz)

Hearing level in decibels (re: ANSI 1989)

−10 0 10 20 30





2000 4000


AC unmasked AC masked BC mastoid unmasked BC mastoid masked BC forehead masked

40 50 60 70

Both BC forehead unmasked Sound field


80 90

Examples of no response symbols

100 110

Figure 1

The audiogram. From Bess, F., Humes, L., 1995. Audiology: The Fundamentals, second ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.

Hearing Disorders


Negative peak

0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 −400 −200 0 +200 −400 −200 0 +200 (a) (b) Air pressure in daPa Air pressure in daPa Compliance

Flat Shallow 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 −400 −200 0 +200 −400 −200 0 +200 Air pressure in daPa Air pressure in daPa (c) (d) Compliance

Two types of speech test are used in everyday clinical evaluation of hearing loss. The first is the speech recognition threshold, which evaluates the lowest level of a speech signal at which an individual can accurately repeat roughly half of the speech stimuli. In many clinics, these tests use two-syllable words with equal stress on each syllable (called spondees). The speech recognition threshold should numerically agree with either the average threshold of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz, or the best threshold of these three, should the hearing loss vary substantially across this frequency range. The other common test is called speech recognition, which (most typically) presents single-syllable stimuli at a comfortable listening level. Speech recognition is reported as a percentage correct. Normal-hearing listeners show a very high percentage correct (in the mid-90s or above). With progressively greater magnitudes of hearing loss, the expected speech recognition score decreases. Unusually low speech recognition scores for a given hearing loss might indicate a retrocochlear problem (see section ‘Neural or Retrocochlear Hearing Loss’), whereas a very good speech recognition score in the presence of a substantial hearing loss might indicate that the patient’s reported hearing loss is exaggerated.


Speech Tests

with a speculum and light source for illuminating and viewing the ear canal and ear drum and which can reveal a hole in the tympanic membrane), it is often not possible to identify conductive losses, especially those originating in the middle ear, by such inspection. Measures of acoustic impedance, a complex mathematical construct that refers to the opposition to the flow of acoustic energy, can identify a number of causes of conductive hearing loss. A tympanogram is a measure of the transfer of sound energy through the middle ear as one varies the resting pressure in the ear canal. In this procedure, a probe encased in a compliant, disposable probe tip is placed snugly into the ear canal. Once an airtight seal is achieved, a (typically) low-frequency tone is presented through an earphone in the probe tip, and the sound pressure in the ear canal is monitored via a microphone also located in the probe tip. Some fairly simple mathematical calculations yield the acoustic impedance (the opposition to the flow of energy), acoustic admittance (the inverse of acoustic impedance), or real and imaginary components of impedance or admittance. A manometer is used to change the air pressure in the ear canal, and the acoustic impedance or admittance is plotted across air pressure of the ear canal. Some typical tympanograms are shown in Figure 2. Whether there is a peak in the tympanogram, where that peak is, and how high or shallow the peak is all provide information about the nature of the conductive hearing loss. A


and left ear, respectively). To bypass the outer and middle ear, in cases when a conductive hearing loss is suspected, a bone vibrator is placed on the mastoid (the bone behind the ear) or the forehead. This mode of testing is called bone conduction. Masking, or introducing an acoustical signal (such as a noise) in the nontest ear to prevent the patient’s hearing (and thus responding to) the test stimulus in the nontest ear, can be particularly important when bone conduction is used. For right and left mastoid bone conduction without masking, the symbols used are < and >, respectively; with masking, the symbols are (and), respectively. The pattern of audiometric threshold, for both ears, across frequency, and for air versus bone conduction, not only portrays the magnitude of hearing loss but also provides valuable site-of-lesion information. Thresholds up to 25 dB HL are considered normal. Thresholds ranging from 25 to 40 dB HL are considered mild hearing loss, and thresholds ranging from 40 to 55 dB HL are labeled moderate hearing loss. ‘Moderate-severe hearing loss’ is the label for thresholds ranging from 55 to 70 dB HL, and a severe hearing loss encompasses the range of 70–90 dB HL. Finally, thresholds greater than 90 dB HL are labeled a profound hearing loss, and people with thresholds exceeding 90 dB HL across frequency are considered legally deaf.


Deep 0

One type of hearing loss, a conductive loss (see section ‘Conductive hearing loss’), is produced by a reduction in sound energy reaching the inner ear. This reduction in sound energy can occur in either the outer or the middle ear, or both. While some causes of conductive loss can be seen by casual inspection of the outer ear (e.g., atresia of the external auditory meatus, or ear canal, in which blockage of the ear canal results from incomplete development of the outer ear) or by looking into the ear canal with an otoscope (a small, hand-held device

2 4 6 8 10 −400 −200 0 +200 Air pressure in daPa (e) Compliance

Acoustic Impedance

Figure 2 Tympanogram types. From Bess, F., Humes, L., 1995. Audiology: The Fundamentals, second ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.


Hearing Disorders

normal response is shown in Figure 2(a); note that this tympanogram has a peak at or near ambient air pressure. This contrasts with Figure 2(b), which has a peak at a negative pressure (in this case, 200 daPa). A flat tympanogram is shown in Figure 2(c). This can be caused by fluid in the middle ear (called otitis media). Figure 2(d) and 2(e) have peaks near ambient pressure, but the peaks are either abnormally shallow (Figure 2(d)) or too deep (Figure 2(e)). A shallow tympanogram can be caused by a disorder called otosclerosis, in which a bony growth on the ossicles leads to a stiffening of the middle-ear system. A deep tympanogram can be produced either by a healed perforation of the eardrum or by a break in the ossicles (called an ossicular disruption), which is often caused by head trauma. Additional information can be gleaned by varying the frequency of the probe tone. Multifrequency tympanometry is well beyond the scope of this article, and the interested reader is referred to Fowler and Shanks (2002). Another common use of acoustic impedance measures is to obtain the acoustic reflex. In response to a suitably intense sound, the stapedius muscle (which is attached to the stapes) contracts, stiffening up the middle-ear and increasing the acoustic impedance (decreasing the acoustic admittance) at the tympanic membrane. The acoustic reflex is a bilateral reflex (the reflex occurs in both ears with single-ear stimulation) and can be measured by recording the change in acoustic impedance or admittance in response to stimuli (tones or noise) to the same or the opposite ear (called the uncrossed and crossed reflex, respectively). Acoustic reflex threshold across frequency, the pattern of crossed and uncrossed responses, and numerous other variables provide important information for site-oflesion testing, not only for problems with hearing, but also for facial nerve disorders (because the stapedius muscle is innervated by the seventh cranial, or facial, nerve).

Special and Advanced Tests There are many special tests of hearing, and only a few of the more commonly used ones can be described in this article. A number of years ago, it was determined that some of the cells in the inner ear, called outer hair cells, change their length in response to sound (Brownell et al., 1985). In one test, sounds are generated that cause the outer hair cell length change, which can be recorded in the ear canal by a sensitive microphone. These inner-ear-produced sounds are called otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). OAEs are currently in use for newborn hearing screening and are also useful for site-of-lesion testing (Prieve and Fitzgerald, 2002). A number of AEPs can be recorded from near the ear or from the scalp. EcochG and ABR have the most clinical utility. EcochG is done with electrodes near the cochlea and includes several subcomponents: the summating potential (SP), the cochlear microphonic (CM), and the compound action potential (CAP). The SP and the CM represent hair cell responses, and the CAP represents the output of the auditory nerve. The CAP can be used for threshold evaluation but in the United States has largely been replaced for threshold estimation by the ABR. EcochG is very useful for intraoperative monitoring during surgery involving the eighth cranial nerve, for example, to determine whether any damage is occurring to the cochlea or auditory nerve. The ABR can be recorded with noninvasive

scalp electrodes (see Burkard and Secor, 2002). It can be used to screen hearing (including newborns), to determine hearing threshold, for site-of-lesion testing, and for intraoperative monitoring of cochlear, auditory nerve, and auditory brainstem function (Don and Kwong, 2002; Martin and Mishler, 2002; Sininger and Cone-Wesson, 2002). In recent years, the Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) has been used for threshold estimation (Rance, 2008).

Disorders of Hearing Hearing loss can be classified in a variety of ways: by whether it is unilateral (one ear) or bilateral (both ears), by its severity (mild, moderate, severe, or profound), by its configuration (whether it is equal across frequency or greater in the high or the low frequencies), and by site of lesion. The following paragraphs describe the categorizations of hearing loss that identify where in the auditory system the hearing loss has occurred.

Conductive Hearing Loss Should a hearing loss be caused by an abnormality in the outer and/or middle ear, it is classified as a conductive loss. Audiometrically, a purely conductive hearing loss is usually at most a moderate hearing loss. For a pure conductive hearing loss, hearing by bone conduction is normal, whereas thresholds are elevated (worse) via air conduction, leading to what is commonly called an air–bone gap. Individuals with a conductive loss have very good speech discrimination abilities once the speech signal is presented at a sufficiently intense sound level. Many types of conductive hearing loss can be treated medically or surgically. Otitis media is a very common type of conductive hearing loss in children. It can start with negative pressure in the middle ear, indicated by a tympanogram with a negative peak pressure (see Figure 2(b)). Fluid often fills the middle-ear space, leading to a flat tympanogram (see Figure 2(c)). Most children have one or more bouts of otitis media, and an ‘ear infection’ is a very common reason children see their physician. Otosclerosis tends to occur in young- to middle-aged adults. It involves the creation and resorption of bone in the middle ear and leads to a hearing loss when it affects the motion of the ossicles (such as fixing the stapes footplate where it inserts into the cochlea).

Sensory Hearing Loss In the past, a sensory hearing loss was often referred to as a sensorineural hearing loss, but due to advances in site-oflesion testing, practitioners now differentiate those losses affecting the sensory end organ (the cochlea, hence a sensory loss) from those affecting the acoustic portion of the eighth nerve (a neural loss). Sensory loss, as indicated above, is a hearing loss that is localized to the inner ear. In those relatively common instances in which the hair cells of the inner ear are damaged, there is not only a loss of hearing sensitivity (i.e., threshold is elevated) but also a degradation in the ability to understand speech signals (i.e., a decrement in speech discrimination

Hearing Disorders

ability), which is often exacerbated by a noisy background. In the case of a sensory hearing loss, there is an equivalent elevation of bone-conduction threshold and air-conduction threshold and hence no air–bone gap. It is uncommon for sensory hearing loss to be reversible by medical or surgical treatment, and in most cases treatment involves counseling, amplification (a hearing aid or cochlear implant), and therapy, referred to as aural rehabilitation. In cases of noise-induced hearing loss, where the noise exposure can be reduced, it is certainly true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Meniere’s disease refers to a tetrad of symptoms that include a (typically) low-frequency hearing loss, episodic vertigo (a sense of spinning – see section ‘Dizziness and Vertigo’), roaring tinnitus (ringing in the ears, see section ‘Tinnitus’), and a feeling of fullness in the ear. It should be emphasized that these symptoms fluctuate over time. One well-supported theory suggests that Meniere’s disease is caused by a buildup of the endolymphatic fluid in the scala media, and the condition is sometimes called endolymphatic hydrops.


OAEs, and poor speech perception abilities, especially in noise. Central auditory processing disorder is another type of hearing loss that is thought to affect the central auditory system, although a site of lesion has not been clearly demonstrated. Those with this disorder can register perfectly normal hearing abilities on conventional audiometric tests but show complicated patterns of abnormalities in response to filtered speech and speech tests in which one speech stimulus is presented to one ear and another speech signal is presented to the opposite ear (called dichotic listening tests), as well as degraded performance on tests of temporal patterns.

Associated Disorders Depending on the particular cause of a hearing loss, there may be accompanying problems. One common symptom associated with hearing loss is ringing in the ear, or tinnitus. Due to the close proximity of the cochlea to the vestibular end organs, some causes of hearing loss are associated with a form of dizziness known as vertigo.

Mixed Hearing Loss A mixed hearing loss has a conductive and a sensory component. Some auditory pathologies can have a conductive and a sensory component. Similarly, there is nothing preventing a given individual from having two causes of hearing loss: one leading to a conductive hearing loss (such as otitis media) and another leading to a sensory loss (such as noise exposure). In a mixed hearing loss, there is a hearing loss via bone conduction, but there is a greater hearing loss via air conduction (and yes, in a mixed loss, there is an air–bone gap).

Neural or Retrocochlear Hearing Loss For a neural (sometimes called a retrocochlear, for ‘beyond the cochlea’) hearing loss, the loss is localized beyond the cochlea, at the level of the eighth nerve or in the auditory nervous system. In many cases, a neural loss means involvement of the auditory nerve. In such cases, the most common lesion is a tumor in the eighth nerve, often incorrectly called an acoustic neuroma, and correctly called a vestibular schwannoma. Due to pressure and vascular compromise, the response of the auditory nerve is affected, leading to an audiogram that looks remarkably like a sensory loss. Hearing loss due to vestibular schwannoma can be quite mild in severity. It is in most instances unilateral, and the patient’s speech discrimination ability is poorer than would be expected if the loss were sensory. Special tests (such as ABR testing, specialized acoustic reflex tests, tests of vestibular function, and imaging) are needed to identify a vestibular schwannoma. Surgery can successfully remove such a tumor, and while the vestibular nerve must be sacrificed, in some cases the auditory nerve can be saved and some level of hearing maintained in the ear. Other types of hearing loss are thought to represent neural disorders. Auditory neuropathy or dys-synchrony (AN/AD) is thought to occur in the auditory nerve (although some argue it occurs in the inner hair cells). There is no unique audiometric configuration for patients with AN/AD; they present with grossly abnormal or missing acoustic reflexes and ABR, normal

Tinnitus Tinnitus is a remarkably common problem in those with hearing loss. In a few instances, it does appear that individuals can have tinnitus without a clinically significant hearing loss. Most patients have subjective tinnitus, that is, tinnitus can be perceived only by the individual who has it. However, there are a number of causes of tinnitus in which the astute clinician can hear the tinnitus. While in many patients the tinnitus is well tolerated, a substantial portion of those suffering this malady are tormented by the phantom sound, have difficulty concentrating and sleeping, and may be depressed. Treatments such as the use of maskers to hide the tinnitus, or various behavioral therapy regimens, help some, but not all, tinnitus sufferers.

Dizziness and Vertigo A fairly common clinical symptom of those with a vestibular end-organ disorder is dizziness. For this dizziness to be specifically related to the vestibular end organ, it must involve the sensation of the room or the patient spinning, and it is then called vertigo. Light-headedness or a sense of imbalance can be caused by disorders of the vestibular system but might also be caused by disorders of the brain and/or the vascular system.

Treatment of Some Common Hearing Disorders Otitis media is often treated by antibiotics although it is not always the result of a bacterial infection. Another common treatment of otitis media is to surgically place tubes into the tympanic membrane. This relieves the pressure and often the pain by allowing the fluid to drain from the middle ear. As described above, otosclerosis is abnormal bone growth and resorption in the middle ear, which leads to a conductive hearing loss, most often by fixation of the stapes footplate


Hearing Disorders

into the oval window of the cochlea. Very good results are often achieved by performing a stapedectomy (removal of the stapes) and replacing the structure with a prosthesis. Trauma can lead to a disarticulation of the ossicles (an ossicular disruption), which can likewise be treated by the use of an appropriate prosthesis. In most cases of sensory hearing loss, loss of the hair cells means the hearing loss is permanent. If a noise-induced hearing loss is identified at a fairly early stage, patients should be counseled to protect their remaining hearing. The appropriate use of hearing protection while at work or during loud recreational or home activities (e.g., hunting; riding snow mobiles; using chain saws, lawn mowers, or snow blowers) may prevent further decrements in hearing. In many cases of sensory hearing loss, the use of a hearing aid, or an assistive listening device, can help reduce the communication problems associated with a hearing loss. Counseling is an important part of fitting a patient with amplification, as the amplification makes sounds louder, not necessarily clearer, and the hearing aid (or other amplification device) is not as clever as mother nature and often cannot separate the signal of interest from background noise. When a hearing loss becomes severe enough, a hearing aid may not provide adequate help, and a cochlear implant might be needed. This is literally an electronic ear, in which sound is processed and routed to an array of electrodes placed inside the cochlea, and the electrodes directly stimulate auditory nerve fibers. Cochlear implants can be implanted in patients at virtually any age (from infants through geriatrics), and many individuals have great success with them. Meniere’s disease, as described already, is a hearing disorder that includes fluctuating (often low-frequency) hearing loss, roaring tinnitus, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and episodic vertigo. This disorder (in particular, the episodic vertigo) can be very traumatizing to the patient, and myriad treatments have been used: a low-salt diet, endolymphatic shunt surgery (whereby endolymph is routed out of the scala media by a shunt), destruction of the inner ear (by aminoglycoside administration or surgical intervention), and section of the vestibular nerve. Each of these approaches (and others) has (or has had) its proponents. The vestibular schwannoma is a benign tumor and in most cases grows quite slowly. The problem is that as it grows, it compresses the nerve and/or the blood supply. As it in most if not all cases arises from either the inferior or the superior vestibular nerve inside the internal auditory meatus, the symptoms experienced by the patients might reflect dysfunction of the vestibular system (e.g., dizziness or a sense of imbalance), the auditory system (hearing loss, tinnitus), or the facial nerve (unilateral facial muscle weakness or abnormal taste sensation). As the tumor enlarges, it can distend the lateral brainstem, and myriad other neurologic symptoms may be manifested. In many cases, removal of the tumor is the treatment of choice. During surgery, the vestibular nerve is sacrificed, but because the vestibular system on the opposite side is intact, a full recovery of balance function is likely. The auditory nerve is often sacrificed but can sometimes be saved if the tumor is small enough. A complete unilateral section of the auditory nerve leads to unilateral deafness. A hearing aid or cochlear implant is useless for such a nerve section, but

brainstem implants are under development that may offer hope. While unilateral deafness might cause some difficulties in localizing sounds or understanding speech in noise, in most cases there is good functional hearing ability via the remaining ear. However, in neurofibromatosis type II, bilateral eighth nerve tumors can develop, and if tumors must be removed bilaterally, postsurgically the patient is not only bilaterally deaf (and in serious need of the brainstem implants under development) but also has absent vestibular function bilaterally.

Incidence of Hearing Loss Davis (1998) reported that for births occurring between 1985 and 1990 in England, the prevalence of significant permanent hearing loss (40 dB HL) was 133 per 100 000 live births (0.13%), while 24 per 100 000 live births (0.024%) are deaf (95 dB HL). In early life, a very common cause of (conductive) hearing loss is otitis media. This is a middle ear infection in which fluid (which might be sterile fluid or might have a high bacterial count) builds up in the middle ear. The child may or may not have a fever but will often be irritable, as the condition can be quite painful. It has been estimated that up to 90% of all infants have at least one bout of otitis media during the first 6 years of life (Meyerhoff et al., 1997). As humans age, the incidence of hearing loss increases. Age-related hearing loss is typically due to changes in the stria vasculoris, the hair cells and/or auditory nerve fibers, and age-related sensory hearing loss is called presbycusis. The prevalence of presbycusis increases with advancing age; it is estimated that 30–35% of those age 65–75 years have age-related hearing loss, and this increases to 40% of those older than 75 years (McFadden, 2001).

Summary Audiologists and otolaryngologists are two professionals who are involved in both the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss. To understand hearing and hearing loss, one must have a firm grasp of the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, as well as the physical aspects of sound (acoustics). Hearing is measured in many ways: by the lowest level at which tones of varying frequency can be heard (a pure-tone audiogram), by measures of threshold and understanding of speech presented above threshold (speech recognition and speech recognition tests), by measures of the amount of sound that is reflected off the eardrum (tympanometry and acoustic reflex testing), and a multitude of more-specialized tests. Hearing loss is quantified by not only its severity (e.g., mild, moderate, severe), but by configuration (e.g., equal across frequency, greater in the higher frequencies), whether it involves one or both ears, and site of lesion (conductive, sensory, mixed, retrocochlear). There are many causes of hearing loss. In some instances (such as conductive hearing loss), the hearing loss is medically treatable, while in other instances, assistive devices (hearing aids, cochlear implants), combined with various counseling or (re)habilitation approaches, are required.

Hearing Disorders



Further Reading

Brownell, W., Bader, C., Betrand, D., de Ribaupierre, Y., 1985. Evoked mechanical responses of isolated cochlear outer hair cells. Science 227, 194–196. Burkard, R., Secor, C., 2002. Overview of auditory evoked potentials. In: Katz, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, fifth ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 233–248. Davis, A., 1998. Epidemiology of hearing impairment. In: Ludman, H., Wright, T. (Eds.), Diseases of the Ear, sixth ed. Arnold, London, pp. 129–137. Don, M., Kwong, B., 2002. Auditory brainstem response: differential diagnosis. In: Katz, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, fifth ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 274–297. Fowler, C., Shanks, J., 2002. Tympanometry. In: Katz, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, fifth ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 175–204. Martin, W., Mishler, T., 2002. Intraoperative monitoring of auditory evoked potentials and facial nerve electromyography. In: Katz, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, fifth ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 323–348. McFadden, S., 2001. Genetics and age-related hearing loss. In: Hof, P., Mobbs, C. (Eds.), Functional Neurobiology of Aging. Academic, New York, pp. 597–603. Meyerhoff, W., Marple, B., Roland, P., 1997. Tympanic membrane, middle ear, and mastoid. In: Ludman, H., Wright, T. (Eds.), Diseases of the Ear, sixth ed. Arnold, London, pp. 155–194. Pickles, J., 1988. An Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing, second ed. Academic, London. Prieve, B., Fitzgerald, T., 2002. Otoacoustic emissions. In: Katz, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, fifth ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 440–466. Rance, B., 2008. Auditory Steady-State Response: Generation, Recording, and Clinical applications. Plural, San Diego. Sininger, Y., Cone-Wesson, B., 2002. Threshold prediction using auditory brainstem response and steady-state evoked potentials with infants and young children. In: Katz, J. (Ed.), Handbook of Clinical Audiology, fifth ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 298–322.

Berlin, C., 1998. Otoacoustic Emissions: Basic Science and Clinical Applications. Singular, San Diego, CA. Desmond, A., 2004. Vestibular Function: Evaluation and Treatment. Thieme, New York. Hood, L., 1998. Clinical Applications of the Auditory Brainstem Response. Singular, San Diego, CA. Katz, J., 2002. The Handbook of Clinical Audiology, fifth ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. Ludman, H., Wright, T., 1998. Diseases of the Ear, sixth ed. Arnold, London. Sininger, Y., Starr, A., 2001. Auditory Neuropathy: A New Perspective on Hearing Disorders. Singular, San Diego, CA. Snow, J., 2004. Tinnitus: Theory and Management. Decker, Hamilton, Ontario. Speaks, C., 1996. Introduction to Sound: Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences, second ed. Singular, San Diego, CA. Yost, W., 2000. Fundamentals of Hearing: An Introduction, fourth ed. Academic, New York.

Relevant Websites http://www.asha.org/default.htm – American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. http://www.ata.org/ – American Tinnitus Association (ATA). http://www.hearingloss.org/ – Hearing Loss Association of America (Formerly Called Self Help for the Hard of Hearing). http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/ – National Institute of Deafness and Communicative Disorders. http://www.nia.nih.gov/ – National Institute on Aging. http://www.vestibular.org/ – Vestibular Disorders Association.