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HILLTOP MIDDLE SCHOOL LOCKER ROOM RULES! Locks: 1. Students must have a MASTER COMBINATION LOCK to have a locker assigned by the coach. 2. The coach will engrave the student’s name on the back of the lock before assigning the locker. Lockers: 1. Lockers are assigned according to gym period. Period 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E, 6-F. Zero period may be assigned any letter by the coach. 2. Students may not share lockers. 3. Students rotate their lock between the large locker (that corresponds to the small locker number) and their assigned small locker. Students will learn how to do this during locker room orientation. 4. If a student changes gym periods, they will need to change locker assignment. 5. If a student leaves their lock on the big locker after their period of gym class or if lock on

an unassigned locker; it will be cut off, and the students will have to buy a new one, and go through the locker assignment procedures again. 6. Students who have chronic problems in the locker room will be forced to carry their backpacks and belongings to roll call. Locker Room Behavior: 1. Any horseplay results in progressive discipline as set forth by the school. 2. If students throw objects, run, spit water, steal, or cause injury to another, the coach will take immediate disciplinary action. 3. Harassment will not be tolerated! Students need to report any bullying or problems IMMEDIATELY to the coach to resolve the situation. Parents will be notified. Miscellaneous: 1.

2. 3.

After students change in the locker room, they are to go directly to their roll numbers and be seated. If they are not seated at roll, the teacher will mark them tardy or absent. It is especially important that ALL students follow this rule to insure proper attendance. This will help them avoid a Saturday school for truancy. Students must seat on roll numbers in front of locker room and wait for coaches to dismiss them before going into the locker room to insure their safety. JEWELRY AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN PE CLASS, MUST BE LOCKED IN LOCKER!

Food or Drinks: NOT ALLOWED IN THE LOCKER ROOMS! Parent and Student Signature: ____________________________________________________ Class Period:

Roll #:

Date: ________________________________