Nov 28, 2013 ... Heart Thoughts. NOVEMBER 2013. VOL. 18, NO. 3. The Bible clearly teaches us
to “be content” no matter what our circumstances are.
Heart Thoughts NOVEMBER 2013
VOL. 18, NO. 3
How To Be Content by Joyce Meyer The Bible clearly teaches us to “be content” no matter what our circumstances are. In Philippians 4:11 Paul said, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content.” The Amplified Bible describes being content as “satisfied to the point where you are not disturbed or disquieted.” It doesn’t say satisfied to the point where you don’t want change, but satisfied for now until God brings the change. Philippians 4:6-7 sheds more light in this area by saying, “Have no anxiety about anything, but in all things by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, continue to let God know what you want,” and verse 7, “the peace that passes understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Allow me to paraphrase these scriptures in my language for you. Don’t be upset about anything, no matter what is happening. Pray about it, and tell God your need. While you are waiting for God to move, be a very thankful and grateful person for all that God has done for you already. (Note: Let me say here that if God never did one thing for us except write our names in the Lamb’s Book of Life, that alone is more than enough.) Being thankful from the heart is necessary for the receiving of God’s continued favors in our lives. Then verse 7 says after this: 1. Have no anxiety or care, 2. Tell God your need, and 3. Be thankful. Then you will have tremendous peace and contentment no matter what state you are in while you are waiting for God to work out His will in your life. TRUST GOD! Hide yourself in the secret place (in Him). God loves you. He is a good God who only does good things. Be content knowing that His way is perfect, and He brings with Him a great recompense of reward for those who trust in Him.
Recital Costume Deposit(s) Past Due
NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS • Sabrina Brooks • Madison Colpitts • Amanda Daniels • Brynn Romanacce •
DO WE HAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? AFTH strives to provide you with as much information and advance notice as possible. AFTH is known for its attention to detail and our communication with our families. The great majority of our communication will be via email and through our web site, so please be sure that we have your current email address. When you register, we place your email address in our “email blast” list so you will automatically receive newsletters, reminders and updates.
TUITION REMINDER Your dance season has been divided into equal monthly payments as an affordable option for paying your dance tuition. As such, your monthly tuition is due in full in order to fulfill your financial obligation to AFTH. Tuition is based on a full dance term and is divided into equal monthly payments for your convenience. This includes the months of December and May. ALL TUITION IS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE AND IS DUE BY THE FIRST CLASS OF EACH MONTH. If paying by auto credit card or PayPal, your tuition will automatically be processed on approximately the 24th of the preceding month. If a tuition payment is not received by the first class of the month, a $15 LATE FEE IS INCURRED. All unpaid late fees will be added to your costume balance at the end of the season. There are no refunds for registration fees, missed lessons, costume payments, recital tickets and some retail cannot be returned. AFTH accepts checks and all major credit cards. Credit card charge forms can be found in the studio lobby. Online payments are also available via our web site at
Recital costume deposit(s) are now past due! A $40 per student/per class recital costume deposit was due September 1, 2013. AFTH requires this deposit as we have already ordered costumes to ensure they are created, processed and shipped to us in time for our March Picture Week & May Recital. There are only 5 or 6 major costume companies, and all of the thousands of dance studios across the country are making their orders with this handful of dance costume companies. This is the reason orders need to be placed early. AFTH includes all classes in the annual recital. This is important to our curriculum and to our students! A $15 late fee per student, per month that their deposit is late will be applied to any unpaid costume deposits. If you have recently registered at AFTH, and have not spoken with anyone regarding your costume deposit(s), please contact the office about your deposit payment.
Recital Costume Balances Statements for your recital costume balances have been completed and will be mailed to you early November. Recital costume balances are not technically due until January 6, 2014. HOWEVER, in order to secure some great pricing, special deals and ensure we have the costumes in time for Picture Week & Recital, AFTH has already paid our manufacturers in full for your child’s recital costume(s). We would greatly appreciate any of you who could pay your recital costume balance upon receipt of your statement. This payment will assist us with our budgeting as we approach the end of the year and will allow AFTH to recoup the monies we have fronted on your behalf. We have a variety of payment options: • Pay by check! Please mail your payment to: AFTH, 5200 Fieldview Court, Orlando, FL 32819 or drop it in the tuition box in the main studio lobby. • Pay online via PayPal. Go to our website at, click on the payment button on the main page and make a one-time payment. Please reference it as Recital Costume Balances. • Pay via credit card. Complete the credit card form (mailed with your statement) and mail to our office at AFTH, 5200 Fieldview Court, Orlando, FL 32819 or fax it to 321-251-5334. If you are on auto pay by credit card and you authorized Recital Costume to be auto-charged, your card will be charged in January 2013. However, if possible, please sign your statement (when you receive it) authorizing AFTH to bill your credit card upon receipt for Recital Costume Balances. If you are on auto pay with paypal, be reminded that is for tuition only. You will need to make a separate paypal payment for the amount shown on this statement. Go to our website at . Once there, simply click on the Payment button on the main page and make a (1) time payment. Please reference it as Recital Costume Balances.
Important Information! Christmas Performances Performance schedule now online!
All AFTH classes are currently working on Christmas dances for December! During the month of December, each class will have at least one performance at a nursing home, or children’s home to share the love of Jesus during the holiday season. Please make it a priority to come to all your classes on time! Everyone is working very hard to learn their dances and be ready for their performances. Be sure to look VERY CAREFULLY through the Christmas schedule to verify your performance dates, times and locations! Also, don’t forget to bring 1-2 homemade Christmas cards and/or ornaments to give to the residents after you perform.
All uniform items needed for Christmas performances must be ordered no later than November 7th. Retail companies are experiencing a backlog of orders and many things are on backorder. In order to ensure that items are here for Christmas performances, you must get your order in now. Please visit our online store, Bella’s Boutique. You can click on the Bella’s Boutique button on the main menu of our website (
Christmas Giving Opportunity!
If you have retail or uniform items that need to be exchanged please do the following:
Retail Exchanges
1. Bring unworn retail items in their packaging to the AFTH studio main lobby. There you will find a Every year Art from the Heart holds two very special Retail Exchange Bin. Place the item(s) to be Christmas performance events—one at Orlando Union exchanged in the bin, along with a short note indiRescue Mission, and one at The Russell Home. cating why they are being exchanged and what As part of the Orlando Union Rescue Mission outreach, you need ordered to replace them. we provide a $10 gift card to Wal-Mart or Target for each child who lives there. We are asking for everyone’s help (even those 2. AFTH collects these items on a daily basis and of you who are not performing at this facility) with these brings them to our office for processing. donations as it is our heart to provide each child with a gift card for Christmas. You can drop off your donated gift card or 3. Once the new retail items are in, you will receive an email notification advising you of this. check designated for this project in the Tuition Box in the main studio lobby or mail it to our office at: 5200 Fieldview Court, 4. Your retail items can then be picked up in the white Orlando, FL 32819. cabinet located in the main studio lobby. Each As part of The Russell Home outreach, we are collecting package will have a name on it so that you are sure the following: cleaning supplies, canned goods, gently used to receive your specific items. DVDs and CDs. Suggested movie types are “High School Musical”, Disney films, and they love country music. Also, toys 5. Please be advised the exchange process takes for the kids would be great. The ages range from babies to between 7-14 days. adults. Even if you are not scheduled to be part of this performance, we ask that you consider providing a toy that we can take with us to the performance and bless as many of the residents as possible. You can drop off your donation in a designated bin in the main studio lobby. These are very important events to AFTH and we hope that everyone will be able to participate! Without each of you, AFTH must be given a written notice 30 days we will not be able to bless these young people at a time when prior to a student withdrawing from a class. they are forgotten the most. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord would have you Tuition must be paid in full until the 30-day notice is completed and fulfilled. help make the holidays a little more special.
AFTH Friendship Pass!
LATE FEES! Tuition is due on the first class of every month and
Redeemable for one (1) free dance class at ART from a $15 late fee will be applied to all unpaid accounts. the HEART. You can download a Friendship Pass Late fees will be incurred on the 12th of each month. online at Please be sure to contact the office before the 12th if you have not made your payment or a late fee will be Call the AFTH office at 407-612-6565 to determine applied.
which class would be an appropriate level, then simply attend that class and enjoy.
Switching Classes
If you decide that you would like to register as a student at ART from the HEART, call the office and As of September 2013 we began ordering cosrequest a registration brochure, or register online at tumes for our recital in May! Because of this, we our website: ask that there be no further class switching unless specifically advised by the AFTH office or your teacher. We appreciate your cooperation!
E arn Cre dit o n Your AFTH Account!
Talk about AFTH and earn $! Refer friends to AFTH and you can pay for your monthly tuition with no $. If your refer- ral registers, and pays for their registration and 1st month’s tuition, YOU, as the referring person, will get a $15 credit on your account, per referral that registers. Refer 10 friends who join AFTH, and get a $150 credit on your account! Be sure your friend types in your name at the bottom of the online registration where it says, “who referred you” or simply email us at
[email protected] so we can be on the look out for their registration / payment and credit your account.
— AFTH STAFF — Jennifer Kroger, Noelle Romanacce Alexandra Kroger-Horne, Bonnie Bryant, Merry Glee Dupree, Tabatha Britton Amanda Gracey, Hannah Bryant, Summerlin Anderson, Jason Horne
—AFTH OFFICE HOURS — Monday-Friday: 10am to 4pm Phone: 407-612-6565 Fax: 321-251-5334 Email:
[email protected] Website: As we are in and out of the office all day, we recom-
AFTH prefers that all retail orders are placed via mend you either email us or leave a voice message if our online store, BELLA’S BOUTIQUE. Here, you can you are unable to reach us. This will allow us to return create an account that will make ordering easy and your call more quickly! convenient. You are even notified when your order is on its way to you. The link to BELLA’S BOUTIQUE is found on our website ( All retail orders are shipped to you once the AFTH office has received your order and payment. We typically place orders once a week. Once ordered, retail is generally shipped to AFTH and on its way to you in about 7 to 10 days.
*A LOOK AHEAD * NOVEMBER 2013 • Studio closed November 28th-29th, 2013 for the Thanksgiving Holiday! Enjoy some food, family and fun, and give thanks to God for all that He has done and will do! DECEMBER 2013 • Various Christmas performances December 1st-20th, 2013 (Christmas Performance Schedule now online!) • Studio closed for Christmas & New Year’s December 20, 2013 - January 5, 2014 JANUARY 2013 • Studio re-opens Monday, January 6, 2014 • Recital costume balances due January 6, 2014 (Statements will be mailed December 2013.) • Student Evaluation Week Week of January 27th, 2014 FEBRUARY 2014 • Begin work on recital dances MARCH 2014 • AFTH picture week (Date TBD) APRIL 2014 • Recital fee due Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 $10 per student • Studio closed April 18th-20th, 2014 for Good Friday and Easter MAY 2014 • Last day of regular classes May 15, 2014 • Recital Dress Rehearsal - May 16th (tentatively) Location - TBD Call times will be mailed in April 2014 • AFTH Recital - May 18th, 2014 (tentatively) 1pm & 5pm performance Cast Lists (which show or shows you are in), call times & details will be mailed to you in April 2014. *Dates & information are subject to change. We will do our best to inform you of changes.