To be successful, they require more than just fast backup and recovery. They must ... Which is why your data protection,
Hitachi and Commvault BACKUP, ARCHIVE AND CLOUD SIMPLIFIED Hitachi Data Protection Suite offers a comprehensive solution to store, manage, and protect both unstructured and structured data, covering the Hitachi product family from Hitatchi Content Platform to Hitachi storage platforms. Enterprise IT organizations require a cost-effective solution that evolves over the life of data; matching the storage and management costs to the value of the data. In addition, data protection needs to be simple and straightforward, as easy as A-B-C.
INTRODUCTION Enterprise organizations deploy a wide range of operating systems, applications, servers, and storage to meet their global business needs. To be successful, they require more than just fast backup and recovery. They must actively manage, access, and leverage data across storage tiers and wherever it resides. And they need the freedom to deploy the storage and infrastructure that best meets their budget and performance requirements.
HITACHI DATA PROTECTION SUITE BENEFITS • Unified, integrated data protection and recovery • Flexible options include snapshots, backup, archive, reporting
• Single virtual repository and index eliminates data silos • Fast, one-step recovery and data access
• Supports multi-vendor storage and environments – no lock-in • Quickly recover, access, and leverage data across the enterprise
The one thing enterprise data is not is “uniform.” Which is why your data protection, backup and recovery solution should cover the full range of data sources, file types, storage media and backup modes — from snapshots to streaming.
HITACHI DATA PROTECTION SUITE – INTEGRATED DATA PROTECTION Unlike traditional solutions, Hitachi Data Protection Suite (HDPS) powered by Commvault® is designed with a single code base, a single index, and is completely integrated. Protected data is stored in a single, virtual data repository, which eliminates the separate data silos that come with traditional snapshot, backup, archive, and reporting products. As a result, HDPS delivers a unified, automated data protection platform that provides a single, complete view of all enterprise data wherever it resides. In addition, HDPS supports a wide range of industry leading storage, systems, and environments, so users are never locked-in to a specific vendor’s expensive brand of storage. Supporting over 25 cloud storage platforms and with broad cloud storage integration, HDPS makes it easy to back up workloads, applications and data to the cloud. Whether it’s a few applications or a petabyte of data on an ongoing basis, HDPS helps organizations get their data to the cloud – and protect it – more easily and efficiently. Hitatchi Data Protection Suite provides organizations with fast, reliable data protection and recovery, simplified management, and reduced infrastructure costs. And organizations can gain new insight by fully leveraging their data assets across the enterprise.
LEARNING THE A-B-C’S Hitachi Data Protection Suite powered by Commvault provides simple and scalable data protection across the entire HDS product family, from Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) to Hitachi storage platforms. Whatever the platform, HDPS makes it easy as A-B-C to provide greater data and application availability while reducing cost; • ARCHIVE FIRST: reduce primary storage expense and improve backup and restore times with less data. • BACKUP LESS: improve data and application availability with modern technologies such as snapshots and Global Active Device. • CLOUD CONNECTED: simplify disaster recovery by copying your data to the cloud instead of incurring the cost and complexity of tape.
Virtual Storage Platform (VSP)
Unified Storage - VM Platform (HUS-VM)
Unified Storage (HUS)
Content Platform (HCP)
Modernize backup and recovery with Commvault software Modernize your backup and recovery with a comprehensive, cost-effective and integrated platform solution.
ARCHIVE FIRST Archiving first allows organizations to move data to secondary storage with lower performance and lower cost; freeing up valuable primary storage. With less data on primary storage, backup and recovery jobs take less time, allowing organizations to stay within and lower their RPO and RTO requirements. Many organizations rely on separate products to solve data protection, archive and reporting needs, causing management headaches and inefficient data silos that are costly and difficult to leverage. HDPS has the industry’s first converged process for backup, archive and reporting from a single data collection and common infrastructure. It enables organizations to solve massive file, folder, and Microsoft Exchange email growth challenges with zero footprint archiving and no additional overhead. HDPS also makes it easy to manage and move files and emails based on user-defined policies to the most cost-effective storage including disk, tape or cloud. HDPS includes integrated reporting and advanced analytics so companies can leverage their data in support of eDiscovery, regulatory compliance, and other business needs. As always, all data managed and protected by HDPS is retained in the virtual repository so it can be quickly recovered, accessed, and leveraged when needed.
BENEFITS OF ARCHIVING FIRST • Lower overall storage costs • Reduce load on primary storage • Control growth with compression, data deduplication, and data disposal • Require less time and resources • Minimize licensing and management costs, complexity and backup
Archiving with HDPS provides additional benefits: AUTOMATE DATA MANAGEMENT AND LOWER COSTS • Eliminate point solutions with HDPS’s revolutionary data management convergence • Reduce infrastructure, administrative and overall support costs • Consolidate management and policies into a single console to maximize productivity • Optimize storage because only relevant data is retained SIMPLIFY MANAGEMENT AND IMPROVE OPERATIONS • Reduce infrastructure demands with less data traversing the network and less impact to the system, improving disk I/O impact • Collapse the backup window and improve server performance • Increase productivity at the user and administrative levels with optimized system performance and transparent end-user access MEET DISCOVERY CHALLENGES AND REDUCE RISK • Streamline preservation, legal hold actions and overall discovery for legal teams with a single query data repository and a central deletion point • Eliminate data redundancy during the review process to lower third party costs. Reduce risk because only what has business, compliance or evidentiary value is retained, while data that does not meet these standards is defensibly deleted from a single source. • Enable cost-effective long-term retention to meet information governance standards 3
BACKUP LESS A second way to provide greater data and application availability is to leverage modern data protection technologies such as snapshots and high availability solutions. Hitachi Data Protection Suite includes Commvault’s snapshot management technology for industry leading snapshots and Hitachi delivers continuous availability through its Global Active Device. Both technologies reduce the need for traditional, or legacy, backup and recovery. FAST APPLICATION RECOVERY WITH COMMVAULT SNAPSHOT MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY Unlike traditional snapshot solutions, and as part of HDPS, Commvault’s snapshot management technology can efficiently protect a wide range of enterprise environments including multi-vendor storage, file systems, applications, and hypervisors. This dramatically simplifies management, since administrators can initiate snapshots using a consistent process and user interface regardless of the application or storage platform. By integrating tightly with host applications and heterogeneous hardware arrays, HDPS software creates application consistent snapshots, indexes the content, and can optionally drive backup or DR copies to secondary disk, tape, or cloud storage. In addition, workflow automation capabilities can completely automate complex or highly repetitive manual data management tasks. For environments with non-standard configurations that are not covered by the pre-built HDPS snapshot recovery workflows, the workflow automation tool enables administrators to quickly create custom workflows that bring together sets of individual tasks in a specific order or decision tree via an intuitive graphical user interface. As a result, protecting multi-vendor and multi-application environments is dramatically simplified (e.g. SAP® with Oracle®, custom applications). HDPS automatically indexes all snapshot copies under management, enabling intuitive search and granular recovery within and across snapshots. Since the snapshot technology integrates with HDPS backup processes and the virtual repository, administrators can enjoy fast, automated recovery of files, objects, applications and databases – without the hassle of complex scripts and non-integrated recovery tools. GREATER APPLICATION AVAILABILITY WITH HDS GLOBAL ACTIVE DEVICE For many mission-critical applications, any failure that prevents access to data results in application interruption and possibly manual failover to another copy of data, potentially at a second site. Hitachi Global Active Device (GAD) provides active-active stretched clusters over local and metro distances. Multipath software allows application access to replicated data from the shortest path for highest performance. Applications can avoid manual failovers and access the second copy of data either locally or between metro-distance sites. This enables high availability and continuous operations with access to data, assuring critical business application availability and integrity. 4
Commvault Snapshot Management Technology: Capabilities and Benefits Commvault streamlines snapshot management and exponentially accelerates data protection and recovery operations.
Host Cluster VSM
Sync Physical Array
Physical Array
GLOBAL ACTIVE DEVICE (GAD) provides customers with a simple way to provide an activeactive storage cluster between data centers. The storage-site failover is transparent to the host and requires no reconfiguration or downtime to activate. This enables a level of business continuity that from a storage perspective is effectively zero.
The most recent advances in storage resiliency and data availability are found in GAD storage clustering technology. With global-active device, there are two production sites, each with an active copy of all data. If a failure occurs at either site, its data is transparently available at the other site, with no need to fail over or fall back. Global Active Device simplifies and automates high availability to ensure continuous operations for your most mission-critical data and applications. By leveraging some of the unique capabilities of the Hitachi VSP family, global-active device assures that an active and up-to-date storage volume is available to a production application in spite of the loss of a virtualized controller. Global Active Device enables customers to: • Ensure continuous operations for key applications. • Provide nonstop data access without interruption. • Refresh systems as needed without downtime. • Move data or applications to improve efficiency. For organizations seeking simpler business continuity, GAD makes nonstop operations and workload mobility between systems and data centers a reality. GAD provides simplified and automated operations, greater flexibility, reliability and scalability and delivers unmatched resiliency by eliminating downtime for mission-critical data and applications. Greater application availability means less reliance on traditional backup and recovery and its inherent poor RTO and RPO.
CLOUD CONNECTED Disaster recovery (DR) is an important piece to every data protection strategy. One DR approach has been to backup to tape and ship the tapes offsite. While it has been an accepted and traditional approach to disaster recovery, it comes at great cost; both operating and capital expenditures. Staff is required to manage the backups, coordinate rotating tapes offsite, request tape retrievals, and then begin the data restore process. Secondly, a request to restore data or an application can take hours or days as a significant amount of time is spent requesting, retrieving, and then waiting for the tape(s) while in transit. A better approach to improve recovery time objectives and reduce costs is to utilize a private cloud. HDPS treats the public, private, and hybrid cloud exactly like any other backup target, applying the same data recovery and retention policies as it does for local disks and other devices. All the underlying technologies that power the backup and recovery - security, encryption, deduplication and more - are extended to the cloud so you do not have to worry about complex scripting, extra software or third-party API connectivity. It is all integrated in a single end-to-end solution with pre-built workflows and simplified image creation to reduce both backup costs and risk.
On-Premises Infrastructure
Encrypted & Deduplicated
Dedupe on Commodity Storage
CIOs on the role of private cloud in their organizations Utilize Private Cloud Services for your companys data management needs.
The benefits of a private cloud based disaster recovery solution are: • Faster recovery times. Staff no longer has to wait for tapes to be retrieved and shipped back from off-site storage. • Lower capital costs. Eliminate the expense of on-site tape libraries and its power, cooling, and floor space costs. • Save valuable staff time for important projects. Staff is no longer burdened with time spent labeling, cataloging, and managing tapes.
CONCLUSION Organizations can greatly benefit from the A-B-C’s to meet their data protection needs. From archiving first, backing up less, to cloud connectivity, Hitachi Data Protection Suite powered by Commvault provides simple and scalable data protection across the entire HDS product family. Whatever the platform, HDPS makes it easy to provide greater data and application availability while reducing cost.
HITACHI DATA PROTECTION SUITE POWERED BY COMMVAULT Hitachi Data Protection Suite’s unified, is an integrated data protection and recovery solutions are widely deployed by leading Fortune 500 organizations worldwide. In addition, Commvault has been recognized by industry analyst Gartner as a leader in the Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Software - for the past six years in a row.1 With solutions and services delivered directly and through a worldwide network of partners and service providers, Hitachi Data Protection Suite solutions comprise one of the industry’s leading portfolios in data protection and recovery, cloud, virtualization, archive, file sync and share.
1 Gartner Inc. “Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Software” by Dave Russell, Robert Rhame, Pushan Rinnen. June 2016.
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