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Keeping this in mind , Topic for the holiday home work for class VI is EMPATHY ... The students will apply their knowledge of concepts learnt in class V and VI to ...
HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2013-2014 CLASS VI Empathy is the quality that underlies love, caring, and compassion. When you empathize with people, you’re able to put yourself in their place and recognize them as human beings with feelings just like you. You notice when they’re sad or hurt, and you might offer your help--or simply say a kind word. Empathy is the foundation of the Golden Rule--“Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” Although a capacity for empathy is innate, parents and teachers can help it flourish. Keeping this in mind , Topic for the holiday home work for class VI is EMPATHY ENGLISH 1. Imagine yourself as the animal that you like the best and write a diary entry to explain how you spend your time in your home. Refer to your class V notes in the language notebook for the format of the diary entry. Include pictures to make your work attractive. 2. Read the book- “The Room on the Roof” by Ruskin Bond. 3. Prepare well for your Unit Test. HINDI

MATHEMATICS The students will apply their knowledge of concepts learnt in class V and VI to do the given activities in the holidays. Many of you have a cat or dog at home ,or at least would be interested in keeping one.It would be a good idea to explore and find out how much it would cost to have one .Find outWhat is the original cost of buying the pet / Find the following expensesa) (i)

Equipment for the pet –e.g. Basket, lead, collar, brushes, dishes etc. and estimate the number of these items needed during the year.


Cost of having the animal looked after (cost of Vet’s visit etc.)

b) Regular expenses:

(i) Cost of food –fresh as well as dried. (ii) Cost of medication etc. Now add the total cost and also find out the cost of maintenances of the pet for its Lifetime e.g. we take the dog’s average life span as 10-12 years. SOCIAL SCIENCE Q. 1 Draw a picture/poster /collage depicting “Empathy towards Animals ”. Q.2. Try and Visit an animal shelter in your neighbourhood & pen down your Experience ( if possible click pictures also and paste them along with the report) Q.3. Share your experience where in you have taken care of an injured / sick stray animal. Q.4. Do you have any pet animal/bird ? If yes, how do you take care of them ? Q.5. Collect a brief information ( in 30-50 words) about Animal Protection Act (if any) prevalent in India. SCIENCE

Q1. Describe the various habitats of animals e.g. a)

Terrestrial habitat


Mountainous habitat


Aquatic habitat


Arboreal habitat

Q2. Using a chart paper make a beautiful collage of the various habitats. FRENCH Q1 Nommez et dessinez dix animaux en francais.