Aug 25, 2011 ... (I)GCSE. (International. General Certificate of. Secondary Education). 15. Year 11
..... Stephen graduated the University of Durham with a BSc in Physics. After two
years ..... SS Season 2 Sports Trials Week. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Back to School 2011/2012 First Day of School: Thursday 25th August 2011 Legend Garden Campus: 6454 9000 Legend Early Years Campus: 6454 9000 Riviera Main Campus: 8450 7676 Little Riviera Campus: 8450 7175
Dulwich College Beijing Philosophy & Objectives 北京德威英国国际学校教育理念与宗旨 Because children come first: 秉承学生优先原则 1. We provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment 我们提供并营造安全而富有启发性的学习环境。 2. We recognise that each child is unique 我们认同每位学生的独特性。 3. We challenge each child to be the best they can be and support them in this 我们协助每位学生在挑战中尽展所能。 4. We educate the whole child 我们立志于全人教育。 5. We emphasise the benefits and responsibilities of working together 我们重视团队合作的责任感并从中获益。 6. We know that meaningful learning involves taking risks 我们深知有意义的学习需要冒险精神。 7. We value awareness of the natural world and its resources 我们珍视自然世界及其资源。 8. We prepare children to live their lives with a spirit of respect for themselves and others 我们培育学生尊重自己与他人。 9. We aim to prepare them for a future that is unpredictable 我们致力于培养学生应对未知世界的能力。
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Dulwich College Beijing SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR 2011-2012 Month
Jan 2012
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18th-24th Aug Teacher Planning & Set up 24th Aug New Families Orientation Day 25th Aug First Day of School -Term 1 (Autumn)
12th Sep Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday
3rd-7th Oct National Holidays
10th-11th Nov Student November Break / Staff PD Days 14th Nov November Break
19th Dec-6th Jan Winter Holidays
9th Jan First Day of Term 2 (Spring ) 23rd-27th Jan Chinese New Year Holidays (CNY Day 23rd Jan)
30th Mar-6th April Spring Break / 30th Mar Staff PD Day
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Event 15th-17th Aug Induction for New Staff
4th April Tomb Sweeping Day 9th April First Day of Term 3 (Summer)
30th April-1st May May Day Holidays
22nd Jun Last day of School (23rd June Dragon Boat Festival)
School days: 180 Days
Professional development days: 3 Days
Revised: 16th June 2011 SJR
Term 1: 25th Aug to 16th Dec 2011
Term 2: 9th Jan to 29th Mar 2012
Term 3: 9th Apr to 22nd June 2012
Legend Garden Main Campus Tel: 6454-9000
Riviera Main Campus Tel: 8450-7676
Riviera Kindergarten Campus Tel: 8450-7175
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Dear Parents, Please find enclosed information to assist you in the start of the new academic year. As this is a lengthy document, I have divided it into the sections shown below. During the summer holiday all calls will be diverted to the Legend Garden Campus. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school on 64549000 or by email:
[email protected]
With best wishes for a relaxing holiday,
Neal McGowan Headmaster Dulwich College, Beijing
Guide to the Curriculum and Key Stages ..............................................................................................................5
Parking and Drop Off at School ..............................................................................................................................6
The First Day of Term ..............................................................................................................................................6
The Second Day of Term ..........................................................................................................................................7
Parent Information Evenings ..................................................................................................................................8
The School Day .........................................................................................................................................................9
School Lunches........................................................................................................................................................10
School Buses ............................................................................................................................................................11
School Activities ......................................................................................................................................................11
Introduction to New Teaching Staff .....................................................................................................................12
Uniform ....................................................................................................................................................................16
Maths Equipment for Senior School Students ....................................................................................................17
Printing and Photocopying ...................................................................................................................................18
September Field Trips for Senior School Students .............................................................................................18
School Events Calendar, Autumn Term ..............................................................................................................18
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1. Guide to the Curriculum and Key Stages Age as at 1st September
Dulwich Year Level
Toddler 1
Grade Equivalent
Pre-Nursery 2
Toddler 2
Year 1
Year 2
Grade 1
Year 3
Grade 2
Year 4
Grade 3
Year 5
Grade 4
Year 6
Grade 5
Year 7
Grade 6
Year 8
Grade 7
Year 9
Grade 8
Year 10
Grade 9
Year 11
Grade 10
Year 12
Grade 11
Year 13
Grade 12
Dulwich & UK Key Stage
Foundation / Early Years
Curriculum Follows standards set in the English Early Years Foundation Stage
Key Stage 1 / Early Years
Key Stage 2 / Junior School
Dulwich College Curriculum based on English National Curriculum
Key Stage 3 / Senior School
Key Stage 4 / Senior School
Key Stage 5 / Senior School
(I)GCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) IB Diploma Programme
Class Sizes The maximum number in each class is as follows: Toddler – 16 students Nursery – 18 students Reception – 20 students Year 1 and 2 – 21 students Year 3 and upward – 21 students
Secondary Education)
The College reserves the right to increase the student number per class under special circumstances
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Locations: Legend Garden Campus Address: 89 Capital Airport Road, Legend Garden, Shunyi District, Beijing, 101300 Tel: (8610) 6454 9000 Offering Junior and Senior School classes Legend Early Years Campus Address: 89 Capital Airport Road, Legend Garden, Shunyi District, Beijing, 101300 Tel: (8610) 6454 9000 Offering Toddler 1, Toddler 2, Nursery and Reception classes Riviera Main Campus Address: Beijing Riviera, 1 Xiang Jiang Bei Lu, Jing Shun Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing, 100103 Tel: (8610) 8450 7676 Offering Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 to 2) classes Little Riviera Campus Address: Beijing Riviera, 1 Xiang Jiang Bei Lu, Jing Shun Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing, 100103 Tel: (8610) 8450 7175 Offering Toddler 1, Toddler 2, and Nursery classes
2. Parking and Drop Off at School Parents are requested to drop students at the Legend Garden Campus after 08:00. Parents with children at the Riviera and Legend Early Years Campuses are requested to drop students off after 08:20. Children in the Early Years must be accompanied to and from school by an authorised adult. Please do not arrive before the times indicated, as teaching staff will be preparing for the day ahead or may be in early meetings and unavailable to supervise the students. Traffic patterns and drop-off zones will be marked on maps for each individual campus and will be available in the Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure letter to be sent the week before school starts. Traffic is always congested for the first few days and we ask for your patience. Please remind your drivers to be patient and obey the directions of the security guards at the campuses at all times. This is essential for everyone’s safety.
3. The First Day of Term The first day of the new school year is Thursday 25th August 2011. Toddler classes Teachers from our Toddler Classes will contact parents about arrangements for this first day. You will have the opportunity to talk about your child and complete a settling in plan that will help your child to transition at his/her own pace.
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Nursery and Reception classes This will be an orientation morning and not an ordinary school day. We ask parents to accompany their children to school to meet the class teacher and to visit the classroom and campus. Parents and children in Toddler, Nursery, Reception are not required to stay for the full morning but may leave when they feel comfortable. Children and parents for Toddler, Nursery and Reception are asked to come to school between 8:30 and 11:00. Key Stage One Year 1 classes This will be an orientation morning and parents are asked to accompany their child into the classroom any time between 08:30 and 11:00. Parents may talk to the class teaching team, visit the classroom with their child and leave with their child when they wish to. Key Stage One Year 2 classes Children in Year Two are asked to come at 08:30 and be left by their parents until 11:00. Parents can leave the premises or join other Year Two parents for a cup of coffee. From 11:00 until 11:30 parents have the opportunity to come to the classroom and ask the teacher any general questions about the school day. Junior School (Years 3 – 6) This will be a usual school day for Junior School. Students are asked to come to school at 8:15. The Junior School students will spend the whole day with their class teachers and there will be no specialist lessons on the first day. During this first day the class teachers will settle the children and make them aware of the various routines in their new class. They will also do a lot of ‘getting to know you’ activities in order to help the children bond with their new class mates. All students will finish school at 15:30. Buses will leave at 15:45. Senior School (Years 7 – 13) Students will spend the morning with their Form Tutors and Heads of Year. During the afternoon there will be an Activities Fair – when students will have a chance to learn about and choose their activities for the next term – and student-led (and staff-supervised) assemblies to introduce the school’s student groups, such as the School Council, ‘Students Can Help’, ‘Friendly Faces’ and the Student Leadership Team. Some new students may be assessed for their level of English, Chinese, French or Spanish during the day, with a view to best placing them in language sets.
4. The Second Day of Term Early Years: Toddler, Nursery, Reception and Key Stage One (Years 1 – 2) We understand that children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One may be very tired on the first full day of term so please let the class teacher know if you intend to pick them up earlier than the finishing time. The second day of term will be an ordinary day for Key Stage One children. Some Nursery and Reception children may need time to settle in and your child’s teacher will work with you to make a smooth and appropriate transition suitable for your child. Toddler children will have a scheduled settling-in period.
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To ensure a positive and smooth transition from home to school, the Toddler classes will be divided into three groups from Friday 26th August to Wednesday 31st August.
Group 1: 08:30 to 09:30 Group 2: 09:45 to 10:45 Group 3: 11:00 to 12:00
The class teacher will contact you the week before school starts to let you know your child’s group. Junior School (Years 3 – 6) Junior School students will remain in class all day. They will continue with activities to find out about the other children in the class. The school philosophy and objectives statement will be discussed and explained to the children. They will also discuss, and make together, the class rules which will deal, in a positive way, about expected behaviour in the class and around the school. Usual timetable with specialist lessons and teachers will begin on Monday 29th August. Senior School (Years 7 – 13) Students will continue to spend time with their Form Tutors and also attend their first House Meeting of the year. Sports Trials and Activities will run through the day so students should bring their PE kit. The regular timetable will start on Monday 29th August. Junior/Senior School Sports Trials the Second Day of Term Sports Trials will run throughout the day so students should bring their PE kit. More detailed information will be available two weeks before the start of school on the school website and in the introductory pack on the first day of school.
5. Parent Information Evenings A series of parent information evenings will be held in the second and third weeks of term outlining in more detail aspects of the academic and pastoral programme offered at Dulwich. All parents are invited to attend and meet our staff at each campus. The dates for these events are as follows: Tuesday 30th August, 18:00 – 20:30, Legend Garden Campus: Senior School, KS3 (Yrs 7–9) Parent Information Evening Wednesday 31st August, 18:00 – 19:30, LG Lakeview Café, Legend Garden Campus: Junior School (Yrs 3–6) Parent Information Evening Thursday 1st September, 18:00 – 19:00, Riviera Main Campus: KS1 (Yrs 1–2) Parent Information Evening Tuesday 6th September, 18:00 – 20:30, Legend Garden Campus: Senior School, KS4 and KS5 (Yrs 10–13) Parent Information Evening Page 8
Wednesday 7th September, 18:00 – 19:00, Riviera Main Campus: Foundation Stage Parent Information Evening Thursday 8th September, 18:00 – 19:00, Legend Early Years Campus: Foundation Stage Parent Information Evening
6. The School Day Early Years: Foundation Stage and Key Stage One (Years 1– 2) School is in session Monday through to Friday, except for holidays, as follows: Toddler 1 Toddler 2 Nursery (half day) Nursery (full day) Reception, Year 1, Year 2 (full-day)
08:30 to 11:00 08:30 to 11:30 08:30 to 11:45 08:30 to 15:30 08:30 to 15:30
Parents of children in Reception and KS1 are asked to ensure that their children are in class between 08:15 and 08:25 ready to start the day at 08:30. Children who are late can miss some valuable curriculum time and teachers will contact parents if this becomes a regular occurrence. Junior School Day (Years 3 – 6) The school day runs from 08:15 to 15:30. It is usually divided into three sessions, but the specific times of morning break vary according to timetable commitments. 08:15 Registration 08:25 Session 1 10:25 Morning Break The children have a drink and a snack and then enjoy free playtime in the outdoor area. 10:55 Session 2 12:25 Lunch 13:30 to 15:30 Session 3 15:40 to 16:30 after-school activity (Tue & Thurs) Key Stage 2 assembly takes place every Friday at 14:30-15:30, and parents are invited to attend if they are able to do so. On after-school activity days (Tuesdays and Thursdays), buses will leave at 15:45 and 16:45. If students do not attend their after-school activity on a Tuesday or Thursday and need to catch the early bus home, please ensure the Junior School Campus Administrator, Sylvia Liu, is informed. Sylvia should also be informed of any changes in your pick-up or home bus arrangements at any time. Individual school teams and musical groups may train or rehearse on any given day after school and separate letters with permission slips will be given for notice of these events.
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Senior School Day (Years 7– 12) 08:15 Period 1 starts (registration takes place at the start of each lesson) 09:10 Period 1 ends 09:15 Period 2 starts 10:10 Period 2 ends 10:15 Tutor Period starts 10:35 Tutor Period ends, Break starts 10:55 Break ends, Period 3 starts 11:50 Period 3 ends 11:55 Period 4 starts 12:50 Period 4 ends, Lunch break starts 13:45 Lunch break ends, Period 5 starts 14:40 Period 5 ends, Period 6 starts (no 5 minute changeover) 15:35 Period 6 ends 15:45 First bus leaves, Activities start 16:40 Activities end 16:45 Second bus leaves On a Wednesday times vary in the morning in order to accommodate PSHE and Assembly periods: 08:15 Period 1 starts (registration takes place at the start of each lesson) 09:10 Period 1 ends 09:15 Period 2 starts 10:10 Period 2 ends, break starts 10:30 Break ends, Period 3 starts 11.25 Period 3 ends 11:30 PSHE / Assembly Period starts 12:10 Period 4 starts 12:50 Period 4 ends, Lunch break starts
7. School Lunches Students at the Legend Garden Campus will use the Smart Card system to pay for lunches. Students opting for school lunch will be asked to load RMB 500 onto their cards at the start of the year, and may then top up the cards with funds as needed throughout the year. The caterer will have staff in the cafeteria to take the students’ photographs and to accept payment from 09:00 to 15:00, Monday to Friday, starting Monday 22nd August 2011. They will print the photo ID cards, load the money onto the cards, and return the cards to the students. For students at the Riviera and Legend Early Years Campuses, lunch fees will be paid directly to the school and the students will be provided with a set lunch.
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8. School Buses School buses will begin as follows: Junior and Senior School: Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1:
Thursday 25th August Friday 26th August
Full bus service with early and late buses will commence from Friday 26th August. A school representative will contact you the week before school starts with bus details.
9. School Activities A very large number of different activities are available within the school. The programmes for these will not be available until the start of the new school year. Clubs/Activities: In Key Stage One children have the opportunity to join an after school Roots and Shoots activity and the lunchtime school choir. Activities for Junior School students will run on Tuesdays and Thursday after school. Activities for Senior School students will run during lunchtimes and after school each day. All students must sign up and regularly attend at least one activity per week. Musical Ensembles: Students can get involved in a variety of music groups and ensembles after school and during lunchtime. The very best singers get a chance to be in the Chamber Choir, whilst all singers are catered for in our Key Stage 3 Choir and Senior School Choir. The boys are challenged in our amazing Male Voice Choir. The more advanced orchestral players will be invited to perform in the Senior School Orchestra, whilst the Intermediate Orchestra will be used to coach and train all others for eventual placement in the Senior School Orchestra. Our top musicians are invited to perform in the Beijing Youth Orchestra, whose home is the Edward Alleyn Theatre. The Big Band offers places to students in Key Stages 4 and 5 whilst the Wind Band caters for our Key Stage 3 players. A Gifted and Talented Jazz Septet graces many public engagements both inside and outside the College. Rock Bands are encouraged to practice on a weekly basis as the Practice Rooms are reserved for them at specific times. Many Chamber Music groups exist, from Flute Groups to Clarinet Groups to Piano Trios. If you have an idea we can cater for it. Next year we will operate a Chinese instrumental and drumming group and focus more on our piano players and creating more Chamber Groups in liaison with our new Head of Instrumental Studies. Students are encouraged to lead and direct their own groups, under the tutelage of their music teachers where anything is possible, and indeed encouraged at Dulwich. All groups and soloists are given ample opportunities to display their talents on stage within the Dulwich community and elsewhere. Dulwich Community Programmes (DCP) Dulwich Community Programmes (DCP) offers learning experiences for the entire community to enjoy. A broad range of courses for children and adults are available including sport, culture, music, technology, performance and more.
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Classes for children are selected to complement the current set of school activities offered. All DCP courses are conducted by qualified and professional coaches/instructors. Courses vary throughout the year; it is advised to check the brochures and website each term (Autumn, Winter, Summer). Term courses typically run eight to ten weeks and are held after school and during the weekends. It is important to note that DCP also organises music instruction, which include private lessons, ensemble and Music Theory. Music students will have the opportunity to sit both ABRSM and Trinity Guildhall examinations (both practical and theory) and obtain certifications as they advance through their studies. In addition to Term courses, DCP also runs holiday camps throughout the year for students to keep busy during school breaks. Adults are also welcome to participate in DCP. Each term has classes especially geared toward those who are 18 and older. One-day workshops will once again be available throughout the year for those eager to continue their education with limited time on their hands. Unlike After School Activities, DCP courses are not included in the school fees, and therefore incur an additional cost. The DCP office is located at the Legend Garden Campus and any queries can be directed to
[email protected] Dulwich Legend Sports Club Located on the Legend Garden Campus, Dulwich Legend Sports Club provides students, parents and the community with access to high quality sports facilities and equipment. The club offers a 25-metre swimming pool, a sports hall, a multi-purpose sports dome, tennis courts, a dance/aerobics studio and a range of resistance and cardiovascular training equipment. The club’s operating hours are 06:00 to 22:30 on weekdays and 08:00 to 21:00 on weekends, but use of the swimming pool, sports hall and sports dome is limited to Dulwich students when school is in session. Dulwich students receive free access to all of the club’s facilities and Dulwich parents are provided with special discounted pricing on membership fees. Contact Justin Hayes at
[email protected] for more information or to set up a tour of the club.
10. Introduction to New Teaching Staff New Junior School Staff Bronwen Duffield – Year 4 Teacher Bronwen Duffield studied for her degree in media and film studies at Trinity College, Camarthen, Wales, and followed that with a PGCE qualification. She has been teaching children with a variety of languages and cultural backgrounds at Spinney Junior School, England which will be excellent preparation for the next step in her career at Dulwich. In addition to her classroom teaching she is RE and choir coordinator for the school. When not in school she enjoys the outdoor life and is looking forward to improving her snowboarding skills in the winter.
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Alex Turner – Year 4 Teacher Alex Turner is moving to Junior school from year 2 where he has been teaching for the last two years. Mr Turner trained in the UK and has BA from Lancaster University and a PGCE. Prior to coming to China he taught in a large school in an economically and socially deprived area of Blackpool. Mr Turner is especially interested in ICT and was ICT coordinator in KS1. Out of school Mr Turner likes to keep fit by visiting the gym regularly. He also runs, plays football, snowboards and scuba dives. Stephen Honey – Year 5 Teacher Stephen Honey is joining us from the UK where he gained a BA (Hons) from Kent University and followed that with a PGCE at Canterbury University. He has been teaching Year 4 students and been the PE coordinator at his school in Kent. In addition to teaching in the UK Mr Honey took a TEFL qualification and taught EAL in a school on the outskirts of Suva, Fiji. Out of school Mr Honey is an enthusiastic sportsman taking part in rowing, triathlons and swimming. He combines this love of sports with his love for travel and has scuba dived in Thailand and camel trekked in Morocco. Lynn Xing – Teacher of Chinese Lynn is a certified Chinese teacher. She also has a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Birmingham. She has five years experience teaching Chinese as second language and also has experience of teaching Chinese culture to foreign students in English. Cindy Wang – Teacher of Chinese Cindy is a certified Chinese Teacher who graduated from Ji Nan University in Shandong province. She has six years teaching experience in an international school setting and previously taught Chinese culture and language to children of all ages in Korea for several years. Marisha Guo – Teacher of Chinese A certified Chinese teacher, Marisha is coming to Junior School from Key Stage 1 where she is a teaching assistant. Marisha graduated from Taiyuan Normal University. She has thirteen years of teaching experience, five of those years as a Chinese teacher in an international school. Marisha has had experience of Junior School children as she was a Year 3 teaching assistant before she moved to Key Stage 1 to gain experience teaching daily Chinese lessons to younger children. Amanda O’Neil – Year 6 Teacher Amanda O’Neil is Australian and gained her degree and teaching qualification there. She started her teaching career in Sydney, Australia and has since taught across the whole of the Primary age range in Australia, Ireland, England and Japan. She gained her Masters of Education with special interest in the area of gifted and talented students, and is keen to ensure that all pupils are stretched to their limits. Out of school Ms O’Neil enjoys music in all forms and travelling. Sarah Yeung – Year 6 Teacher Sarah Yeung completed a degree in languages and then gained her teaching qualification in the UK. Afterwards she spent two years teaching in an inner city school in Birmingham before coming to China where she taught Year 3 for one year at Dulwich. She then moved to Key Stage 1 to widen her experience to the younger age group and aid her Masters dissertation which is focused on the transition between KS1 and KS2. In her spare time she enjoys travelling and playing the piano. She is now returning to Junior School to Page 13
become a Year 6 teacher.
New Senior School Staff Michael Hayes – Director of University Counselling Michael H. Hayes will become Director of University Counselling for Dulwich College Beijing starting in August 2011. Michael earned a BA in Communication from the University of Southern Maine in 1985. He also has a Masters Degree in Education from Colorado State University which was completed in 1996. Michael worked in a number of high schools in Colorado and Alaska before starting his career overseas. Michael has held a number of school and college counselling positions overseas, along with various administrative positions. He has worked in the following countries: Burma, China, Kuwait and Turkey. Michael brings a wealth of experience to this new position. Jessica Lawrence – Assistant University Counsellor Jessica graduated with a BA in English and a minor in Spanish from Saint Anselm College. She then went on to gain her Masters degree in Education and Human Development from the George Washington University in Washington D.C. Jessica has worked in education for over ten years teaching and advising students. She most recently comes to Dulwich from Abu Dhabi, UAE where she was a careers and education advisor for a local women’s college. Prior to that, she worked in international admissions for two institutions of higher education in the USA. Her interests include travelling, tennis, hiking, and creative writing. John Rose – Subject Leader of Science John is an Australian with a Masters in Science and Mathematics from Sydney University, and a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from University of New South Wales. John has come from Discovery Bay International School, Hong Kong where he was Head of Science of a new secondary school. His interests include coaching rugby, basketball and cricket as well as many outdoor activities like trekking. He has also been heavily involved in the International Award programme and last year completed his instructors award at Dulwich College Beijing. Fei Gao – Subject Leader of Chinese A native of Beijing, Fei joins Dulwich from Westminster School in London. She taught at the Chinese International School in Hong Kong from 1993 to 1995 before returning to the UK where she completed a PhD in Language Education from the Institute of Education, University of London. Apart from classroom teaching, Fei has also worked as a teacher trainer and is principal examiner for IGCSE Chinese at Cambridge International Examinations. Fei has two children both of whom will attend Dulwich College Beijing. Katherine Tosi – Subject Leader of EAL Katherine Tosi graduated from the University of Vermont, USA in 1992 with a BA in English and a Secondary Teaching Certificate. She worked as an EAL and German teacher before leaving the USA in 1996 to work in Switzerland as a Cambridge University Exams preparation teacher. In 1999 she headed to Bangkok, Thailand to work for the Bangkok Post and as a free-lance journalist for the BBC, Caltex and All things Asian Press. In 2003, she gained a Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She has been teaching English and EAL at international schools since and has spent the last 5 years working as Head of EAL and Intensive English at Bromsgrove International School, Thailand. She enjoys cooking, travelling, reading and has a keen interest in Third Culture Kids.
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Gea Visscher – Head of Learning Support Senior School / School Psychologist Of Dutch nationality, Gea has a Bachelor degree in Education and a Masters in Child & Educational Psychology, Diagnostics and Health Care Psychology. She started her career in The Netherlands teaching psychology to medical students and running a private practice, then worked internationally (Taipei, Brussels, Beijing) as of 1997 at Community Help Centres and as a private practitioner. As a psychologist Gea has a particular interest in behavioral and learning differences in children/adolescents. Being also a parent of children with special needs (Dyslexia) she feels she can relate well to teachers’ and parents’ stories and concerns about their students/children. Personal interests of Gea include music (singing in a choir, playing instruments), reading, and travelling. Sophie Towers – 2nd in English Sophie read English at Leeds University, UK before heading to London to take up a career in media. After two years she took a sabbatical to work with a French children's activity company and enjoyed the experience so much that, on return to the UK, she retrained to teach, qualifying in 2006. Sophie has worked in two schools in London, managing KS3 English and overhauling the teaching, learning and assessment tracking for these years. In addition, she has set up and run a competitive KS4 debating club. In her spare time, she can usually be found playing social sports and plotting her next trips abroad. Olivia Bugden – Teacher of English Olivia graduated from Charles Sturt University, Australia with a Bachelor of Education / Bachelor of Arts (Literature and Performing Arts). Her first teaching post was in rural New South Wales where she coached numerous sport teams and implemented the Key Stage 4/5 Drama course. She has been working for the last 2 years in a comprehensive school in Essex, where she was Head of Key Stage 4 English, this time implementing the new English GCSE across years 9, 10 and 11. In her spare time Olivia is passionate about playing and coaching netball, travelling, swimming, cooking and photography. Daniel Hwang – Teacher of Maths Daniel has a degree in Philosophy from Princeton University, where he was a member of the orchestra. He did his teacher training in Mathematics at the University of Hawaii. Prior to joining Dulwich he was the Head of Mathematics and an SAT coach at an A-level school in central China. His other experiences in China include studying in Beijing in the mid-90's, training with a provincial weightlifting team and travelling around the country on his motorcycle. He has a wife and a cat. Graham Miller – Teacher of Science (Chemistry) Graham is originally from Nottinghamshire, England and studied Biochemistry at Lancaster University. After a year travelling around Australia he decided to go back to university, did his PGCE at Sheffield Hallam and then taught Science with some Mathematics for three years in the UK. An opportunity arose to teach Mathematics in Moscow for three months, and three months turned into three years. His next school was in Fujairah, UAE where he spent two years teaching Science. He is currently studying for a Masters degree in Science and Society, and spends some of his spare time playing tennis, squash or running. Stephen Kaye – Teacher of Science (Physics) and Maths Stephen graduated the University of Durham with a BSc in Physics. After two years working at Northumbria Water he completed his PGCE in secondary science at the University of Sunderland. There he met his now wife, and moved to her hometown of Beijing after teaching in Newcastle for two years. He has spent the last Page 15
four years teaching in Beijing where he gained the position of Head of Physics. His interests include football, ultimate frisbee and photography. Edward Richards – Teacher of Humanities Edward was born in Cairo, Egypt, and spent time in Chile, South Africa and Japan before returning home to Wales to read History and Archaeology at Cardiff University. Following this he took a year out to travel and surf in New Zealand before once again returning to Cardiff to complete his teacher training. Most recently he has worked in Cornwall, England teaching both IB and A-level programmes. He enjoys all sports especially rugby, football and surfing. Tim Wheeler – Teacher of Design Technology Tim graduated from Ravensbourne College of Art and Design with a degree in Industrial Design and has enjoyed a successful career as a product designer and special effects model maker. His role as a mentor for student placements during his time at the Seymour Powell partnership sparked an interest in education which eventually led him to retrain as a secondary school teacher. After the completion of his course at Christchurch Canterbury in 2006 he took up his current post at Chatham Grammar School for Boys where he now teaches Design Technology and Art. Tim is married to Young Lee and they have two young children, Johanna and Micah. Kate Flavelle – Teacher of PE Kate grew up in Cornwall, England before heading off on a round-the-world trip in her gap year where she was involved in a diving research project in Borneo. She returned to the UK to read Psychology and Criminology at Cardiff University, and upon completion set off once again to New Zealand to travel and surf. Since then she has combined business and pleasure by building on her love of both tennis and surfing to become a qualified tennis coach and surf instructor. In her spare time she enjoys running and relaxing with a good book. Jonas van Dyke – Leader of Instrumental Studies Jonas has a Bachelors degree from Oberlin College Conservatory of Music, USA and a Masters in Music Performance from Rice University Shepherd School of Music, USA. As a French Horn player Jonas has enjoyed various positions in orchestras such as New World Symphony, Beijing Symphony, and NCPA Orchestra in Beijing and has performed as a soloist and chamber musician. Jonas is an energetic and creative teacher who brings his wide performing experience into a palatable form in which young musicians can find guidance, inspiration, and enjoyment. Beyond listening to, teaching, and performing music, Jonas enjoys cooking, hiking, camping and sailing.
11. Uniform Children in Toddler and IB classes are not required to wear uniform at Dulwich. The dress code for IB students can be found on our website. All other students at Dulwich are required to wear the school uniform. This is different for warm and cold weather, and students should adhere to seasonal requirements. Please be sure that all items are clearly marked with the student’s name. All school uniform items except for shoes, white ankle socks and black belts are available for purchase from the Dulwich Uniform Shop. You may wish to purchase the following in your country: shoes, tights, socks, black belts, navy hair accessories. Page 16
Illustrations of the school uniform for 2011/12 can be viewed on our Dulwich website: Uniforms will be on sale during Uniform Week from 15th to 19th August in the Sports Hall of Legend Garden campus. Unless special circumstances apply, students who are required to wear uniforms will receive a uniform credit of RMB 800 that can be used during Uniform Week and at the Uniform Shop at Legend Garden. These credits will be issued in the form of a stored value card at the Legend Garden campus during Uniform Week. The Uniform Shop can be contacted at
[email protected] . The Uniform Shop’s usual opening hours will be Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00. Students are required to wear full summer school uniform as of Thursday 25th August. If for good reason students are unable to obtain the correct uniform by the first day of school, they will be given a short grace period, but it is expected that most students will come to school in proper uniform from the start of school.
12. Maths Equipment for Senior School Students All students are expected to bring the following equipment to every Maths lesson: Calculator* *See below
Clear plastic ruler
No Scientific Graphical
Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes
Pen Pencil Eraser Year 7 Years 8 to 11 Years 12 + 13
It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that the necessary equipment is brought to every lesson. * Calculators Year 7: a calculator is not essential. Years 8 to 11: each student should bring a Scientific Calculator to every Maths lesson. Years 12 and 13: each student should bring a Graphical Calculator to every Maths lesson. Recommended Scientific Calculators
Casio fx-82GT Plus (non-solar) Casio fx-83GT Plus (non-solar) Casio fx-84GT Plus (solar power) Casio fx-85GT Plus (solar power) Note: these are all variations of the same calculator. Also note: the ES versions are also acceptable, although these models are now replaced by the better GT version. Further note: the MS version calculators should not be bought.
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Recommended Graphical Calculators
TI-84 Plus TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
13. Printing and Photocopying Students in the Senior School will be issued with a photocopying credit of RMB 200 on their Smart Cards. They will be charged 0.3 RMB for black & white copies and RMB 3 for colour copies. If the student uses all the credit on the Smart Card, credit in lots of RMB 100 may be purchased from the copy centre. Usage statistics indicate that many students will not need to purchase any further credit.
14. September Field Trips for Senior School Students All students in Years 7 to 11 will travel with their year group on a 3 or 4 night trip to different parts of China between Monday 19th and 23rd September 2011. These trips serve as wonderful opportunities for bonding at the start of the academic year and, over the course of time, as a broad introduction to Chinese culture. They are viewed as an integral part of our curriculum so all students must participate. On the second day of term, parents should supply:
details of health insurance coverage
a signed consent form
photocopy of their child’s passport identification page
A parent information evening focused on the trips will take place on the evening of Monday 5th September, between 18:00 – 19:00 in the Theatre.
15. School Events Calendar, Autumn Term
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AUGUST 2011 Mon
Teacher Planning & Set up Week
Induction for New Staff
24 First day of School -Autumn Term
Dulwich Welcome BBQ, LG EY First Full Day at school EY Welcome EY Welcome Morning, LG 8:30am Morning, RMC 8:30am SS House Tug of War
New Families Orientation Day
29 Friends Newcomers Coffee Morning
30 Friends Exec Meeting SS Yr 7-9 Parent Information Evening, LG 6pm
SS Activities Starts Yr 13 University Drop in, LG 5pm
SS Student ASI SAT Training weekends
SS ICT Roll-out, LG 9am
SS Student ASI SAT Training weekends
31 Friends Welcome Coffee Morning, LG 9am JS Yr 3-6 Parent Information Evening, LG Lakeview Café, 6pm
School Photographs SS House Tug of War
KS1 Parent Staff First Aid Information Evening, Training RMC, 6pm School Photographs
5 SS ICT for Parents, LG 5pm SS Field Trips Preparation, LG 6pm JS Swim Team Trials
6 Friends Open Meeting SS Yr 10-13 Parent Information Evening, LG 6pm
7 FS Parent Information Evening, RMC, 6pm
Sun 3
Friends Culture Club SS Orchestra Session
Friends Connections Lunch FS Parent Information Evening, LG, 6pm
SS Coffee & Chat, LG 9am
4 Family & Sibling Photographs (Optional)-TBC
10 SS Jazz Session
11 SS International Award Trip
Y9 Humanities Trip SS Democracy Week School Photographs
12 Mid-Autumn Festival Holiday
13 SS House Art Starts
14 Year 11 IGCSE Geography Field Trip
SS Democracy Week SS International Award Trip
19 JS House Cross Country
16 Moonlight Madness
ISAC Soccer Exchanges, LG
Staff First Aid Training
JS ASA Starts JS Coffee & Chat, LG JS ASA JS Athletics Record 9am JS Athletics Record Breakers for Yr 4/5/6 Breakers for Yr 4/5/6 Senior School Year 7-11 Trips Week / Year 12 CAS Trips
26 Yr 12 & 13 TOK Presentation
15 Legend Music Session
Friends Exec Meeting Friends Culture Club
SS Open House Morning & Trips SS Sports Day, Track Presentation & Field, Full day SS Parents Forum, 2pm SS Just Piano Series, 4pm JS Year 5 Trip FS Settling in Parent Teacher Meetings, RMC/LR/LG by Appointment
25 SS Choral Session
30 FS settling in parent teacher meetings SS Free Dress Day
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OCTOBER 2011 Mon
Sun 1
National Holidays SS Music Tour to Paris, France
SS Music Trip to Paris
10 10SS House Chess
11 EYs Friends Coffee & Chat, LG 9am
17 Yr11 IGCSE Drama Exam, LG Theatre
12 EYs KS1 Parent Teacher Meetings, RMC, 3:40-5:30pm SS House Makeover/Mastermind Challenge Assembly
18 Friends Connections Lunch
13 EYs Friends Coffee & Chat, RMC 9am
IB Music Soiree
16 SS International Award Trip
ISAC Volleyball Tournaments, LG U9/11 Football Boys & Girls, LG 10am
KS1 Parent Teacher Meetings, RMC, 3:40-6pm
SS ACT Exams ISAC MS Badminton U12 Girls Soccer, LG JS Mural Art Project ACAMIS Yr10-13 Volleyball, SCIS Shanghai
SS International Award Trip
15 PSAT Exams
Term 2 Withdrawal Deadline
19 SS House Fancy Dress Cross Country
14 Year 3 Great Wall Trip
Friends Exec Meeting
Legend Music Sessions
Yr11 IGCSE Drama Exam, LG
SS Friends Coffee & Chat, 9am
28 SS Free Dress Day
Beijing Youth Orchestra
ISAC Soccer Tournaments, LG
31 SS Season 2 Sports Trials Week
Wed 1
Yr 7 Humanities Trip Yr 8 Activity Yr 9-13 Careers Fair, LG 2pm
Sun 5
Friends Culture Club SS SAT Report Cards Issued ISAC ES Soccer, LG for Yr 7-13 U15 FOBISSEA Games, LG FOBISSEA Football at BIS, Phuket
SS Season 2 Sports Trials Week
7 7
SS Yr 7-13 Raising Achievement Day
8 Friends Open Meeting, RMC
9 SS House Singing
10 Student November Break/ Staff PD Day
Year 13 IB Performances
14 Student November 14 Break
15 EYs Book Fair, RMC Library, 8:30am
Staff PD Day SS FOBISSEA Music Festival, BSB
16 Year 5 Play- Matinee
17 Year 5 Play- Evening Performance
JS Friends Coffee & Chat JS Reports Issued
JS Parent Consultation, LG, 3:30-5:30pm
28 28
SS Interact Cambodia Tabitha House Building
22 Friends Exec Meeting
23 JS House Swim Gala Friends Connections Lunch
29 Legend Music Sessions
25 SS Free Dress Day
20 International School Young Musician Competition
JS Book Fair, LG Media Centre, 8:30am SS THIMUN Singapore Trip SS Parents Forum, LG 21 8:30am
13 RNCM Auditions
ISAC Volleyball Exchanges, LG
D1 Boys & D2 Girls Basketball Match Santa Claus International Swim Meet, Singapore ACAMIS Invitational Netball, BISS Shanghai SS Interact Cambodia Tabitha House Building Trip 2011
30 JS Parent Consultation, LG 5:30-7:30pm SS Manila 10s Rugby Tournament Year 6 Play-Matinee
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Year 6 Play-Evening Performance
Sun 3
ISAC ES Table Tennis, WAB SS Manila 10s Rugby Tournament
5 Friends Culture Club Yr11 IGCSE Drama Exam, LG Theatre
Yr 11 & 13 Parents Evening, LG 4-7pm
8 Friends Connections Lunch
9 KS1 Winter Experience, RMC, 67:30pm
FS Winterfest, RMC, 10-11:30am
Yr 10 & 12 Reports Issued SS Musical: A Christmas Carol ACAMIS Invitational Table Tennis, UIS FS Profile Meetings with Parents, RMC/LR/LG by Appointment
14 SS Alumni Reception
KS1 Report Cards Issued
15 JS Class Parties
SS House Drama Assembly
A Dulwich Christmas Evening Yr11 IGCSE Drama Exam, LG Theatre JS Swim Gala FS Profile Meetings with Parents, RMC/LR/LG by Appointment
Winter Holidays
LG – Legend Garden Campus RMC – Riviera Main Campus LR – Little Riviera Campus LEYs – Legend EYs Campus FS – Foundation Stage (Toddler, Nursery and Kindergarten) DCS – Dulwich College Shanghai DCSZ – Dulwich College Suzhou DCSL – Dulwich College Seoul
KS – Key Stage KS1 – Years 1 – 2 KS2 – Years 3 – 6 KS3 – Years 7 – 9 KS4 – Years 10 – 11 KS5 – Years 12 – 13 DCP – Dulwich Community Programmes Friends – Friends of Dulwich Beijing C&B – Coffee & Books
ISAC – International School Athletics Committee HS – High School SS – Senior School MS – Middle School JS – Early Year FOBISSEA – Federation of British International Schools in South East Asia & Asia ACAMIS – Association of China & Mongolia International Schools
CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS – 23RD JANUARY TO 27TH JANUARY 2012 SPRING TERM DATES – 9TH JANUARY TO 29TH MARCH 2012 SUMMER TERM DATES – 9TH APRIL TO 22ND JUNE 2012 The full school year calendar dates can be viewed on our website:
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