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Oct 7, 2015 - Nur Laili, Sarjiya Antonius, Yayuk Kartika, Dwi Agustiyani. Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). Jl. Raya ...

The First International Conference on Appropriate Technology Development “Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Agriculture Development”

October 5-7, 2015 | Bandung, Indonesia

Organized by: Indonesian Institute of Sciences Center for Appropriate Technology Development

1st International Conference on Appropriate Technology Development 2015, Bandung, October 5th-7th, 2015


Proceeding of International Conference, 2015

PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT (ICATDev) 2015 First Edition: 2016 A catalogue record for this publication is available from British Library.

Disclaimer Every effort has been made in preparing this book to provide accurate and up-to-date information which is in accord with accepted standards and practice at the time of publication. Nevertheless, the authors, editors and publishers can make no warranties that the information contained herein is totally free from error. The authors, editors and publishers therefore disclaim all liability for direct or consequential damages resulting from the use of material contained in this book. Readers are strongly advised to pay careful attention to information provided by the book.

Copyright Copyright ©: 2016 by Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Center for Appropriate Technology Development.

Cover design and layout Wawan Agustina

Organized by: Indonesian Institute of Sciences Center for Appropriate Technology Development Address: K.S. Tubun Street, No. 5 Subang, West Java, Indonesia Telp. +62 260411478; +62 260412878. Fax. +62 260411239, Post code 41213

Published in March, 2016 by Sciemcee Publishing, London. LP22772, 20-22 Wenlock Road London, United Kingdom N1 7GU The proceedings with all papers are available at

ISBN 978-0-9935191-1-6

1st International Conference on Appropriate Technology Development 2015, Bandung, October 5th-7th, 2015 | ii

Proceeding of International Conference, 2015

PREFACE The First International Conference on Appropriate Technology Development was held on the Aston Tropicana Hotel in Bandung, Indonesia during October 5th-7th, 2016. The theme of this conference was “Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Agriculture Development”. This conference was organized by Centre for Appropriate Technology Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences and was a part of Science and Technology Festival that held by the Deputyship of Engineering SciencesIndonesian Institute of Sciences. The aims of this conference are to develop an international network of appropriate technology researchers and practitioners committed in assisting rural communities and small and medium enterprises. Then, dissemination appropriate technology suitable for income generation through sustainable agriculture, and understanding the impact and implications of national policies for making recommendations for the extension of appropriate technology on rural income generation under the sustainable agriculture development framework. About 40 scientific participants had many fruitful discussions and exchanges that contributed to the success of the conference. Participants from some countries made the conference truly international in scope. The 29 selected papers were presented during the conference formed the heart and provided many opportunities for discussion. The papers were split almost equally between the three main conference areas, i.e. appropriate technology in agricultural technology, appropriate technology in food and feed technology, and appropriate technology in economic, environment, energy, and management. There were two plenary lectures in the conference. The First, Prof. Dr. Suwit Laohasiriwong, Professor in agricultural science Institute for Dispute Resolution, Khon Kaen University Thailand, was presented lecture entitled “Sustainable agriculture development through appropriate technology”. The Second is Dr. Ir. Akmadi Abbas, M.Eng.Sc, Vice Chairman of Indonesian Institute of Sciences, presented lecture entitled “Appropriate Technology Development in Indonesia”. These Proceedings provide the permanent record of what was presented. They indicate the state of development at the time of writing of all aspects of this important topic and will be invaluable to all workers in the appropriate technology field for that reason. Finally, it is appropriate that we record our thanks to our fellow members of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee for their work in securing a substantial input of papers in encouraging participation from those.

General Chair

Wawan Agustina

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COMMITTEE Steering Committee : 1.

Dr. Ir. Yoyon Ahmudiarto, M.Sc. IPM. (Center for Appropriate Technology DevelopmentIndonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Dr. Rachmini Saparita (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Dr. Savitri Dyah W.I.K.R (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Dr. Rislima F. Sitompul (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Dr. Ir. Akmadi Abbas, M.Eng.Sc (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) Dr. Pramono Nugroho (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)

6. 7.

Ir. Doddy A. Darmajana, M.Si (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)

Scientific Committee : 1.

Dr. Suharwadji K. Sentana (Research Center for Physics-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Dr. Ainia Herminiati (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Prof. Alhussein Al Awaadh (Agricultural Engineering, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia)


Dr. Noorul Hassan Zardari (Faculty of Civil Engineering Institute of Environmental and Water Resources Management (IPASA), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)


Prof. Shamim Ahmad (Agricultural Economics and Business Management Aligarh Muslim University, India)


Dr. Muhammad Syarhabil Ahmad (Bioprocess Engineering, University Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia)


Mohd Khairi Mohd Zambri, M.Eng (Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia)

8. 9.

Dr. Norrizah Jaafar Sidik (Biology Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia) Dr. Susan Kowalewski (Department of Business, D'Youville College, USA)

10. Dr. Haznan Abimanyu (Research Centre for Chemistrty- Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 11. Dr. Yanni Sudiyani (Research Centre for Chemistrty- Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 12. Norhazwani Abd Malek (Mechanical Engineering Universiti Tenaga Nasional Centre for Advanced Computational Engineering, Malaysia) 13. Prof. Benyamin Lakitan (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia) 14. Dr. Arie Dipareza Syafei (Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia) 15. Prof. Nurpilihan Bafdal (Padjajaran University, Bandung, Indonesia) 16. Prof. Dr. Ade M. Kramadibrata (Head of Indonesian Agricultural Engineerring Society, Branch of West Java, Indonesia)

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General Chair : 1. Wawan Agustina (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) Organizing Committee: 1. Yusuf Andriana (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 2.

Febtri Wijayanti (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Moeso Andrianto (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Fahriansyah (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Seri Intan Kuala (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Ari Rahayuningtyas (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Carolina (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Diki Nanang Surahman (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)


Karlina Gusmarani (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia)

10. Tedy Mutaqin (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 11. R. Cecep Erwan Ardiyansyah (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 12. Cahya Edi Wahyu Anggara (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 13. EkoKuncoroPramono (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 14. Nok Afifah (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) 15. Lia Ratnawati (Center for Appropriate Technology Development-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 1.

Prof. Suwit Laohasiriwong, Ph.D Institute for Dispute Resolution, Khon Kaen University Thailand


Dr. Ir. Akmadi Abbas, M.Eng.Sc. Vice Chairman of Indonesian Institute of Sciences

1st International Conference on Appropriate Technology Development 2015, Bandung, October 5th-7th, 2015 | v

TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................. iii COMMITTEE ......................................................................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................................ v KEYNOTE PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.

Achieving Sustainability for Agricultural Development through Appropriate Technology Implementation: A dilemma of Thai farmers Prof. Suwit Laohasiriwong, Ph.D ...................................................................................................... 1


The Development and Implementation of Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Agriculture Development Dr. Ir. Akmadi Abbas, M.Eng.Sc. ...................................................................................................... 7

AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 15 3.

Utilization of Household Scale Tissue Culture Technique for Aloe Vera Seed Multiplication and its Irrigation Modulus Nurhaidar Rahman, Aida Wulansari, R. Ismu Tribowo, Wawan Agustina ..................................... 16


Design of Pitcher System Irrigation as a Substitution of Imported Drip System Irrigation for Cultivating Horticulture and Food Crops R. Ismu Tribowo .............................................................................................................................. 21


Design of Hammer Crusher to Support Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In Mineral-Based Fertilizer Processing Kusno Isnugroho, David C Birawidha, Yusup Hendronursito ......................................................... 27


An Appropriate Technology of Composting for Supporting Sustainable Agriculture Adi Mulyanto .................................................................................................................................... 33


Runoff Harvesting as One of Appropriate Technology in Integrated Dry Land Farming Nurpilihan Bafdal, Sophia Dwiratna NP ........................................................................................ 39


Pilot Scale Technology for Production Organic Biofertilizer Powder Starter to Support Sustainable Agriculture Development Nur Laili, Sarjiya Antonius, Yayuk Kartika, Dwi Agustiyani .......................................................... 43


Influence of urea granulated Zeolite and Nitrification Inhibitors on Growth of Maize (Zea mays L. Var. B8) Oslan Jumadi, Ratna Dewi), Andi Takdir Makkulawu, R. Neni Iriany, Yusminah Hal), Hartono, St. Fatmah Hiola, Kazuyuki Inubushi .............................................................................. 48

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FOOD AND FEED TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................. 53 10. Carcass Quality, Blood Profile and Organ Histopathology of Sheep Fed Organic Additive Contaning Probiotic and Micromineral Enriched Yeast Ade Erma Suryani, Lusty Istiqomah, Ahmad Sofyan, Awistaros Angger Sakti andMohammad Faiz Karimy ............................................................................................................ 54 11. Influence of Flouring Method on Characteristic of Tacca Flour: Phytochemical, Chemical and Resistant Starch Analysis Miftakhussolikhah, Dini Ariani, Tri Wiyono .................................................................................... 60 12. Making and Characterization of Carrageenan Single Edible Film Doddy A.D, Enny S, Nok A, Novita I, Qistia H.E ........................................................................... 65 13. The Development of Traditional Food-Based Military Ration Packed in Cans Kurniadi, A. Nurhikmat, M. Angwar, A. Susanto, Tri Wiyono, A. S. Praharasti ............................. 70 14. Screening of α-glucosidase Inhibitor-Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Ganoderma lucidum as Functional Food Candidate for Diabetic Rifa Nurhayati, Andri Frediansyah, Fitriana Rahmawati, Endah Retnaningrum and Langkah Sembiring ........................................................................................................................... 76 15. Sari Tempe Formulation from Local Soybean (Glycine max) and It’s Sensoris and Nutritional Characteristics Muhamad Kurniadi, Martina Andriani, Mukhamad Angwar, Yuniar Khasanaha, Deviy Novitasary Sukamta .......................................................................................................................... 82 16. Pineapple Peel as a Potential Source of Dietary Fiber Rima Kumalasari, Ainia Herminiati, R. Cecep Erwan Andriansyah .............................................. 89 17. Natural Antioxidant Activities of “Tanduk Rusa” Fern (Paltycerium coronarium) Ade Chandra Iwansyah, Dewi Desnilasari, Ismi S Hanifah ............................................................. 96 18. Potential of Suweg Starch HMT Modification as a Source of Resistant Starch Type III Raden Cecep Erwan Andriansyah ................................................................................................. 100 19. From Local Wisdom: Preliminary Antibacterial Activity of “Tanduk Rusa” Fern (Platycerium coronarium) Dewi Desnilasari, Ade Chandra Iwansyah, Ria Fauziah .............................................................. 105 20. New Development of Phytase Enzyme through modification of Substrate and Fermentation Technology Atit Kanti and I Made Sudiana ...................................................................................................... 109

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ECONOMY, ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, MANAGEMENT .............................................................. 116 21. Interface between Food Security, Energy Sustainability and Water Accessibility Leuserina Garniati, Radisti Praptiwi1, Novieta Herdeani Sari, Yoyon Ahmudiarto, Jito Sugardjito, Alan Owen .................................................................................................................. 117 22. Preliminary Study of Agribusiness Development Based on Aloe vera (Case Study in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises : Sari Kumetap Subang) Nurhaidar Rahman, Wawan Agustina, R. Ismu Tribowo, Cahya Edi W. A., R. Cecep Erwan and A. Wulansari ........................................................................................................................... 127 23. Potential Development of Arengapinnata, Merr Based On Local Knowledge (Case Study of Rejang Lebong) Eki Karsani Apriliyadi, Diki Nanang Surahman, Hendarwin M Astro .......................................... 134 24. Development of the Main Agroindustry Potential in Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Eki Karsani Apriliyadi, Diki Nanang Surahman, Hendarwin M Astro .......................................... 139 25. Yield Risk Assessment in Nutrient Film Technique for Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) Hydroponic Growing System Using FMEA and AHP Approach: A Case Study Yusuf Andriana, Eko Kuncoro Pramono, Cahya Edi Wahyu Anggara, Aidil Haryanto, Ignatius Fajar Apriyanto ................................................................................................................ 144 26. Nanotechnology Use of Activated Carbon Coal to Decreasethe Paramters of Peat Water in Jambi Muhammad Naswir......................................................................................................................... 151 27. Utilization of Lignocelluloses from Agricultural Waste as Raw Material for Producing Bioethanol Sriharti, Wawan Agustina, Takiyah Salim dan Lia Ratnawati ...................................................... 159 28. Influence of Local Wisdom to Prevent Disappearance of Cebong Lake in Sembungan Village Wonosobo District Putri Nurfahmia, Rizal Faozi Malika, Ratih Paniti Saria, Afid Nurkholisa .................................. 165 29. Sanitation Condition and Potential Recovery of Nutrients in Urban Area of Sub District Kiaracondong, Bandung City, Indonesia Neni Sintawardani, J. Tri Astuti, Dewi Nilawati, Ken Ushijima . ................................................ 169 30. The Potency of Cashew Kernels Processing Activity to Encourage Community Venture in Southwest SumbaRegency in East Nusa Tenggara Province Febtri Wijayanti, Fithria Novianti, Carolina ................................................................................. 177

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Achieving Sustainability for Agricultural Development through Appropriate Technology Implementation: A dilemma of Thai farmers Prof. Dr. Suwit Laohasiriwong, Ph.D Institute for Dispute Resolution, Khon Kaen University Thailand







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The Development and Implementation of Appropriate Technology for Sustainable Agriculture Development Dr. Ir. Akmadi Abbas, M.Eng.Sc. Indonesian Institute of Sciences







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Utilization of Household Scale Tissue Culture Technique for Aloe Vera Seed Multiplication and its Irrigation Modulus Nurhaidar Rahman1, Aida Wulansari2, R. Ismu Tribowo1, Wawan Agustina1 1)

Center of Appropriate Technology Development - Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jl. K.S. Tubun No.5, Subang, West Java 41213. Telp. 0260-411478 Fax. 0260-411239 Email : [email protected] 2) Research Center of Biotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences Cibinong Science Center, Jl Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong-Bogor , West Java 16911 Telp. 021- 8754587 Fax. 021- 8754588, Email : [email protected]

Abstract: The aloevera type that is being developed in Subang regency is from barbadensis type that contain substance for human body need, like vitamin of A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E and C. This plant purportedly can also heal for example diabetes and heart diseases. The development of aloevera agriculture to be conducted by farmers needs quite a lot of seeds. For that purpose a household scale tissue culture technology is to be applied to produce the seed acquired. The principle of tissue culture technique is multiplying the plants by using part of the vegetative plants and artificial media to be conducted in a sterile site. In general, the tissue culture is conducted at laboratory scale. By modification of equipments and materials and optimizing the environment for plants growth, the tissue culture can be conducted in smaller scale (household). The tissue culture technique can produce uniformed seeds i.e. seed’s characteristics similar to the parent plants and a lot of seed may be produced in a short time. It takes time about 1-2 months for first shoot growth whereas the conventional way takes about 1 year. It doesn’t need wide place and doesn’t depend on season, which means that it can be executed during the year. Sterilization method utilizes solution 30% Clorox shows very low level contamination (0 – 5%). In MS media that contain 1 mg/l of BAP, the amount of saplings shoot reaches more than 15 times during 1 month. The shoot's rooting has properly grown in MS media without hormone. A Greenhouse for plants acclimatization of tissue culture will need the use of net of agronet type with closeness of 70% and attached in 2 layers. The highest of irrigation modulus for aloevera plants occurred in August is as high as 0.18 liters/second/hectare with maximum of irrigation interval is as high as 31 days. Keywords: Household, Irrigation Modulus, Seed, Tissue Culture

Tissue culture is a plant multiplying technique by isolating the plant part such as leaf, shoot bud, and let grow its parts in artificial media in rich aseptic nutrition and grow regulator substance in translucent closed container until the plants part can multiply itself and regenerated become complete plants. The main principle is multiplying the plants by using the part of vegetative plants, utilizing the artificial media and conducted in a sterile site [7].

The development of aloevera agriculture cultivation by the farmers needs quite a lot of seeds. For that purpose the tissue culture technology in household scale will be applied to produce large amounts of seeds [5][11]. The aloevera can be sold in the form of plants, but also can be processed and produced to become several kinds of food, beverage, herb medicine and cosmetics [4]. The variety of aloevera that is now being developed in activity location is Barbadensis variety that contains A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, and C vitamins. This plant purportedly can also heal diabetes and heart disease [3][5].

Method of tissue culture is developed to help multiply plants, especially for the plants which are difficult to be breed generatively. The seed that come up from the tissue culture have some excellences, for example: have characteristics similar to the parent plants, can be multiplied in big number and do not require wide place, able to produce number of seeds within short time, the seed is healthy and its quality are more guaranteed, the seed growing speed is quicker compared to the conventional multiplying [2][7].

Modulus of irrigation is to denote water requirement for plants viability (in this case aloevera) but does not include the efficiency factor due to water waste in the irrigation system such as evaporation and percolation. Modulus of irrigation for a plant will differ from other plants, and so goes the same with the kind of soil media that grow plants especially soil texture [9]. A farm land used to cultivate several kinds of plants will need handling of water irrigation management to fulfill the amount of water required for growth of several kinds of cultivated plants [6].

1. Introduction 1.1 Backgrounds

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1.2 The Purposes Multiplying the availability of aloevera seed by using the technique of household scale tissue culture and counting the modulus of irrigation requirement during its cultivation. 2. Methodology Tissue culture: the materials to be used include materials for media making, for explants sterilization (the tissue that will be cultivated), for planting (inoculation) and for acclimatization. Whereas the equipment to be used includes the equipments for making of tissue culture media, explants preparation (initiation), planting (inoculation), incubation and acclimatization [3][7]. Modulus of Irrigation: analysis of irrigation water requirement at plants level (irrigation modulus) consist of crops calendar determination, get data of climatology, get level of water requirement for plants, knowing naturally water supply, and get level of irrigation water requirement which is expressed in term of irrigation modulus with unit of liter/second/hectare. Analysis of irrigation water interval (which is continuance from analysis of irrigation modulus that cannot be dissociated) need calculation of average depletion rate of ground water content and calculate totalize availability of soil water content that is readily used [8][9]. Activity Location :The activity is conducted in The Center of Appropriate Technology Development Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Pusbang TTGLIPI) Subang and in The Medium Small Enterprise (UKM) Sari Kumetap which address is at Jalan Cagak, View Garden Residential Block D24 No.11 Palasari village, Sub district of Ciater, district of Subang, West Java Province which is around 20 km from Subang city on the way to Bandung. 3. Result and Discussion

Media of tissue culture which is used is the media with complete nutrition, to do so the explants can grow properly become completely plants. The media which are used must be in a state of sterile, free from microorganism either bacterium or mold. If the media is not sterile, then microbes will grow so it will bother the explants growth. The step of media sterilization uses autoclave or high pressured pan at high temperature will kill all bacterium and mold that possible exist in the media. The sterilization process not only for the grow media, but also for all of the equipments which are used in explants cultivation. The sterilization of plants tool like pinset, knife hilt and petri can be conducted along with the growth media sterilization. Sterile distilled water also must be prepared for rinsing at the moment of explants sterilization (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Growth media sterilization and plants equipments. (Source: Imelda Research Center of Biotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences) A. Autoclave / pan B. Inner Autoclave C. Grow media and plants equipments are ready to be sterilized with pressure as high as 1 atmosphere and temperature as high as 121oC. 3.1.2 Explants Sterilization Phases

3.1 Tissue Culture The technique of tissue culture is a technique to multiply plants in vegetative way which needs an aseptic condition. It means that from grow media which is used till plants planting and its growth are conducted at microorganism free condition. The activity step conducted include making growth media and its sterilization, prepare explants in the kind of aloevera saplings, explants planting at media and plantlet acclimatization at soil media [3][7]. 3.1.1 Media Making Sterilization

conducted related to process of nutrition absorption and media condensation. The required range of optimum pH is + 5.8 for almost all plants types. This media is then poured into culture bottle, closed and sterilized using autoclave or pressured pan.




Grow media which is commonly used consist of macro and micro substances, amino acid, vitamin, sugar and grow hormone with certain comparison and condenser in the form of seaweed. The measurement of pH media is quite important to be

The explants which are used are the aloevera saplings that have an age of 2-3 months and have shoots height between 10-15 cm (Figure. 2A and 2B). The explants which are selected must be healthy saplings and have a nice growth. Hereinafter the saplings are cleared from dirt and soaked and shaken in liquid soap solution during 10 -15 minutes. Outmost leafs are eliminated. After soaking with liquid soap solution, the shoots are washed with flowing water and soaked and shaken in 30% Clorox solution for 45 minute. The step is then conducted in laminar flow. The shoots which are soaked in solution Clorox are picked out, and then cleaned 3 times with sterile distilled water. Hereinafter the shoots are cut till height of 2-3 cm, and planted in MS media without hormone (Figure 2C).

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The observation to the level of contamination of explants from sterilization, indicate that the sterilization method which is used has been optimal. Percentage of contaminable explants are between 0 – 5%.

attached 2 layers. The distance between layers is 0 up to 1 meter high. The effect of the distance range between layer and the usage of the net with 70% of closeness to the growth of tissue culture plants has not been observed. The usage of the net applied depends on the experience in the development activity of horticulture plants in the Greenhouse in The Center for Appropriate Technology Development - Indonesian Institute of Sciences in Subang [6].

Figure : 2. The aloevera explants which are used for tissue culture (Source: Imelda Research Center of Biotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences). A. Aloevera parent plants that have produced saplings B. Aloevera saplings shoot which are used as explants C. Explants which are already sterilized and planted in MS media. 3.1.3 Growth Phase and Shoot Multiplying After sterilization phase, it is continued with observation to shoot growth in vitro planted. At previous research, it has been obtained the optimal media for growth and multiplication of shoot in vitro [2]. In MS media that contain 1 mg/l of BAP, the amount of the saplings shoot rattan can reach more than 15 times during 1 month. The shoot growth made improvement from first week plant till sixth week. This condition indicates that the hormone and nutrition application in plant media have already met the plants need (Figure 3). The shoot's rooting has properly grown at MS media without hormone.

Figure 3: Graph of relation between shoot numbers against plant age.(Source: Imelda Research Center of Biotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences).

3.2 Acclimatization Acclimatization is an important phase, because at this phase plants (plantlet) will be adapted to live in the field, so it can become normal plants. At this phase the correctness is needed, because this phase is critical phase and often caused plantlet death. Plantlet from tissue culture will adapt either through morphology or physiology to be able to live in the field, need correctness and good knowledge to succeed. The level of plants adaptation to environment outside the culture bottle is weak. Plantlet death in general caused by high respiration of the plantlet that causative to wilt plantlet and die [5]. Greenhouseat figure 4 is needed for acclimatization of plants from tissue culture before planted at plants farm. The roof of the Greenhouse uses net from agronet type with 70% of closeness that

Figure 4: Greenhouse side view (Source: Tribowo, Pusbang TTG-LIPI)

Figure 5: Drips irrigation system (Source: Tribowo, Pusbang TTG-LIPI)

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For plants irrigation in the Greenhouse (acclimatization) can use drips irrigation system as can be seen at Fig. 5. If plants go on living in the Greenhouse after a period of acclimatization, it can be continued its cultivation in hydroponic way by utilizing drips irrigation system [8].

from aloevera plants can be seen in Table 3. The highest modulus of irrigation of aloevera plants occurred in August is as high as 0.18 liter/ second/ hectare. If the irrigation modulus is obtained, then the calculation of irrigation interval must be made by assessing the average of depletion rate of soil water content and then to be calculated to total readily availability of soil water content to be used. For silty clay loam texture, its water content level at wilting point is 18% and its water content level at field capacity is 34%. With assumption for the upper layer soil (0 s/d 15 cm) has 18% of water content at wilting point and 34% of water content at field capacity. At depth of 15 s/d 75 cm where plants root is still found, 16% of water content at wilting point is taken and 30% of water content at field capacity is taken [1]. To do so the level of soil water content at every deepness in the range of 15 - 25 35 cm are assumed to be as seen in Table 4.

3.3 Modulus of Irrigation after Acclimatization To make sure that the plants grow optimal, it also must be supported by optimal water availability that can be absorbed by plants through plants roots. Therefore, the analysis/calculation of crop water requirement or what is often called irrigation modulus must be conducted [9] [10]. Based on the situation of the precipitation and evapotranspiration on the farm land to be cultivated, a crop calendar is made to be synchronized with the crop pattern of the plants that will be planted (Table 1). By looking at the crop calendar and number of plants factor (Kc) (Table 2), and also considering the potential evapotranspiration data, precipitation and potential effective from precipitation itself, the crop water requirement will be able to be determined (irrigation modulus). Hereinafter irrigation modulus

The maximum irrigation interval (ni max) from Aloevera plants can be seen in Table 6 that is as high as 31 day that occurred on August

Table 1. Design of aloevera crop calendar Area fraction

0% 100 %

No Tis sue cult ure

Dec Seed cult ivat ion







Jul Early har vest

up till 3 years Harvest every week up till 3 years old of plants age

Table 2. Crop Calendar and Crop Factor Number

Table 3. Modulus of Irrigation (qo) of Aloevera Plants Period No Dec Jan Feb Ma Ap qo l/d/ha

Ma -

Jun -

Jul -

Aug .18

Sep .07

Oct -

Table 4. The amount of soil water content in accordance with its depth Soil profile cm 0 – 15 15 – 40 40 – 75 Explanation:




18 16 16

34 30 30

16 14 14

OWP : moisture content at wilting point, AM : available moisture. Si : initial water supply Source: Developed from field observation result

AM mm

Oi V%

Si mm

24 18 24 35 24 15 49 30 108 39 OFC: moisture content at field capacity, Oi : initial water content

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Table 6. Maximum Irrigation interval of aloevera plants Period ni max. Aloevera


Jan -

Feb -

Ma -

4. Conclusion Using the technique of tissue culture uniformed seed can be produced i.e. seed‟s characteristics similar to the parent plant. The seed amount that is produced is many in a short time, which is about 1 – 2 months for first shoot growth compared to the conventional way that takes about 1 year. It does not need wide place and does not depend on season, so it can be executed during the year. Sterilization method utilizes solution 30% Clorox shows very low level contamination (0 – 5%). In the MS media containing 1 mg/l of BAP, the amount of the saplings shoot can reach more than 15 times during 1 month. The shoot growth makes improvement from first week plant till sixth week. This condition indicates that the hormone and nutrition application in plant media have already met to the plants need. The shoot's rooting has properly grown at MS media without hormone. The roof of the Greenhouse for plants acclimatization of tissue culture uses net of agronet type with closeness of 70% and attached in 2 layers. The highest of irrigation modulus for aloevera plants occurred in August is as high as 0.18 liters/second/hectare with maximum of irrigation interval is as high as 31 days. Acknowledgment We are very grateful to The Head and Staff of The Center of Appropriate Technology Development Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PPTTG-LIPI) in Subang for their support during research and development activities. We also appreciate very much all colleagues of researcher staff like Angga, Cecep, Wawan and technician colleagues like Herwanto, Sukwati, Jaja, Dedi and many others for all their cooperation and assistance. References [1]. Dijkerman, J.C., 1981, Field Description, Morphology and Sampling of Soils, Agricultural -University, Wageningen, The Netherland, 4/4 – 4/5. [2]. Imelda, M., A. Wulansari, L. Sari, F. Erlyandari, 2006, Peningkatan Kadar Aloin Lidah Buaya melalui Embriogenesis dan Mutagenesis, Laporan Teknik Kegiatan Penelitian Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi LIPI. Cibinong, hal: 31-40. [3]. Rahman, N. dan A. Rahayuningtyas, 2013, Penerapan Teknik Kultur Jaringan Dalam Rangka Penyediaan Bibit Singkong Jenis Darul Hidayah Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Produk Olahan Singkong, Prosiding Seminar

Ap -

Ma -

Jun -

Jul -

Au 31

Sep 84

Oc -

Nasional dan Workshop Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Inovasi dalam Menanggulangi Kemiskinan, Bandung, 30 September - 1 Oktober 2013. [4]. Rahman, N., dkk., 2014, Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Berbasis Lidah Buaya di Usaha Kecil Mikro Sari Kumetap di Kabupaten Subang, Proposal kegiatan penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan Teknologi di daerah (Iptekda) lipi Tahun 2015. Subang, 34 pp. [5]. Rahman, N. dan A. Rahayuningtyas, 2014, Upaya Pengenalan Teknik Kultur Jaringan dalam Pembibitan Singkong Skala Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus : Petani dan Ibu Rumah Tangga di Lingkungan Pusbang TTG), Prosiding Konferensi & Seminar Nasional Teknologi Tepat Guna Tahun 2014. Peranan Teknologi Tepat Guna untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa, Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna- Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Subang, hal. 397- 404. [6]. Rahman, N. dkk., 2014, Urban Farming dan Tinjauan Teknologi Managemen Air dan Tanah Sebagai Salah Satu Pendukungnya, Prosiding Konferensi & Seminar Nasional Teknologi Tepat Guna 2014, P2TTG-LIPI – PNPM – PISEW, Bandung, hal. 420 – 433. [7]. Sriyanti dan Daisy, P., 1994, Teknik Kultur Jaringan, Kanisius, Yogyakarta. [8]. Tribowo, R.I., 1998, Panduan Teknis Perancangan Irigasi Sistem Tetes/Drip, Balai Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna, Puslitbang Fisika Terapan, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Subang, 28 pp. [9]. Tribowo, R.I. dan D.A. Darmayana, 2002, Analisis modulus dan interval irigasi dalam perancangan sistem irigasi bertekanan untuk tanaman hortikultura, Balai Pengembangan TTG – LIPI, Subang, 13 pp. [10]. Tribowo R.I. dan Carolina, 2000, Analisis perancangan sistem irigasi kendi untuk tanaman lidah buaya sebagai tanaman utama dan tanaman hortikultura sebagai tanaman sela, Balai Pengembangan TTG – LIPI, Subang, 15 pp. [11]. Sandra, W, 2012, Salah Persepsi Tentang Kultur Jaringan Tanaman Skala Rumah. (29 Oktober 2013).

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Design of Pitcher System Irrigation as a Substitution of Imported Drip System Irrigation for Cultivating Horticulture and Food Crops R. Ismu Tribowo Center for Appropriate Technology Development – Indonesian Institute of Sciences K.S.Tubun No.5 Subang-West Java-Indonesia, 41213 Tlp. 0260-411478, Fax. 0260-411239 e-mail : [email protected]

Abstract : Irrigation of drip system has been pertained rareness its use in Indonesia. To lessen dependable at imported equipments then a substitution of system irrigation must be made for example is pitcher system irrigation with its technical capability that not fails against imported equipment. The highest modulus of irrigation for pepper plants is occurred on August, where required water as high as 0.32 litres/second/hectare. With 95% of efficiency, then the water irrigation requirement that required from the pitcher is 0.34 litres/second/hectare. Water source is taken from the artesian drill well. The area of the cultivating farm is 2 hectares that consist of 20 units of 1000 m2 each of farm field. From 1000 m2 of farm field, 36 of beds were made with high 40 cm, wide 100 cm and length 2000 cm. Distance between beds is 40 cm. Every bed is attached with one lateral pipe. Along the lateral pipe existed distribution hose pipe to fill water into the pitcher. The average of the pitcher's water stream flow is 0.6 litres/hour. The pitcher is put down in the ground limited to the pitcher neck and the water level in the pitcher relative fixed during irrigation operational that is 1 up till 2 cm below surface of the pitcher neck by utilizing mariote tube principle. The irrigation interval is once in a day that is at morning or evening. The maximum of the duration time of the irrigation water delivery for pepper plant is 103 minute, tomato 103 minute, grape 78 minute, banana 75 minute, pineapple 10 minute, paddy 90 minute and maize 71 minute. The mariote tube can use fiberglass container with its volume of 5.000 litres. For every 1.000 m2 of farm field can use 1 container unit or more, depend on the cultivated plants. The investment cost of the pitcher system irrigation can save its cost more than 40% compared to the imported drip system irrigation. Keywords : design, food crops, horticulture, import substitution, pitcher system irrigation 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Irrigation of drip system has been pertained rareness in its use in Indonesia. This rare because of its equipments from irrigation of drip system it self is not available, with other word if we want to use its drip system, then the equipments must be imported (Figure. 1). In other hand its investment also relatively quite expensive. To lessen dependable at imported equipments then must made a substitution of system irrigation for example is pitcher system irrigation (Figure 2) with its technical capability that not fail against imported equipment. Like at drip system irrigation, pitcher system irrigation can be used at horticulture plants like fruits and vegetable, can be also used for cultivating of food plants like maize and dry land paddy.

Figure 1. Imported dripper along with distribution hosepipe

Figure 2. Two (2) units of examples pitcher for plants irrigation Conceptually, Perhimpunan Meteorologi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHIMPI), Perhimpunan Agronomi Indonesia (PERAGI) and Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHEPI) (1996) has publicized “Gerakan Hemat Air" (GHA) or "Water Saving Movement” as the effort of water resources utilization efficiently [1] especially in its connected with the anticipation and prevention of dryness that continued with Pencanangan Gerakan Hemat Energy dan Air(Announcement of Energy and water saving movement) by President of R.I. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono in 10 Augusts 2008 at the cross square of South Monas, North of Jakarta [7].

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Proceeding of International Conference, 2015 “Water Saving” in Water Saving Movement interpreted as the effort to avoid loses at all phase of water flows on the surface of the earth. In consequence, GHA are addressed to improve water availability, delivering and usage efficiency, and depress losing and its usage wasting [2]. Some technologies and irrigation management with highly efficient in utilization of existing water sources for especially agriculture purpose which during the time is developed by Center of Appropriate Technology Development - Indonesian Institute of Sciences, for example is sprinkler irrigation, drip, and pitcher irrigation with its mariote tube. Alternative to anticipate that above and at the same time also in order to pro active joining the save water movement activity that announced by President R.I. since 1994, in agriculture area is its utilization of the highly efficient irrigating technologies in irrigation water usage [3]. The technology of pitcher system Irrigation is known have level of significant highly efficient water usage compared to opened channel irrigation or gravitation is alternative that can be implemented. For the application alternative of appropriate of technology for economical irrigation water purpose, required data of farm climate and plants agronomy that cultivated, soil structure and texture data, quality and quantity of water source and the specification of the equipment that used. Management of operational and maintenance of irrigation system that used is a part of the activity of its irrigation system for economical irrigation achievement and also efficient either in arrangement of irrigation time or in utilization of limited water source.

the tube has fixed pressure and although the water level in tube is lowered, the surface water level in every pitcher is always constant and equal [3]. The illustration of the work principle of the Mariote Tube for pitcher system irrigation can be seen at Figure 5.

Figure 3. Irrigation pitcher

1.2 Purposes Designing the pitcher system irrigation with local materials as a substitution of the imported drip system irrigation by using some of its imported drip system irrigation designed as references.

2. Methodology

Figure 4. Form and specification of irrigation pitcher (Source : Setiawan B.I.)

Design of pitcher system irrigation covers crops calendar and crops pattern design, calculation of crop water requirement at plants level (modulus of irrigation), calculation of maximum of irrigation interval, calculation of maximum of average water stream flow of every pitcher, and making of time schedule of irrigation rotation when necessary. Materials of the pitcher are designed specially by mixing clay, sand and sawdust. The best Mixture is that produce pitcher's permeability equal to soil permeability. Form and specification of irrigation pitcher can be seen at Figure. 3 and 4. The work principle of the Mariote Tube is used for giving irrigation water of pitcher system. The pitcher is immersed in the ground till limited to the pitcher's neck. Each pitcher is connected by using plastic pipe to deliver water from the tube. Water that flow from

Figure 5. Mariote Vacuum Tube for pitcher system irrigation

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Activity Location Design Study is conducted for farm field of ex UPT - Balai Bahan Olahan Kimia - Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Purwotani Village, Sub District of Tanjung Bintang, District of South of Lampung, Province of Lampung. At farm for cultivating of horticulture plants for the area of 2 hectares has farm inclination from direction of South to North about 2,7 %, whereas from direction of West to East about1,5 %. Methodology 2.1 Irrigation Water Requirement at Plant Level (Modulus of Irrigation). The calculation of modulus of irrigation [4] use equation: qo fld = 100/ea x qo ltr/sec/ha (1) qo = IR (mm/day) x 0.116 (ltr/sec/ha) (2) (mm/day) IR = WR – WS (3) WS = R.Eff.pot. x a x t (4) R.eff.pot. = R x Pot.Eff. (5) WR = (Etm x a1 x t) + (S x a2) (6) Etm = Kc x Eto (7)

Explanation of symbols qo : modulus of irrigation qo fld : water requirement at the emitter level ea : field irrigation efficiency WS : natural water supply

R.Eff.pot. : Pot. Eff. : R a t WR Etm a1 a2 S Kc Eto

potential effective rainfall percent amount of rainfall that absorbed by the soil : average monthly rainfall : area fraction : time fraction : water requirement : Maximum evapotranspiration : area fraction to Etm : fraction area to irrigation water requirement : water supply : crop factor : evapotranspiration

2.1.1 Determination of Pattern and Calendar of Crops

From crops calendar (Table 1.) and number of crops factor (Kc) can be known the water requirement that needed [5]. Pattern and calendar of crop for pepper plants is used due to pepper is the crop of vegetable horticulture with high irrigation modulus. 2.1.2 Irrigation Modulus (qo)

Where this is the amount of irrigation water requirement at plants level with unit of litre/second/hectare like at Table 2.

Table 1. Crop calendar for pepper included period fraction ( a: area , t: time )

Explanation : Kc : crops factor; Spec.req: water requirement needed

Table 2. Irrigation modulus and water requirement at the pitcher level

Explanation :

 ea

: Assumption of estimation of pitche system irrigation water at level of plants farm that due to lose water because of evaporation during water delivery, and lose water because of unequally water distribution in root zone.  qo fld. : irrigation water requirement at pitcher level

The highest modulus of irrigation for pepper plants is occurred on August, where required water as high as 0.32 litres/second/hectare or 2.8 mm/day. With 95% of efficiency, then the water irrigation requirement that required from the pitcher is 0.34 litres/second/hectare or 2.95 mm/day. 2.2 Maximum Interval of Irrigation The calculation of maximum interval of irrigation [4] use equation: ni max. = TRAM/ qd TRAM = AM x P qd = Etm - R eff.pot. + qp - qc Explanation of symbols ni max.


(8) (9) (10)

maximum interval of irrigation

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: : :

qd qp qc

: : :

totally soil water content availability soil water content that can be used depletion fraction of soil water content average of depletion rate percolation rate capilary rate

The determination of the optimal irrigation interval is very necessary especially at peak dry season where the debit of irrigation water that given reach its peak as well. The result of the irrigation interval calculation of every month period presented at Table 3. From the number of the irrigation interval got that on August has occurred the shortest interval that is 16 day. Accordingly the design of the irrigation system is based on 16 day irrigation interval or smaller. Table 3. Maximum interval of irrigation

2.3 Maximum of Duration Time of Pitcher Irrigation The calculation of maximum the duration time irrigation of every pitcher require data from irrigation modulus and pitcher specification it self. Moreover require also map of its irrigation scheme layout. From the layout of imported drip irrigation scheme (Figure 6), at the same farm the pitcher irrigation scheme layout is made and it can be seen at Figure 7. Water source is taken from the artesian drill well. The area of the cultivating farm is 2 hectares that consist of 20 units of 1000 m2 each of farm field (Figure 8) From 1000 m2 of farm field, 36 of beds were made with high 40 cm, wide 100 cm and length 2000 cm. Distance between beds is 40 cm. Every bed is attached with one lateral pipe. For weed control and evaporation reduction from ground surface, then every bed is given black silver plastic mulch cover. Along the lateral pipe existed distribution hose pipe to fill water into the pitcher. In the design, pitcher with average of pitcher's water stream flow of 0.6 litres/hour (the testing result in the laboratory of Water and Soil Management of Center of Appropriate Technology Development Indonesian Institute of Sciences in Subang) is used, where the pitcher is put down in the ground limited to the pitcher neck and the water level in the pitcher relative fixed during irrigation operational that is 1 up till 2 cm below surface of the pitcher neck by utilizing mariote tube principle.

Figure. 6 Map of drip system irrigation scheme layout for area of 20,000 m2. The highest modulus of irrigation for pepper plants is occurred on August, where required water as high as 0.32 litres/second/hectare or 2.8 mm/ day (Table 2.). With assumption of water utilization efficiency as high as 95%, then the irrigation water requirement that released by the pitcher is 2.95 mm/day [6]. From Table 3. (irrigation interval) it has been designed that the irrigation interval is once in a day that is at morning or evening. Accordingly the depth of the irrigation water that is given for every operational in such condition is 2.95 mm.

Figure 7. Map of pitcher system irrigation scheme layout for area of 20,000 m2 With assumption of soil wetness percentage due to water infiltration by pitcher as emitter is 100% and the area of wet soil is 0.35 m2/pitcher (distance plants 0.5 m x 0.7 m, one pitcher is put down between two plants, so it's can be told that one pitcher unit serves one plants) then the water volume at wet soil because of infiltration of every pitcher is: 0.35 m2 x 2.95 mms = 1.03 litres. Maximum of the duration time of irrigation water delivery (if the average of water seepage rate of every pitcher as the emitter is 0.6 litres/hour) for pepper plant is 1.03 litres: 0.6 litres/hour = 1 hour 43 minute. The duration time of irrigation water delivery for other time and plants can be seen at Table 4.

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Table 4. The duration time of irrigation water delivery at pitcher level

Note:must be considered also the duration of filling up of water to the container and the mariote vacuum tube

2.4 Pitcher Irrigation for Food Crops This system pitcher Irrigation can be also used to irrigate food crops cultivation such as maize and dry land paddy. The calculation of water requirement and the duration time of irrigation water delivery can refer to the calculation for pepper cultivation previously. The Irrigation Modulus and the duration time of irrigation water delivery through the pitcher's seepage for maize and dry land paddy can be seen at Table 5. Table 5. Irrigation Modulus (qo) and the duration time of irrigation water delivery through the pitcher's seepage for maize and dry land paddy.

attached with one lateral pipe. For weed control and evaporation reduction from ground surface, then every bed is given black silver plastic mulch cover. Along the lateral pipe existed distribution hose pipe to fill water into the pitcher. In the design, pitcher with average of pitcher's water stream flow of 0.6 litres/hour, where the pitcher is put down in the ground limited to the pitcher neck and the water level in the pitcher relative fixed during irrigation operational that is 1 up till 2 cm below surface of the pitcher neck by utilizing mariote tube principle. The irrigation interval is once in a day that is at morning or evening. Accordingly the depth of the irrigation water that is given for every operational in such condition is 2.95 mm. Maximum of the duration time of irrigation water delivery (if the average of water seepage rate of every pitcher as the emitter is 0.6 litres/hour) for pepper plant is 103 minute, tomato 103 minute, grape 78 minute, banana 75 minute, pineapple 10 minute, paddy 90 minute and maize 71 minute.

2.5 Capacity of Mariote Tube Volume The mariote tube can use fiberglass container with its volume of 5,000 litres. For every farm of 1.000 m2 can use 1 container unit or more, depend on the cultivated crops. 2.6 Analysis of Engineering Economy Based on references of [4] in Break Even Point Analysis in Design of Drip System Irrigation for Farm Field of Multicrops of Horticulture Crops and [6] in Analysis of Engineering Economy of Utilization of Pitcher System Irrigation, in rough calculation, investment cost of pitcher system irrigation can save more than 40% compared to imported drip system irrigation. More detail calculation can be conducted at next step.

3. Conclusion and Suggestion The highest modulus of irrigation for pepper plants is occurred on August, where required water as high as 0.32 litres/second/hectare or 2.8 mm/day. With 95% of efficiency, then the water irrigation requirement that required from the pitcher is 0.34 litres/second/hectare or 2.95 mm/day.Water source is taken from the artesian drill well. The area of the cultivating farm is 2 hectares that consist of 20 units of 1000 m2 each of farm field. From 1000 m2 of farm field, 36 of beds were made with high 40 cm, wide 100 cm and length 2000 cm. Distance between beds is 40 cm. Every bed is

Figure 8. Pitcher system irrigation layout for farm field of 1000 m2 (not on scale) The irrigation interval is once in a day that is at morning or evening. Accordingly the depth of the irrigation water that is given for every operational in such condition is 2.95 mm. Maximum of the duration time of irrigation water delivery (if the average of water seepage rate of every pitcher as the emitter is 0.6 litres/hour) for pepper plant is 103 minute, tomato 103 minute, grape 78 minute, banana 75 minute, pineapple 10 minute, paddy 90 minute and maize 71 minute. The mariote tube can use fiberglass container with its volume of 5,000 litres. For every farm of 1.000 m2 can use 1 container unit or more, depend on the cultivated crops. Investment cost of pitcher system

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irrigation can save more than 40% compared to imported drip system irrigation. More detail calculation can be conducted at next step. More detail calculation is suggested for irrigation time for area of 20.000 m2 of farm field. The calculation depends on the cultivated crops. And so do for making rotation schedule of water delivery also depend on the cultivated crops.

[7]. Februari 2012, “Upacara Pencanangan Gerakan Hemat Energi dan Air” oleh Presiden R.I. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, di Lapangan Silang Monas, 10 Agustus 2008. May 14, 2013.

Acknowledgment Thank you we say to The Head of Center of Appropriate Technology Development - Indonesian Institute of Sciences and staff to the all its amenity and aid and also friends like Elok W.H., Taufik, Aden and friends from Bogor Agriculture Institute like Budi I.S., and Saleh, also to those all that cannot we mention one by one to the all its good aid and cooperation so this activity can be accomplished properly.

References [1]. Anonim, “Pemantapan Gerakan Hemat Air untuk Mengoptimalkan Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Air”, Seminar Nasional Gerakan Hemat Air, Jakarta, 1996. [2]. Baharsjah, J.S., “Optimasi Permanfaatan Air Irigasi di Tingkat Usaha Tani Sebagai Implementasi Gerakan Hemat Air”, Makalah Seminar Nasional Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah dan Air kerja sama dengan Komite Nasional Indonesia untuk ICID, Bekasi, 1997, 26 pp. [3]. Setiawan, B. I. , “Sistem Irigasi Kendi Untuk Tanaman Sayuran Di Daerah Kering”, Laporan Riset Unggulan Terpadu IV, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, 1998, 125 pp. [4]. Tribowo R.I., “Perancangan Sistem Irigasi Tetes Ulir Plastik sebagai Substitusi Sistem Tetes Impor untuk Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura dan Pangan”, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan Teknik “Teknologi untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Nasional”, Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi – Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Bandung, 2012, Hal. 116 – 122. [5]. Doorenbos, J.,, “Crop Water Requirements”, FAO Irrigation and Design Paper No. 24, Rome, 1984, 144 pp. [6]. Tribowo R.I., “Analisis Pemanfaatan Kendi Sebagai Emiter Irigasi Budidaya Tanaman Jagung di Lahan Kering”, Makalah pada Seminar Nasional Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Inovasi dalam Menanggulangi Kemiskinan pada 16 Agustus 2013, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Bandung. 2013, Hal. 55 - 63. 1st International Conference on Appropriate Technology Development 2015, Bandung, October 5th-7th, 2015 | 26

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Design of Hammer Crusher to Support Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In Mineral-Based Fertilizer Processing Kusno Isnugroho, David C Birawidha, Yusup Hendronursito* Technical Implementation Unit of Mineral Processing, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Lampung,35364,Indonesia Tel.: +62-721-350052; fax: +62-721-350054. E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Abstract : Dolomite and zeolite are industrial minerals that can be used as an alternative to mineral-based fertilizers. The existence of zeolite and dolomiteare scattered in various regions in Indonesia. This condition is an opportunity for small and medium industries (SMEs) to undertake theprocessing of these minerals as raw materials of mineral-based fertilizers. SMEs can perform the processing of these minerals in the preparationstage of the crushing the materials. This research was conducted to design and preliminary test of hammer crusher to support SMEs in mineralbasedfertilizer processing. Hammer crusher used is a double-shaft hammer crusher. The theoretical capacity is 1,000 kg/hour of raw material(dolomite and zeolite). The hammer crusher real capacity was 825-900 kg / hour of raw materials at 2,900 rpm, and 685-750 kg / hour of raw at1,450 rpm. At 1,450 and 2,900 rpm, obtained the efficiency of hammer crusher to process dolomite was 82.11% and 88.54%, for zeoliteefficiency was 88.79% and 94.81%. Keywords:crusher , design ,double -shaft, dolomite, hammer, zeolite. 1. Introduction


Fertilization is one way that can be used to increase agricultural output. So far, there are two types of fertilizers, which are a single fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Single fertilizer consists of one type of nutrients, such as urea (nutrient nitrogen), TSP (nutrient phosphorus) and KCl containing nutrient potassium. Compound fertilizer is a fertilizer containing more than one kind of nutrients, such as NPK contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Compound fertilizers can be obtained from mineral resources / minerals industry so called alternative mineral-based fertilizers. The advantages of mineral-based fertilizers are the mineral raw materials that are easily obtainable, the manufacturing process is easy, and the cost of production is much cheaper compared to the manufacture of chemical-based fertilizers. With some of the advantages, this fertilizer can be used as an alternative, especially when fertilizer demand continues to increase (Adang,2011).

T1 T2 M V S A P T fs d

Nomenclature Q P V t n1 n2 D1 D2 L C β R r α1,2

capcity, ton/hour bulk density, kg/cm3 volume, m3 time, hour speed of the driver, rpm speed of the follower, rpm diameter of driver, m diameter of the follower, m total length of the belt, m distance between centre of the two pulley, m belt contact angle, radian radius of the large pulley,mm radius of the smaller pulley, mm angle of wrap for the pulley, deg

coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley the tension in the tight side of belt, N the tension in the slack side of belt, N mass per unit length of belt linear velocity of belt the maximum permissible belt stress, MN/m2 area of belt electropower, watt torque,Nm shear stress, Nm/mm2 axle diameter, mm

Dolomite and zeolite are industrial minerals that can be used as an alternative to mineral-based fertilizers. Dolomite is a carbonate mineral is rich in elements CaO and MgO. Dolomite is a double bond between the carbonate of calcium and magnesium, wherein the double compound is calcite (CaCO3) and magnesite (MgCO3) or MgCa (CO3). Dolomite is widely used in agriculture, building materials or in the industry. In nature, these minerals generally always occur together with limestone, quartz, pyrite and clay. Dolomite can be used to neutralize acid soil and to withstand the acidity caused by the use of urea. Dolomite could neutralize the acidity of the soil through the ion, calcium and magnesium cations remove hydrogen ions in the soil. By giving dolomite, soil pH will be increased. A zeolite mineral is a crystalline substance with a structure characterized by a framework of linked tetrahedra, each consisting of four O atoms surrounding a cation. This framework contains open cavities in the form of channels and cages. These are usually occupied by H2O molecules and extra framework cations that are commonly exchangeable. The channels are large enough to allow the passage

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of guest species. In the hydrated phases, dehydration occurs at temperatures mostly below about 400°C and is largely reversible. (Douglas, et al,1997). Based on their high ion-exchange capacity and water retentivity, natural zeolites have been used extensively in Japan as amendments for sandy soils, and small tonnages have been exported to Taiwan for this purpose (Minato,1968). Indonesia has a lot of reserves of zeolite and dolomite. The existence of zeolite and dolomite are scattered in various regions in Indonesia. This condition is an opportunity for small and medium industries (SMEs) to undertake the processing of these minerals as raw materials of mineral-based fertilizers. SMEs can perform the processing of these minerals in the preparation stage of the process of crushing the materials. A crusher is a device that is designed to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into smaller chunks. Crushers are commonly classified by the degree to which they‟re fragment, the starting material with primary crushers that do not have much fineness, intermediate crushers having more significant fineness and grinders reducing it to a fine power. A crusher can be considered as primary, secondary or fine crusher depending on the size reduction factor (Gupta, 2011). During the past decades, impact crushers have become widely used machine for comminution operations because of their high size-reduction ratio, easy modification of the product size distribution and good “cubic” shape of the product (Nikolov,2004). Hammer crusher is one kind of impact crusher, operating principle of the hammer crusher is the hammers are pivoted so that they can move out of the path of oversize material, or tramp metal, entering the crushing chamber. Pivoted hammers exert less force than they would if rigidly attached, so they tend to be used on smaller impact crushers or for crushing soft material. The exit from the mill is perforated, sa that material which is not broken to the required size is retained and swept up again by the rotor for further impacting (Wills,2006). During this time, SMEs minerals have limitations in the choice of means of existing production processes. Crushers such as jaw crusher, cone crusher, hammer crusher and others still obtained by imports. This condition causes a huge investment costs. In addition, the limited spare parts becomes problem in the production process. Provision requires a long time due to indent the process, so that the production process must be stopped when damaged. Sometimes, equipments available are not in accordance with the characteristics of local raw materials. The problem that often occurs in the crushing is the clogging of the sieves.The production process will be influenced by the selection of the right equipments, the purpose of this research is to

design and preliminary tests on hammer crusher can be used in SMEs in accordance with the characteristics of local raw materials. Through this research are expected availability of hammer crusher are made using local components, and economically can be obtained by SMEs. 2. Methods 2.1 Design of hammer crusher The process begins with sketching prototypes, followed by calculation of design parameter, then manufactured of main components and supporting components of jaw crusher and hammer mill. A bending and shearing machine (HACO) used for metalworking. Welding process performed by SMAW method using a welding machine (Black RHINO, MMA 500), manufactured of hammer crusher hammers carried by the metal casting process using induction furnace (INDUCTOTHERM). All stages of the process is done in workshop and laboratories of technical implementation unit of mineral processing, Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Calculation of the theoretical capacity is done by using the equation (Warji,et al,2010) Qt= (1) Hammer mill shaft speed calculation is done by using the equation (Gupta,1980) n2= (2) Determination of length of the belt is given by: (Gupta,1980) L = 2C + 1.57(D2+D1)+ (3) The belt contact angle is given by equation: (Gupta,1980) Sin-1β = (4) The angles of wrap for pulleys are given by: (Holowenko,et al,2004) α1,2 = 180 ± Sin-1 (5) The belt tension can be use equation: (Holowenko,et al,2004) T2 = (6) and T1 = SA (7) Power, torque and shaft diameter calculated based on the equation (Warji,et al,2010) P=

; Tmax =



The maincomponent of hammercrusher are the hammers, therefore it needs attention in the design. The hammers are subjected to shear force at the point of fixation, centrifugal force due to rotation, bending force due to striking of the material. When a sudden impact is observed by the blow bars due to input feed striking over, it experiences an impact

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load. The effect of impact loads differs appreciably from that of the static loads as with a suddenly applied load, both the magnitude of the stresses produced and resistance properties of materials are affected, hammer can be made using different section like I section, T section, S section, cylindrical bars, rectangular bars etc. The shape of the hammers decides the impacting capacity as well as the strenght of the crusher (Gupta,2011). 2.2 Preliminary test methods Preliminary test conducted to determine the performance of the hammer crusher. Particle analysis carried out on the resulting product. The particle size analysis is the method used to determine the particle size distribution or the grain size distribution of rock/ore materials. In practice, close size control of feed to mineral processing equipment is required in order to reduce the size effect and make the relative motion of the particles separation dependent (Adepoju et al, 2001). The screening of the crushed rock samples was carried out in a set of sieve using the Laboratory Sieve Shaker. The sieve was arranged in the order of decreasing aperture: 1700, 850, 425, 250, and 180 µm by placing the sieve that has the largest opening at the top and the least opening at the bottom. A tight fitting pan or receiver was placed below the bottom sieve to receive the finest grained which is referred to as undersize. The crushed sample was placed on the top sieve and a lid was used to cover it to prevent escape of the rock sample during the process. The set of the sieve was then placed in a sieve shaker which vibrates the sieve for proper screening. This operation was carried out on each of the rock sample for five minutes. This was achieved by using the automatic control timer of the sieve shaker. After the screening analysis, the retained sample on each sieve was measured on weigh balance and recorded to the corresponding sieve opening size (Olaleye, 2010). 3. Results and Discussion

ofdolomiteand zeolite. From the experiments, obtained a real hammer crusher capacity is 825-900 kg / hour of raw materials (dolomite and zeolite) at 2,900 rpm, and 685-750 kg / hour of raw materials (dolomite and zeolite) at 1,450 rpm. The efficiency gained from the comparison of the number of products produced with the amount of product lost. Of the 21 times repetition shows that the efficiency of hammer crusher is beginning to look steady on repetition of 10 and so on, as it is presented in Figure 3. After in stable condition, at 1,450 and 2,900 rpm obtained the highest efficiency of hammer crusher to process dolomite is 82.11% and 88.54%, for zeolite efficiency is 88.79% and 94.81%. Table 1. Specifications of Hammer Mill Parameter Length of crusher Wide of crusher Height of crusher Length of belt Belt contact angle Tension in the slack side of belt Tension in the tight side of belt Diameter of main shaft Power (electromotor)

Value 1200 600 600 1700 2.91 520.36 1154.41 127 15

Unit mm mm mm mm radian N N mm HP

Figure 1. Double-shaft hammer crusher

Hammer crusher used is a double-shaft hammer crusher. Specification of hammer crusher is presented in tables 1. The design of hammer crusher is presented in Figures 1.Crusher capacity is 1 ton per hour of raw material. The maximum size of the feed material is 80 mm. The hammers and liners are made using manganese steel, composition of the hammers are presented in Table 2. There are 12 pieces of hammers. Each hammer has 2 kilogram of weight, the dimensions of the hammers are presented in Figure 2. Framework of crusher made using U-channel steel (UNP 150), and 10 mm then 3 mm Mild Steel used for crusher chamber and hopper. The pulleys made of gray cast iron. Preliminary testshowed, that the double-shaft hammer crushercanbe usedforthe processing

Figure 2. The Hammers

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Table 2. Composition of The Hammers Elements C Si Mn Elements P S Cr Mo Ni

% Weight 1.78 0.134 12.97 % Weight 0.0966 1,500 mm / year (Dwiratna, 2010). Meanwhile, based Oldeman climate classification known that Jatinangor region has five of wet months (NDJFM) where monthly rainfall> 200mm; four dry month (JJAS) where monthly rainfall 0.05). Panelist preference on colour F1 and F3 significantly different with F9 and F1 showed the highest.

Figure 1. Preference on sari tempe colour Note: 1 = Very Dislike, 2 = Dislike, 3 = Slightly Likes, 4 = Like, 5 = Very Likes Colour of sari tempe (F1) more interesting, bright yellow and not too muddy. Sari tempe with much water tend to be less preferred by the panelists. Sari tempe produced more pale yellow and cloudy, which is caused by the high amount of water and CMC were added. According Cahyawati (2011), a high water content in the product will cause the product looks bright because water has light-reflecting properties. Meanwhile, according to Hapsari and Saihullah M (2013), states that the concentration of the addition of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), which causes increasing turbidity. Aroma Panelist preference to aroma ranged from 2.85 (dislike) to 3.35 (slighty like) (Figure 2). Assessment A panelist on the parameters showed no significant difference (p> 0.05). This shows the variation ratio of the addition of water (1: 3, 1: 5 and 1: 7) as well as variations in the concentration of CMC did not affect acceptance of panelists for aroma parameters.

Figure 2. Preference on sari tempe aroma Note: 1 = Very Dislike, 2 = Dislike, 3 = Slightly Likes, 4 = Like, 5 = Very Likes

Sari tempe has a distinctive aroma of fresh tempe, which is like a mushroom aroma coming from the mycelium fungus aroma mingled with the scent of free amino acids and aroma caused by the decomposition of fat during fermentation (Astawan, 2004). Meanwhile, CMC concentration had no effect. This is consistent with the theory Tranggono (1990), which states that CMC has no taste, no smell and is a substance with a white or slightly yellowish color. Aroma may also be affected by soybean cultivars were used. According to Ginting et al (2009), Anjasmoro (var) have unpleasant intensity, so it is suitable for raw materials processed products based on soy (soy milk, tempe, tofu, sari tempe). Taste Panelist preference to aroma ranged from 2.75 (dislike) to 3.45 (slightly like) (Figure 3) and there is a significant difference (p> 0.05). Variation of the water addition (1: 3, 1: 5 and 1: 7) and CMC (0.05%, 0.10% and 0.15%) affect the panelists preference. Sari tempe (F9) deliver the highest value to the parameters.

Figure 3. Preference on sari tempe taste Note: 1 = Very Dislike, 2 = Dislike, 3 = Slightly Likes, 4 = Like, 5 = Very Likes Sari tempe has a unique taste, an unpleasant taste caused lipoxygenase enzyme activity. The presence of an unpleasant taste is a major factor in soy-based products are less acceptable (Kasmidjo, 1990). Sari tempe with greater addition of water (F7 dan F9) tend to be preferred by the panelists compared to lower (F1, F3, F5 and F6). Water addition can reduce the intensity of unpleasant taste. Formula F2 (ratio 1: 3) has a quite high and not significantly different with F9. This is due to there are some panelists who prefer sari tempe with stronger flavor of tempe. While the CMC does not affect the taste of sari tempe. This is in accordance with Tranggono (1990), CMC does not have a sense, is a substance with a white or slightly yellowish, odorless and smooth-shaped granules or powders that are hygroscopic. Aftertaste Panelist preference to aroma ranged from 2.8 (dislike) to 3.25 (slightly like) (Figure 4). Assessment panelists for the ninth aftertaste parameters soybean extract formulation showed no

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significant difference (p > 0.05). Variation ratio of the addition of water (1: 3, 1: 5 and 1: 7) as well as variations in the addition of CMC (0.05%, 0.10% and 0.15%) did not affect the panelists acceptance of the parameter aftertaste.

Figure 4. Preference on sari tempe aftertaste Note: 1 = Very Dislike, 2 = Dislike, 3 = Slightly Likes, 4 = Like, 5 = Very Likes Figure 4 shows that sari tempe (F7 and F9) have the highest value. According to the panelists, sari tempe produced have bitter aftertaste. Anjani (2013) states, that the bitter taste caused by a variety of soy compounds such as maltol, acids, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic. CMC does not effect of the parameters panelists aftertaste, because CMC has no sense (Tranggono, 1990). Formula Determination of Selected Local Soybean Tempe Sari Determination of the formula was selected based on sensory characteristics on each formulation. Sensory evaluation is very important, because food products with high quality can be eaten if not good or not appetizing because it is organoleptic properties (Soekarto, 1990). Based on sensory evaluation, can be concluded that the formulation F2 is the best formulations based on sensory testing. 3.2 Nutritional characteristics Results of the analysis carried out in selected sari tempe formula (F2) (ratio of water: tempe; 1: 3; CMC 0.10%) shown in Table 2 . Table 2. Nutritional characteristics of selected formula sari tempe Component Wet Basis (bb) Water content (%) 90,08 Ash (%) 0,08 Fat (%) 0,22 Protein (%) 1,41 Carbohydrate (%) 8,21 Dissolve protein (%) 2,74 Vitamin B6 (ppm) 20,66

Water content

Dry Basis (bk) 0,81 2,19 14,21 82,79 27,60 -

Water content of sari tempe (F2) of 90.08% (Table 2), not much different from Surya (2011), that sari tempe with honey (1: 8) in cans was 90.27%. Water addition to sari tempe will produce sari tempe with a higher moisture content. Differences ingredients such as sweeteners and stabilizers are added to increase the amount of solids, which can affect the amount of solids in water content. CMC has the properties can bind water, where the water molecules trapped in the gel structure formed by CMC, thereby increasing the total solids and water content down (Fardiaz, 1986). Thus, the larger the addition of CMC, the amount of water that is absorbed more and more so that the tendency of the water content in the solution is getting low. Ash Ash content of sari tempe was 0.81% (bk), is greater than the sari tempe produced by Surya (2011), 0.62% (db). Differences ash content can be influenced to the addition of water to sari tempe, the amount of additives added to the formulation. According Andarwulan et al (2011), the effect of processing on the material may affect the availability of minerals for the body. Minerals content from soybean extract can be donated by the Co in vitamin B12 derived from soybean. Winarno (2002) stated, vitamin B12 is a vitamin that is very complex molecule, which in addition to containing the elements of N also contains an atom of cobalt (Co) are bound similar to the hemoglobin bound iron or magnesium in chlorophyll. Fat Content Fat content in selected sari tempe was 2.19%, lower than tempe. The processing of soybean extract which involves heat causing damage and the amount of fat decreases. This is in accordance with the opinion of Palupi et al (2007), the rate of fat breakdown varies depending on the temperature used and the processing time. The higher the temperature used, the breakdown of fat will increase. Fat in soybean juice is considered better because the form of fatty acid that has sufficient solubility in water compared with other types of fat. Fatty acids in the soybean extract is indicated in the form of unsaturated fatty acids. Because of the small amount of fat and it is easily soluble in water then causes the appearance is not the same as soy milk and cow's milk (Abdullah, 2009). Protein and Dissolved Protein Protein content of ari tempe (F2) as 14.21% (db), whereas the soluble protein content of 27.60% (db). The addition of water extraction can reduce total protein sari tempe, but increased of soluble protein and cause the protein content in the raffinate (dregs) less. Protein molecule has several group consisting of N or O atoms are not paired. N atoms in the peptide chain so as to attract the negatively charged

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H atoms from positively charged water. The bound water molecules can bind with other water molecules, as it has an O atom with unpaired electrons. In addition, the protein content of sari tempe may be influenced by cooking. In the processing of sari tempe involves heat, such as boiling the extract, and pasteurization. These processes can reduce the protein. According to Winarno et al (2008), the treatment uses heat to food proteins can lead to damage such as occurs clotting protein. The occurrence of protein denaturation will cause reduced solubility. The inner layer of protein molecules that are hydrophobic would turn out, while the hydrophilic exterior will be folded into. As a result, the protein will clump and settle. Temperatures begin the denaturation of proteins occurs mostly around 70-75oC (Ophardt, 2003). Carbohydrate Carbohydrate content of sari tempe (F2) was 82.79% (db). The carbohydrate content is also influenced by the use of sugar as a sweetener. According to Winarno (2008), cane sugar as sweeteners is a disaccharide carbohydrate species are often used in the manufacture of food or drink. Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 in the soybean extract amounted to 20.66 ppm. Vitamin B6 in the soybean extract can be influenced by the materials and processing. Tempe as the raw material in sari tempe making contributed most vitamin B6. This is because the levels of vitamin B6 tempe increased during fermentation, as a result of metabolism of mold, especially with isolates Rhyzopus oligosporus (Keuth and Bisping, 1993). Pyridoxine activity increased by 4-14 times in the process of fermentation (Astawan, 2004). Furthermore, the processing there is the process of adding water extraction and some processes involving heat, such as steaming, boiling and pasteurization. The combination of heating and addition of water in large quantities able to reduce the content of vitamin B6. Bognar (1993) states the total loss during cooking on a small amount of water will lower 211% of cooking with large amounts of water. Folate and Vitamin B12 Tempe contains many B vitamins, such as vitamin B6, folate and vitamin B12. Analysis of the content of vitamin B6, B12 and folate on the sari tempe using local soybean are shown in Table 3 Table 3. Vitamin B6, B12 and Folate on sari tempe (F2) from local soybean Vitamin Folat Vitamin B12

Tempe (ppm)

Sari Tempe (ppm)





During the fermentation of soybeans into tempeh, folic acid content has increased 4-5 times (Steinkraus, 1983). While based on research results Vault (2013), the fermentation process can increase folic acid levels of 1.6 times. Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the levels of folic acid from local soybean (Anjasmoro, var) 5188.585 ppm , while the levels of folic acid selected from sari tempe (F2) 817.8 ppm. Decreased levels of folic acid from sari tempe as much as 6.3 time. Decreased levels of folic acid due to the addition of water, where water added can reduce the nutritional value contained. Reactivity and solubility of folic acid to water can cause loss of folic acid levels during the cooking process. A decrease in folic acid content can also be accelerated by exposure to oxygen and light during processing. Folic acid is very sensitive to sun light, storage at room temperature and normal cooking can cause a lot of folic acid is lost (Winarno, 2008). The processing of sari tempe involving a fairly high heat such as steaming tempe (for 10 minutes) and boiling the sari tempe (90 ° C for 5 min) could be expected to trigger a loss of folic acid content. In addition, folic acid found in soybean and sari tempe is a natural folic acid, which the FAO (2001) states that natural folate have a lower stability than synthetic folic acid or folic acid fortification available results, because it can retain its biological activity. Natural folate instability generated by the destruction of its biological activity when stored, processed and prepared. Vitamin B12 is highly complex, containing one atom of cobalt. Sianokobalamina (C63H88O14Pco) is the most active form of vitamin B12. Cyanocobalamin have the nature of a water-soluble, resistant to heat, inactive to light, harsh acids or lye and only a little lost by way of normal ripening (Winarno, 2008). Tempe is a potential source of vitamin B12 from food vegetable. Vitamin B12 is produced by bacterial contaminants such as Klebsiella pneumoniae (Naidoo, 1985). The fermentation process soybeans into soybean vitamin B12 can increase activity to 33 times (Steinkraus, 1983). Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the amount of vitamin B12 in tempe 23.32 ppm (bb) or 64.24 µg / g (bk). Vitamin B12 on tempe decreased after processed into sari tempe. The content of vitamin B12 in sari tempe (F2) as 12.72 ppm or 35.04 µg / g (bk), decrease 1.8 time . A decrease in vitamin B12 is relatively small, this is because vitamin B12 is only a little lost by way of normal ripening (Winarno, 2008). Besides the cooking, a decrease in vitamin B12 disebakan by the addition of water extraction, thus lowering the nutritional value contained.

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4. Conclusion Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows: 1. Sari tempe formula from local soybean (Anjasmoro, var) chosen based on the sensory characteristic, with the ratio of water : tempe (1: 3) and 0,10% CMC. 2. Ratio of water addition (1: 3, 1: 5 and 1: 7) affect the colour and taste of sari tempe, while CMC (0.05%, 0.10% and 0.15%) did not affect the viscosity. 3. Nutritional characteristics sari tempe were: water content (90.08%), ash ( 0.81%, db), protein (14.21%, db), soluble protein (27.60%, db), fat (2, 19%, db), carbohydrate (82.79%, db) and vitamin B6 (20.66 ppm).

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4. The processing of sari tempe influence the nutritional characteristics of the product. Analysis of vitamin B shows, processing soybean extract lowers folate content of tempeh tempeh into juice by 6.3 time and the amount of vitamin B12 down 1.6 time.

[11] Hapsari, T. Palupi dan M. Saihullah. 2013. Pembuatan Susu Tempe Kajian Pengaruh Lama Fermentasi Tempe dan Penggunaan Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Jurnal Teknologi Pangan Vol. 5, No. 1, Juni 2013 hal 2-3.


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Pineapple Peel as a Potential Source of Dietary Fiber Rima Kumalasari, Ainia Herminiati, R. Cecep Erwan Andriansyah a)

Centre for Appropriate Technology Development – Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jl. KS Tubun No. 5 Subang, West Java 41213, Indonesia. Tel: +62260-411239; fax: +62260-411239 E-mail address:[email protected]

Abstract: Pineapple peel is a wasteobtained from pineapple diversification product that still can be utilized into a product that has economic value. Potential of functional food products of pineapple peel, such as: concentrated fiber, functional drink of dietary fiber, and nata de pina. These products are composed by cellulose that contains a lot of fiber, has low calorie, and resistant to digestion and absorption in the small intestine by fermentation process in the large intestine. Consumption of dietary fiber of 30 gram per day has been shown to inhibit the carcinogenic compounds that cause of colon cancer, to lose 5-10% weight in obese patients, lower blood glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, generate better impact on HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive patients significantly, reduce blood cholesterol significantly in patients with lipid disorders.Dietary fiber from pineapple peel can be used as a functional food that are beneficial to the health of the human gut, because it can provide a positive effect on health when consumed regularly at the effective amount. Keywords: dietary fiber; functional drink; pineapple peel; pineapple value-added 1. Introduction Pineapple (Ananas comosusL. Merr) is a tropical fruit that can grow well in Indonesia. Pineapple fruit has a mixture of sweet, sour, and fresh depending on species or varieties, with 53% edible part of the fruit. According to the results of the National Strategic Excellence Research (2002), the acidity of the pineapple came from vitamin C and citric acid with a high pH value of3. Susanto andBudi (1998) stated that pineapple has a high and complete nutritional contents, such as: protein (0.40 g); calories (52.00 cal); fat (0.20 g); carbohydrates (16.00 g); phosphorus (11.00 mg); iron (0.30 mg); vitamin A (130 SI); vitamin B1 (0.08 mg); vitamin C (24.00 mg); and water (85.30 g). Huang et al. (2014) suggested that 70% of the pineapple production is freshly consumed and 30% is manufactured into processed products. Product diversification from pineapple that aims to provide value-added and increase its shelf life, such asin dodol, jam, chips, and pineapple sauce are utilizing pineapple fruit meat. In addition, pineapple syrup and juice are processed through the extraction of pineapple fruit meat. Pineapple peel is a by-product of the pineapple-based production that has not been utilized optimally. According to Nurhayati et al. (2014), 25-35% of pineapple peel is wasted, depending on pineapple fruit varieties, level of maturity and stripping techniques. Pineapple peel contains 4.481 kcal/kg ofenergy and 17.53% of carbohydrates (Wijana et al., 1991); sucrose, fructose, glucose (Krueger et al., 1992); 19.8% of cellulose and 11.7% of hemicellulose (Bardiya et al., 1996); and 20-30% of the fibers contained in

pineapple peel is considered as neutral detergent fiber (Emaga et al., 2011). The by-product of pineapple fruit processing still contains nutrients that will be degraded by microbes and susceptible to decay if not properly handled, also can cause water and air pollutions. Solid and liquid waste treatment installationsrequire considerable investment costs, thus further processing and utilization of by-products will reduce costs, provide value-added products and environmentally friendly. Pineapple peel can be processed as raw material of by-product that provides economic value-added, used as nata fermentation media (Kusumanto, 2013; Majesty et al., 2015), cider from mill juice of pineapple peel (Yulita, 1989), feed for broiler chicken (Ulya, 2014), alternative feed for ruminants (Prima, 2012), and substrate raw material of bioethanol production (Setyawati and Rahman, 2010). High fiber contentin pineapple peel (20-30%) as neutral detergent fiber (NDF), has the potential as a dietary fiber that contributes to the nutrient movement in the digestive tract and increase stool volume (Linder, 1992). According to Kusharto (2006), dietary fiber intake of 20-35 g per day can be obtained by eating fruits and vegetables (O'Shea et al., 2012). Shortage of dietary fiber can cause constipation and in the long term can lead to colon cancer (Linder, 1992). It is recognized by the public, with increased consumption of functional food and a healthy lifestyle (O'Shea et al., 2012). Based on this background, the potential of pineapple peel as a source of dietary fiber needs to

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be studied, which aims to provide an overview of product value-addedfor SMEs that produce pineapple productsand increase the public knowledge regarding to the importance of the dietary fiber consumption to support human health. 2. Methods The research steps were conducted as follows: (1) Surveying the potential of pineapple peel on pineapple fruit-based SMEs in Subang Regency, West Java Province. (2) Study literature of pineapple peel potential as a source of dietary fiber

3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Chemical characteristics of pineapple peel as food The chemical composition of pineapple peel has been studied by Ban-Koffi and Han (1990); Wijana et al. (1991); Bardiya et al. (1996); and Kumalasari et al. (2010) and the results showed that pineapple peel contains insoluble dietary fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), also contains sugars that can be used as a fermentation medium for celluloseformingbacteria to produce insoluble dietary fiber. Detailed data is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Chemical compositions of pineapple peel Parameter Water Ash Fat Protein Carbohydrate Wet fiber pH Total solids Total N Reducing sugar Volatile compounds Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin

Pineapple peel Pineapple peel Pineapple dry basisa) weight basisb) peelc) 92.20% 0.60% 0.48% 0.02% 4.10% 10.54% 1.66% 7.80oBrix 13.65% 89.4% 14.0% 20.2% 1.5% -

Pineapple peel pulpd) 85.28% 0.45% 0.07% 2.60% 5.36% 2.76 9.43oBrix 0.42% 3.04% -

Note : a)Ban-koffi dan Han, 1990; b)Wijana et al., 1991; c) Bardiya et al., 1996; d) Kumalasari et al., 2010.

3.2 Pineapple peel potential as a dietary fiber National pineapple production in 2007 reached 2.237.858 tons (, 2009). Furthermore, Nastiti et al. (2013) stated that the national pineapple production reached 702 tons per year. Table 2 presents the biggest 5 pineapple fruit-producing areas in Indonesia. Table 2. Provinces of pineapple fruit producer in Indonesia No

1 2 3 4 5


North Sumatra South Sumatra Lampung West Java East Java

Pineapple plantation area (Ha) 340 763 484 1.767 3.013

Production of pineapple per year (ton) 32.175 72.265 45.896 167.439 285.504

Source: Nastiti et al., 2013

One of the pineapple production centers in West Java Province is Subang Regency with pineapple fruit production at 254.012 tons in 2007. Over the past 4 years (2004-2009), Center for Appropriate Technology Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has developed a pineapple-based

agro-industrial products and have been socialized in four SMEs in Subang. Solid waste such as pineapple peel is one of the problems inpineapple-processed business. Yulita (1989) had developed a cider baverage from mill juice of pineapple peel. Sriharti and Salim (2007) had utilized pineapple peel as a compost. Furthermore, Kumalasari et al.(2010) utilized pineapple peel to be processedintodietary fiber functional drink. As long as fresh pineapple fruit is used by pineapple processing industries, then there is alwaysa potential of fresh pineapple peel that can be utilized. If this fresh pineapple waste is converted into the dry ingredients with a water content of 24%, then there is a potential of 143000 tons per year of dried pineapple waste (Poerwanto, 2005). The composition of pineapple waste is 40% in the forms of peel stripping, heart or core of fruit, and crown (Buckle, 1989; Abdullah, 2007), with 5% ofpineapple peel part (Noto, 2010) According to Ayala-Zavala et al. (2010), a total of pineapple waste in pineapple fruit canning industryreached 48%, including: 9.1% of heart/core; 13.5% of peel; 14.9% of crown; and 14.5% of pulp. Furthermore, Nurhayati et al. (2014) stated that 25-

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35% of pineapple peel is produced from the pineapple fruit, but depending on the pineapple varieties, level of maturity and stripping techniques. Pineapple peel still contains nutrients and potentially useful to produce new products (Upadhyay et al., 2010). The results showed that the pineapple peel still contains carbohydrates and sugar (Wijana et al., 1991; Krueger et al., 1992) which can be utilized as a fermentation medium for the acid-and-ethanolforming bacteria (Noto, 2010; Setyawati and Rahman, 2010), cellulose-forming bacteria such asActinobacillus sp (Nastiti et al., 2013) and Acetobacter xylinum (Kumalasari et al., 2010). Pineapple peel also contains bromelain enzyme that serves as a meat tenderizer (Larrauri et al., 1997). 3.3 Pineapple products




Pineapple peel can be created into functional food by utilizing the dietary fiber contained in the pineapple peel. According tothe FAO study, FOSHU, and FUFOSE, the provisions of the functional food are: (1) using materials that meet the quality standards and safety requirements as well as standards and other requirements specified; (2) has health benefit that is assessed from functional food components; (3) served and consumed as food or beverages; and (4) has the sensory characteristics such as appearance, color, texture or consistency and taste that are acceptable to consumers. Functional food that can be produced from pineapple peel are:  Concentrated fiber The making ofconcentrated fiber from the pineapple peel and pulp aims to utilize the dietary fibercontained in the pineapple peel and pulp. Concentrated fiber can be used as an enrichment material in cookies and bakery products. The process of concentrated fiber making from the pineapple peel and pulp conducted by Martinez et al. (2012) was washing the pineapple peel and pulp twice using warm water (300C)with water and materials ratio of 1:1 (v/w), drying using a tunnel dryer at 600C for 12 hours, and then pulverized into220-640 µm particle size. Study conducted by Martinez et al. (2012 found that the concentrated fiber from pineapple peel has 9.36% of moisture content; 4.17% of protein; 4.53% of ash; 1.33% of fat; and 14.58% of carbohydrate. Concentrated fiber from pineapplepeel contains 75.8% of total dietary fiber (dry weight), 75.2% of water insoluble dietary fiber/IDF, and 0.6% of soluble dietary fiber/SDF. According to ViudaMartos et al.(2012), the value of total dietary fiber in concentratedfiber from pineapple peel is higher than pomegranate peel concentrate at72.7% (dry weight), lemon peel concentrate at 70.4% (dry weight)

(Ubando-Rivera et al., 2005), mango peel concentrate at 70% and guava peel concentrate at 69% (Martinez et al., 2012), but lower than passion fruit peel concentrate (81.5%), while the IDF in the pineapple peel concentrate is still higher than the mango peel concentrate at 41.5%, passion fruit concentrate at 46.0%, and guava concentrate at 57.7% (Martinez et al., 2012).  Dietary fiber functional drink Pineapple peel can be used as fermentation media for the production of crushed celullose used as the base material of dietary fiber functional drink with the addition of 2% mung bean sprouts extract as a nitrogen source, addition of sugar up to 9°brix as a carbon source, fermentation time of 4 (four) days or 96 hours, resulting in 14.15% of product yield and 6.96% of fiber content (Kumalasari et al., 2010). The production stepsare: mill juice making from pineapple peel, mung bean sprouts extract making as a nitrogen source in the fermentation process, starter adaptation by observing the effect of urea and mung bean sprouts on the growth of Acetobacter xylinum, formulation and production of dietary fiber beverage. According to Kumalasari et al. (2010), dietary fiber functional drink can be accepted by the panelists with assessment scores of “slightly like” to “like”, shelf life of 6 (six) weeks, and meet the quality requirements of juice based on SNI 01-3719-1995.  Nata de pina Nata de pina product which is composed of cellulose that is processed from the pineapple peel extract byAcetobacter xylinum can be used as an alternative dietary fiber. In order to makeAcetobacter xylinum grows optimally, it needs sugar, nitrogen, vitamins, and minerals additions (Rosario, 1982). The incubation process is conducted by placing the fermentation pan at rest for 14 days to obtain an intactnata layers. Sugar contained in the pineapple peel can be converted into cellulose (nata) through the fermentation process. Nata is a bacterial cellulose in the solid form, transparent white in color with 95% water content, slightly chewy in texture and has a firm consistency (Suryati, 1979). Nata is produced from the fermentation process by utilizing the activity of Acetobacter xylinum sp. bacteria through the conversion of media containing simple sugars and nitrogen at the appropriate pH (Suryati, 1979). According to Thiaman and Kenneth (1975; in Kumalasari, 2002),Acetobacter xylinumcan convert 19% of sugar to cellulose when grown in medium containing glucose and medium pH around 3.5-5. Kumalasari research results (2002) innata de pina product showed a yield of 46.30%,22.80 mm thickness, fiber content of 0.92%, texture of 0.0093 mm/gr.det and organoleptic assessment such as

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creamy white color, chewy texture, and preferred by the panelists. 3.4 Dietary fiber as a health-supporting agent Increasing public awareness of food products that have health benefit results in massive production and circulation of functional food products in the market, one of them is claimed to possess high fiber content. Dietary fiber can not be digested and has no nutritional value, but it is believed to have an important function in maintaining body's health and preventing disease. According to Hardinsyah and Tambunan (2004),dietary reference intakes (DRI)of fiber for adults is 19-30 grams per day, while for children is 10-14 grams per day. Dietary fiber isnecessary for the body to facilitate the nutrient movement in the digestive tract. Shortage of dietary fiber causes constipation and in the long term can lead to colon cancer (Linder, 1992). According to Waspodo (2001),during 1996-2001 in the endoscopy room of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), there were 224 cases of colon cancer,among them 50 patients with an average age of 53.8 years. Furthermore, the RSCM data indicate that during 1998-2005, there were 216 cases of intestinal problems in Indonesia with 7.95% of developing colorectal cancer (Andra, 2007). The main influence of dietary fiber consumption occurs in the large intestine. Dietary fiber that enters the large intestine will interact with the microflora, mucosal cells, and intestinal muscles. According to Linder (1992), dietary fiber can soften the stool, thus reducing pressure on the wall of the colon and accelerate feces release. Dietary fiber such as cellulose can not be digested completely by the intestinal microflora, thus it will contribute to the feces formation by increasing the proportion of stool released and influence the feces density (Gallaher, 2000). High consumption of fiber will increase feces density and shorten the transit time (Tensiska, 2008). According to Buddington (2000), dietary fiber that can be fermented has the benefit to increase the density of lactic acid bacteria and suppress the growth of Enterobactericeae such as Salmonella in the gut, while the dietary fiber that is difficult to be fermented by intestinal microflora has a good laxative effect. Study conducted by Kumalasari et al. (2010) suggested that dietary fiber functional drink has proven its effectiveness to increase the number of goblet cells in intestinal mucosal villi of constipated rat, improve the necrosis condition of constipated rat colon, and suppress mice weight gain. Figure 1 shows the mechanism of pineapple peel dietary fiber to prevent colon cancer.

According to Salmeron et al. (1997), complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber contents contribute to the low-glycemic index values that are beneficial for people with diabetes and reduce the risk of diabetes. Similar to the the study results, Chandalia et al. (2000) suggested that a high intake of soluble dietary fiber, can improve glycemic control, decrease hyperinsulinemia, and lower plasma lipid concentrations in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.In addition, Ryttig (2005) mentioned that the high consumption of fiber has been shown to lose 5-10% weight in obese patients, lower blood glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, generate better impact on HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive patients significantly, reduce blood cholesterol significantly in patients with lipid disorders. Hernawati (2012) mentioned that the dietary fiber has a role in reducing blood lipid levels to prevent hypercholesterolemia. Furthermore, Muchtadi (2013) suggested that dietary fiber may affect the digestion and absorption of lipids in the intestine, also affect the metabolism of bile acids. This suggests that dietary fiber is able to bind or entrap excess fat and release itfrom the body through feces. Soluble dietary fiber can lower cholesterol by binding to bile acids in the small intestine that causes increased fecal bile acid excretion and synthesis of primary bile acids, and increased bile acid pool (Wolever et al., 1997). Anderson et al. (1999) stated thatsoluble dietary fiber affecting bile acid metabolism through its ability to bind bile acids in the gastrointestinal tract, thus the formation of micelles becomes distracted and bile acids reabsosption is decreased. This causes the excretion of dietary fiber complex and bile acids in stool increases. Furthermore, Bouhnik et al. (1999) explained that high consumption of soluble dietary fiber will produce short chain fatty acids (SCFA), H2, CO2, and bacterial biomass in the feces increased. Study by Huang et al. (2014) showed that dietary fiber intake derived from pineapple peel of 2.5% of the daily diet of animal models can improve feces ecosystem function and reduce toxic compounds excreted by the intestinal microflora. This suggests that dietary fiber from pineapple peel can be used as a functional food that are beneficial to the health of the human gut, similar to the suggestion of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) to consume natural food that will give a positive effect on health when consumed regularly at the effective amount.

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Dietary fiber of pineapple peel

Insoluble dietary fiber

Soluble dietary fiber

Contains :  Cellulose  Hemicellulose  Lignin

Examples of product :  Concentrated fiber  Dietary fiber functional drink

Nata de pina

Mechanism ofdietary fiberin inhibiting carcinogens

DF can increase the water content in the colon, then lowering the concentration of carcinogenic compounds and finally they becoming ineffective

DFaffecting the intestinal microflora, thus carcinogenic compounds are no longer produced

DFincreases the rate of materials that pass through the large intestine, thus carcinogenic compounds will not be in contact with intestinal mucosa cells in a sufficient period of time to cause carcinogenic

Figure 1 Functional food mechanism of pineapple speel dietary fiber to prevent colon cancer 4. Conclusion Pineapple peel can be used as an alternative source of dietary fiber that supports human health. Product diversification from pineapple peel can increase the value-added and economic value. Dietary fiber from pineapple peel can be used as a functional food that are beneficial to the health of human gut. To comply with the provisions of health benefits, it is necessary to test the effectiveness of pineapple fiber-based functional food products using experimental animals. Therefore, it can be claimed that the product can contribute to improve health status as disease prevention product.


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Pineapple Jam.

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Natural Antioxidant Activities of “Tanduk Rusa” Fern (Paltycerium coronarium) Ade Chandra Iwansyah1, Dewi Desnilasari1, Ismi S Hanifah2 1)

Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Center for Appropriate Technology Development, Subang, West Java, Indonesia 2) Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Abstract:The aim of the study was to determine the potential antioxidant activity in “tanduk rusa” fern (Platycerium coronarium) extract. Evaluation of antioxidant activity of the extract of Platycerium coronarium were studied using Folin-Ciocalteu assay and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) scavenging assay respectively. The results of total phenolics showed that extract of Platycerium coronarium with decoction for 12 hour (PCD) contained the highest of total phenolics. DPPH assay showed that IC50 of PCD (507 µg/mL) was lowest. Based on these values, PCD is found to have the highest antioxidant activity. This study provides preliminary information about antioxidant activities of Platycerium coronarium. Keywords: Antioxidant, Platycerium coronarium, “tanduk rusa” fern 1. Introduction Natural products have been considered as a source of potential medicines from the beginning of 21st century. The extracting process of the phytochemical components of the plants grows rapidly in this decade (Mandal et al. 2007). Currently, there is great interest in finding antioxidants from natural sources to minimize oxidative damage to cells. Oxidative stress has been linked to major chronic health problems like cancer, heart diseases, food deterioration, cancer, aging, atherosclerosis, ischemic injury, inflammation and neurodegenerative health conditions such as Parkinson‟s and Alzheimer‟s diseases. Oxidative damage is caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species, mostly generated endogenously. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that have at least one unpaired electron, which make them highly unstable and reactive. Living organisms accumulate free radicals through both normal metabolic processes and exogenous sources. Although free radicals have beneficial effect during energy production and as antibacterial, excessively high levels of free radicals cause damage to cellular proteins, membrane lipids and nucleic acids, and eventually cell death (Agbo et al. 2014). A study explained about the specific categorizations of the plants as the medical plant has many kind of antioxidants compounds, such as phenolics and flavonoids. Phenolic compounds are a class of low molecular weight secondary plant metabolites. Most of these compounds are able to scavenge free radicals such as those produced during cell metabolism (reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen) that can lead to oxidative stress. Special attention has been paid to plants because they are very rich sources of phenolic compounds (Gouveia et al. 2012). Some types of plants have

been used by hereditary for variety uses as traditional medicines. One of them is Platycerium coronarium (family Polypodiaceae), the local name of “tanduk rusa”. This fern not only has been used by generations of Indonesia people as decorative plants, but also for healing fever, inflammation of the outside uterus, irregular menstruation, ulcer, and abscesses (Tim CoData Indonesia 2000). Mostly Indonesian people consume these plants by brewing them using hot water or boiling (decoction). Information about the potential of antioxidant and bioactive compounds of Platycerium coronarium is still limited and scarce. Related to antioxidant that derived from plants for medicinal purposes, the extraction process is the basic stages in acquiring these compounds and an important stage in the separation and evaluating the bioactive components of variety plants. Generally, the extraction procedure used aprotic solvents (polar, dipolar) and nonapriotic (non-polar) in extracting the components of polyphenols of plants (HurtadoFernandez et al. 2010).Other fern in the same family in Polypodiaceae, Pityrogramma calomelanos have been reported contains secondary metabolite, i.e, 2',6'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxy-dihidrokalkon, kaempferol and quercetin (Suyatno 2010). Therefore, this study aims to determine the potential antioxidant activity of “tanduk rusa” fern (Platycerium coronarium) using a variety of extraction methods and solvents. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Materials The “Tanduk rusa” fern (Platycerium coronarium), distilled water, gallic acid, ascorbic acid, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), FolinCiocalteu, methanol and ethanol obtained from BrataChemBandung, boric acid (H3BO3), H2SO4 and NaOH.

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2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Preparation of samples The “Tanduk rusa” fern was rinsed to remove debris, dried and cut into small pieces. Macerate 100-200 grams of “Tanduk rusa” fern in distilled water or ethanol or other variable about 1 L for 24 hours (PC). Then, it got further extraction using a variety of solvents and methods as follows: water solvent (reflux for 6 hours (PCR), decoction (PCD), maceration for 48 hours (PCM1), and maceration for 24 hours (PCM2)); solvent variable (PCMet); ethanol 95% (PCEt1) and ethanol 80% (PCEt2). The extract was filtered using a 0.45 µm filter paper and ready for analysis. 2.2.2 Analysis Nutritional composition Nutritional composition was determined by AOAC (1990) viz., moisture content using direct heating method (oven); ash content using furnace method; protein content (nitrogen) semi micro-Kjedhal; fat content using soxhlet method; crude fiber and carbohydrates using LuffSchrool Method. The energy was calculated using Attwater factor (Where: 1g of carbohydrate = 4 kcal; 1g of fat = 9 kcal and 1 g of protein =4 kcal).

using equation (2) and reported as concentration of antioxidant required for 50% scavenging DPPH radicals in a specific period of time (IC50). Samples were analyzed in triplicates.  (Ac - As) %inhibitio n =  x100 ……………….. (2)  Ac  Where:

Ac = Absorbance control or blank As = Absorbance the sample

Data and Statistical Analysis Data were first tested for normality, and then subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant differences between mean values were determined using Duncan‟s Multiple Range test (P=0.05) following one-way ANOVA. Statistical analyses were carried out using the correlation and regression program in Microsoft Excel 2007. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1 Nutritional composition The values of nutritional composition of 100 g “tanduk rusa” fern can be seen in the Table 1. Table 1. Nutritional composition of Platycerium coronarium per 100 g

Total phenolics content Total phenolics content of “Tanduk rusa” fern was determined by the modified of FolinCiocalteu assay (Watermann & Mole 1994). To 0.1 mL PC extract or distilled water or the standard solution of Gallic acid (0-900 µg/mL) is added to 2.8 mL distilled water, 2 mL of 2% sodium carbonate and left standing it for 4 minutes. Then, 100 µL Folin-Ciocalteu was added the solutions and left standing for 30 minutes. Measurement was conducted on a Spectrophotometer Uv-Vis GENESYS 10uV at wavelength (λ) = 760 nm. Total phenolics content was calculated from a standard curve of gallic acid with equations (1) and expressed as mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 gram fresh plant (R2 = 0.994). Samples were analyzed in triplicates. Absorbance = 0.0008 Gallic acid (µg) + 0.0265 ………(1)

Scavenging Activity (DPPH) Assay The antioxidant activity of the extracts is based on activity of the stable DPPH free radical using a method described by Kumaran and Kuranakaran (2006). To the variety concentrations of PC extract solution or blank or standard solution of gallic acid or ascorbic acid (1 mL) was added DPPH in methanol solution (3 mL, 0.004%) then left standing in the dark for 30 minutes. Measurement was conducted by using a Spectrophotometer with a wavelength λ= 517 nm. The data was calculated

* Values are mean ± SD. of triplicate

Table 1 showed that “tanduk rusa” fern has moisture content (86.1%), ash (0.9%), protein (3.3%), fat (0.4%), carbohydrate (2.6%), crude fiber (27.4%), and energy (31.4 Cal). These results indicated that the composition of “tanduk rusa” fern has most water and crude fiber. Maisuthisakul et al. (2008) reported that there‟s a positive correlation between antioxidant activity, total phenolics and ash content in some plants that‟s origin from Thailand. 3.2 Total phenolics content and antioxidant activity Phenolic is an important component in plants. Phenolics compounds have antioxidant activity due to its capability to donate a hydrogen atom from its phenolic group to free radicals compounds (Tursiman et al. 2012). Total phenolics content of “Tanduk rusa” fern was tested by modified method of Watermann and Mole (1994) using FolinCiocalteu assay. The principle of this method is oxidation and reduction reactions. Phenolics compound of the extracts will reduce FolinCiocalteu to form molybdenum blue. The forming of

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the blue colour of the molybdenum is equivalent to the ion phenoxide concentration that forms. The “Tanduk rusa” fern extract showed a concentrationability scavenging the free radical activity by scavenging DPPH and the value was expressed as the 50% effective concentration (IC50). DPPH method is based on the reduction of DPPH solution in methanol by donating the antioxidant of hydrogen atom to form a non-radical compound (DPPH-H). The effect of enhancement antioxidant capacity is followed by increasing the concentration of the plant extracts. The plant extracts reduce the stable DPPH and change the purple colour of DPPH into yellow ones. The results of total phenolics content can be seen in the Figure 1.

Figure 1. The total phenolics content of Platycerium coronarium extracts. *) Values are mean ± SD. of triplicates; GAE: Gallic acid equivalent; a>b>c>d>e, same alphabetic = no difference

Figure 1 showed that “tanduk rusa” fern extracts had total phenolics contents about 26.3 – 270.6 mg GAE/100 g fresh plant followed by a significant difference (p=0.000 b>c>d>e, same alphabetic = no difference

Figure 2. Relationship of antioxidant DPPH activity (1/IC50) versus total phenolics content in Paltycerium coronarium extracts These results showed that 99% capability of antioxidant activity in “tanduk rusa” fern extracts was derived from phenolics component. its can be explained by an increasing of the ability of antioxidant activity (1/IC50) against total phenolics content was proportional and showed positive linear correlation between them. The results also be in accordance with studies reported that Cosmos caudatus H.B.K., Polyscia spinnata, Pluchea indica Less., Nothopanaxs cutellarius (Burm.f.) Merr, Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd., Pilea melastomoides (Poir.) Bl., and Etlinger aelatior(Jack) R.M.Sm (Andarwulan et al. 2010) extracts, as the same as Labisia pumila var.alata (Yusoff & Iwansyah 2011) has a high antioxidant activity also followed by a high concentration of total phenolics content. 4. Conclusion Based on the result of this study, “tanduk rusa” fern (Platycerium coronarium) had most composition of water and crude fiber. Aqueous extract of “tanduk rusa” fern with decoction for 12 hours had total phenolic content about 270.6 mg GAE/ g fresh plant and the highest antioxidant activity (IC50) (507 µg/mL). This study provides preliminary

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information about the potential of “tanduk rusa” fern as antioxidant. So, it needs to be explored and researched relating to other potential such as, antitumor, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and others biological activities.


Acknowledgement Authors are grateful to Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Center for Appropriate Technology Development for supporting the material and technical. References [1] Agbo MO, Nnadi CO, Ukwueze NN, Okoye FBC. 2014. Phenolic constituents from Platycerium bifurcatum and their antioxidant properties. Journal of Natural Products.Vol: 7. pp: 48-57. [2] Alothman M, Rajeev B, Karim, AA. 2009. Antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of selected tropical fruits from Malaysia, extracted with different solvents. Food Chemistry 3: 785–788. [3] Andarwulan N, Batari R, Sandrasari DA, Bolling B, Wijaya H. 2013. Flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of vegetables from Indonesia. Food Chemistry 121: 1231–1235. [4] Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. 15th Ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, DC, USA. 12/1/2009. [5] Chan EW, Ng VP, Tan VV, Low YY. 2011. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of Alpiniagalanga, Curcuma longa, and Etlinger aelatior (Zingiberaceae). Phcog J. 3:54–61. [6] Gouveia G, Goncalves J, Castilho PC. 2013. Characterization of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of ethanolicextracts from flowers of Andryalaglandulosa ssp. varia (Lowe ex DC.)R.Fern.,anendemic species of Macaronesia region. Journal Industrial Crops and Products. Vol: 42. Pp: 573–582. [7] Hurtado-Fernandez E, Gomez-Romero M, Carrasco-Pancorbo A, Fernandez-Gutierrez A. 2010. Application and potential of capillary electroseparation methods to determine antioxidant phenolic compounds from plant food material. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 53:1130-1160. [8] Kumaran A., Kuranakaran J. 2006. Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of an aqueous extract of Coleus aromaticus. Journal Food Chemistry, 97:109-114. [9] Maisuthisakul P, Pasuk S, Ritthiruangdej P. 2008. Relationship between antioxidant properties and chemical composition of some





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Potential of Suweg Starch HMT Modification as a Source of Resistant Starch Type III Raden Cecep Erwan Andriansyah Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Center for Appropriate Technology Development, Subang, West Java, Indonesia Email: [email protected] Abstract: Suweg starch (Ammorphophallus campanulatus var. Hortensis) can be modified by a hydrothermal process. Modifications of hydrothermal process has been done is a modification of Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT). HMT starch modification method has the potential to produce a modified starch containing resistant starch type III (Resistant Starch Type III / RS3). HMT modifications carried out at a temperature of 110 and 120 ° C with a moisture content of 20% for 16, 24 and 32 hours. Results modifications HMT obtained content resistant starch modified HMT is a 28.70% increase to 31.55%, 32.29% and 39.92% with a temperature of HMT 110 oC and 43.46%, 46.64% and 53.30% at a temperature of HMT 120 oC during HMT consecutive 16, 24 and 32 hours. Keywords: Suweg, Ammorphophallus campanulatus, modified starch, hydrothermal process 1. Introduction

2. Methods

Functional foods are foods that benefit one or more target functions in the body as well as nutrients that can strengthen the body's defense mechanisms and reduce the risk of a disease (Robertfroid 2007). According to BPOM (2005), functional food is a food that is natural or artificial has undergone the process of becoming a product or processed products, containing one or more functional components are based on scientific studies have certain physiological functions, proved to be harmful and beneficial to the current food healthy.This product has been developed in the form of food products containing probiotics and prebiotics or a combination of both in a product known as food sinbiotic (Widaningrum, 2012).

Suweg starch modification process refers to the procedure Collado et al. 2001 and Purwani et al. 2006. Process of modifications are made temperature and time of heating at a constant moisture content.

Probiotics are live microorganisms which, when it had consumed in sufficient quantities would be beneficial to its host (FAO 2007). Prebiotics are food ingridien that selectively stimulate the growth of lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) in the colon healthy human gastrointestinal (FAO / WHO 2001). RS3 potential as a source of prebiotic because it can not be digested by the digestive enzymes in the small intestine and when it reaches the large intestine can be utilized by probiotic bacteria. Another benefit of the RS3 is able to reduce the fecal fluid loss and shortens time of diarrhea in patients with cholera (Ramakhrisna et al 2000) as well as the potential to improve insulin sensitivity (Robertson et al 2005). RS3 is classed as a source of fiber (British Nutrition Foundation 2005) and is known to reduce cholesterol and the glycemic index (Lehmann et al 2002), as well as prevent colon cancer because the microflora capable of changing RS3 into fatty acid short-chain (butyric acid), to reduce stone formation bile, and helps the absorption of minerals (Sajilata et al 2006).

3. Results and Discussion Resiten manufacture of starch type III. The process of making resistant starch type III was referring to a modified method of Collado et al. 2001 and Purwani et al. 2006. The manufacturing process is 180 g suweg starch spread evenly over the baking sheet aluminum 20x8.5x2 cm3 with a thickness of 0.5 mm and a water content of starch suweg set to be 20% by means of an amount of water added to the starch suweg known water content. Furthermore, for the moisture content uniformly and homogeneously, pan containing starch suweg sealed and stored in a refrigerator (4 ° C) for 12 hours. Then put the pan into the oven Memmert Type 100-800. Process is carried out at a temperature and time. The heating time is calculated after the temperature of the material reaches the process temperature (± 47 minutes). Once the process is complete HMT, suweg starch stored at room temperature and dried for 4 hours at a temperature of 50 oC. Suweg starch modified and then sieved with a 100 mesh sieve (Retsch GmbH, Germany). Characterization is done against suweg analyzed starch pastes profile starch (RVA), starch (Sudarmadji et al. 1997) and resistant starch (Englyst et al 1992). 3.1 Modified Starches Native starch has some limitations in its use in the food industry, among other characteristics of resistance to the process of heating (heating) and stirring (shearing). Starch modification can improve the properties of the starch properties that the physico chemical properties and other functional properties. Modification of starch can be chemically

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classified according Beynum and Roels (1985) and physically. Modification of starch is physically influenced by several factors including: temperature, pressure, cutting, and water content in starch. Modified starch granules can be partial or total. The principle of physical modifications is to heating and tend to be more secure because it does not use a variety of chemical reagents. Sajilata (2006) states physical modification treatment include: extrusion, praboiling, steam-cooking, microwave irradiation, roasting, hydrotermal treatment and autoclaving. Physical modification methods that have been mentioned may increase levels of resistant starch (Sajilata et al. 2006). Steaming-cooking method and praboiling generally applied to the rice while the extrusion method is used to modify the functional characteristics of cereal starch. The modification process using high temperature, short time, and starch gelatinization occurs at a low water content. Metode of Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) is a physical modification of starch using the principles hydrotermal-treatment method using water and heat to modify starch. HMT is done by using the amount of water content is low (85 %) miselia grow was very slow, and media easily contaminated by other microorganisms (bacteria). When The effect of moisture content would be thorough limiting oxygen diffusion for mycelia

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growth(Papagianni et al. 1999), and due to much water media became sticky. We try several sterilization techniques to get most suitable initial moisture content for stimulating mycelia growth and hence stimulating enzyme production. The effect of initial moisture was Effect of supplementation of additional carbon sources on phytase production.

4. Conclussion Phytase could be produced optimally through substrate formulation and optimazing factor affecting fermentation process. Coconut waste could be used as good substrate for phytase production. Acknowledgements This project is funded by The Indonesian Institute of Sciences through Commercial Product Development Program 2015. The author acknowledge Dr. Lisman Suryanegara as the program coordinator, and Ms. Senlie Oktaviana and Rizka Syahputri for laboratory work. References [1]

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Interface between Food Security, Energy Sustainability and Water Accessibility Leuserina Garniati1, Radisti Praptiwi1,3, Novieta Herdeani Sari3, Yoyon Ahmudiarto2,Jito Sugardjito3, Alan Owen1 1)

Centre for Understanding Sustainability in Practice, Robert Gordon University (RGU) Riverside East, Aberdeen AB10 7GJ, United Kingdom 2) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), Pusat Pengembangan Teknologi Tepat Guna Jalan K. S. Tubun No. 5, Kecamatan Subang, Indonesia 3) Centre for Sustainable Energy and Resources Management (CSERM), Universitas Nasional Jalan Sawo Manila 61, Pejaten, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia E-mail : [email protected] Summary: Indonesia, with its vast population, faces challenges of fulfilling the high demands for food and clean water. To meet the demands, it is often unavoidable that extensive use of energy for food and water production interferes with the need to conserve environmental and natural resources. The challenge to meet the food and energy demands without jeopardising the ecosystem conservation is further made more complex by the need to provide remotely located areas with sufficient power. These problems nevertheless are observed to be able to be mitigated by thinking holistically, using models incorporating the interlinked flow of food, energy and water (FEW nexus). In addition to the nexus, the involvement of the local communities is essential to help provide knowledge and feedback throughout the whole decentralised interface of the system. The local wisdom should prevent a cyclic friction between energy generation processes and the needs of protected areas . Keywords:Appropriate technology, Sustainable energy, F-E-W nexus, local needs 1. Background Indonesia, with the fourth highest population in the world, has a strong political and economic role in South East Asia. It is an emerging nation, rich in biodiversity, with a high energy demand to support its economic activities, but also unequally distributed energy in its remote regions, which often hinders the management of natural resources and land uses (DFID 2013). Since 1990, Indonesia has lost nearly a quarter of its forest that it could lose all remaining forests by 2056 to rubber, oil palm and pulp plantations, at current rate of deforestation (Conservation International 2014). Indonesia, nonetheless, has taken steps to designate its forests as protected areas to mitigate such threat and ensure that the ecosystem services from the forests can be provided sustainably. These areas are designed to fully consider the presence of local communities residing within or in the proximity of the protected areas. These communities are the primary guardians of the ecosystems, providing the buffer zones against large scale economic activities (Eghenter 2000). However, these large scale economic pressures, especially in the form of land use changes to accommodate timber, palm oil and mineral extraction industries are considered to be a threat to the co-existence between the local people and the forests. Driven by the desire for improved economic wellbeing, healthcare, and other services, those indigenous communities are often drawn into such enterprises (Oglethorpe et al. 2007).

In the next decade the exponential growth of population will be an ever increasing threat to the global food production system, water scarcity and deforestation (KPMG International 2012). Forests products contributed $100 billion per year to the global economy from 2003 to 2007 and the value of non-wood forest products (mostly food) was estimated at US$18.5 billion in 2005 (FAO 2006). Yet, approximately 40% of the world‟s natural forests have disappeared in the last 300 years (FAO 2006). It is also predicted that the world‟s forests area will continue to decline by 13 percent from 2005 to 2030, mostly in South Asia and Africa (KPMG International 2012). Both the rate of forest degradation and the loss of other types of natural ecosystems continue unabated (Butchart et al. 2010). Despite the short term economic benefits of palm oil, rubber, and pulp plantations, they also accelerate greenhouse gas emissions, increase air pollution and harm the important forest ecosystems. Worldwide cases of forests ecosystem breakdown and stress have illustrated the dependence of human livelihood and business operations on the critical services such ecosystem provides. The decline of forest ecosystems (1) causes natural resources to become scarcer and more expensive, (2) increases the costs of water, and (3) escalates the damage caused by invasive species to the agriculture, fishing and food production sectors. Based on the Indonesian Government‟s long-term strategy, the priority sectors for development in Indonesia emphasise poverty reduction and remote region infrastructure and basic food/water/energy systems development (MP3EI 2012). Indonesia‟s

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protected areas have high value as natural ecosystems and potentially can be managed in the context of The Economics of Ecosystems and Natural ecosystem (TEEB) initiative, which strongly highlights the urgent need to incorporate ecosystem services, especially forest carbon, into national accounts. Indonesia‟s newly elected government seeks to overcome this barrier through its commitment to intensify research in pertinent areas. It has committed to increase its research budget to ensure research-based policy and to use research to address key issues such as food security, the development of Indonesia‟s remote villages and sustainable energy (Republika 2014, IRRI 2015). In summary, sustainable energy and ecosystem conservation issues have appeared to be thoroughly and competently addressed by many academics. However, decentralised sustainable energy systems and natural resources management within ecosystem conservation are less frequently researched simultaneously, and often fail to address emerging/developing nations‟ multifaceted societal constraints. There have been many attempts to provide remote communities with off-grid renewable energy solutions capable of supplying a few kilowatt-hours for lighting and water pumping, but these often prove to be inappropriate in terms of both the technology and in meeting the societal and cultural needs of the community. 2. Scope of paper This paper aims to identify the interfaces between decentralised sustainable energy and ecosystem conservation; and construct the bridges necessary to address the gaps between their discrete components. To address this, information are analysed through the following logical framework:  The current state of play (Section 3) highlights the issues surrounding decentralised sustainable energy and ecosystem conservation in Indonesiaspecific situation are put in context globally  The steps to identify the interfaces between sustainable energy and natural resources conservation are explored in detail through Section 4, and the gaps identified between existing components are highlighted  Potential actions to bridge the gaps between components which extends pilots into mainstreams are subsequently proposed through Section 5 3. Current State of Play One of the immediate, main challenges confronted by rural and/or coastal communities in Indonesia relating to food security, water availability, and direct economic productivity is energy accessibility (not only electricity) for production, processing, and storing/preserving agricultural products (e.g. drying

and cooling). Many of these communities in Indonesia are located in remote areas with limited or no access to grid electricity, where fossil fuels are the current primary energy supply and even so, their availability and accessibility are relatively low. Many of these communities are also living adjacent to protected areas. It becomes imperative that alternative means of income generation exist to prevent the contribution of indigenous people to the ecosystem degradation. This can be provided by giving access to affordable energy as the primary driver of improved livelihood in these communities. Renewable sources of energy can be used to support farming processes, increasing crop yields and improving the processing, storage, and access to market. This should provide the means of addressing food security through better agriculture/aquaculture and water management. By protecting the natural forest environment and avoiding the use of fossil fuels, it also contributes to the climate change mitigation strategy. 3.1 Sustainable energy decentralisation



A sustainable energy system requires the spread of energy services to reach disadvantaged populations, implementation of rational pricing strategies, and actions for structural reform to ensure facilitation and financing of technology transfer (Saha 2003). The social component of sustainable energy can thereby be expanded to cover community involvement, affordability, social acceptability, lifestyles, and aesthetics (Rosen 2009). A fourth dimension of sustainable energy accounted for in this research is political commitment (Kruijsen et al. 2012). The sustainable energy systems discussed in this paper therefore consist of:  Sustainable energy consumption, which includes energy conservation measures;  Sustainable energy generation, which includes renewable energy provision;  Sustainable energy distribution, which includes equal and secure access to energy resources Sustainable energy resources currently identified to be readily exploitable and available in Indonesia include biomass, biogas, mini hydro, wind and solar (PV/thermal), marine current, wave, and ocean thermal with different levels of penetration and/or potential of application. This paper interprets that sustainable energy in practice as energy (not simply electricity) from renewable sources that is not, in its life-cycle, a net contributor to climate change and does not have substantially negative environmental, social, economic, and political impacts. In itself, sustainable energy in practice needs to be seen as an integrated part of a Food-Energy-Water (FEW) resource

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management through appropriate technology inovation and diffusion. This process are dependent on the balancing act between the four “P”s of sustainable practice (i.e. Politics, People (social aspect), Planet (environmental aspect), and Profit (Economic aspect). Conventionally, sustainable solutions rely on centralised capacities for energy generation which would subsequently be distributed concentrically to the areas where the generated energies will be consumed. However, such systems could present major challenges, particularly for the delivery to remote areas, due to their costs and technical inefficiencies, safety and environmental risks, and accessibility (Practical Actions n.d., Pepermans et al. 2005, South Centre 2008, Ramchurn et al. 2012). In contrast, recent developments of sustainable energy indicate the ever lessening reliance on large grids required to deliver power in a centralised system. Many methods used for generating sustainable energy do not require extensive and intensive usage of resources, such as fossil fuels, lands and technological investments (Land Use and TV Energy 2010, Calvert and Mabee 2014, McLellan et al. 2015). This enable the small scale adoption of the technologies directly within the communities requiring the energy supply for their activities, leading to decentralised energy generation systems which would benefit in higher efficiency and reduced carbon emissions (Chicco and Mancarella 2009, Karger and Hennings 2009, McLellan et al. 2015). 3.2 Energy demand, ecosystem services, and protected areas Although Indonesia is a producer of coal and crude palm oil which have been used to fulfill energy demand, the local people in the remote areas have not yet benefitted directly. Furthermore, extractive activities to fulfill energy demand, including coal mining and crude palm oil plantation, threaten the often already endangered natural forest biodiversity. These activities often neglect the holistic consideration of ecosystem, social and cultural values inherent in the areas. For example, in the case with palm oil plantation, several studies have repeatedly shown that the economic activities of palm oil production have generated detrimental ecosystem impacts in the forms of significant decline of forest and wetland areas in Indonesia (Koh and Wilcove 2008, Koh et al. 2011, Miyake et al. 2012). The destruction of such important ecosystems contributes to the acceleration of climate change through the release of greenhouse gasses and the reduction of carbon sequestration capacity (Danielsen et al. 2009, Carlson et al. 2013), and the loss of biodiversity (Koh and Wilcove 2008, Barnes et al. 2014).

Culturally, the economic activities have also resulted in land disputes with local communities, often causing these people to be removed from their lands (Naylor et al 2007, The Jakarta Post 2011). As comparison, a specific case study in Central Africa demonstrated that extractive industries could be designed and implemented with an inclusive consideration of ecosystem conservation needs (Tolisano et al. n.d.). Such integrated approach has been observed to be more readily adaptable for the various methods associated with the generation of readily available renewable energy, especially those that does not involve radical changes of local patterns of land use (Pelc and Fujita 2002, Anderson and Fergusson 2006, Omer 2008, Groom et al. 2008, Inger et al. 2009, Tilman et al. 2009, Quanz et al 2013). 4. Analysis - Identifying the interface Decentralised sustainable energy and ecosystem conservation research streams have a very limited existing interface both academically and practically. Therefore, to identify this interface, we have developed a conceptual boundary based on the current state of play in the sectors, to scope the analytical framework (Figure 1). Identification of the interface between decentralised sustainable energy and natural ecosystem conservation means that it is necessary to evaluate the existing mutually beneficial or conflicting interests in the utilisation of resources between biodiversity conservation and community development and industrial needs and aspirations. This includes: 1. Identification of what the issues are in remote communities around energy use (societal/cultural/technical and economic), the sustainable use of natural resources and the subsequent impact on conservation issues, with particular focus on:  Food-water-energy nexus around protected areas.  Industrial processes energy and land use needs.  Effective and efficient models for storing, cooking and heating food-stuff.  Harvesting system of non timber products and replanting using fast growing fuel-wood trees. 2. Determination of the energy resources available to and the existing primary energy consumption of the community and the additional activities and processes they envisage using if greater access to energy is available:  Analyse surrounding energy resources distribution, access, usage etc and potential

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conflict with neighbouring communities and biodiversity.  Measure availability and magnitude of solar, wind, hydro and biofuels available as energy resources (the equipment listed in the budget will be utilised for this purpose).  Analyse potential impact on economic outputs and unintended consequences for conservation of changes in energy empowerment.  Assess existing conservation, industry, and community energy use and understand community aspirations. It is clear that the discussion cannot escape the issues of land use and natural resources management, with appropriate technology located at

the centre of the interface between decentralised sustainable energy and ecosystem conservation. At this interface, appropriate sustainable energy technology is crucial in connecting the FEW nexus as products of ecosystem services to the decision making related to natural resources management. Appropriate technology needs to be implementable and supported by committed policy for the long term. This means that an innovative integrated model for a local business case becomes important, especially to determine the key actors and stakeholders roles (e.g. in cultural leaders, businesses, local/national governments, households, utility companies, academia, etc.) and the costs/benefits each group will be exposed to. Such model should holistically consider the presence of interlinked FEW nexus.

Figure 1: Conceptual boundaries An integrated platform representing FEW overlaps with sustainable resources management, appropriate technology innovation and diffusion, and policy framework and business case was developed based on the following overview and is represented by Figure 2. Figure 2 indicates that the three elements of water, food and energy significantly regulate the areas of resources management, and technology innovation and diffusion. Water and energy are needed to grow food, to drive the associated processing and preservation activities, and energy is required to treat and transport water. The relationships and tradeoffs within this triangle of resources iterate that food, water, and energy are inextricably interdependent. Whilst current policies and business

models often treat water, energy and food security separately, issues in one of these sectors must be addressed with the understanding of this interdependence, and seek for holistic solutions to address the FEW nexus. Existing energy generation to support agricultural activities is primarily met by diesel; however, the fuel subsidy is being phased out, increasing the vulnerability of remote rural and/or coastal communities. Preliminary discussion and informal interviews with the senior management of the Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Socio Economic and Policy Studies, Ministry of Agriculture, have identified the needs for alternative energy as part of a closed loop mechanism for the sustainability of agricultural communities.

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Figure 2: Resources-Technology-Policy & Local Business Platform for FEW Nexus in Indonesia

Figure 3: Formulation of business model and teaching/training material Therefore, as represented by Figure 3 it is imperative to formulate a local business model based on evidence based conceptual frameworks of provision and distribution of appropriate sustainable energy (e.g. micro hydro, biomass, palm oil waste, solar, marine current, wave, and ocean thermal etc.) through amongst others: 1.

Determination by how much industrial, conservation, and community activities are fulfilled and/or to be fulfilled by using forest resources and how much of these can be replaced by using appropriate sustainable energy sources.

Design, build, and install appropriate energy technology in communities surrounding protected areas  Matching resources (waste, water, biomass, etc. to technology).  Knowledge exchange.  Technical specification.  Work with local communities and NGO partner, to implement new practices, assess their uptake, and measure the impact. 2. Determination of how the use of sustainable energy technologies can address land use issues:

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Determine how access to energy improves livelihood and what impact does it have on the indigenous community‟s resilience to external pressures. Determine the factors that influence how energy consumption related economic activities result in these indigenous communities failing (or beginning to fail) to act as the guardian to protected areas, and become threats rather than benefits.

Furthermore, human development in the sector needs to take place (Figure 3). Academics and student mobility should be facilitated to build a strong local, sub-national, national, regional, and international network of existing and future practitioners and experts, based on on the ground hands-on understanding. The interdisciplinary teaching materials in new courses (and/or course components) through face-to-face lectures and online delivery (ODL); should allow for a bidirectional knowledge exchange in ecosystem conservation, ecosystem services and sustainable energy generation to cover policy, strategy, knowledge exchange and appropriate technology. 5. Extending the interface – from pilots to mainstreams Crucial to meet the principles of decentralization of renewable energy generation, multi level governance and local communities‟ engagement is key to successful sustainable energy appropriate technology implementation programmes. However, pre-determining the technology selection will run a high risk of failure. A range of appropriate renewable energy generation technologies have been proven to be successful through demonstration cases by inter alia the Agricultural Ministry, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and the National Electricity Company (PLN), but there is as yet no identified approach to replicate and expand based on robust financial and business models. Discussions with the Centre for Appropriate Technology Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI-TTG) have highlighted the current needs for the rolling out of various appropriate technologies which have been tried and piloted in many locations for a nationwide community development. There clearly is a need to address key FEW issues from a holistic point of view (social, economic, political, and environmental). A joint social investment from the government and private sector is recognised as the primary component in identifying and bridging existing gaps in taking those successful pilot cases forward into a nationwide scalable and applicable implementation strategy. The joint social investment needs a welldefined and clear framework for project

management and financial accountability to avoid waste and inappropriate exploitation. Training for provincial governments to engage with appropriate technology projects is required, as is technical training through polytechnics to provide relevant local skills and to encourage new business development. This paper considers that there are 4 stages of activities required to move pilot projects in appropriate sustainable energy technology implementation into the mainstream as illustrated by Figure 4 and explained in detail in the subsequent sections. These stages should generate the significant knowledge needed to facilitate the provision of sustainable energy without jeopardizing ecosystem conservation requirements. These stages reflect the consideration that to be selfsustaining, any sustainable energy provision for remote, off-grid and/or subsistence communities must be based on utilising appropriate technology within a viable and local business case. The appropriate technology must be throughout the business model, i.e. the technologies for both generating and consuming energy must be appropriate for the community using it. This is so that the community can build, repair, manage, and directly benefit from its own energy systems. Conversely, there needs to be recognition that, at some point, increased economic activity in areas with sensitive ecosystems will increase the community‟s impact on their surrounding ecosystems beyond some acceptable level; but what is an acceptable level and who should determine it? 5.1 Stage 1 The first stage is the communication phase. It is important to properly extract the appropriate information reflecting the actual needs of the local people, since the optimal use of any technology depends entirely on its interface with the people who use it. Thus, the early positive involvement at local level is vital to the success of village development. The villagers possess the knowledge and the pertinent skills to ensure full and productive engagement with the proposed technology. 5.2 Stage 2 The second stage is the construction of a closed loop implementation of the solutions for the holistic management of the issues relating to FEW nexus. Such approach should optimise production whilst minimising waste. The construction of the closed loop approach involves two phases: 1) capacity building and creation of human capital development (teaching/training) modules, and 2) development of a set of recommendations for National, and Local Government institutions.

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The first step is a process that should be initiated by first engaging with appropriate educational institutions, using participatory methodology which involves local communities, iterating teaching/training modules development between user (local community) and provider (local vocational/educational institutions), and developing paper based and online material for knowledge exchange and information dissemination. This step should not only prepare local people and institution

throughout the implementation of the closed loop solutions, but also generate knowledge pertinent to the second step of providing recommendations for the government. The second step generates specific sets of outcomes. It should recommend policy formulation, intervention strategy for replication, and strategy for access to financing mechanisms. This step should also identify opportunities for sustainable integration of F-E-W within local businesses.

Figure 4. Road Map - from Pilot to Mainstream 5.3 Stage 3 This is the process aiming to generate feedbacks towards the results from Stage 2. Stage 3 would primarily rely on local data gathering which should be undertaken to ensure that existing indigenous wisdom (both from rural/coastal communities) is fully utilised and respected. The data gathering would mainly consist of the consideration and collation of existing best practices, pilot projects, indigenous wisdom, and community initiatives across Indonesia. Several essential steps are required to ensure that pertinent data are collected, such as:   

Creation of database of lessons learnt (both positive and negative) Quantitative and qualitative data analyses on the issues identified in previous sections Regularly updated monitoring and evaluation recording of pre, during, and post project situations

    

Initiating community engagement and assessment of the community‟s existing developmental position, their needs, aspirations and resources Support for community enterprise engagement and access to finance Assessing the local meteorological, marine, hydro, bio-fuel and waste resources available to the village Assessing the existing economic, domestic and commercial activities, identify existing skills availability Assessing existing energy consumption magnitude and daily patterns Identifying the site-dependent appropriate technologies for energy generation and energy consumption as part of embedded economic activities

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5.4 Stage 4 In conjunction with Stage 3, this stage also attempts to seek feedback from the local communities. However, the collected feedback would be primarily more related with how a visible demonstration incorporating integrated appropriate technology is to be developed based on the SOP‟s created, incorporating the views and needs of local actors and stakeholders. The demonstration would primarily take the form of a model village site. The model village site would be selected from a list of options that would be created based on the representativeness of Indonesian villages (rural and/or coastal). The selection itself would consider 1) the variety of potential issues in FEW confronted by local communities and the feasibility of such location in accommodating a range of appropriate energy technology systems as demonstrable means for problem solving, 2) existing stakeholders interest where local communities can be engaged to be part of the problem solving exercise, where support from local government is committed, and buy ins from businesses visible, 3) accessibility of site to researchers involved, expertise and other potential supplier and user of the model village services. 6. Conclusion Indonesia has thousands of small communities depending on small-scale activities for their livelihood e.g. fishing, agriculture, aquaculture and forestry. These are often significant ecosystem and natural resource challenges where natural resources management and economic development create conflicting pressures. On the other hand, with its high number of population, Indonesia needs to fulfill the ever increasing food and clean water demands. Meanwhile, the primary requirement for socioeconomic development in any society is access to energy resources, not only electricity, which can enhance existing activities and create new initiatives. To fully accommodate the socio-economic developments while acknowledging the needs of ecosystem and natural resources management, the holistic approach of food-energy-water (FEW) nexus should be adopted in both strategies. The holistic view of FEW nexus is a strategy that considers the balancing act between the four “P”s of sustainable practice (i.e. Politics, People (social aspect), Planet (environmental aspect), and Profit (Economic aspect). The ackowledgment of the role of these four “P”s in every elements of food, water and energy enables the local knowledge and feedback throughout the whole decentralised interface of the system. This will benefit in the prevention of cyclic friction between food and energy generation processes and the needs of

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PRELIMINARY STUDY OF AGRIBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BASED ON ALOE VERA (Case Study in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Sari Kumetap Subang) 1

N. Rahman, 2W. Agustina, 3R. I. Tribowo, 4C. E .W. Anggara, 5R. C. Erwan and 6A. Wulansari 1,2,3,4,5

Center of Appropriate Technology Development - Indonesian Institute of Sciences K.S. Tubun No.5, Subang, West Java 41213. Telp. 0260-411478 Fax. 0260-411239 Email: [email protected] 6

Research Center of Biotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences Cibinong Science Center, Jl Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong-Bogor , West Java 16911 Telp. 021- 8754587 Fax. 021- 8754588

Abstract : Aloe vera not merely can be sold in the form of plants, but also can be processed and produced become kinds of food, beverage, herb medicine and cosmetic. Variety of Aloe vera that being cultivated is Barbadensis which contain substance for human body need, like vitamin of A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E and C. These plants purportedly can also heal for example diabetes and heart diseases. Processed product based on Aloe vera that developed by UKM (Micro Small Business) Sari Kumetap relatively so many, like aloe essence, aloe tea, aloe ice, aloe chicken porridge, mixture of aloe herb with multifarious rimpang herbs, cosmetic like lulur (skin enlightened) and moisturizer. Nevertheless business activity that conducted by the UKM still must improve its quality and also production quantity with applying some technologies including sufficient equipments and packaging technique which conducted through Iptekda (Technology implementation for targeted area) program. From existing various Aloe vera product, through this Iptekda activity will be more emphasized at 3 prior products that is Aloegin, Aloe Tea and Aloe ice. Business of aloegin production with production capacities as high as 50 litres aloegin can produce 100 bottles @ 500 ml aloegin with price of IDR. 60,000.-/bottle will get IDR. 3,015,000.- gross profit for every process/month, so this business is quite feasible to be developed. The production capacities of Aloe vera processing, in this case tea and aloe ice, are also still follow market absorption. Utilization of tissue culture technology which produce 500 bottles of plants seed (each bottle content 5 seed of Aloe vera plant) with its price as high as IDR. 10,000/bottle will get IDR. 2,354,000,- gross profit for every process/month, so this business is quite feasible to be developed. The equipments that will be introduced through Iptekda – LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) activity to complete processing equipments and tissue culture of Aloe vera i.e. Laminar flow, Cold storage, Greenhouse, Gas stove, Oven, Mixer, Shaker, Blender, Sealer, Digital Refrakto Meter, pH metre and Digital weighing-machine. The UKM Sari Kumetap is led to become center of agroindustry business development based on Aloe vera material that runs commercially (profitable), expand and sustained. Keyword: Agribusiness, Aloe vera, UKM Sari Kumetap, Tissue Culture 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Backgrounds Aloe vera not merely can be sold in the form of plants, but also can be processed and produced become kinds of food, beverage, herb medicine and cosmetic. Selling price in the form of plants is relatively high, and does so if processed in the form of food, beverage of herb medicine and cosmetic. The type of Aloe vera that being cultivated is Barbadensis type that contain substance for human body need, like vitamin of A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E and C. This plants purportedly can also heal for example diabetes and heart diseases [1][3]. Aloe vera has strategic role in order to improve source of society earnings and labour absorption. Processed product based on Aloe vera that developed by UKM (Micro Small Business) Sari Kumetap relatively so many, like aloe essence, aloe

tea, aloe ice, aloe chicken porridge, mixture of aloe herb with multifarious rimpang herbs, cosmetic like lulur (skin enlightened) and moisturizer. Nevertheless business activity that conducted by the UKM, it can be told that still relatively simple, especially in the case of utilizing of technology like equipments and packaging. Its limitation causes low productivity, meanwhile according to Herwanto (40 years old), the owner of UKM Sari Kumetap, the level of demand is quite high. In order of effort to improve quality and quantity of Aloe vera processing production, then it is required an application of appropriate technology in kind of technology aid like equipments technology and processing process. In order to support the production effort, the UKM besides cultivate its Aloe vera by it self by using the existing empty farms like plantation area and yard. In the other hand

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the UKM also empower the society/farmer to plant Aloe vera and even plan will more amount of offer to farmer to plant Aloe vera in the future. The development of Aloe vera agriculture cultivation to farmer need seed that quite a lot, for that in the seed availability will be done by application of household scale of tissue culture technology. The application of processing technology and equipments and tissue culture is expected can improve quality and productivity of production effort of processed product bases on Aloe vera that has been developed since a long time ago by UKM Sari Kumetap, in doing so can develop production for local, national even international need. 1.2 Aim The preliminary study is conducted to get base that rely on data that obtained in objective in activity location, in this case at Micro Small Business (UKM) Sari Kumetap, in doing so at step of development activity of agribusiness based on Aloe vera in the UKM will fulfill the target. 1.3 Methodology The method which is used in the elementary study is to conduct direct survey to the location of UKM (Micro Small Business), in this case Micro Small Business Sari Kumetap. Included in it is problems discussion (a kind of focus group discussion) between team of Pusbang TTG and the organizer of UKM. The problems which are discussed e.g. profile of the UKM, cultivating technology and the equipment, raw material and marketing, management of bookkeeping and any that required for the development of agribusiness based on Aloe vera. Analysis of SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) is conducted especially for looking the positive factors that must be defended, built even improved. Looking for the weakness that must be improved altered or desisted. The Opportunity must be prioritized, caught, built and

Figure 1.


Figure 2.

Aloe Tea

optimized. The threat must be overcome or minimized and managed [6]. 1.4 Activity Location The activity of the elementary study is conducted in the UKM Sari Kumetap that the address is at Cagak street - View Garden Residence - Block D24 No.11 Palasari village, sub-district of Ciater, district of Subang, province of West Java by distance around 20 km from Subang city toward Bandung. 2. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 2.1 Business Profile of the UKM Sari Kumetap The UKM Sari Kumetap has conducted a business in sector of Aloe vera cultivation and it‟s processed since 2010 that pioneered by Herwanto (40 years) and friends. In this Aloe vera cultivation business, the UKM besides offering the advantage from harvesting result of Aloe vera also offering the advantage through purchasing weeds (herb) and then processed or utilized also for business of food production such as flaky pegagan and flaky sintrong. Processing from Aloe vera that already and is being conducted e.g.: yogurt, cocktail, juice, jam, dodol, syrup, bandrek, tea. Besides food and beverage, product from Aloe vera is used also for cosmetic materials like cleanser, scrub, masker and liquid soap. 2.2 Technology of Production Process One of horticulture product that gets priority in production development is Aloe vera . This plants is recognized easy grow and cultivated in Indonesia. This plants actually is not genuine Indonesia plants but indigenous from Africa [8]. From Aloe vera plants can be produced a variety of forms and wide varieties of product type for example beverage product, tea, cosmetic, and many processed food. Processing aim is one of other things to lengthen the durability or conserves. In the other hand processing can make more useful varieties product and more has economic value.

Figure 3.

Aloe Ice

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Processing from Aloe vera that already and is being conducted for example: yogurt, cocktail, juice, jam, dodol, syrup, bandrek, tea. Besides product food and beverage from aloe vera, it is used also for cosmetic materials like: cleanser, scrub, masker, liquid soap. From the existing varieties of product, through the activity of Iptekda-LIPI will be more emphasized at 3 prior products i.e. Aloegin (Figure 1), Aloe Tea (Figure 2) and Aloe Ice (Figure 3). The processing flowchart of the three of product can be seen at Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6.

Figure 4. Flowchart of ALOEGIN Production Process

2.3 Technology of Tissue Culture at Household Scale The main principle of tissue culture technique is the cultivation of plant tissues and organs under aseptic conditions in controlled environments. In general tissue culture is conducted at laboratory scale. By simplification of the equipments, the materials which are used and the optimum environment, this technique can be conducted in household scale. The cultivation of Aloe vera in district of Subang is rarely done. One of the reasons is limited plants seed that generally from shoots/saplings. Application of tissue culture technology is expected to be a solution to overcome that problem [5]. Tissue culture technique or in vitro technique can produce uniformed plant, similar to the parent plant. It produced many plants in a short time, it takes at least one week for first shoot growth compared with conventional propagation which takes more than one month. MS medium fortified with 1 mg/l BAP was the optimum medium for shoot multiplication (Figure 7). In 10 weeks, single in vitro shoot can multiply to 10-15 shoots [2]. This technique does not require a large place and does not depend on season so it can be done throughout the year [3].

Figure 5. Flowchart of Aloe Tea Production Process

Figure 6. Flowchart of Aloe Ice Production Process

Figure 7. The growth of Aloe vera plant from in vitro shoot through acclimatization

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Introduction of household scale tissue culture technique to UKM Sari Kumetap is expected could increase their knowledge, experience and most importantly could increase their revenue. From benefit cost projection, utilization of tissue culture technology for Aloe vera plants, which produce 500 bottles of plants seeds (each bottle content 5 seeds of Aloe vera plants) with its price as high as IDR. 10,000//bottle will get IDR. 2,354,000,- gross profit for every process/month, so this business is quite feasible to be developed. 2.4 Production Capacity and Benefit Cost Projection

The production capacity of Aloe vera processing, in this case aloegin still follows market absorption. At this time the market absorption is in the average of 100 bottles for the size of 500 ml per month. For 500 ml aloegin required 2 kg of raw material of Aloe vera leafs. Benefit cost projection can be seen at tables 1. From table 1 indicate that business of aloegin production with production capacity of 50 litre aloegin can produce 100 bottles @ 500 ml with price of IDR. 60,000.-/bottle, will get IDR. 3,015,000.gross profit for every processes / month, so this business is quite feasible to be developed.

Table 1. Benefit cost projection of aloegin product

The production capacity of Aloe vera processing, in this case tea and aloe ice are also still follow market absorption. At this time according to explanation from Herwanto (owner of the UKM) its sale is relatively still profitable and quite feasible to be developed. 2.5 The Technologies that Will Be Introduced The operational of technical activity that will be conducted is technological transfer/experience transfer to the UKM that had been owned by LIPI currently, including from household scale of tissue culture pilot plant. Substantially the existence of the Center of Appropriate Technology Development Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Pusbang TTG – LIPI) becomes reference center in development and application of appropriate technology for the society (UKM) and provides appropriate technology need for the society (UKM). In accordance with the existing experience, the technologies that will be introduced to the UKM Sari Kumetap are:  Technology of raw material and support materials procurement

 Technology of processing through operation of machine equipments and Aloegin, tea and ice production engineering.  Technology of household scale of tissue culture.  Technology of product quality control, labeling, packaging, marketing, promotion, record-keeping management, bookkeeping. The equipments that will be introduced through the activity of Iptekda – LIPI to complete the equipments of processing and tissue culture of Aloe vera for example : Laminar Flow, Cooler Cupboard, Greenhouse, Gas Burner, Oven, Mixer, Shaker, Blender, Sealer, Digital Refracto Meter, pH metre and Digital Weighing Machine. In running and developing the UKM Sari Kumetap are required business management that cover process management (raw material, equipments, and production process), financial management (recordkeeping and transaction bookkeeping, job contracts and cash flow) and marketing management. For that the training activity to support the UKM Sari Kumetap business is conducted along with the running Iptekda activity.

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2.6 Technological Transfer Fund Managements The technological transfer fund that used for management of the UKM will be realized in the form of required equipments, raw material and packaging materials that match with the UKM need. The technological transfer fund hereinafter will be managed by Koperasi. Koperasi has function as a place of provider/levying of equipments , materials of the UKM need, development mediator of the UKM, executor of field activity, owner and organizer Iptekda's fund and management assistance of the UKM. As for the profit sharing of the activity result is agreed on that profit sharing is allotted as follows: 60 % of net profit for the UKM Sari Kumetap and 40 % for Koperasi. The fund that come into Koperasi will be used for working capital addition and develop the UKM Sari Kumetap it self or other UKM on a sustainable way. The fund management scheme of the technology transfer can be seen at Figure 8.

will facilitate it coming into the export market. Give aid by the shape of technology or equipments to run its business. Marketing access can be conducted through exhibition and virtually exhibition/internet. Thus the UKM products posted or vended at many web sites, its aim is in order to broader the range of marketing access, included cover export scale [6]. Like has been mentioned at introduction part, where the market potency of the product of food processed like Aloegin and Tea are quite promising. Whereas for product of aloe ice is targeted to schools and small shop near by the UKM. As for marketing strategy that taken by the UKM Sari Kumetap, that at this time with Aloegin as the prior product, is directly selling to the consumer that already become its customer in Subang and its surroundings. 2.8 Analysis of SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) The Sari Kumetap MSME’s/UKM Analysis of SWOT is an identification of various of factors systematically to formulate pattern of business development strategy the UKM Sari Kumetap. This analysis is relied on logic to develop strength, overcome weakness, utilize opportunity and overcome or minimize the threat [6][7]. The strength in business development in the UKM Sari Kumetap for example: raw material (Aloe vera) available along the season, available enough the human resources, the required technology is the technology that is not sophisticated, deep support from stake holder by promote the local prior product, product of natural Aloe vera by utilizing local resources result.

Figure 8. Fund management scheme of the technology transfer 2.7 Market Potential and Way to Market The Product This moment there are 5 main problems that become constraint that faced by the UKM community, for example access marketing, capital, management, technology and partnership access. To overcome it, UKM requires support from many parties. Besides the local government, the central government is expected has important role in develop the UKM through small and middle trade center (PDKM) Commerce Department tries to solve the problem as mentioned above [6]. One of way that conducted is by exhibition of the UKM products either in home country or at foreign country. Build up partnership with modern markets. By draw the UKM products to these modern markets

The weakness in business development in the UKM Sari Kumetap: production capacity and capital owned are limited, technical and managerial ability are still limited, market range still rely on local market. The opportunity in business development in the UKM Sari Kumetap: the siding of the stake holder to the UKM Sari Kumetap is high enough, the society need of Aloe vera product is growing up, the business location is relatively close to tourism place (Ciater, Lembang, Tangkuban Parahu, product marketing network is very opened). The threat in business development in the UKM Sari Kumetap : competition with big company that has been recognized, the pineapple plantation of society property tends to become people settlement, electricity and fuel tariff increased, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 [6]. Based on the analysis result of SWOT to the UKM Sari Kumetap, then the alternatives strategy pattern that can be developed for example:

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Strategy to maximize the internal strength to utilize external opportunity that is: extend marketing network by recruiting experienced persons, maximizing sale by multiply customer. Thus this strategy is conducted by maximizing existing strength for getting advantage, getting market segment to reach sustained business development. Strategy to overcome the internal weakness to utilize opportunity external is conducted by improving the promotion/advertisement, apply managerial system assistance especially in the field of standard recordkeeping and bookkeeping. Strategy to maximize the strength and effort to overcome or minimize the threat is conducted by improving innovation, product competitive ability and product quantity, product certification and waste management. Strategy to overcome the internal weakness for minimizing external threat are conducted by care of productivity, hygienist and efficiency of production cost and increasing the skill and prosperity SDM [6]. 3. CONCLUSION and SUGGESTION The type of Aloe vera that being cultivated is Barbadensis type that contain substance for human body need, like vitamin of A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E and C. This plant purportedly can also heal for example diabetes and heart diseases. Aloe vera not merely can be sold in the form of plants, but also can be processed and produced become kinds of food, beverage, herb medicine and cosmetic. From the existing varieties of product, through the activity of Iptekda-LIPI will be more emphasized at 3 prior products i.e. Aloegin, Aloe Tea and Aloe Ice. Business of aloegin production with production capacity of 50 litre aloegin can produce 100 bottles @ 500 ml with price of IDR. 60,000.-/bottle, will get IDR. 3,015,000.- gross profit for every processes / month, so this business is quite feasible to be developed. The production capacity of Aloe vera processing, in this case tea and aloe ice are also still follow market absorption. Utilization of tissue culture technology which produce 500 bottle of plants seeds (each bottle content 5 seeds of Aloe vera plants) with its price as high as IDR. 10,000//bottle will get IDR. 2,354,000,gross profit for every process/month, so this business is quite feasible to be developed. The equipments that will be introduced through the activity of Iptekda – LIPI to complete the equipments of processing and tissue culture of Aloe vera for example : Laminar Flow, Cooler Cupboard, Greenhouse, Gas Burner, Oven, Mixer, Shaker, Blender, Sealer, Digital Refracto Meter, pH metre and Digital Weighing Machine. The UKM Sari Kumetap is led to become center of agroindustry business development based on Aloe vera material

that runs commercially (profitable), expand and sustained. Based on the analysis result of SWOT to the UKM Sari Kumetap, then the alternatives strategy pattern that can be developed for example: Strategy to maximize the internal strength to utilize external opportunity that is: extend marketing network by recruiting experienced persons, maximizing sale by multiply customer. Thus this strategy is conducted by maximizing existing strength for getting advantage, getting market segment to reach sustained business development. Strategy to overcome the internal weakness to utilize opportunity external is conducted by improving the promotion/advertisement, apply managerial system assistance especially in the field of standard recordkeeping and bookkeeping. Strategy to maximize the strength and effort to overcome or minimize the threat is conducted by improving innovation, product competitive ability and product quantity, product certification and waste management. Strategy to overcome the internal weakness for minimizing external threat are conducted by care of productivity, hygienist and efficiency of production cost and increasing the skill and prosperity. 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thank you we say to The Head and Staff of Center of Appropriate Technology Development Indonesian Institute of Sciences (B2PTTG-LIPI) in Subang and UKM Sari Kumetap, especially to: Drs. Sukirno MS and Herwanto, Local and related Institution to the all aids that have been given. REFERENCES [1] Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Subang, 2010, Subang dalam angka, Subang. [2] Imelda M, Wulansari A, Sari L & Erlyandari F. 2006. Peningkatan kadar aloin lidah buaya melalui embriogenesis dan mutagenesis. Laporan Teknik Kegiatan Penelitian Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi, DIPA tahun 2005 : 3240. [3] Rahman, N., dkk., 2014, Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Berbasis Lidah Buaya di Usaha Kecil Mikro Sari Kumetap di Kabupaten Subang, Proposal kegiatan penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan Teknologi di daerah (iptekda) lipi Tah\un 2015. Subang. [4] Rahman, N. dan Rahayuningtyas, A., 2013, Penerapan Teknik Kultur Jaringan Dalam Rangka Penyediaan Bibit Singkong Jenis Darul Hidayah Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Produk Olahan Singkong, Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Workshop Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Inovasi dalam Menanggulangi

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Kemiskinan, Bandung, Oktober 2013.

30 September- 1

[5] Sriyanti dan Daisy, P., 1994, Teknik Kultur Jaringan, Kanisius, Yogyakarta. [6] Sukirno, 2014, Pattern of Appropriate Technology Development of Processing of Pineapple Fruit in Together Business Group of Alam Sari Subang, Draft makalah seminar, Pusbang TTG-LIPI, Subang, 12 pp. [7] analisis_SWOT,17 Februari 2015. [8], Juli 2014.

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Potential Development of Arengapinnata, Merr Based On Local Knowledge (Case Study of Rejang Lebong) Eki Karsani Apriliyadi a), Diki Nanang Surahman a), Hendarwin M Astro a)* a)

Center of Appropriate Technology Development, Indonesian Institute Of Sciences (IIS), Jl. K.S. Tubun No. 5 Subang 41213, Indonesia Tel.: +62-260-411478; fax: +62-260-411239. E-mail address : [email protected]

Abstract: Arengapinnata, MERR is potential commodity for handling food suffering and it easy to adaptation in every agroclimate, start from low land until high land 1400 metres above sea level (Effendi, 2009; Ditjen Perkebunan, 2004). Arengapinnata, MERR has become of the main income for Rejang Lebong Perfecture people. Recently, the local farmers making brown sugar from sweet sap of Arengapinnata, MERR, and they has been cultivate in their own land. The local knowledge of brown sugar production has been made by generation to generation and its become routine activity. This main activity hasbecame of development program collabarted between Center of Appropriate Technology Development and the government of RejangLebong Prefecture. The goals of this program are giving added value and income generation for local farmers. To increase the potency of Arengapinnata, MERR by using appropriate technology as a vehicle for optimizing local resources. Keywords : Arengapinnata, MERR; local knowledge; RejangLebong; appropriate technology 1. Introduction Biodiversity in Indonesia has strong related with the local people i.e. Arengapinnata, MERR. Almost through out Indonesia can be found this commodity. The plantation of Arengapinnata, MERR has potency to develop. The main product of Arengapinnata, MERR is sweet sap. Its processing into various of products such as brown sugar, beverage, vinegar, and liquor. In the other hand, part of this plant can be used for producing food material. Mostly the products are producing by local farmers not industrial scale. This situation appeared because the intensive cultiovation not found yet. Rumokoi (2004) explains, from data processing which bring out by Ditjenhutbun in 2013, growth rate of plantation area in several provinces are about 60.482 ha with production capacity of brown sugar about 30.376 tons/year. The largest area and production of brown sugar can be found in West Java Province 13.135 ha with brown sugar production 6.686 tons/year, Papua 10.000 ha with production of brown sugar 2.000 tons/year, South Sulawesi 7.293 ha with production 3.174 tons/year, and North Sulawesi 6.000 ha with production of brow sugar 3.000 tons/year. In Sumatera (Bengkulu province), this comodity can be found in every prefectures with total area about 2278 ha and the production in 2011 is about 2471 (Dinas Perkebunan Bengkulu). The area of aren cultivation in every prefectures are Bengkulu Selatan 91 Ha, Bengkulu Utara 29 Ha, Kepahiyang 163 Ha, Lebong 254 Ha, Mukomuko 53 Ha, Rejang Lebong 2292 Ha, and Seluma 46 Ha.

The Arengapinnata plant has an adaptation capability in many soil condition, agroclimate, and high tolerance to multiple cultivation with others comodities include woddy plants, growing fast and has large root area and wide canopy also. Its suitable to develop and solve the problems in marginal soil. From the aspect of utility, aren plant has various function because the whole parts of aren plant can be use for many kind of products, for examples sweet sap can be used for brown sugar and liquor. The sweet sap can be used for material of producing bioethanol, and its known as alternative material for bio-fuel (Widyawati 2011). The seed of aren plant fruits can be used for food material, one of the food that can be produced from aren plant seed are cocktail and sweet pickles. The strach flour is produced from the log of aren plant, this starch can be processed into starch noodle. ”Ijuk” that sticking on the aren plant can be used for roof material, filtering water and etc. ”Lidi” that produced from the aren leaves can be used as handy craft material, broom and etc. Young leaves of aren plant can be used for ciggaretes material, natural packaging and etc. The roots has function for soil particle bounding and it used for minimazing erotion and landslide (Widyawati 2011). In the other hand, aren plant also can produce biomass both above or under the soil, and it has major function for CO2 cycle (Syakir dan Effendi, 2010). Some province in Indonesia have potency of aren plant. The provinces are West Java, Bengkulu, Papua, Sulawesi, etc. Mostly the usage of aren plant still limited and using mannualy processing.The processing itself, farmers using traditional or local knowledge. Each of province has differents type of

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local knowledge for processing aren plant. It depends on environtment condition and spreading process technic of processing from the other area in Indonesia. Rejang Lebong Perfecture is the one of area in Indonesia that have abundant resources to develop. The usage of aren plant has already done, but still they using tradionally processes.To consider of potency resources or comodity of aren plant in Rejang Lebong Prefecture, it need efforts to developing the usages of aren plant based on local knowledge. The program itself hopefully can increase diversification of food productsfrom aren plant and also can improve the quality of the products at the end it can support income generation of the farmers.

4. The Overview

2. Problems

Aren become one of abundant potential natural resources, and most have been harnessed into palm sugar. At the present time a lot of people who've been able to cultivate the palm trees in the gardens they have. Previously they only rely on palm trees that grow naturally in the forest. Farming activities carried out in an effort to develop the business of making palm sugar where current demand is increasing. Marketing is up to the various regions in Sumatra, especially from West Sumatra where this palm sugar is raw material for making soy sauce.

In processing of brown sugar from aren, the problems has been identified as below : 1) The quality of products from aren sweet sap which is brown sugar still has low quality; 2) The level of knowledge and skill to diversification products from aren sweet sap is low. 3. Method The type of this research was applied and field activity. The method was used action reasearch that has purposes to capture and giving the solve to the problems that has been identified. The research itself is also involving the local farmers as the object of research for to find the problem solving in their producing activity. FocusGroup Discussion (FGD) was used for digging and collecting information that related with the problems of their activity. In this research, there were 20 persons as respondens which are from farmers and public servants of the goverment in Rejang Lebong Perfecture. Depth Interview was used for collecting main and important informations related to posibillities for bussiness development in small and medium enterprises. The approach of this research is by using technical assistance. Technical Assistance might be broadly defined as the provision of programs, activities, and services to strengthen the capacity of recipients to improve their performance with respect to an inherent or assigned function (Wright, 1978).The technical assistancethat was applied in trainning format in order to result increasing and improving their skill and knowledge by using local knowledge. At the end the products that their produced from aren plant has good quality and can be marketed through out Rejang Lebong Perfecture.

Rejang Lebong is the one of perfecture in Bengkulu Province that has various potential natural resourcesand it can support agroindustry development. Some of the potential comodities are cassava, arenga, corn, coffee, peanuts, mung bean, pottato and various of vegetables. Crops harvest usually sale in raw or fresh material. It gives small income, and thats why focusing in this program of research are economic empowerment activity by using local knowledge. One of potential commodity that has a good prospect to develop is Aren. Aren itself has been used for producing sugar block and brown sugar.

Based on the results of the search-depth discussions with the craftsmen and a few people whom work in the government, it is important to do systematic efforts to improve palm sugar products to become one of the leading commodity products locally. Through technology transfer with training, the activities of the introduction of new products based on palm potential becomes possible to do refers to the development of superior products based diversification from this comodity. Usage the appropriate technology in the processing of local potential is considered able to contribute significantly in increasing the added value. In the processing of palm sugar they encounter various obstacles, especially in terms of firewood supplycontinuity. During this time they utilize the remnants of unused pieces of wood, and they are also regular traders to buy firewood at the price of IDR. 500.000, - / truck ankle (3 cubic). The average is used for a week to produce 15 kg of palm sugar. Negligence in the processing becomes important to avoid acidic sap that influence the outcome of palm sugar itself. For them the weather was very affecting the quality of palm sugar. The dry season or rainy season is not a major problem, except when the weather is erratic, sometimes hot sometimes rain. Occasional rain may lead to levels of sugar in the sap was considered good enough. Until now, the sustainability of palm sugar processing business which they run can make a positive contribution to the economic income

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families, because until now the demand is pretty good. Even that, the usage of appropriate technology to support their efforts as crucial, hygiene-related processing will certainly affect the final result, continuity processing and packaging that attract so marketing is not limited to traditional markets but could also encompass other market segments, especially in increasing the potential for agro-tourism in RejangLebong region. So the palm sugar or sugar ants can become a commodity in the regions as a typical product of this area, although in other places there is also a craftsman or palm sugar processing this. At least from the attractive packaging, hygiene processing can be sold as one packet of commercialization, and certainly will help increase the income of family economy.

The skills for activities of making sugar is the result of hereditary in its development in line with the development of interaction between residents and the transfer of knowledge that is more characterized by "scientific" primarily from government that have attention to the development of the business of making sugar palm in RejangLebong. As was done by the Center for Appropriate Technology Development LIPI Subang introducing palm sugar product diversification so that no other variants introduced by utilizing appropriate technology. Hopes the resulting product can appear "more fresh", and more attractive both in terms of presentation and of the packaging so that it can increase the added value of these products at a time can increase the income of society itself.

5. Potential Development of Aren based on Local Knowledge

Some diversification of the products we introduced are:

As already described at the previous sub section, palm processing into sugar are mostly done by migrants mainly from Java. The knowledge they applied and developed by considering natural resources in the region RejangLebong. Aren become one of the abundant natural resources.

1) Making printed palm sugar 2) Making ginger bread brown sugar 3) Preparation of liquid palm sugar ginger flavor

The skills they applied in Rejanglebong for the Aren processing get handed down from the elders or their parents when they were still in the place of origin (Java). Over time the interest of the population to cultivate palm sugar processing business has developed, children, siblings and even the locals RejangLebong. Even today, the craftsmen have managed to cultivate palm sugar crops in their garden to facilitate the coverage and quantity of production. The increase number of sugar producers are also followed by the development of knowledge processing and cultivation of palm plants in accordance with the realities of everyday life faced. This is similar to what is disclosed by Winarto (1998 and 2004) that the dynamic nature of knowledge itself, ever evolving and is accompanied proceed with the interaction between individuals, then with the learning process of each has been pushed knowledge that continues to be produced and reproduced, in which the process dunamika knowledge itself is a dialogue between two perceptions and different forms of learning between local scientific and causes and bring changes, modifications and variations are specified. In line with Winarto, Joshi, et al (2008: 84) emphasized that the knowledge gained from the "understanding and interpretation of the results of observations, experiences, as well as formal and informal education someone where knowledge itself is always in a state of growing along with the" development of observation, experience or the introduction of new innovations "that exist.

The public was enthusiastic about this training activity. This training is part of the technology transfer activities to the public, in addition to introducing some of the equipment that directly support the processing activities at the same time also can encourage the spirit of building a business based food processing local potentials. The activities start from the reality that societies and cultures everywhere are always in a state of change, whether changes occur quickly or slowly. Changes occur as natural as the physical state of knowledge and the society develops. Changes quickly become unnatural when society and knowledge can not understand the changes in social phenomena. Rapid changes generally occur because there are other communities that have different lifestyles to live together in a community or also because there is intervention from the outside through development programs implemented in public life (BambangRudita, 2003). The activities of Aren development in RejangLebong synchronize with the spirit of building a society where creative economic development in rural communities can not be separated from the principal elements such as technological development itself (Soelaiman, 1994). Technology becomes a tool used to promote changes in society, but the sophisticated technology as the device is always dealing with the local community with its values. The technology was not value free and often at odds with the values prevailing in the society. When technology is applied directly in the community regardless of social, cultural, religious, local knowledge held and believed the target communities so the difference causes the applied

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technology is not utilized properly even abandoned from the overall development program. Technology can not push changes or growth if not supported by local communities and institutions (social and cultural). Therefore, the development of local potential in this regard by introducing appropriate technology but still based on the social situation of cultural and local knowledge of the community itself. Local knowledge takes position as basic in developing new products that varied so that the technology was introduced into harmony with what they already have. The diffusion of mindsets introduced by the implementers with local knowledge of the community to produce a form of community (artisans palm sugar) that is open to knowledge from outside, then translated by the dose of the analytical community itself so that it can give to certain variants. In this case the introduction of technology takes a position as a trigger for creative endeavors undertaken the development of local communities. In this context also the public knowledge start from the results of dialogue between scientific knowledge from the outside, especially "FEA" and the knowledge society itself. The new knowledge gets purport locally by the community itself, which could be by using frame based on previous knowledge. The adoption and diffusion indicates a process of transformation of values and society's perspective of looking at the reality. Likewise with Aren development activities in RejangLebong, the existing local knowledge into a base which is then reunited with technology and new knowledge so that it can generate added value to the productaren itself ,where previously passing through the process of adoption, diffusion and dialogue of new knowledge and prior knowledge as its base. 6. The closing The activities of the introduction of appropriate technology to the public especially palm sugar producers be atrigger to increase value added one of the natural resources that exist. Local knowledge becomes the basis to develop potential local resources (palm) where knowledge and technology are introduced in accordance with the dynamics of the knowledge society itself. Introduction of technology in the Palm Sugar Industry not to shift any prior knowledge, but more toward strengthening knowledge through an interactive dialogical process in which the expectation is an increase in income generating public throughincreasing the added value of existing products. The cooperation between the Government of RejangLebong through BAPPEDA RejangLebong, P2TTG LIPI Subang and various business elements in RejangLebong particularly palm sugar producers are expected to contribute positively to the socio-

economic life of society. Not only is there an increase in people's income and added value of potential of existing areas, further also can provide strength in the community related to food security. Existing potential can be optimized through the use of appropriate technology. Aren become one of the entrances in an effort introduction of appropriate technology to the public. In this case the Aren is a potential coomoditythat has provided livelihood to many people, especially those who are engaged directly in the Aren-based businesses. Hopefully from what we do even depart from this little thing can bring change and a tremendous benefit for the community in particular and for the district RejangLebong general. Hopefully, the potential of its natural resources capable of providing Curup name or RejangLebong more widely known. Through the introduction of appropriate technologies for this palm-based food processing hopefully ideals in building local optimization potential can be realized. References [1] Agrawal, Arun. 1998. “Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge: Some Critical Comments”. Antropologi Indonesia: Majalah Antropologi Sosial Budaya Indonesia No 55 .Th XII. Januari-April 1998. Jurusan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia. Hal 14-25. [2] Antweiler, Christoph. 1998. “Local Knowledge and Local Knowing, An Anthropological Analysis of Contested “Cultural Products” in the Context of Development”. Anthropos, Bd. 93, H. 4./6. (1998). Anthropos Institute. Hal. 469-494. [3] Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Rejang Lebong. 2013. Kabupaten Lebong dalam Angka 2013. Rejang Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Lebong.

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[4] Burhanuddin, R. 2005. Prospek Pengembangan Usaha Koperasi dalam Produksi Gula Aren. Makalah; Jakarta. [5] Christenson, J.A and Robinson, JR, 1989, Community Development in Perspective, First Edition, Iowa State University Press, ISBN 081381474-X, Ames, Iowa. [6] Ditjen Perkebunan, 2004, Perkembangan Aren di Indonesia. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aren. Tondano. 9 Juni 2004. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kelapa dan Palma Lain. hlm 138 – 144. [7] Effendi, D.S., 2009, Aren, Sumber Energi Alternatif. Warta Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Tahun 2009. 31 (2) : 1 – 3.

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[8] Joshi, Laxman et al. 2008. “Sistem Sisipan: Pengetahuan Lokal dalam Wanatani Karet. Belajar dari Bungo: Mengelola Sumberdaya Alam di Era Desentralisasi. Bogor: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Hal. 83-100. [9] Rangkuti, Parlaungan Adil. 2011. Komunikasi Pembangunan dan Mekanisasi Pertanian. Bogor: IPB Press. [10] Rumokoi, M.M.M., 2004, Aren, Kelapa dan Lontar Sebagai Alternatif Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Gula Nasional. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aren. Tondano. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kelapa dan Palma Lain. [11] Soelaiman, M. Munandar. 1998. Dinamika Masyarakat Transisi: Mencari Alternatif Teori Sosiologi dan Arah Perubahan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. [12] Syakir dan D.S. Effendi, 2010, Prospek Pengembangan Tanaman Aren (Arenga pinnata MERR) untuk Bioetanol, Peluang dan Tantangan. Makalah disajikan dalam Workshop Peluang, Tantangan dan Prospek Pengembangan Aren untuk Bioetanol Skala Industri dan UMKM, Hotel Salak, Bogor, 21 Januari 2010. hlm 17 [13] Widyawati, N. 2011. Sukses Investasi Masa Depan dengan Bertanam Pohon Aren. [14] Winarto, Yunita T. 1998. “Hama dan Musuh Alami, „Obat dan Racun‟ Dinamika Pengetahuan Petani dalam Pengendalian Hama”. Antropologi Indonesia: Majalah Antropologi Sosial Budaya Indonesia No 55 .Th XII. Januari-April 1998. Jurusan Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia. Hal 53-68. [15] Winarto, Yunita T. 2004. Seeds of Knowledge: The Beginning of Integrated Pest Management in Java. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies.

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Development of the Main Agroindustry Potential in Rejang Lebong District, Bengkulu Eki Karsani Apriliyadi a, Diki Nanang Surahman a, Hendarwin M Astro a* a

Center of Appropriate Technology Development, Indonesian Institute Of Sciences (IIS), Jl. K.S. Tubun No. 5 Subang 41213, Indonesia Tel.: +62-260-411478; fax: +62-260-411239. e-mail address :[email protected]

Abstract:The potential of Rejang Lebong region actually be a wealth of natural resources are exceptional, when processed and developed based on the implementation of appropriate technology will be superior to direct the potential areas that will provide increased welfare of society itself. Through the concept of community empowerment, the pattern of development of the potential of agro-industries / agribusiness is based on the ability of the region to provide the carrying capacity of its potential and wealth. Ability itself seen from two sides of the human resources (HR) and natural resources (SDA). Optimization of natural resources coupled with the optimization of human resources. This activity is aimed at generating income, improved quality of competitive self in the middle of the speed of globalization. Keywords: Agroindustry; development; RejangLebong; appropriate technology; 1. Introduction Rejang Lebong is one of the districts in Bengkulu Province, which has the potential wealth of natural considerable. Its potential is huge in supporting the development of agro-industry / agribusiness. The condition was supported by the availability of a wide area of 151.576 hectares are spread in 15 districts. Rejang Lebong is geographically located between two hills, west flanked by the Bukit Barisan Mountains and east by Mount Kaba with boundaries as follows: 1) The north is bordered by Lebong; 2) The south Regency Kepahiang; 3) Next to the western border with North Bengkulu and; 4) East of Musi Rawas regency of North Sumatra Province. Rejang Lebong region itself is situated at an altitude of less than 100-1000 meters above sea level to an altitude of 0-100 meters above sea level, covering an area of 2,621 H, 100-500 m above sea level covering 44 268 ha, altitude of 500-1000 m covering an area of 36 798 ha and at an altitude of 1,000 m up area of 67 899 ha. With a height as above, Rejang Lebong region into a fertile area and the potential for development of different varieties of food crops. Agriculture became the main activity of which relied upon by most of the population lives. Some varieties of crops that have been developed by population are: cassava, maize, sweet potatoes, peanuts, soybeans and green beans. In addition to the above crop is seeded vegetable crops are widely grown by farmers. Some of the many vegetable crops grown by farmers are: potatoes, red potatoes, cabbage/ Chinese cabbage, squash, kale and spinach. Not only that, the topography is hilly and fertile soil conditions the

development of plantation crops became very good potential for small scale and large scale. Some plantations of the population that has been developed, namely: palm, robusta coffee, rubber, coconut and cinnamon. The resulting coffee production has successfully penetrated the market to other areas in Sumatra, especially to Lampung. Although this region has been able to sell their coffee to the outside area, but the name raised as a producer of coffee actually not Rejang Lebong itself, but instead Lampung. For some people this is very unfortunate, why not Rejang Lebong which got the name as a producer of coffee. Especially for today's artisans palm palm sugar palm cultivation has been able to do, so that they are able to do their own breeding in orchards that they have. Previously they only rely on palm tree that grows in mountainous areas or hills around the area Rejang Lebong. The potential of Rejang Lebong region actually be a wealth of natural resources are exceptional, when processed and developed based on the implementation of appropriate technology will be superior to direct the potential areas that will provide increased welfare of society itself. Therefore, through the concept of community empowerment, the pattern of development of the potential of agroindustries / agribusiness is based on the ability of the region to provide the carrying capacity of its potential and wealth. Ability itself seen from two sides of the human resources (HR) and natural resources (SDA). Optimization of natural resources coupled with the optimization of human resources. This activity is aimed at generating income, improved quality of competitive self in the middle of the speed of globalization. Economic potential is given the opportunity to be optimized with the strength of the community. This hope must be realized in a practical level, it is not only limited to discourse that live in the level of ideas. One

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manifestation of this realization is poured through a participatory approach as the concept of empowerment is rotated with the intended value is independence. Local communities are stimulated, encouraged, and joined into applicative activities through training as one form of technology transfer. The concept of sustainable development is emphasized for more coloring expectations to be addressed. The development potential of the region is not limited to optimization, but more than that, there is a genuine effort to ensure the sustainability of what was invested at the start to bring hope to the ongoing sustainability assurance can be extracted and utilized optimally. Therefore started from the expectations and where we are going, people should be placed as the subject or the main actors in the construction activity itself and not become an object. Community directly stimulated, encouraged and joined on the existing problems to better understand the potential of its own territory. Various skills are granted in accordance with the potential of its territory be used as a trigger for further creation of further understanding to arrive at the stage of development (agro-industry) region based on selfreliance and ability alone. Skills that can be transferred through a variety of training as one form of technology transfer. Started from the above presentation development missions executed based on the economic empowerment of the people through the development of a democratic economic system. Small and medium entrepreneurs and cooperative the main target of the target based on market mechanism, based on a resource that is productive, independent and forward. Another mission is to strengthen the economic foundation of the community-based agro-industry and develop it so that it becomes a commodity and seeded in the future. Agricultural potential, farming, and other potential today remains largely marketed in the form of further unprocessed primary. Therefore, economic empowerment activities in Rejang Lebong focused on the development of agro-industries to target the development of small and medium enterprises based on local potential. One way to develop agro-industry in this district is to support the implementation of the results of research and development stemming from R & D institutions in Indonesia. Appropriate technology can be applied in an increase in value added products and the productivity of society and is part of the empowerment and development of small and medium enterprises in Rejang Lebong. 2. Issues

subsistence lifestyle, also affected by the condition of the area and human resources (HR). Low levels of mastery of technology led to an abundance of local potential is not utilized optimally. These conditions are as follows: 1) Low levels of knowledge lead to the low level of use of technology that can support as a tool in their daily lives; 2) Low levels of education result in a lower quality of available labor; 3) The geographical conditions hilly result in an uneven distribution of the population. 4) The shortcomings of the government's demands great attention both from the central and regional levels to the development of Rejang Lebong, particularly in rural areas still lag behind in development. On the implementation of development policy, there is still a attraction between the development orientation that prioritizes "growth" with the construction of more development priority "equalization". This gave rise to the impression of discourse "people's economy" less followed by policies and programs that are less precise adjustment. It is feared will lead to the development of agribusiness is only enjoyed by a handful of people in a small amount, do not touch the community at large. 3. Analytical Framework Society and culture anywhere is always in a state of change, whether changes occur quickly or slowly. Changes occur as normal because of the knowledge and the physical state of that society develops. Changes quickly become unnatural when society and knowledge can not understand the changing social phenomena. Rapid changes generally occur because there are other communities that have different living patterns of living together in a community or because there is intervention from the outside through development programs implemented in public life (Bambang Rudita, 2003).

Development in rural communities can not be separated from the principal elements such as technological development itself (Soelaiman, 1994). Technology becomes a tool used to promote changes in society, but the sophisticated technology as the device is always dealing with the local community with its values. The technology was not value free and often at odds with the values prevailing in society. If the technology is applied directly in the community without taking into account the social, cultural, religious and other community objectives then it causes a difference in the technology applied is not put to good use instead left out even against the overall development program.

Development problems faced by the people of Rejang Lebong in addition to social, cultural and economic conditions of society are realized in a 1st International Conference on Appropriate Technology Development 2015, Bandung, October 5th-7th, 2015 | 140

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Technology can not encourage change or growth if not supported the participation of local communities and institutions (social and cultural). In order for the technology transfer process goes as expected according to Khalil (2000) need to pay attention to the three concepts of technology transfer. The third concept is the local manpower for technology transfer, dissemination or diffusion and adaptation and technology development (Gumbira, 2000). On the other side should also be noted the readiness of society to accept the technology and certainly prepared matter of expediency technology itself to the community. Dalam efforts to accelerate economic growth and development capabilities in the development of sustainable communities then develop the economic potential through the empowerment and development of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) is regarded as one of the appropriate strategy based on the potential for a locally owned. At the time of economic crisis hit the country, UKM has proven durability that is expected to become the foundation of the national economy. Thus the development, strengthening and expanding the role of UKM in the economy of the community occupies a strategic position in the face of conditions that are susceptible to change.Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) based on local potential is expected to be a strategy that can help the optimization potential of agro-industries in the target areas, especially in areas that still rely on natural resources to drive economic growth. 4. Hypothesis 1) If the human resource potential enhanced to optimize natural resources are owned through training and coaching, the standards of living can be improved. 2) The rate of economic growth can be achieved by increasing public participation in economic activities. 3) Productivity can be improved if the public community technology capabilities enhanced. 4) Successful implementation of technology and technology transfer can be achieved when a community technology enhanced management capabilities. 5. Methodology The program implemented by utilizing executioncommunity based activity, society is positioned as development actors and not as an object. Basically its implementation aimed at creating self-reliance of local communities to organize their own social and economic. Its implementation is also supported by action research method, a method that more directly carry out activities can be enjoyed by the community. With this method is expected to particular problems that exist in society can be solved, where people directly

involved to recognize, understand the problems and can find solutions. Studies to support community economic development activities can be carried out with the participation of the observation method, between researchers and community members as users and recipients of technology. Researchers studied the program and the community directly from within the community. In practice also involves the related institutions including the Bappeda Rejang Lebong supported by the district government Rejang Lebong.

6. Implementation and Results of Activities 6.1 Implementation of Appropriate Technology of food processing technology implemented in the village of Air Meles Atas Rejang Lebong. In general, Air Meles Atas is palm sugar farmers and craftsmen. Agricultural products are generally sold directly obtained in raw form. While the results of tapping sap from palm trees they make palm sugar they sell directly to collectors. Implementation

Palm becomes one of the potential natural resources are very abundant, and most have been harnessed into palm sugar. When this has been a lot of people who can cultivate the palm trees in the gardens they have. Previously they only rely on palm trees that grow naturally in the forest. Farming activities carried out in an effort to develop the business of making palm sugar where current demand is increasing. Marketing is up to the various regions in Sumatra, especially from West Sumatra where palm sugar is a raw material for making soy sauce. Based on the results of the search-depth discussions with the craftsmen and a few people sitting in the seats of government, it is very important to do systematic efforts to improve palm sugar products to become one of the leading commodity products locally. Through technology transfer with training, the activities of the potential introduction of new products based on palm becomes possible to do refers to efforts to diversify the development of superior products based on the potential of this palm. Touch the appropriate technology in the processing of local potential is considered able to contribute significantly in increasing the added value. Most of the craftsmen are the settlers from Java and direct descendants, so that when we were there, as if we were in the rural areas of Java. They brought palm sugar processing technology into the area of Bengkulu. The palm trees as a source of sap they had cultivated his own. So most of the craftsmen have had its tree sap on their own, no longer have to go to the forest to collect the sap from palm trees. On average the master craftsmen 100-150 palm trees. In an average day they are able to produce palm sugar as much as 5 kg-15 kg depending on the amount of raw material processed.

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The products they produce then they are selling to the container / toke at a price of Rp. 10.000, - Rp. 11.000, -. At the average market price ranges from Rp. 15,000-RP. 17.000, -. In the result they commonly produce sugar gambier, namely palm sugar that is molded into small pieces while they get used to print it in a coconut shell mold. Besides regular sugar they utilize its sap for sale, it could be a fresh drink. In fact, according to them sometimes there that makes it a wine. This is a concern for many people, because if it is not anticipated that it could interfere with the moral values of local communities. According to some people usually buy the sap is processed into wine usually is people from outside the area usually Batak people. In spite of it all, palm sugar processing business into a promising business area even for those businesses is a major effort in addition to farming. Here an artisans of palm sugar has been managed in groups of craftsmen who later joined the Gapoktan. For those with flocking way many benefits they can get, such as: 1) Easy to get help from the government, either aid or assistance cash capital business equipment; 2) Easy to get guidance related to knowledgerelated knowledge processing palm sugar. The group was formed on the initiative of the government represented by the FEA. In addition they also expect that with this group they always get guidance and assistance until they are able to increase productivity so as to increase prosperity. They expect that they are able to produce products other than sugar alone printing. In fact they have had knowledge of the manufacture of sugar ants, but for those processing are considered more complicated than ordinary sugar palm print. In addition the proceeds are considered not very profitable. In the processing of palm sugar they encounter various obstacles, especially in terms of continuity of supply of firewood. During this time they utilize the remnants of unused pieces of wood, and they were also used to buy firewood to merchants at a price of Rp. 500.000, - / truck ankle (3 cubic). The average use for a week to produce 15 kg of palm sugar. Negligence in the processing becomes important to be taken to avoid acidic sap that influence the outcome of the palm sugar itself. For them the weather was greatly affect the quality of palm sugar. According to them the dry season or wet season is not a major problem, except when the weather is erratic, sometimes hot sometimes rain. Occasional rain may lead to levels of sugar in the sap was considered good enough. Until now, the sustainability of palm sugar processing business which they run can make a positive contribution to the economic income families, because until now the demand is pretty

good. Even so a touch of appropriate technologies in support of their efforts as crucial, related hygiene treatment will certainly affect the final result, the continuity of the processing and packaging of interest so that marketing is not limited to traditional markets but also can capture a market segment others, especially in increasing the potential for agrotourism in Rejang Lebong region. Palm sugar and sugar so that the ants can become a commodity in the regions as a typical product of this area, although in other places there is also a craftsman or palm sugar processing this. At least from the attractive packaging, hygiene processing then removed and sold as a package commercialization, we think it can help increase the income of their family economy. In order to develop the potential of this agro several technologies are introduced. Potential equipment appropriate technology that is implemented in food processing, among others, is a tool plastic sealer as a tool for the packaging of processed food that is ready-made and tool cup sealer as a tool for closing plastic beverage containers are finished and digital scales, a tool chopper crackers used to slice potatoes and potato chips are used as display devices of palm sugar. All the equipment used for the purposes of food processing training to the cadres of participants in the target area. 6.2 FoodProcessing Training In accordance with the potential of agro in the target areas of training conducted as a follow up of the transfer of technology to the public. Based on the potential of the region and the public demand as well as coordination with the Agency, some food processing training package which was introduced consisting of : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Making printed palm sugar Making gingerbread sugar ants Preparation of liquid palm sugar ginger flavor Making a variety of crackers (crackers onion, carrot crackers, and potato chips red) Making various flavors of potato chips red Making cocktails

Based on the results of assessments and discussions with the local community and in the training BAPPEDA enter food processing activities outside the base of palm. It departs from the local conditions very remarkable that still needs a touch of technology in order to provide added value. The public was enthusiastic about this training activity. This training is part of the technology transfer activities to the public, in addition to introducing some of the equipment that directly support the processing activities at the same time also can encourage the spirit of building a food processing business based on local potential that exists.

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The training was attended by 15 participants both male and female. The participants came from Air Meles Atas villagers. Once the training is finished then some ingredients for food processing BAPPEDA handed over to the Rejang Lebong. This meant that the BAPPEDA continue to provide guidance and monitoring of the results of training activities in Air Meles Atas community. 6.3 Development andAssistance Group As the next steps, besides training, development will be conducted and support groups that have been included in the training of food processing. In an effort formation and development of enterprises, business groups lent some equipment that is associated with the business to be run. All equipment of appropriate technology that is implemented then stored in the business group formed. The hope that they are able to utilize the equipment for the production of households and enterprises can continue to grow. This meant that the BAPPEDA continue to provide guidance and monitoring of the results of training activities in Air Meles Atas community. Mentoring and monitoring is very important to do given the technology transfer process is not completed only until the training is over. Keeping the spirit and rhythm of business activities becomes important as fuel to promote and develop the business to be a positive impact for the culprit in particular and for society in general Rejang Lebong. In addition to Bappeda and local SKPD, our team P2TTG LIPI Subang strengthening against the trainees. This meant that the technology transfer activities do not stop, worried when no reinforcement of what has been trained to be forgotten. Our hope hopefully the knowledge and technology transfer to the public can be useful and beneficial for the economy. Besides the potential of local resources can be optimized and able to lift up the name of the District Curup as expected by the local government. 7. Conclusion From the results of activities carried out in the field, it can be concluded that: 1) The food processing activities, has formed several cadres otherwise be able to popularize the results of appropriate technology training. 2) From the results of the training activities of food processing has been seen that each of the participants have an interest in different business sectors, in addition also means that there are diversified fields of business carried on. 3) Touch technology is indispensable in efforts to increase the added value of natural resources based locally.

4) The post-harvest handling equipment to diversify processed products introduced are still desperately needed by the people of Air Meles Atas Rejang Lebong and society in general. 5) Equipment appropriate technology of food processing can lead to the formation of other small businesses in post-harvest processing of commodity-based local that has not been used optimally. 6) In an effort to equitable development and economic growth, the need for sustainable agro-industry development directed to rural areas. 7) It is necessary to support the long-term policy and sustainable agro-industrial development of the government, especially local government to stimulate and develop small and medium enterprises based on the development potential of agro-industries in the target area. 8) It is necessary to support local government policy and the equal opportunity to obtain the results of development especially in meeting the primary needs of the community. 9) Need for attention, support continued to organize and maintain equipment appropriate technology in order to maintain the continuity of the business. Bibliography [1] Adimihardja, Kusnaka. 1999. “Mendayagunakan Kearifan Tradisi dalam Pertanian yang Berwawasan Lingkungan dan Berkelanjutan”, dalam Petani: Merajut Tradisi Era Globalisasi. Bandung: Humaniora Utama Press. [2] Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Rejang Lebong. 2013. Kabupaten Lebong dalam Angka 2013. Rejang Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Lebong.

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[3] Gumbira E., dkk. 2001. Manajemen Teknologi Agribisnis. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia. [4] Soelaiman, M. Munandar. 1998. Dinamika Masyarakat Transisi: Mencari Alternatif Teori Sosiologi dan Arah Perubahan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. [5] Suyuti, Nasrudin. 2005. Masyarakat Tani dan Pemanfaatan Inovasi Teknologi (Suatu Tinjauan Sosial Budaya) yang dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Nasional dan Ekspose Hasil Penelitian, 18-19 Juli 2005. Kendari. Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian

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Yield Risk Assessment in Nutrient Film Technique for Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) Hydroponic Growing System Using FMEA and AHP Approach: A Case Study Yusuf Andrianaa, Eko Kuncoro Pramonoa, Cahya Edi Wahyu Anggaraa, Aidil Haryantoa, Ignatius Fajar Apriyantoa a

Centre for Appropriate Technology Developmnet, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jl. KS Tubun No.5 Subang, West Java 11420, Indonesia Tel.: +62-260-412878 E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract: Risk is an intrinsic part of agricultural management system. Crop yield in agricultural production is uncertain both quality and quantity. Several variables affect crops yield, such as: light, nutrient, temperature, humidity, pest and disease, etc. It also occurs in NFT hydroponic growing system. To mitigate yield failure or decreasing quality and quantity in NFT hydroponic growing system, it is needed risk assessment to formulate strategy to mitigate the potential yield risks failure. The purposes of this study were (a) identify potential yield risk in NFT for Pakcoy (Brassica rapa) hydroponic growing system, and (b) formulate strategy to mitigate production failure or decreasing crop yield based on prioritized the potential yield risk. The methods of this study were failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The FMEA was implemented to point out the probable failure modes. Then the AHP methodology was used to prioritize the most potential yield risk factor to formulate strategy in NFT technique yield risk mitigation. The results showed that there were several potential risk factor sources that affected crop yield in NFT hydroponic growing system such as seedling, nutrient, pest and disease, environment, aeration, and water. The most important potential yield risk factor in NFT system was water. Keep the water circulated, water level, flow rate and nutrient concentration is key factor to successful growing Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) hydroponically using NFT system. Keywords: risk assessments, nutrient film technique, FMEA, AHP 1. Introduction Like a traditional farming, hydroponic farming is a financially risky occupation. On daily basis, farmers are confronted with an ever-changing landscape of possible price, yield, and other outcomes that affect their financial returns and overall welfare. The consequences of decisions or events are often not known with certainty until long after those decisions or event occurs, so outcomes may be better or worse than expected (Harwood, et al. 1999). Understanding risk is a key element in helping farmers makes better decisions in risky situations. Risk is uncertainty that affects an individual‟s welfare, and is often associated with adversity and loss (Bodie and Merton, 1998). Hardaker et al. (1997) divided risk source into five general categories: production or yield risk, price or market risk, institutional risk, human or personal risk, and financial risk. Yield risk is one of risk sources component in farming and is an important issue in agriculture management system. Managing risk in agriculture has been reported in several studies; Harwood et al. (1999) did a research on the risks confronted by crop farmers. According to their result, there are three kinds of risks which are institutional risk, yield risk and price risk related to agriculture. In general producer of major crops tend to be more concerned about production risk; Archer et al. (2003) proposed a stochastic budgeting example using field plot data to illustrate common

sources of risk and methods producers use to deal with risk; Xiang et al. (2012) evaluated crop distribution in Yunnan, China as implication for crop engineering risk and proposed a standard measure of crop engineering risk that is based on the expected loss of crop yield; Elagib (2014) developed and applied a drought risk index for food cop yield in Eastern Sahel. But risk management in specified field such as hydroponic is very limited reported. Risk analysis is a part of risk management. That is, the four main aspect in risk management involve (1) identifying potentially risky event, (2) anticipating the likelihood of possible outcomes and their consequences, (3) taking action to obtain a preferred combination of risk and expected return, and (4) restoring (if necessary) the firm‟s capacity to implement future risk-planning strategies when distress condition have passed (Hardaker et al., 1997). Marimin and Maghfiroh (2010) limited risk analysis study at least consist of risk identification, risk and decision investigation, and risk management action implementation to overcome risk failure. There are several techniques developed to perform risk analysis to mitigate the failure. The technique Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is one of the most widely used risk analysis tool. Bowles and Pelaez (1995) mentioned that FMEA was originally developed for systematic analysis of failure modes and its subsequent effect for the defense related product particularly in the aviation

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sector. This FMEA was first proposed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, U.S.A) in 1960. Then, it was adopted and promoted by Ford Motor in 1977 (Maheswaran and Loganathan, 2013). Today, FMEA has been adopted in wide spectrum of fields such as chemical, aerospace, nuclear, automobile, mechanical, semiconductor, (Mandal and Maiti, 2014; Maheswaran and Loganathan, 2013), and service industries like software industry (Shawulu, 2012), But very limited study which discussed FMEA application in agriculture. The major objective of application of FMEA is the identification of potential failure modes system component, evaluating their causes and their subsequent effect on the system behavior, and as a result determination of the ways to eliminate or reduce either the chances of occurrence or severity or increase the detectability of the particular failure mode (Mandal and Maiti, 2014). Traditionally, FMEA the risk computation of different failure modes using FMEA has been done by developing risk priority number (RPN). RPN is the value obtained by the product of three components, i.e. the occurrence probability of failure mode (P), the severity of the failure mode (S), and the detectability of failure mode (D). Higher the value of the RPN higher is the risk associated with corresponding failure mode. In this method expert will give their preference level based on the scale importance to each failure modes. This RPN method has been criticized due to its limitation. So that, many authors proposed FMEA with multi criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques. There are many studies that combining FMEA and MCDM i.e. analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for assessing risk. Shahrabi and Shojact (2014) applied FMEA and AHP in lean maintenance; Hu et al. (2009) evaluated risk of green components to hazardous substance using FMEA and fuzzy AHP; Kamble and Quazi (2014) used FMEA to identify the potential failures of shell molding process and prioritized risk factor using AHP. In this study we used FMEA and AHP to assess yield risk in very famous hydroponic technique, nutrient film technique, for pakcoy (Brassica rapa) hydroponic growing system. The purposes of this study were (a) identify potential yield risk in NFT for Pakcoy (Brassica rapa) hydroponic growing system, and (b) formulate strategy to mitigate production failure or decreasing crop yield based on prioritized the potential yield risk. 2. Methods In this study we used FMEA for identification of yield risk factor in NFT for Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) hydroponic growing system. AHP methodology is used to prioritizing yield risk factor. The steps of this study are showed in Figure 1.

2.1 Failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA) FMEA is used to identify potential yield risk in this study. FMEA employs Risk Priority Number (RPN) to measure the risk and severity of failures (Rhee & Ishii, 2003). RPN is an index that can represent the degree of risks that a product may possess. It consists of three indicators: Occurrence (O), Severity (S), and Detection (D). Basically FMEA consist two stages; the first phase is to identify the potential failure modes and decide the value of Severity, Occurrence, and Detection. In the second phase, the manager should make recommendations for correct actions, and the RPN needs to be recalculated after correct actions (Su and Chou, 2008). Table 1 described scale rating for Occurrence, Severity, and Detection. The detailed description of the FMEA creation process can be found in the work of McDermott, Mikulak, and Beaugerard (1996). Begin Begin

Failure Failure record record

What-If What-If Analysis Analysis

Identification Identification of of probable probable failure failure mode mode


Identification Identification of of risk risk factor factor Prepare Prepare and and evaluate evaluate the the questionnaire questionnaire for for AHP AHP Determine Determine the the weight weight for for each each risk risk factor factor

Consistency Consistency check check for for weights weights

Prioritized Prioritized risk risk factor factor

AHP Strategy Strategy formulation formulation for for mitigate mitigate the the risk risk

End End

Figure 1. Step of this research

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2.2 Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) In This study we used AHP (Saaty, 1987) to prioritise of potential yield risk factor based on risk factor identification using FMEA method. Both qualitative and quantitative criteria can be combined with this method to determine useful weight-age information which provides a mechanism of decision making.

and criteria j, such that ai,j = 1, ai,j =1/ai,j and ai,j 0. Then the weight vector

𝑤𝑖 = 1/𝑛 𝐴𝑗 = 1/𝑛

𝑛 𝑗 =1 𝑎′𝑖,𝑗 with

𝑎′𝑖,𝑗 = 𝑎𝑖,𝑗 /𝐴𝑗

𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑎1,𝑗

and (1)

To check the consistency of the pair-wise comparison and credibility of weights the consistency ratio (CR) is calculated as:

In the first step of AHP, a model is structured in hierarchy using objective, criteria, and decision alternatives. After defining the hierarchy, all alternatives and criteria are compared one to one in order to determine the relative importance of criteria within each level. The pair-wise comparison is performed according to their level of influence and based on the specified criteria in the higher level. It starts from the second level and finishes to the alternative levels at the bottom. A standardized comparison scale is used to find the relative importance of the criteria exhibit in the Table 2.

𝐶𝑅 = 𝐶𝐼/𝑅𝐼 with 𝐶𝐼 = (𝜆𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑛)/(𝑛 − 1)


Where 𝐶𝐼 is the consistency index for the matrix; 𝑅𝐼 is the random index for different n is available in Saaty (1990). Table 3 shows the value of random index (𝑅𝐼) for matrices of order 1-10 obtained using sample size of 500 [47]. The smaller (