been dedicated, and we were able to celebrate her in great Club fashion.
MESSAGE FROM ... "I am so happy to follow in my Mother's footsteps and
become a member of the ANWC," said ..... It's a wonderful world and we want to
say,. There is ...
Advancing Journalistic Excellence Since 1932
Dear Members and Friends,
FALL/WINTER 2013 In this Issue Message from President 1 New Member Spotlight 1 History’s Mysteries /Save the Date 1
What a wonderful year 2013 has been! After a busy summer, fall and now winter, we continue to move along at a brisk pace with more enriching activities/programs in the works, new members joining, and elegant house updates in plain sight. We are a blessed group of individuals, and it’s an honor to continue to be a part of women making history. Our very talented ANWC Governing Board 2013-2014 continues to be highly active (see page 6 for official listing) and supportive of growth and progress at the Club. Thank you Board Members! The new Helen Thomas Room has continued on page 2 been dedicated, and we were able to celebrate her in great Club fashion.
New Members 1-2 Member News 3 Upoming Programs and Events 4 Past Programs and Events 4 – 5 History’s Mysteries Solved 6 Board of Governors 6 Message from the Editor 6
New members and sponsors above left to right are: Jane Pennewell, Julie Chase (ANWC Board Secretary), Claire S. Swift (ANWC President), Alix Murdoch, Natalie DiBlasio (ANWC President Elect), Cristina Del Sesto (ANWC VP of Membership), Jessica Kartalija, Katafa Hall Reid, and Anna West.
NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Elissa Blake Free, Level IV Member (October 2013). The ANWC welcomes legacy member Elissa Blake Free. Elissa is Executive Director of Communications at the Georgetown University Law Center. Prior to Georgetown Law, she spent more than two decades at CNN, doing just about every job in the Washington bureau, including field producer, executive producer and newsroom manager. "I am so happy to follow in my Mother's footsteps and become a member of the ANWC," said Elissa. "The Club holds a very special place in my heart, and I am honored to join such accomplished and fascinating women." continued on page 2
To see more dynamic new members turn to page 2.
Revelers recite a newly discovered piece of music at the Helen Thomas room dedication. What is it? (See page 6 to find out.)
Elissa Blake Free
SAVE THE DATE MAY 19, 2014 A Roast for Gwen Ifill at the Press Club
To volunteer, contact Julie Chase, Gala Chair, at anwclub@ For Upcoming Programs/Events see page 4.
Thank you to Marion Mattingly, VP of Programs, who continues to spearhead programs and Jean White, VP of House, for her undying support of all things house related. We are recently joined by new Board Member, Anna Medaris Miller, a Governor, who will assist with website duties and communications. Welcome! Thanks to Eileen Higgins, our editor, for this new bi-yearly Shop Talk and for your tireless efforts from afar. We couldn’t do it without you. And to Brent Summers who has laid out another excellent edition. Our ANWC Membership Directory for 2013-2014 has been published. We are on solid financial footing with two members, Claire Sanders Swift Jennifer Pellizaro and Tom Hardart, who have licensed the third and fourth floors for their businesses. Our Barbara Walters gala luncheon in June was a huge sucat the ANWC in front of the Wall of cess. Now we are heading towards our next spring “Excellence in Journalism” award Presidents benefit May 19 at the Press Club honoring PBS anchor and ANWC favorite Gwen Ifill! Board member Julie Chase will chair the event; please mark your calendars! Excellent work everyone.
Claire Sanders Swift
To sponsor a member or for information on membership contact Cristina Del Sesto at
[email protected] or call 202-332-6770.
New ANWC member, Leslie Thomas, has extended a special holiday discount to all ANWC members. Purchases from WORKSHOP/CoOp help women expand their businesses and play a stronger role in supporting their children’s educational opportunities. WORKSHOP/Co-Op is also always looking for interesting stories around women’s development in Guatemala and Egypt - our two launch companies and welcome leads to new stories we can share. Please enter the code NEWS from now through December 31, 2014 and receive a 25% discount on all purchases.
Advancing Journalistic Excellence Since 1932
NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT continued Elissa’s mother, Ann Cottrell Free, was one of the early members of the ANWC and the first woman in the Washington bureau of Newsweek, Chicago Sun and New York Herald Tribune.
Eleanor Roosevelt with Ann Cotrell Free.
NEW MEMBERS New members not pictured on front page:
Erin Powell
Leslie Thomas
Anna Medaris Miller
Ximena Ortiz
Petula Dvorak, Columnist, The Washington Post Davis Kennedy, Publisher/Editor, The Current Newspapers Ted Koppel, Broadcast Journalist Howard Kurtz, Host, Fox News Channel’s Media Buzz Indira Lakshmanan, Senior Reporter, Bloomberg News Amy Mitchell, Pew Research Center, Co-author “State of the News Media 2013” Norah O’Donnell, Co-anchor, CBS This Morning Mollly Philbin, Student, University of Vermont, ANWC Summer Intern 2013
MEMBER NEWS Founded in 1932, and housed in its historic headquarters on Washington’s Embassy Row, the American News Women’s Club is an association of women in the media professions. The ANWC is a 501(c) (3) organization, which annually raises funds for scholarships to journalism students. The Club has awarded scholarships to students from American University, the George Washington University, George Mason University, the University of Maryland, Howard University, Gallaudet University, and Northwestern University’s Medill School.
We have so much to share as ANWC members continue breaking barriers in so many ways. Pictured at left is Natalie DiBlasio, ANWC President-Elect, who is crossing the finish line of the half-marathon she ran for her match, Caleb, who has Congenital CMB (Cytomegaloviour and Microcephaly). The program, Who I Run 4 matches runners with children who have special needs. Go Natalie! Natalie also played herself as a USA TODAY reporter in a Nat Geo Film, “American Blackout.” ~ ANWC President Claire Sanders Swift returned to her alma mater, Hollins University, in Roanoke, Virginia, to address a record crowd attending the C3 Career Conference in October. ~ ANWC Past President and Co-Chair of the Barbara Walters gala luncheon, Ginny Daly, recently chaired the 75th anniversary of the Beaux Arts Ball, “It’s All about Art,” in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, raising a record amount of funds and media Natalie DiBlasio crossing finish line support for art education for Delaware children—wildat a DC half-marathon. ly successful as always, Ginny continues to be a force in whatever she is a part of. ~ General Clara Adams Ender received the American Academy of Nursing’s 2013 Living Legends Award. This award is one of Nursing’s Highest Honors. Congratulations Clara!
General Clara Adams-Ender
~ Editor Eileen Higgins moved to Moorestown, NJ, in September and is enjoying her life as a retired professor living close by many of her family. ~ Past President Nancy Lang was recently injured but is on the mend in rehab enjoying the food and company and will be back soon. Speedy, easy, recovery, Nancy!
We look forward to sharing more about our dynamic members in future issues of Shop Talk.
~ New member Anna West, PR Manager from the Humane Society of the U.S., has taken on a new post, the ANWC’s PR Liaison. This is a new position that will assist the Club to expand in new directions. Thank you Anna! ~ New Member Page Dahl Crosland, who is Director of Media and Events for the Capital Area Food Bank, of which also Marion Mattingly serves on their Board, informed us that for Thanksgiving the Obama Family volunteered at the Capital Area Food Bank delivering food to kids and seniors. Good work Page!
Advancing Journalistic Excellence Since 1932
Ginny Daly dressed in Beaux Arts grandeur.
UPCOMING PROGRAMS AND EVENTS January, 2014 (Date TBA) “Media 101: Tricks of the Trade Part II” March, 2014 (Date TBA) “Meet the Women Ambassadors ” May 6, 2014 (Tuesday) “Books, Cartoons and Causes” An event at the Clubhouse. Members talk about and display their work. May 19, 2014 ( Monday) “Gwen Ifill Roast at the National Press Club” - 2014 Recipient for the ANWC Excellence in Journalism Award FALL/WINTER 2013
To suggest programs, email
[email protected] or call the Club at 202-332-770 during regular business hours.
To book weddings, rehearsal dinners, or other meetings at Cranford House. Phone 202-332-6770 Fax (202) 265-2092 Email:
[email protected]
Please see our website ( PHOTO GALLERIES) for more photos.
June 17, 2014 (Tuesday) Annual Meeting
PAST PROGRAMS AND EVENTS June 21, 2013: GALA AWARD LUNCHEON HONORING BARBARA WALTERS, RECIPIENT OF THE ANWC’S “EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM” AWARD The benefit luncheon for Barbara Walters at the National Press Club was filled with friends, colleagues, and admirers of the legendary broadcaster. The event was co-chaired by Ginny Daly, Past President and Governor, who has chaired several galas for the ANWC and Claire S. Swift, President. The dynamic duo, filling the room to capacity at 250, took the luncheon by storm. The event began with a VIP reception for Ms. Walters which turned into Claire Swift, ANWC President, presents Barbara Walters with ANWC’s “ Excela media frenzy of sorts and was lence in Journalism”Award while toaster Ted Koppel looks on with applause. followed by lunch and an array of speakers who roasted and toasted her with genuine affection and admiration. TV host Norah O’Donnell was the Master of Ceremonies, and Ted Koppel, Sally Quinn, Bob Schieffer and Howard Kurtz were among the presenters. VIP’s including Senator John Warner, Alan Greenspan (former beaus) and Lady Westmacott, the Ambassador of Great Britain’s wife, were in attendance. Following the roasts and toasts to Walters, Margaret Ryan, Club Treasurer and Scholarship Search Committee Chair, presented three local women journalism students with scholarships. These women were featured in the Spring 2013 Shop Talk.
Barbara Walters shares a very funny story about…well, you had to be there…. Advancing Journalistic Excellence Since 1932
ANWC members and guests enjoyed a wideranging conversation about the “state of the media” featuring Amy Mitchell, co-author of the Pew Center Project for Excellence in Journalism’s Annual Report on the State of the News Media and Indira Lakshmanan, a senior reporter for Bloomberg News covering U.S. foreign policy, who has traveled extensively with several U.S. Secretaries of State and has reported from more than 50 countries in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Europe. Mitchell and Lakshmanan discussed some of the latest trends in news, news gathering, and news delivery; the shifting sands for traditional, mainstream newsrooms; the growth of paid digital Amy Mitchell, co-author of the Pew Research Center for Excellence in Journalism State of the Media Report, and content; and the revolutionary impact of Twitter Indira Lakshmi, a senior reporter for Bloomberg News, and other social media as both news sources and discuss the current media landscape. platforms for reporting. September 20, 2013: TRICKS OF THE TRADE, ULTRA LOCAL NEWS: IS EVERY STORY LOCAL?
The Club’s mission is to promote journalistic excellence, foster professional growth, and advance women’s roles in journalism and related professions.
Our “Tricks of the Trade” program featuring ultra-local news headliners was a standing room only event. History tells us that every story is local. But is it? Editor/ Publisher Davis Kennedy shared some tips on how he has kept his reputable “ultra local” newspaper chain up to the minute. Also joining the conversation was star Washington Post reporter of all things local Petula Dvorak, new members Jessica Kartalija, reporter WJZ-TV Baltimore and Elizabeth Jia, Elizabeth Jia, WUSA9, Petula Dvorak, The Washington Post, Jessica multi-media journalist/producer WUSA9, Kartalija, WJZ-TV Baltimore, and Davis Kennedy, Publisher and Editor The Current Newspapers, answer questions from the members Washington, DC. Their messages were both heartwarming and funny. and guests attending their fascinating program. November 7, 2013: CELEBRATING LEGEND HELEN THOMAS
It was a packed house for celebratory cocktails and a room dedication honoring ANWC legend, who gave everything she could for the Club for decades, Helen Thomas. The room, formerly known as the “Piano Room” is now officially the “Helen Thomas Room.” Past recipient of the ANWC’s “Excellence in Journalism” award, Eleanor Clift, was emcee/master of toasts for the evening. “She was ours.” said VP of Programs Marion Mattingly, “and we were hers.”
Please visit our website ( PHOTO GALLERIES) for more photos. Advancing Journalistic Excellence Since 1932
Helen Thomas’s grand niece , Genevieve Deleon and niece Terri Deleon admire the caricature of Helen Thomas surrounded by the Presidents illustrated by Patty Raine that
FALL/WINTER 2013 ANWC Board of Governors 2013-2014 President Claire Sanders Swift President-Elect Natalie DiBlasio Treasurer
Anna West, Eleanor Clift, Marion Mattingly, Karen Cody, Patty Raine, and Claire Swift recite an ANWC Club song written in 1961 that was recently discovered at the Clubhouse.
Deb Toll
American Newspaper Women’s Song
(1961) Lyrics by Corrine Griffith, Music by Richard Froeber
Julie Chase VP Programs Marion Mattingly VP Membership Cristina Del Sesto VP, House
Margaret Ryan and Cristina Del Sesto at the Helen Thomas Event.
Jean White VP Communications M. Eileen Higgins Governors Karen James Cody Tish Van Dyke Anna Medaris Miller Sr. Liasion, Intl. Relations Jing-Yi Liu Liaison, Public Relations Anna West Shop Talk Editor
Eleanor Clift regales guests at the Helen Thomas Program with memorable anecdotes about her times with Helen “on the road.”
We’re the ladies of the press. We can condemn or we can bless. Tout your scandal to the sky or picture you singing a lullaby. It’s a wonderful world and we want to say, There is good news folks, good news today. So if you will only cooperate We’ll show you we can appreciate Could anyone, anywhere ask for more? We’re the American Newspaper Women’s Corps!
M. Eileen Higgins Editorial Claire Sanders Swift Webmaster Anna Medaris Miller Margot Raphael Part Time Staff and Volunteers Sr. Staff Liasion Janina Roncevic Building Supervisor Macrio Da Silva Project Manager Anne Ourand Photo credits: Neshan Naltshayan
Advancing Journalistic Excellence Since 1932
As a member of this Club who has belonged since the late 70’s, I remember, when I first joined, feeling like one of the youngest people at the programs, meetings, and events. Now I am on the other side of the spectrum and am amazed and thrilled at the influx of smart, accomplished young women who are now joining the Club. As the Editor of Shop Talk, working long distance from New Jersey, I do not have much elbow-rubbing time with these bright stars to find out their news, so I am encouraging older and younger alike to let me know where you are traveling professionally, what awards you are winning, what books or significant pieces you are publishing, etc. I will be sure to follow up and let the world (or our world) hear your news and see your pictures. Please let me know if you would like to help with Shop Talk, suggest ideas for sections or stories, or tip me off to the achievements of someone too shy to tell me herself. Happy Holidays and have a brilliant New Year!
Editor Eileen Higgins
Eileen Higgins