(Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha) of

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Based on „Katalog Fauny Polski” by NAST (1976a) and the website Biodiversity Map. (http://baza.biomap.pl/) all study plots were assigned to the KFP region of ...


Krzysztof Musik Marcin Walczak Małgorzata Kalandyk-Kołodziejczyk Wacław Wojciechowski

Planthopper and leaϐhopper communities (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha) of selected plant associations of Garb Tarnogórski


Director and editor-in-chief of publications of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom: Leszek Jodliński Monographs of the Upper Silesian Museum No. 7 Editorial Board of Monographs Series: Roland Dobosz (Head Editor), Katarzyna Koszela (Layout), Adam Larysz, Jacek Szwedo International Advisory Board: Levente Ábrahám (Somogy County Museum, Kaposvar, Hungary) Horst Aspöck (University of Vienna, Austria) Dariusz Iwan (Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS, Warszawa, Poland) Iwona Kania (University of Rzeszów, Poland) John Oswald (Texas A&M University, USA) Alexi Popov (National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, Bulgaria) Ryszard Szadziewski (University of Gdańsk, Gdynia, Poland) Marek Wanat (Museum of Natural History Wrocław University, Wrocław, Poland) Dagmara Żyła (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark) Manuscript submission: Department of Natural History, Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom Plac Jana III Sobieskiego 2, 41-902 Bytom, Poland tel./fax +48 32 281 34 01 #125 e-mail: [email protected] World List abbreviation: Monogr. Up. Siles. Mus. Issued 15 February 2018 © Copyright by Upper Silesian Museum, Bytom 2018 PL ISSN 1508-9851 PL ISBN 978-83-65786-09-8 Printed in Poland



The Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom is Art Institution of Silesian Voivodeship Self-Government

Contents/Spis treści 1.Introduction............................................................................................................................ 2. Charasteristics of the study area........................................................................................... 2.1. The outline of geological structure................................................................................ 2.2. The soils......................................................................................................................... 2.3. The climate..................................................................................................................... 2.4. Hydrology of the studied area ...................................................................................... 2.5. The flora and plant associations of Garb Tarnogórski.................................................. 2.6. The fauna of Garb Tarnogórski..................................................................................... 2.7. Nature conservation on Garb Tarnogórski.................................................................... 3. Characteristics of the study plots......................................................................................... 3.1. Associations of xerothermic grasslands of Festuco-Brometea class............................ 3.1.1. Xerothermic grasslands of Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati association............... 3.2. Associations of psammophilous grasslands of Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis class................................................................................................................ 3.2.1. Xerothermic grasslands of secondary origin of Corynephorion canescentis alliance.................................................................................................................... 3.2.2. Inland psammophilous grasslands of Sileno otitis-Festucetum association............. 3.3. Semi-natural and anthropogenic meadow and pasture associations of the MolinioArrhenatheretea class.................................................................................................... 3.3.1. Semi-natural herbal associations of Filipendulion ulmariae alliance.................... 3.3.2. Anthropogenic associations of wet meadows of Calthion palustris alliance........ 3.3.3. Fresh hay meadows of Arrhenatheretum elatioris association ............................. 3.4. Acidophilic oak forest of Quercetea robori-petraeae class.......................................... 3.4.1. Central European wet oak forest of Molinio caeruleae-Quercetum roboris association.............................................................................................................. 3.5. European meso- and eutrophic deciduous forests of Querco-Fagetea class............... 3.5.1. Ash-alder forest of Fraxino-Alnetum association.................................................. 3.5.2. Subcontinental oak-hornbeam forest of Tilio cordatae-Carpinetum betuli association............................................................................................................. 3.5.3. Fertile lowland beech forest of Galio odorati-Fagetum association..................... 3.6. The list of additional plots............................................................................................. 4. Material and methods........................................................................................................... 4.1. Collection and identification of material....................................................................... 4.2. Zoocoenological analysis.............................................................................................. 4.2.1. Dominance D.......................................................................................................... 4.2.2. Constancy C............................................................................................................

7 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 14 14 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 25

4.2.3. The synthetic index Q............................................................................................. 26 4.2.4. The fidelity index W................................................................................................ 26 4.2.5. Species diversity...................................................................................................... 27 4.2.6. Similarity of communities...................................................................................... 29 4.2.7. Chorological analysis.............................................................................................. 30 4.2.8. Ecological analysis.................................................................................................. 31 5. Results.................................................................................................................................. 32 5.1. Quantitative analysis of the planthopper communities on the study plots................... 32 5.1.1. Planthopper community of xerothermic grasslands of the AdonidoBrachypodietum pinnati association..................................................................... 48 5.1.2. Planthopper community of psammophilous grasslands of the Corynephorion canescentis alliance................................................................................................ 66 5.1.3. Planthopper community of xerothermic grasslands of the Sileno otitisFestucetum association......................................................................................... 75 5.1.4. Planthopper community of semi-natural moist meadows of the Filipendulion ulmariae alliance.................................................................................................... 89 5.1.5. Planthopper community of anthropogenic associations of wet meadows of the Calthion palustris alliance...................................................................................... 94 5.1.6. Planthopper community of semi- natural, moderately moist meadows of the Arrhenatheretum elatioris association.................................................................. 100 5.1.7. Planthopper community of wet oak forests with purple moor-grass association Molinio caeruleae-Quercetum roboris.................................................................... 116 5.1.8. Planthopper community of ash-alder forest of the Fraxino-Alnetum association.. 125 5.1.9. Planthopper community of subcontinental forest of the Tilio cordataeCarpinetum betuli association............................................................................... 130 5.1.10. Planthopper community of lowland beech forest of the Galio odorati-Fagetum association............................................................................................................. 134 5.2. Indices of species diversity and evenness..................................................................... 138 5.3. Qualitative analysis........................................................................................................ 138 5.4. Similarity of the communities related to studied plant associations............................ 141 5.5. Chorological analysis..................................................................................................... 141 5.6. Ecological analysis........................................................................................................ 144 6. Selected planthopper and leafhopper species of Garb Tarnogórski – review..................... 206 7. Discussion............................................................................................................................. 215 8. Summary and conclusions.................................................................................................... 224 9. References............................................................................................................................. 225 Streszczenie.............................................................................................................................. 235



Monographs of the Upper Silesian Museum No. 07: 1–244

Bytom, 15.02.2018

Krzysztof Musik1, Marcin Walczak1*, Małgorzata Kalandyk-Kołodziejczyk1, Wacław Wojciechowski1

Planthopper and leafhopper communities (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha) of selected plant associations of Garb Tarnogórski 1

Department of Zoology, University of Silesia, Bankowa 9, PL 40-007 Katowice

*e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The material was collected in Garb Tarnogórski, the mesoregion of Silesian Upland. Quantitative research was conducted between 2011 and 2013 on 19 research plots belonging to the following phytosociological classes: Festuco-Brometea, Koelerio glaucaeCorynephoretea canescentis, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Quercetea robori-petraeae and Querco-Fagetea. Qualitative studies were conducted between 2010 and 2013 on the whole area of Garb Tarnogórski. We identified a total of 287 species representing 52.95% of all hopper species in Poland. During the research 2 species new to Poland were collected: Idiocerus vicinus Melichar, 1898 and Paralimnus rotundiceps (Lethierry, 1885). Additionally, 29 species were recorded in Upper Silesia for the first time: Cixius similis Kirschbaum, 1868 Chloriona glaucescens Fieber, 1966, Chloriona unicolor (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835), Ditropsis flavipes (Signoret, 1865), Calligypona reyi (Fieber, 1866), Dicranotropis divergens Kirschbaum, 1868, Criomorphus borealis (J. Sahlberg, 1871), Neophilaenus albipennis (Fabricius, 1798), Utecha lugens (Germar, 1821), Macropsis albae (Wagner, 1950), Macropsis haupti (Wagner, 1941), Macropsis najas (Nast, 1981), Agallia consobrina (Curtis, 1833), Acericerus heydenii (Kirschbaum, 1868), Alebra viridis Rey, 1894, Chlorita dumosa (Ribaut, 1933), Edwardsiana soror (Linnavuori, 1950), Eupteryx adspersa (Herrich-Schäffer, 1838), Eupteryx florida Ribaut, 1952, Eupteryx thoulessi Edwards, 1926, Zygina griseombra Remane, 1994, Zygina schneideri (Günthart, 1974), Arboridia parvula (Boheman, 1845), Macrosteles sardus Ribaut, 1948, Allygus communis (Ferrari, 1882), Allygus modestus Scott, 1876, Mocydia crocea (Herrich-Schäffer, 1837), Ophiola cornicula (Marshall, 1866) and Cosmotettix caudatus (Flor, 1861). We characterized planthopper communities related with the following 10 plant associations: Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati, Corynephorion canescentis, Sileno otitis-Festucetum, Filipendulion ulmariae, Calthion palustris, Arrhenatheretum elatioris, Molinio caeruleaeQuercetum roboris, Fraxino-Alnetum, Tilio cordatae-Carpinetum betuli and Galio odoratiFagetum. The results were evaluated with the usage of agglomeration analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Based on dominance, constancy of occurrence and fidelity, three circles of communities were defined in various plant associations of Garb Tarnogórski (I –


communities in Festuco-Brometa class, II in Molinio-Arrhenatherretea and III in Quercetea robori-petraeae and Querco-Fagetea). Seasonal dynamics of planthopper abundance in the analysed communities was described and chorological, ecological and zoocoenological analyses were conducted. The work presents the results of the zoocoenological analysis based on analytical and synthetic indices, such as dominance (D), constancy of occurrence (C), index Q and the coefficient of fidelity (W). Chorological analysis revealed the presence of 15 elements in the studied cicadofauna with European and Euro-Siberian elements most numerous. Ecological analysis was carried out on the basis of the following criteria: humidity, insolation, trophic relations, overwintering stage, the number of generations per year and the degree of association with the environment. It was determined that mesoheliophilous, mesohigrophilous and monophagous species have the greatest share, as well as overwintering in the form of egg, univoltine and oligotopic ones. Key words: Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Cicadomorpha, insect communities, zoocoenological analysis, seasonal dynamics of abundance, ecology

1. Introduction Planthoppers and leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha) are phytophagous insects, which are present in most terrestrial ecosystems. They are usually abundant and show high diversity, which makes them important components in the ecosystem food chain and also bioindicators of changes taking place in the environment (Andrzejewska 1979a, Nickel & Hildebrandt 2003). Recently numerous studies have been discussing hopper monophyly. Previously, the group was considered to be a single suborder, Auchenorrhyncha. This term functions in a number of works dealing with cicadas as an ecological group. In 2002 the results of molecular research showed that two distinct suborders, Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha, can be distinguished within Auchenorrhyncha (Bourgion & Campbell 2002). This view was also confirmed by the study of fossil material (Szwedo et al. 2004). However, another molecular study (Cryan & Urban 2012) as well as the results of studies on oogenesis and the construction of ovaries still support the theory of monophyletic origin (Szklarzewicz et al. 2007). In terms of trophic analyses, planthoppers are a specialized, mostly mono- and oligophagous group, feeding on woody and herbaceous plants and in some cases also on bryophytes, pteridophytes and even on fungi (Nickel 2003). Being herbivorous and in most cases adhering strictly to particular species or types of plants, hoppers become attached to specific plant associations, where they form multi-species communities. In this work the term COMMUNITY should be understood as a group of species permanently inhabiting the environment and associated with it, and also the species appearing in it from time to time (migration) and occuring in common habitats. This term was coined by Pawlikowski (1985) in his publication on bee communities, where he applied modified terminology, used earlier in works of Ramensky (1952), Łuczak & Wierzbowska (1981) and others. Communities were defined similarly in the studies on planthopper fauna (Gębicki et al. 1977, Klimaszewski et al. 1980a, 1980b, Gaj et al. 2009, Walczak et al. 2014). However, over the years diverse


terminology has been used for communities of insects in zoocoenological studies and the term itself has gained a lot of synonyms such as an assemblage (Eyre et al. 2001), a zoom, a guild (gild) (Jürisoo 1964) or a team (Gębicki et al. 1977). As the definition of units of organisms in zoocoenological studies has been discussed in details recently (Walczak et al. 2014), it will not be commented on here. Research on planthopper communities in Poland began in mid-50s of the 20th century, and so far it has included the area of Warszawa (Chudzicka 1981), Biebrza Valley (Gębicki et al. 1982), Ojców (Szwedo 1992), the Bieszczady Mountains (Szwedo 2000), Upper Silesia (Gębicki et al. 1977, Klimaszewski et al. 1980a, 1980b, Simon & Szwedo 2005, Walczak 2005), the Sudety Mountains (Gaj et al. 2009), Babia Góra (Pilarczyk et al. 2014), Częstochowa and its surroundings (Świerczewski & Wojciechowski 2009, Walczak et al. 2014) and others. Up till now the species composition and the structure of hopper communities have been relatively well examined for the ones associated with psammophilous grasslands and grasslands overgrowing limestone soils, fresh and moist meadows, rush plant associations, marshes, brushwood associations, peat bogs, forest associations and even urbicenoses and postindustrial urban areas. European fauna of Fulgoromorpha and Cicadomorpha includes about 2053 species, comprising more than 900 reported from Central Europe (Nast 1987, Holzinger et al. 1997, Hoch 2014). A total of 552 hopper species are presently known from the area of Poland (Walczak et al. 2016b, Klejdysz et al. 2017, this paper), which constitutes 26.9% of European cicadofauna (Hoch 2014). The first reports on the occurrence of these insects in Poland came from the work of Karol de Perthées (1802; after Gębicki et al. 2017) and Weigel (1806). The first reports on planthoppers of Silesia appeared at approximately the same time (Weigel 1806, Siebold 1839a, 1839b). For the following 170 years information on the presence of hoppers in the region was scattered in a few works, including Stobiecki (1886), Wocke (1874), Szulczewski (1931) and Schnaider (1974). As a result, only 92 species were known in Upper Silesia till mid-seventies of 20th century including the taxa of an unproven or questionable status (Nast 1976a). In the second half of the 1970s entomologists began the research on communities of planthoppers and other bugs in Upper Silesia in the region of ironworks „Katowice” (Gębicki et al. 1977, Klimaszewki et al. 1980a, 1980b) and the Błędowska Desert (Jasińska 1980). The list of hopper species increased to 135 (Gębicki 1979, Jasińska 1980). Similar zoocoenological studies were later conducted in the former sand quarry in the area of Jaworzno and Bukowno (Szwedo 1997), industrial heaps in the surroundings of Ruda Śląska and Mikołów (Simon & Szwedo 2005) and urbicenoses of Sosnowiec (Walczak 2005). In the last decade faunistic publications dominated the studies on planthoppers from this area concentrating on the presence of rare species or new localities in Upper Silesia (Gaj & Pilarczyk 2003, Musik 2011, Walczak & Musik 2012, Musik et al. 2013, Musik & Taszakowski 2013). Thanks to all those publications, the occurrence of hoppers in Upper Silesia is well-documented. The current list includes 427 species of planthoppers and leafhoppers including all species collected while preparing the doctoral thesis (Musik 2016 in lit.) and those reported in the latest studies from Upper Silesia (Gębicki et al. 2013, Musik & Taszakowski 2013, Świerczewski et al. 2015). This issue will be discussed extensively in Discussion. These cicadofauna numbers make Upper Silesia one of the best studied zoogeographical regions in Poland next to Kraków-Wieluń Upland – 406 species (Walczak et al. 2016a) and Mazowsze Lowland – 316 species (Gębicki et al. 2013).


Until now the research on cicadofauna of Garb Tarnogórski has only been conducted in the area of the ironworks „Katowice”, where a total of 181 species was listed (Gębicki 1979), and in the area of the Błędowska Desert, where 91 species were collected (Jasińska 1980). With those preliminary reports in mind, our study on planthopper fauna of Garb Tarnogórski was carried out in order to fulfil the following objectives: • to determine the species composition of Garb Tarnogórski; • to distinguish communities inhabiting chosen plant associations in the area of Garb Tarnogórski; • to examine the dynamics of seasonal changes in cicadofauna abundance with the use of dominant and subdominant species in described communities; • to evaluate the degree of specificity of various species of planthoppers and leafhoppers in studied plant associations, as well as their constancy of occurrence; • to define the species diversity and similarity of the communities of Garb Tarnogórski; • to recognise ecological and chorological characteristics of the studied group

2. Characteristics of the study area The research was conducted in Garb Tarnogórski mesoregion (341.12), which covers an area of approximately 1 010 km² and is located in the northern part of Silesian Upland macroregion (341.1) (Kondracki 2002). 2.1. The outline of geological structure Going westwards within Garb Tarnogórski we can distinguish: Garb Laryszowski, Tarnowicki Plateau, Józefka Valley, Twardowicki Plateau, Czarna Przemsza Valley and Garb Ząbkowicki. The average height of Garb is 340-380 m above the sea level. The highest peaks are located in the central part, in the vicinity of Twardowice (398 m), and on St. Dorothy Mountain located in the vicinity of Dąbrowa Górnicza (382 m). In the western part the highest elevations include Księża Mountain (357 m.a.s.l., Radzionków), Sucha Mountain (352 m. a.s.l.), Srebrna Mountain (347 m.a.s.l., both in Tarnowskie Góry) and Winna Mountain (350 m.a.s.l., Kozłowa Góra) (Hadaś 1994, Kondracki 2002). The terrain under investigation borders on Opole Plain and Woźnicko-Wieluńska Upland in the north, Katowicka Upland and Jaworznickie Hills in the south, KrakowskoCzęstochowska Upland in the east and Chełm and Raciborska Basin in the west (Kondracki 2002). Geologically highland parts of Garb Tarnogórski are built of limestone, marl and Mid- to Lower Triassic ore-bearing dolomite (220-180 million years ago) containing ores of lead, zinc, silver and cadmium. Lowland areas are composed of loose sands, mixed with gravels and clays deposited in Pleistocene (1 million-10 thousand years ago) (Gilewska 1972, Hadaś 1994). Since the 13th century metal ores were exploited in Tarnowskie Góry and Olkusz but nowadays zinc mining is most important. The eastern part of Garb Tarnogórski belongs to


the Upper Silesian Industrial District. The most important industrial centres are “Katowice” foundry in Dąbrowa Górnicza and Boleslaw Mining and Metallurgical Plant in Bukowno (Kondracki 2002). 2.2. The soils According to the typology of soils, Garb Tarnogórski has mainly rendzinas, Triassic brown-earths, formed from limestones, marls and dolomites. In the western part there are also podzols which originated from Pleistocene terraces and accumulation surfaces, as well as from sands with boulders of glacial accumulation. Additionally, there are also small amounts of podzols formed of clay (Lazar 1962). 2.3. The climate The area of Garb Tarnogórski is located in the warm temperate and transitional zone (Okołowicz 1969). Local climatic conditions are influenced by the terrain structure, humidity, type of soil and vegetation (Kamiński & Radosz 1991). In heavily urbanized and industrialized areas, such as Upper Silesia, the climate is also significantly affected by the pollution of the atmosphere (Ośródka & Kruczała 1999). The weather in Garb Tarnogórski is usually shaped by a low pressure zone incoming from Iceland and a high pressure zone from the Azores. The activity of air circulation changes during the year – in January the Icelandic low pressure zone, and in July the Azores high pressure zone predominate. The annual masses of polar-maritime air constitute 65%, polar-continental 29%, tropical 4% and Arctic only for 2%. Atmospheric front movement lasts 225 days per year, with over 50% moving from the west to the east, and about 35% from the north-west to the south-east (Paszyński & Niedźwiedź 1991, Kłys 2004, Lorenc 2005). The studied area receives about 1350 hours of insolation per year (Kłys 2004) with the lowest value recorded in 1962 in Świerklaniec (Kuczmarski & Paszyński 1981). The average annual temperature is around 7ºC, (January about 2,5ºC, July 17,5ºC). Average daily minimum temperatures with values below 0ºC appear from mid-November to the end of March. Western winds prevail during the year, and the maximum wind velocity occurs in January and the minimum in August. Relative humidity on Garb Tarnogórski is highly variable, from the minimum of 68% in spring to the maximum around 84% in winter. In industrialized parts of the area mists often come down (75-80 days per year). Average precipitation varies between 680mm and 750mm (Kłys 2004, Lorenc 2005). 2.4. Hydrology of the studied area The study area lies within the Wisła and the Odra basins. Watershed runs through the terrain of Tarnowskie Góry. The main watercourses of the Odra river basin are the Stoła and the Drama (flowing from Srebrna Mountain) and the Mała Panew (Hadaś 1994). The Czarna Przemsza, the Biała Przemsza and the Brynica are included to the main watercourses of Wisła (Hadaś 2000). In the studied area there are three large, anthropogenic water reservoirs. The biggest is the dam reservoir Świerklaniec Lake (water reservoir Kozłowa Mountain) with an area of 580 ha. It was established on the Brynica River, where a dam and dikes were built between 1935 and 1938. The second is Przeczycko-Siewierski reservoir (510 ha),


constructed on the Czarna Przemsza River. Nakło-Chechło lake (90 ha), is the third largest water reservoir and it was created in a former sand quarry (Hadaś 1994, Rzętała 2008). 2.5. The flora and plant associations of Garb Tarnogórski The first floristic studies in the area of Garb Tarnogórski were conducted at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries by German botanists (Wimmer & Grabowski 1827, 1829a, b; Wimmer 1857; Fiek 1881; Wossidlo 1900; Schube 1903, 1904 after Błażyca-Szczerbowska et al. 2014). After the World War II Polish botanists continued the research, and the monograph on the western part of Garb Tarnogórski by Kobierski (1974) deserves a special note. The latest floristic studies in this area were conducted between 2009 and 2012 (Błażyca-Szczerbowska et al. 2014), and in the eastern part of Garb (Nowak 1999). In terms of floristic research Garb Tarnogórski is fairly well explored. Kobierski (1974) reported 955 species of native and permanently domesticated anthropophytes from the eastern part, whereas, according to the latest research, this flora has about 1 100 species (BłażycaSzczerbowska et al. 2014). According to Nowak (1999) the flora of western part consists of 1 110 taxa, out of which 851 are native species and 247 are anthropophytes. In the discussed area the group of most abundant plant associations comprises: Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Querco-Fagetea, Festuco-Brometea and Artemisietea. Xerothermic grasslands of FestucoBrometea class occur mainly in the eastern part of Garb Tarnogórski. 2.6. The fauna of Garb Tarnogórski Faunistic research of the area focused primarily on larger towns such as Tarnowskie Góry, Piekary Śląskie or Dąbrowa Górnicza. The avifauna, mammals and herpetofauna of these terrains have been most extensively studied. Research on entomofauna was also conducted in previous years. Kalandyk and Wegierek (2010) investigated scale insects of the eastern part of Garb (47 recorded species). Aphidofauna and ants (125 and 24 recorded species respectively) of the central part (Piekary Śląskie) were studied by Depa and Wojciechowski (2009). Research on cicadofauna was conducted mainly in the surroundings of „Katowice” foundry, where a total of 181 species of planthoppers and leafhoppers was noted (Gębicki et al. 1977, Gębicki 1979), and in the Błędowska Desert, where 91 species were recorded (Jasińska 1980). Thus, the knowledge of planthopper and leafhopper fauna in this area is fragmentary. 2.7. Nature conservation on Garb Tarnogórski In the discussed area one nature reserve, three natural and landscape complexes, two „Natura 2000” sites and four ecological sites have been established. In the western part of Garb Tarnogórski (the area of Tarnowskie Góry) a nature reserve „Segiet” is located. It was created in 1953 in order to protect the compact complex of forest associations: thermophilic beech-orchid forest (Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum), acidic lowland beech forest (Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum) and a penurious form of Carpathian beech forest (Carici-Fagetum). In the vicinity of the reserve there are two quarries: closed „Blachówka” (documentation site) and still working „Bobrowniki”. Within the town there are two natural and landscape complexes. The first is “Park in Repty and Drama Valley” created in 1998, including the area of park and the nearby fields and meadows. The second complex „Doły Piekarskie” was established in 2006 and contains excavation pits with oak-


hornbeam forest (Hadaś 1994, 2000, the Municipal Office in Tarnowskie Góry [Urząd Miasta w Tarnowskich G.]). It is important to mention the refuge of habitats of European Ecological Network „Natura 2000” – Special Area of Preservation „Tarnogórsko-Bytomskie Undergrounds” (PLH 240003). This area is populated by rich chiropterofauna, including the largest overwintering place for long-eared bat in Europe (Kudłacz 2004). In the eastern and south-eastern part of Garb Tarnogórski other two areas of nature preservation are located within the area of Dąbrowa Górnicza. The natural landscape complex „Wzgórze Gołonoskie” created on Triassic elevation of 355 m aims to protect old trees and landscape values. In this part of Garb there are also three ecological sites. The first one is „Bagna w Antoniowie”, which protects old river bed of the Trzebyczka and a transitional and low peat bog. The second one „Młaki nad Pogorią I” was created in order to preserve rare peat bog, marsh and mossy swamp habitats. The third site is “Źródliska w Zakawiu” with a valuable biocoenosis of cool and cold water. „Srocza Góra” is a documentary site with limestone outcrops. In this area, there is also a natural monument „Wywierzyska w Strzemieszycach Wielkich”, with the springs of calcium-magnesium water and a complex of headwater fauna (Czylok et al. 2009). The eastern part of Garb Tarnogórski is occupied by the Błędowska Desert, an area filled with quaternary sands of high thickness (Kondracki 2002). This terrain is an ecological site and it is under the protection of the European Ecological Network „Natura 2000” (PLH 120014). This is a unique ecosystem on a European scale with a compact, inland area of dune sands with interesting forms of geomorphologically typical desert landscape, numerous rare and protected species of flora and fauna and communities of sand grasses (Standardowy Formularz Danych – Standard Data Form, Szczypek et al. 2001).

3. Characteristics of the study plots Based on „Katalog Fauny Polski” by Nast (1976a) and the website Biodiversity Map (http://baza.biomap.pl/) all study plots were assigned to the KFP region of Upper Silesia. It is only the location of easternmost plot (plot 3, Klucze, viewpoint Czubatka) and the Błędowska Desert which might be disputable. However, additional research on planthoppers was conducted there. This area in terms of physiography lies on the edge of Silsian Upland (Kondracki 2002), but in the faunistic definition it goes beyond the eastern border of Upper Silesia and overlaps the western edge of Krakowsko-Wieluńska Upland (http://baza.biomap. pl/). In this study the plot in Klucze (3) and the adjacent area of the Błędowska Desert (B3) were included into Upper Silesia as indicated by the immediate vicinity, physiography and geomorphologic outline of the area as well as the presence of many plant communities related to phytocoenosis in the eastern part of Upper Silesia. To achieve the aims of the study 19 main research plots (Fig. 1) were delineated, where research was carried out in regular periods during three seasons. These plots were established within plant associations classified in following classes: Festuco-Brometea, Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Quercetea robori-petraeae and Querco-Fagetea.


Within Festuco-Brometea class 4 plots (1-4) were selected in Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati association, while in Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis class plots were set up in two alliances: Corynephorion canescentis (plots 5 and 6) and Koelerion glaucae (plots 7-9). Due to the secondary nature of phytocoenosis on plots 5 and 6, they were determined only to the level of the plant alliance. Plots 7-9 were selected in Sileno otitisFestucetum association. In the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class plots were established in two orders. Molinietalia caeruleae vegetation on plot 10 was classified as Filipendulion ulmariae alliance, while that on plot 11 as Calthion palustris alliance. Being partly anthropogenic in character and secondarily transformed, those habitats were classified only to the range of alliance. The second analysed order was Arrhenatheretalia, where plots from 12 to 14 were set up in Arrhenatheretum elatioris association. Forest associations were represented by classes: Quercetea robori-petraeae and QuercoFagetea. The first two plots (15 and 16) were located in Molinio caeruleae-Quercetum roboris association. In terms of the floristic composition plot 15 is poor compared with plot 16; it is due to strong anthropopressure (storage of waste from recreation allotments, excessive use of fertilizer). The flora on plot 16 is well developed and has a typical character of this unit. In class Querco-Fagetea 3 plots were set up in order Fagetalia sylvaticae in three different units – plot 17 in Alno-Ulmion alliance and Fraxino-Alnetum association, plot 18 in Carpinion betuli alliance and Tilio cordatae-Carpinetum betuli association, while plot 19 in Fagion sylvaticae alliance and Galio odorati-Fagetum association. Classification of the studied plant association (after Matuszkiewicz 2008): Cl. Festuco-Brometea Br. Bl. et R.Tx. 1943 O. Festucetalia valesiacae Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. 1943 All. Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati Hadač et Klika 1944 em. Krausch 1961 Ass. Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati (Libb. 1933) Krausch 1960 Cl. Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis Klika in Klika et Novak 1941 O. Corynephoretalia canescentis R.Tx. 1937 All. Corynephorion canescentis Klika 1934 All. Koelerion glaucae (Volk 1931) Klika 1935 Ass. Sileno otitis-Festucetum Libb. 1933 Cl. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R.Tx. 1937 O. Molinietalia caeruleae W.Koch 1926 All. Filipendulion ulmariae Segal 1966 All. Calthion palustris R.Tx. 1936 em. Oberd. 1957 O. Arrhenatheretalia Pawł. 1928 All. Arrhenatherion elatioris (Br.-Bl. 1925) Koch 1926 Ass. Arrhenatheretum elatioris Br.-Bl. ex Scherr. 1925


Cl. Quercetea robori-petraeae Br.-Bl. et R.Tx. 1943 O. Quercetalia roboris R.Tx. 1931 All. Quercion robori-petraeae Br.-Bl. 1932 Ass. Molinio caeruleae-Quercetum roboris (Tx. 1937) Scam. et Pass. 1959 Cl. Querco-Fagetea Br.-Bl. et Vlieg. 1937 O. Fagetalia sylvaticae Pawł. in Pawł., Sokoł. et Wall. 1928 All. Alno-Ulmion Br.-Bl. et R.Tx. 1943 Ass. Fraxino-Alnetum W.Mat. 1952 All. Carpinion betuli Issl. 1931 em. Oberd. 1953 Ass. Tilio cordatae-Carpinetum betuli Tracz. 1962 All. Fagion sylvaticae R.Tx. et Diem. 1936 Ass. Galio odorati-Fagetum Rübel 1930 ex Sougnez et Thill 1959 3.1. Associations of xerothermic grasslands of Festuco-Brometea class Communities of thermophilic grasslands of steppe character overgrowing dry limestone grounds. They are characterized by a very rich and varied floristic composition of many rare and relict species. In Poland, this class is represented by one order – Festucetalia valesiaceae (Matuszkiewicz 2008). 3.1.1. Xerothermic grasslands of Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati association Plot 1 – Bukowno Location: N50º16’34”, E19º25’55,3”; Height: 315 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA87; Bukowno, surroundings of Wapienna Street. Well developed, rich in species lobe of xerothermic grassland involving thermophilous perennials of Festuco-Brometea class like: Peucedanum oreoselinum, Medicago falcata, Centaurea scabiosa, C. stoebe, Galium album, Euphorbia cyparissias, Seseli annuum, Brachypodium pinnatum and thermophilous ecotone species of Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei class: Anthericum ramosum, Fragaria viridis, Agrimonia eupatoria. The floristic composition is marked by a small share of mesophilous species like: Dactylis glomerata, Lotus corniculatus, Arrhenatherum elatius. It occurs on shallow soil of a limestone origin. Plot 2 – Góra Siewierska Location: N50º23’46,8”, E19º05’01,9”; Height: 375 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA68; hill located on the south of Leśna Street. It is a floristically rich xerothermic grassland lobe covering the slope and the peak of the elevation, overgrowing sunny habitat on shallow soils rich in calcium carbonate. The floristic composition of this phytocoenosis is a mosaic of species typical for xerothermic grasslands of Adonido-Brachypodietum. Noteworthy is that there was no single significant dominant species. Next to grasses like Brachypodium pinnatum, Phleum phleoides, Briza media, Poa angustifolia, Festuca rubra there were also thermophilous perennials: Peucedanum



Fig. 1. The localization of the study plots on Garb Tarnogórski

oreoselinum, Centaurea scabiosa, C. stoebe, Medicago falcata, Anthyllis vulneraria, Galium album, Achillea collina, Sanquisorba minor, Potentilla heptaphylla and Helianthemum nummularium ssp. obscurum. Plot 3 – Klucze Location: N50º20’13,5”, E19º32’58,9”; Height: 357 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA97; Plot in Klucze, near the Czubatka viewpoint. Well developed lobe of xerothermic grassland with the domination of Brachypodium pinnatum. Flora comprised of species typical for xerothermic associations of FestucoBrometea: Medicago falcata, Centaurea scabiosa, C. stoebe, Achillea collina, Galium album, Euphorbia cyparissias, Carlina acaulis, Helianthemum nummularium ssp. obscurum, Salvia verticillata, Veronica spicata, Scabiosa ochroleuca and thermophilous ecotone species of Trifolio-Geranietea sanquinei class: Anthericum ramosum, Coronilla varia, Agrimonia eupatoria, Fragaria viridis, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria. It occurs on shallow soil of a limestone origin. Plot 4 – Radzionków Location: N50º23’51,8”, E18º55’22,6”; Height: 346 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot localized at the top of the Księża Mountain in Radzionków. Well developed, rich in species lobe of xerothermic grassland of Adonido-Brachypodietum. It occurs on dry habitat, shallow fertile soils with visible crushed limestone. Floristic composition is typical for xerothermic grassland. It consists of: Brachypodium pinnatum, Medicago falcata, Centaurea scabiosa, Sanguisorba minor, Ononis spinosa, Phleum phleoides, Fragaria viridis, Galium album, Agrimonia eupatoria, Coronilla varia and other thermophilous species typical for xerothermic grassland of Festuco-Brometea class and Trifolio-Geranietea class of thermophilic ecotones. With the lack of any form of exploitation, seedlings of shrubs (mainly species of Crataegus) and mesophilic meadow species appear in the structure of this plot, however they do not play an important role in coverage of this habitat. 3.2. Associations of psammophilous grasslands of Koelerio glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis class This class includes psammophilous grasslands on dry and poor sandy or gravelly habitats. Its flora consists mainly of xerophilous and heliophilous grasses, therophytes, succulents, and xeromorphic species of bryophytes and lichens (Matuszkiewicz 2008). 3.2.1. Xerothermic grasslands of secondary origin of Corynephorion canescentis alliance Plot 5 – Nowa Wieś Location: N50º27’14,3”, E19º05’37”; Height: 297 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA69; Plot established in the north-western part of Nowa Wieś. The study was conducted within the lobe of uncultivated field on the sandy ground. Floristic composition refers to the psammophilous grasslands from the alliance Corynephorion.


It is loose, low grassland with the domination of Hieracium pilosella. Among species of psammophilous grasslands there are also Trifolium arvense, T. campestre, Jasione montana, Rumex acetosella and Corynephorus canescens. Furthemore mesophilous species that occurred on this plot are: Vicia cracca, Arrhenatherum elatius, Rumex acetosa and rhizome perennials such as Equisetum arvense and Convolvulus arvensis, which over time can dominate the association. So far these species does not play a significant role in covering of the field. Plot 6 – Twardowice Location: N50º25’07,4”, E19º04’36,4”; Height: 348 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA68; Plot in Twardowice, on the south of Kościuszko Street. The species composition of this plot refers to the psammophilous grasslands of Corynephorion alliance. The investigated lobe is of secondary succession, since it evolved in several years from uncultivated field, and therefore it is characterized by a heterogeneous species composition. It is low and loose grassland dominated by Hieracium pilosella. In addition, in the floristic composition there are other species of psammophilous grasslands like Trifolium arvense, Corynephorus canescens and Jasione montana, but there also occure species connected with xerothermic grasslands like Phleum phleoides, Peucedanum oreoselinum, Poa angustifolia, and furthermore, probably permeating from neighbouring plant associations, related to meadows – Arrhenatherum elatius, Rumex acetosa, Dactylis glomerata, Crepis biennis. Viola arvensis, Convolvulus arvensis and Equisetum arvense may be residue of weeds from crops that existed here before. 3.2.2. Inland psammophilous grasslands of Sileno otitis-Festucetum association Plot 7 – Bukowno Location: N50º16’06,4”, E19º26’44,2”; Height: 293 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA86; Plot located near abandoned railway, east of Puza Street. Thermophilous association formed on sandy ground of the physiognomy of loose grasslands with the dominance of clump grasses: Koeleria glauca, Corynephorus canescens, Festuca ovina and Phleum phleoides. Between clumps of grasses there are also small plants associated with poor, dry sand grounds: Scleranthus annuus, Herniaria glabra, Cardaminopsis arenosa, Rumex acetosella, Sedum acre, Poa compressa, Hieracium pilosella and species typical of xerothermic grasslands of Festuco-Brometea: Artemisia campestris, Centaurea stoebe, Anthyllis vulneraria. Plot 8 – Dąbrowa Górnicza Location: N50º23’05,4”, E19º16’49,2”; Height: 303 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA78; Plot established by the viaduct on Relaksowa Street in Sikorka district. Dry, low and loose psammophilous grassland. Grassy character of this association is due to the occurrence of Koeleria glauca and small admixture of Corynephorus canescens, Festuca rubra and Poa angustifolia. The characteristic appearance of this grassland is shaped by the presence of xeromorphic plants like Koeleria glauca, Corynephorus canescens, Poa angustifolia, Thymus serpyllum or succulents like Sedum acre. Next to typical for Koelerio


glaucae-Corynephoretea canescentis and characteristic for the Sileno otitis-Festucetum alliance species (Silene otites and Dianthus carthusianorum), in this lobe there are also thermophilous species of Festuco-Brometea class (among others Centaurea scabiosa, C. stoebe, Medicago falcata, Euphorbia cyparissias and Achillea collina), and that is why this phytocoenosis has a similar character as xerothermic grasslands. Plot 9 – Dąbrowa Górnicza Location: N50º23’18,4”, E19º17’36”; Height: 309 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA78; Plot set between buildings at Relaksowa Street in Sikorka district. Quite loose, inland psammophilous grassland overgrown by grasses and dicotyledonous flowering plants adapted to dry, permeable sandy ground. In addition to grasses (Koeleria glauca, Corynephorus canescens, Poa angustifolia, Poa compressa) the nature and physiognomy of this association is determined by plants forming Koelerio glaucaeCorynephoretea canescentis class like Trifolium arvense, Thymus serpyllum, Dianthus carthusianorum, Silene otites, Rumex acetosella, Sedum acre, and thermophilic species of Festuco-Brometea class (e.g. Euphorbia cyparissias, Artemisia campestris). 3.3. Semi-natural and anthropogenic meadow and pasture associations of the MolinioArrhenatheretea class These associations are the most important plant formations, in many areas they shape the physiognomy of the Polish landscape. Here we include semi-natural and anthropogenic associations of meadows and pastures, occurring mainly on meso- and eutrophic, unswampy soils (Matuszkiewicz 2008). Study plots were established within two orders: Molinietalia caeruleae including herb communities, natural and semi-natural communities and Arrhenatheretalia of anthropogenic hay fresh meadows. 3.3.1. Semi-natural herbal associations of Filipendulion ulmariae alliance Plot 10 – Piekary Śląskie Location: N50º24’47,2”, E18º57’39,3”; Height: 279 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot in Piekary Śląskie at Pokoju Street in Kozłowa Góra district. The study was conducted in herbal association of wet meadow with a rather high and dense structure. It overgrows wet habitat in a small hollow. In recent years, it was not used for agricultural purposes (not even mowed). The physiognomy of this meadow was shaped by: Lysimachia vulgaris, Lotus uliginosus, Deschampsia caespitosa, Molinia caerulea, Valeriana officinalis, Cirsium rivulare and Juncus effusus. The share of higrophilous sedges is also significant: Carex gracilis, C. panicea, C. paniculata. There is also a species admixture of rush associations and nitrophilous ecotones. 3.3.2. Anthropogenic associations of wet meadows of Calthion palustris alliance Plot 11 – Piekary Śląskie Location: N50º24’39,6”, E18º57’36,6”; Height: 278 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot in Piekary Śląskie at Grunwaldzka Street in Kozłowa Góra district.


The study was conducted in wet meadow association not used for agricultural purpose (not mowed in recent years), rather high with a compact structure. The shape is given by grasses Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca rubra, Arrhenatherum elatius, Molinia caerulea, Alopecurus pratensis, Poa pratensis. Next to them there are species of wet meadows: Lotus uliginosus, Geranium palustre, Angelica sylvestris, as well as species generally connected with meadows or related to fresh meadows: Galium mollugo, Dactylis glomerata, Pastinaca sativa, Rumex acetosa, Ranunculus acris, Lathyrus pratensis. Floristic composition here is disturbed due to improper exploitation or to desiccation of the lobe. 3.3.3. Fresh hay meadows of Arrhenatheretum elatioris association Plot 12 – Piekary Śląskie Location: N50º24’47,4”, E18º57’38,4”; Height: 280 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot in Piekary Śląskie at the Pokoju Street in Kozłowa Góra district. The lobe of fresh, frequently mowed meadow. The floristic composition is dominated by species associated with fresh meadows: Poa pratensis, Holcus lanatus, Arrhenatherum elatius, Festuca pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Heracleum sphondylium, Taraxacum officinale, Galium mollugo, Rumex acetosa, Crepis biennis, Trifolium pratense, Achillea millefolium and others. There are also characteristic plants of wet meadows: Deschampsia caespitosa, Alopecurus pratensis, Angelica sylvestris, Cirsium rivulare, probably due to the very humid substrate. There are also plants unrelated to the typical formed meadows, alien to Polish flora, for example Solidago canadensis, however they do not play an important role in the association. Plot 13 – Repty Śląskie Location: N50º25’41,5”, E18º48’39,6”; Height: 309 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA48; Plot established on the area of the natural and landscape complex „Park in Repty and the Drama River Valley”. The area includes fresh inland meadow subjected to mowing. Floristic composition refers to ryegrass meadows of Arrhenatheretum elatioris, although it is strongly penurious, because of large shading by wall of the forest. From meadow species here occur: Ranunculus acris, Achillea millefolium, Poa pratensis, Heracleum sphondylium, Festuca rubra, Plantago major, Arrhenatherum elatius, Rumex acetosa, Dactylis glomerata, Trifolium repens and undergrowth is strongly dominated by grasses. Plot 14 – Świerklaniec Location: N50º25’35.3”, E18º57’22,9”; Height: 279 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot situated on the south of Świerklaniec Park and on the west of Kozłowa Góra reservoir. The area includes a lobe of fresh hay meadow, located on the edge of the forest. The floristic composition is dominated by species related to fresh meadows, mainly by grasses Dactylis glomerata, Arrhenatherum elatius, Poa pratensis, Holcus lanatus, and perennials: Heracleum sphondylium, Taraxacum officinale, Galium mollugo, Rumex acetosa, Crepis biennis, Trifolium pratense. There are also plants unrelated to the typically formed meadows like Solidago canadensis and Cirsium arvense, whose occurrence proves improper use of grassland or setting it up on the former agricultural wasteland where these plants could be encountered.


3.4. Acidophilic oak forest of Quercetea robori-petraeae class Within this class acidophilus, oligo- and mesotrophic deciduous forests with a predominance of Quercus genus species were included. Study plots were established within the wet oak forest, characterized by poor floristic composition and the dominance of Molinia caerulea in the undergrowth. Acidic oak forests in Poland are poorly known and they are rare plant associations threatened with extinction (Matuszkiewicz 2008, Matuszkiewicz et al. 2012). 3.4.1. Central European wet oak forest of Molinio caeruleae-Quercetum roboris association Plot 15 – Piekary Śląskie Location: N50º23’51,5”; Height: 284 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot at Słoneczna Street adjacent to recreation allotments. The study was conducted in wet oak forest with the dominance of Quercus robur in the stand with the admixture of Betula pendula. Brushwood reaching approximately 40% constitutes Frangula alnus, Sorbus aucuparia, Padus avium and Sambucus nigra. Undergrowth is dominated by Galeobdolon luteum, but its origin here is probably not natural. The area is located in the immediate vicinity of the recreation allotments. There were observed storage of weeds, grass cuttings and other waste from gardens, hence over fertilized habitats and the occurrence of nitrophilous species like: Urtica dioica, Geum urbanum, Sambucus nigra and species incoming from horticultural crops like: Galeobdolon luteum or Convallaria majalis. To classify this lobe of vegetation to acid oak forest, decisive importance had the domination of oak in the stand, the share of Holcus mollis and Frangula alnus, moist habitat and well shaped lobes of Molinio-Quercetum throughout the whole complex, including in the immediate vicinity of the analyzed plot. Plot 16 – Piekary Śląskie Location: N50º24’06,2”, E18º57’36,6; Height: 286 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot set in Piekary Śląskie, south of Józefska Street in Kozłowa Góra district. Acidophilic forest with the share of Quercus robur, Betula pendula and Pinus sylvestris in the stand. In the brushwood there are species such as: Sorbus aucuparia, Populus tremula, Frangula alnus. Undergrowth has a grassy character and it is dominated by Molinia caerulea, which covers over 60% its area. It is accompanied with other species inhabiting habitats with fluctuating humidity like Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca gigantea, Scirpus sylvatica, Lysimachia vulgaris, Carex remota, oak forest species: Vaccinium myrtillus and other species of penurious acidic habitats like Maianthemum bifolium, Deschampsia flexuosa, Potentilla erecta. Species of Querco-Fagetea association have an insignificant share. Undergrowth here is abundant because of the non-compact trees tops in this lobe. 3.5. European meso- and eutrophic deciduous forests of Querco-Fagetea class This class includes European meso- and eutrophic deciduous forests growing on mineral soils. The associations of this class are the zone type of vegetation in the area of Central Europe. Plots were determined in three alliances: Alno-Ulmion – higrophilous and eutrophic forest associations; Carpinion betuli – mixed forests on medium fertile, mineral not-flooded habitats; and Fagion sylvaticae – meso- and eutrophic beech forests (Matuszkiewicz 2008).


3.5.1. Ash-alder forest of Fraxino-Alnetum association Plot 17 – Repty Śląskie Location: N50º25’41”, E18º48’22,2”, Height: 293 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA48; Plot established within the natural and landscape complex „Park in Repty and the Drama River Valley”. The vegetation of this area, located in a narrow, fairly deeply cut watercourse valley refers to the riparian ash-alder forest (Fraxino-Alnetum). Forest stand is formed mainly by Acer pseudoplatanus with an admixture of Alnus glutinosa and Populus tremula, brushwood is overgrown by Sambucus nigra. Undergrowth is abundant floristically and it is covered by vegetation in 80%. Species of fertile deciduous forests like Galeobdolon luteum, Milium effusum, Aegopodium podagraria, Dryopteris filix-mas, Viola reichenbachiana, Impatiens noli-tangere have important role here, as well as species characteristic for the alliance Alno-Ulmion (Circaea lutetiana, Padus avium, Festuca gigantea) and those distinctive for suballiance Alnenion glutinoso-incanae (Athyrium filix-femina, Alnus glutinosa, Oxalis acetosella). Furthemore there are also species of humid habitats like bulrushes and moist meadows – Iris pseudacorus, Scutellaria galericulata, Angelica sylvestris, Deschampsia caespitosa, Phalaris arundinacea. Noteworthy is the presence of mountain species, mainly Veratrum lobelianum and Polygonatum verticillatum. 3.5.2. Subcontinental oak-hornbeam forest of Tilio cordatae-Carpinetum betuli association Plot 18 – Repty Śląskie Location: N50º25’43,5”, E18º48’23”, Height: 295 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA48; Plot established within the natural and landscape complex „Park in Repty and the Drama River Valley”. Study area is covered by subcontinental forest Tilio-Carpinetum. Forest stand is formed of Tilia cordata and Acer pseudoplatanus, and shrub level is represented by Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, Acer platanoides and Sambucus nigra. Undergrowth is abundant floristically, of large coverage with a significant share of fertile forests species of Fagetalia and Querco-Fagetea class: Aegopodium podagraria, Milium effusum, Viola reichenbachiana, Galeobdolon luteum, Pulmonaria obscura, Paris quadrifolia among others, and also with species of humid habitats characteristic for the Alno-Ulmion alliance like: Padus avium or Circaea lutetiana. 3.5.3. Fertile lowland beech forest of Galio odorati-Fagetum association Plot 19 – Repty Śląskie Location: N50º25’44,3”, E18º48’49,5”; Height: 313 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; Plot established within the natural and landscape complex „Park in Repty and the Drama River Valley”. The plot was located in the area with the domination of Fagus sylvatica with poorly developed brushwood, formed mainly by Fagus sylvatica and Sambucus nigra and relatively abundant undergrowth. The presence of fertile deciduous forest species like Galeobdolon luteum, Viola reichenbachiana, Milium effusum, Melica nutans, Dryopteris filix-mas, Scrophularia nodosa, and also Mycelis muralis, Athyrium filix-femina, Polygonatum multiflorum, with the insignificant share of penurious and acidic habitat species (e.g. Maianthemum bifolium, Oxalis acetosella) evidenced in favour of classifying this lobe to the fertile beech forest.


3.6. The list of additional plots Moreover 19 presented above plots, on which assessments were carried out at regular intervals, also there were determined additional plots, with the aim of enriching the planthopper and leafhopper fauna of rare, interesting, often monophagous stenotopic species. The study involved roadsides, scrubs, rushes and clumps of herbs, shrubs and trees. Research in these plots was carried out in an irregular periods. List of additional plots: A1 – Bolesław Location: N50º17’16”, E19º29’34”; Height: 330 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA97, initial phytocoenosis overgrowing the heaps of zinc; A2 – Bolesław Location: N50º17’32”, E19º28’17”; Height: 318 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA97, initial phytocoenosis overgrowing the heaps of coal; B1 – Bukowno Location: N50º15’21”, E19º26’05”; Height: 268 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA86; shrubs with Phragmites australis and Salix spp. overgrowing inactive sand mine; B2 – Bukowno, surroundings of Puza and Wapienna Streets intersection Location: N50º16’08”, E19º26’28”; Height: 287 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA86; shrubs with Salix fragilis – plot located near regular study plot 7; B3 – Klucze / Błędowska Desert Location: N50º20’28”, E19º32’48”; Height: 329 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA97, didactic path running from the Klucze by Błędowska Desert; from the most fertile, moist riparian forests, through beech forest and mixed forest, to the pine forests and the most penurious and dry habitats in the area; C – Bytom, Sucha Hill Location: N50º24’16”, E18º51’22”; Height: 312 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA48, xerothermic association overgrowing quarry; D1 – Dąbrowa Górnicza – Antoniów Location: N50º22’20”, E19º14’05”; Height: 281 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA78; transitional peat bog “Bagna w Antoniowie” and located close fairly well preserved fragments of floodplain forest; D2 – Dąbrowa Górnicza Sikorka district Location: N50º23’14, E19º17’25”; Height: 309 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA78, near viaduct, initial phytocoenosis with Artemisia absinthium and Ballota nigra – plot located near regular study plot 8; D3 – Dąbrowa Górnicza Ujejsce Location: N50º23’38”, E19º14’02”; Height: 285 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA78, xerothermic grassland similar to Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati;


E – Kamieniec Location: N50º24’08”, E18º43’31”; Height: 239 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA38; meadow association; one of the west outermost plots; F1 – Piekary Śląskie, Grunwaldzka Street Location: N50º24’36”, E18º57’31”; Height 280 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; shrubs with Salix alba – plot located near regular study plot 11; F2 – Piekary Śląskie, Pokoju Street Location: N50°24’45”, E18°57’38”; Height: 285 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; woods with Acer platanoides – plot located near regular study plot 10; F3 – Piekary Śląskie, Słoneczna Street Location: N50º24’0”, E18º57’47”; Height: 284 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA58; shrubs with Alnus glutinosa – plot located near regular study plot 15; G – Radzionków Księża Hill Location: N50°23’51,8”, E18°55’22,6”; Height: 346 m.a.s.l.; UTM: CA58; woods with Acer platanoides; H – Rogoźnik Location: N50º23’56”, E19º01’34”; Height: 293 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA68, herb associations on the lake shore; I – Sławków Location: N50º16’48”, E19º23’07”; Height: 277 m.a.s.l.; UTM:CA87; edge of the forest turning into riverside association comming down to the shore of the Biała Przemsza River;

4. Material and methods 4.1. Collection and identification of material In order to collect the material a standard entomological sweep-net was applied (Ø = 0.35 m). It is very useful equipment for quantitative research allowing to observe the changes in abundance of insects during the season (Gray & Treloar 1933, Łuczak & Wierzbowska 1959, Andrzejewska 1962, Andrzejewska & Kajak 1966, Gębicki et al. 1977, Gębicki 1979, Klimaszewski et al. 1980a, 1980b, Chudzicka 1986, Stewart 2002). The seasonal changes in the dynamics of planthopper and leafhopper population are the result of secondary succession and anthropopressure. The latter include mowing, sowing and planting of ornamental plant species, using mineral fertilizers, applying pesticides (Andrzejewska 1976, 1979a, 1979b, 1991, Chudzicka 1989). These factors cause changes in the abundance and total biomass of planthoppers in the community. The quantitative research was conducted on the above described 19 study plots, including 14 overgrown by grasses and herbaceous plants and 5 comprising the forest associations. On each plot the material was collected during three growing seasons, in about 2 week long


intervals between May and October. On plots the study was carried out between 2011 and 2013 (Fig. 1, Tables 2-20). From the surface of each plot during a single day 4 samples were taken, where a single sample consisted of 25 hits with a sweep-net (100 hits in total on a given plot). In the course of the studies a total of 684 samples from all plots was collected. During unfavourable weather conditions the time of sampling was delayed, until dry, sunny days with slight or no wind at all. The specimens of planthoppers were extracted from the sweep-net with the application of pooter, transferred to glass tubes or bigger containers labelled with the date, study plot number, and insects were put down with ethyl acetate (CH3COOC2H5). The identification of the specimens was based mainly on the structure of the genital apparatus, sometimes also on the stridulatory apparatus of males. Structures were extracted from the body and mounted using 10% solution of KOH, according to the procedure developed by Knight (1965). The aim was to enrich the number of collected species with uncommon and rarely found ones. Thus, at the same time the quantitative research was conducted, the material was also collected using qualitative methods on the whole territory of Garb Tarnogórski. In order to do that, sweep-netting was applied to deliberately chosen clumps of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants overgrowing areas adjacent to study plots in many plant associations. In forest associations the canopy was sweep-netted up to the height of ca. 3 m, using a sweepnet with long, telescopic stick. The material for qualitative research was collected between 2010 and 2013. Most of the collected material was identified with the use of following keys: Dlabola (1954), Logvinenko (1975), Ossiannilsson (1978, 1981, 1983), Holzinger et al. (2003) and Biedermann & Niedringhaus (2009). In several cases, specialised papers on particular genera were applied: Muellerianella Wagner, 1963 (Booij 1981), Ribautodelphax Wagner, 1963 (Bieman 1987), Utecha Emeljanov 1996 (Gębicki 2003), Macropsis Lewis, 1934 (Tishechkin 2002a), Aphrodes Curtis, 1833 (Tišečkin 1998), Alebra Fieber, 1872 (Gillham 1991), Forcipata DeLong & Caldwell, 1936 (Gniezdilov 2000), Kybos Fieber, 1866 (Dworakowska 1976, Mühlethalter et al. 2009), Eupteryx Curtis, 1833 (Dworakowska 1970d, 1972, Le Quesne 1974), Zyginidia Haupt, 1929 (Dworakowska 1970c), Zygina Fieber, 1866 (Dworakowska 1970a), Arboridia Zachvatkin, 1946 (Dworakowska 1970b), Neoaliturus Distant, 1918 (Tishechkin 2007), Balclutha Kirkaldy, 1900 (Knight 1987, Lu et al. 2013), Macrosteles Fieber, 1866 (Gajewski 1961), Doratura J. Sahlberg, 1871 (Dworakowska 1968a), Fieberiella Signoret, 1880 (Dlabola 1965), Rhopalopyx Ribaut, 1939 (Dmitriev 1999), Elymana DeLong, 1936 (Dworakowska 1968b), Mocydiopsis Ribaut, 1939 (Remane 1961), Laburrus Ribaut, 1942 (Tishechkin 2002b) and Arthaldeus Ribaut, 1947 (Remane 1960). The collected specimens are deposited in the collection of the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Terminology and systematic division of species were applied following Nast (1976a) and Nickel & Remane (2002). The material was determined using dissecting microscope Optek SZM and light microscope Motic B1-220. 4.2. Zoocenological analysis The zoocoenological analysis of the collected material allows drawing conclusions about the degree of distortion of the studied communities. In order to analyse the abundance of species in particular study plots various analytic and synthetic indices were applied: the


dominance, constancy, frequency, species diversity, evenness within the community and similarity of the communities. The methods of analysis were slightly modified and applied after: Witkowski (1978), Trojan (1977, 1992 and 1994), Kasprzak & Niedbała (1981) and Krebs (1996). The calculations were done with licensed software (MS EXCEL, Multi Variate Statistical Package) of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Silesia. 4.2.1. Dominance D The dominance index (D) specifies the percentage of particular insect species among all individuals collected over a specific area. The dominance index is expressed by the following equation (Kasprzak & Niedbała 1981)

where: na – tthe number of individuals of a given species collected over a given study plot; n – the number of all individuals collected over a given study plot

Based on the values received by applying the dominance index equation the following six classes of dominance have been distinguished: dominant classes: 1. superdominants (SD) – more than 40% of all collected individuals on investigated plot; 2. eudominants (ED) – from 30.01% to 40%; 3. dominants (D) – from 20.01% to 30.00%; 4. subdominants (S) – from 7.51% to 20.00%; accessory classes: 5. recedents (R) – from 2.51% to 7.50%; 6. subrecedents (sR) – less than 2.51% (after: Walczak et al. 2014). Symbols of upper domination classes (SD, ED, D, S) were applied in section 5. (Results). 4.2.2. Constancy C The constancy of occurrence (C) specifies the ratio of the number of samplings in which a given species occurred to the number of samplings collected from a given area, expressed by the following equation (Kasprzak & Niedbała 1981):

where: Na – the number of samplings containing a given species, where a indicates the species; N – the number of all samplings collected from a given area.

Based on the values received by applying the above equation the following four classes of constancy of occurrence have been distinguished:


1. 1st class (euconstant species) – from 75.01% to 100%; 2. 2nd class (constant species) – from 50.01% to 75.00%; 3. 3rd class (accesoric species) – from 25% to 50.00%; 4. 4th class (accident species) – less than 25%. 4.2.3. The synthetic index Q In order to facilitate the interpretation of the dominance structure, the synthetic index was also calculated. It is denoted by Q, often applied in ecological and zoocoenological studies and combines the C (constancy of occurrence) and D (dominance) indices into their geometric mean (Kasprzak & Niedbała 1981), highlightening the ecological importance of the species. It averages the results in the case of rare species with a high abundance (high value of dominance and low value of the constancy of occurrence) and common but not numerous species (low value of dominance, high value of constancy). In both cases, we assume a large ecological role of such species in communities: the first by a high abundance, the second by its commonness. Species with high values of Q index have significantly greater effect and ecological importance in community, unlike the species of low value of this index (Kasprzak & Niedbała 1981, Czachorowski 2006). This indicator is described by the formula:

where: D – the dominance index; C – the constancy of occurrence.

According to the obtained values of the index, we can distinguish 5 classes (Czachorowski 2006): 1. Q5 – very high > 30.00%; 2. Q4 – high 15.01-30.00%; 3. Q3 – medium 10.01-15.00%; 4. Q2 – low 5.01-10.00%; 5. Q1 – very low