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This is the lab to accompany Physics 101, Conceptual Physics. Students will carry out lab exercises related to the material presented in Physics 101. Instructor  ...
Physics & Astronomy Department, SFSU

Spring 2013

Physics 102.03 Conceptual Physics Lab Friday 11:10am to 1:55pm TH 116 This is the lab to accompany Physics 101, Conceptual Physics. Students will carry out lab exercises related to the material presented in Physics 101. Instructor Information: Zoe Ames Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Friday 2:00pm to 3:00pm (or by appointment) Help Session: Tuesday 9:00am to 11am

Office: TH417

Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in (or previous credit in) Physics 101 is required. If you have credit for an equivalent Conceptual Physics course taken at another college, please bring a copy of your transcript to your instructor. Materials Needed: - Physics 102 Lab Manual, 2012 edition (for sale in the PAC room, TH 115) - Scientific Calculator Teaching Methods: The principal teaching method used in this course is instructor guidance and supervision of student laboratory work. The instructor will provide feedback through the grading of each student’s lab report summary sheet. Attendance: If for some reason you must miss a lab, try to make arrangements with me to do the lab in one of the other sections. Otherwise, labs cannot be made up. However, your lowest lab grade will be dropped, so one lab may be missed without penalty. Learning Objectives: • • • •

You will learn to make reliable measurements of physical quantities, and to estimate the uncertainty in the measurement. You will learn the scientific method of testing scientific theory by confrontation with experiment. You will carry out measurements and observations permitting you to test some of the physical laws presented in the lecture part of the course. You will use some of the instruments and experimental techniques of the physical sciences.

Grading: - Lab write-ups 75% - Final exam 25% Lab Write-ups: Lab write-ups will be done directly out of the lab manual. They can be completed entirely during the allotted lab time, and must be turned in before the end of the day's lab. Lab grading will be on a scale of 0 to 10, and all lab scores will be averaged to determine 75% of your grade. Participation: You are expected to participate in each lab. Be sure to make effective use of your lab time. This includes, but is not limited to, arriving on time and contributing to your lab group's work. Final Exam: The final exam will be given during the last week of classes, as shown on the lab schedule. More information on the format of the exam will be available later in the semester. You may use your previous lab write-ups on the final, so effective lab-write ups will not only benefit the write-up portion of your grade, but also your performance on the final. Cheating/Plagiarism: Although you are working in groups, your lab notebook writeup must be your own work. It can be expected that numerical answers within a group will generally be the same, but explanations should be done in your own words. Purely copying answers from others will result in a zero on the assignment in question. See the Physics and Astronomy Dept. Plagiarism policy on under Department Policies Withdrawals -- Withdrawals are permitted only for "serious and compelling reasons." If you withdraw from Physics 101, you will usually have to withdraw from the Physics 102 lab as well. See the Physics and Astronomy Dept. Withdrawal policy on under Department Policies Disability Accommodation: Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations are encouraged to contact the instructor. The Disability Programs and Resource Center is available to facilitate the reasonable accommodations process. The DPRC, located in SSB 110, can be reached by telephone at 338-2472 (voice/TTY) or by e-mail at [email protected].

Physics 102 Lab Schedule – Spring 2013 Week

Lab #


Experiment Registration


Lab 1

Units and Measurement


Lab 2

Investigations of Motion


Lab 3

Vector Addition and the Force Table


Lab 4

Conservation of Momentum and Kinetic Energy


Lab 5

The Pendulum


Lab 6

Archimedes Principle


Lab 7



No Lab

Spring Break


Lab 8

Sound and Waves


Lab 9

Electricity and Magnetism


Lab 10

Electrical Circuits


Lab 11

Optics: Thin Lenses


Lab 12

The Optical Spectrum


Lab 13



Lab Final