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Freephone 0800 082 2234, email [email protected] ..... Contact: Tim Padmore ([email protected] or ..... loft insulation is now 270mm (which is.
Solid wall insulation with no upfront cost

We can help you make your home warmer and cheaper to heat by accessing grants for energy efficient improvements.

Talk to us about solid wall insulation 0800 082 2234

Somerset West Home Energy

Somerset West Home Energy is a partnership between the Centre for Sustainable Energy, Scottish & Southern Energy and the district councils of West Somerset, Taunton Deane and Sedgemoor.

3 St Peter’s Court Bedminster Parade Bristol BS3 4AQ

0117 934 1400 [email protected] charity 298740

We are a national charity that helps people change the way they think and act on energy. Our Home Energy Team offers free advice on domestic energy use to householders in Bristol and Somerset (including the unitary authorities of North Somerset and Bath & North East Somerset). Freephone 0800 082 2234, email [email protected] or follow us on twitter @cse_homeenergy

What we do Somerset West Home Energy can help you make your home more comfortable and cheaper to heat at no upfront cost to you. We can help you access funding for solid wall insulation a measure that increases the thermal performance of buildings and could improve the value of your home. The funding is available from Scottish and Southern Energy and from the three district councils of West Somerset, Taunton Deane and Sedgemoor And for the cases where grants aren’t available or don’t cover the full cost of the installation we have a ‘pay-as-you-save’ option. This is a finance package developed with our partners Wessex Home Improvement Loans that allows you to use the savings you enjoy as a result of the energy efficiency improvements to cover the price of the installation. This means you have a warmer home without worrying about the cost. Contents p4

| How does the service work?


| The energy performance certificate (EPC)


| Pay as you save


| Grant conditions


| An introduction to solid wall insulation

p10 | External solid wall insulation p12 | Internal solid wall insulation p14 | Approved systems and installers p21 | Building regulations and planning permission p22 | Additional energy efficiency options

Somerset West Home Energy is a partnership between the Centre for Sustainable Energy, Scottish & Southern Energy and the district councils of West Somerset, Taunton Deane and Sedgemoor.

PHOTOS | cover, photomontage by Tim Weisselberg | p1 Morley Von Sternberg, reproduced with permission from Knauf Marmorit | p4, (steps) Webber Jr | p8, Josh Thumim | p9, (trowel) Rius; (tape) Paul Groom | p11 and p13, both CSE | p14, (mixer) Minaev | p21, both CSE | p22, (washing machine) Caetano; (energy monitor) OWL; (cutting door brush) Paul Groom; (insulation roll) /zoomstudio | p23, (roundwood) CSE; (wood chips) Jake Rome; (wood pellets) Kevin Lindegaard; (tap) /Jesus Ayala; (solar) | back cover CSE

How does the service work? Here’s a simple seven-step guide to the Somerset West Home Energy service. Our team of experienced energy advisors are on hand should you wish to contact us at any time.

1) The first step is to register your interest in the scheme by contacting the Home Energy Team at the Centre for Sustainable Energy on 0800 082 2234 or [email protected]. We’ll give you more detailed information about how the scheme works and run through some initial questions. 2) If you decide to proceed, your details will be passed on to a Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) who will contact you to arrange a suitable time to undertake a survey at your home in order to produce an Energy Performance Certificate (see opposite).

3) The completed Energy Performance Certificate will be sent to the Somerset West Home Energy team. It will outline the possible improvements that could be made to your home and the savings that could be made on your fuel bill. 4) Based on this information the team will calculate the potential grant funding you could access. An application form will be sent to you, along with all the details of your anticipated grant allowance and options for pay-as-you-save finance through Wessex Home Improvement Loans (

Centre for Sustainable Energy Home Energy Team phone 0800 082 2234 email [email protected] web 4 | Somerset West Home Energy

5) This application form needs to be completed by you and returned to us, along with a copy of the quote you want to proceed with from an approved installer (see pages 14 to 20). We strongly recommend that you seek quotes from at least three installers. 6) The Somerset West Home Energy team will provide final confirmation of your grant allowance. You have 3 months to return a completion certificate and a copy of the invoice. (In some circumstances this deadline may need to be extended. Any extension will always need to be authorised by the Somerset West Home Energy team). 7) We will check the paperwork and pay the grant directly into your bank account. You should check your installer’s payment terms to ensure they are happy for you to pay them when you have received the grant, so you don’t have an upfront cost.

The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) By insulating your solid walls you will improve the efficiency of your home and reduce the amount of fuel you need to use to heat it. Lowering your fuel usage also reduces your carbon (CO2) emissions. The actual savings can vary but as a guideline, you can expect to save between £365 and £385 a year on your fuel bills*. This depends on the type and size of property you live in, your heating system and the insulation material used to improve the efficiency of your home. Somerset West Home Energy offers a free survey by a Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) who will provide an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for your home. The information provided in the EPC will allow the Somerset West Home Energy team to calculate your potential fuel bill and CO2 savings from making improvements to your home. The grant which can be accessed is calculated from this data so all of this information will be passed on to you in your application paperwork after the survey is completed.


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* Figures according to the Energy Saving Trust (2012). See

Somerset West Home Energy | 5

Pay as you save As we won’t be able to access funding to cover the whole cost of insulating your solid walls, you may wish to consider a flexible finance option through our partnership with Wessex Home Improvement Loans. Wessex Home Improvement Loans already work closely with your local council to provide homeowners with finance for home improvements and repairs.

We have devised this arrangement based on the principle of ‘pay as you save’ – this means that your repayments are linked to the expected savings you will make on your fuel bill by having solid wall insulation installed. For example, if the EPC anticipates your fuel bill savings to be £30 per month the loan repayments would not exceed this amount. Finance can be offered at an interest rate of 6.5% (Typical 7.2% APR) and repayment periods can be flexible. By using this innovative finance mechanism you can consider yourself a trailblazer as the Government’s Green Deal, due to launch in late 2012, will work along similar lines. If you would like to find out more, please contact us and we can put you in touch with the team at Wessex Home Improvement Loans.

6 | Somerset West Home Energy


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Grant conditions Somerset West Home Energy can only access funding for whole-house solid wall insulation installations. If you wish to insulate only part of your property, we are unable to help. It is also worth noting that park homes and mobile homes are not eligible for financial assistance. As a condition of the funding, your walls must achieve a U-value of 0.3 or less (as required by current building regulations) once they have been insulated. Check with your chosen installer to make sure your home can achieve this before going ahead.

What type of work will the funding cover? Somerset West Home Energy assists people with insulating their homes; other home improvements are not covered unless they are directly related to the installation of the insulation. See right for examples of works which are considered eligible or not eligible. Every property is different and it is therefore impossible to come up with a definitive list. So if you are concerned about the eligibility of your installation, please contact us so that we can clarify the position before any work begins.

Eligible works Installation of insulation – to include the whole ‘system’ – that is the insulation itself and all adhesives, fixings, membrane and render coats/plaster/cladding where applicable. • Moving or re-installing ancillary items as a result of the additional insulation depth (e.g. guttering, light switches, plug sockets, radiators, skirting boards) • Reinstating existing exterior finish (e.g. pebble dash) • Maintenance of existing external services where change is required due to insulation works (e.g. phone line, TV, gas, Sky dish etc) • Planning permission costs for associated insulation work • Scaffolding required for insulation works

Ineligible works • New kitchen installations • Window or door replacement • New carpets or flooring finishes


What’s a U-va

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• Purchase of new fixtures and fittings (i.e. guttering, light switches, plug sockets, radiators) • Works undertaken in order to satisfy building regulations as a result of wider works to your property

Somerset West Home Energy | 7

Before and after ... This Victorian terraced house now benefits from external solid wall insulation that will not only make it more comfortable, but has transformed the appearance of the home from the rear as well.

8 | Somerset West Home Energy

An introduction to solid wall insulation Nearly half of the warmth in some solidwalled houses escapes through the walls. By insulating these walls we can slow down the rate at which heat is lost and keep the warmth inside the home for longer. Solid wall insulation makes homes more comfortable and cheaper to heat. It works by adding to the walls a layer of material that acts like a thermal blanket. Solid walls can be insulated internally (from the inside) and externally (from the outside). Both are significant undertakings in terms of cost and disruption – and external solid-wall insulation is most definitely not a DIY task. But both options can make your home warmer and greatly reduce your heating bills at the same time.

How do I know if my home has solid walls? If your home is made of brick, and the bricks have an alternating long-short-long pattern (top diagram), then the walls are likely to be solid. If you can see only the long edge of the bricks (bottom diagram), then the wall is almost certainly a cavity wall.

Solid wall

Cavity wall

Of course, if the brick work isn’t visible this might be difficult. However, measuring the thickness of the wall at any entrance or window might help. A solid brick wall is usually about 22 cm thick, a cavity wall between 27 cm and 30 cm thick, and a solid stone wall could be as much as 50 cm. The age of your home is also a fairly good indicator. As a general rule, if it was built before the 1920s, it’s unlikely to have a cavity. Solid wall insulation may be suitable for a variety of property types such as brick, stone, steel-framed and concrete construction.

Somerset West Home Energy | 9

External solid wall insulation External solid wall insulation involves adding a layer of insulating material to the outside walls of a building and coating this with a protective render or cladding. There are lots of options to create the finish that you want and these may add value to your home. It’s a specialist job that requires approved installers working to a specific tried and tested system. There’s a list of these on page 14. External solid wall insulation may be particularly suitable if you wish to avoid internal disruption or are doing other work to the exterior of your property, such as re-rendering.

Changes to the external appearance External solid wall insulation won’t affect the size of your rooms but you might need planning permission as it could change the appearance of the building. There is a huge array of colours and finishes that can be applied to solid wall insulation, and all the options can be discussed with your chosen contractor. Often the existing finish can be replicated to preserve much of the original appearance of the house, but you may still need to apply for planning permission (see p21 for more details).

Average costs Externally insulating your home costs on average £9,000 to £13,500*, though this obviously depends on the size of the building and the number of outside walls being insulated. It is likely to be more expensive than internal wall insulation because of the higher material, labour and overhead costs.

Disruption External solid wall insulation is a significant undertaking that inevitably involves a degree of disruption, examples of which are listed below. Note that this is a guide only; you should discuss issues that may arise with your contractor. • Garden access may be required and boundary walls and lean-to structures may need to be adapted • Scaffolding may need to be erected, and a space found for a skip and material storage • External fittings like rainwater pipes, satellite dishes and phone and power cables may need to be removed (though normally without interrupting the service) and replaced afterwards • Contractors will require water and power, and possibly the use of a toilet • There will be a lot of noise, including power tools • The work will generate a lot of dust and grit

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* Figures according to the Energy Saving Trust (2012). See

10 | Somerset West Home Energy

External solid wall insulation: an example The model below shows a cut-away of external solid wall insulation applied to a noncavity brick wall. This kind of wall is common among houses built between around 1880 and the mid-1920s.


Insulation board

This is the layer of insulation that will slow the lost of heat from inside the house. It is attached to the external wall, either with an adhesive or mechanical fixings and protects and extends the life of your brickwork.



Window sill

External fittings such as pipework and satellite dishes may need to be removed before insulation is applied. It may be necessary to remove and extend window sills so they protrude beyond the cladding.


Window and frame

Windows can change in appearance, as the insulation needs to extend into the window recess.

Middle section

This section, composed of a mesh between two thin layers of render, adds strength and rigidity.

5 3

Top layer

A final coating of cladding or render is applied to give the wall the required appearance. It brings the total thickness of the added material to between 50 and 125 mm.

3 4



Somerset West Home Energy | 11

Internal solid wall insulation Internal solid wall insulation is particularly appropriate in cases where maintaining the external appearance of the building is important. There are several types of internal solid wall insulation, with the types eligible for support from Somerset West Home Energy falling into two categories: 1) Rigid insulation boards (see picture opposite). These come in varying thicknesses up to 10 cm and deliver the highest energy saving. Some have pre-attached plasterboard to speed up the installation process. 2) Alternatively, battens can be fixed to the wall, in-filled with insulation and covered with plasterboard. This is a good option if the wall has a lot of heavy fittings such as book cases or kitchen cupboards.

Average costs Internally insulating your home will probably cost between £5,500 and £8,500*, depending on how many rooms are being renovated. Generally this is less expensive than external solid wall insulation because of the lower material, labour and overhead costs it involves.

Room space Internally insulating your walls will slightly reduce the size of your rooms, although many people report that by making a cold wall warmer they actually find that they have higher proportion of usable space in the room.

Disruption Internal solid wall insulation is a significant undertaking that inevitably involves a degree of disruption, examples of which are listed below. Note that this is a guide only; you should discuss issues that may arise with your contractor. • A skip may be required • Rooms where the work is being done may not be usable for a while as furniture, kitchen units and other items may need to be temporarily removed • Fittings such as skirting boards, window sills and plug sockets that are on the wall that is being insulated will need to be removed and reattached afterwards • Pipework and wiring may need to be relaid • Works are likely to be undertaken throughout the property at the same time and will generate dust and noise • Contractors will require water and power, and possibly the use of a toilet • The newly insulated walls and adjacent surfaces will need to be re-decorated when the work has finished

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* Figures according to the Energy Saving Trust (2012). See

12 | Somerset West Home Energy

Internal solid wall insulation: an example The model below shows a cut-away of internal solid wall insulation applied to a non-cavity brick wall. This kind of wall is common among houses built between around 1880 and the mid-1920s.



Ideally, the insulation board is fitted to the inside of the window and door recesses to prevent cold patches developing where condensation can gather. But, as is the case in this model, this is sometimes not possible.

Surface coating

This is the new plasterwork that covers the insulation boards. It can be painted (green in this case) or papered just like a normal internal wall.




External wall

From the outside your property will look exactly the same.


This is the insulation layer added to prevent warmth escaping through the outside walls of the house. In this case the rigid insulation boards have been used.


Internal wall

This is the old internal plaster which is now covered by the new insulation board and plasterwork.




5 3

Somerset West Home Energy | 13

Approved systems and installers External wall insulation is a relatively new technique and should only be undertaken by competent installers using a recognised system. We have identified six tried-and-tested external wall insulation systems developed by the following companies: Weber ( Rockwool ( Knauf Marmorit ( Parex ( Wetherby ( Structherm (

All of these are large and well-established manufacturers. Between them they offer a range of external wall insulation systems suitable for different homes and different specifications. You can read more about their systems on the following pages. The firms that actually install the insulation are local contractors who have been vetted by the manufacturers and are ‘approved installers’. A list of these accompanies the description of each system. Some are approved installers for two or more systems. How you select a contractor is up to you. Some householders will research the different systems to find one that they like, and then find an approved contractor. Others find a local contractor they trust and accept the system that they are approved for. Our expectation is that your wall insulation project will go smoothly. But if you have an enquiry or complaint about the contractor or their work, please contact their customer services team directly.

14 | Somerset West Home Energy

Many of the contractors listed on the following pages may offer internal wall insulation as well. For other installers of internal wall insulation you can contact the following organisations: Federation of Master Builders Gordon Fisher House, 14/15 Great James Street London WC1N 3DP 020 7242 7583 National Insulation Association 2 Vimy Court, Vimy Road Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 1FG 08451 636363

Approved systems and installers

Approved Weber solid wall insulation installers When contacting, please quote Somerset West Home Energy

Weber Dickens House, Enterprise Way, Maulden Road, Flitwick, Beds MK45 5BY 0870 333 0070 The following details have been provided by Weber: Weber, the world’s leading industrial mortar manufacturer, offers a complete range of solutions developed using advanced formulation technology to meet the highest technical requirements. Our principles of action • Innovative solutions developed in close cooperation with our customers • Local knowledge based on international experience Solutions for facades To protect, decorate, enhance and repair old and new facades, using a combination of aspect, colour and structure whilst taking into consideration the environmental and architectural style and heritage. Solutions for fixing tiles and natural stone To fix all types of tiles onto all substrates, providing decorative and technical grouts, protection against humidity, minimising impact noise ensuring maximum comfort and durability for the user Solutions based on construction mortars To save time with safe and simple implementation and application. These innovative products make it possible to fix, assemble, bed, anchor, plug, level, seal and waterproof.

Joyner Group Limited Bakery House, 5 Pill Street, Pill, Bristol BS20 0EL 01275 377990 Contact: Tony Sheehan ([email protected]) Domestic & General Insulation Limited Unit 1-2 Shipston Close, Worcester WR4 9XN 0844 543 0043 Contact: Paul Adams ([email protected]) or Paul Jones ([email protected]) Concrete Repairs Ltd (CLR) The Old Boiler House, Burnett Business Park, Gypsy Lane, Burnett, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2ED 0117 986 8088 Contact: Lee Quinn, Commercial Manager ([email protected] or 07920 208916) Mark Group Limited 70 Boston Road, Beaumont Leys, Leicester LE4 1AW 0800 616 302 Contact: Julie Heron ([email protected]) or David Sherlock ([email protected]) 0116 236 6523 North Bristol Plastering Ltd Unit 10 Dean Court, Great Western Business Park, Yate, Bristol BS37 5NJ 01454 887377 Contact: Steve Lovell ([email protected]) WHS Exterior Render Ltd Unit 11, Avondale Business Centre, Woodland Way, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1AW 0117 960 9521 Contact: Nick Hood ([email protected] or 07702 806609)

Somerset West Home Energy | 15

Approved systems and installers

Approved Rockwool solid wall insulation installers When contacting, please quote Somerset West Home Energy

Rockwool Limited Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 6NY 01656 862621 [email protected] The following details have been provided by Rockwool: Rockwool Limited is based in Bridgend, South Wales and is the UK's leading supplier of mineral wool insulation for thermal, fire and acoustic protection. Only Rockwool is authentic and wholly natural, recreated from natural processes. The natural characteristics of Rockwool mineral wool provide a triple combination of advantages – it is energy saving which reduces fuel bills, it is fire safe which protects buildings and it offers acoustic improvement to reduce noise nuisance. No other manufacturing products can match the same level of technical performance as Rockwool, especially in the area of fire safety.

Topfix Interiors Ltd Circuit 32, Easton Road, Bristol BS5 0DB 0117 935 1217 Contact: Tim Padmore ([email protected] or 0845 130 2524) Joyner Group Limited Bakery House, 5 Pill Street, Pill, Bristol BS20 OEL 01275 377990 Contact: Tony Sheehan ([email protected]) Tru-Clad Ltd Unit 7 Topsham Units, Dart Business Park, Exeter EX3 0QH 01392 876807 Contact: Tony Hill ([email protected]) Concrete Repairs Ltd (CLR) The Old Boiler House, Burnett Business Park, Gypsy Lane, Burnett, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2ED 0117 986 8088 Contact: Lee Quinn, Commercial Manager ([email protected] or 07920 208916)

An ethical partner Rockwool Limited is not only a supplier of insulation materials but also an organisation that is concerned with the way in which we interact with our local and global environment. We understand that our local actions have a global impact and are committed to a socially, environmentally and economically responsible approach to our business.

Anglian Building Products Ltd Unit 5 Marlborough Mews, Crockford Lane, Chineham, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8NA 01256 472247 or 01603 428 455 Contact: Martin Pickard ([email protected]) or Ross St Quintin ([email protected]) Lawtech Unit 11 Lakeside Park, Neptune Close, Rochester ME2 4LT 01634 290500 Contact: Eric Chung ([email protected])

16 | Somerset West Home Energy

Approved systems and installers

Approved Knauf Marmorit solid wall insulation installers When contacting, please quote Somerset West Home Energy

Knauf Marmorit UK St Andrews House, St Andrews Road, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 9DQ 0117 982 1042 The following details have been provided by Knauf Marmorit: Knauf Marmorit UK GmbH provides a comprehensive range of solutions for external wall insulation and render applications. Our Warm Wall systems provide an energy efficient way of insulating the external façade of buildings and can be supplied in various insulation types, finishes and colours. It is our sole aim to continually meet and exceed our customers’ high expectations, by being environmentally aware, supplying high quality products, continued product research & development, and an unrivalled professional and personal service.

Therm-Eco E.W.I Ltd 53 East Street, Crediton, Devon EX13 3BA 01392 424898 [email protected] Contact: Adam McKnight (07973 553968) IB Insulation Ltd Smith Heath, Brent House, 382 Gloucester Road, Cheltenham GL51 7AY 01242 701221 Contact: Chris Ibbitson ([email protected] 07870 810914) E&H Drylining Unit 11 Wirral Park Road, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9XE 01458 831717 Contact: Neil Maddison ([email protected] or 07976 505556) Woodman Bros & Son Ltd Unit 9A, Pucklechurch Trading Estate, Pucklechurch Bristol BS16 9QH 0117 937 3910 Contact: Clare Winnet ([email protected]) or Ken Woodman ([email protected]) A&N Sampson Ltd Richwood Lodge, Whelford, Gloucestershire GL7 4DZ 01285 711516 Contact: Andy Sampson ([email protected] or 07771 761 007) Tru-Clad Ltd Unit 7 Topsham Units, Dart Business Park, Exeter EX3 0QH 01392 876807 Contact: Tony Hill ([email protected])

Somerset West Home Energy | 17

Approved systems and installers

Approved Parex solid wall insulation installers When contacting, please quote Somerset West Home Energy

Parex Façade Systems and TECROC Products, Holly Lane Industrial Estate, Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 2QZ 01827 711755 [email protected]

Joyner Group Limited Bakery House, 5 Pill Street, Pill, Bristol BS20 OEL 01275 377990 Contact: Tony Sheehan ([email protected]) or Luke Joyner ([email protected] Williams and Berryman Ltd The Pines, Jerusalem Street, Rhymney, Tredegar, Gwent NP22 5JB 01685 840493 | [email protected] Contact: Paul Berryman (07779 485476)

The following details have been provided by Parex: Parex Group began in the early 1980’s and has grown to be one of the foremost producers of ready to use insulated, non insulated render systems and industrial mortars for the construction industry, operating 36 manufacturing facilities in 18 countries. What system to use?

BCL Energy Unit 1 Bay 3, Andoversford Industrial Estate, Andoversford, Gloucestershire GL54 4HJ 01242 821031 Contact: Claire Cameron ([email protected]) Concrete Repairs Ltd (CLR) The Old Boiler House, Burnett Business Park, Gypsy Lane, Burnett, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2ED 0117 986 8088

A customer’s choice of insulated render systems can be confusing and somewhat daunting. For clarity, the primary factor in providing a thermal benefit to your property is the insulation type used which is then weighed against cost, finishing aspect, design requirements and application.

Contact: Lee Quinn, Commercial Manager ([email protected] or 07920 208916)

Offering clear design solutions and a diversity of choice both in insulation used and the type of finish required has been our forte, backed up with comprehensive technical design solutions and guarantees.

Contact: Peter Foster ([email protected])

Local support

Contact: Charlie Young ([email protected] or 07885 892201)

Offering a diverse choice requires a comprehensive support structure. Within the South West we have a team of local support and supply based in Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Taunton and Plymouth.

Foster Plastering Contractors Unit 3, Warne Park Industrial Estate Weston-super-Mare, Somerset BS23 3TP 01934 420100

O’Brien Interiors Ltd 28-30 Kelburne Rd, Cowley, Oxfordshire OX4 3SJ 01865 748841

T J Services Unit 161a, Lydney Industrial Estate, Harbour Road, Lydney, GL15 4EJ 01594 840990 | [email protected] Contact: Glen Harvey (01594 840999) Astley Facades (Midlands) Ltd Unit 3, Farriers Barn, Station Farm, Denton Road, Northampton NN7 2BG 01604 871149 Contact: Alan Quick, Director ([email protected] or 07791 617166)

18 | Somerset West Home Energy

Approved systems and installers

Approved Wetherby solid wall insulation installers When contacting, please quote Somerset West Home Energy

Wetherby Building Systems Ltd 1 Kidlove Road, Golborne Enterprise Park, Golborne, Warrington WA3 3GS 01942 717100 [email protected]

Cosyhome Insulation Contractors Blakeney Business Park, High Street, Blakeney, Gloucestershire GL15 4EB 01594 517238 or 0800 731 3497 [email protected] Contact: Brian Scrivens (07971 200559)

The following details have been provided by Wetherby Building Systems:

Domestic & General Insulation Limited Unit 1-2 Shipston Close, Worcester WR4 9XN 0844 543 0043

Wetherby Building Systems specialise in the design, manufacture and distribution of external wall insulation (EWI) systems.

Contact: Paul Adams ([email protected]) or Paul Jones ([email protected])

Since the company was founded in 1998, they have successfully developed a range of insulated render systems based on the four main insulants used within typical external wall insulation systems namely; mineral fibre, polyisocyanurate, phenolic and polystyrene. Wetherby now boast to have the most comprehensive range of BBA and ETA approved insulated render systems available in their market sector. Wetherby can then offer a wide range of renders and polymeric coatings, in a diverse range of colours and textures, enabling the client to achieve their desired finish. Complimenting the render systems Wetherby also offer a unique brick slip system, which allows the façade to match/compliment traditional brickwork and increases the scope for design.

Joyner Group Limited Bakery House, 5 Pill Street, Pill, Bristol BS20 OEL 01275 377990 Contact: Tony Sheehan ([email protected]) or Luke Joyner ([email protected] North Bristol Plastering Ltd Unit 10 Dean Court, Great Western Business Park, Yate, Bristol BS37 5NJ 01454 887377 Contact: Steve Lovell ([email protected]) Energycare Insulations Ltd Unit 1, Lancaster Court, Exeter Airport, Clyst Honiton, Exeter EX5 2DP 01392 363402 Contact: Russell Edge ([email protected]) WHS Exterior Render Ltd Unit 11, Avondale Business Centre, Woodland Way, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 1AW 0117 960 9521 Contact: Nick Hood ([email protected] or 07900 826065)

Somerset West Home Energy | 19

Approved systems and installers

Approved Hanson Structherm solid wall insulation installers When contacting, please quote Somerset West Home Energy

Alfred Bagnall & Sons (West) Ltd 32 Bishopsworth Road, Bedminster Down, Bristol BS13 7JL 0117 966 6368

Hanson Structherm Ltd Bent Ley Road, Meltham, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire HD9 4AP 01484 850098 [email protected] The following details have been provided by Hanson Structherm Ltd: Hanson Structherm Ltd is part of the Hanson Heidelberg Cement group, operating throughout the UK. Founded in 1983, the company is renowned for its unique ‘Structural External Wall Insulation System’ which is manufactured at its factory in West Yorkshire.The ‘structural’ system is designed to provide a refurbishment solution for the treatment of defective, non-traditional built properties. The company also has in its portfolio the most comprehensive range of external wall insulation, renders and finishes and brick slip systems available in the UK. These systems are suitable for application on both low-rise and high-rise properties, and both non-traditional and solid wall construction, to dramatically improve both the thermal and aesthetic qualities. Each system is individually designed to suit the project by our in-house technical department to ensure the best solution is offered. Among our company values are: • Commitment to achieving the highest standards of health, safety and welfare for our colleagues, our customers and the general public. • Commitment to working to rigorous health and safety guidelines • Commitment to responsible working practices • Commitment to working sustainably Our EWI systems carry BBA approval and are warranted for 20 years.

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Contact: Guy Walker ([email protected]) Anglian Building Products Ltd Unit 5 Marlborough Mews, Crockford Lane, Chineham, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8NA 01256 472247 or 01603 428 455 Contact: Martin Pickard ([email protected]) or Ross St Quintin ([email protected]) Astley Facades (Midlands) Ltd Unit 3, Farriers Barn, Station Farm, Denton Road, Northampton NN7 2BG 01604 871149 Contact: Alan Quick, Director ([email protected] or 07791 617166) Concrete Repairs Ltd (CLR) The Old Boiler House, Burnett Business Park, Gypsy Lane, Burnett, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2ED 0117 986 8088 Contact: Lee Quinn, Commercial Manager ([email protected] or 07920 208916) Joyner Group Limited Bakery House, 5 Pill Street, Pill, Bristol BS20 OEL 01275 377990 Contact: Tony Sheehan ([email protected]) or Luke Joyner ([email protected] Rateavon Ltd Unit 14, Avonbank Industrial Centre, West Town Road, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 9DE 0117 982 0033 Contact: Vince Crawley ([email protected])

Building regulations and planning permission When undertaking any construction work, you will need to take into account that you may have to apply for planning permission or comply with building regulations. If your property is listed, or in a conservation area or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), this process may be more complex. Planning consent can take 8 to 12 weeks and even longer if other conditions (such as a request for a sample of the finish) are imposed. An hourly rate may be charged to obtain pre-planning advice so sometimes it can be easier and more efficient to submit for planning permission without this. This is really dependent on your circumstances and level of knowledge alongside any other advice you may have received.

map may also be required. It’s worth using their experience to vet drawings, structural and thermal calculations, and schedules of works to highlight any possible snags they may note, especially as they may inspect during the construction works. Fees will be charged for both the planning and building regulations and the associated maps or pre-planning enquiry etc, and they can be significant. Each individual local authority’s website is a valuable resource for seeking further information on this subject.

Building control response times are dependent on the local authority area, but likely to take 4 to 6 weeks. These can be submitted using ‘full plans’ or a ‘building notice’, and a planning

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Additional energy efficiency options If you’re still looking for other ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home, why not consider the following:

Energy efficient appliances It’s surprising how much electricity certain appliances use. Check our handy guide to seeing ‘what uses watt’ (see You could also consider getting a wireless energy monitor to track what you’re using at any given time (in many places you can loan these from your local library for a few weeks) and look for Arated appliances when the time comes to replace them.

Loft insulation

Draught proofing This is a really simple and cost effective way to improve the comfort of your home. Pay particular attention to windows and doors. Look for window seals, door brushes (below) and letter box brushes.

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When was the last time you looked in your loft? If it was a few years ago, then the chances are you’ll have very little or no loft insulation. The recommended amount of loft insulation is now 270mm (which is about 11 inches). Considering that you lose approximately 25% of your heat through the roof, loft insulation really is one of the most effective and economical ways to keep your home warm.

Renewable technologies This takes energy saving to the next level! There are several technologies well suited to individual households. Biomass

Heat pumps

The most common biomass fuels are logs, woodchip and pellets (below). Stoves are generally used as room heaters alongside a central heating system run on gas or oil, but they can be fitted with back boilers to supply or top up hot water. Modern stoves and boilers are typically 80-90% efficient because they are more controlled than open fires (where as much as 85% of heat is lost up the chimney). Biomass systems get close to being carbon neutral as the CO2 released during burning is balanced by the amount absorbed during growth of the plant or tree.

If you have a well-insulated home you could consider a heat pump. These work like fridges in reverse, drawing latent heat from the air, the ground or a body of water. A range of factors influence how much money and CO2 a heat pump will save. This includes whether you use renewable energy for powering the pump.

Solar hot water Ideal for those with south-facing, un-shaded roof space. Different to solar PV, these panels are linked to your hot water system. Depending on your hot water requirements the panels may generate more than enough hot water for you in the summer months. You may be able to claim the Renewable Heat Incentive if you have a solar hot water system. For further information on the Renewable Heat Incentive see

Solar PV Ideal if you have a south-facing, unshaded roof space. These panels use the sun’s energy to generate electricity. By having solar PV panels you’ll reduce your electricity bill and be paid for the electricity you produce via the feed-in tariff, regardless of whether you use it yourself or export it to the grid. For further information, see

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Somerset West Home Energy is a partnership between the Centre for Sustainable Energy, Scottish & Southern Energy and the district councils of West Somerset, Taunton Deane and Sedgemoor.

3 St Peter’s Court Bedminster Parade Bristol BS3 4AQ

0117 934 1400 [email protected] charity 298740

We are a national charity that helps people change the way they think and act on energy.