HISTORY 3320 syllabus 09

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Desmond Dinan, Europe Recast: A History of European Union (Lynne Rienner, 2004). Donald McNeill, New Europe: Imagined Spaces (Hodder Arnold, 2004).

Winter 2009

BUILDING EUROPE: A HISTORY OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Professor: E. Kranakis 155 Séraphin-Marion - Room 203 Website: http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~kranakis/ Tel. 562-5800 ext. 1299 ________________________________________________________________________ REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING Required assignments include two essays (each ca.1200 words), two in-class tests, and a take-home final exam. Each student must complete two of the five possible essay assignments listed, and the essays must be turned in at the start of class on the day specified. No early or late submissions or submissions outside of class will be accepted for these essays. The final grade for the course will be determined on the following basis: Test 1 Two Essays (20% each) Test 2 Final Take-Home Exam

15% 40% 15% 30%

**No makeup exam will be given without a medical or other valid certificate** **Plagiariasm is not allowed and represents a serious academic offense.**

Office Hours: By appointment REQUIRED TEXTS (Available at University Bookstore) Desmond Dinan, Europe Recast: A History of European Union (Lynne Rienner, 2004). Donald McNeill, New Europe: Imagined Spaces (Hodder Arnold, 2004).


COURSE OUTLINE Part I: European Political and Institutional Integration Jan 7

Course Introduction Reading: Dinan, Introduction, Chap. 1.

Jan 9

“Prehistory” of European Integration Reading: Dinan, Chap. 2

Jan 14

The ‘German Problem,’ the ECSC, and the EEC Reading: Dinan, Chap. 3

Jan 16

The “French Era” of European Integration: De Gaulle’s Decade Reading: Dinan, Chap. 4

Jan 21

The “British Era” of Integration: Heath to Thatcher, 1970-1987 Reading: Dinan, Chap. 5 **Essay Option 1 Due**

Jan 23

The “German Era” of Integration: 1987-1998 Reading: Dinan, Chap. 6

Jan 28

European Integration Since the 1990s Reading: Dinan, Chap. 7

Jan 30

The Enlargement Process Reading: Dinan, Chap. 8 **Essay Option 2 Due**

Feb 4

European Institutions: Commission, Council, European Council Reading: Dinan, Chap. 9

Feb 6

European Parliament and Evolution of European Decision Making Reading: Dinan, Chap. 11

Feb 11

**Wednesday, Feburary 11: Test 1**


Feb 16-20

Study Week—NO CLASS Reading: McNeill, Introduction, Chap. 1

Part II: Europeanization: Society, Economy, Culture, Identity Feb 25

Europeanization of Culture: Fashion, Food, and Football Reading: McNeill, Chap. 2

Feb 27

Europeanization of Identity? Reading: McNeill, Chap. 3 ** Essay Option 3 Due**

Mar 4

Film: Auberge Espagnol Reading: McNeill, Chap. 4; Dinan, Chap. 12

Mar 6

Regional and Rural Dynamics in Europe Reading: McNeill, Chap. 5; Dinan, Chap. 13

Mar 11

Technology, Borders, and European Mobilities Reading: McNeill, Chap. 5; Dinan, Chap. 13 **Essay Option 4 Due**

Mar 13

Mobility, Borders, and Europe’s Emerging Energy Crisis Reading: McNeill, Chap. 6, 7

Mar 18

Europeanization of Justice, Law, and Human Rights Reading: Dinan, Chap. 10 (only pp. 289-304), Chap. 14 **Essay Option 5 Due**

Mar 20

Europeanization of Social Life: Love, Family, Work, Social Welfare Reading: Dinan, Chap. 15

Mar 25

Financial and Business Europeanization: The Euro Reading: Dinan, Chap. 16

Mar 27

**Friday, March 27: Test 2**

Apr 1

Europeanization of Defense and Security Reading: Dinan, Chap. 17

Apr 8

Europe in the World: Imperialist Legacies and Europe’s “Others” Reading: Dinan, Chap. 18

Apr 15

**Take-Home Essay Due**