hemiptera of great nicobar biosphere reserve

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(Thunberg) + -. Spilostethus hospes (Fabricius). Spilostethus unilataris Fabricius. Family COREIDAE . Clavigralla horrens Dohrn. Leptocorisa acuta (Thunberg).

J. Andomon

Sci. Assoc. 13 (1&2) : 102-103 (1997)

Short Communication



Zoological Survey of India, Haddo, Port Blair-744 Distant (1902-1918) in his seven volumes on Rhynchota "Fauna of British India" series included 30 species from Nicobar Islands and only 4 species from Great Nicobar Island. After a long gap, Biswas et al (1992) added two more species viz. Platypleura affinis and Physomerus parvulus from Great Nicobar Island. While exploring the faunal diversity of Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve in 1993 several examples of hemipterans were collected by the author. The material was identified in the station, which revealed the presence of 49 species of Hemiptera from the Island. Of these, 25 species are only reported from Nicobar and 24 are common to both the groups of Islands. Out of 49 species, one is endemic to these island and 7 are confined to Nicobars. In the list of Hemiptera of Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve, the species marked with asterisk denotes the endemic species, while + and - denotes the distribution in Andaman and Nicobar respectively. Phylum ARTHROPODA Class INSECTA Order HEMIPTERA Family CICADIDAE Mogannia oblique Walker.•Platypleura affinis (Fabricius)

102, India

Family FULGORIDAE .•Laternaria rogersi Distant .•Penthicodes nicobarica Stal Family RICANIIDAE Ricanula stigma (Walker) Ricania pulverosa Stal Ricanoptera inculta Melichar .•Ricanoptera polita Melichar + Family FLATIDAE .•Anaya nicobarensis Distant Salumis marginellus Guerin Family DELPHACIDAE Phyllodinus pulchellus Distant +Sardia rostrata Melichar +'Sogatella [urcijera (Horr.) + Family CICADELLIDAE Nephotettix bipunciatus Fabricius Nephotettix nigropicta (Stal) + Nephotettix virescens Fabricius +Recilia dorsalis (Motschulsky) + Family MEMBRACIDAE Leptocentrus insignis Distant Family NOTONECTIDAE .•Enitheres rogersi Distant Family NEPIDAE .•Ranatra distant! Montana Family BELOSTOMATIDAE Lethocerus indicus (Leporte & Serveille) + Family GERRIDAE Gerris minuta (Mayr) Family HYDROMETRIDAE Hydrometra vittata Stal + 102


Dec. 1997]


Family CAPSIDAE Cyrtorrhinus liuidipennis Reuter Idatius priscillianus Distant Family TINGIDAE ContacaderquinquecostatusDistant+Family REDUVIIDAE Androclus granulatus Stal Euagorus plagiatus Burmeister Ischnonyctes alatus Distant Oncocephalus annulipesStal Polididus armatissimus Stal Polytoxus femoralis Distant Sirthenia /lavipes Stal Family PYRRHOCORIDAE Dysdercus mesiostigma Distant Family LYGAEIDAE Metochus uniguttatus (Thunberg) Spilostethus hospes (Fabricius) Spilostethus unilataris Fabricius Family COREIDAE . Clavigralla horrens Dohrn

Leptocorisa acuta (Thunberg) Notobius meleagris Fabricius • Pendulinus nicobarensis Mayr Riptortus linearis Fabricius Physomerus parvulus Dallas Family PENTATOMIDAE Catacanthus incamatus Drury Nezara viridula (Linnaeus) Plautia fimbriata Fabricius Family SCUTELLERIDAE Chrysocoris eques Fabricius Tetrarthria lateralis (Walker) Family CYDNIDAE Cydnus indicus Westwood

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The author is thankful to Dr. 1.R.B. Alfred, Director, Zoological Survey of India for the encouragement and providing the necessary facilities. REFERENCES

Distant, W.L. 1902-1918. The Fauna of British India. Rhynchota, I-VII. Taylor and Francis Ltd., London.

Biswas, B., Mitra B. and Ghosh, L.K. 1992. On some Hemiptera from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. J. Andaman Sci. Assoc. 8(2) : 146-154.