'This book is that rare thing, a finely crafted literary novel that is genuinely moving
... 'Part Matthew Reilly, part Dan Brown, this is a book to be consumed in great ...
HIGHLIGHTS FRANKFURT 2013: CURRENT & FORTHCOMING LITERARY WHEN THE NIGHT COMES Favel Parrett Set in Tasmania and Antarctica, this is the eagerly awaited second novel from this award-winning, acclaimed author. ‘This book is that rare thing, a finely crafted literary novel that is genuinely moving and full of heart.’ The Age (of Past the Shallows, Parrett’s debut) SPECIFICATIONS September 2014, C Format, 256 pp RIGHTS HELD World, all languages RIGHTS SOLD UK (John Murray), US (Atria/Simon & Schuster) UNDER OPTION German (Hoffman & Campe), Italian (Gran Via Edizioni) *** ACTION/ADVENTURE THE RULE OF KNOWLEDGE Scott Baker ‘Part Matthew Reilly, part Dan Brown, this is a book to be consumed in great 100-page gulps. It gets better and better the more you read.’ Australian Bookseller & Publisher SPECIFICATIONS September 2013, C Format, 400 pp RIGHTS HELD World, all languages, ex North America *** CRIME THE TRAIN RIDER Tony Cavanaugh [Cavanaugh is] ‘As good as Harlen Coben’ Weekend Australian Reluctant homicide cop Darian Richards has another nasty case to solve in the third book in this highly praised crime series that shows Edinburgh and Scandinavia do not have the monopoly on noir – and that dark deeds can be done under the sunniest of skies. SPECIFICATIONS The Train Rider March 2014, C format, $29.99, 336 pp RIGHTS HELD World, all languages *** GIFT THE BHUTANESE GUIDE TO HAPPINESS Gyonpo Tshering Bhutan measures prosperity by gauging its citizens' levels of happiness: need we say more? An inspiring gift book. SPECIFICATIONS August 2013, A format, 240pp RIGHTS HELD World, all languages ex USA (Skyhorse Publishing), India and its territories (Bhutan, the Maldives and Nepal) (Penguin India) RIGHTS SOLD Czech *** HEALTH LOW GI DIET DIABETES HANDBOOK Jennie Brand-Miller, Kaye Foster-Powell, Stephen Colagiuri, Alan Barclay Type 2 diabetes is on the rise globally so here is a new edition of a key title in this multi-million-copy series. SPECIFICATIONS 300pp, March 2014 RIGHTS HELD World, all languages RIGHTS SOLD North America (Da Capo Press) *** DIET DON’T QUIT SUGAR Cassie Platt In this game-changing diet book nutritionist Cassie Platt turns our preconceived notions about sugar on their head and proves once and for all that it's not only possible but in fact NECESSARY to live the sweet life. SPECIFICATIONS December 2013, 160pp, 4 colour illustrated paperback RIGHTS HELD World, all languages *** PICTURE BOOK RULES OF SUMMER Shaun Tan The rich, enigmatic and beautiful new picture book from this Astrid Lindgren and Academy Award-winner. AGE 5 + SPECIFICATIONS October 2013, $24.99, 300 x 70 mm (landscape), hardback, 48 pp RIGHTS HELD World, ex North America (North America, Arthur Levine/Scholastic) RIGHTS SOLD French (Gallimard), German (Aladin Verlag), Italian (Rizzoli), Chinese, complex (Grimm), Arabic (Dar Al Muna), Swedish (Kabusa Bocker), Dutch (Querido BV), Portuguese, Portugal (Kalandraka), Spanish (Barbara Fiore), Korea (Pulpit), Polish (Kultura Gniewu Pawel Tarasiewicz), Czech (Labyrint), Japanese (Kawade Shobo), Norwegian (Cappelen Damm) TERRITORIES UNDER OPTION Brazilian, Chinese, Slovak, Lithuanian, Russian, Turkish, Danish
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HIGHLIGHTS FRANKFURT 2013: BESTSELLERS & AWARD-WINNERS CONTEMPORARY FICTION PAST THE SHALLOWS Favel Parrett ‘Wintonesque’ Herald Sun The award-winning, heart-breaking story about the bond of brotherhood and the fragility of youth. UNDER OPTION German (Hoffman & Campe), Italian (Gran Via Edizioni), UK and Com ex ANZ (John Murray), US (Atria/Simon & Schuster) COMMERCIAL WOMEN’S FICTION WILDFLOWER HILL Kimberley Freeman ‘The reader is helpless to do anything but turn the page.’ Australian Bookseller +Publisher RIGHTS SOLD Dutch (De Kern), German (Droemer Knaur), Greek (Dioptra Publishing), Hungarian (Athenaeum), Italian (Leone Editore S.r.l.), Norwegian (Cappelen Damm), Polish (Nasza Ksiegarnia SP Z.O.O.O.), Russian (AST) SPIRITUAL OPENING THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART: And Other Buddhist Tales of Happiness Ajahn Brahm Entertaining, accessible and inspirational. RIGHTS SOLD Bulgarian (Hermes), Chinese (Complex and Simplified, Brahm Education Centre Ltd), Croatian (Naklada Ljevak), Czech (Alternativa Ltd), Dutch (Asoka), French (Almora), German (Random House Germany), Indonesian (Ehipassiko Foundation), Italian (Armenia), Khmer (Seithakun), Korean (Alchemist Books), Latvian (Zvaigzne ABC Publishers), Lithuanian (Tyto Alba), Malayalam (Mathrubhumi Books), Polish (Janusz Nawrocki Studio Astropsychologii), Portuguese (Brazil, Editora Fundamento), Romanian (Editura Dharana), Russian (OM Publishers), Sri Lankan (English only, Brahm Education Centre Ltd), Tamil (Kannadhasan), Turkish (Maya Yainlari), Vietnamese (Tri Viet (First News) Publishing), USA (Wisdom Publications) NEW ADULT PARANORMAL THE VIOLET EDEN CHAPTERS Jessica Shirvington ‘smart, edgy and addictive…sure to leave readers clamouring for the rest of the series’ Kirkus Reviews, STARRED (of Book One, Embrace); Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television developing TV series with CBS SPECIFICATIONS Empower November 2013, C Format,464pp RIGHTS HELD World, all languages RIGHTS SOLD Embrace Brazilian Portuguese (Fundamento), German (Random House), Hungarian (Konyvmolykepzo), Japanese (Hayakawa Shobo), North America (Sourcebooks), Turkish (Pagasus), UK (Orchard) Enticed Brazilian Portuguese (Fundamento), German (Random House), Hungarian (Konyvmolykepzo), Japanese (Hayakawa Shobo), North America (Sourcebooks), UK (Orchard) Emblaze German (Random House), Hungarian (Konyvmolykepzo), Japanese (Hayakawa Shobo), North America (Sourcebooks) , UK (Orchard) Endless Hungarian (Konyvmolykepzo), Japanese (Hayakawa Shobo), North America (Sourcebooks), UK (Orchard) Empower North America (Sourcebooks), UK (Orchard) ASTRID LINDGREN & ACADEMY AWARD WINNER, AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR SHAUN TAN PICTURE BOOK FOR ALL AGES THE ARRIVAL ‘With this haunting, wordless sequence about a lonely emigrant in a bewildering city, Tan … finds in the graphic novel format an ideal outlet for his sublime imagination…. few will remain unaffected by this timeless stunner.’ Publishers Weekly RIGHTS SOLD Spanish (Barbara Fiore Editora), Swedish (Kabusa Bocker), UK (Orchard Books), North American (Scholastic), Danish (ABC Forlag), Simplified Chinese (Beijing Poplar Culture Project Co.), German ( Carlsen Verlag), French (Editions Dargaud), Italian (Elliot Edizioni), Chinese, Complex (Grimm Press), Brazilian Portuguese (Grupo SM), UK (Hodder), Portuguese (Kalandraka ), Japanese (Kawade Shobo), Polish (Kultura Gniewu Pawel Tarasiewicz), Czech (Labyrint), Dutch (Querido Uitgeverij), Korean (Sakejul Publishing Co), North American (Scholastic), Arabic (Tamar Institute), Turkish (Tudem Eğitim Hizmetleri San Ve Tic A.Ş.) FILM & TV Feature film in development PICTURE BOOK THE LOST THING What is the lost thing and why does no one but a small boy seem to notice it and care? RIGHTS SOLD Spanish (Barbara Fiore Editora), Norwegian (Cappelen Damm), German (Carlsen Verlag), (Italian) Elliot Edizioni, French (Gallimard), Brazilian Portuguese (Grupo SM), Portuguese (Kalandraka), Simplified Chinese (Beijing Xinhua Pioneer Culture & Media Co), Russian (OM Publishing), UK (Orchard Books), North American (Scholastic), Swedish (Kabusa Bocker), Turkish (Ithaki), Japanese (Kawade Shobo), Slovenian (Družba Piano), Polish (Kultura Gniewu Pawel Tarasiewicz), Slovak (Slniečkovo) FILM & TV Academy Award-winning short film
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