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May 11, 2011 ... For example, entering %APPDATA% in Windows Explorer for a user “USER1” ... For example, search for xlfit*.xla to find XLA files with XLfit at ...
Enabling Science

IDBS Help Desk Technical Document

Uninstallation Procedure For XLfit

Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of those agreements. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use without the written permission of IDBS.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners. IDBS accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this documentation.

© IDBS 2011

Date of Issue

11 May 2011

Document Version



Michael Skae

Written For

XLfit (all versions)

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 4 XLfit Uninstall Procedure................................................................................................................................ 4 1.

Uninstall XLfit ..................................................................................................................................... 4


Remove XLfit add-ins from Excel ...................................................................................................... 5


Remove XLfit toolbars from Excel 2003 ............................................................................................ 6


Search and delete XLfit add-ins, settings files and Excel temporary files ......................................... 7


Delete the contents of the TEMP folder ............................................................................................. 9


Remove the XLfit Program Files folder ............................................................................................ 10

Next Steps and Contact Information ............................................................................................................ 10

© IDBS 2011

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

Introduction This document details steps that should be followed to ensure complete removal of XLfit from a computer. This procedure is recommended in the following situations: To remove an earlier installation of XLfit prior to an upgrade to a more recent version. To remove an existing installation prior to a reinstall following an unexpected application error. An XLfit trial period has expired and all traces of the application are to be removed. Microsoft Excel will generate temporary files and store application settings that are specific to a particular version of XLfit, which will need to be removed as well as the XLfit application.

Please note it is recommended that these steps are carried out by an Administrator, as they require access to certain Windows features and need access to all files on the computer.

This document uses Windows environment variables to reference folders that can be specific to the user or the operating system. For example, entering %APPDATA% in Windows Explorer for a user “USER1” on Windows XP will point to C:\Documents and Settings\USER1\Application Data\, whereas, for a user “USER2” on Windows 7, the same variable will open C:\Users\USER2\Appdata\Roaming\. Using an environment variable means this document can reference the same folder for any user on any version of Windows.

XLfit Uninstall Procedure 1. Uninstall XLfit

Uninstall XLfit by loading Windows Control Panel, then: In Windows XP, select “Add or Remove Programs”. In Windows 7 or Vista, select “Programs and Features”. Find XLfit (the entry may be “IDBS XLfit”, “IDBS XLfit5” or “XLfit”), then select Uninstall or Remove.

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

2. Remove XLfit add-ins from Excel

Open Excel. Several message boxes may appear, stating that an XLfit add-in cannot be found. The number of times the dialog appears will depend on how many XLfit add-ins are set to load automatically when Excel is started.

Select OK to dismiss each message box.

Next, navigate to the Excel Add-Ins dialogue box: For Excel 2003 and earlier, go to Tools > Add-Ins. For Excel 2007, go to Office button > Excel Options and select Add-Ins. From the “Manage” drop-down box at the bottom of the dialog box, select “Excel Add-Ins”, and click Go. For Excel 2010, go to File > Excel Options and select Add-Ins. From the “Manage” dropdown box at the bottom of the dialog box, select “Excel Add-Ins”, and click Go.

The Add-Ins dialog will display any XLfit add-ins that are currently still referenced - this is the reason for the message dialog on opening Excel. For each XLfit add-in in the list, deselect the checkbox:

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

Select Yes when prompted to delete the add-in:

3. Remove XLfit toolbars from Excel 2003

Note: This step is not required for Excel 2007 or 2010. For Excel 2003 or earlier, right-click on the Excel toolbar and select “Customize”. Select every entry that includes the text “XLfit” and click Delete.

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

Click OK to confirm the deletion:

4. Search and delete XLfit add-ins, settings files and Excel temporary files

To ensure any XLfit file on the system is removed, and all Office temporary files related to XLfit are deleted, carry out Windows searches on the computer to find the following files. Note: These steps shuld be run as an Administrator, who will have the permissions to search, access and delete all files on the machine, including files in users’ Windows profile. Ensure Windows Search is configured to find system and hidden files, as well as subfolders and all available drives.

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

a. Find and delete all .XLA files related to XLfit. For example, search for xlfit*.xla to find XLA files with XLfit at the start of the filename (see screenshot below). Files may be found in the following locations:

The XLfit install folder. By default, for XLfit 5, this is C:\Program Files\IDBS\XLfit5. The user’s Windows profile. For example, %APPUSER%\ Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART will store the XLfitRun.xla add-in. The Office Library folder. For example, for Office 2007, this is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Library. XLfit4.xla, XLfit4Chart3D.xla and XLfitForms.xla will be stored here. The user’s Recent folder. Files here can be ignored.

b. Find and delete all .EXD and .TWD files. For example, search for *.exd and *.twd. These are likely to be stored in users’ Windows profiles, in the TEMP folder or the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Forms folder.

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

These wrappers are files created by the Excel programming environment (Visual Basic fdor Applications, VBA) when an add-in is loaded that references a COM object (such as a .dll). VBA cannot directly utilise a COM object and reads this via the wrapper. These wrappers can become specific to the version of the COM component that it references so if the COM component changes, the wrapper becomes unusable. All files found can be deleted safely as Excel will recreate these files once they are called from within an add-in.


Find all .XLB files. For example, search for *.xlb. These are likely to be stored in users’ Windows profiles, in the location %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Excel.

These files are used by Excel to store custom toolbar settings. These may reference XLfit so should be removed after XLfit is uninstalled. They will be recreated on loading Excel.

5. Delete the contents of the TEMP folder

It is recommended to clear out temporary files generated by Excel or XLfit. Close all applications then open the folder in Windows Explorer using the following Windows environment variable %TEMP%. Delete all files, if possible. If this is not possible, at least the following folders should be removed: VBA Excel8.0

Certain files may be used by other services or Windows so cannot be deleted. However, these are unlikely to be related to XLfit.

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Uninstallation Procedure for XLfit

6. Remove the XLfit Program Files folder

By default, XLfit 5 will be installed in C:\Program Files\IDBS\XLfit5 (analogously, XLfit 4 will be installed in the XLfit4 folder). After uninstallation of XLfit 4.3 or 5, this may contain only a configuration file, IDBS.XLfit.Application.config. If XLfit is not to be reinstalled in the future, this file and folder can be deleted. If no other IDBS products are installed on the computer, the C:\Program Files\IDBS folder may also be deleted.

Next Steps and Contact Information All traces of XLfit should now be removed. If reinstalling or upgrading XLfit, please consult the XLfit Install Guide documentation appropriate for the specific version. The documentation for the latest version can be found here, and earlier versions can be found on the XLfit Support Portal.

Please note that uninstalling XLfit using the outlined procedure will not remove a licence keycode from the computer. Upon reinstalling the software, any existing valid keycode will be used by XLfit. XLfit 4 and XLfit 5 use different licensing models so new keycodes will be required if a newer version is then installed.

If further assistance is required, please contact the IDBS Help Desk. Sign up to the XLfit Support Portal to find answers to frequently asked questions in the KnowledgeBase and to download the latest version of XLfit.

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