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7 Nov 2013... efficient and cost effective solutions to information exchange ..... An Personalized Emergency Management Architecture for Smart. Healthcare.
Program Schedule Time 08.30 – 09.15 09.15 – 09.30

09.30 – 11.30

11.30 – 12. 30

12.30 – 14.30

14.30 – 15.00

15.00 – 17.00

November 7, 2013 Agenda Registration and Morning Coffee (West Hall) Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Speech (West Hall) Combination of High-throughput Genomic Technologies and Bioinformatics for Molecular Characterization of Cancer Eric Y. Chuang Keynote Address eHealth – layers to achieve safe, efficient and cost effective (Main solutions to information exchange Hall of Heather Grain West A Brief Review on Existing Cyber-Physical Systems for Hall) Healthcare Applications and Their Prospective National Developments Soegijardjo Soegijoko Lunch (West Hall) Imaging and Image Processing 1 Paper 2, 5, 14, 17, 18, 19, 143, 22, 96 (BME Class Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Control and Intelligence System Paper 11, 48, 57, 68, 69, 72, 78, 94, 111 (Multimedia Room Labtek VIII Building 2nd Floor) Communications 1 Parallel Paper 9, 10, 12, 31, 33, 49, 58, 34, 32 Session 1 (Alumni Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Signal Processing Paper 51, 59, 60, 105, 117, 119, 121, 126, 134 (BME Meeting Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Biomedical Instrumentation Paper 8, 29, 64, 84, 86, 144, 100, 123, 136 (Sismik Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor)) e-Health and Telemedicine Paper 4, 23, 65, 127, 128, 7 Special (VIP Room of West Hall) Session Midwifery Information System (Session 1) (Main Hall of West Hall) Coffee Break (West Hall and Labtek VIII Building) Imaging and Image Processing 2 Paper 26, 35, 45, 50, 62, 76, 106 (BME Class Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Parallel Session 2 System Design 1 Paper 1, 39, 79, 97, 118, 125, 133, 46 (Multimedia Room Labtek VIII Building 2nd Floor)

17.00 – 18.30 19.00 – 21.00

Time 07.30 – 08.00

08.00 – 09.30

09.30 – 11.00

11.00 – 11.15 11.15 – 11.45

Communications 2 Paper 37, 74, 83, 88, 91, 102, 103, 137, 52 (Alumni Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Sensors and Transducers 1 Paper 6, 27, 28, 40, 63, 41, 98, 101 (BME Meeting Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Modeling and Simulation 1 Paper 25, 36, 43, 55, 70, 71 (Sismik Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Cardiovascular Paper 89, 104, 139, 129, 141, 142 Special (VIP Room of West Hall) Session Midwifery Information System (Session 2) (Main Hall of West Hall) IBES Meeting Gala Dinner (Bumi Sangkuriang) November 8, 2013 Agenda Registration and Morning Coffee (West Hall) Precision Dynamic Force Measurements using the Levitation Mass Method (LMM) Keynote Yusaku Fujii Address (Main Hall Microbial Landscape in Space Exploration of West Kazuhito Shimada Hall) Developing Radio Astronomy at Bosscha Observatory Taufiq Hidayat Imaging and Image Processing 3 Paper 107, 108, 112, 61, 138, 116 (Main Hall of West Hall) System Design 2 Paper 140, 53, 56, 66, 93, 54 (VIP Room of West Hall) Biomedical Applications Parallel Paper 24, 44, 99, 124, 132 Session 3 (BME Class Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Sensors and Transducers 2 Paper 47, 42, 77, 131, 30 (BME Meeting Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Modeling and Simulation 2 Paper 80, 82, 85, 87, 92, 113, 120 (Sismik Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor) Closing Ceremony (Main Hall of West Hall) Lunch (West Hall)

Keynote Address Venue: Main Hall of West Hall November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Tati R. Mengko Time 09.30 – 10.10

10.10 – 10.50

10.50 – 11.30

08.00 – 08.30 08.30 – 09.00 09.00 – 09.30

Keynote Details Combination of High-throughput Genomic Technologies and Bioinformatics for Molecular Characterization of Cancer Eric Y. Chuang eHealth – layers to achieve safe, efficient and cost effective solutions to information exchange Heather Grain A Brief Review on Existing Cyber-Physical Systems for Healthcare Applications and Their Prospective National Developments Soegijardjo Soegijoko November 8, 2013 Chairperson: Mitra Djamal Precision Dynamic Force Measurements using the Levitation Mass Method (LMM) Yusaku Fujii Microbial Landscape in Space Exploration Kazuhito Shimada Developing Radio Astronomy at Bosscha Observatory Taufiq Hidayat

Parallel Session Parallel Session 1 Imaging and Image Processing 1 (P1A) BME Class Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Muhammad Qurhanul Rizqie Time Paper Details Original and Counterfeit Money Detection Based on Edge Detection Muhammad Akbar, Awaluddin, Agung Sedayu, Aditya Andika Putra, 12.30 – 12.43 Setyawan Widyarto Prototype of 3D Reconstruction System for Ultrasound Imaging Modalities: Case Study Handmade Bone Phantom 12.43 – 12.56 Muhammad Qurhanul Rizqie, Widyawardana Adiprawita, Tati Mengko Enhancement of Identify Malaria Parasite on Thick Blood Films Using 12.56 – 13.09 Genetic Programming Farah Zakiyah Rahmanti, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo Facial Feature Extraction on Pre and Post-operative Infant With NFCS and nCRF 13.09 – 13.22 Mira Chandra Kirana, I Ketut Eddy Purnama, Yoyon Kusnendar Suprapto, Mochamad Hariadi and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo An Automated Decision Support System for Diabetic Retinoplasty 13.22 – 13.35 Disease Based on Fundus Images Marwan Saleh, N.D. Salih, C. Eswaran and Junaidi Abdullah Segmentation of Blood Vessels in Fundus Images 13.35 – 13.48 N.D. Salih, Marwan Saleh, C. Eswaran and Junaidi Abdullah Huffman Method to Support Viewer Application on Medical Image for 13.48 - 14.01 Tablet Computer G.A. Putri Saptawati Facial Motion Capture with 3D Active Appearance Models 14.01 – 14.14 Cahyo Darujati and Mochamad Hariadi Brain Tumor Consistency Assessment using Digital Penetrometer and Diffusion Weighted MRI 14.14 – 14.30 Dita Puspita Sari, Sigit Adi Kristanto, Rohmad Eko Wahyudi, Yanurita Dwihapsari, and Darminto

Parallel Session 1 Control and Intelligent System (P1B) Multimedia Room STEI ITB, Labtek VIII Building 2nd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Akif Rahmatillah Time Paper Details Using The GUPFC Controller to Maximize Available Transfer Capability 12.30 – 12.43 (ATC) Rakhmad Syafutra Lubis, Sasongko, Pramono Hadi, and Tumiran Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller of Heat Exchanger Systems 12.43 – 12.56 Dwi Ana Ratna Wati and Putri Nurul Jayanti A New Online Predictive Monitoring UsingIntegration of Adaptive PCA, 12.56 – 13.09 SOM-based Local Linear Mapping and Dynamic Neural Network Hesam Komari Alaei and Alireza Yazdizadeh Electrical Power Measurement Using Arduino Uno Microcontroller and LabVIEW 13.09 – 13.22 Fransiska R.W., Septia E.M.P., Vessabhu W.K., Frans W, Abednego W., Hendro Mathematical Transforms Clubbed With Artificial Intelegence For Power 13.22 – 13.35 Quality Disturbance And Fault Classification Neenu Raphael and Ancy Sara Varghese Modelling the Speed Control of Brushless DC Motor Base on Identification System 13.35 – 13.48 Hidayat Tanjung, Sasongko Pramonohadi, Sarjiya Sarjiya and Suharyanto Suharyanto Swarm Robot based Olfaction using Hybrid Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Logic – 13.48 - 14.01 PSO Algorithm Siti Nurmaini, Bambang Tutuko, and M. Fadhil D. 2.5-D Visual Servoing Experiment using Adept Viper s850 14.01 – 14.14 Akif Rahmatillah, Bambang R. Trilaksono and Hilwadi Hindersah One-pass Assembler Design for a Low-end Reconfigurable RISC Processor Sani Irwan Md Salim, Muhammad Noorazlan Shah Zainudin, Hamzah 14.14 – 14.30 Asyrani Sulaiman, Rahimah Jamaluddin, Lizawati Salahuddin and Ahmad Jamal Salim

Parallel Session 1 Communications (P1C) Alumni Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Rifan Budi Resmana Time Paper Details X Band Parallel Coupled-Line With Dumbbell Dgs Filter For Radar Applications 12.30 – 12.43 Siti Nabilah Taib, Mohd Azlishah Othman, Mior Azlan Mior Hamdan, Nur Yashidar Mohd Yasin, S. M. Arshad, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin Abd Aziz, Nornikman Hassan and Azahari Salleh Design of Rectangular Stacked Patch Antenna with Four L-Shaped Slots and CPW-Fed for WiMAX Application 12.43 – 12.56 Nornikman Hassan, Mohd Fareq Abd Malek, Norshafinash Saudin, Mahfuzah Md Shukor, Nur Aishah Zainuddin, Mohd Zoinol Abidin Abd Aziz, Badrul Hisham Ahmad and Mohd Azlishah Othman Dual Layer Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with H-Slot for 2.4 GHz Range Applications 12.56 – 13.09 Nornikman Hassan, Mohd Fareq Abd Malek, Nur Aishah Zainuddin, Mahfuzah Md Shukor, Mohd Zoinol Abidin Abd Aziz, Badrul Hisham Ahmad and Mohd Azlishah Othman Impedance of the Unit Cell of the Frequency Selective Surface At 2.4 GHz Mohamad Zoinol Abidin Abd Aziz, Mahfuzah Md.Shukor, Mohamad Kadim 13.09 – 13.22 Suaidi, Badrul Hisham Ahmad, Fauzi Mohd Johar, Siti Nadzirah Salleh, Farah Ayuni Azmin and Mohd Fareq Abd Malek An Analysis of Low Pass Filter Using Bowtie Defected Ground Structure (DGS) at 10 GHz for Radar Application Siti Nabilah Taib, Mohd Azlishah Othman, Wan Nor Aini Makhzan, Teh 13.22 – 13.35 Suriati Mohd Arshad, Nur Yashidar Mohd Yasin, Mohd Muzafar Ismail, M. H. Misran, Maizatul Alice Meor Said, Hamzah Asryani Sulaiman, and Ridza Azri Ramlee A Bandpass Filter Based on Square Open Loop Resonators at 2.45 GHz 13.35 – 13.48 Dian Widi Astuti, Juwanto and Mudrik Alaydrus Wiener Filter Based Channel Predictor Performance Improvement Using 13.48 - 14.01 Polinomial Extrapolation Rifan Resmana, Rina Astuti and Adit Kurniawan Miniaturized Paper Based Substrate Microstrip Antenna with Slot Configurations for Automotive Systems 14.01 – 14.14 Muhammad Yusof Ismail, Wan Nor Zaihasra Wan Salleh and Norbahiah Misran Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Controller using Zigbee Technology for Reducing Machine Connection Failure 14.14 – 14.30 Teh Suriati Mohd Arshad Mohd Azlishah Othman, Mazran Esro, Huzaifah Mohd Fauzi, Mohd Fauzi Johar, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin Abd Aziz, N. Y. M. Yasin, and Siti Nabilah Taib

Parallel Session 1 Signal Processing (P1D) BME Meeting Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Harry Septanto Time Paper Details Detection and Estimation of Weak Sine Waves with Random Offset and 12.30 – 12.43 Additive Noise Diego Bellan The Quaternion-based Attitude Control System with an Augmented Dynamic 12.43 – 12.56 Harry Septanto, Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono, Arief Syaichu-Rohman, Ridanto Eko Poetro and Adrianto Ravi Ibrahim Top-Bottom metallic strips shorted Single side paired S-ring resonator 12.56 – 13.09 M. Junaid Mughal and M. Faisal Khan Accurate Estimation of Sound Source Direction in Various Temperatures 13.09 – 13.22 Irma Safitri, Takanori Nishino and Kazuya Takeda Design of Low Frequency Vibration Generator As Seismic Sensor 13.22 – 13.35 Calibrator with Optocoupler Counter Yulkifli, Yoggy Refiyon, Devi Sidiq, Ahmaf Fauzi, and Pakhrur Razi Improved Target Detection in Phase-Coded Radar By Constrained 13.35 – 13.48 Matching Pursuit Algorithm Andriyan Bayu Suksmono Measuring Acoustic Backscattering Strength of Underwater Target using 13.48 - 14.01 High Frequency Sonar Henry Manik Numerical Discretization for Nonlinear Diffusion Filter 14.01 – 14.14 I. Mizuar, M.M.M. Aminuddin, Y. Dasril, I. Mustaffa Method for Frequency Estimation by Constant Gate Time 14.14 – 14.30 Ryosuke Araki, Akihiro Takita and Yusaku Fujii

Parallel Session 1 Biomedical Instrumentation (P1E) Sismik Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: A.D. Wibawa Time Paper Details Fabrication of Microfluidic Chips by Sandwiching Patterned Plastic Sheet 12.30 – 12.43 by Microscope Slides Hendra Salim, Henri Uranus and Endrowednes Kuantama Lie Detection in Interrogations Using Digital Signal Processing of Brain 12.43 – 12.56 Waves Samreen Amir, Nimrah Ahmed and Bhawani Shankar Chowdry A validation study on muscle activity prediction of a lower limb musculoskeletal model using EMG during normal walking 12.56 – 13.09 A.D Wibawa, N. Verdonschot, J.G.M. Burgerhof, I.K.E Purnama, M.S Andersen, J.P.K Halbertsma, R.L.Diercks and G.J.Verkerke Computer Aided Silicon Padding Design For Burn Injury 13.09 – 13.22 Mohamed Najib Salleh, Memis Acar and Neil Burns Developing LED Light Curing Unit Prototype by Combined Pulse Width 13.22 – 13.35 Modulation: Ouput Beam Irradiance A. Sodri, T. Handoyo, and DJ. Indrani Design of Shoe-Integrated Running Gait Analysis Device For Normal 13.35 – 13.48 People Case Study Megantara Pura, Barman Tambunan and Aulia Arif Iskandar Brain Signal Reference Concept Using Cross Correlation Based for Brain Computer Interface 13.48 - 14.01 Beni Rio Hermanto, Tati R. Mengko, Adi Indrayanto and Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto Dynamic Encoding of Binatural Beats for Brainwave Entrainment 14.01 – 14.14 Wan Mohd Fadzil Bin Wan Mohd Noor, Norliza Zaini, Haryanti Norhazman, Mohd Fuad Abdul Latip An Analysis of Heartbeat Monitoring Using Microwave Doppler Technique at 2.4 GHz Mohd Azlishah Othman, Nadia Baharuddin, Teh Suriati Mohd Arshad, Nur 14.14 – 14.30 Yashidar Mohd Yasin, Siti Nabilah Taib, Mohd Muzafar Ismail, M. H. Misran, Maizatul Alice Meor Said, Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, and Ridza Azri Ramlee

Parallel Session 2 Imaging and Image Processing (P2A) BME Class Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Ratnasari Nur Rohmah Time Paper Details Thoracic X-ray Features Extraction using thresholding-based ROI template and PCA-based Features Selection for Lung TB Classification Purposes 15.00 – 15.13 Ratnasari Nur Rohmah, Adhi Susanto, Indah Soesanti and Maesadji Tjokronagoro Signature Verification Systems using Template Matching Muhammad Noorazlan Shah Zainudin, Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Sani 15.13 – 15.26 Irwan Md Salim, Lizawati Salahuddin, M.N.A. Halim Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques Parallelization for Medical Imaging 15.26 – 15.39 Muhammad Ilyas, A. D. Garnadi and S. Nurdiati Comparing Edge Detection Methods to Localize Uterus Area on Ultrasound Image 15.39 – 15.52 Retno Supriyanti, Dhea Adisti Putri, Eko Murdyantoro and Haris Budi Widodo Design of Contactless Hand Biometric System With Relative Geometric 15.52 – 16.05 Parameters A. Siswanto, P. Tarigan and F. Fahmi Image Processing as the Validation Method of Droplet Dispersion 16.05 – 16.18 Modeling Process Narendra Kurnia Putra, Robert J. Dickinson and Jennifer H. Siggers Radiation Dose Measurement on Computed Tomography Scanner Using 16.18 – 16.31 Thermoluminescent Dosemeter Dwenda Dexiana and Muhammad Fathony

Parallel Session 2 System Design 1 (P2B) Multimedia Room STEI ITB, Labtek VIII Building 2nd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Hepi Ludiyati Time Paper Details A Simple Home Security System Using Cellular Phone 15.00 – 15.13 Andrew Bernhard, Endro Kuantama, Leonardy Setyawan and Yohanes Dewanto Design and Construction of Early Flood Warning System Through SMS 15.13 – 15.26 based on SIM300C GSM Modem Endro Kuantama, Pono Mardjoko and Made Anggrecia Saraswati A Hybrid Building Indoor Navigation System Approach-Android based 15.26 – 15.39 Yu-Jhang Ruan, Chao-Wei Huang, Zhe-Wei Kuo, Shu-Hua Jhang, and WuSiang Wong Design Control Systems of the Out Diameter Finish Machine Based on 15.39 – 15.52 Programmable Logic Controller Syahril Ardi, Agus Ponco, and Adli Fadli Kurnia Dynamic Pressure Modeling of Damper System for Fluctuation Flow 15.52 – 16.05 Putu Agus Aditya Pramana, Deddy Kurniadi and Parsaulian I. Siregar Basic Theory of Artificial Circular Resonator Encapsulated in a Circular 16.05 – 16.18 Waveguide and Its Theoretical Analysis Hepi Ludiyati, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono and Ahmad Munir Designing An Enterprise Architecture For Mining Company By Using Togaf 16.18 – 16.31 Framework Rika Yuliana and Budi Rahardjo Development of Real-Time Precipitable Water Vapor Monitoring System 16.31 – 16.44 Wayan Suparta and Kemal Maulana Alhasa

Parallel Session 2 Communications (P2C) Alumni Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Andjas W. Ardiansyah Time Paper Details Hardware Design of Spatial Mapper for 1.73Gbps Multi-User MIMO System of IEEE802.11ac 15.00 – 15.13 Hendra Setiawan, Leonardo Lanante Jr., Masayuki Kurosaki, and Hiroshi Ochi Class-Selection Stop Criterion for Iterative Decoding of Turbo Codes 15.13 – 15.26 Tingting Han, Jianping Li and Jianguang Li Design Technology in Wireless Mesh Network System for Eruption 15.26 – 15.39 Disaster Mitigation of Merapi Volcano Firdaus, Syarif Hidayat, Alvin Sahroni, Hendra Setiawan and Rois Akbar Retransmission Issue of SIP Session over UDP Transport Protocol in IP 15.39 – 15.52 Multimedia Subsystem – IMS Heru Pranoto and Ardian Ulvan RTL Design of 4x4 MIMO Wireless LAN 15.52 – 16.05 Andjas W. Ardiansyah Performance Evaluation of VoIP and Video Streaming Over Wimax IEEE 16.05 – 16.18 802.15d and 802.15e Firdaus, Etika Nuraini and Hendra Setiawan A Review of Blackhole Attack in Mobile Adhoc Network 16.18 – 16.31 Satria Mandala, Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Abdul Samad Ismail, Habibollah Haron, Md. Asri Ngadi, and Yanaya Coulibaly Through Analysis of LAN and WAN Network Based on Socket Buffer Length Using Jperf 16.31 – 16.44 Sharifah Syafiqah Syed Hamdan, Lucyantie Mazalan, Nurzaimah Masudi, Roszainiza Rosli, Habibah Hashim, Ruhani Abd Rahman, Norliza Mohamad Zaini Design of Wideband Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting System Nur Aishah Zainuddin, Zahriladha Zakaria, Mohd Nor Husain, B. 16.44 – 17.00 MohdDerus, Mohamad Zoinol Abidin Abd Aziz, Mohamad Ariffin Mutalib, M.A. Othman

Parallel Session 2 Sensors and Transducers (P2D) BME Meeting Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Viny V. Tanuwijaya Time Paper Details InGaAs/InP Avalanche Photodiode Performance Effect using Variation Guard Ring Structures 15.00 – 15.13 S. N. Taib, M. A. Othman, Z. A. F. M. Napiah, M. N. Hussain, N. Y. M. Yasin, T. S. M. Arshad Parametric Analysis of Carbon Nanotube Organic Solar Cells 15.13 – 15.26 Ashraful Haider Chowdhury and Anika Chowdhury Comparison on IV Characteristics Analysis between Silicon and InGaAs PIN Photodiode 15.26 – 15.39 T. S. M. Arshad, M. A. Othman, N. Y. M. Yasin, S. N. Taib,M. M. Ismail,Z. A. F. M. Napiah, H. A. Sulaiman, M. N. Hussain, M. A. Meor Said, M. H. Misran, R. A.Ramlee Variable Junction Temperature Analysis in Silicon IMPATT diode T. S. M. Arshad, M. A. Othman, N. Y. M. Yasin, S. N. Taib, Z. A. F. M. Napiah, 15.39 – 15.52 M. N. Hussain, Y. Abd. Rahim, A. N. Che Pee, M. M. Ismail, M. H. Misran, M. A. Meor Said, H. A. Sulaiman, R. A. Ramlee Progress on Ligands effects in Porphyrin-based molecules in benzene solvent for Photodynamic Therapy Applications 15.52 – 16.05 Vera Khoirunisa, Viny V. Tanuwijaya, Febdian Rusydi, Nugraha, Hermawan K. Dipojono An Intricate Analysis on Increasing the Efficiency of Single Junction Ge 16.05 – 16.18 Solar Cell and Its Illustration Using SILVACO Atlas Farhan Chowdhury, Md. Asif Taraque, Nasim Ben Zafar and Mahdia Tahsin The Effect of Spray Dried Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) Leaf Extract 16.18 – 16.31 on Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice Henny Surya, Maruli Pandjaitan and Abdullah Muzi Marpaung Development and Optimization of Instant Drink Formulation from 16.31 – 16.44 Pineapple (Ananas cosmosus) Juice Steffi, Maruli Pandjaitan and Hery Sutanto

Parallel Session 2 Modeling and Simulation 1 (P2E) Sismik Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Sufendi Time Paper Details An Analysis of Bending Optical Waveguide for Electromagnetic Field Radiation and Propagation Application Mohd Muzafar Ismail, M.A. Othman, Z.Zakaria, M.N. Shah Zainudin, H. 15.00 – 15.13

A. Sulaiman,M. H. Misran, R. A. Ramlee, M.A.M.Said, N.F.Abas, R.A.Rahim, M.M.M.Aminuddin 15.13 – 15.26

Design and Implementation of Hardware-In-The-Loop-Simulation for UAV Using PID Control Method

Sufendi and Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono 15.26 – 15.39

Magnetic Field Distribution Simulation on Two Permanent Magnet Rotor Discs with Twelve Pole Pairs

Prih Sumardjati Mulyaseputra, F. Danang Wijaya, Sasongko Pramono Hadi and Suharyanto Modelling and Simulation of RKX200 Rocket Flight Dynamics

15.39 – 15.52

Alfi Nurhafid, Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono, Rianto Adhy Sasongko, Ahmad Riyadl and Herma Yudhi Irwanto Hierarchical Camera System For Machinima

15.52 – 16.05

Delta Ardy Prima, Bela Bima Ferial Java, Edward Suryapto, Mochamad Hariadi and I Ketut Edi Purnama Distance Approximation using Pivot Point in Narrow Phase Collision Detection

16.05 – 16.18

16.18 – 16.31

Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Mohd Azlishah Othman, Lizawati Salahuddin, Muhammad Noorazlan Shah Zainudin, Sani Irwan Md Salim, Mohd Muzafar Ismail, Abdullah Bade, and Mohd Harun Abdullah Performance Analysis of Communication Process between UE and AP in The Integrated IMS Oktaviana Damayanti, Ardian Ulvan, Melvi

Parallel Session 3 Imaging and Image Processing 3 (P3A) Main Hall of West Hall November 8, 2013 Chairperson: Vebi Nadhira Time Paper Details Integrating Line Tracking and 2D Haar Wavelet Response for Palmprint Identification 09.30 – 09.43 Novanto Yudistira, Imam Cholissodin and Afif Supianto Image Analysis for Correlation between Dental Panoramic and MicroCT to Measure Bone Density 09.43 – 09.56 Hanifan Prafiadi, Azhari, Narendra Kurnia Putra, Suprijanto, and Fourier Quantitative Image Analysis of Periapical Dental Radiography for Dental Condition Diagnosis 09.56 – 10.09 Anita Ayuningtiyas, Narendra Kurnia Putra, Suprijanto, Endang Juliastuti, Lusi Epsilawati Malaria Parasite Identification on Thick Blood Film Using Genetic Programming 10.09 – 10.22 I Ketut Eddy Purnama, Farah Zakiyah Rahmanti and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo Feasibility Study on Image Reconstruction of Continuous Wave Domain 10.22 – 10.35 Diffuse Optical Tomography for Quality Control on Seed Potatoes Vebi Nadhira, Deddy Kurniadi, and E. Juliastuti Feature Exploration for Parasite Malaria Recognation Based on Image Microscopy 10.35 – 10.48 Iis Hamsir Ayub Wahab, Adhi Susanto, P. Insap Santosa and Maesadji Tjokronegoro

Parallel Session 3 System Design 2 (P3B) VIP Room of West Hall November 8, 2013 Chairperson: Ely Aprilia Time Paper Details Analysis of SQL Injection Attack in Web Service (A Case Study of Website in Aceh Province) 09.30 – 09.43 Rizal Munadi, T. Surya Fajri, Ernita Dewi Meutia, and Elizar Parallelization Of Star Alignment 09.43 – 09.56 Asril Adi Sunarto, Wisnu Ananta Kusuma and Heru Sukoco Fast EM Clustering for Large Data Using an Integrated Approach Rough09.56 – 10.09 Fuzzy Granulation and Fisher discriminate analysis Hesam Komari Alaei and Alireza Yazdizadeh Ozone Production by Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma for Microbial Inactvation in Rice 10.09 – 10.22 Muhammad Nur, Aribat Solichin, Endang Kusdiayantini, Tri A. Winarni, Susilo, Dian Arif Rahman, Resti Maryam, Sosiowati Teke, Wuryanti and Harjum Muharam Temperatur and Humidity Characteristic Measurement of Cassava Fermentation Process : A Preliminary Study for Air Controlled Treatment 10.22 – 10.35 for Cassava Fermentation Process Ely Aprilia, Deny Arief, Irvan Budiawan, Estiyanti Ekawati and Suprijadi Haryono Application of ANFIS Model for Prediction of Zenith Tropospheric Delay over Antarctica 10.35 – 10.48

Wayan Suparta and Kemal Maulana Alhasa

Parallel Session 3 Biomedical Application (P3C) BME Class Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 8, 2013 Chairperson: Dian Artanto Time Paper Details Analysis of electric field, attenuation coefficient and skin depth with low frequency in electromagnetic wave propagation on membrane human cell 09.30 – 09.43 Mohd Muzafar Ismail, M.A. Othman, Z.Zakaria, M.N. Shah Zainudin, H. A. Sulaiman, M. H. Misran, R. A. Ramlee, M.A.M. Said, N.H. Janudin,R.A. Rahim, M.M.M. Aminuddin, T. S. M. Arshad, S. N. Taib, N. Y. M. Yasin The effect of sound levels on attention deficit 09.43 – 09.56 Mai Mariam Mohamed Aminuddin and Izadora Mustaffa Evaluation Of Acute Oral Toxicity Of Butterfly Pea Root Extract On 09.56 – 10.09 Experimental Mice Jessica Karta, Maruli Pandjaitan and Min Rahminiwati The Development of A Simple Tool to Reduce the Sitting Time using 10.09 – 10.22 Seeeduino Stalker and LabVIEW Dian Artanto Indonesian Text-To-Speech Using Syllable Concatenation Approach: 10.22 – 10.35 Speech Optimization Richard Mengko and Aulia Ayuningtyas

Parallel Session 3 Sensors and Transducers (P3D) BME Meeting Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 8, 2013 Chairperson: Ambran Hartono Time Paper Details An Analysis of Dielectric Constant of Pharmaceutical Medicines using Microwave Radiation Exposure 09.30 – 09.43 M. A. Othman, P.N.M.M.M Noor, T. S. M. Arshad, N. Y. M. Yasin, S. N. Taib, M. M. Ismail, M. H. Misran, M. A. Meor Said, H. A. Sulaiman, R. A. Ramlee Efficiency Calculation of Single Junction Silicon Solar Cell At Different Doping Concentrations 09.43 – 09.56 Farhan Chowdhury, Md. Asif Taraque, Hasib Mazumder and Moyen-Ul Ahsan Perspective of HeteroJunction GaAs Solar Cell & Inspection of Its Efficiency Using SILVACO ATLAS 09.56 – 10.09 Farhan Chowdhury, Md. Asif Taraque, Al-Mamun Sabuz and Md. Rezwan Hossain Polyvinyl Alcohol – Calcite Hydroxyapatite Composite Reinforced with Catgut Fibers for Biodegradable Bone Plates 10.09 – 10.22 Taha Ma'Ruf, Widowati Siswomihardjo, Marsetyawan Hne Soesatyo and Alva Edy Tontowi Preparation of PVDF Film Using Deep Coating Method for Biosensor Transducer Applied 10.22 – 10.35 Ambran Hartono, Mitra Djamal, Suparno Satira, Herman Bahar and Ramli Ramli

Parallel Session 3 Modeling and Simulation 2 (P3E) Sismik Room, Labtek VIII Building 3rd Floor November 8, 2013 Chairperson: Angga Irawan Time Paper Details Guided Rocket Navigation Design and Implementation on Hardware in Loop Simulation 09.30 – 09.43 Ammar Novel, Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono and Rianto Adhy Sasongko Modeling of Tunneling Currents on Al/SiO2/p-Si MOS Capacitors with Nanometer-Thick Oxides 09.43 – 09.56 Budi Mulyanti, Lilik Hasanah, Arjuni B. Pantjawati, Hideki Murakami, and Prof. Khairurrijal Simulation of Charge-Trapping Effect on Floating Gate Si/Ge/Si Quantum 09.56 – 10.09 Dots MOSFET Memory with High-κ Tunnel Oxide Adha Sukma Aji and Yudi Darma Three-loop Autopilot for Attitude Control System on Hardware In Loop Simulation 10.09 – 10.22 Angga Irawan, Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono, Rianto Adhy Sasongko and Herma Yudhi Irwanto Modeling and Simulation of Electroporation System with Measured 10.22 – 10.35 Bioimpedance: Determining Parameters Warindi, Suharyanto, Sasongko Pramono Hadi and Hamzah Berahim Microbial landscape in space exploration 10.35 – 10.48 Kazuhito Shimada

Special Sessions e-Health and Telemedicine (SS-eHT) VIP Room of West Hall November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Arni Ariani Time Paper Details Overview of e-Health Systems for Community Healthcare Applications: 12.30 – 13.00 From e-Health, m-Health, to Telemedicine Systems Soegijardjo Soegijoko How Health Information System Could Help The Leprosy Control Program in 13.00 – 13.13 Indonesia? Enny Rachmani, Hsu Chien Yeh, and Arif Kurniadi An Personalized Emergency Management Architecture for Smart 13.13 – 13.26 Healthcare Seung-Man Chun and Jong-Tae Park Application Protocol Data Unit Implementation in E-Health Smart Card for 13.26 – 13.39 Health and Medical Data Record Beni Rio Hermanto, Tati R. Mengko and Adi Indrayanto Decision Support System For Information Resources Quality As A Tool For Quality Evaluation In Hospital 13.39 – 13.51 Boy Subirosa Sabarguna, Anwar Soefi Ibrahim, Prasandya Astagiri Jusuf, Ajeng Pramastuty Smart Card Mobile Data Collection System Concept For Health and Medical 13.51 – 14.03 Data Collecting Activities in Rural Area Beni Rio Hermanto, Adi Indrayanto and Arif Sasongko Simulation of a Smart Home Environment 14.03 – 14.15 Arni Ariani, Stephen Redmond, David Chang and Nigel Lovell 14.15 – 14.30 Discussion

Cardiovascular (SS-CV) VIP Room of West Hall November 7, 2013 Chairperson: Richard Mengko Time Paper Details Design and Implementation of 12 Lead ECG Signals Interpretation System 15.00 – 15.13 Richard Mengko and Fredrick Sutjiady Development of Biosignal Processing Algorithm For Pulse Wave Calculation 15.13 – 15.26 Astri Maria, Hasballah Zakaria, Tati R. Mengko and Richard K. Mengko Review of Digital Heart Sound Classification Methods 15.26 – 15.39 Amy H. Salman, Tati Mengko, Richard Mengko, and Armein Z.R. Langi Extracting Blood Flow Parameters from Photoplethysmograph Signals: A Review 15.39 – 15.52 Nedya Utami, Agung W. Setiawan, Hasballah Zakaria, Tati Mengko and Richard Mengko Mapping of Coronary Stent Demand of Several Hospitals in Indonesia and 15.52 – 16.05 Its Forecasting Alva E. Tontowi, Putri Ikra, and Widowati Siswomihardjo Scaffolds of Hydroxyapatite and Alginate Composite for Tissue Engineering: 16.05 – 16.18 Microstructure Analysis DJ. Indrani, E. Budianto, and BS. Purwasasmita 16.18 – 17.00 Discussion