Helicobacter pylori - Hindawi

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... de [ I pylori est rcduitc par une suppression ctficacc de l'acidt: a l'aidc .... 3. Whcn ,11.:1d ,,·net 1,111 i, l'IIL·c-. 11\'dy ,upprL'''L'd, tlw 1111111111.d 11 111.


Hp and pH: IInplications for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori RI\ ·11 \Ill)

111 ILJN I. FRL'I', FR.( ' P(l:111'\I ), FFU ' PC, 1-:\CCi

RH HUNT. Hp and pH: Implications for the eradication of Helicobucter pylori. Can J Gastroenterol 1993;7(5):406-410. Helico/Jacccr /)y/ori infecti(,n c.1u,cs inf1am1rn1rinn of the gn,rric and duodenal mucosae, which re~ulrs in ,1 disturban ce uf the rc.l!ulatPry mechanisms ft11· gasrri n . g,,stric acid and pepsin ~ecreti,m. Acid sec ret ion may be decreased, normal (1r increased, depend ing on the ,rage nf infec ti,m, ,ilthough the meal-stimulated gn~trin n:srome is invnriuhly elevated. The ex,1ct mcchani\ms invnlvt·d arc n,1t known hut may l~e due tn rhL· rdc,1~L' ol cytokmes in rt•spome LO bactcriDl toxim. 1I J,ylori colonb1ti un is l'L'ducl'd hy o.:ffocriw ,Kid surrrcs~inn with protlln pump inhibitor,. although it b not crndi catL'LI. In combi nation with .imoxycillin, om.:prn::olc, up to 40 mg t wice dail y, .:radicatcd rhe organism in ur w 82% of case:,.. This synergbtic. effect may he due t,1 a direct effect of nmcpram lc on the organbm, the pr(>tccLion of amoxycillin from acid degrndat i\111, or enhance men t of host defe nce mechanisms accomp;111) ing ,icid suppressiun.

Key Wl)rds: A111oxycillin, Duodenal ulcer, Eradication, Gastric acid. I lcl trnbactcr pylori , Ome{>razole, j)[ 1

«Hp» ct pH: implications pour !'eradication de Helicobacter pylori RESUME: L'infection n Helicohactt?'I·

/)yUni provuque une inflamm.11 inn des muqueLbe~ga~criques ct duodenales, qui resulre en unc alteration des mecant~mc~

rcgul,1teurs de l.1 sccrl;tion de gastrinc, d'acidc g~1st nquc ct de pepsint'. La ~cc rcti,111 acidc pcUL 0t rc dtminufr, nonnale ou acc rue, ~elon le srad.: de l'i n.fonion, hien quc la rcp,1nsc de b gastrine srimulc.: par la prise d'al1mcnrs S(H t invariahkmcnt clev6c. L..:s mfranismc;. prccis en j1.:u sont inconnus, mais pourraknr eu·1.: attrihuahlcs ;1 b lihcration de cytnkincs en n: ponsc ~t des rnx im:~ h:ictcricnncs. La colnnisatinn de [ I pylori est rcduitc par une suppression c tfi cacc de l'acidt: a l'aidc d'inh1hi tcurs Lk la p,lln pe ;-1 pnitons, bicn quc l'c nidicnrion nc soir pas ohtcnue a insi. En ,1ssoc iat inn ,wee l'a mo"ycilline, l'omepra:nlc, jusqu'it concurrence de 40 mg J eu" (oi~ pa r jnur, n enniy~ le pat hngenc c hez 82 % dc:s cas. Cct effe1 synergique peut Gtre Jn a unc actiPn directe de l'rnneprnzule sur le pathugc ne, a 1 une protect ion de l ,H11l1xycill ine cnnrre la degrnJarinn pm l'acide ou a l'amcli,)rnrion des Jcfcnse~ de l'hi\te qui accompagnc la suppressi,m de l'aciLlite. /)11'1111111 11/ l ;il\lrct.:111.:rn/u.~'I. ,\ k,\ 1rn11d from: I l/1 ,111d pl I. /n1p/,raum /nr rhc aw/1,·,Htclll 11( I ft-l1u ,h;1u,·1 I'' '"''· hv /1// I /1111r. /rc1111;,L,ii1d111.111.111 }111rn.d "I l ;,hln>l·ntnolog\ /99,·.?,'i('iup/i/ /ll6) I 1 \ h pn111,,_tc,1111J 'i.-,111,/111,n·1t1n l '1111·n"1,· 1'1'tiJ1t\ /..!L'nl'r:l!L'd h ,pir:1 1 ,tniL ttirL' nn,I mulupll' lbgt'll,1. Url'.i,e, tngl'tlwr with .1 ,pc,tntm ,11 h,1ctcn.d pruduus, le.id, ll> ll'L':1kL·n1n,g C\N J (1 \',l l{(lfNIIIUlt.Vlll



H pylori a nd p H

,,( the m11cu,/h1l',1rhnn,llL' l,1\L'I .111d d.1magl' tP rlw ,urt":1n· ep1thel1.tl Leib. The rele.1,L' nf l\t1,klllL'' \I 1th an 111fbmm,11,in rL''I'' 111,L· re,uli, 111 tun hL·r d:11nage tP muco,,.d cl'II, .111d 111.1y .1lkct thl' rL'gul.1111n med1.111i'm, m, ,ih 111g ga,1n1. 'l'll"l'IIP11 .111d 111111d1t\. The,c· d1,ll1gl', Ill.I)' il•;1d. ll\'L'I I lllll', l\l ,111 111 · Ul';tM'. 111 thl' p;trll'(;d Ll'll 111;1,, and h\ · f'l'N.:Crl'lllltl 1if g,t,trll ,!Lid, \11th thL' ,uh,l'ljlll'l11 dl'\'L• 11 lJ'llll'I\ t nf g; ISi IIC tl\L'l,lpl.1,1.1 111 t hl' duu1kn.il l',lf'· Thl',l' ,lrl'JlrJn lll,l) hL' i\S.'.()(ltltL'd \\'Ith hyp1 l.'.L'L ret 1, !11. h) l'c'r,c,·lunm·g.111, ,. n, nm,d 1·11l11 11tL'L'r, (pl I I \6::h_) \7). h1rtl1l't11hll'l', lhL' 11ll'llt,111 24 h ,,11111 du11cle11,d 11ker p,tt lL'l1t, .tltl'I uker lw.1l111g .111d ,·r.1d1,,111ll11 11( 11 /1:,· /on ,h, n\ L'd .1 trend t, llrnrd, llll lL';tsc,I .1c1d11, (J'I I L194+l1 I\). Thi, \\nul,I h,· l I Hbisl L'lll \\ ti fi I hc h) l'PI lw,1, l h,11 I hl' f',ll"ll't.d Lell lll,IS, Ill ll'\J'lll)SL' Ill ,tllllll l;tt iun i, 111u,·.1,l'd in ,hu 1ck11,d 11k ,·1 J'.IIIL'tlts I\ 1th 11 p,·lnn. ,llll· 111 thl' trn phtL ;IL t 11111 of g;1,1 r111, ,111,I dnl'' nnl llllllll'ljl,IIL'I) l\'1111'11 Ill 11\>1111,d.

H PYLORl , AC ID, GASTRI N AND INFLAMMAT IO P,tt tt·nt, \\ 11 h d11lld,·n .d II k ,·r t c·11d Ill h,1\T .1 I'"' tern , if .1ud 'L'LIL'I 11111 t h,ll 1, l'll her 11< ir111.d , 11 inu,·,ht·,I, .111d tlw I'"· IIL'l ;tl Ll'" ll);]ss 11l;t\ ,d,p hl' illLrl';l,l'd, U>llttlhlltlllg Ill tfi1, h\J'L'l'sL'll'l'll)·Ion 11·.i, J're,en1. Furt hermllrl', ,I re(l'nt ,tudy wnh high du,e :111tih1< ll'l1l l'r llli_:\ i 'llJL\9K .:\ l) 2. Le·, i :i, lk ml,lial l 1'. I l.1dd.1,I l i, l'L1,fllrd It ( ,h",lt I'. ( ',d,1111 J. l :,1m/duhm 1.:r /1,•lon ;,11,I ,l11P,k·11,d ll kl'f',: Tlw ga,inn link. I ,IIKl'I llJSlJ;i: 11 /17-S. W:igm:r :i, l ;t:hcl i'vl . ltl!" W. :iudlcr A. :-;L1rn1id1 FW. Thl' ,1gnili(,111L,' " ' l vlon, ( ,;ht rilh .ind l'i:pt1, Uki:r. Bl'rlin: Springer Vl·rlag, 1990: 'l 17-26. Ch111:1j.1il11 RS, Nl·i1hi:ru1t Wl), .Ardd! JES, l\kC.,11 KEL. Hdirnh11c1er /l'llori relatl'd hypc:rg;1,1ri11;11.:111i;1 i:, n,>l due.: 1,, l'k,·au:d :1111 ml ,urlal'ntl'rul"g, 198'l;84:1111. Kraml111\! HI, l:ndl'l",l,. Te1d1111.111n RK. 1\nugi:11 induLc:d ga,1ri11 t'l'k.1,c:: /\n 1tn111u111>l11g1l 111l'C:h,1111,tn ylt>ri ll'dULl'., lwpi:rg,1,1r111ac:111ia due 1,, pn1111111'u111p 1nh1h1tll1 d1c:ra['y. ( •UL 1991:'\2·A~M. CaLim J, U"nd l;id RA. Ll'L' CY, L'l ,,I. Al h I, ,rhvdn.1-111dun·d hvpl·rg,1str111al·tni;1: Tlw mlc: ,,( h,K LCl'la. ( ' 1111 Su I \/9 I ;8,1:28 1-4.




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S,11111,,lf ltv\, L1L"hm,111 Wtvl. P.11111d1 NM. Sl.'rum grgl·n h\ rad1n1111111un11;1,,.11 111 Cllntn>l ,uhjcc1, and pauenL, "11h pi:pt IL ukl·r. Ua,1 roL'llll'n ,lng1 1975; l0:912 -6. ~.1111!,,fl 11'1, Van, K, lh,1nwk1 T. S111rala M, Rutter JI. Rch111nn,hip .1111,,ng ,L·n1m pc•p,inogl'n I and II, ;md g;1'1 l'll lllllU ls.I I h isl nl1 >g) . ( 1;1,tf'lll'lltcn,logy 1982;81:2l~4-9. Ungc: I', Uad A, (,narpc 11. !Jue:.. 1>mi:pr;1:k 1111pn>\'L' .11111m1(mhial thc·r;ipv clireuc:d toward, ga,t nl Cam/1:-0/ohacwr /rylori in p;ir1cnt, wi1 h ;111tr,d 1-(.1,1 rn 1,! Srnnd J (.,,1't rncntl·nil 19tN:24(Suppl 167):49-54. l11 ,1h1 T, Sawh 11, Nakao M. Lm,llpra:ok:, ;1 11m·i:I hc:11:11111d:1:,>k· prnt1>11 pump 111h1h11nr, an.I 11, rcl.11i:d \/Ion. Antimkrnh Agl'11L, Chi:11101 hc:r i 9tl I; 15:490-6. Mainguel P. l)clmc:c: M. lkhongn1i: JI'. Omcpr.1:ok, Cmn/>)n/,(lctcr /rylori, ;md du,,d,•n,d ukc:r. LalKl'l 1989:11: '\89 -9l\ R11rget l)W, Cllllert1>n SC:, I lunt RI I. b thi:r,· an 1>pl im;d dl'grc'l' of :ll id ,11ppri:,S1un for hi:a I111g of du\llohaner />;•il!l'i ,1's,iu,llc:d pc:pt ll 11ki:r disl'il,L', Sc111J J Ua,trul'nterul 1988:2 \(Suppl 142 ):93-100. Chih,1 N, R,11, BV, RaJcm.1kc:r JW, Hunt RI I. Mcta-;maly~i, ul thc: dfic1cy of ;i11uh1olll. thL·rapy 111 crndic,ll ing I ld1cohac1t:11 ll'n ,I, ,gy 1992:102:.A ll'7. V;111 /,111tc:11 SJO, l ;"Id"· I. I lnlling,w,,n h J, !->1k111 (. ·. R1l h.mbo11 11, I lu nt RI I. Sl'lfl't i"n "f 1111 r;1vi:11011., ly ;1dm1n1'1 l'red a1111h1u110 in gasi n, 111 1u·: l111plka11,111' frn 1n;111agL'll1l'lll ,ii l ldicoh(lclcr />'llon Clin l':11l1mhin:11 ion" i1h l'ill1l'1 a111Pxyullin ,,r u>llnidal h1S11111th ,11hu1r,1tc 111 palll'111, w11h 1111.:trunida:uli: 1i:S1,ta11l I ldrcolillcler f>vlon. Fur J (1;1,m>L'lll,'r11I lkpat1,l 1991:1:921-6. Ungc P, Erikw111 K. l'krg111an B. l'I al. l )11wpra:11l1.: .ind .11111,xic ill1 11 in pat ll:nt, 111d1 du, ,,knal ukL·r: Hkli 011 I ldicol,,1C1.:r f>v/ori l'radint h f11IIP11 up. l 1,1,t1\ ll'l1 Il'I I ,l11g\ J')9 2: I02:t\ I H). Ch1\'l'rlOn SC\ 11111\'di:11 CW. Burgi:l l)W, I lun1 RI I. 011ll'pr.1:11k· (20 mg) daily givi:n 111 thl· 11111111111g ur i:vi:nmg: A u ,111par1,n11 1>f dfl', 1' on }..!,1'1 I'll aud it) , ;111d pl;1,111;1 g,1'l rin ,111,I , 11111:pni:ull' LUl1l l'l1 l r,11 1, 111. t\ ii llll'll I l'h.trm>1rnl Thl'r 19 1)2;6:IOl-l I. l.;ihi:n: J, UyL'lll', I·, Riih I ( ,I I, P>iir,l h U. Eflic: 1,y ,,f \llllcpra~ok· .ind am,,xyLillin 1111.:rad1l;it,' I ll'lic11/1'!lori. Alll J Ua,tn>l'llll.'r, ,I 1992;87: 1271. B:ivi:rd(i1lil'r I:, Manne•, l ,A, S, >111111cr A, i:t :ii. I ligh d1N' ,,mcpr;i:okl f'l',H tnl'11l cnmhme,l wu h amnx yu II111 cradicall'' I ld1rnbacit'r />\ll,m. l:ur .I G1,tn>L·ntl'ro l I lc:pm,1l I992;4:6Y7-702. L:1hrn:J, C,yl·nc·, E, Ruh l (, 11, BiiNh (,.Shon term then1py II uh high dn,c: ,imc:prnmlc.: an,I ,1111,,xycillin lor cr;1diL,11 1,m nf I /e/in,/,ti,wr />vl1m. Ii.ii J ( •,1'Ll'Ul'l1lt:rol J9') I ;2 l(Suppl 2 ): I09. Lngan RPI I. l'nl,nn RJ, Bar(ln J11. tvli, il'll'IC: JJ. follnll'· llP alll'I' ant 1-l ldico/,110