US Memberships include $15 per year for subscription to QST. ... If you do not
wish your name and address made available for non-ARRL related mailings, ...
ARRL AMATEUR RADIO The national association for
Membership Application
Previous Member
Name ___________________________________________ Call Sign ____________ Address _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ State _______ ZIP ______________ Email _________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ________/________/________ My Family Member is Joining or Renewing: Name ___________________________________________ Call Sign ____________ Name ___________________________________________ Call Sign ____________ Please Note My New Address!
Your Annual Membership Dues – Circle Your Choice/s. Regular Canada Intl QST Intl CD Blind Family
1 Year $39 $49 $62 $39 $8 $8
2 Years 3 Years $76 $111 $93 $132 $118 $167 $76 $111 $16 $24 $16 $24
Monthly QST via standard mail for US members Monthly QST via standard mail for Canadian members Monthly QST via air mail for international members Annual CD-ROM (QST, NCJ and QEX) for international members No QST delivery, all other member benefits apply Reside at the same address as the primary member, no additional QST. Membership dates must correspond with primary member.
If you are 21 or younger a special rate may apply. Contact ARRL for more details. Additional membership options available online at
$ __________ TOTAL US Memberships include $15 per year for subscription to QST. Dues are subject to change without notice and are non-refundable.
If you do not wish your name and address made available for non-ARRL related mailings, please check this box
Charge to:
Card Number
Check Enclosed
Expiration Date
Cardholder's Signature
Toll free (US) 1- 888-277- 5289 or 860-594-0200 ■ Online ARRL ■ 225 Main Street ■ Newington, CT 06111-1494 ■ USA Project #323
Web/Promo Code: WB
The national association for
Life Membership Application I hereby apply for Life Membership in the American Radio Relay League, Inc. My present membership expires on _______________
New Member or
Previous Member
Name ___________________________________ Call Sign _____________ License Class _________________ Street _______________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State or Province __________________ ZIP __________________ Country ______________ Date of Birth _______________ Email: ______________________________________ For Family Life Membership, give full name and call sign of the principal Life Member who receives QST: Name ___________________________________________________ Call Sign ___________________________ Enclosed is my:
Money Order
To cover my:
First Quarterly Payment
Charge to my:
Charge Request
Full Payment
American Express
Auto Quarterly Payment (auto deduct from Credit Card listed each quarter)
Number __________________________________________________ Expiration Date _____________________ Rules for Life Membership 1. A paid-up Life Membership in the League shall be available to any member, other than a Family Member, upon payment of a fee twenty-five times the annual dues rate, and upon approval of the application by the League’s Executive Committee. 2. The Life Membership fee is currently $975 in the U.S.1 and possessions, $1225* in Canada2, and $1550** elsewhere3. 3. An applicant may choose an alternative time-payment plan of 8 quarterly installments over a two and one-half year period. Payment schedule is: U.S. and possessions: 7 payments of $122.00, last payment of $121.00; *Canada: 7 payments of $154.00, last payment of $147.00; **elsewhere: 8 payments of $193.75. Each quarterly payment applicant will be provided an interim two and one-half year membership term. Payments are due and payable upon receipt of each quarterly reminder notice sent to the applicant. Upon completion of payments, Life Membership will be granted with the approval of the Executive Committee. In the event an applicant is unable to complete payments on the quarterly plan, the applicant will be given a term of membership, to include the receipt of QST, at the annual dues rate in effect at the time the applicant is transferred from the quarterly payment plan back to regular membership status, commensurate with payments received. 4. Life Memberships are non-transferable and dues payments are non-refundable. However, upon the death of a Life Member, membership may pass to a surviving spouse upon request, if he or she is an ARRL Family Member, either unexpired term or life, and licensed at the time of the Life Member’s death. A new Life Member plaque, if desired, will be available for a one-time fee of $50. 5. A Family Life Membership in the League shall be available to any family member of a paid in full Life Member upon receipt of a fee of $200, and including a provision for regular Life Membership to be acquired upon the additional payment of the difference in dues normally required, if he or she should cease to be eligible for the $200 rate. In accordance with the By-Laws, the address of the Family Life Member must be the same as that of the principal Life Member receiving QST. 6. Life membership is also available to blind members upon payment of a fee of $200 without receipt of QST. 7. All payments must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on a bank within the U.S. We are not responsible for cash lost in the mail.
I agree to the conditions and terms as outlined above. Signature _______________________________________ Call Sign ________________ Date _____________ 1
Life Membership dues include $375 for a lifetime subscription to QST. First Class postage is available for an additional $47 a year in the US, is billed separately, and is subject to change depending on postal rates. 2 Life Membership dues include $375 for a lifetime subscription to QST. International life rates include a $250 surcharge for surface delivery to Canada. 3 Life Membership dues include $375 for a lifetime subscription to QST. International life rates include a $575 surcharge for air delivery to other countries.
Toll free (US) 1- 888-277- 5289 or 860-594-0200 ■ Online ARRL ■ 225 Main Street ■ Newington, CT 06111-1494 ■ USA Project #253
LM 11/08