Higher Secondary Examination 2012 General English Class-XII ...

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1. Higher Secondary Examination 2012. General English. Class-XII. Time: 3 Hours .... Bhopal. You are holding a dinner to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of your.

Time: 3 Hours

Higher Secondary Examination 2012 General English Class-XII Maximum Marks-100


Read the instructions carefully.


All questions are compulsory.


Answers must be complete and to the point.


Marks of each question are indicated against it. Section 'A'


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given

below: Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring, for ornament is in discourse, and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned to spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornamentation, is affectation; to make judgement wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar. They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience; for natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth direction too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men condemn studies, simplemen admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them won by observation. Read not to contradict and confute nor to believe, and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read in parts, others but not


curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important argument, and the meaner sort of books, else distilled books are like common distilled water, flashy things, Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. QUESTIONS: (i)






Who can carry the things in a better way? (a)

Expert man.


Studious man.


Hard working man.

................. condemn studies. (a)

Simple man.


Wise man.


Crafty man.

What is idleness according to the author? (a)

Spend too much time in sports.


Spend too much time in studies.


Spend too much time in sleeping.

Studies perfect nature by ............ (a)



Hard working.



Distilled books are like .......... (a)

Distilled water.


Pure milk.


Impure water.

Noun form of 'execute'














(vii) Opposite of 'sloth' (a)






(viii) Adjective form of 'diligence' (a)









What is the chief use of studies?



How do studies serve?



Tourism has emerged as the world's largest industry. Growing rapidly

in the last two decades, today it accounts for 6% of world output and employs some 100 million people around the globe. Tourism - the travel - based recreation - provides people with change of place and a break from the monotony of daily life. It brings peoples of different nations together allowing them to come into close contact with each other's customs and other aspects of life. It reveals the scenic beauty and past heritage of a country. It can lead to greater understanding and tolerance and can even foster world peace. The contribution of tourism can be nowhere seen more clearly than on the economic front. A study conducted by the United Nations has shown that developing countries, in particular, can reap handsome benefits out of tourism which greatly boost national income. QUESTIONS:



Read the above passage carefully, make notes on it and supply a




Prepare an abstract (summary) of the above passage.


Section 'B' 3.

You are Nidhi Parashar, the student editor of your school magazine.

Write out a notice inviting compositions from students for publication. 5 Or You are Reena Agrawal of 16 Nalini Apartments, Arera Colony, Bhopal. You are holding a dinner to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of your parents’ marriage on 10th March, 2010. Write an informal invitation to invite your friend Sangita Sharma of 21 Deendyal Nagar, Gwalior. 4.

Using the information given in the input below, write a report in about

100 words on N.S.S. Camp you have attended recently. (i)

N.S.S. Camp at Bhagwanpura village.


80 Volunteers.


Planting trees.


Cleaning drains.


Adult literacy classes.


Or You are Mahesh, as a responsible citizen you have organised a campaign on 'Say no to Polythene Bags' in your locality. Write a report in not more than 125 words for publication in magazine. 5.

Suppose you are a resident of a place in Shahdol. Write a letter to the

Chairman, Municipal Board, Shahdol. Complaining about the conditions in your town. Sign yourself as Sadanand Dixit. Or



Write an application to the Deputy Director of education for the post of lower division teacher. 6.

You are Sudhir, a student of class XII. Prepare a speech for the

morning assembly on 'Plantation of Trees'.


Or Write an essay on any one of the following topics: (a)

Population Problem in India.


Importance of Games and Sports.


Power of Press in Democracy.


Science and Civilization.


Fill in the blanks with the correct words and rewrite the sentence: 5


He lost .............. book that he had bought last year. (i)







Kalidas has written .......... plays. (i)







Work hard ............... you will fail. (i)

So that







When he was young he ............ cross the river. (i)






Ram is suffering ............. malaria.









Dos as directed:



her/pen/put/ink/some/she/in (Re-arrange to form a meaningful sentence)


My mother cooks food. (change into passive voice)



The tea is very hot.


I can not drink it.

(Combine the sentences using 'too'......... 'to') (d)


It is true.


The earth goes round the sun.

(Combine the sentences using noun clause) Or (i)

I saw a boy.


He was wearing a red cap. (Combine the sentences using a relative clause)


Mr. Mohan buys mangoes. (Change into present perfect tense) Or She found the necklace. (Change into Interrogative)

Section 'C' 9. (a) Read the following lines carefully and answer the questions. Can I admire the statue great When living men starve at its feet?



Can I admire the park's green trees, A roof for homeless misery? Q.


Find the word which is similar in meaning to 'great suffering'.


Who is the poet of this poem?


Write the meaning of the word 'starve'. Or

Teach me to listen, Lord To those nearest me My family, my friends, my co-workers Help me to be aware that No matter what word I hear The message is, 'Accept the person I am, Listen to me'. Q.


Find out the word from the line given above which has meaning similar to the word 'attentive'.




Write the opposite of the word 'farthest'.


What message to those who are our nearest give us?

Answer any three of the following questions: (i)

Why does the river consider its journey meaningless?


Who are the people far from us?


Which actions of wind are described in the poem?


What is meant by 'dear is far from cheap'?

Answer any four of the following questions:



How was the bird fed?


When do we experience inner peace?


How can we have by giving more?


What happened when Birju went to collect - firewood?


What is the difference between a selfish and a helpless man?



What will happen when the brain does not get the oxygen and blood it requires ?


Justify the title 'The Fun They Had'.


Or What does Dr. Kalam mean by having an indomitable spirit? 12.

Summarise the poem 'Beauty'.

8 Or

Describe the highest waterfall in brief? 13.

Answer any two:



What is the simplest form of meditation?


How are spoken and written language two different things?


How much does the heart work in a day?


Which is the greatest risk in one's life?


Higher Secondary Examination 2012 Model Aswer General English Section 'A' 1.

Studies serve ..................................... anexact man.



Expert man




Crafty man




Spend too much time in studies








Distilled water






(vii) (a)



(viii) (a)




The chief use of studies is for delight. Other uses are for ornament and for conversation.



Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.





Title -'Benefits of Tourism'

Notes (i)


Tourism - world's Largest Industry. (a)

Growing rapidly. 6% of world output employs 100 million people.

(b) (ii)

Immense revenue & development.

Economic Benifits of Tourism. (a)

Developing countries can: reap rich benefits boost national income.





Tourism is the world's largest industry, It is growing rapidly. It is 6% of the world's output and employs 100 millions of people. It is the biggest source of revenue. Tourism is a travel based recreation. People from different parts of the world meet and come in close contact with different cultures and traditions. Economic benefits of tourism are many. It boosts national income and generates employment . Section 'B' 3.

Ans. Gaytri Public School, Jabalpur.


Notice School Magazine DateOriginal articles, poems, stories, views and jokes on various topics of education or any other topic from concerning students are invited for the publication in the school magazine. These should be brief interesting and legibly written on one side of the paper only. These should reach the undersigned latest by ....................... Nidhi Parashar Student Editor Or An informal invitation to invite your friend Sangita Sharma of 21, Deendayal Nagar, Gwalior, for a dinner to celebrate the Golden jubilee of your parents’ marriage on 10th March, 2013, You are Reena Agrawal residing at 16 Nalini Apartments, Arera Colony Bhopal. Address and Date Solution Body of the Letter Yours Sincerely


Name 4.

N.S.S. Camp


The N.S.S. unit of Govt. Girls H.S. School Indore organised a camp at Bhagwanpura Village during the Chrismas Holidays. The camp lasted for fifteen days. Projects were identified, Volunteers were divided into four groups. Tasks were assigned to them. First of all five hundred saplings were to be planted. The second phase of the campaign was to educate the villagers about protection of the environment. Streets and drains were cleaned. The villagers participated in the cleaning drive enthusiastically. The greatest achievement of our camp was the successful completion of our adult literacy campaign. Our volunteers could enroll fifty adults for their adult literacy programme. Or Say no to Polythene Bags Panna, 10th February 2013 (Mahesh) 'Say No to Polythene Bags', campaign has gained momentum in different parts of the city. It started just with a few students. I am fortunate to be the convener of this campaign in our locality. The general public is made aware of the disastrous effect of polythene. Polythene bags have become a big nuisance. They have choked the sewerage system of many areas of the city. When burnt, they produce highly toxic gases. The volunteers prepare posters. They distribute hand - bills, The aim is to enlighten the common masses against the use of polythene bags. Polythene should be replaced by paper bags. The campaign is now in its final stage. It hopes to make the locality a polythene - free zone in near future. 5.


Address and Date







Body of the letter



Your Name/Subscription





Name and address




Body of Application



Plantation of Trees.


Tikamgarh 15th March, 2013 (Sudhir) Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Tikamgarh has hit the headlines again. The school celebrated 'Plantation of Trees' it was launched with great fanfare by the Principal and the students on the morning of 15th March. About two hundred trees were planted on the campus. They included traditional Oaks, Gulmohars', Neems, Banyans as well as other flower trees. A number of inter house competitions were arranged highlighting the need for ecological balance for man's happiness. The need for growing more trees dominated the show. The winners were given away prizes in a gala ceremony. Or




Presentation on Introduction.



Main Body of the Essay.






He lost the book that he had bought last year.



Kalidas has written many plays.



Work hard otherwise you will fail.



When he was young he could cross the river.



Ram is suffering from malaria.



She put some ink in her pen.




Food is cooked by my mother.


The tea is too hot to drink.


It is true that the earth goes round the sun. Or I saw a boy who was wearing a red cap.


Mohan has bought mangoes. Or Did she find the necklace?





W.H. Davies.




Or (a)





They give the message that they must be listened and must be accepted as they are.



The river considers its journey meaningless because all the time it has to keep running and is not able to enjoy a single movement of calm and rest.


These are the people who have no ray of hope in their lives, who have no hope from society and who are suffering a great deal.


The wind is described as shaking the trees, moving on water and making work the mills as well as producing sounds on top 07 the hills.


'Far from cheap' means not cheap, that is expensive far from cheap.



The bird was fed with an ink-filler after opening his beak. 8



We experience inner-peace when we obey natural laws.


When we share our excess things with other people they too will share their excess things with us. Hence we will have more than what we had earlier.


When he went to collect firewood Birju was forced by the poverty of a woman and her two hungry children to commit theft.

(vii) A selfish person avoids the poor and down - trodden while a helpless person wants to help them but is not able to do it. (viii) When the brain does not get the oxygen and blood it requires a man will faint. If the supply is cut off for a few minutes, the result may be paralysis or death. Q.11 The title quite suits the article. Tommy and Margie find an old book and learn how the school were different in the past from their time and how much fun the children studying in those schools have. It gives a glimpse of future education.

8 Or

World's highest waterfall 'Angel Falls' is situated in Eastern Venezuela in South America. It was discovered in 1935 by an aviator Jimmy Angel. It hurtles down from the sides of Auyan Tepui. It falls from approximately 200 feet below the rim of Auyan Tepui. It falls into a large pool called Angel canyon at the cliff's foot, and drains into the Churun River. It hurdles down from a height of 960 m, which is 16 times more than the height of Niagara Falls. 13.

(i) (ii) (iii)

The Simplest form of meditation is focusing on breathing. Spoken and written languages are two different things as spoken languages make us ready men. When beating at moderate rate of seventy pulses per minute, the heart is actually working only nine hours out of the 24 hours.



The greatest risk is one's life is not to take any risk.