The school feeds into three middle schools - Colleyville, Cross Timbers, and Heritage. It also feeds into both high scho
Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Heritage Elementary 2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plan
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Mission Statement Heritage Elementary School's mission is to focus on the unique characteristics of each student to create self-directed learners who are empowered to collaborate in a risk-free environment through purposeful learning to achieve improved performance in all student groups.
Vision In partnership with the community, Heritage Elementary School will promote a climate of academic excellence while developing the social and emotional potential of every child.
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Demographics Demographics Summary Heritage Elementary School is located in Grapevine, Texas. The campus is unique as the dividing line between the cities of Grapevine and Colleyville goes straight through the school. The school feeds into three middle schools - Colleyville, Cross Timbers, and Heritage. It also feeds into both high schools Colleyville Heritage and Grapevine. As of September 12, 2013, the total student population is 450. This enrollment number is consistent with previous years. While students move in and out during the school year, the campus does not have a high mobility rate. Students attending Heritage Elementary School are predominately White. There is a large number of Asian American and Arab American students, and the Hispanic population is steadily increasing. The Economically Disadvantaged percentage at Heritage continues to increase from year to year due to the changing demographics of the students. The number of students identified as English Language Learners averages between ten to fifteen students each year. Demographics Strengths The Attendance Rate at Heritage Elementary School is 97.3%. A campus focus on attendance and tardies has caused all stakeholders - students, parents, and staff - to be more conscious of the importance of attending school every day. "No Tardy Parties" are awarded on a weekly basis to classrooms with students arriving on time all week. While the demographics of the student population has changed over the last five years, the school continues to have high parental involvement. The PTA is extremely supportive of the teachers and their work in the classrooms. Parent volunteers are visible daily working with small groups of students and completing special projects. The Watch D.O.G.S. program that began six years ago has made a tremendous impact. The students and staff love having the dads at school!
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Student Achievement Student Achievement Summary Heritage Elementary School is identified as "Meeting Standard" by the Texas Education Agency. Distinction Designations were earned in Academic Achievement in Reading/English Language Arts and 25% Closing Performance Gaps. HES is also a No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon School (2006) and a Lighthouse Blue Ribbon School (2008). Student achievement is measured through analysis of data from DRA2, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), and the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR). During the transition from TAKS to STAAR, the campus will focus on the STAAR results from the 2011 - 2012 school year as the data reveals beneficial information. The recent AYP Report indicated the following results in Reading: All Students Tested = 244, All Students Meeting Standard = 239 (98%) By Student Groups, the AYP Report indicated the following results in Reading: African American Students Tested = 6, African American Students Meeting Standard = 6 (100%) Hispanic Students Tested = 23, Hispanic Students Meeting Standard = 23 (100%) White Students Tested = 165, White Students Meeting Standard = 161 (98%) Economically Disadvantaged Students Tested = 15, Economically Disadvantaged Students Meeting Standard = 15 (100%) Special Education Students Tested = 11, Special Education Students Meeting Standard = 9 (82%) LEP Students Tested = 4, LEP Students Meeting Standard = 3 (75%) The recent AYP Report indicated the following results in Math: All Students Tested = 246, All Students Meeting Standard = 243 (99%) By Student Groups, the AYP Report indicated the following results in Math: African American Students Tested = 6, African American Students Meeting Standard = 6 (100%) Heritage Elementary Generated by
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Hispanic Students Tested = 23, Hispanic Students Meeting Standard = 22 (96%) White Students Tested = 167, White Students Meeting Standard = 165 (99%) Economically Disadvantaged Students Tested = 15, Economically Disadvantaged Students Meeting Standard = 15 (100%) Special Education Students Tested = 11, Special Education Students Meeting Standard = 10 (91%) LEP Students Tested = 4, LEP Students Meeting Standard = 3 (75%) While the state has not determined the passing standard for the new assessment, the AYP results indicate reasons to celebrate as well as opportunities for growth. Student Achievement Strengths Heritage Elementary School celebrates a number of strengths. Student performance on both the Reading and Math STAAR was above the required AYP standard in both subjects. All African American students passed both tests as well as all Economically Disadvantaged students. Also, all Hispanic students passed the Reading STAAR. While these three student groups are not recognized as a student group on campus based on size, they do count toward the district results. Performance of these student groups shows a concentrated effort by the teachers to meet the educational needs of all students at Heritage Elementary School.
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School Culture and Climate School Culture and Climate Summary Based on informal observations and parent feedback, Heritage Elementary School has a positive school climate. Students, parents, and staff are happy and excited about coming to school. Parents are on campus daily volunteering in classrooms, and the Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) program has yielded positive results for everyone. Parents have completed an online survey through K12 Insight the last two years. 155 parents completed the survey during the 2011 - 2012 school year. 97% of parents responded that they feel welcome at school, and 95% of parents felt they were adequately informed about campus activities. Survey results also indicated that 94% of students enjoy coming to school. 99% of parents responded that their child feels safe at school with 96% of parents believing the school has clearly defined student behavioral expectations. 76% of parents indicated that students do not threaten or bully each other at this school, and 72% of parents believed incidents involving bullying were handled promptly. Students at Heritage Elementary School participate in Rachel's Challenge annually with guidance lessons taught by the counselor. Students, parents, and staff are reminded daily to demonstrate kindness and compassion to others, and the monthly character education theme from Project Wisdom is on display in all classrooms. School Culture and Climate Strengths The theme at Heritage Elementary School for the 2012 - 2013 is "Team Heritage." A pledge was created this year that the students and staff recite on the daily KHES News. The pledge states: "Today I will respect myself; I will respect Every student; I will respect Adults; I will respect My school. I am Team Heritage. We are Team Heritage." At HES, everyone is a team. Teachers may work with a group of students, but all staff members are responsible for every student. The staff is committed to doing whatever it takes for students to be successful. They value the importance of building relationships with students as these relationships directly impact student achievement. Campus administrators are highly visible on campus before, during, and after school to promote learning and ensure student safety. In addition to operating as a team, the staff comments that they are a "family." Heritage Elementary School is a wonderful place for people to work, parents to volunteer, and students to learn. Heritage Elementary Generated by
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Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Summary The Heritage Elementary School staff ranges in age, personal background, and professional experience. During the 2012 - 2013 school year, the staff breakdown is as follows: Administrators = 2 Office Staff = 2 Nurse = 1 Counselor = 1 Librarian = 1 Learning Liaison = 1 Kindergarten = 3 First Grade = 4 Second Grade = 4 Third Grade = 4 Fourth Grade = 4 Fifth Grade = 4 Special Needs Staff = 8 (3 Teachers, 3 Paraprofessionals, PALS Teacher, PALS Assistant) Special Area Staff = 9 (P. E., P. E. Assistant, Music, Art, Spanish, Gifted Specialist, ESL Specialist, Reading Specialist, Campus Technician) Centrally Deployed Staff = 5 (Diagnostician, Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Music Therapy, Adaptive P. E.) Heritage Elementary Generated by
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There are no new teachers for the 2012 - 2013 school year. A Special Needs Teacher was added from another campus this year, and two Special Needs Paraprofessionals were hired to replace existing positions from the previous school year. The Reading Specialist, Campus Technician, Speech Therapist, and Adaptive P. E. Teacher are new, and these positions were hired at the district level. The addition of a Learning Liaison has been beneficial for students and teachers. Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Strengths Heritage Elementary School staff are highly qualified according to the requirements of No Child Left Behind. The staff remains stable with little turnover. Five classroom teachers were reassigned to new grade levels for the 2012 - 2013 school in an effort to foster communication, increase student achievement, and build team relationships. A significant number of teachers have advanced college degrees. All staff members are committed to professional learning to increase their knowledge and skills. Vertical team meetings once per nine weeks as well as PLC time during the school year promotes shared learning and collaboration.
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Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Summary The teachers at Heritage Elementary School align instruction based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as well as the GCISD Curriculum. They are committed to LEAD 2021 and moving from a teaching to a learning platform. Teachers work tirelessly to follow the curriculum, ensure vertical alignment across grade levels, and provide high quality instruction. They also implement strategies promoting rigor and complexity as well as ongoing formative assessment strategies. The Learning Liaison serves as a resource for Curriculum and Instruction. This position also oversees the work of PLCs as grade levels and content areas plan, prepare, and evaluate lessons and review assessment data. Curriculum standards and student performance are monitored through informal walk-throughs and formal observations. Academic Support Committee (ASC) Meetings are held during the school year to discuss student achievement. Intervention plans are developed for students needing assistance with mastering the curriculum. Discussions with the Gifted Specialist also provides opportunities for extension and differentiation. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Strengths Students and staff continue to be challenged and motivated to meet the demands of LEAD 2021 and STAAR. Teacher knowledge continues to increase as they increase their understanding about the depth and rigor of the curriculum as well as the importance of college readiness. Students appear more engaged and thinking at a higher level than previous years. The teachers and staff recognize the importance of conversations and observations during Vertical Team Meetings as they understand the curriculum standards build from one year to the next. These conversations are also necessary to build effectiveness in PLCs. Thirty-four staff members have attended Assessing for Learning. This professional development required staff members to be absent from classroom instruction three times during the school year. Their attendance demonstrates their ongoing commitment toward the students and their success at Heritage Elementary School. All staff truly understand the importance of formative assessment and its impact on lesson design and student achievement. While data from MAP and STAAR indicates student performance is above the state average, the campus realizes there is more that can be accomplished this year.
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Family and Community Involvement Family and Community Involvement Summary Heritage Elementary School is blessed with strong family and community support. Parents, grandparents, and guardians desire a strong partnership with the school, and they participate in a variety of ways. The school has an active PTA and a dynamic Watch D.O.G.S. program. Both of these organizations promote family involvement and student support. Results from the recent Parent Survey from the 2011 - 2012 school year were very positive. 155 participants responded to questions related to a variety of topics. Topics included the school, its climate, communication, and curriculum. 95% of respondents indicated they were informed about activities at Heritage Elementary School, and 99% believed they had opportunities to volunteer. Responses also revealed that communication provided through school and teacher newsletters as well as the campus and teacher websites provided adequate information about learning opportunities and activities on campus. More than 80% agreed or strongly agreed that their child's teacher communicated high expectations for learning as well as the opportunity to think creatively and work collaboratively. HES Family Nights are held once a month at local restaurants. These Family Nights provide the opportunity for parents, students, and staff to socialize outside of school. They also raise additional funds for the Campus Activity Budget. Family and Community Involvement Strengths Every staff member understands the importance of family and community involvement at Heritage Elementary School. Parents and Guardians are always welcome on campus and in classrooms. Teachers invite parents to help with reading groups, math tutorials, special projects, and field trips. Events are held during the school year to encourage participation such as Meet the Teacher Night, Curriculum Night, Open House, Book Fair Family Nights, Fitness Fridays, and Field Day. New events this year include Career Day in November and Family Technology Night in January. The annual Veterans Day Celebration in November continues to grow in attendance with families, community members, and special guests. Student performances at various times during the school year are always well attended. In addition, the PTA provides opportunities for family involvement. Annual events include the Fall Festival in November, Breakfast with Santa in December, and the Spring Fling in April. Special events such as Donuts with Dads, Muffins for Moms, and Holiday House also encourage attendance. The Library has a Parent Resource Center courtesy of the PTA and HES to assist parents on a variety of topics. Finally, monthly Family Nights at local restaurants provide opportunities for families to socialize and get to know each other better. It also promotes HES spirit. Funds from these events are used to purchase technology equipment and instructional materials for classrooms. Over $5,000 was raised from Family Nights during the 2011 - 2012 school year. To date, HES has raised $900 this year.
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School Context and Organization School Context and Organization Summary Heritage Elementary School is organized and well-managed. Campus operations, school procedures, and daily routines are orderly and promote the safety and well-being of all students. Staff members are on duty to supervise students before school as well as after school. Based on the parent survey from 2011 - 2012, 99% of parents responded that their child feels safe at school with 96% of parents believing the school has clearly defined student behavioral expectations. 82% of parents indicated discipline is consistent for all students at school with 78% believing that discipline is applied fairly to all students. 76% of parents indicated that students do not threaten or bully each other at this school, and 72% of parents believed incidents involving bullying were handled promptly. Reported bullying in prior years has identified nonstructured times (cafeteria, recess, and restrooms) as the areas of the building when incidents occur. In an effort to ensure student safety, the Campus Excellence Committee approved changes in arrival procedures beginning with the 2012 - 2013 school year. The changes were communicated to parents by letter at Meet the Teacher Night. The change in start and end times by GCISD several years ago has decreased traffic flow. Inclement weather causes occasional problems, but overall traffic moves well. School Context and Organization Strengths As mentioned previously, the students, parents, and staff have a positive attitude and feelings toward Heritage Elementary School. Everyone cares about each other, and they are united as an HES Family. The Heritage Elementary School staff are involved in the development of school rules and campus expectations. These rules and expectations adhere to the GCISD Student/Parent Handbook and Student Code of Conduct. The Campus Management Team and Campus Excellence Committee also serve as resources when new ideas and changes are considered at school. PLCs also provide an opportunity to discuss student achievement as well as the overall welfare of the students.
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Technology Technology Summary Technology is a priority for everyone associated with Heritage Elementary School. Campus administrators, teachers, and staff understand that technology must be an integral part of the educational process. Heritage has two computer labs that are used by all students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. The campus also has one cart with a class set of netbooks available for checkout on a daily basis. Grade level teachers have a document camera, projector, and air slate. They also have computers in their classrooms. Fourth and Fifth Grade teachers have three laptops for student use in the classrooms. Each grade level has two sets of ActivExpressions and Senteo Classroom Response Systems designated for them. Flip cameras, digital cameras, and iTouches are available for checkout. There are five Digital Classrooms at HES. There is one in each grade level (First through Fifth). These classrooms are equipped with class sets of iPads and six MacBook Airs. Each grade level has five iPads designated for student use daily. These iPads were purchased by the PTA during the 2011 - 2012 school year, and funds from the school's Dash 4 Cash were used to purchase the cases, warranties, and apps. Technology Strengths Teachers are knowledgeable about the use of their document cameras, projectors, and air slates. They have worked together to understand the use of ActivExpressions and Senteos. Teachers and staff have also supported each other on iPads and the many opportunities available for teacher instruction and student use. The five Digital Classroom teachers presented a Digital Showcase during campus staff development in August to share resources with all staff members. Resources included Project Share and Common Sense Media. To promote technology integration, QR codes were attached to class lists on Meet the Teacher Night. QR codes are also on display for staff members throughout the building.
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis: Improvement Planning Data District goals Campus goals Current and/or prior year(s) campus and/or district improvement plans Campus and/or district planning and decision making committee(s) meeting data State and federal planning requirements Accountability Data Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data Federal Report Card Data Student Data: Assessments State and federally required assessment information (e.g. curriculum, eligibility, format, standards, accommodations, TEA information) State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) results Local diagnostic reading assessment data Local diagnostic math assessment data Local benchmark or common assessments data Running Records results Observation Survey results Student Data: Student Groups Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress between groups Number of students assigned to each special program, including analysis of academic achievement, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Male / Female performance and participation data Special education population, including performance, discipline, attendance, and mobility At-Risk population, including performance, discipline, attendance, and mobility ELL or LEP data, including academic achievement, support and accommodation needs, race, ethnicity, gender, etc. Section 504 data Gifted and talented data Dyslexia Data Response to Intervention (RtI) student achievement data Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators Heritage Elementary Generated by
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Attendance data Discipline records Employee Data Professional learning communities (PLC) data Staff surveys and/or other feedback Campus leadership data Campus department and/or faculty meeting discussions and data Professional development needs assessment data PDAS and/or T-TESS Parent/Community Data Parent surveys and/or other feedback Support Systems and Other Data Budgets/entitlements and expenditures data Study of best practices
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Goals Goal 1: LEAD 2021 Curriculum Strategy: We will transform from a teaching platform to a learning platform by designing engaging, differentiated work for students toward the accomplishment of the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 1: 100% of Heritage Elementary School teachers will participate in professional learning through PLCs, workshops, and other opportunities that support the instruction of gifted students. Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Summative Evaluation 1: Strategy Description
1) The Gifted Specialist will provide job-embedded professional learning through PLCs and E2: Enrichment and Extension support to assist teachers in designing and facilitating rigorous and differentiated instruction for all students needing additional challenge in the classrooms.
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Teachers
PLC Minutes, Lesson Plans, Student Work
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
GT LEAD, Professional Development Sign in Sheets 2) Heritage Elementary School teachers who provide Administration instruction and services as part of the program for gifted students will meet the Texas State Plan for the Gifted Professional Learning requirements as determined by 19 TAC Funding Sources: 199 - General Fund - $0.00 89.2. 3) The Gifted Specialist will increase awareness of opportunities for gifted and talented identification and services. = Accomplished
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GT Lead, Administration
= Continue/Modify
Parent Meeting in Fall and Spring, Communication through newsletters
= Considerable
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= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
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Goal 1: LEAD 2021 Curriculum Strategy: We will transform from a teaching platform to a learning platform by designing engaging, differentiated work for students toward the accomplishment of the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 2: All students will have access to a rigorous curriculum by providing opportunities for acceleration through Math Telescoping, Grade Level Acceleration Exams, and Credit by Examinations. Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Summative Evaluation 2: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant 1) All parents and students will receive information about telescoping and grade level Credit by Examinations so they are Principal, Counselor, Gifted Specialist, aware of the opportunities to advance academic levels. Teachers 2) All teachers will promote gifted and talented identification Principal, Assistant opportunities via campus digital and written communication to Principal. Gifted Specialist, Teachers all students and parents. 3) The Gifted Specialist will provide information to all new students and parents regarding the gifted and talented identification process within thirty days of enrollment. = Accomplished
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Principal, Assistant Principal. Gifted Specialist, Teachers
= Continue/Modify
Campus Newsletters, District Information, Student/Parent Feedback
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Campus Newsletters, District Information, HES Digital Marquee Campus Newsletters, District Information
= Considerable
17 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
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Goal 1: LEAD 2021 Curriculum Strategy: We will transform from a teaching platform to a learning platform by designing engaging, differentiated work for students toward the accomplishment of the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 3: Heritage Elementary School students will receive differentiated instruction through personalized learning time. Evaluation Data Source(s) 3: Summative Evaluation 3: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant 1) Teachers will utilize Best Instructional Practices such as curriculum based assessments, differentiated instruction, math Principal, Learning Liaison, Teachers workshop, and guided reading groups. 2) Teachers in Grades K-5 will provide curriculum extension opportunities and RTI to students during daily personalized learning time.
= Accomplished
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Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Gifted Specialist, Librarian, Teachers
= Continue/Modify
Grades K-5 iStation Results (Beginning, Middle, and End of Year) as well as prior year Data, Student Goal Sheets, Lesson Plans
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Minutes from PLC Meetings, Lesson Plans
= Considerable
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= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
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Goal 1: LEAD 2021 Curriculum Strategy: We will transform from a teaching platform to a learning platform by designing engaging, differentiated work for students toward the accomplishment of the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 4: 100% of Heritage Elementary School instructional staff will be engaged participants in Professional Learning Communities to increase student achievement and engagement. Evaluation Data Source(s) 4: Summative Evaluation 4: Strategy Description
1) PLCs will use qualitative and quantitative data to analyze student performance and differentiate instruction. 2) Teachers will evaluate the Professional Learning Communities process annually. 3) Each PLC will utilize the four critical questions: What is it we expect students to learn?; How will we know when students have learned it?; How will we respond when students don't learn?; How will we respond when students already know it?. = Accomplished
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Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Teachers Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Teachers Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Gifted Specialist, Teachers
= Continue/Modify
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
PLC Minutes, Common Formative Assessments, Curriculum Based Assessments, Lesson Plans, Student Work Staff Feedback Sign-in Sheet from Training, Staff Transcripts, Eduphoria Staff Report
= Considerable
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= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
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Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 1: We will work with staff to solicit student input (student voice) to promote student engagement. Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Summative Evaluation 1: Strategy Description
1) Teachers will participate in schoolwide professional opportunities that will assist with implementation of student voice. = Accomplished
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Administration, Learning Liaison
= Continue/Modify
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact Agendas, Feedback
= Considerable
20 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
= Discontinue
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Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 2: 100% of Heritage Elementary School students in Grades K-5 will write personalized goals using the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model. Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Summative Evaluation 2: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant 1) Teachers and students will be trained on the goal setting process, including how to read, interpret, and use performance Principal, Learning data as well as make improvements or enrichment in student Liaison, Teachers success.
Student Goal Sheets from Beginning, Middle, and End of Year
2) Students will write personal learning goals using the Plan- Principal, Assistant Do-Study-Act model at the beginning, middle, and end of the Principal, Learning Liaison, Teachers school year.
Student Goal Sheets from Beginning, Middle, and End of Year
3) Teachers and students will conference with parents once during the fall and spring semester to explain their personal learning goals.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers
Student Goal Sheets from Beginning, Middle and End of Year, Parent/Teacher Conference Documentation Forms
4) Teachers and students will create e-portfolios for data collection and assistance with the goal-setting process.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Teachers
Student Goal Sheets from Beginning, Middle, and End of Year
= Accomplished
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= Continue/Modify
= Considerable
21 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
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= Discontinue
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Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 3: 100% of Heritage Elementary School staff will monitor individual student progress through procedures outlined in RtI documents. Evaluation Data Source(s) 3: Summative Evaluation 3: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
1) Staff will collect universal screening data using iStation so Principal, Assistant PLC and RtI committees can review students, collaborate on Principal, Counselor, additional strategies, and monitor students with skill deficits. Literacy Intervention Specialist, Teachers, Staff = Accomplished
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= Continue/Modify
Assessment Data, PLC Minutes, RtI Committee Meeting Minutes
= Considerable
22 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
= Discontinue
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Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 4: We will follow all dyslexia screening and assessment procedures according to district guidelines. Evaluation Data Source(s) 4: Summative Evaluation 4: Strategy Description
1) The RtI Committee will consider dyslexia characteristics and make referrals for screening and assessments.
2) The Campus 504 Coordinator will work with the GCISD Dyslexia Assessment Coordinator to ensure proper timelines and procedures are followed.
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Literacy Intervention Teacher, Teachers, Staff Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Literacy Intervention Teacher, Teachers, Staff
= Continue/Modify
Assessment Data, RtI Committee Meeting Minutes
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
RtI Committee Meeting Minutes, Staff Feedback
= Considerable
23 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
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Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 5: The Literacy Intervention Teacher (LIT) will provide support to students according to the spectrum of dyslexia needs. Evaluation Data Source(s) 5: Summative Evaluation 5: Strategy Description
1) The Literacy Intervention Teacher schedule will be designed in such a way that all identified students receive the services they need. 2) The Literacy Intervention Teacher will participate in comprehensive professional learning that takes place both centrally and in certain campus-based activities. 3) The Literacy Intervention Teacher will communicate with parents about student progress on a nine week basis. 4) The Literacy Intervention Teacher will support the transition of students from dyslexia intervention and regular classroom instruction.
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Literacy Intervention Teacher, Teachers, Staff Principal, Assistant Principal, Literacy Intervention Teacher
Lesson Plans, Staff Schedules, Staff Feedback
Principal, Assistant Principal, Literacy Intervention Teacher Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Literacy Intervention Teacher, Teachers, Staff
Report Cards, Staff Feedback, Parent Feedback
= Continue/Modify
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Sheet from Training, Staff Transcript
Parent Feedback, Student Feedback, Staff Feedback
= Considerable
24 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 6: 100% of Heritage Elementary School staff will participate in professional development experiences to develop empathy about students with learning differences and gain skills in reading intervention. Evaluation Data Source(s) 6: Summative Evaluation 6: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Literacy Intervention Teacher, Teachers, Staff Principal, Assistant 2) All staff members will work with the Campus 504 Coordinator and Counselor to ensure specific accommodations Principal, Counselor, Literacy Intervention are implemented. Teacher, Teachers, Staff 3) All staff members will communicate with students to create Principal, Assistant a safe atmosphere for self-advocacy related to learning needs Principal, Counselor, Literacy Intervention and accommodations. Teacher, Teachers, Staff 1) New staff members will participate in the Shelton School Level I dyslexia simulations.
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
Sheet from Training, Staff Transcripts
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
504 Meeting Agendas, 504 Meeting Minutes
Staff Feedback, Student Feedback
= Considerable
25 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 7: 100% of Heritage Elementary School students in Grade 5 will receive transition support designed to facilitate a successful transition to middle school. Evaluation Data Source(s) 7: Summative Evaluation 7: Strategy Description
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
1) A Grade 5 student support team will be created to help with Teachers, Elementary Student/Parent Feedback and Middle School the transition from elementary to middle school. Counselors, Students, Parents/Guardians Principal, Assistant Student/Parent Feedback 2) Fifth grade students will participate in an informational Principal, Counselor, meeting with middle school campuses counselors. Middle School Counselors, Fifth Grade Teachers Fifth Grade Teachers, Student Information Sheets 3) Staff will coordinate a meeting to complete information Counselor sheets for outgoing fifth grade students. 4) Learning Platform Rubric Guiding Principle III: Fifth grade teachers will use AVID strategies with students to improve student achievement and align instruction with college readiness standards. = Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Counselor, Fifth Grade Teachers
= Continue/Modify
Student Goal Sheets from Beginning, Middle, and End of Year, Lesson Plans, Feedback from Learning Liaison
= Considerable
26 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 8: All students will be exposed to the different opportunities available through fine arts and athletics programs at the secondary level to increase participation in middle school. Evaluation Data Source(s) 8: Summative Evaluation 8: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant 1) All students will experience performances from the secondary fine arts programs at various times during the year. Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff = Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
HES Master Calendar, Student/Parent Feedback
= Considerable
27 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 9: Heritage Elementary School students in Grades K-5 will participate in one or more campus activities. Evaluation Data Source(s) 9: Summative Evaluation 9: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
1) Staff will promote participation in all campus activities with Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, informational meetings with students and parents. Teachers, PTA 2) A calendar of campus activities will be published through Principal, Assistant Schoolwires and teacher/parent communication to encourage Principal, Campus Website Liaison, student participation. Teachers, PTA Principal, Assistant 3) Campus activities such as KC Club, Eagle Choir, and Garden Club will be planned on different days of the week to Principal, Teachers, Staff provide opportunities for students to participate. = Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Student/Teacher Feedback Student/Teacher Feedback, Parent Survey
Student Participation, Student/Teacher Feedback, Parent Survey
= Considerable
28 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 10: Heritage Elementary School students will be actively involved in a community and/or service project. Evaluation Data Source(s) 10: Summative Evaluation 10: Strategy Description
1) Staff will develop and schedule a list of community and/or service projects available to HES students and parents. 2) Staff will promote participation in community and/or service projects through various forms of communication. 3) Community and/or service projects will be featured on the HES Morning Show and Heritage Elementary School Yearbook to highlight and promote participation. = Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers, PTA Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff, PTA Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff, PTA
= Continue/Modify
Parent and Student Participation as well as Feedback, Review of Projects by Administration and Teachers, PTA Meeting Minutes
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Student/Parent Feedback, Parent Survey Student Participation, Student/Parent Feedback, Parent Survey
= Considerable
29 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 2: LEAD 2021 Learning Plan Strategy - We will facilitate a process that carries out the development, implementation, and realization of a personal learning plan that includes goals within the areas of academics, campus activities, and workforce/community involvement for every student to accomplish the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 11: 100% of Heritage Elementary School staff will be actively involved in the campus improvement plan for supporting the social and emotional growth of students. Evaluation Data Source(s) 11: Summative Evaluation 11: Strategy Description
1) Staff will promote Rachel's Challenge and the GCISD Honor Code to train staff on the campus and district expectations of the programs.
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff
Sign-in sheet from Training, Pictures of School and District Events, Record of Counselor Lessons, KC Club Events
Principal, Assistant 2) All staff will be trained to identify bullying as defined in FFI (LOCAL) and then respond/conduct investigations as well Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff as summarize findings including action taken.
Sheet from Training, Counselor Lessons, Newsletters
Principal, Assistant 3) Monthly character trait focus will be implemented throughout the year and will be highlighted each month on the Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff morning show, circle up, mystery readers and newsletters.
Less office referrals, feedback from student and parents
4) Students will be offered activities and lessons on selfesteem. Students will create and set social/emotional goals with action steps.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff
Samples of Student Social/Emotional Goal Sheets with Action Steps
5) All staff will implement Restorative Practices to reduce misbehavior, bullying and violence among students, and improve the overall climate of learning.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teachers, Staff
Sign-in sheet from Training, Lesson Plans, Counselor Lessons, Documentation from Teachers and Staff, Stakeholder Feedback
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
= Considerable
30 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 3: LEAD 2021 Personnel Strategy - We will purposefully hire, continually train, and hold accountable all GCISD staff to ensure the fulfillment of the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 1: Develop quality leadership skills by implementing a HES hiring committee. Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Summative Evaluation 1: Strategy Description
1) Teachers will participate in 2 professional development opportunities in order to establish best practices in hiring/recruiting new teachers to HES. = Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact Highly qualified staff, Leadership opportunities for teachers
= Considerable
31 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 4: LEAD 2021 Communications Strategy: We will create a plan that customizes communication methods and messages for students, parents, teachers, administration, and community to communicate and support the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 1: 100% of parents representing all student populations will have access to timely and accurate information regarding Heritage Elementary School. Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Summative Evaluation 1: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
1) All teachers in Grades K-5 will develop an email group to Principal, Assistant send communication to parents and guardians during the year. Principal, Teachers
Parent/Teacher Feedback, Parent Survey
2) An HES Facebook page will be created and monitored to provide an additional form of communication for parents and guardians.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers, Staff, PTA
Parent/Teacher Feedback, Parent Survey
3) An HES Twitter account will be created and monitored to provide an additional form of communication for parents and guardians.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers, Staff, PTA
Parent/Teacher Feedback, Parent Survey
4) The outside building marquee will display campus events for parents as well as the community to view on a weekly basis.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Administrative Assistant, Custodian
Parent/Teacher Feedback, Parent Survey
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
= Considerable
32 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 4: LEAD 2021 Communications Strategy: We will create a plan that customizes communication methods and messages for students, parents, teachers, administration, and community to communicate and support the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 2: 100% of Heritage Elementary School staff will design a personal website with general school and individual information. Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Summative Evaluation 2: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
1) A Campus Website Liaison will be appointed to design and Principal, Assistant Principal, Librarian maintain the HES campus website.
Parent Feedback, Staff Feedback
Principal, Assistant Principal, Librarian
Parent Feedback, Staff Feedback
3) The HES Campus Website and HES Staff Websites will be Principal, Assistant Principal, Librarian, updated on an ongoing basis to provide accurate and timely Teachers, Staff information to parents and the community.
Parent Feedback, Staff Feedback
2) The Campus Website Liaison will participate in trainings during the school year and share information with staff on district and campus expectations.
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
= Considerable
33 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 4: LEAD 2021 Communications Strategy: We will create a plan that customizes communication methods and messages for students, parents, teachers, administration, and community to communicate and support the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 3: All parents will be provided the opportunity to participate as stakeholders in campus activities. Evaluation Data Source(s) 3: Summative Evaluation 3: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
1) Staff will create and/or support opportunities for parental involvement such as Curriculum Night, Book Fair Family Night, PTA Family Activities, etc.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers, Staff, PTA
Sheets, Agendas
2) Parents will be provided information regarding school activities utilizing a variety of media.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers, PTA Principal, Assistant Principal, Administrative Assistant
Parent Survey, Parent Feedback
3) Parents will have the opportunity to provide ongoing feedback using Let's Talk!.
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Parent Survey, Parent Feedback
= Considerable
34 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 5: LEAD 2021 Technology Strategy: We will integrate technology, including student mobile wireless computing devices, into every aspect of the student academic experience to support the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 1: 100% of Heritage Elementary School Teachers and staff will incorporate technology during classroom instruction. Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Summative Evaluation 1: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
Principal, Assistant Principal, Learning Liaison, Digital Coaches 2) Teachers will have access to document cameras, projectors, Principal, Assistant computers, laptops, and Ipads to use when designing engaging Principal, Learning Liaison, Campus work for students. Technician 1) Teachers will participate in ongoing monthly professional development during PLC's (Digital PLC).
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
Agendas, Lesson Plans, Walk Through Data
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
Lesson Plans, Walk Through Data
= Considerable
35 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Goal 5: LEAD 2021 Technology Strategy: We will integrate technology, including student mobile wireless computing devices, into every aspect of the student academic experience to support the GCISD mission and strategic objectives. Performance Objective 2: 100% of Heritage Elementary School students will have access to ipads and additional technology during daily instruction. Evaluation Data Source(s) 2: Summative Evaluation 2: Strategy Description
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact
1) 5th grade students at Heritage will have the opportunity to take their devices home.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers
Parent/Student Feedback
2) 100% of Heritage students will have the opportunity to extend their learning through google expedition and 3D printing.
Librarian, Principal
Student Feedback
= Accomplished
Heritage Elementary Generated by
= Continue/Modify
= Considerable
36 of 37
= Some Progress
= No Progress
Reviews Formative Summative Nov Jan Mar June
= Discontinue
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm
Campus Funding Summary 199 - General Fund Goal
Heritage Elementary Generated by
Resources Needed
Account Code
37 of 37
Grand Total
Campus #107 January 19, 2018 4:28 pm