Hepatitis E Virus Infection in HIV Positive ART ... - Semantic Scholar

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ABSTRACT. Background: Studies have shown Hepatitis E Virus to be a causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis in severely immunocompromised patients ...
World Journal of AIDS, 2013, 3, 216-220 http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/wja.2013.33029 Published Online September 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/wja)

Hepatitis E Virus Infection in HIV Positive ART Naïve and Experienced Individuals in Nigeria* Georgina N. Odaibo#, David O. Olaleye Department of Virology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Email: #foreodaibo@hotmail.com Received June 13th, 2013; revised June 30th, 2013; accepted July 10th, 2013 Copyright © 2013 Georgina N. Odaibo, David O. Olaleye. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

ABSTRACT Background: Studies have shown Hepatitis E Virus to be a causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis in severely immunocompromised patients such as organ transplant recipients and person with HIV infection. This study was designed to determine the burden of HEV infection among HIV positive individuals in Nigeria and the effect of HIV treatment on the burden of HEV infection among this group of patients. Methods: Aliquot of plasma samples collected for laboratory investigations such as CD4 enumeration, blood chemistry (AST, ALT, Creatine, Urea) were used to determine the presence of HEV IgG and IgM antibodies using commercially available ELISA. Samples analysed in the study were collected from 180 HIV positive individuals (90 ART naïve and 90 ART experienced) attending the ART clinic at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Results: Twenty two of the 180 (12.2%) samples were positive for either HEV IgG (20/180) or IgM (2/180). The rate of HEV IgG was higher among ART naïve individuals and the two IgM positive persons were ART naïve. There was no significant difference in the mean CD4 count and mean ALT between HEV seronegative and seropositive individuals (P = 0.8 and 0.2 respectively). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest the need to test for HEV infection in HIV positive individuals for the early diagnosis and proper management since HEV is known to be fulminant in the presence of underlying liver disease that is common among HIV infected persons. In addition, the use of ART may reduce the incidence of HEV infection in HIV positive persons. Keywords: HEV Infection; HIV Positive; ART; Nigeria

1. Background Viral hepatitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Various viral agents including Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G are known as causes of liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver failure [1]. Hepatitis E disease is a self-limited feco-orally transmitted acute viral infection that occurs most frequently in epidemic forms [2]. The aetiology of the disease is Hepatitis E Virus (HEV), a non-enveloped RNA virus belonging to the genus hepevirus of the family Hepeviridae. The virus is transmitted from person to person *

Competing interest: We declare that we have no conflicting interest in the conduct of the study. Authors’ contribution: GNO and DOO conceived the idea of the study, GNO, DOO were involved in the collection and analysis of data, GNO supervised the laboratory investigations. GNO wrote the draft manuscript while both authors reviewed the final manuscript and approved the final version. DOO is the guarantor of the paper. # Corresponding author.

Copyright © 2013 SciRes.

feco-orally, hence its transmission is highly associated with poor hygiene or sanitation [2-4]. The virus has also been found in animals such as pigs, rodents, deer, and the possibility of zoonotic transmission of the virus has been suggested [5-8]. The prevalence of HEV in human population varies from one geographic location to another with high mortality rates in some areas, especially among pregnant women and persons with immunodeficiencies including organ transplant recipients [9-12]. The reported prevalence of HEV infection reported from the USA and Western Europe ranges from one to five percent [13-15], while the rate in developing countries ranges from 10% to 100% in some population groups [16,17]. Labrique and colleagues [18] in a study in Bangladesh reported a prevalence of 22.5% and the rate in Egypt has been reported to be as high as 100% among some population groups [16]. Ola et al. [19] found a seroprevalence rate of 44% among Health Workers in Nigeria. WJA

Hepatitis E Virus Infection in HIV Positive ART Naïve and Experienced Individuals in Nigeria

2. Objectives of the Study Recent studies have shown Hepatitis E Virus to be causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis in severely immunocompromised patients such organ transplant recipients and persons with HIV infection [9,12]. This study was designed to determine the burden of HEV infection among HIV positive individuals in Nigeria and the effect of HIV treatment on the infection.


diluted sample (1:20) was added to respective wells coated with HEV specific antigens. After incubation at 37˚C for 45 mins, wells of the reaction plates were washed and conjugate was added. Each reaction plate was washed again after incubation at 37, chromogen/substrate was then added and the OD value determined at 450 nm wavelength. The cut-off value was calculated and results interpreted as recommended by manufacturer.

3.4. Detection of HEV IgM

3. Study Design 3.1. Study Population The study participants included 90 HIV positive antiretroviral drug naïve and 90 HIV positive ART experienced individuals attending the ARV treatment clinic at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria for HIV/ AIDS care and treatment. Only individuals who have been on ART for a minimum of one year were included among the ART experienced group. Ethical approval was obtained from the UI/UCH Ethical Review committee for the study.

The HEV-IgM ELISA by Wantai Diagnostics, Beijing, China was used to detect the presence of HEV IgM in the plasma samples. The 96 wells polystyrene microwell is precoated with anti-human IgM. On addition of sample, bound HEV IgM was detected by use of recombinant HEV ORF2 antigen conjugated to the enzyme horseradish peroxidase. The assay procedure was carried out as recommended by the manufacturer. After addition of the stop solution, absorbance value for each of the wells was read at a dual wavelength of 450/630 nm.

4. Results

3.2. Laboratory Analysis Aliquot of plasma samples collected for laboratory investigations such as CD4 enumeration, blood chemistry (AST, ALT, Creatine, Urea.) were used to determine the presence of HEV IgG and IgM antibodies using commercially available Enzyme Immunoassay.

3.3. Detection of HEV IgG The DIA. PRO HEV AB, a 3rd generation EIA by Diagnostic Bioprobes (Milano, Italy) was used to test for the presence of HEV IgG. The assay was carried out according to manufacturer’s recommendation. Briefly, 200 ul of

The characteristics of the study population are shown in Table 1. Two-third of the patients attending the ART clinic during the period of sample collection were female. The mean age, mean CD4 and mean ALT of the participants were 39.4 years (range: 17 - 84), 351 cells/ul (range: 16 - 1565) and 27.0 (range: 4 - 212) respectively. Overall, the rate of HEV infection (combined IgG and IgM) found in this study is 12.2% (22/180). Twenty of the 180 (11.1%) patients were positive for HEV IgG while 2 (1.7%) were positive for IgM (Table 2). The prevalence of HEV IgG was higher among ART drug naïve (13.3%) patients while the two individuals who were

Table 1. Demographic characteristics and some laboratory parameters of HIV positive patients tested for HEV infection. ART status

Mean age (years) [Range] {SD}

Gender Male


Mean CD4 (cells/ul) [Range] {SD}

Mean ALT (IU/L) [Range] {SD}

Average period on ART (years) [Range]

ART naïve

37 [17 - 64] {11.2}



259 [16 - 1022] {221.1}

29.3 [1 - 132] {25.9}

Not applicable

ART exposed

42 [26 - 84] {10.1}



443 [26 - 1565] {343.6}

24.8 [4 - 212] {36.7}

2 (1 - 5 years)


39.4 (17 - 84) {10.9}



351 (16 - 1565) {302}

27.0 (1 - 212) {28}

Table 2. Prevalence of HEV IgG and IgM antibodies by ART statusamong HIV positive patients attending ART clinic at UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria. ART status

No tested

HEV IgG No (%) positive

HEV IgM No (%) positive

Past and present HEV infection No (%) positive

ART naive


12 (13.3)

2 (2.2)

14 (15.6)

ART exposed


8 (8.9)

0 (00)

8 (8.9)



20 (11.1)

2 (1.7)

22 (12.2)

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Hepatitis E Virus Infection in HIV Positive ART Naïve and Experienced Individuals in Nigeria

positive for HEV IgM were also ART drug naïve with mean CD4 of 205 and mean ALT of 31. The prevalence of the infection was higher among female and those in the ≥60 years age group followed by the 30 - 39 years age group (Table 3). The mean CD4 count among ART experienced individuals was higher than that of ART naïve (P = 0.004). However, there was no significant difference in the mean CD4 count among HEV negative HEV positive individuals (P = 0.1). Overall, the mean ALT (IU/L) was lower among the HEV positive than HEV negative ART Naïve (18.4 vs 31.4; P = 0.2) and ART experienced (20 vs 25; P = 0.7) individuals.

5. Discussion Hepatitis E virus infection recently has been described as an emerging infection among patients with immunosuppressing conditions of such human immunodeficiency infection [9,20,21]. In this study we found a high rate (12.5%) of HEV among HIV positive individuals attending an ART clinic in Nigeria. Although this rate is higher than the previously reported among similar populations in the industrialized countries [9,15,22,23], it is lower than the rates of HEV infection reported among some population groups HEV endemic areas of Africa [17] and Asia [10,18]. Interestingly, the prevalence of HEV infection found in this study is lower than the previously reported rate of 44% among Health workers in Nigeria [19]. Although the reason for this difference is not clear, it has been suggested that “health care setting is a home for transmission of infection especially where running water and other materials for hand hygiene are lacking” [19,24]. Nosocomial transmission of HEV infection has also been reported [25]. While some studies have shown that HIV infected individuals are not at higher risk of acquiring HEV infection than the general population [25], they are at higher risk of developing chronic HEV infection [15]. The prevalence of HEV infection in the general population in Nigeria has not been determined, however, the results of this study suggest the need to test for HEV infection in HIV positive individuals for the early diagnosis and proper management since HEV is known to be fulminant in the presence of underlying liver diseases that are common among HIV infected persons. The participants in this study includes those who are on ART (ART experienced) as well as those who are yet to commence ART (ART Naïve). The rate of HEV IgG which is indicative of past HEV infection was higher among the ART naïve group. In addition, the two individuals who were positive for HEV IgM, an indication of recent infection was also ART Naïve individuals. This finding suggests that the use of ART may protect against acquisition of HEV infection among HIV positive individuals, probably by improving the immunity of the inCopyright © 2013 SciRes.

dividual (as evident in the higher mean CD4 of the ART experienced individuals). Carry et al. [26] and Keane et al. [27] have also suggested that the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy may avert chronic HEV infection. Study involving larger sample size will be required to establish this finding. There was no association of HEV infection with low CD4 cell count and raised ALT as no significant difference in the mean CD4 cell count and mean ALT among HEV positive and HEV negative individuals. This observation is similar to the finding of Kaba et al. [15] who reported that anti-HEV prevalence did not differ significantly according to CD4 count, Cirrhosis, sex, age, mode of transmission and infection with HBV/HCV. On the other hand, Adjie et al. [17] showed a strong association of HEV positivity and high level of ALT among pig handlers in Ghana [17]. What Is Already Known on This Subject 

The rate of HEV infection varies by geographical location and between population groups.

Hepatitis E Virus is a causative agent of acute and chronic hepatitis in severely immunocompromised patients such as organ transplant recipients and persons with HIV infection [9,12]. What This Study Adds to Literature

High burden of HEV infection among HIV positive individuals in Nigeria.

ART may reduce the chance of acquiring HEV infection as evidence of recent infection found only among ART Naïve individuals.

The results of this study suggest the need to test for HEV infection in HIV positive individuals for the early diagnosis and proper management since HEV is known to be fulminant in the presence of underlying liver diseases that are common among HIV.

6. Acknowledgements The ART program at the University College Hospital is supported by USG PEPFAR program through a Cooperative Agreement (No: 1U2GPS001058) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Funds for antiHEV reagents were provided by the HIV/HEPATITIS project of the Department of Virology (7/225/18). The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are grateful to all the staffs of the ART clinic and Virology laboratory for the patient enrollment and laboratory analysis. We thank immensely our patients who participated in the study.

7. Ethical Considerations Approval for the study was obtained from the University WJA

Hepatitis E Virus Infection in HIV Positive ART Naïve and Experienced Individuals in Nigeria


Table 3. Pattern of HEV infection by age and gender among patients attending ART clinic at UCH, Ibadan Nigeria. Age



No tested

No (%) Pos

No tested

No (%) Pos

No tested

No (%) Pos