4 Aug 2010 ... Simon Mawer, author of eight novels and two non- fiction books, will be with us
for a presentation and book reading. His latest novel, “The ...
Il riconoscimento di Sakuntala Una fiaba per tutte le età
Wednesday, 4 August 2010 Atriju Vassalli (a summary translation in English will be provided)
An Italian Troupe – Compagnia Balagan, regular performers at previous years’ Evenings on Campus – will be presenting “Il riconoscimento di Sakuntala” – una fiaba per tutte le età, narration and shadow theatre with puppets with Valeria Bianchi, Angela Malvasi and Laura Pece based on the Indian play by the renowned Classical Sanskrit writer Kalidasa
reading mediterraneo Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Evenings on Campus 2010 18th Edition
Closing Night - Atriju
Italian artists Biancamaria Stanzani Ghedini and Massimo de Majo will conclude this year’s edition of Evenings on Campus presenting their new production “reading mediterraneo”, an innovative program of Maltese poetry, video installation and live jazz music.
For the musical side of this event, Italian percussionist Massimo de Majo has invited a group of well known international jazz artists: Maltese pianist Dominic Galea, Italian Flavio Piantoni on bass and, from Denmark, Thomas Agergaard on saxophones.
The Italian actress Biancamaria Stanzani Ghedini will perform in Italian and in English, interpreting poems by the well known Maltese poets John Cremona, Joe Friggieri, Maria Grech Ganado and Immanuel Mifsud.
The program will also include special lyric recordings of Father Peter Serracino Inglott and a video installation by Maltese multimedia artist Vince Briffa. “
25 July -10 August 2010
Friday, 6 August 2010 Sir Temi Zammit Hall (air/conditioned)
Saturday, 7 August 2010 Atriju Vassalli Koperattiva Kulturali Universitarja
Simon Mawer, author of eight novels and two nonfiction books, will be with us for a presentation and book reading. His latest novel, “The Glass Room”, published in January 2009, was on the Man Booker shortlist.
University of Malta L-Università ta’ Malta
Main sponsors:
Unexpected Encounters is a dance project in collaboration with the University of Malta. Unexpected Encounters is a Mixed Bill which captures excerpts from different modern ballets repertoire by famous dance choreographers such as Jiri Kylian and also provides a showcase for new works based on a stimulus “The coming of age”. RedTape Dance Company is under the direction of Christina Camilleri and Maria Cassar. Tickets at €8 (Films: €5) available at the door. Tickets also from the Communications & Alumni Relations Office on campus, Rm 133, Administration Building or by email:
[email protected]
Photo: Patrick J Fenech
Photo: Chris Warde-Jones
simon mAwer
Coming of Age Self-Discovery a l l p er f o rm a n ce s c o mme n ce a t 2 0 : 3 0 h r s U n i v er s i t y o f m a l t a , m s i d a c a m p u s
Under the Lighthouse In Virginia Woolf’s novels the sea is at once consoling and terrifying. The sea can also be regarded as a metaphor for the passage of time – the changes in tides, in temperature, colour etc.). The colour red in the young girl’s bathing costume is symbolic of the changes in her body at puberty and so are the diaphanous changes of her body in the photographs as she continuously tries to surface until her body regains stability. The intentional use of old photographs also stresses the passage of time. The model was in her teens when she was photographed and is now a mother of three children, her first born is a daughter who is now on the threshold of puberty, thus the cyclical aspect of adolescence continues.
Koordinazzjoni ta’ Versatili u Inizjamed
Fi Ωmien meta l-letteratura Maltija g˙addejja minn qawmien ©did, awturi minn ©enerazzjonijiet differenti jiltaqg˙u biex jirrakkontaw esperjenzi ta’ tluq, relazzjonijiet ta’ m˙abba ©odda u relazzjonijiet li spiççaw, bidu ta’ ˙ajja ©dida u t-tluq minn din id-dinja, il-˙arba minn mumenti mwieg˙ra... Jie˙du sehem l-awturi Clare Azzopardi, Clifton Azzopardi, Keith Azzopardi, Keith Borg, Leanne Ellul, Claudia Gauci, Adrian Grima, Simone Inguanez, John Paul Mifsud, Nathalie Muscat, Walid Nabhan, u Leli Psaila; il-muΩiçisti Marc Galea u Mario Abela; u l-artisti Philip Agius, Trudy Gera u Darren Tanti. Id-d˙ul huwa b’xejn. Din il-lejla hija ma˙suba g˙al udjenza matura. Se jkun hemm g˙all-bejg˙ kotba bil-qari mis-serata. Installazzjoni ta’ Pierre Portelli Ritratt: Zone 5
Sunday, 25 July 2010 Opening night - Atriju Vassalli
(Main quadrangle, on campus)
A projected photography installation, coordinated by artist and photographer Patrick J Fenech 20:30hrs until 22:00hrs Every evening free of charge until 10th August
It-Tnejn 26 ta’ Lulju 2010 Pjazzetta Dun Karm
Tuesday, 27 July 2010 Atriju Vassalli
A translation project of a French film “Les Choristes” which has been subtitled in Maltese by a University student, Ms Mary Jo Caruana. There will be a brief introduction by Dr Anthony Aquilina, Dept. of Translation & Interpreting Studies.
‘GOD’ and ‘DEATH’
id-dawl u d-diwi 16+
Thursday, 29 July 2010 Cct Steps Opposite Car Park 1
The launch of the Malta Classics Association; where the classics meet the contemporary playfully in an act featuring phos (light), phoné (music) and narration! Achilles resolved to battle as narrated by Homer in a very musical Greek narration followed by the vivacious tale of the Widow of Ephesus, a short play in Latin by Joseph Anthony Debono based on the story found in Petronius’ Satyrica. (A summary translation in English will be provided)
28, 30 & 31 July 2010 Greek Theatre Tespi
Sunday, 1 August 2010, Atriju Vassalli
WhatsTheirNames Theatre presents two one-act comedies by award-winning writer Woody Allen: GOD and DEATH. In GOD, neurotic writer Hepatitis and reluctant leading man Diabetes desperately try to find an ending for their play before the opening of the Ancient Athenian Drama Festival... In DEATH, the unobtrusive Kleinmann is rudely awakened in the middle of the night and thrown headlong into the middle of a plan to catch a homicidal killer...
li m l
Singer and songwriter Walter Micallef and percussionist Renzo Spiteri have teamed up with three members of the Cosmos Wind Ensemble to perform a concert that will feature a blend of some of Micallef’s best known songs and a light classical selection.
the road home Monday, 2 August 2010, Atriju Vassalli
Chinese Film Evening in conjunction with the Confucius Institute - The Road Home starring Zhang Ziyi and Sun Honglei. Director: Zhang Yimou. The memory of first love always brings out beautiful feelings...
Stealing Beauty
Thursday, 5 August, Atriju Vassalli
Stealing Beauty is a 1996 drama film directed by Academy Award-winning Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci and written by Bertolucci and Susan Minot. It stars Liv Tyler, Joseph Fiennes, Jeremy Irons, and Rachel Weisz. The film focuses on an American teenage girl who travels to a lush Italian villa to stay with family friends of her poet mother who recently committed suicide.