Higher order communicating processes with Value ... - Semantic Scholar

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Hennessy, thus an extended CCS without v's version for handling input, output, communication, assignment and return of results. Furthermore a semantics for a ...
Higher Order Communicating Processes with Value-Passing Assignment and Return of Results * Dominique BOLIGNANO and Mourad DEBABI Bull Corporate Research Center, Rue Jean Jaurfis, 78340 Les Clayes-Sous-Bois, FRANCE [email protected], [email protected] A b s t r a c t . Our intent in this paper is to present a denotational model that supports both data and concurrency description. Data can be pure (concurrency free data such as literals) or processes. Concurrency is supported through processes that may communicate data and thus possibly processes through channels. Processes are thus sa~d:higher order communicating processes. Functions axe considered as processes that take their parameters, access some store~ communicate on some channels and return some result. The model can be viewed as an extension of the VPLA language (Value-Passing Language with Assignment) proposed initially by Hennessy, thus an extended CCS without v's version for handling input, output, communication, assignment and return of results. Furthermore a semantics for a useful set of combinators is defined. A significant subgoal is to investigate the algebraic properties of the model.



Lately, a great deal of interest has been expressed in concurrency and data description. By description we mean either specification or programming. This interest is motivated by the awareness, that a mature description language, for real, thus complex, distributed systems must provide a framework for describing the two aspects of such a system: control and data. This gave rise to a class of languages which are intended to satisfy such a requirement. One proposal is based on the combination of a process algebra such as CCS [15] [16] or CSP [12], together with a formalism supporting data abstraction such as ACT-ONE [5], VDM [1] or programming languages such as ML [18]. Good representatives of this approach are LOTOS [3], RSL [7], CML [19] and FACILE [6]. Most of these languages except RSL (RAISE Specification Language) are forreally defined through an operational semantics. RSL comes with a denotational semantics [14] that is used in the extraction and the correction of its proof theory (axiomatic semantics). The work reported in this paper is relevant to the models * This work is supported in part by Esprit project LACOS.

320 underlying the RSL denotational description and their foundations. Our interest in these models is motivated by the fact that RSL, as a specification language, is quite expressive, thus the corresponding models are quite sophisticated. A great deal of work has been reported, in the literature, on semantic theories for "pure processes" i.e., processes whose communication form is restricted to just pure synchronization. But very little seems to have been developed about processes which may Mso perform transfer of data of possibly complex types between processes. Recently Hennessy and Ing61fsd6ttir [11], inspired by the original RSL denotational description [13], proposed a language called VPLA (Value-Passing Language with Assignment) which takes into account the latter requirement. In fact VPLA is an extension of a CCS without v's version [17] to handle input, output, communication and assignment. VPLA is based on the well behaved acceptances model [9] and provide a CCS semantics for CSP-like combinators as it will be detailed in the sequel of this paper. Inspired by our work on the foundations of RSL, the models that will be presented in this paper can be considered as an extension of the VPLA language. Indeed higher order processes are allowed in our framework, in other words, functions that are treated as a speciM kind of processes are allowed to be communicated along the channels. This feature, as we will see later in more details, complicates even more the construction of the process space. More accurately we will see that the classical methods for construction of reflexive domains are unavailing in this case. We will consider for that a method proposed by R.E.Milne [14] that relies on a combination of the static and the dynamic semantics. Notice Mso that our model, on the opposite of VPLA, enables one to write expressions of any type, that may return some results after their execution. The model described in this document is endowed with a useful set of p01ymorphic concurrency combinators whose semantics is inspired by [14]. This latter set is more rich than the VPLA one since it provides a sequencing operator rather than simple prefixing and a variant of the parallel combinator cMled "interlocking" used in implicit concurrency specification i.e., processes are specified through their interaction with some test processes. This article is organized as follows. The acceptances model is briefly recalled in the section 2. Then a first extension of the previous model is presented in the section 3, to handle input, output, communication, assignment and return of results. The existence of this concurrency model as well as its algebraic properties are then investigated. Section 4 is devoted to the semantics of some useful concurrency combinators. In section 5, the model is extended to allow higher order processes. The method is then illustrated and the algebraic properties investigated. FinMly a discussion about related works and further research is ultimately sketched as a conclusion. Along this presentation :P! will stand for the " finite" powerset (the set of finite sets), 7 ~ for the infinite powerset (the set of finite and infinite sets), A m~B for the set of all finite mappings (maps for short) from A to B, dora(m) for the domain of the mapping m and m t rnl for the overwriting of the map m with the map m ~. We also adopt the VDM notation Ix ~ y, ...] for defining


maps in extension. If x is a tuple then Iri(x) stands for the i th projection of z. 2




The acceptances model has been introduced in [9] and further explained in [10], as a denotationM model for CSP-like process Mgebras. In what follows, we will recall the abstract model of acceptances. Then an extension for covering input and output is presented as well as an adaptation for supporting imperative aspects. Hereafter, the intention is to recall briefly the general model of acceptances. Let Z be a set of events which the processes can perform. In the rest of this section , we need the notion of saturated sets. Thus a set `4 C 7~f (Z), is said to be saturated if it satisfies the following closures: 1. U `4 E `4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. A, B E `4 and A ___C C_ B implies C E `4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

union closure. convex closure.

The set of all saturated finite subsets of 7~f(Z), all saturated sets over Z, is denoted by sat(Z). Let c(`4) be the saturated closure of a set ,4 C 7~I(Z), defined as the least set which satisfies:

1. `4 c_ c(`4) 2. U`4 e c(`4) 3. A, B e c(`4) and A C_ C C_ B implies C E c(`4) The process space is then defined as:

Processes = {(m, S) I(m, S) e ((Z dom(m) = U s} u

Processes) • Sat(E)).

{• Thus Processes is a set of pairs that represent processes where the first component is an association (a map) between finitely many members of S and members of Processes whilst the second one is an acceptance set. Now, let us come back to the underlying intuition. A process can be modeled as a pair (m, S) which stipulates that the process is waiting to engage in one event, say e, chosen from dom(m), and once chosen, the process continues progressing as the process re(e). The choice of the event is governed by the corresponding acceptance set. In fact S stands for the set of the possible internal states that can be reached non-deterministically. The actions in a set A from S, are those which the process can perform when in that state. The special element _L corresponds to the most non-deterministic process, known in the literature as chaos. In other words it models divergent processes. We consider here a bounded non-determinism, so at any given time, a process can be waiting to participate in one of only finitely m a n y events. T h a t it is why dora(m) and the relevant internal states of an acceptance set are restricted to be finite.



Adapting the model

Our aim in this section, is to present the accommodation of the acceptances model, for handling input, output, communication and imperative aspects. Indeed, in a recent work, Hennessy and Ing61fsd6ttir [11], inspired by the original RSL denotational description [13], consider also an extension that takes into account the previously mentioned features. It should be noted that the model presented here is more general than Hennessy's model VPLA. In fact our concurrency model, on the opposite of VPLA, allows one to write expressions that may return results of any type. Also it comes with more concurrency combinators, for instance the interlocking operator skipped in this presentation only for space reasons. Also our model is equipped with a polymorphic sequencing operator rather than simple prefixing. Processes are able to perform one-to-one communications through unidirectional channels. For these reasons, the accommodated model make distinction between events in order to handle input and output. Thus, events are not simply assumed ranging over an alphabet ~ of actions, but are split into two categories according to their direction. So input and output events are distinguished and correspond respectively to inputs and outputs from certain channels. We also introduce a special event denoted by "~/~' (pronnounced tick) to signal the successful termination of a process. When such an event occurs the process immediately terminates and then returns some value. Another adaptation, due to communication and sequencing handling, consists in two kinds of sequel processes (or just sequels). In fact sequels are not simply identified, as previously, with processes, but are also classified according to the nature of the relevant event that just occurred. The sequel attached to an input communication is modeled as a A-abstraction that takes a value of the associated type of the channel, to some process that represents the continuation process, whilst an output sequel is modeled as a map (that associates some continuation processes to the values that may be communicated). As process execution may affect some accessed variables of a particular store, we will consider an outcome of a process execution to be a pair composed of a value and a store (as usual, a store can be viewed as a map from a set of locations to their corresponding values). Because typically processes may be non-deterministic, we will let them have sets of possible outcomes as results, in other words results become sets of pairs. More formally, the process space of the adapted model can be written as shown in figure 1. Notice that our process space is reflexive, in other words recursively defined. Hereafter we will prove its existence and investigate its algebraicity. From this point on, in order to lighten notations, we will use the notations S, V, D instead of S T O R E , Value and Processes. Hence, more abstractly our space can be written as: D = { ( R , I , O , A ) [ R E 7~1(S x V),

I e Gin ~ (V --* Processes), 0 E 57ou, m~(V re, Processes), A E ~ f ( ~ f ( , ~ i n ) X ~)I(Z~OU~)) Q condition) U {_1_)


Processes = { ( Result_Set, Input.Map, Output-Map, Acceptance_Set


Resul~..Set E P r ( S T O R E g Value), Input_Map E ,~i, w~ (Value --* Processes), O u t p u t . M a p E 2~o~ ~t (Value ~rc Processes),

Aeeept,*ee_Set e ~S(~S(~,.) x 7'f(~o+,) x ~'S({~/})) s Acceptance_Set ~ ~b ^ Sat(Acceptance_Set) ^ dora(Input_Map) = U{~rl(z) I z e Acceptance_Set} ^

dom(ou+pu~_Map) [.J(~2(~) I z e Acceptance-Set} ^ ~ / e U{~'s(Z) ] Z E Acceptance_Set} r R e s u l t . S e t 7s r x / e ~ J { r 3 ( z ) I z e Acceptance.Set} :~ (r r {~/}) e Acceptance_Set

} tJ

{• Where: ,~ = -~i,, U .~o~ U {~/) is the set of input and output events S T O R E stands for the set of possible stores. Value stands for the set of possible values. S a t ( E ) stands in this model for the following closure condition: V~ E E$

(-l(y) g U{-I(+) I 9 e E}. ^ +1(+) g +l(y)^ +2(+) g +2(~)^

Fig. 1. The process space

Hereafter, we will assume that the reader is familiar with domain theory [8] [20] and the general theory of [21]. We have a recursive domain specification of the form D = F ( D ) . It is straightforward that it is enough to prove the existence of the superspace obtained by dropping the predicate "condition". In order to establish the existence as well as the algebraicity of this superspace, we can show that our "tree " constructor F (in the process domain equation: D = F ( D ) ) can be turned into a continuous functor in the category of cpo's C P O and then define the process domain as the least fixpoint of the functor F (i.e. the initial object in the category of F-algebras). Afterwards, we have to prove that F preserve Mgebraicity. An alternative method, is to use the inverse limit construction of Scott [8] [20]. The construction is standard up to some technical details and the interested reader can refer to [2] for the detailed proof. Let us consider the following order on D:


1. V P E D , _ L E P 2. ( R , I , O , A ) E_ (R',I',O',A') iff: (a) R' C_R and A' C_A (b) dom(I') C_dora(I) and dom(O') C. dora(O) (c) v~ e dom(• 9 z(=) _< z'(~) ie: v~ e v 9 z(~)(v) _E z'(~)(~) (d) Vy E dom(O') 9 O(y) < O'(v) ie : dom(O'(y)) C_ dom(O(y)) A Vv E dom(O'(y)).O(y)(v) E_ O'(y)(v) In the following some propositions whose detailed proofs are given in [2] C o r o l l a r y 1. (D, E) is a complete partial order (cpo). The following result is about the compact (or finite or isolated) elements of D. P r o p o s i t i o n 2. Let:

K = [VI(S • V)• Zin w~ (V 7-~K) x

2o,,, ~ (V ~ K ) x

v:(~,:(E.,)x ~,:(Zo,.)) ] u{J_}

where 7-* stands for the total function constructor which satisfies: f E A 7-~B r {zlf(x ) # _l_} e :Py(A). Let C(D) denote the elements of finite depth of K. C(D)

is then the set of compact elements olD. P r o p o s i t i o n 3 . D is an algebraic cpo. Notice that provided that V is countable, one can prove that D is a Scottdomain, since D is an algebraic cpo and the set of the compact elements is then countable. 4




The semantic technique that will be presented hereafter, takes its origin in De Nicola and Hennessy's work on "CCS without r's" [17]. In the following we need some semantic functions presented in figure 2. The function process_set takes a process to a set of deterministic processes, thus with only one acceptance state, such that the application of ~ on this set yields the original process. Now let us call effect any function that takes a store to a particular process, and action any function that maps a value to a certain effect. The >> function in figure 3 has been introduced to model value and store passing. Thus the expression process >> action means execute process and use then the resulting value and store to form the sequel process. If process is not divergent then it can either perform internal or external communications and the


choice between both is governed by a particular strategy that will be explained below. The internal communications are those produced by passing a possible available result to the action in order to form the corresponding sequel process. Result passing is considered as a silent move since no visible event is performed. Another behavior consists of not returning any result and performing some input or output events before result passing. This ~orresponds to external_process in figure 3. The last function in figure 2, merge_store, takes as a parameter a process and returns an action which executes the process above and combines the resulting store with the one taken as a parameter. Now let us turn to the combinators semantics (figure 3). First the divergent process chaos is mapped to the least element of the domain Processes. The constant combinator stop stands for deadlock and is represented as a process that refuses either to perform any event or to yield any result, skip is the process that immediately terminates successfully, it does not communicate, does not alter the store, and returns the unit value "0". The expression P; Q corresponds to the sequential composition of P and Q. The two combinators ~ and D stand respectively for internal and external choices. In the two cases only one process is selected and this selection depends on whether there is an influence of the environment or not. The semantics of the concurrency operator II takes its origin in the work of De Nicola and Hennessy [17]. The semantics presented in figure 4 is an accommodation for handling input, output, communication and assignment. RSL parallel operator is similar to the CCS one up to the accommodation mentioned previously, since it provides both synchronizations and interleavings. More accurately, the parallel composition of two processes P and Q stands for the following behavior: first the two processes are split up into their deterministic sub-processes. The whole concurrent composition amounts to the one of the sub-processes. Now given two sub-processes, each from a different process, we will consider as silent moves any result passing or synchronization between them. The external communications are made of the possible interleavings of the two sub-processes. 5 Extending channels

the adapted


passing processes


It should be noted that the adapted model of section 3 is more powerful than the VPLA space. More precisely, our space allows one to write expressions that may return results, and also provides more concurrency combinators. However this space is not powerful enough to cover all the expressiveness of RSL. Indeed, in section 3, we have assumed the universe of all possible values V, as a parameter that does not depend on the process space D. Thus it does not intervene in the recursion. This implies that only values that are not processes can be transmitted through channels. But we do not want this limitation to hold in our model. Thus, in particular, processes can be communicated through channels. The remark above complicates the construction much more, since now we have to deal with two mutually recursive equations of reflexive domains. Let

326 us focus in the following on the structure of the domain of values. In fact, up to some syntactical details V can be written as:




It is clear that the domain equation above has no solution since it makes reference to an infinite powerset constructor and one can show easily that there is no isomorphism between a set and its infinite powerset. Moreover, the functions we allow are not necessarily continuous or monotonic and also maps are allowed to be infinite. All that makes the usual methods unavailing. In order to get round this difficulty, R.E.Milne in [14] proposed a solution which consists of making a dependence between the static and the dynamic semantics of the language. Making the dynamic domains depend on the static domains means that dynamic domains are henceforth typed according to the hierarchy laid down by the static domains. Thus, dynamic spaces are restricted such that, for example, dynamic value domains are not obliged to contain as elements, functions that take members of these domains as parameters. In addition to that, the static constraints relevant to the well-formedness of an expression will be used in the dynamic semantics. This ensures that the dynamic domains are all that are needed. In what follows, the intention is to present and discuss the existence and the algebraic properties of the process space. But 'since the latter and the value space are mutually dependent, then the two spaces will be constructed using the technique mentioned above. For that let us introduce some notation. The expression: A = = constructor(..., destruetori : Bi, ...) denotes the tagged expression A = { c o n s t r u a o r } x (... x Bi x ...) together with the function definition: destructori : A ~ Bi d e s t r u c t o r i ( x ) -- l e t x - (constructor, (...,bl, ...)) in bi e n d

Also in the sequel of this section, and for the sake of readability, some types will be accompanied with some axiomatic constraints. The "pure" set equivalent form can be trivially derived. Since the aim hereafter is to illustrate the techniques used and to establish theoretical results that are independent from syntactic sugaring, and in order to avoid distraction and unnecessary complication, we will restrict the space of possible values to contain reals (as an example of literal values), infinite sets (as an example of infinite structures: sets, lists and maps) and of course the set of functions and thus processes. SV = = s-real (9 S_Set ~ S_Action . . . . . . . . . . . all static values S_Set = = s.set(SV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . type ]or sets S-Action = = s_action(par:SV, eft: S_Effect) type ]or functions S_Effect = = s_effect( rd: S_LocSet,. . . . . . . . . type for processes w r : S_LocSet, in: S_PosSet, out: S_PosSet, res: SV)

327 S_LocSet --- P/(S_Loc) . . . . . . . type ]or variable sets S_PosSet = P1(S-Pos) . . . . . . . type for channel sets S_Loc = = s_loc(typ: SV, cop: IN) type for variables S_Pos ---= s_pos(typ: SV, cop: IN) typv for channels which satisfies: V loc E S_Loc * not_cyclic_del(loc) V pos E S_Pos * not_cyclic_def(pos) v

e S_E

ect 9

A type expression will be mapped, in the static semantics, to a static value. The set S V above represents the set of all static values. S_Set represents the set of all static values that are types for dynamic set values. The type of a function is called a static action. It consists of the type of the parameter of the function and a static value called effect that c o n t i n s the description of the accesses and the result, in other words the types of the read and write variables, the types of input and output channels and the type of the result. Notice that variables (with their access modes) and channels (with their directions) are explicitly declared in the signature of an RSL function. We will call a location the denotation of a variable and a position the denotation of a channel. A static location has two attributes: type and a copy. The first attribute corresponds to the type of the variable whilst the second is a tag that ensures that there is a finite set of static locations of the same type (id for positions). The function not_cyclic_def(a_static_value) ensures that a_static_value is not a cyclic definition (thus it is a finite term). Let SV! be the set of finite terms that are members of SV. The dynamic domains are then constructed as follows:

V = U=esv s V= V,_reaa = lit V,_Se,(=) = ~oo(V.)

Def f(s-action(z,y)) Stocs~, = (ULSetloc,e, ) ~ (U=e,or With the following invariant on the dynamic stores:

Vd_store E Szoes~e dorn(d_store) -


U LSetlor


dom(d_sto e) 9 d_ to (d_dloe) e dtyp(dJoe))

LSettocse~ = 7>oo(U~eaoesetL~) nx = = dloc(sioc : {z}, dtyp : V~yp(x)) P~ = = dpos(spos : {z}, dtyp : V:~p(~))

328 Vx, St, P~, L~, PSetr, LSetx stand respectively for dynamic values, stores, positions, locations, position sets and location sets of a type x. The dynamic process domain is defined as: D = U~s..Eylect Dr where:



[ Uyei,K.)P~-nY.U~Ei,K~,)(v~yp@) D.)x


x "Pl(U~,,eouKr)P~)x P/({V))))

l u{J_} Notice that Vtyp@), when unwound according to typ(y), cannot contain a subterm D~ because otherwise x would be an infinite term which is a contradiction with the fact that x is in SV/. Hence V~yp(y) does not intervene in the recursion. Thus, we have exactly the same expression as the one in the previous section: D~: - F(Dr). Hence Dr exists and is an algebraic cpo. Then it is straightforward that the same property holds for D. C o r o l l a r y 4 . Vx E S ~ f feci 9 (Dr, ~ D =) i8 an algebraic cpo. P r o p o s i t i o n 5 . D = Uzes_E/fec~ Dz, ordered by E_:

Uxes_.Effect ~D= i8


algebraic cpo.



Inspired by the original RSL denotational description [14], and the VPLA language [11], we have reported in this paper a concurrency model for higher order communicating processes with value-passing, that is an extension of VPLA and a part of the foundations (type universe) of RSL. This presentation has been done in two steps. A first model has been presented to extend the acceptances model for handling input, output, communication and imperative aspects. Its existence has been proved using an inverse limit construction and we have shown that it constitutes an algebraic complete partial order. A second model has been presented to allow the communication of processes (processes are values) along channels, as well as the communication of a wide range of possible values (infinite sets, infinite lists ,...). But since the inverse limit construction alone is unavailing in this case, we have borrowed the technique proposed by R.E.Milne in [14], that consists of typing the dynamic domains using the static semantics. Thus a dependence between the static and the dynamic semantics is created. The existence proof of the generalized domain relies in part, but essentially on the first existence proof. The algebraic properties have been also lifted to the generalized model. As a future research, we intend to investigate, as in [11], the relationship between the equivalence induced by this denotational model and the operational intuitions. More precisely, we plan to define an operational semantics for our processes similar to the one reported in [11], to formalize then the notion of MUST testing equivalence and try to establish a comparison with the equivalence on the denotational model.


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d i n e s ]~, = a. stop ]a = ({},[],[],{(~,§247 skip ]r = ({(~,O)},[],[],{(~,~b,{v/))}) r



( { },

[ e n a . . e L ~ a m e ~ Xv ~ V . ({( o, v )L [ ], [ ], {(§ § {4})D], [1, { ({ehanneLn~*ne}. § ~)} ) ehartnel.name ! a.value ]o" = ( {},

[], [ehan~eL-ame ~. [[ a_~*lue 1~ ~. ({( o, 0 )}, [ 1, [ 1, {(§ ~, {vq)})], {(~b, {ehanneldlarae}, ~)} ) vardtarne := a.value ]O" = ({( o' l [var..name ~ [ a.value ]o'], 0 )}, [ ], [ ], {(~, ~b, {Vt})}) P;Q ]a = [ P ]a ~ Av E V " Aa~ E S * [ Q ]a I

P N Q ] o = c a s e [ P ]o" , [ q ]a of (R, t. o, A), ( n ' , Z', 0 ' , a ' ) ---- (• u n ' , t Ilz', o[I o ' , a[l a ' ) else J. end [ p BO]~:case[p]~, [ q]~ot" (n, L O . A ) , ( R ' , t ' , O ' , m') ~ (RU n ' , t f l t ' , o f l o ' , a f l a ' ) else a. elad where :

1lit' = [ e ~ z(e) I ~ ~ dora(O] t [e ,-. Z'(e) I e ~ dora(,')] t [ , .--. xv ~ v . t(,)(,~)llt'(e)(,,) I e ~ dam(l) n do,r,(X')] o i i o ' = [ 9 ,-. o(e) I 9 ~ do,.(O)] t [ e ,--, O'(e) I e ~ ao.,(O')] t [ e ,--, o(e)llO'(e) I 9 ~ dam(O) 13 dom(O')]

O(e)llO'(e) = [ v ~ o ( e ) ( v ) I v ~ dom(o(e))] t Iv ,-.., o'(e)(,,) I ,,' ~ dom(O'(e))] t [ v ~ oce)c,-,')flo'(e)(v) I v ~ dom(O(e)) n dom(O'(,))]

~2(=) _c uT~2(y) I y ~ A u a ' }

^ -3(=) C_ U{-a(U) I ~ ~ A U A ' ) ^

(3U ~ A u a ' , .~(=) _:2 =a(~) ^ -~(~) _3 ,~(~) ^ =~(=) 2 =n(u)) }



{x I ~ ~ ~'.K~..) X "P~(s X "P~({Vg)'=~(=) _(2 U{=a(U) I U ~ a,U a ' } ^ ~ ( = ) C_ UTah(U) I ~ ~ a U a ' } ^ , ~ ( ~ ) C_ U { ~ ( ~ ) I ~ ~ a U a } ^ ( O ( ~ , 0 ~ A X a ' 9 .~(=) = .~(~) U ' q ( O ^ "~(=) = "~(~) U * ~ ( t ) ^ ,~(=) = ,r~(s) U . ~ ( t ) ) V(V ~ ,~(=)))}

Fig. 3. The semantics of some concurrency combinators


procesJ.Jst(R, [, O, A) = { ( R,

(e ,-- I(e) I 9 e , ~ n ( O n -x(=) 1, (= .-. O(e) I 9 e sam(O) n =2(=) ], {=} ) [=eA} ~rocesJ ~ acgion = c a s e proces~ o f e n ( 2 I, O, A) ~

(R, I, O, A) ~ action

I R , [ , O , A ) ~ action = [[ { l e t inZernal.proces*.aet = i f ~ / e =z(Ax) t h e n ltx ~ action e l s e ~, e=ternal.process =( { } , I 1 ~). action,O 1 ~, action,(wl(Al), w2(Al), r

in i f internal_proce=~aet = r t h e n ezternal-proee~ e l s e (e=t . . . . I_proce*an(~internal-proees*-set))~(~internal.o . . . . . . . . end e n d I (R~, I~, 0~, Ax) ~ proeess_#et(R, I, O, AS}


R ~ action = {r ~ action [ r E R} r ~, action = actian(wl(r))(w2(r)) h > action = [~ ~- ~ e v 9 h ( ~ ) ( ~ ) > a~tion I 9 e do,n(h)] o~ > action = [e ,-- [~ ,-. o~(s)(~) :). a = t i ~ I ~ e aom(O~(e))] I 9 e


meroejtore(proce~s)(~ ) = AvI ~ VeAo"1 ~ ~s process ~ Ae2 E V 9 A#2 E S . let

i n ( { ( ~ , ~ ) } . [ ],[ ], {(r § {v'})}) end

F i g . 2 . Some useful functions P l l q 1~ = case [ P 1~ , [ q l o o f

(R, z, o, AS, (R', I', O', A') ---* (R, X, O, A)IIolI(R', Z', O', A')

else / end

~t,O,A) II ~ II (WJ,,O',A') = n{


(R~,tx,o~,A~) = ~0ce~z, (x~,I~,O2,A2) = proce.~, internal_proceu.set = R 1 ) , merSeJtoreCproces~)(o ) U l ~ > met~e.store(processl)(o) U

h Ilo'fl o2 uI2 flo'll o I , exterual_process = ( 0 , I1 Hall p r n e e ~ , o i Iloll p r o c ~ 2 , ({}. xz flail p~,~.=,~, o2 II~fl p ~ ,

^01] As)

in ~f internal_process.set = {} t h e n external_proces~ else (exteroal.proceu n (11 internal_process.set)) [I ([1 internal.process.set) end end i (processl, proce~2) E proceaJet(P.,|,O,A) x process~set(K',l',O',A')} where:

I~ 11o11o j = U{[,(,)UoUoi(o) I e ~ do~CX,) n ~omCOj)} t,(.)Holl o i ( , ) = { [,(o)(o)llo, O~(.)(~) I ~ ~ dom(Oj(e))) I, I1oll p r o c e ~ = [o ~-. ~o ~ V.Ii(o)(e)llofl p ~ c e ~

I 9 e do~(10]

o,,oll p ~ e . ~ = [e ~*o,(s)ll~, procmi I 9 9 do.~(o~)] o,(~)11oll p r o ~ ' i = [~ ~ ~ 1 7 6 I ~ e aom(Od~))] Fig. 4. parallel combinxtor seme.ntk=