Feb 1, 2001 - blood samples collected from 133 animals over a 17-year period. ... Normal reference range intervals for hematologic and serum biochemical ...
Comparative Medicine Copyright 2001 by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Vol 51, No 1 February 2001 Pages 30-37
Hematologic and Serum Biochemical Reference Intervals for the Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Categorized by Age and Sex Melanie Ihrig, DVM,1,* Louis G. Tassinary, PhD,2 Bruce Bernacky, DVM,3 and Michale E. Keeling, DVM 3 Normal reference range intervals for hematologic and serum biochemical values in the chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes) have seldom been reported. The few studies that have been conducted either report values on the basis of a small number of animals, report values for all age groups or both sexes combined, or were designed specifically to document the effect of a particular condition on the normal range of hematologic and serum biochemical values. On the basis of data collected from 133 chimpanzees over a 17-year period, empirically based clinical reference ranges were derived to provide a guide for basic diagnostic and clinical care of chimpanzees. For either sex within each of four age groups, there is a table that summarizes serum biochemical and a table that summarizes hematologic values. These values are compared with prior values, and their importance in the care and well being of captive chimpanzee populations is discussed. Although the number of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) that require long-term care in laboratory-related housing has increased over the past decade (1), our knowledge of the requisite normal values for diagnostic purposes remains incomplete. In particular, there are few data describing the reference intervals for hematologic and serum biochemical values in the chimpanzee. Studies that have been done report values determined by examination of a small number of animals (2), report values for all age groups or both sexes combined (3-9), or report on a small number of analytes (10). Furthermore, some of those reports are not easily obtainable (6-9). There are two exceptional analyses of normal hematologic variables that are quite sophisticated; however, they are principally exploratory in nature (11, 12). The study reported here was based on compilation of 1,648 blood samples collected from 133 animals over a 17-year period. Empirically based clinical reference ranges were derived and are reported to provide a guide for diagnostic bases and clinical care of chimpanzees. Male and female data are displayed separately within four age categories, and effects for sex and age were examined statistically.
Overview: The medical records of 147 chimpanzees at the University of Texas Veterinary Science Park in Bastrop, Texas, covering the period July 11, 1978 through January 3, 1996 were reviewed to identify clinically normal, healthy animals. Fourteen animals were excluded because a serious illness had been diagnosed previously or they had tested positive for a retrovirus. The illnesses included hypothyroidism, thrombocytopenia, amyloidosis, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Normal hematologic and serum biochemical values were abstracted from the remaining 133 medical record files. Throughout the study, animals were maintained in mixed-sex groups of variable Division of Comparative Medicine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 2 Environmental Psychophysiology Laboratory, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas; and 3Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Bastrop, Texas. * Corresponding author. 1
size and composition. They were housed in either large compounds with outdoor yards (22 m in diameter) containing grass as a ground cover and an indoor area, or conventional indoor/outdoor runs (2.4 ! 6.1 ! 2.4 m) with concrete floors, barred ceilings, and cinder block walls. The facilities and management of the colony have been described in detail (13). Routine physical examination, which included blood collection for complete blood counts (CBCs) and biochemical analysis, was performed on anesthetized animals on a regular basis throughout the 17-year study period. Ketamine was the anesthetic agent used prior to 1991, at which time Telazol became the primary anesthetizing drug. Although these agents differ chemically, with the addition of zolazepam in the Telazol, both are phencyclidines and have similar physiologic effects. Entries in the clinical notes indicating pregnancy, infection, or signs of illness were noted, and all values recorded from blood collected on corresponding dates were excluded from analysis. Consequently, only the blood values associated with healthy animals collected during routine physical examination were included in the “normal” database. Two separate sets of analyses were conducted: one for the hematologic values that comprised 16 variables, and one for the serum biochemical values that consisted of 24 analytes. The animals were classified by age on the date of blood collection. The four age categories were defined as: infant (0 to 3 years), juvenile (> 3 to 6 years), adolescent (> 6 to 10 years), and adult (> 10 years). Given the timespan covered by the study, it was possible for a single chimpanzee to contribute values to any age category. For example, a chimpanzee born in the early 1980s and still living and healthy in the 1990s could have values in each of the four age groups, whereas a chimpanzee born in the 1990s might contribute only to the infant category, or possibly to the infant and juvenile categories. In addition, most of the animals were tested multiple times during their membership in a given age group or groups. To avoid inadvertently biasing the average values within an age category, the mean value for an individual was calculated for each variable within each age category prior to statistical summary. Thus, within an age category, a given animal could contribute only a single
Hematologic and Serum Biochemistry Values for the Chimpanzee
value for each variable in the analysis despite the fact that the same animal might appear in more than one age category. Laboratory techniques: During the period January 1978 through May 1985 hematocrit was determined by use of the Clay Adams Autocrit II (Clay Adams, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada), hemoglobin concentration was determined by use of the Coulter hemoglobinometer with Coulter Zap-O-Globin II, and the white blood cell (WBC) and red blood cell (RBC) counts were determined by use of the Coulter ZBI cell counter (Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, Fla.). Mean corpuscular indices were calculated, using established methods (14). The CBC, including WBC, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), was determined from May 1985 through October 1990 by use of the Coulter Counter S770 (Coulter Electronics), and from October 1990 through January 1996 by use of the Serono Baker System 9000S (Serono-Baker Diagnostic, Inc., Allentown, Pa.). The WBC differential count was performed manually; by identifying and counting the various cell types in the first 100 WBC encountered in a blood smear, then calculating the percentage of each cell type. The values reported in the tables for each WBC type are the absolute numbers, which were determined by multiplying the total WBC count by the percentage of the cell type. All clinical biochemical values, with the exception of serum chloride, sodium, and potassium concentrations, were determined by use of the Smith-Kline Eskalab for the period January 1978 through 1979, and by use of the Beckman Trace III from 1979 through 1984. Sodium and potassium were analyzed during this period by use of the Orion Na/K analyzer (Orion Research, Inc., Beverly, Mass.). The Cobas Mira S with an ion-selective electrode attachment for potassium and sodium analysis (Roche Diagnostic Systems, Branchburg, N.J.) was used from 1984 through 1996. Serum chloride concentration was determined at all times by use of the Buchler digital chloridometer (Labconco, Kansas City, Mo.). Although multiple analytic methods were used over the years in determining many of the analytes, small differences that existed in the results obtained by use of the respective methods were distributed over a large number of animals in unbiased manner. Consequently, although the additional variance introduced by the use of multiple methods may have resulted in slightly wider reference intervals than had a single method been used, the reported central tendencies are probably more accurate. Statistical analysis: Variables were dropped from the analyses if they contained values from fewer than six chimpanzees. For adults, the reticulocyte variable was dropped from the hematologic analyses, and CO2 and direct bilirubin values were dropped from the serum biochemical analyses, leaving 15 hematologic variables and 22 serum biochemical variables in the adult age groups. In addition to these three variables, another eight serum biochemical analytes in the remaining three age categories were dropped from the analyses. Consequently, in the non-adult age groups, there were 15 hematologic variables and 14 serum biochemical variables. Statistical outliers were identified and checked against the records for accuracy. Inaccuracies were corrected, and true outliers were retained. In accordance with recommendations of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (15, 16), nonparametric methods were used to summarize and analyze the data. The median represents the central value, and the 5th and 95th per-
centiles define the reference interval for each analyte. This reference interval has been converted and is reported in the customary and Systeme International (SI) units. The interquartile range, which is reported in the last column of each table, is a measure of the spread or dispersion of a data set, and is calculated by taking the difference between the upper and lower quartiles. Parametric statistics, such as the mean and standard deviation, are included in the tables for comparison purposes only. Mann-Whitney U tests were performed to determine whether sex differences existed within each age category. The Kruskal-Wallis test was performed for each variable to determine whether there was a significant difference among age groups. A P-value " 0.05 was considered significant. Finally, to distinguish between two percentiles of a distribution that are P% apart, there must be at least (100/P)-1 observations in the distribution. Consequently, a minimum of 19 observations is required to reliably estimate the 5th and 95th percentiles (15). Therefore, if there were fewer than 19 observations for a particular analyte, the values reported in the table represent the extremes of the distribution, or the full range of the data collected for that variable within the given age category.
The reference ranges for chimpanzees are presented in the following 16 tables. The first set of eight tables summarizes the hematologic data, and the second set of eight tables summarizes the serum biochemical data. Both sets are presented in the order of youngest age category to oldest, and within each age group, the table with female data precedes the table with male data. Thus, within each set, a given table summarizes the results for a single sex within one of the four age groups. The values reported in the second column (labeled “S”) of each table represent the total number of samples used to calculate the reference range for a particular variable. The values reported in the third column (labeled “N”) represent the number of animals from which the total number of samples was collected during the study period. As mentioned previously, a single mean value was calculated for each animal that contributed multiple samples to a variable in a particular age group. Therefore, the value for N is the number of means that were used in the final computation of the reference range (Tables 1-16). Effects of sex were most often seen in the adolescent and adult animals. All RBC-related variables (hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, and RBC measurements) were significantly lower in females of these two age categories than in males, and the differences increased as the animals moved from adolescence to adulthood. This finding is consistent with the observations of Hodson and his colleagues (11), indicating that male chimpanzees have increasing hematocrit with age, whereas hematocrit in females remains unchanged over time. These differences, although more extreme in chimpanzees, are similar to those observed between the sexes in humans (17). Although there were no sex or age differences in the overall WBC counts, there was a sex difference among adult animals as well as a significant effect of age in the distribution of WBC types. Adult females had significantly fewer neutrophils and more lymphocytes than did adult males, although neutrophils were the predominant WBC type in both adult sexes. The age effect resulted from an increase in neutrophils and a concomitant decrease in lymphocytes with age. In the infant group lym-
Vol 51, No 1 Comparative Medicine February 2001
Table 1. Hematologic analytes for infant females
Analyte Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (! 106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) ! 103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
109 109 73 73 73 67 43 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 35
38 38 28 29 29 29 20 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 18
Central tendency Mean Median 39.63 13.03 5.25 74.37 24.81 32.76 16.37 11.39 4.36 60.28 6.42 254.10 264.25 3.38 330.25
39.68 12.90 5.16 73.45 24.60 32.93 13.25 11.19 3.98 0.00 6.05 241.83 183.03 0.00 341.92
5%tile 35.71 11.57 4.70 66.68 21.94 29.91 3.38 7.42 1.82 0.00 3.79 0.00 51.32 0.00 160.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units) 44.73 14.87 6.16 80.56 28.61 34.43 38.75 15.51 7.71 230.10 10.15 558.00 847.90 29.73 570.00
0.357–0.447 7.18–9.23 mmol/L 4.70–6.16 ! 1012/L 66.68–80.56 fl 21.94–28.61 pg/cell 299.1–344.3 g/L 3.38–38.75 ! 10 6/mm3 7.42–15.51 ! 109/L 1.82–7.71 ! 109/L 0.00–230.10 ! 106/L 3.79–10.15 ! 109/L 0.00–558.00 ! 106/L 51.32–847.90 ! 106/L 0.00–29.73 ! 106/L 160.00–570.00 ! 109/L
Variability Interquartile S. D. range 2.65 0.97 0.44 4.47 1.91 1.33 10.61 2.63 1.74 113.25 1.90 156.76 243.20 10.40 98.55
3.36 1.08 0.52 4.86 1.77 1.35 10.71 4.60 2.11 71.00 2.52 195.00 167.67 0.00 131.50
Table 2. Hematologic analytes for infant males
Analyte Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (!106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) ! 103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
106 106 77 77 77 77 54 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 37
36 36 29 29 29 29 25 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 18
Central tendency Mean Median 38.68 12.84 5.12 75.32 24.94 33.18 17.19 10.81 4.70 36.82 5.62 256.51 169.02 2.06 325.35
38.48 12.65 5.08 75.75 25.00 33.18 15.00 10.75 3.65 13.63 5.51 220.50 114.83 0.00 307.83
5%tile 34.68 11.52 4.71 70.12 23.22 32.49 2.00 6.34 2.00 0.00 3.15 15.90 0.00 0.00 202.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. Units) 43.14 14.47 5.73 80.79 26.64 33.98 35.13 16.26 10.21 150.18 7.92 590.70 554.20 0.00 557.00
0.347–0.431 7.15–8.98 mmol/L 4.71–5.73 ! 1012/L 70.12–80.79 fl 23.22–26.64 pg/cell 324.9–339.8 g/L 2.00–35.13 ! 10 6/mm3 6.34–16.26 ! 109/L 2.00–10.21 ! 109/L 0.00–150.18 ! 106/L 3.15–7.92 ! 109/L 15.90–590.70 ! 106/L 0.00–554.20 ! 106/L 0.00–0.00 ! 106/L 202.00–557.00 ! 109/L
Variability Interquartile S. D. range 2.56 0.96 0.31 3.32 1.15 0.45 10.38 2.79 2.53 49.46 1.41 179.19 154.87 12.33 79.97
3.32 1.35 0.36 4.97 1.73 0.46 16.25 3.67 3.04 53.95 1.84 169.75 113.85 0.00 77.67
Table 3. Hematologic analytes for juvenile females
Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (!106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) ! 103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
99 99 75 75 75 75 50 99 98 98 98 98 98 98 36
35 35 28 29 29 29 24 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 19
Central tendency Mean Median 40.33 13.35 5.01 80.07 26.41 33.02 18.66 10.38 5.33 53.87 4.56 246.05 202.36 2.04 303.63
40.70 13.33 5.00 79.67 26.30 33.00 16.50 9.66 4.39 0.00 4.16 221.50 142.00 0.00 304.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
36.49 12.06 4.57 74.72 24.65 32.00 8.10 6.77 2.48 0.00 2.31 74.75 5.33 0.00 225.00
43.56 14.60 5.33 84.03 27.70 34.36 43.33 16.13 11.41 239.25 7.20 556.25 577.56 25.50 413.05
0.365–0.436 7.48–9.06 mmol/L 4.57–5.33 ! 1012/L 74.72–84.03 fl 24.65–27.70 pg/cell 320.0–343.6 g/L 8.10–43.33 ! 10 6/mm3 6.77–16.13 ! 109/L 2.48–11.41 ! 109/L 0–239.25 ! 106/L 2.31–7.20 ! 109/L 74.75–556.25 ! 106/L 5.33–577.56 ! 106/L 0.00–25.50 ! 106/L 225.00–413.05 ! 109/L
Variability Interquartile S. D. range 2.25 0.78 0.22 2.93 0.97 0.74 11.16 2.97 2.57 84.96 1.63 138.45 175.12 8.43 56.30
3.58 0.91 0.30 4.39 1.42 1.00 6.96 4.28 2.91 57.17 2.85 187.25 222.08 0.00 64.75
Table 4. Hematologic analytes for juvenile males
Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (!106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) ! 103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
83 83 72 71 71 71 55 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 46
32 32 28 28 28 28 25 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 22
Central tendency Mean Median 39.71 13.13 5.01 78.66 26.11 33.20 17.99 10.77 6.28 54.18 4.04 265.22 141.68 3.31 341.30
38.84 13.00 4.96 78.73 26.13 33.20 19.00 10.97 6.21 0.00 3.94 235.00 113.00 0.00 328.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
35.67 11.92 4.53 74.91 23.91 31.92 3.38 7.23 2.88 0.00 2.02 5.80 0.00 0.00 246.53
46.08 15.20 5.51 82.20 27.60 34.15 39.94 16.38 10.93 216.88 5.74 529.35 397.90 0.00 487.00
0.357–0.461 7.40–9.43 mmol/L 4.53–5.51 ! 1012/L 74.91–82.20 fl 23.91–27.60 pg/cell 319.2–341.5 g/L 3.38–39.94 ! 10 6/mm3 7.23–16.38 ! 109/L 2.88–10.93 ! 109/L 0.00–216.88 ! 106/L 2.02–5.74 ! 109/L 5.80–529.35 ! 106/L 0.00–397.90 ! 106/L 0.00–0.00 ! 106/L 246.53–487.00 ! 109/L
Variability Interquartile S. D. range 3.03 0.96 0.33 2.38 1.00 0.72 12.98 2.65 2.53 99.51 1.38 170.61 120.84 18.74 73.90
3.85 1.05 0.43 2.78 0.98 0.96 17.00 3.70 4.44 74.79 1.65 206.42 129.38 0.00 102.00
Hematologic and Serum Biochemistry Values for the Chimpanzee
Table 5. Hematologic analytes for adolescent females
Analyte Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (!106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) ! 103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
125 125 74 74 74 74 58 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 41
33 33 23 23 23 23 19 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 17
Central tendency Mean Median 41.27 13.87 5.04 80.75 27.00 33.47 19.26 11.85 6.67 66.83 4.64 204.84 262.18 2.81 279.94
41.15 13.67 5.02 81.78 26.93 33.52 15.00 11.32 6.38 23.75 4.32 166.00 215.50 0.00 278.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
37.45 12.76 4.63 74.54 24.95 32.44 5.00 6.61 3.33 0.00 2.53 23.30 24.31 0.00 184.00
45.59 15.51 5.52 86.51 29.09 34.31 59.65 16.01 11.68 213.84 8.19 439.69 689.53 17.65 365.25
0.375–0.456 7.92–9.63 mmol/L 4.63–5.52 ! 1012/L 74.54–86.51 fl 24.95–29.09 pg/cell 324.4–343.1 g/L 5.00–59.65 ! 10 6/mm3 6.61–16.01 ! 109/L 3.33–11.68 ! 109/L 0.00–213.84 ! 106/L 2.53–8.19 ! 109/L 23.3–439.69 ! 106/L 24.31–689.53 ! 106/L 0.00–17.65 ! 106/L 184.00–365.25 ! 109/L
S.D. 2.40 0.85 0.28 3.41 1.27 0.62 15.44 2.80 2.44 104.84 1.80 132.03 191.95 11.01 53.15
Variability Interquartile range 3.57 1.33 0.39 4.11 1.87 1.04 10.44 4.46 2.74 100.75 1.76 215.85 242.38 0.00 76.03
Table 6. Hematologic analytes for adolescent males
Analyte Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (!106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) !103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
103 103 58 58 58 58 49 103 102 102 102 102 102 102 34
27 27 20 21 21 21 18 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 17
Central tendency Mean Median 43.56 14.72 5.29 80.34 27.06 33.71 12.66 10.51 6.23 22.52 3.83 209.21 207.84 4.04 273.19
43.73 14.52 5.22 80.00 27.00 33.70 9.97 10.46 5.94 0.00 3.71 222.75 138.00 0.00 304.00
5%tile 37.30 12.97 4.59 76.46 25.31 32.52 3.00 5.71 2.67 0.00 1.84 0.00 68.63 0.00 84.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units) 49.65 16.92 5.97 84.71 28.67 35.15 46.50 15.72 10.49 86.01 7.09 546.59 508.73 16.35 385.00
0.373–0.497 8.05–10.50 mmol/L 4.59–5.97 ! 1012/L 76.46–84.71 fl 25.31–28.67 pg/cell 325.2–351.5 g/L 3.00–46.50 ! 10 6/mm3 5.71–15.72 ! 109/L 2.67–10.49 ! 109/L 0.00–86.01 ! 1 06/L 1.84–7.09 ! 109/L 0.00–546.59 ! 1 06/L 68.63–508.73 ! 106/L 0.00–16.35 ! 106/L 84.00–385.00 ! 109/L
S.D. 4.04 1.32 0.41 2.54 0.95 0.79 10.76 2.89 2.45 32.21 1.40 157.16 149.85 20.98 83.05
Variability Interquartile range 6.51 1.66 0.58 3.44 1.29 1.15 9.08 4.36 3.68 37.00 1.86 166.29 129.07 0.00 124.42
Table 7. Hematologic analytes for adult females
Analyte Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (!106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) ! 103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
627 627 350 350 350 350 237 627 627 627 627 627 627 627 168
49 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 48
Central tendency Mean Median 41.69 13.86 5.14 81.36 27.03 33.14 22.82 10.62 5.42 41.99 4.61 250.14 255.64 2.63 242.64
41.75 13.92 5.11 81.10 26.95 33.18 18.40 10.73 5.18 34.79 4.56 278.80 210.89 0.00 247.29
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
37.57 12.29 4.65 75.96 24.37 32.05 3.92 7.28 2.99 0.00 1.96 64.60 68.77 0.00 150.87
45.76 15.28 5.78 87.66 29.56 34.16 63.12 14.47 8.04 109.08 7.27 401.68 629.59 14.73 323.68
0.376–0.458 7.63–9.48 mmol/L 4.65–5.78 ! 1012/L 75.96–87.66 fl 24.37–29.56 pg/cell 320.5–341.6 g/L 3.92–63.12 ! 10 6/mm3 7.28–14.47 ! 109/L 2.99–8.04 ! 109/L 0.00–109.08 ! 106/L 1.96–7.27 ! 109/L 64.80–401.68 ! 106/L 68.77–629.59 ! 106/L 0.00–14.73 ! 106/L 150.87–323.68 ! 109/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 2.63 0.88 0.36 3.37 1.56 0.64 17.35 2.13 1.49 38.61 1.51 119.44 187.46 9.27 49.67
2.31 1.10 0.55 4.50 1.83 0.69 18.43 3.22 1.79 54.00 2.12 156.17 135.56 0.00 67.467
Table 8. Hematologic analytes for adult males
Analyte Hematocrit (%) Hemoglobin (g/dl) RBC count (!106) MCV (fl) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/dl) Sed rate (!106/mm3) WBC (!103) Neutrophils (segs) ! 103 Neutrophils (bands) Lymphocytes (!103) Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils Platelets (!103)
432 432 221 221 221 221 154 431 426 426 426 426 426 426 109
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
Central tendency Mean Median 46.50 15.51 5.65 82.17 27.03 32.98 19.75 11.17 6.70 69.88 3.88 309.66 153.91 4.52 231.93
46.87 15.58 5.60 81.51 27.37 32.99 11.43 10.83 6.23 42.96 3.75 285.15 152.26 0.00 218.60
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
40.47 13.23 4.99 76.35 24.69 32.29 3.53 8.24 4.54 0.00 2.01 157.91 20.61 0.00 130.50
50.95 17.26 6.36 88.56 29.61 33.78 59.83 15.67 10.67 202.01 6.13 572.15 307.00 23.60 379.93
0.405–0.509 8.21–10.71 mmol/L 4.99–6.36 ! 1012/L 76.35–88.56 fl 24.69–29.61 pg/cell 322.9–337.8 g/L 3.53–59.83 ! 10 6/mm3 8.24–15.67 ! 109/L 4.54–10.67 ! 109/L 0.00–202.01 ! 106/L 2.01–6.13 ! 109/L 157.91–572.15 ! 106/L 20.61–307.00 ! 106/L 0.00–23.60 ! 106/L 130.50–379.93 ! 109/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 3.09 1.19 0.44 3.85 1.42 0.44 18.66 2.32 1.84 67.38 1.21 131.21 91.87 12.18 73.56
3.97 1.16 0.71 5.89 2.23 0.52 19.15 3.00 1.81 96.71 1.53 200.29 146.15 4.24 99.26
Vol 51, No 1 Comparative Medicine February 2001
Table 9. Serum biochemical analytes for infant females
Total bilirubin (mg/dl) AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Glucose (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Total protein (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) Globulin (g/dl) Cholesterol HDL (mg/dl) LDL (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl)
62 87 87 86 64 85 63 86 86 86 21 17 17 20
24 36 36 36 25 36 24 36 36 36 14 11 11 13
Central tendency Mean Median 0.26 22.63 30.83 597.92 80.50 11.00 0.60 6.65 3.70 2.92 263.75 82.00 188.00 59.33
0.29 23.78 32.41 611.32 86.23 11.48 0.60 6.66 3.68 2.98 275.55 78.33 180.21 70.96
5%tile 0.09 12.67 21.00 409.40 64.88 7.55 0.49 6.00 3.10 2.42 177.00 45.00 99.00 32.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units) 0.60 38.10 43.85 1064.55 121.50 19.65 0.79 7.47 4.17 3.50 363.67 112.67 240.33 135.00
1.54–10.26 #mol/L 0.21–0.64 #kat/L 0.35–0.73 #kat/L 6.82–17.75 #kat/L 3.60–6.74 mmol/L 2.70–7.02 mmol/L 43.32–69.84 #mol/L 60.00–74.70 g/L 31.00–41.70 g/L 24.20–35.00 g/L 4.58–9.40 mmol/L 1.16–2.91 mmol/L 2.56–6.21 mmol/L 0.36–1.52 mmol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.14 7.80 7.87 182.77 20.36 4.15 0.11 0.40 0.30 0.35 53.18 22.43 46.34 30.91
0.16 10.71 8.83 239.75 34.63 3.75 0.05 0.43 0.35 0.53 79.50 39.25 49.50 44.38
Table 10. Serum biochemical analytes for infant males
Total bilirubin (mg/dl) 72 AST (U/L) 104 ALT (U/L) 104 Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) 87 Glucose (mg/dl) 72 BUN (mg/dl) 87 Creatinine (mg/dl) 73 Total protein (g/dl) 89 Albumin (g/dl) 89 Globulin (g/dl) 89 Cholesterol (mg/dl) 30 HDL (mg/dl) 25 LDL (mg/dl) 24 Triglycerides (mg/dl) 29
Central tendency Mean Median
30 37 37 37 30 37 31 37 37 37 16 14 14 16
0.31 22.06 37.01 609.34 88.85 11.58 0.59 6.81 3.65 3.17 259.91 77.08 163.83 63.53
0.30 23.00 35.00 607.00 84.33 11.33 0.55 6.80 3.63 3.10 258.50 69.00 159.00 56.38
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
0.10 13.70 24.35 393.92 69.00 7.68 0.50 6.14 3.20 2.44 170.00 43.00 97.00 38.00
0.60 31.52 54.40 857.51 127.00 18.65 0.76 7.73 4.10 3.84 349.00 116.67 245.50 140.00
1.71–10.26 #mol/L 0.23–0.53 #kat/L 0.41–0.91 #kat/L 6.57–14.29 #kat/L 3.83–7.05 mmol/L 2.74–6.66 mmol/L 44.20–67.18 #mol/L 61.40–77.30 g/L 32.00–41.00 g/L 24.40–38.40 g/L 4.40–9.03 mmol/L 1.11–3.02 mmol/L 2.51–6.35 mmol/L 0.43–1.58 mmol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.15 5.35 11.33 146.83 17.26 2.98 0.10 0.47 0.25 0.44 46.63 25.33 39.69 26.80
0.23 8.63 13.71 258.08 27.00 2.50 0.14 0.57 0.30 0.55 55.50 48.00 57.50 23.75
Table 11. Serum biochemical analytes for juvenile females
Central tendency Mean Median
Total bilirubin (mg/dl) AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Glucose (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Total protein (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) Globulin (g/dl) Cholesterol (mg/dl) HDL (mg/dl) LDL (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl)
78 91 91 91 79 91 80 91 91 91 35 31 31 34
31 35 35 35 31 35 32 35 35 35 17 15 15 16
00.31 20.43 38.58 536.00 91.12 13.93 0.67 7.08 3.81 3.27 238.22 69.27 153.19 71.99
0.30 20.00 39.33 523.50 90.00 14.00 0.63 7.13 3.87 3.27 238.00 68.50 152.00 71.38
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
0.00 13.00 28.50 361.78 66.25 10.13 0.50 6.30 3.29 2.66 179.00 42.00 114.25 35.00
0.70 27.25 48.56 671.00 117.65 19.08 0.85 7.71 4.18 3.84 292.00 104.00 206.00 118.75
0.00–11.97 #mol/L 0.22–0.45 #kat/L 0.48–0.81 #kat/L 6.03–11.19 #kat/L 3.68–6.53 mmol/L 3.61–6.81 mmol/L 44.2–75.14 #mol/L 63.00–77.10 g/L 32.90–41.80 g/L 26.60–38.40 g/L 4.63–7.55 mmol/L 1.09–2.69 mmol/L 2.95–5.33 mmol/L 0.40–1.34 mmol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.19 4.71 6.94 100.49 15.23 2.67 0.14 0.42 0.31 0.48 32.68 15.63 27.81 18.59
0.28 6.75 7.42 129.04 19.00 4.06 0.14 0.45 0.48 0.65 53.44 15.58 45.00 21.83
Table 12. Serum biochemical analytes for juvenile males
Total bilirubin (mg/dl) AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Glucose (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Total protein (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) Globulin (g/dl) Cholesterol (mg/dl) HDL (mg/dl) LDL (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl)
72 80 80 80 72 80 72 81 81 81 20 19 19 20
30 32 32 32 30 32 30 32 32 32 9 8 8 9
Central tendency Mean Median 0.32 23.98 45.34 509.26 85.76 15.54 0.63 7.29 3.83 3.46 235.94 68.09 151.65 78.48
0.31 22.54 43.83 497.75 83.42 14.75 0.60 7.30 3.86 3.47 229.00 65.33 154.00 73.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
0.00 15.70 30.00 361.58 55.00 10.55 0.45 6.62 3.47 2.77 192.75 44.00 133.25 54.00
0.70 34.73 69.10 706.70 121.50 26.25 0.80 7.80 4.19 4.22 283.00 103.00 179.00 144.00
0.00–11.97 #mol/L 0.26–0.58 #kat/L 0.50–1.15 #kat/L 6.03–11.78 #kat/L 3.05–6.74 mmol/L 3.77–9.37 mmol/L 39.78–70.72 #mol/L 66.20–78.00 g/L 34.70–41.90 g/L 27.70–42.20 g/L 4.98–7.32 mmol/L 1.14–2.66 mmol/L 3.45–4.63 mmol/L 0.61–1.63 mmol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.19 8.27 11.60 101.27 18.84 4.06 0.11 0.39 0.22 0.43 30.33 19.59 16.21 25.93
0.22 6.50 10.38 144.25 18.50 4.29 0.13 0.56 0.42 0.51 44.06 22.79 25.04 14.15
Hematologic and Serum Biochemistry Values for the Chimpanzee
Table 13. Serum biochemical analytes for adolescent females
Analyte Total bilirubin (mg/dl) AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Glucose (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Total protein (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) Globulin (g/dl) Cholesterol (mg/dl) HDL (mg/dl) LDL (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl)
75 107 107 107 76 107 80 109 109 109 30 27 27 28
23 33 33 33 24 33 25 33 33 33 17 15 15 16
Central tendency Mean Median 0.31 18.41 29.30 314.97 90.90 14.05 0.81 7.40 3.87 3.54 220.87 64.66 136.63 77.06
0.28 16.67 27.00 304.75 89.08 14.00 0.77 7.40 3.80 3.47 224.00 65.67 136.00 77.00
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
0.08 10.72 17.63 143.13 68.55 9.43 0.62 6.73 3.46 2.91 163.00 33.00 109.67 33.00
0.54 27.93 44.31 533.09 116.00 21.63 1.32 8.29 4.47 4.38 333.00 102.00 174.67 109.00
1.37–9.23 #mol/L 0.18–0.47 #kat/L 0.29–0.74 #kat/L 2.39–8.89 #kat/L 3.81–6.44 mmol/L 3.37–7.72 mmol/L 54.81–116.69 #mol/L 67.30–82.90 g/L 34.60–44.70 g/L 29.10–43.80 g/L 4.22–8.61 mmol/L 0.85–2.64 mmol/L 2.84–4.52 mmol/L 0.37–1.23 mmol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.13 7.32 8.26 110.83 12.12 3.63 0.20 0.42 0.29 0.43 45.47 17.86 22.71 21.23
0.14 10.02 11.48 147.75 14.67 3.04 0.15 0.58 0.40 0.66 59.38 23.38 37.13 30.83
Table 14. Serum biochemical analytes for adolescent males
Analyte Total bilirubin (mg/dl) AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Glucose (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Total protein (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) Globulin (g/dl) Cholesterol (mg/dl) HDL (mg/dl) LDL (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl)
62 96 97 97 66 97 70 100 100 100 25 15 15 18
24 27 27 27 25 27 25 27 27 27 10 6 6 7
Central tendency Mean Median 0.44 22.20 33.47 466.30 87.76 15.05 0.94 7.33 4.01 3.31 218.83 52.33 151.06 81.26
0.41 22.00 32.00 410.60 85.50 13.50 0.86 7.32 4.03 3.30 229.54 53.00 152.17 74.33
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
0.00 11.57 17.00 145.60 67.10 8.85 0.60 6.80 3.54 2.63 161.00 31.67 129.00 45.33
0.82 31.77 47.15 943.93 115.63 24.10 1.73 8.01 4.33 4.03 247.33 68.00 173.00 109.00
0.00–14.02 #mol/L 0.19–0.53 #kat/L 0.28–0.79 #kat/L 2.43–15.74 #kat/L 3.72–6.42 mmol/L 3.16–8.60 mmol/L 53.04–152.93 #mol/L 68.00–80.10 g/L 35.40–43.30 g/L 26.30–40.30 g/L 4.16–6.40 mmol/L .82–1.76 mmol/L 3.34–4.47 mmol/L 0.51–1.23 mmol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.24 6.34 8.64 209.38 15.26 4.98 0.32 0.35 0.24 0.45 30.82 14.58 20.72 23.02
0.34 9.38 13.20 126.53 22.29 6.28 0.28 0.42 0.31 0.58 31.00 27.67 40.67 33.13
Table 15. Serum biochemical analytes for adult females
Analyte Total bilirubin (mg/dl) AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Glucose (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Total protein (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) Globulin (g/dl) Calcium (mg/dl) Phosphorus (mg/dl) Chloride (mmol/L) Sodium (mmol/L) Potassium (mmol/L) Cholesterol (mg/dl) HDL (mg/dl) LDL (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl) CK (U/L) LD (U/L) Uric acid (mg/dl)
341 515 516 516 349 514 349 529 529 529 36 37 26 42 41 133 107 107 130 37 59 19
49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 20 20 17 24 24 38 38 38 38 20 24 15
Central tendency Mean Median 0.33 18.33 26.49 100.70 85.04 12.15 0.92 7.59 3.69 3.92 9.20 2.83 105.09 141.75 3.72 228.52 55.68 154.88 109.74 335.42 273.44 1.92
0.31 17.94 26.80 89.29 82.40 11.75 0.90 7.67 3.71 3.97 9.20 2.93 105.50 142.00 3.63 227.83 53.88 151.67 103.00 267.50 268.83 2.10
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units)
0.20 11.87 20.17 53.68 65.67 8.27 0.70 6.70 3.27 3.20 8.15 1.50 94.00 136.57 3.29 169.96 36.04 102.57 56.10 71.50 192.50 0.70
0.50 24.73 35.87 205.36 117.61 17.16 1.11 8.25 4.11 4.51 10.50 4.08 113.00 145.30 4.43 296.18 81.96 214.00 181.60 850.92 423.80 3.03
3.42–8.55 #mol/L 0.20–0.41 #kat/L 0.34–0.60 #kat/L 0.89–3.42 #kat/L 3.65–6.53 mmol/L 2.95–6.13 mmol/L 61.88–98.12 #mol/L 67.00–82.50 g/L 32.70–41.10 g/L 32.00–45.10 g/L 2.04–2.63 mmol/L 0.48–1.32 mmol/L 94.00–113.00 mmol/L 136.57–145.30 mmol/L 3.29–4.43 mmol/L 4.40–7.66 mmol/L 0.93–2.12 mmol/L 2.65–5.53 mmol/L 0.63–2.05 mmol/L 1.19–14.18 #kat/L 4.32–10.31 #kat/L 95.17–356.88 #mol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.09 5.16 4.98 39.88 4.27 2.58 0.14 0.46 0.24 0.42 0.67 0.74 4.58 2.82 0.32 40.17 14.34 34.84 42.42 225.62 75.46 0.73
0.10 4.84 5.90 43.22 11.05 2.78 0.15 0.61 0.30 0.47 0.71 1.04 5.88 4.00 0.45 58.75 17.33 52.50 75.83 133.00 73.17 0.78
CK = creatine kinase; LD = lactate dehydrogenase
phocytes were actually the predominant WBC type for both sexes (Fig.1). This finding was consistent with human data (18). However, it is inconsistent with the observations of Hodson and his colleagues (11), who failed to find a significant trend with age. The renal function-related serum biochemical parameters (i.e., blood urea nitrogen [BUN] and creatinine concentrations) increased significantly with age and were significantly lower in adult females than males. Liver function analytes, such as total bilirubin concentration and activities of the enzymes alanine
transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) were significantly lower overall in adolescent and adult females than in comparable males. As with many species, alkaline phosphatase activity decreased with age (19). Total protein, albumin, and globulin concentrations increased with age. Similarly, there were significant changes in serum lipid profiles with age; cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) concentrations decreased, whereas triglycerides concentration increased as a function of age.
Vol 51, No 1 Comparative Medicine February 2001
Table 16. Serum biochemical analytes for adult males
Analyte Total bilirubin (mg/dl) AST (U/L) ALT (U/L) Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Glucose (mg/dl) BUN (mg/dl) Creatinine (mg/dl) Total protein (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) Globulin (g/dl) Calcium (mg/dl) Phosphorus (mg/dl) Chloride (mmol/L) Sodium (mmol/L) Potassium (mmol/L) Cholesterol (mg/dl) HDL (mg/dl) LDL (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl) CK (U/L) LD (U/L) Uric acid (mg/dl)
219 341 342 341 227 341 223 358 357 357 22 21 19 29 29 93 65 65 84 23 52 16
27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 14 13 11 15 15 22 21 21 22 14 16 11
Central tendency Mean Median 0.37 35.79 37.13 85.22 85.14 13.59 1.09 7.80 3.78 4.06 9.23 3.09 104.30 143.54 3.73 206.73 49.81 143.61 93.67 568.49 347.10 2.81
0.36 34.46 35.00 81.75 85.75 13.57 1.10 7.88 3.85 3.91 9.40 3.00 103.00 143.00 3.60 205.58 48.33 146.00 91.91 443.40 317.70 2.80
5%tile 0.23 22.28 28.57 56.04 68.62 10.62 0.90 7.29 3.25 3.53 7.80 1.80 92.33 139.00 3.20 167.20 33.72 101.71 55.60 173.00 259.00 1.60
Reference values Reference interval 95%tile (S.I. units) 0.61 56.21 61.63 146.07 106.17 17.83 1.26 8.35 4.13 4.82 10.00 4.90 116.00 150.00 4.70 253.76 67.75 193.12 141.55 1347.50 618.50 6.00
3.93–10.43 #mol/L 0.37–0.94 #kat/L 0.48–1.03 #kat/L 0.93–2.43 #kat/L 3.81–5.89 mmol/L 3.79–6.37 mmol/L 79.56–111.38 #mol/L 72.90–83.50 g/L 32.50–41.30 g/L 35.30–48.20 g/L 1.95–2.50 mmol/L 0.58–1.58 mmol/L 92.33–116.00 mmol/L 139.00–150.00 mmol/L 3.20–4.70 mmol/L 4.32–6.56 mmol/L 0.87–1.75 mmol/L 2.63–4.99 mmol/L 0.63–1.60 mmol/L 2.88–22.46 #kat/L 4.32–10.31 #kat/L 95.17–356.88 #mol/L
Variability Interquartile S.D. range 0.11 10.87 8.74 24.83 11.44 2.21 0.11 0.37 0.27 0.44 0.65 0.80 8.01 3.70 0.44 26.82 11.74 26.63 25.75 371.00 92.76 1.17
0.13 12.96 7.24 24.52 15.03 2.62 0.15 0.52 0.32 0.67 1.00 0.83 11.25 6.37 0.77 44.75 22.13 33.29 41.00 539.00 112.26 0.75
See Table 15 for key.
misclassified as a sick animal and treated needlessly. The reference ranges for several variables were found to be similarly age and sex specific. Consequently, it is now clear that “normal” values for the chimpanzee are strongly influenced by sex and age and that these two factors must be taken into account when interpreting biochemical profiles in the assessment of general health. One potential criticism of the study reported here is that use of different anesthetic agents for chemical restraint may Figure 1: Distribution of white blood cells types as a function of age and gender. The lengths of the bars reprehave undermined the sent the median estimated cell counts and the error bars represent their respective nonparametric two-sided 95% confidence intervals. usefulness of the tabled values to practitioners in Discussion the field. Our choice of anesthetic agents, however, belies this conThe data reported here provide a more complete and nuanced cern. Ketamine and Telazol, both phencyclidines, are the two prinset of hematologic and serum biochemical values than has precipal anesthetic agents used by primate clinicians and were the viously been available to the general scientific and clinical only two agents used in this study. Although Huser found that communities. Such detail is important because we consistently obphencyclidines had a significant effect on a number of hematologic served significant main effects of age and sex, as well as interacparameters in chimpanzees, he concluded that the most likely extions among a number of variables, such as the lymphocytes planation for such effect was reduced stress in anesthetized relaand neutrophils depicted in Fig. 1. For example, infants have sigtive to unanesthetized animals (12). nificantly more lymphocytes than does any other age group. If a Our hematologic results are roughly comparable to those resingle overall reference range is used to evaluate the test results ported in earlier studies. Such comparisons are indeterminate, from an infant chimpanzee, the lymphocyte count may appear to however, because the data from animals in previous studies are fall outside the normal range, even though it is within normal only partially stratified (3, 5). For example, it was reported that limits for this age group. If true, this infant could conceivably be males and females differ in the RBC-related analytes (3-5). We
Hematologic and Serum Biochemistry Values for the Chimpanzee
discovered, however, that this difference is more pronounced in, and principally a function of, the sex difference in older animals—an effect undetectable when interaction of sex and age is not evaluated. Likewise, it had been reported that infants appear to have higher lymphoctye counts than do other age groups (5). We replicated the finding, but also discovered that lymphocytes actually make up a greater percentage of the total WBC count than do neutrophils for this age category (Fig.1). Furthermore, because age and sex were evaluated factorially, we were able to discover that adult females have significantly higher lymphocyte count and significantly lower neutrophil count than do adult males—findings that, to the authors’ knowledge, have not been reported. Our serum biochemical results also are roughly comparable to those reported in earlier studies. As with our hematologic results, however, such comparisons are inconclusive because the data from animals in most previous studies were only partially stratified. Generally, when the data were categorized, it was done either by sex or age, but not by both (3, 4). As a result, sex differences in the liver and renal function-related analytes began to emerge in those studies, but the combined data masked important distinctions that were clearly evident in this study. For example, the 40 chimpanzees sampled in the study conducted by Hainsey and his colleagues (3) comprised 20 males and 20 females that ranged in age from 5 to 33 years. Although those data were analyzed on the basis of sex, there were no analyses performed on the basis of age. Mean serum creatinine concentration was higher in males (0.5 to1.3 mg/dl) than females (0.3 to 1.1 mg/dl), though not significantly so. In this study, there was a significant sex difference, though only among adult males and females (P < 0.0001). Likewise, although mean serum AST values were higher in males than females of the Hainsey study, no distinction was made on the basis of age, and again the differences were not significant, as they were among adult males and females in our study (P < 0.0001). One exception to incomplete stratification was Hodson and co-workers, who documented sex and age interactions in their 1968 chimpanzee study (10). Their analyses, however, were limited to six analytes: BUN; serum protein, sodium, potassium, and total CO2; and pH. Our results for BUN and total protein are comparable to those of Hodson and co-workers. An exact comparison cannot be made, however, because the Hodson data were reported in one-year intervals rather than classified into the broader age categories used by us. These findings underscore the need for clearly defined and stratified reference intervals. The reference tables provided represent the next stage in the continuing evolution of the scientifically valid, clinically relevant, and readily accessible information needed by clinicians responsible for long-term care and treatment of chimpanzees.
Supported in part by NIH grant U42-RR03589 to MEK and in part by an NSF Presidential Faculty Fellowship to LGT.
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