Historical Characters as Subjects of Novels. AUTHOR. TITLE. HISTORICAL
FIGURE. Meade, Marion. Stealing Heaven. Abelard. Cook, Elisabeth. Achilles.
Historical Characters as Subjects of Novels AUTHOR Meade, Marion Cook, Elisabeth Stone, Irving Zencey, Eric Conroy, Sarah Booth Posse, Abel
TITLE Stealing Heaven Achilles Those Who Love Panama Refinements of Love Daimon
HISTORICAL FIGURE Abelard Achilles Adams, Abigail & John Adams, Henry Adams, Henry & Clover Aguirre, Lope de
O’Brien, Patricia Renault, Mary
Alcott, Louisa May Alexander the Great
Allen, Steve Bailey, Anthony
The Glory Cloak Fire from Heaven/Persian Boy/Funeral Games Various mysteries (MYS) Major Andre
Morrison, Lucille Barnes, Margaret Campbell Bradshaw, Gillian Harr, John Ensor Govier, Katherine Barron, Stephanie Byrd, Max Duncker, Patricia O’Brien, Patricia Rivers, Francine Mayerson, Evelyn Wilde
Lost Queen of Egypt My Lady of Cleves Sand-Reckoner Dark Eagle Creation Jane Austen mysteries (MYS) Shooting the Sun Doctor The Glory Cloak Unspoken Princess in Amber
Lofts, Norah
Rose for Virtue
Hotchkiss, Bill Ying, Hong McCunn, Ruthanne Lum Williams, Alan Hall, Oakley
Medicine Calf The Art of Love Thousand Pieces of Gold Beria Papers Ambrose Bierce and the Queen of Spades (MYS) Yellow The Stone Garden Humphrey Bogart Murder Case (MYS) Anne Boleyn My Brother Napoleon Many Lives and Secret sorrows of Josephine B. Death of Napolean Saints & Villains Changeling Booth Lucrezia Borgia The Book of Splendor Bronte Cloudsplitter
Lynch, Daniel Brook, Bill Baxt, George Anthony, Evelyn Kenyon, F.W. Gulland, Sandra Leys, Simon Giardina, Denise MacLeod, Alison Robertson, David Faunce, John Sherwood, Frances Hughes, Glyn Banks, Russell
Allen, Steve Andre, John (Revolutionary War British spy) Ankhsenamon Anne of Cleves Archimedes Arnold, Benedict Audubon, John James Austen, Jane Babbage, Charles Barry, James Miranda Barton, Clara Bathsheba Beatrice, Princess (Victoria’s youngest daughter) Beauharnais, Hortense de (Napoleon’s stepchild) Beckworth, Jim Bell, Julien Bemis, Polly Beria Bierce, Ambrose Bierce, Ambrose Billy the Kidd Bogart, Humphrey Boleyn, Anne Bonaparte, Caroline Bonaparte, Josephine Bonaparte, Napoleon Bonhoffer, Dietrich Bonny, Anne (pirate) Booth, John Wilkes Borgia, Lucrezia Brache, Tycho Bronte family Brown, John
Olds, Bruce Dibdin, Michael Crowley, John Strauss, Darin
Raising Holy Hell Rich, Full Death (MYS) Lord Byron’s Novel: The Evening Land Chang and Eng
Alter, Hudy Vidal, Gore Seton, Anya
Cherokee Rose Burr My Theodosia
Nicole, Christopher McMurtry, Larry Laurence, Janet
Secret Memoirs of Lord Byron Buffalo Girls Canaletto and the Case of the Westminster Bridge (MYS) Sir Robert Carey mysteries (MYS) Lost Queen
Chisholm, P.F. Lofts, Norah Rogow, Roberta Steffler, John Montero, Mayra Paul, Barbara Codrescu, Andrei Swan, Susan Maxwell, Mark Mankowitz, Wolf Wendel, Tim Marlowe, Stephen Levi, Jean Nolan, William F. Soliman, Patricia Larsen, Gaylord Pesci, David Ephron, Amy Shaara, Jeff Shaara, Jeff Shaara, Jeff Shaara, Michael Graves, Robert Falconer, Colin George, Margaret Palmer, William DiPerna, Paul Marlowe, Stephen Innes, Hammond Baxt, George
Case of the Missing Miss (MYS) Afterlife of George Cartwright Messenger Prima Donna at Large (MYS) Casanova in Bohemia What Casanova Told Me Nixoncarver Night with Casanova Castro’s Curveball Death and Life of Miguel de Cervantes Chinese Emperor Black Mask Murders (MYS) Coco: The Novel Dorothy & Agatha (MYS) Amistad White Rose Gods and Generals Last Full Measure Gone for Soldiers Killer Angels I, Claudius & Claudius the God When We Were Gods Memoirs of Cleopatra Charles Dickens mysteries (MYS) Discoveries of Mrs. Christopher Columbus Memoirs of Christopher Columbus Last Voyage Noel Coward Murder Case (MYS)
Brown, John Browning, Robert Bryon, Lord Bunker, Chang & Eng (siamese twins) Burns, Tammy Jo Burr, Aaron Burr, Theodosia (Aaron’s daughter) Byron, Lord Calamity Jane Canaletto Carey, Robert Earl of Monmouth Caroline-Matilda, Princess (George III’s sister) Carroll, Lewis Cartwright, George Caruso, Enrico Caruso, Enrico Casanova Casanova Carver, Raymond Casanova Castro, Fidel Cervantes Ch’in Shih Huang Ti Chandler, Raymond Chanel, Coco Christie, Agatha Cinque Cisneros, Evangelina Civil War generals Civil War generals Civil War generals Civil War generals Claudius Cleopatra Cleopatra Collins, Wilkie Columbus Columbus Cook, Captain Coward, Noel
Logue, Antonia
Blevins, Win Brown, Wesley Alter, Judy Blake, Michael Chiaventure, Frederick J. Stone, Irving McDonald, Roger Steen, Thorvald Williams, Roger Baxt, George Van Gulik, Robert Kennedy, William Lefcourt, Peter Busch, Frederick Rackham, Jeff Palmer, William J.
Stone Song Darktown Strutters Libbie Marching to Valhalla Road We Do Not Know Origin Mr. Darwin’s Shooter Don Carlos Lunch with Elizabeth David Bette Davis Murder Case (MYS) Chinese Detective Stories (MYS) Legs (Di and I) Mutual Friend The Rag & Bone Shop “Mr. Dickens” mysteries (MYS)
Edelman, Maurice Pynchon, Thomas Coetzee, J.M. Hill, Pamela Frost, Mark Hjortsberg, William Michaels, Barbara Rogow, Roberta Satterthwait, Walter Anderson, Alison Mendelsohn, Jane Estleman, Loren Parker, Robert B. Parry, Richard Swarthout, Glendon Lightman, Alan Wenner, Kate Coleman, Jane Claudia Healey, Judith Jones, Ellen Lofts, Norah Irwin, Margaret Buckley, Fiona Irwin, Margaret Kay, Susan Miles, Rosalind Plaide, Jean Haughton, Rosemary Paul, Barbara Alexander, Bruce Haeger, Diane McMurtry, Larry
Disraeli in Love Mason & Dixon Master of Petersburg Green Salamander List of 7 Nevermore (MYS) Other Worlds Case of the Missing Miss (MYS) Escapade (MYS) Hidden Latitudes I Was Amelia Earhart Bloody Season Gunman’s Rhapsody Winter Wolf Old Colts Einstein’s Dreams Dancing with Einstein Doc Holliday’s Woman The Canterbury Papers Beloved Enemy Eleanor the Queen Young Bess Queen of Ambition Elizabeth, Captive Princess Legacy I, Elizabeth Queen of this Realm Elizabeth’s Greeting Prima Donna at Large (MYS) Sir John Fielding series (MYS) Secret Wife of King George IV Pretty Boy Floyd
Craven, Arthur (Oscar Wilde’s nephew) Crazy Horse Crow, Jim Custer, Elizabeth Bacon Custer, George Custer, George Darwin, Charles Darwin, Charles Darwin, Charles David, Elizabeth Davis, Bette Dee, Judge Diamond, Legs Diana, Princess Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles (narrated by Wilkie Collins) Disraeli Dixon Dostoevsky Douglas, Margaret Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Earhart, Amelia Earhart, Amelia Earp, Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Einstein, Albert Einstein, Albert Elder, Kate Eleanor of Aquitaine Eleanor of Aquitaine Eleanor of Aquitaine Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Elizabeth of Hungary Ferrar, Geraldine Fielding, Sir John Fitzherbert, Maria Floyd, Pretty Boy
Powell, Padgett Mackin, Jeanne Feldman, Ellen Hall, Robert Lee
Korman, Keith Collins, Max Allan Nolan, William F. Vargas Llosa, Mario Gille, Elisabeth Ackroyd, Peter Bernhard, Thomas Byrd, Max Middleton, Haydn Menendez, Ana Lom, Herbert Borchardt, Alice Yourcenar, Marguerite Kernan, Michael Safire, William Sontag, Susan Gores, Joe Nolan, William F. Leckie, Ross Binder, Martin Gold, Glen David Henley, Virginia Godwin, Parke Coleman, Jane Claudia Nye, Robert Gedge, Pauline Meade, Marion Simmons, Dan Chase-Riboud, Barbara
Mrs. Hollingsworth’s Men Sweet By and By The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank American Agent Abroad series (MYS) Franklin Affair Antichrist Psyche Passions of the Mind Henry James’ Midnight Song (MYS) Secret Dreams Titanic Murders (MYS) Black Mask Murders (MYS) Way to Paradise Shadows of a Childhood Trial of Elizabeth Cree Loser Grant Grimm’s Last Fairy Tale Loving Che Dr. Guillotine The Dragon Queen Memoirs of Hadrian Lost Diaries of Frans Hals Scandalmonger Volcano Lover Hammett Black Mask Murders (MYS) Hannibal Fluke Carter Beats the Devil Woman of Passion Lord of Sunset I, Pearl Hart Mrs. Shakespeare Child of the Morning Stealing Heaven Crook Factory Sally Hemmings
Penman, Sharon Kay Maughan, A.M. Rofheart, Martha George, Margaret Eckert, Allan W. Lachman, Barbara Lachman, Barbara Oeste, Bob Hansen, Ron Estleman, Loren
Falls the Shadow Harry of Monmouth Fortune Made his Sword Autobiography of Henry VIII Scarlet Mansion (MYS) Hildegard:The Last Year Journal of Hildegard von Bingen Last Pumpkin Paper Hitler’s Niece Bloody Season
Lehrer, James Holland, Cecelia Michalos, Peter Stone, Irving Hill, Carol de Chellis
Forrest, Nathan Bedford Fox, Maggie Frank, Anne Franklin, Ben Franklin, Ben Frederick II Freud Freud Freud, Sigmund Freud, Sigmund Futrelle, Jacques Gardner, Erle Stanley Gauguin, Paul Gille, Elisabeth Gissing, George Gould, Glenn Grant, Ulysses Grimm Brothers Guevara, Ernesto Guillotin Guinevere Hadrian Hals, Frans Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, William & Emma Hammett, Dashiell Hammett, Dashiell Hannibal Harding, Warren Harding, Warren Hardwick, Elizabeth Harold II Hart, Pearl Hathaway, Anne Hatshephut Heloise Hemingway, Ernest Hemmings, Sally (T. Jefferson’s mistress) Henry III Henry V Henry V Henry VIII Herman, Mudgett (H.H. Holmes) Hildegard von Bingen Hildegard von Bingen Hiss, Alger Hitler, Adolf Holliday, Doc
Gangemi, Joseph Hjortsberg, William Michaels, Barbara Satterthwait, Walter Crook, Elizabeth Michener, James Kenyon, F.W.
Inamorata Nevermore (MYS) Other Worlds Escapade (MYS) Raven’s Bride Eagle and the Raven Imperial Courtesan
Rushing, Jane Gilmore Schoonover, Lawrence Maguire, Gregory West, Paul
Covenant of Grace Queen’s Cross Lost Women of Whitechapel & Jack the Ripper Jackson Brother Jacob
Byrd, Max Stangerup, Henrik Hill, Carol de Chellis Barry, Desmond Grimes, Roberta Byrd, Max Chase-Riboud, Barbara Johnson, Skip Kazantzakis, Nikos Mailer, Norman Park, Paul Chamberlin, Ann Marcantel, Pamela Bainbridge, Beryl Ripley, Alexandra Vidal, Gore Massie, Alan Panella, Vincent Findley, Tim Korman, Keith Lofts, Norah Carey, Peter Hasler, Eveline Poyer, David Tanenbaum, Robert K. Calvino, Italo Boyle, T.C. Wolf, Christa Hickey, Elizabeth Koch, Ed Cather, Willa Norfolk, Lawrence Ackroyd, Peter Berry, R.M. Dann, Jack Herman, George
Henry James Midnight Song (MYS) Chivalry of Crime My Thomas Jefferson Sally Hemmings Gospel of Yeshua Last Temptation of Christ Gospel According to the Son Gospel of Corax Merlin of St. Gilles Well Army of Angels According to Queeney Love Divine Julian Caesar Cutter’s Island Pilgrim Secret Dreams King’s Pleasure True History of the Kelly Gang Flying with Wings of Wax Only Thing to Fear Corruption of Blood Invisible Cities Inner Circle No Place on Earth Painted Kiss NYC mysteries (MYS) Death Comes for the Archbishop Lempriere’s Dictionary Trial of Elizabeth Cree Leonardo’s Horse Memory Cathedral Tears of the Madonna
Houdini, Harry Houdini, Harry Houdini, Harry Houdini, Harry Houston, Eliza (Mrs. Sam) Houston, Sam Howard, Harriet (Louis Napoleon’s mistress) Hutchinson, Anne Isabella, Queen of Spain Jack the Ripper Jack the Ripper Jackson, Andrew Jacobius (Danish prince turned monk) James, Henry James, Jesse Jefferson, Martha Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Jesus Christ Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Johnson, Samuel Joseph of Arimethea Julian the Apostate Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Jung, Carl Jung, Carl Katherine of Aragon Kelly, Ned Kempin-Spyri, Emily Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, John F. Khan, Kubla Kinsey, Alfred Kleist, Heinrich von Klimt, Gustav Koch, Ed Latour, Father Lempriere Leno, Dan Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci
Burns, Ron Slotkin, Richard Mosher, Howard Braver, Adam Vidal, Gore Stone, Irving Hambly, Barbara Burn, Gordon
Mysterious Death of Meriweather Lewis Abe True Account Mr. Lincoln’s Wars Lincoln Live Is Eternal Emancipator’s Wife Alma
Warren, Robert Penn
All the King’s Men
Pearl, Matthew Epstein, Leslie Logue, Antonia Baxt, George Spark, Muriel Luckhoo, Sir Lionel Webb, James Brown, Rita Mae Mailer, Norman Chandernagor, Francoise Kluger, Richard
The Dante Club Pandemonium Shadow-Box William Powell and Myrna Loy Murder Case (MYS) Aiding and Abetting Silent Witness Emperor’s General Dolley Armies of the night King’s Way Sheriff of Nottingham
Burgess, Anthony Cook, Judith Garrett, George Goulart, Ron Ackroyd, Peter
Dead Man in Deptford Slicing Edge of Death Entered from the Sun Groucho Marx, Master Detective Trial of Elizabeth Cree
Hill, Pamela
Sword and the Flame
Fallon, Frederic George, Margaret Kenyon, F.W. Pynchon, Thomas Swarthout, Glendon Wheeler, Richard Penman, Sharon Kay Buckley, William Boyle, T.C. Allen, Steve Busch, Frederick Clarke, Anna Stone, Irving Ackroyd, Peter Irving, Clifford Poniatowski, Elena
White Queen Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles Mary of Scotland Mason & Dixon Old Colts Masterson When Christ and his Saints Slept Redhunter Riven Rock Various mysteries (MYS) Night Inspector Lady in Black Agony and the Ecstasy Milton in America Tom Mix & Pancho Villa Tinisima
Isaacs, Neil
Great Molinas
Lewis, Meriweather Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham & Mary Todd Lincoln, Mary Todd Logan, Alma (50’s British pop star) Long, Huey (fictionalized but true story) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Lorre, Peter Loy, Mina (poet) Loy, Myrna Lucan, Lord Luckhoo, Sir Lionel MacArthur, Douglas Madison, Dolley Mailer, Norman Maintenon, Madame de Mark, Philip (Sheriff of Nottingham) Marlowe, Christopher Marlowe, Christopher Marlowe, Christopher Marx, Groucho Marx, Karl Mary of Lorraine (Mary Qeen of Scots mother) Mary Queen of Scots Mary Queen of Scots Mary Queen of Scots Mason Masterson, Bat Masterson, Bat Maude, Queen McCarthy, Joseph McCormick, Stanley Meadows, Jayne Melville, Herman Meredith, George Michelango Milton, John Mix, Tom Modotti, Tina (20s actress & model) Molinas, Jack
Fraser, George MacDonald Bernau, George Oates, Joyce Carol
Black Ajax Candle in the Wind Blonde
Steinbeck, John Mourad, Kenize Bastable, Bernard Cowell, Stephanie Dalby, Liza Kerr, Philip Yalom, Irvin D. Lowy, Jonathan Maxwell, Mark Oeste, Bob Stone, Irving Wright, Lawrence Riley, Judith Fitzgerald, Penelope McCann, Colum Thackara, James DeLillo, Don Alison, Jane Robson, Lucia Leonard, Hugh Luke, Mary George, Sara Martinez, Tomas Eloy Stone, Irving Marlowe, Stephen
Buckley, William Lowy, Jonathan Rivers, Francine Garrett, George Nye, Robert Schoonover, Lawrence Jacq, Christian Mallon, Thomas
Cup of Gold Regards from the Dead Princess Mozart mysteries (MYS) Marrying Mozart Tale of Murasaki Dark Matter When Nietzsche Wept Elvis and Nixon Nixoncarver Last Pumpkin Paper Passionate Journey God’s Favorite Master of All Desires Blue Flower Dancer America’s Children Libra Love Artist Ride the Wind Parnell and the Englishman Ivy Crown Journal of Mrs. Pepys Santa Evita Depths of Glory Light House at the End of the World Nevermore (LP) On Night’s Shore/Disquieted Heart Invisible Cities William Powell and Myrna Loy Murder Case (MYS) Elvis in the Morning Elvis and Nixon Unashamed Death of the Fox Voyage of the Destiny To Love a Queen Ramses series Henry & Clara
Pye, Michael
The Drowning Room
Harries, Ann Whittle, Tyler Edwards, Rhoda Edwards, Rhoda Kaufman, Pamela
Manly Pursuits Richard III: The Last Plantagent Broken Sword Fortune’s Wheel Banners of Gold
Schechter, Harold Silvis, Randall Calvino, Italo Baxt, George
Molineaux, Tom Monroe, Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn (thinly disguised) Morgan, Captain Henry Mourad, Selma Mozart, W.A. Mozart, W.A. Murasaki, Lady Newton, Sir Isaac Nietzsche Nixon, Richard Nixon, Richard Nixon, Richard Noble, John Noriega, Manuel Nostrodamus Novalis Nureyev, Rudolf Oppenheimer, J. Robert Oswald, Lee Harvey Ovid Parker, Cynthia Ann Parnell Parr, Catherine Pepys, Samuel and Elizabeth Peron, Eva Pissarro, Camille Poe, Edgar Allen Poe, Edgar Allen Poe, Edgar Allen Polo, Marco Powell, William Presley, Elvis Presley, Elvis Rahab Raleigh, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Walter Ramses Rathbones (at theater with Lincoln when assassinated) Reyniers, Gretje (the 1st whore of NY) Rhodes, Cecil Richard III Richard III et al Richard III et al Richard the Lionheart
Tarr, Judith O’Connell, Robert Weiss, David Alexander, Robert Roosevelt, Elliot Doctorow, E.L. Rivers, Francine Waldo, Anna Lee DuCornet, Rikki Buechner, Frederick Meyer, Gabriel Slaughter, Frank Murphy, Walter E. Michener, James Jong, Erica Card, Orson Scott Larsen, Gaylord Keneally, Thomas Stone, Irving Landis, J.D. Bainbridge, Beryl Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann Tiffany, Grace Cowell, Stephanie Hawke, Simon
Richard the Lionheart Rickenbacker, Eddie Rodin Romanovs Roosevelt, Eleanor Rosenberg, Ethel & Julius Ruth Sacajewea Sade, Marquis de Saint Brendan Saint Joseph Saint Paul Saint Peter Santa Anna Sappho Sarah Sayers, Dorothy L. Schindler, Oskar Schliemann, Henry & Sophia Schumann, Robert & Clara Scott, Robert Falcon Scott, Sir Walter Shakespeare. Judith Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William
Kellerman, Faye Nye, Robert
Pride of Kings Fast Eddie Naked Came I Kitchen Boy Eleanor Roosevelt series (MYS) Book of Daniel Unshaken Sacajewea Fan-Maker’s Inquisition Brendan Gospel of Joseph God’s Warrior Upon This Rock Eagle and the Raven Sappho’s Leap Sarah Dorothy & Agatha (MYS) Schindler’s List Greek Treasure Longing Birthday Boys Lady in the Loch My Father Had a Daughter Players Mystery of Errors (and others in MYS) Quality of Mercy Late Mr. Shakespeare
Linscott, Gillian Levine, Faye Coburn, Andrew Lake, Paul Edwards, Anne West, Pamela Elizabeth Levine, Faye Kalfus, Ken Forbath, Peter Spear, Morgan Leaton, Anne
Stage Fright (MYS) Solomon and Sheba Birthright Among the immortals Wallis Madeleine Solomon and Sheba Commissar of Enlightenment Last Hero Belle Starr Pearl
Truong, Monique Roberts, Ann Victoria Seton, Anya
Book of Salt Moon Rising Katherine
Rivers, Francine Thom, James Alexander Kalfus, Ken Bell, Madison Smart Bell, Madison Carkeet, David
Unveiled Panther in the Sky Commissar of Enlightenment All Soul’s Rising Master at the Crossroads I Been There Before
Shaw, G.B. Sheba, Queen Shellenbach, Joseph/Lindberghs Shelly, Percy B. Simpson, Wallis Smith, Madeleine Solomon, King Stalin, Joseph Stanley, Morton Starr, Belle Starr, Pearl (Daughter of Belle) Stein, Gertrude Stoker, Bram Swynford, Katherine (John of Gaunt’s mistress) Tamar Tecumseh Tolstoy, Leo Toussaint-Louverture Toussaint-Louverture Twain, Mark
Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William
Heck, Peter J.
Chevalier, Tracy Harrod-Eagles, Cynthia Irving, Clifford Due, Tananarive Goudge, Elizabeth
Connecticut Yankee in Criminal Court (MYS) Johanna Lust for Life Van Gogh’s Bad Cafe Past Lives, Present Tense Girl with a Pearl Earring I, Victoria Tom Mix and Pancho Villa Black Rose Child from the Sea
Fast, Howard Martin, William Clark, Mary Higgins Kaplow, Robert Baxt, George Lewis, Edward Reilly, Robert Elfman, Clare Lide, Mary Todd, Catherine Wingate, John Sherwood, Frances Cunningham, Michael
Crossing Citizen Washington Mount Vernon Love Story Me and Orson Wells Mae West Murder Case (MYS) Oscar Wilde Discovers America God of Mirrors Case of the Pederast’s Wife Fortune’s Knave Bond of Honour William the Conqueror Vindication Hours
Cooperstein, Claire Stone, Irving Tuten, Frederic
Twain, Mark Van Gogh, Theo & family Van Gogh, Vincent Van Gogh, Vincent Various Vermeer Victoria, Queen Villa, Pancho Walker, Madam C.J. Walter, Lucy (Charles II secret wife) Washington, George Washington, George Washingtons Wells, Orson West, Mae Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar & wife William the Conqueror William the Conqueror William the Conqueror Wollstonecraft, Mary Woolf, Virginia