Hillcrest High School - Dallas ISD

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Aug 26, 2013 - Most of the important information will be provided through email. We need ... templates on the internet t
2014-2015 School Year

Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year! The Hillcrest High School PTSA hopes you are having a great summer! We know you probably aren’t thinking about school right now, but school starts this month! This packet is filled with information about various school organizations. Please take some time to read the information.

Table of Contents Contact Information .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Panther Fish Camp ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Senior Contact ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 SENIOR RETREAT!!! ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 College Application Tips..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Hillcrest High School Calendar .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Student Parking Permit ................................................................................................................................................................... 120 HHS Pictures and Photo Buttons ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Dollars for HHS…............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 2014 Hillcrest Panther Football Schedule.........................................................................................................................................15 Student organizations .................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Parent Organizations… ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Join HHS PTSA ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Websites........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 HHS VOLUNTEERS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21 HHS Panaders Booster Club ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 HHS Pather Pride Band

....................................................................................................................................................... 24

Drama Booster Club ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Hillcrest publications....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 HHS Sports Teams ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Are you planning to go to college? ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Daily School Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Tardy Policy.................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 HHS Attendance Policies ................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Dress code standard ......................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Electronic Device Policy ................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Return the completed forms and checks to the PTSA BOX in main office or mail to: Hillcrest High School PTSA 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX 75230 If you have any questions about what is in this packet, please contact the school office at 972.502.6800. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de este paquete por favor de comunicarse al telf. 972.502.6800 Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Contact Information HHS Administrators 972.502.6800 Principal: Assoc. Principal: Asst. Principal: Asst. Principal: Campus Initiative Admin.:

Ronald K. Jones Shanna Burton Luis Cuevas William Knuckles Ann McNutt

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

HHS Counselors 972.502.6815 Counselors are assigned to students according to the student’s last name.

Gailene Anderson, Lead (A-C) [email protected] Freida Toles (D-K) [email protected] Caroline Jones (L- Re) [email protected] Bridget Dyer-Smith (Ri-Z) [email protected]

HHS Phone Numbers Main office: Attendance office: Band Hall: Boy’s coaches office: Girl’s coaches office: Journalism: Library/Media Center: JROTC:

972.502.6800 972.502.6805 972.502.6836 972.502.6825 972.502.6828 972.502.6871 972.502.6838 972.502.6874

Fax 972.502.6807

Organizations and Clubs HAA: HHS Group Email: PTSA: SBDM: Band Parent: Cheer Parent: Drama Club Parent: Mock Trial Parent: Lacrosse Club Parent: Panader Parent:

Mattia Flabiano Shari Goldberg Rachelle Weiss Crane Lisa Centala Jamie Eisenberg Shari Goldberg Kathi Allman Kathi Allman Kaky Wakefield Debbie Sherrington

214.808 0811 [email protected] 214.212.9067 [email protected] 214.437.4787 [email protected] 214.693.0254 [email protected] 469-877-1322 [email protected] 214.212.9067 [email protected] 214.415.5364 [email protected] 214.415.5364 [email protected] 214.212.0134 [email protected] 214.762.6957 [email protected]

Class Parent Contacts Freshman Class Parent: Sophomore Class Parent: Debbie Sherrington 214.762.6957 [email protected] Junior Class Parent: Debbie Sherrington 214.762.6957 [email protected] Senior Class Parents: Deanna Williams 214.354.6614 [email protected] Patti Thompson 214.679.1767 [email protected]

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Panther Fish Camp

Welcome FRESHMEN Class of 2018! The HHS Student Council invites all incoming Freshmen to attend an orientation. Thursday, August 21, 10:00 AM to 12:03noon, in the HHS Gym. 12:00 PM Pick up class schedule This is a great opportunity for Freshmen to learn about HHS and what is expected of them over the next four years. Mascot – Panther School Colors – Red and White Alma Mater All hail to Hillcrest High School, We sing praise to thee A better school than ours, surely could not be All hail to Hillcrest High School, We sing praise to thee To thy name and honor, We pledge loyalty.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Senior Contact College Fairs

Scholarships, Financial Aid


Senior Activities

Graduation Information

Most of the important information will be provided through email. We need to have your contact info: Class of 2015 Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Class of 2015 Parent Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent e-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (Second Parent Contact Info) Class of 2015 Parent Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent e-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Please complete this form and return to the HHS Office, attention PTSA mailbox. We will add you to our distribution list so you can be informed of important SENIOR ACTIVITIES. If you have questions, please contact one of the Class of 2015 Senior Moms: Deanna Williams 214.354.6614 Patti Thompson 214.679.1767

[email protected] [email protected]

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


SENIOR RETREAT!!! CAN’T TOUCH TH15! CLASS OF 2015 Get Ready for your BEST year yet! AUGUST 26th 2013 9:15am Buses depart Hillcrest High School for Aaron Family JCC

Join your classmates for a fun day: Team Building, Speakers, Swimming and Lunch Wear your BLACK Senior 2015 t-shirt and your SWIM SUIT. Bring a towel You must submit a signed permission form to attend!

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


CAN’T TOUCH TH15! CLASS OF 2015 College Application Tips We hope you are enjoying your summer. However, it is time for you to start preparing for the college application process. Begin by updating your resume. Include any honor distinctions, leadership positions held, clubs, activities, and athletic teams in which you have participated during high school. There are several templates on the internet that you can use as a guide. Go to www.ApplyTexas.org and you will see a sample of this year’s college application. This will help you familiarize yourself with the type of information required for the college application. Remember to register to take or retake, if necessary, the SAT and/or ACT (college entrance exams). Top tiered colleges also require the SAT II Subject test(s). Check the requirements of the colleges to which you plan to apply by going to their website. Both www.collegeboard.com and www.act.org are great resources for these exams. They provide test dates, sample tests, and college planning. The Hillcrest school code, which is necessary to register for the SAT and ACT exams, is 441745. Another useful website is www.careercruising.com. The user name is hillcrest and the password is gocenter. This website will allow you to take a career interest survey, search colleges by state, subject, and career interest. Remember, you must have 18 credits when you begin in August to be classified as a senior. If you have less than 18 credits, you will be classified as a junior until the spring semester. Once you obtain 18 credits and you have passed all portions of the TAKS, your classification will then be changed to reflect senior status. In order to graduate with honors, your final report card/transcript GPA must fall in one of these categories:   

Honors: 85-89.9 High Honors: 90-94.9 Highest Honors 95+

Remember: everyone starts with an “A” in all of their classes when school begins. It is up to you how you finish the semester and the school year. Good luck with the application process and we look forward to working with you during your senior year. We will provide more information during the senior retreat and throughout the school year. Hillcrest Counselors: Gailene Anderson, Lead (A-C) Freida Toles (D-K) Caroline Jones (L- Re) Bridget Dyer-Smith (Ri-Z)

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


CAN’T TOUCH TH15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Senior Yearbook Ad Contract for the 2015 Panther yearbook DON’T WAIT! DO IT TODAY!!!!! Please only fill this form out if you are purchasing a senior ad for the yearbook!

REMINDERS!!! Senior ads are NOT just for families to purchase! Buy one with a group of friends, a group of seniors from extra-curricular activities, sports teams and more!!!! You may provide the layout or we will design the ad for you. No loose photos will be accepted! ALL photos must be turned in via email, jump drive or CD. Payments will hold your spot. Payment is due in full when photos and text are turned in. The entire ad must be paid for AT ONE TIME, regardless if it is a group ad or not. THE FIRST AD DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4th!!!!! Please make checks payable to: Hillcrest Journalism ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s name(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Purchaser’s name: ____________________________________________________________________ Purchaser’s Email address: __________________________________________ Phone number: ______________________ #of pictures submitted: _____________ Means of submission of photos: __ email __ jump drive __CD Ad size (Circle one):

2.25 x 3.75 single ad


5 x 3.75 double ad: $75

8 x 5 half page ad: $150 Purchase your yearbook too (circle to order):

8 x 10.5 full page ad (includes yearbook): $350 $70

I have enclosed: $_____________ made payable to Hillcrest Journalism Please send payments and order form to: Hillcrest High School Journalism Dept. 9924 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas, TX 75230 Email photos and text to: Lori Todd at [email protected] AND Sydney Street at [email protected] OR you may bring your photos to Room 221 OR drop them off in the main office (attn: Hillcrest Journalism) Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800 7

2014-2015 Senior Activities Mark your calendar for a great year! PEP RALLY Au 29 LET’S SHOW HHS WHO RUNS THIS RALLY



Senior Parking Lot Painting September 13 7am-11am


Homecoming Parade & Football Game


THURSDAY, October 16






Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Hillcrest High School Calendar To access the Hillcrest High School calendar, go to www.hillcresthsdallas.org and click on the link indicated below:

Click this link!

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800



Hillcrest High School - Parking Space Spirit Hillcrest High School will show its Panther Pride for the 2014-2015 school year by allowing students the option of personalizing and painting their parking spot in the Aberdeen parking lot. Seniors will have the first rights to the spaces designated for student parking. We have 52 open spots. If seniors don’t fill up the spots, then we will open it up to the junior class. Students will supply their own paint and supplies. Once a student pays for their $30 parking permit he/she will be able to paint a spot. All proceeds will benefit the HHS Journalism Department and will go back into the development of our yearly publications which bring you news and capture photos and memories of the year. See Mrs. Todd in Room 221 with any questions. All require forms, documents and payment need to be turned in to Mrs. Todd. GUIDELINES: 1. Students must have paid for & received a HHS Parking Permit. Total cost for permit and painting is $30 2. Students may select their parking spot when they pay. It is on a first come-first served basis. 3. Students must have all designs approved by an administrator by September 11. Designs may contain your names and must be HHS related. For example, football number, club, senior 2015, etc. 4. Painting will occur Saturday, September 13 from 7 am – 11 am ONLY! 5. Bring this sheet with sketch of approved design, your parking pass of and your painting supplies to the school the day of the painting. 6. You MUST have your payment made and your sketch approved by Thursday, September 11. 7. NOTE! If you paint something OTHER than what is on your approved sketch, you will be required to pay a $75 fine for breaking conduct and will lose your spot and parking lot privileges for the year! Full name (print): _______________________________________Student ID: ______________________ Grade: ___________Parking space #:_____________________ Parking permit #: ______________ Place sketch design here

______________________________ Signature of Administrator Approving Design Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800



Bring your payment of $30.00 (cash or money order – NO PERSONAL CHECKS) along with this completed form to the Mrs. Todd in Room 221. By purchasing this permit, you are eligible to paint your spot. Please attach copy of: 1. Proof of insurance 2. Driver’s License Place parking permit sticker on either the front or the rear window of your car. Full name (print): _______________________________________________ Student ID: ______________________ Grade: ___________ Driver’s license #:_____________________ License plate: ______________ Car Make (Ford, GMC, etc.) Make




This parking permit is only valid for the 2014-2015 school year. I acknowledge that my car may be towed if; I do not park in an approved parking space with a valid parking permit sticker. Student Signature: Contact Phone #


Parent Signature: Contact Phone #


Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


HHS Photo Buttons Support your student and HHS Journalism and purchase a photo button! Order buttons and wear them to support your student in any and all activities (i.e., Football, Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, Track and Field, Baseball, Wrestling, Tennis, Lacrosse, Frisbee, Swimming, Basketball, Theater, Mock Trial, NHS, Choir, Cheer, Panaders, Band, Flag Team, Biomedical, Academics, Student Council, AVID, Interact, etc.). Photos can be taken in uniform, club t-shirt or everyday attire. Photo Buttons can be purchased in any quantity. The 3” round buttons will have a pin back. One button is $5. Two or more buttons are $4 each. Photos will be taken at school on Friday, 8/29 for fall sports (cross country, football, and volleyball) and all other clubs and activities. Buttons must be prepaid and the forms and payment turned in to Mrs. Todd by 9/2. Winter and Spring Sports photos will be taken at a later date after tryouts for the various sports. Parents support your child! Friends support your friends! Show your Panther Pride! Purchaser Name:_______________________________________________________________ Purchaser Phone #:__________________ Purchaser Email:___________________________ 1. Name of Student Photo:_________________________________ # of Buttons______ Activity, Sport, Club:_______________________________________________________ 2. Name of Student Photo:_________________________________ # of Buttons______ Activity, Sport, Club:_______________________________________________________ 3. Name of Student Photo:_________________________________ # of Buttons______ Activity, Sport, Club:_______________________________________________________ 4. Name of Student Photo:_________________________________ # of Buttons______ a. Activity, Sport, Club:__________________________________________________ 5. Name of Student Photo:_________________________________ # of Buttons______ a. Activity, Sport, Club:__________________________________________________ Total # of Buttons:_________________ $ Amount Due:_______________________ Questions??? Contact Mrs. Todd at [email protected]

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Dollars for HHS… Easy as 1, 2, 3… 1. Shop Tom Thumb & Use your Tom Thumb Reward Card. 2. Complete the Good Neighbor Program Application. 3. Add charity #2644 Friends of Hillcrest to your reward card. PTSA Scholarship Fund The Hillcrest PTSA presents at least ten $500 scholarships each May for deserving seniors. In addition to donations, these scholarships are funded by our participation in the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program. This program returns 1% of the proceeds from your TT Reward Card four times a year to the scholarship fund. So, please use your Reward Card and add #2644 Friends of Hillcrest as a charity. If you don’t have a Reward Card, fill out a form at the service desk of your grocery store.


Staples Reward Program Buy school supplies at Staples - use Rewards # 972 502 6800 (HHS Phone #) & we receive reward dollars


Best Buy Reward Program Buy electronics at Best Buy - use 972 502 6800 (HHS Phone #) & we receive reward dollars Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


2014 Hillcrest Panther Football Schedule VARSITY










Aug 29




Aug 28

W.T. White


Sep 4




Sep 3


Loos Pleasant Grove

Sep 11





North Garland P



Sep 25

N. Dallas

Williams Stadium E Franklin (Away)



North Garland P


Sep 24

N. Dallas



Oct 3

Creek View



Oct 2

Creek View

Oct 10

Bryan Adams T. Jefferson HOME Woodrow

Forester Franklin COMING Franklin (Away) Franklin


Oct 8

Bryan Adams


Oct 15

T. Jefferson


Oct 23





Oct 30

Newman Smith

Polk Field



Nov 5




Sep 12

Oct 16 Oct 24 Oct 31 Nov 6

Newman Smith SENIOR Conrad

NIGHT Franklin (Away)

Blalack MS Franklin Forrester #2


7:30p 7:30p 7:30p

Football tailgate… Approx. 60 minutes Before the Varsity games Meet in the Franklin Field Parking Lot Bring a chair and goodies to share! Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Student organizations YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN… CHECK US OUT! Each organization has a teacher advisor. If you need more information, stop by the school office to find out the teacher advisor for the organizations that interest you. Listen to the announcements to get information on meeting dates, times, and places. The best way to have a great high school experience is to experience high school with a great group! Academic Decathlon

Use your knowledge to represent Hillcrest High School as we compete against other schools. HHS usually wins District!

Art Club

Kick off a new year with the Art Club; all things creative will be considered for expanding your artistic horizons.

Band: Marching & Jazz

Let your musical talents shine and be part of a long tradition at Hillcrest.

Biomedical Research Group Students in this program conduct actual scientific research in a laboratory at UT Southwestern Medical Center executing graduate level procedures. Program is available to students in grades 10-12. Dr. Ward Coats is the sponsor. French Club

French Club is a forum for Hillcrest students to experience French culture. Activities include trips to museums, French film festival at SMU, socials at La Madeleine, cooking, games and much more!

Interact Club

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for high school students. The Hillcrest Interact Club is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Park Cities. The group is involved with a variety of community service projects throughout the year.


Improve your reporting, writing, editing, and photographing skills by joining the group that publishes both The Hurricane (student newspaper) and The Panther (student yearbook).

Key Club

Increase school spirit and organize community service projects with this group.

Latin American Dance Club

Do you enjoy Salsa, Merengue, Cha Cha, and Mambo? If you are an accomplished dancer or you want to learn, this is the club for you.

Mock Trial

Where “Boston Legal” meets “Law and Order” at Hillcrest High School. Be a Lawyer... Be a witness... Be in this exciting extracurricular activity! It will require a lot of work and commitment on your part, but – it will be well worth it and as much fun as the law allows. We plan on going to State, so join us for the ride!

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Mu Alpha Theta

Add up the benefits of being honored with the distinction of this group. If math is your thing and your grades can prove it, apply to be a member. Teacher recommendations are needed.


Design the school website with this group. Learn the techniques and technology to be on the cutting edge of graphic design.

National Honor Society

Apply to become a member of this top student organization. Grades, leadership, character, and community service are all important to this group. Applications will be available at school for Juniors and Seniors who meet qualifications.


Create a rich sound with your fellow students who play the strings! Participate in various school performances and outside competitions.

Robotics Club

For students interested in any of the following: building robots, driving robots, programming robots, creating a website about the robot, and documenting the progress of the robotics club. It is open to all students, grades 9-12.


Become part of a well-run, self-disciplined organization that leads the flag ceremony at all HHS events. Participate in competitions and become eligible for scholarships.

Spanish Club

Expand your knowledge of the Spanish language and culture.

Student Council

Have an impact on what happens at our school: Homecoming events, Safe Trickor-Treat Night @ HHS, and many other community service projects.

Theater Arts

Act, build, sing, paint, dance, work, and enjoy after you join this group. All sorts of talents are needed for the Fall Musical, Mr. HHS and Spring One-Act Play.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Parent Organizations… Hillcrest Athletic Association (HAA) HAA is a nonprofit group established to support Hillcrest’s student athletes. Members organize “fun and fund” raisers to support the girls & boys athletic teams at Hillcrest. Membership in the HAA shows your commitment to the student athletes of Hillcrest High School and will keep you informed of all the latest athletic news. Meetings are the second Monday of each month at 7:00 in the library. Our first meeting is Monday, Sept 15. Please call Mattia Flabiano 214.808 0811 [email protected] with questions.

Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Committee Join the Hillcrest SBDM and be a part of the team! The goal is to advance the level of student success through increased student, parent, staff, and community involvement in the education process. We meet the first Monday of each month at 4:15 p.m. in the school library. Our first meeting will be Monday, September 9, 2013. Please call Patti Thompson at 214.679.1767 or email [email protected] with questions.

PTSA Board The purpose of the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is to make it easier for parents and teachers to work together in the education of our children. There is a wide range of opportunities for any parent to be involved. A list of the committees and the membership form are below. The PTSA Board meets the first Monday of most months at 7:00 PM in the Library. Our first meeting is Monday, September 8. Please call Rachelle Weiss Crane at 214.437.4787 or email [email protected] with questions. Everyone is welcome.

HHS PTSA - Parent Teacher Student Association PTSA committees have chairmen & terrific plans for the year. Please consider joining one or more of these committees: Hospitality/Teacher Appreciation

This committee does nice things for the teachers and staff at Hillcrest to show how much we appreciate them. Preparing food for lunches and dinners, finding or making little gifts and acknowledging special occasions are part of what this committee does. They also provide snacks for the PTSA board meetings and other PTSA events.


How does the PTSA get the money to do so much for our school? This committee coordinates their fundraising events… check writing campaign and or an auction. They need help with mail outs, finding items to sell at the auction and in setting up for the big dinner, dance, & party.


Parade Committee: Every year, Homecoming is a big event at Hillcrest. This committee needs help getting the parade pulled together and they need lots of volunteers on October 19th, which is the afternoon of the parade. Spirit Mum Committee: Part of the Homecoming experience is mums. The PTSA takes orders for personalized mums, makes them, and delivers them to students.


Round-Up is a night at the school to welcome prospective families to Hillcrest. They have a chance to learn about our curriculum, school activities, athletics, and clubs. We need volunteers to help with mailings, food, and greeters.

Cultural Arts/Library Support

This committee coordinates the Reflections contest that is sponsored by the Texas PTA. The contest is for artwork, photography, essays, and poetry. Judges have to found, rules explained, and entries submitted to the District office.

School Improvements

Do you think there are things that need to be done to make Hillcrest more beautiful or more functional? This committee has done projects such as outdoor landscaping, redecorating the teacher lounge, counselors’ office, and improving the auditorium.


We want every parent, teacher, and student to be a part of the PTSA. This committee signs up members, collects dues, and files the state reports.

Senior Activities

It has been a long tradition at Hillcrest High School to provide a memorable year for our seniors. A fun activity is planned most months. Many volunteers are needed. This is a great chance to bond with your senior before they leave home.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800



Ensemble HHS PTSA

PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. When you join PTSA, you join a community that encourages student achievement and enriches the learning environment. This is a partnership between our families & our school. We believe that TOGETHER we can help our children be successful. PTSA es una organización entre los padres, maestros y estudiantes, entonces háganse miembros con su estudiante(s). You will receive a 2014-15 Student Directory for each paid membership. Usted recibirá una 2014-15 guía estudiante para cada membresía pagada.

2014-2015 PTSA President: Rachelle Weiss Crane Membership Dues/Membrecías:

[email protected] or 214.437.4787

Two Parents/Dos Padres: Single Parent/Padre Solo: Per Student/Estudiante: Faculty/Staff/Facultad/Empleado:

$13.00 $6.50 $6.00 $6.00

Parent/Guardian Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre del Padre o Guardián Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Zip ____________________________ Dirección (incluya el # Aparta.) Código Postal Grade _____________ Grado

e-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Correo Electrónico

Phone #1 _____________________________________________ Phone #2 ______________________________________________________ Teléfono #1 Teléfono #2 Student Last Name _____________________________________ First Name and Initial ___________________________________________ Apellido del estudiante Primer Nombre e inicial If any member has been awarded a Texas Life membership, indicate: Marque aquí si tiene membresía por vida: Name of Member _____________________________________ Name of School _______________________________________________ Nombre Nombre de Escuela ALSO/TAMBIEN:  Yes! I want to support the Hillcrest Scholarship Fund that provides scholarships for HHS students. I have enclosed a SEPARATE check made out to HILLCREST SCHOLARSHIP FUND. ¡Si! Quiero apoyar el fondo para las becas de Hillcrest y yo soy incluyendo un cheque separado para financiar mas becas para los estudiantes.  Yes! I want to support the Hillcrest Beautification Fund to help improve the landscaping at HHS. I have enclosed a SEPARATE check made out to HILLCREST BEAUTIFICATION FUND. ¡Si! Quiero apoyar los fondos para embellecer Hillcrest y yo soy incluyendo un cheque separado para mejorar la apariencia de Hillcrest.

Make checks payable to HHS PTSA. Return this form and dues to: Haga los cheques pagaderos a HHS PTSA. Devuelva esta forma y dinera a: HILLCREST PTSA Tara Marsh 6945 Stefani Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 Or RETURN THIS FORM TO THE HHS MAIN OFFICE. VUELVA ESTA FORMA A LA OFICINA DE LA CAÑERÍA DE HHS. Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Websites www.hillcresthsdallas.org The main website for Hillcrest High School contains many links to other Hillcrest websites including, Hillcrest Athletic Association, Panader Drill Team, and Scholarship Information. You will also find a calendar with all school activities for Hillcrest and Franklin, plus elementary schools in our cluster. www.dallasisd.org The official website of the Dallas Independent School District includes information for parents, students, & teachers.


[email protected] Subscribe to our group e-mail list to be informed of activities at Hillcrest. Send an e-mail to: [email protected] or fill in the form below (please print legibly) & return to the school office. IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE NEWSGROUP LIST, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN A FORM ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙

Be Informed… Sign up now!!

HHS Newsgroup Parent(s) Name: _______________________________________________________________

Graduation year: (circle one)

Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________





Student(s) e-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent e-mail Address (1): ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent e-mail Address (2): ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


HHS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTARIOS DE HHS Make a Difference Volunteers are very important. You do not need special training. All help is greatly appreciated! Los voluntarios son muy importantes. Las necesidades varían desde monitoreo durante exámenes, hasta durante la semana de apreciación de los maestros. Usted no necesita entrenamiento especial. Todo tipo de ayudar es grandemente apreciado. Parent/Guardian Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre del Padre o Guardián Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Zip ____________________________ Dirección (incluya el # Aparta.) Código Postal Grade _____________ Grado

e-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Correo electrónico

Phone #1 _____________________________________________ Phone #2 ______________________________________________________ Teléfono #1 Teléfono #2 Student Last Name _____________________________________ First Name and Initial ___________________________________________ Apellido del estudiante Primer Nombre e inicial I can help in the:  morning Puedo ayudar durante mañana

 afternoon tarde

I am interested in (check as many as you wish):

 evening noche

 the weekend fines de semana

Estoy interesado en (marque todas las que desee):

 Field Trip Chaperone /Chaperone del disparo al campo  Graduating Senior Class Activities/ Actividades de graduandos  Hillcrest Athletic Association activities (See enclosed information page)/Actividades de la Asociación Atlética de Hillcrest (vea información provista)  Hillcrest High School PTSA  Homecoming Parade Help /Parada de “Homecoming”  I can provide a convertible or flatbed trailer for the Homecoming Parade use/Convertible para la parada de “Homecoming  Library Help/Biblioteca  Office Help/Ayuda de la Oficina  Site based decision making council – This council of parents, teachers, and community members evaluates and implements policies to improve the quality of education for students at Hillcrest High School/ Comité de educación centrada en la escuela (SCE). (El comité del SCE evalúa e implementa pólizas para mejora la calidad de la educación que los estudiantes reciben en Hillcrest. El comité, compuesto de padres, maestros, y miembros de la comunidad, trabaja en áreas tales como las relaciones entre los estudiantes y los padres en la comunidad escolar, el entrenamiento de la facultad y la operación de la escuela).  Envelope Stuffing/Sobres que Ensamblan  Translating Language/Servicios de traducción (idioma)  Tutoring/Tutoría:


Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800



The Hillcrest Athletic Association (HAA) is a nonprofit group established to support Hillcrest’s student athletes. Members organize “fun and fund” raisers to support the girls and boys athletic teams at Hillcrest. Support takes two forms: financial and school spirit (or both!). Membership in the HAA shows your commitment to the student athletes of Hillcrest High School and will keep you informed of all the latest athletic news!

2014-2015 HAA President: Mattia Flabiano





 Ice Cream Social & Community Rally

 Membership

 Spirit Wear

 Punt, Pass, & Kick Feeder School Night (10/4)

 Feeder School Communications

 Franklin Field Concessions

 Homecoming Parade & Tail Gate (10/19)

 Football Game Day Prep (Super Fan)

(Which night is best for you?)

 Cross Country Meet (TBD)

 Sport Contact Parent _________________ (sport)

 Golf Tournament (TBD)

 Concessions

 Athletic Banquet (May)

 Merchandise

 Field Maintenance

 Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday

 Lacrosse/Soccer  Softball  Track  Franklin Softball  Franklin Baseball  Hillcrest Baseball


 $50.00 Silver

 $100.00 Gold

 $250.00 Panther

 $500.00 MVP

 $1,000.00 Super Fan

 Other ___________

 Keep Me in the News

 ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

HAA 2013-2014 Membership Information

Name(s)___________________________________________________________________________________________________ e-mail Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ Zip _____________________________ Phone (H) ____________________________ (W) ______________________________ (C) ______________________________ Students/Grade/Sports_____________________________________________________________________________________

Checks Payable to: HAA Return to School: 9924 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas, TX 75230 or in the MAIN OFFICE – PTSA BOX Attn Membership: Mattia Flabiano 214.808 0811 [email protected]

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


HHS Panaders Booster Club The Panaders Dance Team is long-standing tradition at Hillcrest High School. This exemplary, award-wining organization performs and entertains Panther fans at Hillcrest pep rallies, football games, basketball games and parades. The Panaders also participate in the Dallas Veterans Day Parade and Children's Medical Center Holiday Parade every winter. The team performs at area dance competitions, including the Christmas Spectacular Showcase, Dallas ISD's Dance Festival, as well as other community events such as the International Festival in the heart of downtown Dallas. This year, the Panaders will be performing in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City and at The Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida! The Panaders strive for excellence academically and represent the proud spirit of Hillcrest High School. These ladies shine through their love of dance and inspire others to be a part of a lifelong tradition. Please support the Panaders by joining the Booster Club. Your membership is greatly appreciated, and your tax-deductible donation will help cover various yearly expenses, including competition fees, costumes and team travel. $25 -- Silver Level $50 -- Gold Level $100 -- Platinum Level Other Name ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ Phone (H) ________________ Phone (W)__________________ Phone (C) ________________ Email Address _________________________________________________________________ Student(s)/Grade(s) ____________________________________________________________ Method of payment: ___ Check ___ Cash Amount Enclosed: _______ Please make checks payable to: Hillcrest Panaders Booster Club Mail your payment to: Hillcrest Panaders Booster Club Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX 75230 Attn: Barbara Bowers Panader Booster President: Debbie Sherrington

214.762.6957 [email protected]

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800



The Band: Band is a performance based class. Students are taught to read, play, write and perform artistically with proper breath control, instrument technique, and the blending of all aspects of each musical genre. Students will participate in many competitions that become available as seen fit by the Texas UIL and Dallas ISD standards. They also perform at all football games and travel to the out-of-town games as well. They perform at home basketball games and play for various schools and community activities. Pep Band is the band that plays for basketball games and pep assemblies. They are used by different organizations to add music to activities for class reunions and homecoming festivities. In addition, the band has implemented a scholarship program for selected band members. The Colorguard: The Colorguard is an organization that performs along with the band to all football games and parades throughout the Fall season. It consists of mostly girls with dance experience but all students will be considered. They learn to perform with Flags, Sabres and anything colorful to add to the mood of the music during marching band. Participation is by audition and directors acceptance. The Drum Line: The Drum Line has their own class during the spring semester and consists of all percussion instruments. They perform along with the marching band during the Fall semester and will play for various activities through the Spring semester. The percussion is a vital part of the band, taught by Mr. Alan Green and participation is by director's acceptance. The Jazz Band: Jazz ensemble is a group of musicians that perform music from the jazz era, rock and roll and pop eras. They perform concerts and compete with other jazz bands across the state. They also perform for area middle and elementary schools to promote music education at Hillcrest High School. Instrumentation consists of: trumpets, trombone, saxophones, trap set drums, bass guitar, rhythm guitar and piano. Participation is by audition only. Music Theory: The students wishing to write music and learn about the arranging of music are given the opportunity by instruction in Music Theory. Students learn to write music for marching band and pep band first and then are encouraged to further their artistic vision into their own compositions. --------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ cut line -----------------------------------------------------------------JOIN THE BAND BOOSTERS When you join the band boosters, you show your support to the band members and your contribution helps to provide meals to the band before every football game. It also provides water during summer camp, football games and during competitions. Your mo ney also helps with purchasing additional equipment and making repairs on equipment. Please join the Band Boosters and show your support. ___ $50.00 GOLD ____$30.00 SILVER ____$20.00 BRONZE ____$10.00 PARENT SUPPORTER Name_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Address__________________________________________________________________Zip________________________________ ______ Phone (H)______________________________Phone (W)_______________________________Phone (C)___________________________ Method of Payment: _______Check _______Cash Amount Enclosed: $______________________ Please make checks payable to: Hillcrest Band Booster Club Mail your check to: Hillcrest Band Booster Club 9924 Hillcrest Road or in the MAIN OFFICE - PTSA BOX Dallas, TX 75230 Band Booster President: Jamie Eisenberg 469-877-1322 [email protected] Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Drama Booster Club Support the HHS Drama Programs Hillcrest’s theater our school to the entire community through events including: ⌐ ⌐ ⌐

Fall Musical One Act Play competitions Mr. HHS Pageant

We need supporters for the theater and choral programs even if you don’t have a student participating this year. We want these programs to be excellent reflections of our students’ talents and it takes additional funds and support from our parents. The school budget provides these programs with less than $1,000 each year for all purchases and yet, did you know: ⌐ ⌐ ⌐

it costs $3,000 to hire the professional musicians for the Fall Musical it costs $700 to $1,200 to pay the royalties for the Fall Musical and One Act Play it costs $2,000 to pay for sound equipment rental, per performance

Help support these wonderful programs by joining the Drama Booster Club today!  ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Sign me up for the Drama Booster Club Names of all contributors will be printed in all programs  $35 Actor

 $250+ Producer

 $50 Writer

 Other ________________

 $100 Director

 I cannot donate now, but keep me informed

Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ Zip __________________________ Phone # 1 __________________________________________ Phone # 2 _________________________________________ Email address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Student(s)/Grade(s) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Amount enclosed $ ___________________________ Please make checks payable to: Hillcrest Drama Booster Club Mail your check to: Hillcrest Drama Club Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas, Texas 75230 Or in the MAIN OFFICE – PTSA BOX

Drama Booster President: Kathi Allman


[email protected]

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Hillcrest publications The Hillcrest Hurricane Celebrating 70 years of Hillcrest news (1944-2014)

The Hillcrest Hurricane Subscription It’s ONLY $40 for a one-year, eight-issue subscription to our award-winning school newspaper, delivered to your doorstep! Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________Apt./Suite:________ City: _______________ State: ______ Zip Code:________ Email address:____________________________________ We will contact you from: [email protected]

Please return the following information with your check or money order to: Hillcrest Journalism, 9924 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas, TX 75230

The HILLCREST PANTHER 2015 Yearbook Order Form Pre-order your 2015 Panther Yearbook NOW so you can lock in your price of $70. Yearbook prices will increase to $80 on January 20th. The last day to put a deposit down on a yearbook will be March 13th. The last day to pay for your yearbook will be May 26th!!!! STUDENT’S NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE: ________ _________ I have included my cash/check for $70/$80. Please make checks payable to: The Hillcrest Panther. _________Please reserve a yearbook for me. Enclosed is a check for a down payment of ______ (it must be at least $20 to lock in the price of $70).

Please return the following information with your check or money order to: Hillcrest Journalism, 9924 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas, TX 75230 Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Hillcrest Homecoming Information and Traditions Schedule of Events Thursday, October 16th During School- Homecoming Pep Rally 5:15 PM – Parade followed by Tailgate at Franklin Field 7:30 PM - Homecoming Football Game at Franklin Field Halftime- Presentation of Homecoming Court & the Crowning of King & Queen

Saturday, October 18th 8:00 PM - Midnight Homecoming Dance:

Parade Information The annual Hillcrest Homecoming Parade will begin at the school entrance on Aberdeen and Hillcrest Avenue. Traditionally, each HHS Class, many student organizations, and our feeder schools participate with entries in our Parade. Winners are announced at the game during halftime. Mum Traditions and Information The Homecoming Mum is an artificial keepsake worn on the day of and during the game. Senior Mums and Senior Garters, made for just the seniors, are white and silver. Super-Mums and Guy’s Garters are worn by the lower classmen and are a combination of red, white, and black. Traditionally, the large mums are worn by female students, and the garters worn by male students (on the arm), but as the garters are less expensive, some female students choose them. The Hillcrest High School PTSA offers mums for sale prior to homecoming. Mums MUST be pre-ordered and pre-paid. Profits from the sale of mums may support the Calliope (Hillcrest High School’s literary magazine); the Hillcrest High School Scholarship Fund (which provides $500 college scholarships to Hillcrest seniors); and the school beautification fund. Homecoming Dance Attire. The girls wear dressy clothes (short or long), and the boys wear tuxedos or coat and tie. To Date or Not to Date. Some students go to the Homecoming Dance with a date and some go with a group of friends. A student does not have to have a date to attend the dance. Dating “Etiquette”. If this is your child’s first dating event, discuss with them your expectations regarding how they should behave on their date (meeting parents, opening doors, not ditching his or her date during the evening, etc.). Expectations if You Have a Date Tickets to the Dance. Typically, the boy purchases the tickets. Mums. Most boys buy a mum for their dates and the girls buy a garter for their dates to be worn the day of and at the game. Flowers and Boutonnieres. Most boys buy a corsage for their dates, and most girls buy a boutonnière for their dates. Dinner Before the Dance If the students go to dinner before the dance, the girl may offer to pay for dinner if the boy has paid for the tickets. Many of our students prefer to get together with friends and have the parents provide dinner for the group at home. It’s less expensive, and they don’t have to worry about reservations, waiting for tables, tipping, splitting the bill, etc. Getting to the Dance Students who are licensed and experienced drivers may drive. Most freshmen and sophomores are taken by a parent. A group of students may rent a small bus or van with a driver. Behavior at the Dance Please make sure that your student understands that it is a school-sponsored event and that if school rules, such as those regarding alcohol and drugs, are violated, there will be serious consequences as set out buy the Dallas Independent School District. After Parties? If your student is invited to a private party following the dance, discuss the plans with the parents who will be hosting the “after party.” Make sure that you will be comfortable with the level of adult supervision, who is invited, what is planned, and how your student will get home.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800






Varsity JV Varsity JV Freshmen

Cheerleading Cross Country

Girls Girls


Varsity JV

Dance/Drill Team


Varsity JV Varsity JV




Varsity JV Freshmen




Lacrosse (Club)




Varsity JV Varsity JV


Girls Girls Girls Girls



Varsity JV











Varsity JV


Varsity Varsity JV Varsity JV Varsity JV Varsity JV Varsity Varsity JV Varsity JV

For more information about the sports programs at Hillcrest High School, contact Athletic Director Andy Todd at 972.502.6823.

before you play… All student athletes need a physical exam before practices begin. Download the form at: http://www.uil.utexas.edu/athletics/forms/pdf/policy/phys_eval_medical.pdf

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800




Boys and girls, all grade levels No competitive swimming experience needed (but must know how to swim) If interested, please contact:


Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Are you planning to go to college? Did you know that most of Hillcrest Seniors go on to college? Did you know that college graduates earn an average of $1,000,000 MORE than high school graduates (over the course of a lifetime)? Did you know that there are a variety of resources that can help you to pick a major, find a college, and help pay for it? Here are a few helpful hints that you can use to help prepare for your future, starting with your freshman year: ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐

⌐ ⌐

⌐ ⌐ ⌐

Take the most challenging courses that you can. Get involved in school and extracurricular activities and volunteer work. Think Positive! You CAN go to college and the Hillcrest Counseling Office can help you every step of the way! Start keeping a file on your activities in and outside of school, awards, honors, number of volunteer hours, etc. This information will come in handy when you are preparing your resume and applying for college and scholarships. Utilize the Internet! There are all kinds of websites that can head you in the right direction. Check these out:  www.onlinecollegenetwork.com – DISD has arranged for all its students to be able to register with this service which allows students to input info regarding their grades, interests, awards, activities, etc. and update as needed. Colleges and scholarship foundations use this information for recruiting purposes.  www.collegeboard.com – Register for the SAT, practice test questions, do college searches, and find Advanced Placement Information.  www.act.org – Register for the ACT.  www.fafsa.ed.gov – Website for free application for financial aid.  www.collegeview.com – College search website – choose the criteria that is important to you and find the perfect college! Sign up for SAT and ACT tests (Juniors and Seniors). Take practice tests ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the test. Work on areas of weakness. Make a college visit. Pick 2 or 3 colleges of various sizes in various locations to see where you feel most comfortable. Make sure to meet with an admissions representative, visit a classroom and talk with students who attend that campus. Attend the HHS College and Career Fair. Meet college representatives from all over Texas and the rest of the country. Stop by the Hillcrest Counseling Office to pick up brochures, forms and handouts that will help you during the college application process. Read your Hillcrest High School e-mails. There is much information regarding college open houses, deadlines, internship opportunities, and more.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


¿Estas planeando ir a la universidad? ¿Sabias que alrededor del mayoría de los estudiantes de último año de Hillcrest van a la universidad? ¿Sabías que los graduados de la Universidad ganan por lo menos $1,000,000 mas que los graduados de la escuela secundaria (en el transcurso de toda su vida)? ¿Sabías que hay una variedad de recursos que te pueden ayudar a escoger una carrera, encontrar la Universidad, y que te ayuda a pagarla? Aquí están algunos de las indicaciones que pueden ayudarte a preparar tu futuro, empensando desde el primer ano de la escuela secundaria: ⌐ ⌐ ⌐

⌐ ⌐

⌐ ⌐ ⌐

Toma las clases más avanzadas que tu puedas. Involúcrate en la escuela y en las actividades extracurriculares y trabajos de voluntarios. ¡Piensa Positivo! ¡Tú puedes ir a la Universidad y en la oficina de consejeros de Hillcrest pueden ayudarte paso a paso todo el camino! Empieza por archivar todos los documentos de actividades dentro y fuera de la escuela, los premios, los honores, el número de horas que trabajas de voluntario, etc. Esta información te será útil cuando estés preparando tu resumen para aplicar para la universidad y para las becas. ¡Utiliza el Internet! Hay muchas clases de websites que te pueden guiar en la dirección correcta. Verifica estas:  www.onlinecollegenetwork.com – DISD tiene arreglado que todos los estudiantes puedan registrarse con este servicio el cual permite a los estudiantes tener axeso a información con respecto a sus grados, intereses, premios, actividades, etc. y puede actualisarce a medida que las vayas necesitando las universidades usan esta información con el propósito de recrutamiento.  www.collegeboard.com – Registrase para el SAT y practica los questionarios del examen. Para averiguar acerca de las universidades e información acerca de las clases avanzadas.  www.act.org – Regístrate para el ACT.  www.fafsa.ed.gov – Website para aplicación gratis para financiamiento económico.  www.collegeview.com – Para averiguar acerca de las websites y escoger la que es importante para ti y encontrar la Universidad perfecta. Inscríbete para los exámenes del SAT y ACT en otoño (estudiantes del último grado) Toma los exámenes de practica con anticipación para que te familiarizes con el examen. Trabaja en las áreas más débiles. Visita la Universidad. Escoge dos o tres universidades de diferentes tamaños y diferentes localidades para que escojas donde te sientas mejor. Asegúrate de conocer a un represéntate de admisiones, visita los salones de clases y habla con los estudiantes los cuales asisten a este lugar. Visita la feria de carreras universitarias de HHS. Conoce a los represntates de universidades de estado de Texas y del resto de país. Vallan por las oficinas de consejeros de Hillcrest para recoger fomas y aplicaciones que te ayuden con el proceso de aplicación para las universidades. Lee los correos electrónicos de Hillcrest. Hay mucha información referente a universidades, fechas de inscripción. Las oportunidades de entrenamiento y más.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Student to Class 9:08

Warning Bell 9:12

Tardy Bell 9:15

Daily School Schedule 9:15am - 4:15pm

Tardy Policy 5 TARDIES 5 Hours of Campus Service  Must enroll for campus service the following morning with community liaison. Consequence: Parent Conference and additional campus service hours deemed necessary by discipline principal. 10 TARDIES Parent Conference, Discipline Referral, 10 Hours of Campus Service  Parent must accompany student for scheduled conference for admittance to school.  Must enroll for campus service the following morning with community liaison. Consequence: Parent Conference and additional campus service hours deemed necessary by discipline principal. 15 TARDIES Parent Conference, Discipline Referral, 15 Hours of Campus Service, 3-Day ISS Assignment  Parent must accompany student for scheduled conference for admittance to school.  Must enroll for campus service and ISS immediately after parent conference with community liaison or office secretary. Consequence: Parent Conference and additional campus service hours deemed necessary by discipline principal. At the conclusion of the fall semester, if a student has 5 tardies or less, their tardy record will be deleted and begin at “0” for the spring semester.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


HHS Attendance Policies Truancy Truancy occurs when the school district files charges in the court system for excessive absences. A student’s attendance is flagged for truancy proceedings when 10 unexcused absences are recorded on 10 different days during a semester. NG (No Grade) No Grade (NG) will be applied to a student’s semester grades when the student has more than 9 excused or unexcused absences in any class period during a semester. This means that, regardless of the numerical grade, the student does not receive credit for the course UNLESS detention requirements are met. (See end of letter for attendance codes and grade redemption.) Relationship between Truancy & NG A student can be in truancy court and not receive an NG; a student can receive an NG and not be involved in truancy court. These are separate actions. Meeting NG requirements DOES NOT cancel court requirements or appearances. It is possible for a student to use NG detention hours for court-required tutoring hours. Attendance Codes Parents or students may request attendance reports. U – Unexcused – i.e. no note; reason is not an acceptable excuse (i.e. car trouble, traffic, excessive illness notes that are deemed questionable, skipping class). E – Excused – i.e. illness (however, if notes about illnesses are excessive, a note from a doctor may be required to have an illness excused); doctor appointments for which the student misses a full day of school; funerals; family business/emergencies. H – Attended school part of the day but missed some classes for a medical appointment S – School related – has been called to the office of a counselor, nurse, assistant principal, etc. (student tardy or absence in a class because student has gone to a school office does not qualify as an S); out of class for school testing, school activity, etc. J – Court-related absence R – Absence is related to religion Types of Detention Saturday School- NO School buses are guaranteed; must be on time; dates/time will be on school website. Open to the following students: ⌐ Referred by a teacher ⌐ Assigned for redemption of NG hours. ⌐ Needed for court-ordered tutoring hours. In situations where there is NOT A CONTINUING ATTENDANCE ISSUE, students will have an additional option for fulfilling their detention hours. Students may attend tutoring with their classroom teachers before or after school on any day and receive detention credits. This option must be approved and attendance recorded and verified. In some situations, RECONNECT class will be assigned for detention/tutoring hours, before or after regular school hours. Attempts are made to make all detentions productive experiences. There will be assigned teachers for detention/tutoring. Teachers may send assignments for students to complete in detention/tutoring. Community service work around the school is sometimes an option, especially for Seniors who have already passed TAKS.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


How to Clear an NG To clear an NG (No Grade – given for 10 or more Excused + Unexcused absences in a class) and receive credit for courses successfully completed, ⌐ the student will be required to serve detention on an hour-for-hour basis. For every class period in which a student has 10 or more absences, an hour of detention will be assigned. ⌐ all 1st semester detention hours must be completed by the end of the 3rd week of the 2nd semester. All 2nd semester hours must be completed by the end of the 2nd semester. Take Special Note All assigned detention hours to that date must be completed for a student ⌐ to attend the HOMECOMING DANCE, PROM, and other school-sponsored events. ⌐ to go on school-sponsored field trips. ⌐ to leave school early or miss any school for any kind of UIL event, i.e. athletics, band, drama, academic decathlon, etc. ⌐ to participate in any optional school activity that takes a student out of class. SENIORS: Two college days are allowed during your Senior year to visit colleges of interest. Documentation must be provided along with your note about the absence. These two days should not count in your Excused + Unexcused number of absences.

See School Website for Updated Information and Saturday School Dates.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


normas de asistencia de Hillcrest hs Absentismo El absentismo sucede cuando el distrito escolar presenta cargos ante el tribunal por exceso de faltas o ausencias. Cuando se registran 10 ausencias injustificadas en 10 días diferentes durante un semestre, el récord del estudiante se marca para procedimientos de absentismo. NG (Ninguna Calificación) Se aplicará ninguna calificación (NG) a las calificaciones del semestre o ausencias injustificadas, cuando el estudiante tenga más de 9 ausencias justificadas o injustificadas en cualquier periodo de clase durante un semestre. Esto significa que, sin importar la calificación numérica, el estudiante no recibe crédito por la materia A MENOS que cumpla con los requisitos de detención. (Vea el final de la carta para redención de códigos y calificaciones.) Relación Entre Absentismo & NG Un estudiante puede ser procesado por exceso de ausencias por el tribunal y no recibir NG y no ser citado por absentismo excesivo por el tribunal. Estas son acciones separadas. El reunir los requisitos para NG NO cancela la orden del tribunal o presentarse ante el mismo. Es posible que un estudiante use horas de detención NG para horas de tutoría requeridas por el tribunal. Códigos de Asistencia Los padres o los estudiantes pueden solicitar reportes de asistencia. U – Injustificada – i.e. sin una nota; la razón dada no es una excusa aceptable (i.e. problemas con el carro, tráfico, notas excesivas de enfermedad que son consideradas dudosas, faltar a clase). E – Justificada – i.e. enfermedad (sin embargo, si las notas acerca de la enfermedad son excesivas se puede requerir una nota del médico para que la ausencia sea justificada), citas con el médico por las que el estudiante falte un día completo a la escuela; funerales; emergencias/asuntos familiares. H – asistir parte del día escolar, pero faltar a algunas clases por una cita médica. S – relacionado con la escuela – ha sido llamado a la oficina por el consejero, la enfermera, el subdirector, etc. (una tardanza o ausencia a clase debido a que el estudiante ha sido llamado a la oficina, no califica como una S); fuera de clase por examinación escolar, actividad escolar, etc. J – ausencia con relación al tribunal R – la ausencia es por motivos religiosos Tipos de Detención Clases los Sábados- NO hay autobuses disponibles; deben ser puntuales; las fechas y la hora estarán en el sitio Web de la escuela. Disponible para los siguientes estudiantes: ⌐ Recomendados por un maestro. ⌐ Asignados para justificación de horas NG. ⌐ Necesario para horas de tutoría ordenadas por el tribunal. En situaciones donde NO HAY UN PROBLEMA CONTINUO DE ASISTENCIA, los estudiantes tendrán una opción adicional para cumplir con sus horas de detención. Los estudiantes pueden asistir a tutoría con sus maestros antes o después de clase en cualquier día y recibir créditos de detención. Ésta opción debe ser aprobada, y la asistencia anotada y verificada. En algunas situaciones, clase de programa RECONNECT será asignada para horas de detención y tutoría antes o después de las horas regulares de clase. Se hacen intentos para que todas las detenciones sean experiencias productivas. Se asignarán maestros para detención y tutoría. Los maestros pueden enviar asignaciones para que los estudiantes las terminen en detención y tutoría, o los estudiantes trabajarán en actividades relacionadas con el TAKS. En algunas ocasiones trabajo de servicio comunitario en el entorno escolar es una opción viable, especialmente para los estudiantes del 12 grado que ya han aprobado el TAKS.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


cómo Borrar un NG Para borrar un NG (Ninguna calificación – que se determina por 10 o más ausencias a clase justificadas + injustificadas) y reciben crédito por cursos exitosamente completados: ⌐ Se requerirá que el estudiante esté en el detención hora por hora. Por cada periodo de clase en el cual el estudiante tiene más de 9 ausencias, se asignara una hora de detención. ⌐ Todas las horas de detención del primer semestre deben ser completadas para el final de la tercera semana del segundo semestre. Todas las horas de detención del segundo semestre deben completarse para el final del segundo semestre. Tome Nota Especial Todas las horas de detención asignadas a esa fecha tienen que ser completadas para que un estudiante: ⌐ Asista al BAILE DE HOMECOMING, PROM, y otros eventos patrocinados por la escuela ⌐ Vaya a excursiones patrocinadas por la escuela ⌐ Salga temprano de la escuela o se ausente a cualquier clase para participar en cualquier tipo de evento de UIL, i.e. deportes, banda, drama, decatlón académico, etc. ⌐ Participe en cualquier actividad escolar opcional que requiera que el estudiante salga de la clase. SENIORS: (Alumnos del 12 grado): Se les permiten dos días universitarios durante el último año de preparatoria para visitar universidades de su interés. Se debe proporcionar documentación junto con su nota de ausencia. Estos dos días no deben contar en su número de ausencias justificadas + injustificadas.

Visite el sitio Web para Información Actualizada y Fechas para las Clases de los Sábados.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Dress code standard Norma del código de vestir THE FOLLOWING CLOTHING/ITEMS CANNOT BE WORN AT SCHOOL: ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐ ⌐

Shorts or skirts shorter than “finger-tip length” with arms hanging in normal position. Sagging pants worn below the waist (belts must be worn). Athletic Shorts (basketball, running, gym, etc. – all elastic/draw sting-waist shorts) Tops with spaghetti straps or tank tops Revealing/provocative shirts, mid-drifts, and halter tops Torn or damaged clothing (i.e. jeans with “designed” holes) Earrings on male students Facial jewelry (male and female), “visible” body piercing, including piercing of the tongue Bed-time wear such as pajamas Clothing or tattoos containing printed statements or pictures which are vulgar, obscene, or related to the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, or which promote hate/violence. Clothing that may be used as a weapon such as chain belts, wallet chains, or other similar attire Gang-related clothing (i.e. colors, signs, symbols – will be determined on a case-by-case basis) Leggings or biker pants Any jewelry or similar artifacts worn on the outside of clothing which are obscene, distracting, or may cause disruptions to the educational environment. Caps, hats, hoods, rollers, curlers, bandanas, hair nets, plastic hair bags, sweat bands, skull caps, or other similar grooming items. House slippers, flip flops, athletic slides, and steel-toed boots.


Pantalones cortos o faldas mas cortas que “lo largo de los brazos” al costado en un posición normal Pantalones caídos debajo de la cintura (se deben usar cinturones) Pantalones cortos deportivos (baloncesto, para correr, gimnasio, etc. – todos los pantalones cortos que tengan elástico o un cordón a la cintura). Blusas con tirantes delgados o camisetas sin mangas Blusas provocativas o transparentes, que muestren el abdomen o halter (sin espalda) Ropa desgarrada o dañada (i.e. pantalones de mezclilla con hoyos “como parte del diseñar”) Aretes en los barones Joyería facial (muchachos y muchachas), “visible” perforaciones corporales, incluyendo perforación en la lengua Ropa para dormir como piyamas Ropa o tatuajes que contengan declaraciones escritas o dibujos que sean vulgares, obscenos o que tengan relación con el consumo de drogas, alcohol, tabaco, sexo o que promueva odio y violencia. Ropa que se pueda usar como un arma tal como cinturones de cadena, billeteras de cadena, u otra vestimenta similar. Ropa relacionada con pandillas (i.e. colores, anuncios, símbolos – será determinado diariamente según el caso). Mallas o pantalones para bicicleta Cualquier joyera o artefactos similares usados afuera de la ropa que sean obscenas, que distraigan la atención, o que puedan causar interrupciones al ambiente educativo. Gorras, cachuchas, capuchas, tubos, roles, pañuelos, redes para el cabello, bolsas de plástico para el cabello, gorros, u otros artículos personales similares Pantuflas, chanclas, zapatos deportivos tipo zueco, y botas con punta de acero.

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800


Electronic Device Policy As per Dallas ISD Policy, cell phones shall not be visible and must remain turned off during the instructional day. In addition, iPod/mp3 players and peripherals shall not be visible and may not be utilized during the instructional day. Video games are not permitted. Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and may include confiscation of the device. The school may charge the owner for the release of certain electronic devices. Without appropriate parameters and proper user discretion, these items become increasingly disruptive to and counterproductive within the educational environment. At the present time, our technology infrastructure does not permit for the appropriate and systemic educational use of these electronic devices (i.e. Podcasts).

Teléfono celular, iPod/artículos mp3, juegos de video y otros artículos electrónicos De conformidad con la norma del Dallas ISD, los teléfonos celulares no deben estar visibles y deben permanecer apagados durante el día de instrucción. Además, los artículos iPod/mp3 y accesorios no deberán estar visibles y no se pueden usar durante el día de instrucción. No están permitidos los juegos de video. Se seguirá cualquier acción según el Código de Conducta del Alumno y puede incluir confiscación del artículo. La escuela puede cobrar una cuota al dueño por la entrega de ciertos artículos electrónicos. Sin parámetros apropiados y discreción de uso apropiado, estos artículos resultan cada vez mas problemáticos y contraproducentes dentro del ambiente educativo. Hasta este memento, nuestra infraestructura tecnológica no permite el uso apropiado de dichos artículos electrónicos en el sistema educativo (i.e. Podcasts).

Hillcrest High School 9924 Hillcrest Road Dallas TX 75230 972.502.6800