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Highly Efficient Performance and Conversion ... - ACS Publications

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ABSTRACT: This work demonstrates the first molecular-level conversion ... DRIFTS, and the intermediates and conversion pathways are elucidated and ...

Highly Efficient Performance and Conversion Pathway of Photocatalytic NO Oxidation on SrO-Clusters@Amorphous Carbon Nitride Wen Cui,† Jieyuan Li,‡ Fan Dong,*,† Yanjuan Sun,† Guangming Jiang,† Wanglai Cen,‡ S. C. Lee,§ and Zhongbiao Wu∥ †

Chongqing Key Laboratory of Catalysis and New Environmental Materials, College of Environment and Resources, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China ‡ College of Architecture and Environment, Institute of New Energy and Low Carbon Technology, Sichuan University, Sichuan 610065, China § Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China ∥ Department of Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: This work demonstrates the first molecular-level conversion pathway of NO oxidation over a novel SrO-clusters@amorphous carbon nitride (SCO-ACN) photocatalyst, which is synthesized via copyrolysis of urea and SrCO3. The inclusion of SrCO3 is crucial in the formation of the amorphous carbon nitride (ACN) and SrO clusters by attacking the intralayer hydrogen bonds at the edge sites of graphitic carbon nitride (CN). The amorphous nature of ACN can promote the transportation, migration, and transformation of charge carriers on SCO-ACN. And the SrO clusters are identified as the newly formed active centers to facilitate the activation of NO via the formation of Sr-NOδ(+), which essentially promotes the conversion of NO to the final products. The combined effects of the amorphous structure and SrO clusters impart outstanding photocatalytic NO removal efficiency to the SCO-ACN under visible-light irradiation. To reveal the photocatalytic mechanism, the adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation of NO over CN and SCO-ACN are analyzed by in situ DRIFTS, and the intermediates and conversion pathways are elucidated and compared. This work presents a novel in situ DRIFTS-based strategy to explore the photocatalytic reaction pathway of NO oxidation, which is quite beneficial to understand the mechanism underlying the photocatalytic reaction and advance the development of photocatalytic technology for environmental remediation.


nature, CN has become a new research hotspot in the arena of environmental remediation and solar energy conversion.12−14 However, to improve the photocatalytic efficiency of CN and its adaptability in various application fields, further optimization on the CN performance is desirable and then the developed strategy including inner architecture modification and surface functionalization (elemental doping, copolymerization, and formation of heterojunctions) was proposed.15−19 For inner architecture modification, Kang et al. recently synthesized novel amorphous carbon nitride (ACN) by breaking the in-plane hydrogen bonds between strands of polymeric melon units via postheat treatment of the partially crystalline CN at a high temperature of 620 °C for 2 h.20,21 With the as-prepared ACN, the high localization of photogenerated charge carriers within

With the improvement in the quality of life and growing environmental awareness among the public, strong emphasis has been placed on mitigating air pollution.1−3 Nitric oxide (NO), which is one of the major contributors to photochemical smog, acid rain and ozone depletion and is primarily responsible for respiratory and cardiopulmonary diseases, has triggered much social concern.4,5 Conventionally, methods based on physical adsorption, biofiltration, and thermal catalysis were employed to remove NO from industrial emissions. However, these methods are not economically feasible for NO removal at parts per billion (ppb) levels.6,7 As a green technology, photocatalysis has gained considerable attention in view of its feasibility and high efficiency for solar energy utilization and environmental remediation.8−10 Graphitic carbon nitride (CN), a metal-free layered conjugated semiconductor, was first reported as a visible-light photocatalyst by Wang et al.11 Owing to its appealing electronic band structure, physicochemical stability, and earth-abundant © 2017 American Chemical Society

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 10682

March 1, 2017 August 7, 2017 August 17, 2017 August 17, 2017 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00974 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 10682−10690


Environmental Science & Technology Scheme 1. Designed Reaction System for the in Situ DRIFTS Signal Recording

controlled at 0.06, 0.1, and 0.18 g, respectively, and the prepared samples were labeled as SCO-ACN-X (X represents the amount of SrCO3). For comparison, an ex situ mechanical mixture of CN and SrCO3 was prepared and named as SCO− CN. 2.2. Characterization Methods. The crystal phase of the prepared samples was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) with Cu Kα radiation (model D/max RA, Rigaku Co., Japan). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) with Al Kα X-rays (hν = 1486.6 eV) radiation at 150 W (Thermo ESCALAB 250) was used to investigate the surface properties. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra were recorded on a Nicolet Nexus spectrometer using samples embedded in KBr pellets. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, model JSM-6490, JEOL, Japan) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM-2010, Japan) were used to characterize the morphology and structure. N2 adsorption−desorption isotherms were obtained on a N2 adsorption apparatus (ASAP 2020, Micromeritics). UV−vis diffuse-reflectance spectrometry (UV−vis DRS) measurements were performed on dry-pressed disk samples using a scanning UV−vis spectrophotometer (TU-1901, China) equipped with an integrating sphere assembly, with 100% BaSO4 as the reflectance sample. Photoluminescence (PL) studies (F-7000, HITACHI, Japan) were conducted to investigate the optical properties of the samples. Photocurrent measurements were carried out using an electrochemical system (CHI-660B, Chenhua, China), wherein the working electrode was irradiated by a 300 W Xe lamp with a 420 nm cutoff filter. Steady and time-resolved fluorescence emission spectra were recorded at room temperature with a fluorescence spectrophotometer (Edinburgh Instruments, FLSP-920). Electron spin resonance (ESR) of radicals spin-trapped by 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline Noxide (DMPO) was recorded on a JES FA200 spectrometer. Samples for ESR measurements were prepared by mixing them in a 50 mM DMPO solution tank (aqueous dispersion for DMPO-•OH and methanol dispersion for DMPO-•O2−) and irradiated by visible light. 2.3. Evaluation of Photocatalytic Activity. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated based on the removal efficiency of NO at ppb levels in a continuous flow reactor with 0.2 g prepared samples. The concentration of NO was continuously detected by a NOx analyzer (Thermo Environmental Instruments Inc., model 42c-TL). A 150 W commercial tungsten halogen lamp (the average light intensity was 0.16 W/cm2) that was vertically placed above the reactor glowed when the adsorption−desorption equilibrium was achieved. A detailed description of the photocatalytic apparatus is available in Supporting Information (SI).

each melon strand was eliminated; the large potential barrier between the layers and across the hydrogen bonds located regions was reduced; the transfer of charge carriers was facilitated; and the light absorption range was broadened. Consequently, much superior activity was observed for hydrogen generation in comparison to that of pristine CN.20,21 Besides, the conversion pathway for pollutant removal over a photocatalyst is key to understanding the underlying reaction mechanism, estimating the possible generation of toxic intermediates, and optimizing the photocatalyst performance. Although numerous efficient photocatalysts have been developed for NO removal, little attention has been paid to the conversion route of photocatalytic NO oxidation process.5,10,19,22,23 In situ DRIFTS is an effective tool for gasphase reaction analysis because signals are observed even for slight changes at the molecular level; thus, it is well suited for investigating the related reaction pathway of photocatalytic NO oxidation.24−29 Here, a facile method involving the copyrolysis of urea and SrCO3 was developed to prepare SrO clusters@amorphous carbon nitride (SCO-ACN), which exhibited substantially high visible-light photocatalytic NO removal efficiency. The high efficiency is attributed to (1) the amorphous nature of ACN that can promote the transportation, migration, and transformation of charge carriers and (2) the enhanced activation of NO via the formation of Sr-NOδ(+). To reveal the photocatalytic mechanism, the adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation of NO over CN and SCO-ACN were analyzed by in situ DRIFTS, and the intermediates and conversion pathways were elucidated and compared. Notably, SrO clusters were identified as the newly formed active centers to facilitate the activation of NO, which could effectively promote the conversion of NO to the final products. This work presents a novel in situ DRIFTS-based strategy to explore the photocatalytic reaction pathway of NO oxidation, which is quite beneficial to understand the mechanism of the photocatalytic reaction and advance the development of photocatalytic technology for environmental remediation.

2. EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL SECTION 2.1. Preparation of Photocatalysts. All chemicals employed in this study were analytical grade and were used without further treatment. In a typical synthesis procedure, 10 g of urea and a certain amount of SrCO3 were added in an alumina crucible (50 mL) with 20 mL distilled water. The obtained solution was transferred to an oven and dried at 60 °C. Then, the crucible with a cover was calcined at 550 °C for 2 h at a heating rate of 15 °C/min in static air. To investigate the effect of the CN-SrCO3 ratio, the SrCO3 content was 10683

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Environmental Science & Technology

Figure 1. N1s XPS spectra of CN and SCO-ACN-0.1 (a), high-resolution Sr3d XPS spectra of SCO-ACN-0.1 (b), XRD pattern (c), and FT-IR spectra (d) of CN and SCO-ACN-X.

2.4. In Situ DRIFTS Investigation. In situ DRIFTS measurements were conducted using a TENSOR II FT-IR spectrometer (Bruker) equipped with an in situ diffusereflectance cell (Harrick) and a high-temperature reaction chamber (HVC), as shown in Scheme 1. The reaction chamber was equipped with three gas ports and two coolant ports. Highpurity He, high-purity O2, and 100 ppm of NO (in He) mixture could be fed into the reaction system, and a three-way ball valve was used to switch between the target gas (NO) and purge gas (He). The total gas flow rate was 100 mL/min, and the concentration of NO was adjusted to 50 ppm by dilution with O2. The chamber was enclosed with a dome having three windows, two for IR light entrance and detection, and one for illuminating the photocatalyst. The observation window was made of UV quartz and the other two windows were made of ZnSe. A Xe lamp (MVL-210, Optpe, Japan) was used as the irradiation light source. Before measurements, the prepared samples were placed in a vacuum tube and pretreated 1h at 300 °C. 2.5. DFT Calculations. All the spin-polarized DFT-D2 calculations were performed by applying the code VASP5.3.5,30,31 utilizing the generalized gradient approximation with the PBE exchange and correlation functional.32 The projector-augmented wave (PAW) method was employed, with a cutoff energy of 400 eV.33 The Brillouin zone was set using 5× 5 × 1 K-points. All atoms were allowed to be relaxed and converged to 0.02 eV/Å. The nudged elastic band (NEB) method34,35 was used to search the reaction pathways from the initial state (IS) to the respective final state (FS). The transition state (TS) was determined using the climbing image method and verified with a single imaginary frequency (f/i).

are examined by XPS measurements. In XPS survey spectra (SI Figure S1a and S1b), C1s, N1s, Sr3d and O1s signals can be observed for the SCO-ACN-0.1 sample. As shown in SI Figure S1c, the corresponding binding energies of C1s at 284.6 and 288.1 eV are ascribed to the sp2 C−C bonds and sp2-bonded carbon in the N-containing aromatic rings (N−CN), respectively.36,37 The N1s spectra can be deconvoluted into four peaks at 398.8, 400.4, 401.6, and 404.5 eV (Figure 1a). The main peak centered at 398.8 eV originates from the sp2bonded N involved in the triazine rings (C−NC), and the weak peak at 400.4 eV is due to the tertiary nitrogen N−(C)3 groups in CN.36,37 The C−NC, N−(C)3, and N−CN groups make up the basic substructure units of CN polymers and construct the heptazine heterocyclic ring (C6N7) units. Notably, the peak (at 401.6 eV) due to amino functions (C− N−H) is clearly be observed in CN sample, but the intensity of this peak is low in SCO-ACN-0.1, indicating that some of the hydrogen bonds in the intralayer framework of CN have been eliminated. Furthermore, the atomic ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C: N) gradually increases from 3:4.34 for the pristine CN to 3:3.60 for SCO-ACN-0.1 (SI Table S1), demonstrating that some of the amine groups (NH2/NH) from CN are lost along with the breaking of hydrogen bonds.20 Hence the microstructure of CN would be changed when the hydrogen bonds are broken via the reaction between CN and SrCO3 during copyrolysis process. The related high-resolution spectra of Sr3d and O1s are shown in Figure 1b and SI Figure S1d, indicating that strontium oxide is formed on the CN surface. Subsequently, X-ray diffraction is employed to elucidate the crystal structures of the as-prepared samples. The formation of CN polymer is indicated by the two characteristic diffraction peaks at 13.1° and 27.2°, which arise from the in-plane structural repeating motifs of the aromatic systems and the interlayer reflection of a graphite-like structure, respectively.38,39 As shown in Figure 1c, the two peaks in the case

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Chemical Composition and Phase Structure. The chemical structure and composition of CN and SCO-ACN-0.1 10684

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eV) to reach the transitional state (TS), compared with that of bridge site (1.44 eV). Besides, less reaction energy (Er) is observed in the reaction at edge site. This result indicates that CO32− in SrCO3 is preferable to attack hydrogen bonds at the edge sites of CN, which is beneficial to the formation of ACN (SI Figure S3). This result indicates that the special porous structure dominantly originates from H2 and CO2 gas generation at the edge sites of CN. Therefore, the increased exposure of the bare edge in SCO-ACN-X is certified, which contributes to the construction of ACN. Besides, the EDX elemental mapping of SCO-ACN-0.1 (SI Figure S2e) suggests that the C, N, Sr, and O elements are distributed uniformly. However, the actual form of residual SrO remains debatable. Next, TEM observations are carried out to further investigate the microstructure, as shown in Figure 2. As opposed to the

of the SCO-ACN-X samples gradually disappear or are diminished with the addition of SrCO3. The disappearance of the peak at 13.1° intuitively reflects that the in-plane periodicity of the aromatic systems has been destroyed. Correspondingly, the formed irregular intralayer structure induce fluctuations in the interlayer structure and disturb the periodic stacking of the layers. Hence, with the introduction of SrCO3, no characteristic diffraction peaks of CN are observed for the SCO-ACN-X samples. And characteristic diffraction peaks of SrCO3 also have not been detected in SCO-ACN-X samples. However, the XRD pattern of SCO−CN developed by the ex situ method displays both the characteristic diffraction peaks of SrCO3 and CN. Combining the XPS results, we can conclude that the synergic interactions between CN and SrCO3 during the in situ thermal processes would break the intralayer hydrogen bonds, resulting in the formation of ACN. FT-IR spectra are measured to verify whether the basic atomic structures of CN would be destroyed via the construction of amorphous structure by breaking intralayer hydrogen bonds of CN (Figure 1d). A strong adsorption band of the heptazine heterocyclic ring (C6N7) units at 1700−1200 cm−1 is detected.40 A sharp peak at 810 cm−1 corresponding to the breathing mode of the heptazine ring system can also be observed, which indicates that the SCO-ACN-X samples maintain the basic CN atomic structures.41 The broad peak located at 3500−3100 cm−1 can be attributed to the residual N−H components and the O−H bands, associated with the uncondensed amino groups and the absorbed H2O molecules, respectively. Notably, the absorption intensity of the N−H components at 3500−3100 cm−1 decrease gradually with the addition of SrCO3. Also, the absorption band at 890 cm−1 assigned to the deformation mode of N−H gradually diminishes. Furthermore, a newly generated absorption band at 2166 cm−1, which is due to the stretching vibration of N CN, can be observed in the spectrum of SCO-ACN-X. The change in the IR bands indicates that the introduction of SrCO3 in the urea polymerization process only destroys the periodic arrangement of the interlayers melon strands but maintains the basic atomic structures of the strands to afford unique amorphous arrangements of short-range order and long-range disorder. Therefore, a facile copyrolysis method can be employed to synthesize ACN by breaking the hydrogen bonds to destroy the intralayer long-range atomic order arrangements. 3.2. Morphology and Formation Mechanism. SEM images are presented to investigate the morphology differences between the original CN and the ACN. As shown in SI Figure S2a−2d, the pristine CN is formed by the stacking of silk-like nanosheets, and the SCO-ACN-X samples generally maintain a similar morphology. After careful observation, a number of pores in the SCO-ACN-X samples can be found, as opposed to the pristine CN. The formation of this special porous structure should be associated with the interaction between CN and SrCO3. Concretely, during copyrolysis, CO32− in SrCO3 will attack the hydrogen bonds of CN to release H2 and CO2 gas, probably in the form of bubbles, thus breaking the intralayer hydrogen bonds of CN and yielding ACN. Bursting of the bubbles leads to the formation of a porous structure. Utilizing the DFT method, NEB calculations are thus carried out to further confirm this deduction. As shown in SI Figure S2f, a lower energy barrier and less energy adsorption are observed in the reaction at the edge sites of CN. Specifically, HCO3− generation at edge site manifests lower energy barrier (Eb, 1.03

Figure 2. TEM and HRTEM images of CN (a) and SCO-ACN-0.1 (b).

primary layered CN nanosheets, the SCO-ACN-0.1 sample shows clear lattice fringes with a lattice spacing of 2.581 Å (circled by the red dashed line), which match the spacing of the (200) crystal planes of the SrO clusters (2−5 nm) formed by the thermal decomposition of SrCO3 during copyrolysis. Hence a facile copyrolysis method has been developed to prepare amorphous CN decorated with SrO clusters. The N2 adsorption−desorption isotherms and Barrett− Joyner−Halenda (BJH) pore-size distribution curves (SI Figure S4) also reflect the formation of mesopores. The specific surface area and pore volume of SCO-ACN-X decrease, as shown in SI Table S1. According to the comparison, the specific surface area and porous structures are not the key factors responsible for the enhanced photocatalytic activity of SCO-ACN-X. 3.3. Optical Properties, Charge Separation, and Charge Transfer. PL spectra and ns-level time-resolved fluorescence decay spectra are recorded (Figure 3) to investigate the transfer of photogenerated carriers. In contrast to CN which shows a strong band-to-band emission peak at 442 nm, the SCO-ACN-0.1 sample exhibits a much diminished PL peak (Figure 3a). The quenching of the PL peaks can be ascribed to the inhibition of radiative recombination pathways, which are associated with the unique short-range order but long-range disorder amorphous arrangements of ACN that can eliminate the high localization of charge carriers within each melon strand and decrease the large potential barrier in the regions between the layers and across the hydrogen bonds to boost the separation of charge carriers.20,21 The SrO has a band gap of 6.1 eV, with conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) positions at −3.08 and 3.02 eV, repectively.42,43 Considering the band structure of CN, the visible light-induced 10685

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Figure 3. PL spectra (a), ns-level time-resolved fluorescence spectra (b) for as-prepared samples.

Figure 4. Visible-light photocatalytic activities of as-prepared samples for NO removal (a), and DMPO spin-trapping ESR spectra of samples (b).

enhance the photocatalytic activity. And the reaction rate constant k of CN and SCO-ACN are determined to be 0.0915 and 0.1367 min−1, respectively (SI Figure S6). Correspondingly, the apparent quantum efficiency was estimated to be 19.12 and 28.57% for CN and SCO-ACN-0.1, respectively (see the details about the apparent quantum efficiency calculations in the SI), which indicates the SCO-ACN samples exhibit higher apparent quantum efficiency than pristine CN. And the slight reduction in photocatalytic activity after several minutes can be ascribed to the accumulation of generated intermediates and final products occupying the active sites. The final products (NO3−) can be easily removed by water washing. The photocatalytic efficiency is strongly related to the number of the electron−hole pairs generated under light irradiation, as well as their evolution route. The photogenerated electrons and holes can migrate to the surface of the photocatalyst and then be trapped, generally by the oxygen and surface hydroxyls, to ultimately form superoxide radicals (•O2−) and hydroxyl radicals (•OH) that react with the adsorbed pollutant. For further investigating the reactive species responsible for the photocatalytic removal of NO, the ESR spin-trap with DMPO technique is employed to detect the DMPO-•O2− and DMPO-•OH signals in the CN and SCOACN-0.1 suspension (Figure 4b). As expected, a much stronger DMPO-•O2− signal is observed for SCO-ACN-0.1 than for CN. This improvement is associated with the improved electron excitation properties and better charge transfer characteristics, which facilitate the generation of photogenerated electrons to trap molecular oxygen and produce more •O2−. Interestingly, a strong DMPO-•OH adduct signal generated by SCO-ACN-0.1 is detected. The potential energy of the VB holes (1.40 eV) from CN is more negative than the OH−/•OH and H2O/•OH potentials (1.99 and 2.37 eV) and cannot directly oxidize OH−/H2O into •OH radicals. However, the observed •OH radicals in Figure 4b can be formed through

carriers from ACN could not be transferred to SrO. Thus, the enhanced charge separation and transfer characteristics of SCOACN are irrelevant to the SrO clusters. Correspondingly, the radiative lifetime of SCO-ACN-0.1 is longer than that of CN (Figure 3b), further confirming the effective transfer of carriers to inhibit the recombination of electron−hole pairs directly originating from the special amorphous structure. Besides, the photocurrent density-time response plot via on−off cycles of the samples under visible-light irradiation is employed to evaluate the interfacial charge separation dynamics (SI Figure S5a). Owing to the enhanced electron−hole separation and transfer, the photocurrent response intensity of SCO-ACN-0.1 is higher than primary CN. As shown in SI Figure S5b, a typical semiconductor absorption in the blue light range is observed for all samples. Owing to the construction of unique amorphous arrangements of short-range order and long-range disorder, a red-shift of the optical absorption band edge can be observed. To be specific, the gradual destruction of the intralayer long-range atomic order by breaking hydrogen bonds increases both the density and distribution of localized states, which is responsible for the increased visible light absorption.20,21 3.4. Photocatalytic Activity and Conversion Pathway of NO Oxidation. As shown in Figure 4a, all the SCO-ACN-X samples exhibit superior activity compared to pristine CN. In particular, the SCO-ACN-0.1 sample reaches an unprecedented high NO removal ratio of 50.0%. Thus, a facile copyrolysis method has been developed to prepare highly efficient SCOACN and the optimized preparation conditions are confirmed. To further demonstrate the interaction between CN and SrCO3 during copyrolysis, the mechanically mixed SCO−CN sample is also tested, and a slight enhancement of photocatalytic activity is observed. Therefore, the combined disruption of the intralayer long-rang atomic order structure of CN and coupling with the SrO clusters are beneficial to 10686

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Figure 5. In situ IR spectra of NO adsorption (a, b) and visible-light reaction processes (d, e) over CN and SCO-ACN-0.1, temporal evolution of normalized absorbance of adsorbed Sr-NOδ(+) and NO3− species on photocatalysts surface during NO adsorption process (c) and photocatalytic NO oxidation process (f).

but lower than those of NO+ free ions (around 2200 cm−1). The adsorbed nitrosyls, the main reaction intermediates, would be preferentially oxidized to nitro compounds by reactive oxygen species.49 Hence SrO clusters can be identified as the newly formed active centers to facilitate the activation of NO via the formation of Sr-NOδ(+), which effectively promotes the conversion of NO to the final products. Once the adsorption equilibrium is achieved, a visible-light source is applied to initiate the photocatalytic reaction. Figure 5d shows the IR spectra for CN under visible-light irradiation in time sequence. The “baseline” spectrum is the same as that of “NO + O2 20 min” in Figure 5a. In the range 2300−2050 cm−1, the absorption bands at 2282 and 2244 cm−1 disappear, indicating the consumption of N2O/NO accumulated during NO adsorption. Correspondingly, the peak intensities of some intermediates (nitrito, NO−/NOH) and final products (nitrites, nitrates) significantly increase. The ESR results demonstrate that the surface superoxide radicals are the major radical species (Figure 4b). Thus, the superoxide radicals should be responsible for the conversion of the intermediates into the final products under visible-light irradiation. The adsorptionphotocatalysis mechanism on the pristine CN is illustrated in Scheme 2a. The time-dependent IR spectra for the photocatalytic NO oxidation over SCO-ACN-0.1 are recorded and shown in Figure 5e. In the range 1250−900 cm−1, the IR absorption bands show a similar pattern as that observed for CN. The increased negative peak intensity of the OH groups at 3700− 3350 cm−1 can attribute to the consumption of OH groups for the generation of hydroxyl radicals, which is one of the oxidation mediators for NO removal. A slightly intensified SrNOδ(+) band at 2126 cm−1 can be observed. Notably, a new absorption band at 2215 cm−1 is detected, which can be ascribed to the fact that the electrons from the adsorbed NO are trapped by the photogenerated holes and then converted into NO+ (free ions). Sr-NOδ(+) and NO+ are the dominant products of NO activation on SCO-ACN. Also, according to IR spectra in time sequence, the temporal evolution of normalized absorbance of adsorbed Sr-NOδ(+) and NO3− species on the photocatalysts surface during NO adsorption process and photocatalytic NO oxidation process can be provided. For the concerned species, the normalized absorbance is calculated by considering their individual

the reduction of •O2− via the following route: •O2− → H2O2 → •OH (the detection of H2O2 has been demonstrated in SI Figure S7).44 Therefore, we conclude that the SCO-ACN significantly promotes the transportation, migration, and transformation of charge carriers and then facilitates the generation of reactive radicals for NO oxidation. To understand the mechanism of photocatalytic NO oxidation, in situ DRIFTS is carried out to monitor timedependent evolution of the reaction intermediates and products over the photocatalyst surface, as shown in Figure 5. The background spectrum is recorded before injecting NO into the reaction chamber. The NO absorption bands appear once NO comes in contact with the photocatalyst at 25 °C under dark conditions. Absorption bands of N2O at 2282 and 2244 cm−1 are detected, indicating the adsorption of NO over CN.24,25 In the OH stretching region, a negative band at around 3550 cm−1 is observed, along with adsorption IR bands at 1193−1142 cm−1 due to NO−/NOH, and at 2087 and 934 cm−1 due to NO2.24−26 This result indicates the disproportionation of NO on the surface of CN. The following reaction can be proposed: 3NO + OH− = NO2 + NO− + NOH.24−27 The other absorption bands developed progressively can be assigned to the stretching vibration of monodentate (1060−1010 cm−1) and bidentate (at 1125 and 1109 cm−1) nitrites, or to bidentate (1227 and 1060−1010 cm−1), bridging (1001 cm−1), and chelating bidentate (986 cm−1) nitrates.24−26,28,29,45 The formation of nitrites and nitrates over CN during NO adsorption are mainly due to the active two-coordinated N atoms of CN that facilitate the formation of the activated oxygen species and then enhance the oxidation capacity of the surface oxygen species for NOx oxidation.46,47 In the case of SCO-ACN-0.1, the adsorption of nitro compounds can be observed before the visible-light irradiation, as shown in Figure 5b, similar to NO adsorption over the CN sample. However, significant differences between the two cases can be identified. An outstanding band appears at 2126 cm−1 and is associated with the nitrosyl (Sr-NOδ(+)) species, an intermediate formed during NO oxidation.48,49 NO molecules tend to interact with SrO to form the more stable nitrosyl intermediate.27,49 Partial charge transfer from the 5s orbital of NO to Sr2+ results in the formation of Sr-NOδ(+).25,49 This is consistent with the observation that the vibration frequencies of nitrosyls are higher than those of NO molecules (1876 cm−1) 10687

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Environmental Science & Technology

Scheme 2. Conversion Pathways of Adsorption and Photocatalytic Oxidation of NO Over CN (a) and SCO-ACN-0.1 (b), the Illustration of the Catalyst Structure and Key Role of SrO Clusters (c)

owing to the introduction of SrCO3, the NO molecules tend to be adsorbed on the SrO clusters to form Sr-NOδ(+), and the reaction intermediates would be preferentially oxidized by reactive oxygen species. Second, the increased consumption of OH groups in SCO-U-0.1 during the reaction is not only beneficial for the conversion of intermediates but also contributes to the generation of hydroxyl radicals, in accordance with the ESR results. Last, although the adsorption and photocatalytic NO oxidation with SCO-ACN are slightly different from those with the pristine CN, the SrO clusters do not change the overall conversion pathway of photocatalytic NO oxidation. Significantly, the SrO clusters as newly formed active centers facilitate the activation of NO via the formation of Sr-NOδ(+)/NO+ and promote the conversion of NO to the final products (Scheme 2c). Therefore, both the conversion pathway of photocatalytic NO oxidation and the reasons for the

maximum absorbance as 1. The normalized absorbance of intermediates (Sr-NOδ(+)) and final product (NO3−) are illiustrated in Figure 5c and f. According to the tendency of species evolution, it can be clearly observed that the adsorption and transformation of Sr-NOδ(+) and NO3− both in NO adsorption process and photocatalytic NO oxidation process are greatly boosted on SCO-ACN, indicating the construction of SrO clusters@amorphous carbon nitride could promote the ability for NO activation. Consequently, the enhanced NO activation accelerates the formation of intermediates and then facilitates the conversion from original pollutant or intermediates to final products. The conversion pathways for the NO adsorption and photocatalytic NO oxidation processes on SCO-ACN are proposed for the first time, as depicted in Scheme 2b. And there are some differences exist between the adsorption and photocatalysis processes for CN and SCO-ACN-0.1. First, 10688

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00974 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 10682−10690


Environmental Science & Technology

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S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00974. Evaluation of photocatalytic activity. The XPS survey spectra of CN (a) and SCO-ACN-0.1 (b), highresolution C1s (c) and O1s (b) XPS spectra of SCOU-0.1 sample. SEM images of as-prepared samples (a-d), EDX elemental mapping of N, C, Sr and O in image for SCO-ACN-0.1 sample (e) and relative energy comparison for CO32− → HCO3− reaction at bridge and edge sites of carbon nitride (f). Optimized structures of pristine g-C3N4, CO32− and HCO3− ions (a). Reaction pathways of HCO3− generation at edge (b) and bridge (c) sites in CN. N2 adsorption−desorption isotherms curves (a) and pore-size distribution (b) of as-prepared samples. Table showing SBET, pore volume, formula, and NO removal ratio of the samples. Transient photocurrent densities (a) and UV−vis DRS spectra (b) for asprepared samples. Reaction rate constants k of the asprepared samples. Visible-light-driven H2O2 formation over CN in 60 min. Table listing assignments of the FTIR bands observed during NO adsorption over the photocatalysts. Table assignments of the FT-IR bands observed during photocatalytic NO oxidation over photocatalysts (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*Phone: +86 23 62769785 605; fax:+86 23 62769785 605; email: [email protected]. ORCID

Jieyuan Li: 0000-0003-3666-9796 Fan Dong: 0000-0003-2890-9964 Guangming Jiang: 0000-0002-7375-0107 Wanglai Cen: 0000-0002-2854-964X Zhongbiao Wu: 0000-0003-0182-5971 Author Contributions

The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Key R&D project (2016YFC0204702), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51478070, 21777011 and 21501016), the Innovative Research Team of Chongqing (CXTDG201602014), and the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (cstc2017jcyjBX0052, cstc2016jcyjA0481).


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b00974 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 10682−10690