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Nov 8, 2013 ... LaRousse ([email protected]) and Joanna Stokinger ... Tickets for the auction, dinner and dessert will be available at the school starting ...
Birchtree Friday Update Birchtree Charter School 7107 E. Palmer Wasilla Hwy. Plamer, Ak 99645

Nov 8, 2013

t. 907-745-1831

News about Ms. Faye Our dear friend, mentor, grandma, secretary and loving guidance counselor Faye is recovering in the hospital after fracturing her hip Tuesday evening. Faye is the glue that keeps our office together and running smoothly. She doles out countless hugs to kiddos who have earned a green slip, applied band aides and ices packs with tender hands, solves our problems, answers our questions with a smile and greets each and every child by name. She knows the name of every parent, grandparent and caregiver. She knows each child down to the stray hairs on their head and the placement of every freckle on their face. Please bear with us as we attempt to fill (hopefully for only a short time) her very big shoes. We hope to see Faye rolling around our Birchtree halls in a few weeks… In the meantime, Birchtree staff will set up a meal calendar through “Take Them A Meal” to help alleviate at least some of the stress of convalescing. We will send out an e-mail to let you know when the calendar is officially up and running. If you would like to send a card please drop it off at the front office and we will deliver it for you.

Lantern Walk this Tuesday... After hours of hard work creating lanterns,and learning songs and lore of St Martinmas, our Birchtree students are ready for the annual Martinmas lantern walk to be held on November 12th at 8:35am. Students hear the story of St. Martin, sing songs, and in the early morning darkness venture out with their lanterns in a mood of quiet reverence. The “Lantern Walk” is a German tradition and thus part of our German curriculum at Birchtree.

Nov 11, No School, professional development day for staff.

Nov 12, Birchtree lantern walk @ 8:35

Nov 12, 4th grade boys basketball game with Fingerlake @ 4:00 Nov 14, APC annual meeting at 6:30pm.

Nov 14, APC & BPG election ends at 5:30pm.

Nov 16, Boys basketball jamboree @ Teeland Middle School

Nov 18, Girls basketball home game at AT&T sports center with Fingerlake.

Nov 20, BPG meeting at 3:45pm with a Summer Arts Camp meeting to follow at 5:15pm.

Nov 22, Fall Auction at the Eagle Hotel , 7-10PM

Nov 23, Girls Basketball Jamboree at Teeland middle School.

Nov 26, Mrs Tran’s 4th grade Thanksgiving Feast 12:30– 3:00.

Nov 27, 3rd grade Thanksgiving Celebration

Nov 28, Thanksgiving (No School)

There’s an all too familiar chill in the air… Yes, its that time again when we must bid adieu to our lovely Autumn and prepare for Winter. Please make sure your children are outfitted with warm hats, mittens, boots and coats so they may enjoy a warm and comfortable recess.

f. 907-745-1843 Upcoming Events

Nov 30, Colony Holiday Bazaar at Colony High School 10-5:00

Birchtree Charter

t. 907– 745-1831

Friday Update Nov. 8, 2013

Expressions of Gratitude 

We are so grateful to Tina Leingang for organizing a library tutorial to educate our fabulous volunteers about the ins and outs of the library.

Many thanks to Prairie Adams for visiting our school this past week. Prairie worked with several teachers to formulate both short and long range goals in the areas of instruction, school governance, and communication. She also drafted a plan to form focus groups, committees, and leadership positions to carry out these goals. We appreciate the time and energy she has devoted to our community.

Volunteers Needed 

Fall Auction is still in need of volunteers to make or donate gourmet desserts for the Nov. 22nd auction. Auction contacts are Stephanie LaRousse ([email protected]) and Joanna Stokinger ([email protected]).

BPG would appreciate assistance with the upcoming Colony Holiday Bazaar, Nov. 30th from 10– 5pm. We are looking for volunteers to transport stock, help set up our table, and sell items. Please sign up at the front office.

Virtue of the week I am thankful for the many gifts within me and around me today. I appreciate my life. I look for the lessons. I expect the best.

Art Gallery

Birchtree Charter

Nov. 8, 2013

t. 907– 745-1831

Concert News

APC & BPG News

This Christmas season the fourth through eighth graders will perform in the school wide orchestra concert on Friday, Dec. 13th at 6:30 pm. Children will need to arrive at the Wasilla Bible Church ( 1651 W. Nicola Ave.) at 6:00 pm, dressed neatly. This will be a wonderful chance for our string players to demonstrate their developing skills.

Our APC (Academic Policy Council) and BPG (Birchtree Parent Guild) elections will begin Friday November 8th. Ballots may be cast until 5:30 on Thursday, November 14th. Each family is allowed 1 ballot for APC and BPG. The ballot box will be located at the front counter. Results of the APC election will be announced at the annual meeting, November 14th at 6:30. All new members will be sworn in if the quorum is met. If individuals are unable to be sworn in during the November 14th meeting they will be sworn in at the regularly scheduled December meeting.

Additionally, the fourth graders have a special optional performance at the Colony Christmas Nativity Display at the Palmer LDS chapel (560 W. Arctic Ave.—just down the street from PHS) on Saturday, Dec. 14th at 4:30pm. Students will need to arrive at the church back doors at 4:00pm with their violins, flutes and their smiles! We will gather and tune up, then go onstage when we are called. The performance will finish at about 5:00pm. Parents may stay backstage, or explore the exhibits, but I would ask that you stay in the building while your student performs. Please contact Mrs. Kristin Fry at [email protected] or 745-1831 if you have any questions.

Pizza Fridays Starting this Friday our students can expect bigger, organic salads offered on our pizza orders!

Health Screening Nurse Karen will complete the eye and hearing tests for the elementary grades starting November 13th.

Fundraising Fall Auction, Nov. 22, 7– 10:00pm This year’s Fall Auction will be at the Eagle Hotel in Palmer. Tickets for the auction, dinner and dessert will be available at the school starting Nov 1st for $25. There are a limited number of tickets available, so get yours today! Remember: The basket that generates the most buzz at the auction earns a party hosted by the 8th grade class! We will have a gourmet dessert auction as well. If anyone would like to donate a dessert, please contact Stephanie or Joanna. All proceeds benefit our 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. Auction contacts are Stephanie LaRousse ([email protected]) and Joanna Stokinger ([email protected]).

Colony Holiday Bazaar Birchtree Parent Guild will be hosting a table at the Colony Holiday Bazaar, November 30th from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Students and parent volunteers will be selling beautiful handmade items. We encourage you to come explore the many different locally crafted exhibits and support our very own “Birchtree grown” artists. If you are interested in lending a helping hand with transporting materials to Colony, creating handcrafted items to sell, or manning the booth, please call the front desk(745-1831) or contact Ms. Sharrer at [email protected].