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Historical  Biography      

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20 th

Century America 1954-1970

,QWRGD\·VZRUOGFRPPXQLFDWLRQWDNHVRQDwide variety of forms. Cell phones, televisions, computers, tablets and variety of other devices are being used by well over a billion people throughout the world to communicate with each other. This communication has become instrumental in making certain we are all successful in our daily lives. One such method that has been adopted by millions at all age levels is the site we all know as Facebook. The widely popular ´Facebookµ is being used by teenagers to keep in touch with their friends and to find out everything from who is dating who, to when the next history exam is scheduled. Adults (who enjoy the social aspects as well) have discovered that the site can be useful for a wide variety of other purposes that can benefit their families and them. For example, Rock bands advertise where they are playing and communicate with their fans. Internet businesses communicate with their clients and doctors have found the site useful and have developed ways of communicating with other doctors and even their patients. Some teachers have even made the site the primary way of communicating lessons to students. However, for our purposes we are going to reach back in time to ask the question, ´+RZZRXOGLQGLYLGXDOVLQKLVWRU\KDYHXVHG)DFHERRNWRFRPPXQLFDWHLQ their ZRUOG"µ,PDJLQHLI-RKQ) KHQQHG\KDG´)DFHERRNHGµ1LNLtta Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis? What would they have said to each other or what would the individuals at Woodstock have sent to each other concerning the upcoming concert? These are all questions we will never know the answer to, but it does not mean we are not going to try! So sit back and get warmed up as we enter the unknown world of a little project we like to call;; What if they had a Facebook?

Mr. Patten: ________________


Historical  Biography  

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Historical Facebook Assignment 1. All history students will choose an individual from the historical list that we have provided for you. 2. Once the selection of your subject has been made, you will need to proceed to complete research on your person. 3. Your first task will be to immerse yourself into a general biographical study of this individual. Most of your research should concentrate in the period of the 1960s since this is the period in which you will create you Facebook Page. Note: Make certain to keep your sources in MLA format, you will need to provide a bibliography with your final product for this assignment.) Make certain to discover what the PDMRUHYHQWVLQWKLVLQGLYLGXDO·VOLIHZHUH and who they had relationships with (I.e. both personal and professional). This will ensure a more successful completion of this assignment. Note: As you complete your research, begin to identify other people on the list that your person had connections to on the list. You will need these to enrich your assignment and get a better grade.

Final Facebook Project Requirements Requirement 1: Facebook Cover Page developed with WKHVRIWZDUH´GoogleµSURJUDP that is on your laptop. Requirement 2: Personal Visuals Page GHYHORSHGZLWKWKHVRIWZDUH´GoogleµSURJUDPthat is on your laptop. (MLA citations required after each visual) Requirement 3: Professional Visual Page GHYHORSHGZLWKWKHVRIWZDUH´GoogleµSURJUDPWKDWLV on your laptop. (MLA citations required after each visual) Requirement 4: Resume Page GHYHORSHGZLWKWKHVRIWZDUH´GoogleµSURJUDPWKDWLVRQ\RXU laptop. (No citations required) Requirement 5: Biography Page GHYHORSHGZLWKWKHVRIWZDUH´GoogleµSURJUDPWKDWLVRQ\RXU laptop. (ParenWKHWLFDO´LQWH[WµFLWDWLRQVUHTXLUHG Requirement: 6: Dialogues on Knightbook: A series of dialogues that you created (I.e. using your research and creativity) on the web page KNIGHTBOOK. Requirement 7: Philosophical Page GHYHORSHGZLWKWKHVRIWZDUH´GoogleµSURJUDPWKDWLVRQ your laptop. (No citations required) Requirement 8: MLA Documented Bibliography: A complete bibliography of all the sources you used to produce your work.


Historical  Biography      

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Facebook                                                 Requirement: 1

x x x x



Facebook Cover Page

Use the iweb program to download and place the Facebook template into the Facebook iweb page you created on your Mac laptop. Utilize your research and your creativity to develop this page so that it completed and all fields are filled with authentic information from the individual you selected. Make certain to complete all the fields on the I-­web page. Keep bibliographic source information to place on your bibliography. Note: Information on this page must be authentic.

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Requirement 2: Personal Visuals Page x x x x x x

Create a personal Google page in which you will place personal visuals of your individual. Use the appropriate Facebook Google Template to post on this page. Create a link off of your Facebook Cover page to your Personal Visual Page.

Identify and collect 6 IMPORTANT personal visuals of people with important personal connections to your person to place on your page Research the connection between these people and your person. Add research (in the form of text) that is connected to each picture. This research should expose the relationship and their connection to your person. Note: Try to emphasize, what the importance is of this personal connection or this personal relationship?

Requirement 3: Professional Visual Page x x x x x x

Create a professional visual Google page, which you will place professional visuals of people who you researched were connected to your individual. Use the appropriate Facebook Google Template to post on this page. Create a link off of your Facebook Cover page to your Professional Visual Page. Identify and collect 6 IMPORTANT professional visuals of people with important professional connections to your person to place on your page. Research the connection between these people and your person Add research (in the form of text), that is connected to each visual. This research should expose the relationship and their professional connection to your person. Note: Try to emphasize, what is the importance of this professional connection or this professional relationship?

Professional  Friends  

Requirement 4: Historic Resume Page x x x x x x

Create an important works Google page in which you will place professional works connected to your individual. Use the appropriate Facebook Google Template to post on this page. Create a link off of your Facebook Cover page to your Historic Resume Page. Complete research on the appropriate process to follow in creating a contemporary resume for HPSOR\PHQWLQWRGD\·VMREPDUNHW Research, identify and collect information on your individual that is relevant to place in your resume. Develop a historically accurate professional resume for your person based on the research you have completed in and out of class.

Historic  Resume    

Historic  Resume    

Historic  Resume    

Dwight David Eisenhower Street Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone number Email address Objective: List your job objective (target) here Education: University Name, City, State Type Degree (full degree name) Graduation Date Work Experience: Job Title Company name, City, State Job Description (Use Action Words) Dates of Employment Job Title Company name, City, State Job Description (Use Action Words) Dates of Employment Job Title Company name, City, State Job Description (Use Action Words) Dates of Employment Activities: List activities Honors/Awards: List honors and awards, publications, etc.

Requirement: 5 Biography Page x x x x

Create a biography Google page in which you will place a summary biography of your individual. Use the appropriate Facebook Google Template to post on this page. Create a link off of your Facebook Cover page to your Biography Page. Complete research and follow the appropriate format for writing a short and consolidated biography of your individual and past it onto this page.

Dwight David Eisenhower Born in Texas in 1890, brought up in Abilene, Kansas, Eisenhower was the third of seven sons. He excelled in sports in high school, and received an appointment to West Point. Stationed in Texas as a second lieutenant, he met Mamie Geneva Doud, whom he married in 1916. In his early Army career, he excelled in staff assignments, serving under Generals John J. Pershing, Douglas MacArthur, and Walter Krueger. After Pearl Harbor, General George C. Marshall called him to Washington for a war plans assignment. He commanded the Allied Forces landing in North Africa in November 1942;; on D-­Day, 1944, he was Supreme Commander of the troops invading France.

MLA Citation  

Requirement: 6 Knightbook Dialogue Page Step 1: x Using your information and research concerning the various relationships you have completed, identify 6 people on your Facebook page with which you want to have a Facebook conversation. x Contact them on Knightbook. x Complete additional research on the relationship between your person and this individual in order to become informed and knowledgeable about some important event or happening in which the two Facebook friends were involved. x Using this research, write one substantial comment for each of the 6 individuals on the .QLJKWERRN´IULHQGVµ Dialogue Page. Later 6 of them will be responding to you. Step 2 x The 2nd step and the final step in this part of the project (I.e. except for the bibliography) is to identify the people who have responded to you on the Knightbook Dialogue Page (I.e. there should be six of them) and to then research and write substantial ´DXWKHQWLFµ responses to the comments they placed on your page. x These responses can be creative in their voice, but must be authentic in the information they contain. In other words, the comments must be based on actual ´DXWKHQWLFµ research and information. Important: There will be list of everyone·VSHUVRQD in the House 3 Junior History Class. In other words, who did they choose for this project. Important: All work must be in your own words and to the plagiarism standards outlined in the NHS Research Guide. Important: It is possible and likely that students will identify and respond with a comment that involves an incident or event that you do not understand. Do not worry this might be because your research did not uncover this incident or event. In this case, you can go see the student and find out the subject of the comment. You might also be able to pull information from the comment that will allow you to discover the event so you can research it in order to respond with a high

quality comment in response to their comment.

Important: You must try to get people to respond to you on Knightbook so that you get the 6 comments needed for your page. Nevertheless, if you do not get 6 comments on your dialogue page you may create your own based on your research.


Knightbook  Dialogues  

Hi Mr. President, I was wondering if I would be getting your support in the Republican Party in the up-­coming election. I think your endorsement would be instrumental in helping gain the nomination but most importantly your popularity with the American people would definitely give me a boost in the polls. What do you think? Oh by the way great golf game the other day with Bobby Jones. Hard to believe you playHGWKDWZHOOZLWKDSUR«,NQHZ\RXFRXOGGRLW

Hi Dick, As you know I have not had a lot of confidence in you throughout my presidency. I will support your candidacy but mostly because you are a Republican and not because I have any confidence that you can continue successfully in my shoes. As I have told many reporters when WKH\DVNPH´ZKDWLPSRUtant things do you feel Vice President Nixon contributed to LQWKLVDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ"µ,KDYHDOZD\V UHVSRQGHG´,I\RXJLYHPHDZHHN,PLJKWEHDEOHWRWKLQk of RQHµ6RUU\'LFNEXW\RXXQGHUVWDQG2K,GLGSOD\TXLWHZHOO with Bobby, did you know he sent me a new set of clubs for Christmas?? Take care and good luck against that young &DWKROLF«ORO

Requirement 7: Philosophy Page x

Create a biography Google page in which you will place a summary biography of your individual. x Create a link off of your Facebook Cover page to your Philosophy Page. x 8VH\RXUUHVHDUFKDQG\RXU´FRPSUHKHQVLYHNQRZOHGJH of your individual to write a substantial philosophical essay on some economic, political or social VXEMHFWLQWKH´92,&(µ of your individual.

Philosophy   On   $PHULFD¶V3DWK7RThe  Future  

Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative. Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose. Because this need is so sharp and apparent I confess that I lay down my official responsibilities in this field with a definite sense of disappointment. As one who has witnessed the horror and the lingering sadness of war ² as one who knows that another war could utterly destroy this civilization which has been so slowly and painfully built over thousands of years ² I wish I could say tonight that a lasting peace is in sight. Happily, I can say that war has been avoided. Steady progress toward our ultimate goal has been made. But, so much remains to be done. As a private citizen, I shall never cease to do what little I can to help the world advance along that road. So ² in this my last good night to you as your President ² I thank you for the many opportunities you have given me for public service in war and peace. You and I ² my fellow citizens ² need to be strong in our faith that all nations, under God, will reach the goal of peace with justice. May we be ever unswerving in devotion to principle, confident but humble with power, diligent in pursuit of the Nations' great goals. To all the peoples of the world, I once more give expression to America's prayerful and continuing aspiration: We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied;; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full;; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings;; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities;; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity;; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love. Now, on Friday noon, I am to become a private citizen. I am proud to do so. I look forward to it. Thank you, and good night.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Requirement 8: MLA Documented Bibliography: Alternative 1: A complete bibliography of all the sources that you used to produce your work.

MLA  Bibliography  

MLA Bibliography Devitt, Terry. "Lightning injures four at music festival." The Why? Files. 2 Aug. 2001. 23 Jan. 2002 . Dove, Rita. "Lady Freedom among Us." The Electronic Text Center. Ed. David Seaman. 1998. Alderman Lib., U of Virginia. 19 June 1998 . Hall, Trish. "IQ Scores Are Up, and Psychologists Wonder Why." New York Times 24 Feb. 1998, late ed.: F1+. Kalette, Denise. "California Town Counts Down to Big Quake." USA Today 9 21 July 1986: sec. A: 1. Kanfer, Stefan. "Heard Any Good Books Lately?" Time 113 21 July 1986: 71-­72. Lancashire, Ian. Homepage. 28 Mar. 2002. 15 May 2002 .Levy, Steven. "Great Minds, Great Ideas." Newsweek 27 May 2002. 10 June 2002 . Trillin, Calvin. "Culture Shopping." New Yorker 15 Feb. 1993: 48-­51.


