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Jan 2, 2014 ... Jesus was “full of the Holy Spirit” when he began His forty day fast, but .... God's Chosen Fast, Arthur Wallis, Christian Literature Crusade, 1980.

21 Days of Corporate Prayer and Fasting January 2-22, 2014 “Private Discipline, Public Reward” Join us for 1 day, 3 days, 7 days or all 21…but join in!

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” Matthew 4:4

Prayer and fasting for the believer is considered a normal expression of healthy spiritual living. Jesus fasted and prayed, and directed others to do so, (Luke 4:1-2; Matthew 6:1-8), knowing that the presence and power of the Holy Spirit is intensified as a result. Jesus was “full of the Holy Spirit” when he began His forty day fast, but returned “in the power of the Holy Spirit” subsequent to fasting, (Luke 4:14). What or who changed? It certainly wasn’t God! Man changes during a fast, not the Almighty, (Malachi 3:8). Fasting is not about getting God’s attention; He is always thinking about you, He even keeps track of each hair on your head, and rest assured that He not only loves you but He likes you. Prayer and fasting turns your attention to God! Prayer and fasting then are not some gimmick, method, technique, ritual, or rite; rather, they are the spiritual disciplines that unlock God’s power and purpose in your life. What is fasting? • It is not starving or dieting. It is not just for the “super” committed, or only on special occasions. • It is simply refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. • Fasting is a normal, usual and expected part of the life of the believer. • Prayer and fasting were practiced by almost all the significant Biblical figures, not the least of which is Christ Himself. Jesus fasted 40 days, as did Moses, Elijah, and Joshua, Daniel did a partial fast for 21 days, Paul fasted at least 14 days, and Peter fasted 3 days. Why fast now? • I believe that God desires 2014 to be a breakthrough year in every area of your life. • God gave us His first and best in His son Jesus, and He responds when we offer our first and best in worship to Him. Let us give the first days of 2014 to the Lord. Hopefully, you are not content to go through this year like last year. If you desire to set the course for a fruitful and fulfilling year, what could be more important than a good start? • The first of the year is as good of a time as any, and if you wait for a “perfect time” …well, it may never come. • Jesus said to seek first the kingdom of God and every thing else will fall into God’s plan. Are you hungrier for God than the things of the world? What should I pray and fast for? 1. God’s empowerment in your life. Great health, prosperity, vital relationships, and His purposes for you made clear. 2. The health and vibrancy of your church. Healthy entities grow and thrive, and this should also happen in a Spirit-led church. 3. Breakthrough from fleshly or demonic opposition, replaced by the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life. 4. The health of our communities, the leadership of our nation, and the protection on our loved ones.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? • Amazing spiritual sensitivity is normally associated with fasting and prayer. As your appetite is subdued, your spirit becomes more vital. • Breakthrough in areas previously impregnable to your best efforts can be expected. (Matthew 17:14-20) • Prayer and fasting makes God’s will more plain in your life. Are you facing an important decision? This is a great time to turn your full attention to God. • As in the case of Queen Esther, a call and commitment to prayer and fasting may spare you a great agony (Esther 4-7). • It is a powerful spiritual weapon. Satan does not know what to do when you do something different, Biblically powerful, and eliminate one of his access points of influence (your appetite). Remember, if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it won’t mean anything to God. Would you enjoy a gift somebody gave you because they had to and did so reluctantly? No, and God wants us to present the gift of our hearts to Him voluntarily. HOW SHOULD I FAST? Full fast - abstinence from food for a specified number of days; so your only intake is liquids including fruit and vegetable juices. Partial fast - restriction in diet, as opposed to complete abstinence for a specified number of days. A modified fast - featuring a shorter period of complete fasting perhaps for 1-3 or more days followed by a “Daniel fast”, (the Daniel fast eliminated meat, bread, and sweets.) A strategic fast - of certain foods or activities, which will accomplish the purpose of heightening your sensitivity to the Lord. IMPORTANT: any change in your diet should be reviewed with your doctor before beginning. WHAT IS THE DURATION? There is no “right” length of time, but the leadership is requesting you to consider some form of involvement for 21 days. WHAT IF I AM NOT ABLE TO FAST FOOD? You should always consult your doctor before any lifestyle change, and if fasting is not healthy for you, then consider giving up the television, movies, or other recreational activities for a brief period. The critical factor would be to make a sacrifice that turns your attention to your Heavenly Father. A couple tips: • Before you begin fasting, start tapering down on your food intake. • Drink plenty of water everyday. • Start with a time frame and chosen fast to which you can commit, don’t try to set the world record for a fast your first time. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Resources: • 101 Reasons to Fast, Bob Rodgers, Louisville Kentucky, 1995 • God’s Chosen Fast, Arthur Wallis, Christian Literature Crusade, 1980 • Fasting, Jentzen Franklin, Gainesville, GA 2004 • The Daniel Fast Made Delicious: The simple fruit and vegetable fast that will nourish your body and soul, John & Ann Marie Cavazos • (Jentzen Franklin’s website with teachings, etc.) Or, you could just read the Bible…