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Masoom – Imam Mahdi. Friday is known as “Juma” in the Arabic language. There is one Surah on the name “Al –. Juma” – It is 62 nd. Surah in the Holy Quran ...

Syed Abul Hassan BSc. Civil Engineering (UET), MCSE (USA), CSSBB (Singapore), MCDBA (USA), CSPQP (Japan), Lead Auditor (UK), MCSD (USA)

Mathematical Miracle of Number - 19 in the Holy Quran 57 – Illustrations from the Holy Quran (19 x 3 = 57) “Over it is Nineteen (19).” [Holy Quran – Chapter – 74, Verse – 30]

1. Total Suras (Chapters) in the Holy Quran – 114

19 x 6

Interestingly 1 relates to 1 – Wahid Allah and 14 relates to 14 – Masoomeen in the Number – 114.

114 ------ 1 (Wahid Allah ) + 14 (Masoomeen) and the Abjad – numeric value of ‘Wahid’ is also 19.

19 x 334

2. Total Verses (sentences) in the Holy Quran – 6346

Interestingly, the numbers in – 334 can be added as 33 + 4 = 37. The reverse number of 37 is 73. If we add the numbers – 37 + 73 = 110---- The Abjad – Numerical value of ‘Ali’ is also 110 which is also the sum of the numbers 19 and its reverse number – 91.So 19 + 91 = 110 = 37 + 73. Also if we multiply 19 x 110 = 2090 Again the numbers in 2090 can be added as 20 + 90 = 110 = 19 + 91

19 x 1

3. 6346 – Total Verses in the Holy Quran – 6 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 19

Also the numbers in 6346 can be added as 63 + 46 = 109. Again the numbers in 109 can be added as 10 + 9 = 19 Interestingly if we see the numbers in 6346 as 63 and 46. The reverse number of 63 is 36 which is the product of 36 = 6 x 6 and the reverse number of 46 is 64 which is the product of 64 = 8 x 8. Also 6 + 8 = 14 Masoomeen and 6 x 8 = 48 which is equal to 4 + 8 = 12 Imam. There is a interesting fact that all the perfect numbers in mathematics either end with number 6 or number 8, which is a mystery too. In addition to that if we add 36 + 48, it comes to 82 and the Abjad value of Arabic word ‘Imam’ is also 82. The st

reverse number of 82 is 28. If we add 82 + 28 = 110 ----The Abjad value of 1

Imam – Imam Ali

Also the number 6346 ends with number – 46 – which is the Abjad numerical value of Arabic word – “Wali”. The reverse number of 46 is 64. If we add 46 with 64, we would get 46 + 64 = 110----which is the numeric value of the Arabic name – ‘Ali’ whose name is also ‘Wali’ of Allah. The first two numbers of 6346 is 63. The reverse number of 63 is 36. If we add 63 with 36, we would get, 63 + 36 = 99----- names of Allah in the Holy Quran. If we upside down the number 99, we would get 66---- the Abjad numerical value of Arabic name of ‘Allah’. As the Holy Quran says in Sura – 15, verse – 87 as:

“We have given you seven repeated verses (7 + 7 = 14 verses) and the Holy Quran (6346 verses)” and the sum of 6346 is 6 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 19. So 14 + 6346

= 6360

6360…… The sum of the numbers of 6360 would be 6 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 15. The reverse number of 15 is 51. If we add 15 and 51, we would get 15 + 51 = 66….. The Abjad – Numeric value of ‘Allah’ is also 66. In addition, the number 360 in number 6360 also relates to the perfect and complete degrees in a circle having 360 degrees. Also the Abjad – numerical value of the name of Allah – “Al – Rafeeh” is also 360. 6360 are also the total ‘Darajat’ of the ‘Al – Jannat’ as the Holy Prophet once mentioned that the total Darajat of the ‘Al – Jannat’ are equal to the total verses of the Holy Quran, which are exactly equal to 6360.

4. Total Bismillahs in the Holy Quran – 114

19 x 6

5. Total Arabic letters of Bismillah are 19

19 x 1

6. The first 5 verses of the Quran to be revealed are from Sura – 96 consists of 19 Arabic letters 19 x 1 7. The first Sura to be revealed (Sura 96) is the 19th from the end of the Holy Quran

19 x 1

8. The first Sura to be revealed, Sura Al-Alaq consists of 19 verses

19 x 1

9. The first Sura – Surat Al-Alaq consists of 285 Arabic letters

19 x 15

10. The last and final Sura – Surah An-Nasr to be revealed, consists of 19 Arabic words

19 x 1

11. The first verse of the last Surah An-Nasr also consists of 19 Arabic letters

19 x 1

12. There are 30 Paras of the Quran and Number – 30 is the 19th Composite Number in Math

19 x 1


Interestingly, the number – 30 is the 19 Composite number in mathematics.

13. The sum of all the occurrences of the name ‘Allah’ in all the verses whose numbers are the multiples of 19 i.e., the verses 19, 38, 57, 76, etc is 133 19 x 7 14. Thirty (30) different numbers are mentioned in the Quran. The total of these numbers without taking repetitions into account is 162,146 19 x 8,543

Interestingly, if we analyze the number – 8543 as: Add the first two numbers with the last two numbers of 8543 like 85 + 43 = 128……..which is the Abjad – Numerical value of the Arabic name – ‘Hussain’.

15. In addition to these 30 numbers, the Quran also refers to 8 fractions. The Quran thus contains a total of 38 different numbers 19 x 2 16. The 50th Sura, which begins with the Arabic letter ‘Qaf’, contains a total of 57 letters ‘Qaf’

19 x 3

17. The 42nd Sura also begins with the Arabic letter ‘Qaf’, also contains a total of 57 letters ‘Qaf’ 19 x 3 18. The ‘Abjad’ – Numerical value of the word ‘Majeed’, used in the Quran is 57

19 x 3

19. The Arabic letter ‘Qaf’ appears 798 times in the Holy Quran

19 x 42

20. The Arabic letter ‘Noon’ appears at the beginning of only the 68th Sura. The total number of times, the Arabic letter ‘Noon’ appears in that Sura is 133 19 x 7 21. If we add together the number of verses of Suras, the number of which are the multiples of 19, i.e., Suras – 19, 38, 57, 76, 95, 114, the total verses of these 6 Suras are 266 19 x 14 22. The Arabic letters ‘Ya’ and ‘Seen’ appear at the beginning of Sura ‘Ya Sin’. The letter ‘Seen’ appears 48 times in Sura ‘Ya Seen’ and the letter ‘Ya’ appear 237 times. The total of these letters is 285. 19 x 15 Interestingly, if we add first two numbers of 285 with the last number as: 28 + 5 = 33. The reverse number of 33 is again 33. Adding both the numbers we get – 33 + 33 = 66…The Abjad – numeric value of name ‘Allah’.

23. Only one Sura, the 7th Sura begins with the Arabic initial letters, “Alif, Lam, Mim, Saad”. These four Arabic th letters appear a total of 5320 times in this Sura – 7 Sura 19 x 280 Interestingly, if we add the first two numbers of 5320 with the last two numbers as: 53 + 20 = 73. The reverse number of 73 is 37. Adding both the numbers, we get – 37 + 73 = 110----the numeric value of name ‘Ali’

24. The ‘Abjad’ – Numerical value of the Arabic Word in Quran– ‘Al – Hadid’ is 57

19 x 3

25. The Sura ‘Al-Hadid’ is the 57th Sura in the Holy Quran

19 x 3

26. The Arabic word ‘Rasul’ meaning the Messenger of Allah comes 513 times in the Quran

19 x 27

According to Hazrat Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq, there are 27 words of Knowledge and also the 7 constant names of

14 Masoomeen also contain 27 Arabic letters. Interestingly, if we add first two numbers of 513 with the last number, we would get 51 + 3 = 54. The reverse number of 54 is 45. Adding both the numbers, we get – 54 + 45 = 99------names of Allah in Holy Quran.

27. The Arabic letters, ‘Alif, Lam and Mim’ are the most frequently used letters in Arabic. They appear together at the beginning of 6 Suras – 2, 3, 29, 30, 31 and 32. The total number of times all these 3 letters appear in these 6 Suras is 19,874

19 x 1,046

If we analyze the number – 19,874, we see that by adding the first two numbers with the next two numbers and the remaining one number as: 19 + 87 + 4 = 110 ---- The Abjad – Numeric value of Arabic name – ‘Ali’ Interestingly if we add the first two numbers of 1046 with the last two numbers, we would get 10 + 46 = 56. The reverse number of 56 is 65. By adding 56 with 65, we would get 56 + 65 = 121, which is equal to (110 + 011 = 121 = 92 + 29) sum of the Abjad values of Arabic names of ‘Ali’ and ‘Muhammad’ and their reverse numbers.

28. The Arabic letters, ‘Alif, Lam and Ra’ appear together at the beginning of the Suras – 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15. The total number of times all these 3 letters appear in these Suras is 9462 19 x 498 Interestingly, if we add the first two numbers of 9462 with the last two numbers, we would get – 94 + 62 = 156, which is the Abjad – Numeric value of Arabic words – “Ali Wali” as Ali = 110 and Wali = 46. So 110 + 46 = 156 Also if we add the first two numbers of 498 with the last number, we would get – 49 + 8 = 57 = 19 x 3

29. The ‘Abjad’ – Numerical value of ‘Al-Jaami’ meaning the Gatherer is 114 in Quran

19 x 6

30. The Arabic word ‘Atee’ meaning to obey appears 19 times in the Quran

19 x 1

31. The Arabic words, ‘Abd’ meaning servant, ‘Aabid’ meaning a person who serves and ‘Abudu’ meaning worship appear a total of 152 times in the Holy Quran 19 x 8 32. The Arabic initial letters, ‘Qaf, Ha, Ya, Ayn and Saad’ appear in only one Sura, the 19th. The total number of appearances of these 5 Arabic letters in this Sura – 19 is 798 19 x 42 33. The ‘Abjad’ – Numerical value of the word ‘Wahid’ meaning ‘One’ is 19

19 x 1

34. The Arabic word ‘Wahid’ is used 19 times together with the name ‘Allah’ in the Holy Quran 19 x 1 35. The Arabic word ‘Rahman’ meaning ‘the Most Gracious’ appears 57 times in Quran

19 x 3

36. The total of the Sura and verse numbers of the occasions when the Arabic word, ‘Wahid’ appears 19 times is 361 19 x 19 37. The Arabic word ‘Wahdahu’, meaning “worship only Allah”, appears in the verses 7:70, 39:45, 40:12, 40:84 and 60:4. When these figures are added up without numbers being repeated, the total is 361 19 x 19 38. The Arabic word ‘Kul – e – Shai’ meaning ‘Every thing’ appear 114 times in the Quran

19 x 6

39. The ‘Abjad’ – numerical value of Arabic word ‘Kul – e – Shai’ is 361

19 x 19

Interestingly, if we analyze the number – 361, the numbers in 361 can be added in two ways: 36 + 1 = 37. The reverse number of 37 is 73. Adding both the numbers we would get 37 + 73 = 110. Also 3 + 61= 64. The reverse number of 64 is 46. Adding both the numbers we would get 64 + 46 = 110 and 110 is the Abjad numeric value of the Arabic name ‘Ali’.

40. The number of verses between the first initial letters ‘Alif, Lam, Mim’ – Surat Al – Baqara and the final initial Arabic letter ‘Noon’ – Surah Al-Qalam is 5263 19 x 277 41. There are 38 Suras without Arabic initial letters between the 1st Surah which has initial letters ‘Alif, Lam, Mim’ and the last to have the initial letter ‘Noon’ 19 x 2 42. The total of the ‘Abjad’ – Numerical value of the names of Allah in Bismillah ‘Allah + Rahman + Rahim’ is (66 + 329 + 289) = 684 19 x 36 Interestingly the reverse number of 36 is 63. Adding both the numbers we would get 36 + 63 = 99. Also if we analyze the number 684, adding the first two numbers in 684 with the last number, we would get 68 + 4 = 72. The reverse number of 72 is 27. Adding both the numbers, we see – 72 + 27 = 99… names of Allah.

43. The Arabic word ‘Salat’ Namaz is mentioned 67 times in the Holy Quran & Number 67 is the 19th Prime Number th in Mathematics ----- Namaz – 67 times in the Holy Quran 67……………………………………19 Prime 44. The Abjad of the Arabic word “Ashaduan” meaning we give Witness is 361

19 x 19

45. The Arabic word ‘Munafiqeen’ meaning “hypocrite” appears 19 times in the Holy Quran

19 x 1

46. The total ‘Masoomeen’ an Arabic word meaning “infallible person” in Islam according to Shia Islam are 124,000 prophets + 1 (Bibi Fatima) + 12 (Imams) = 124,013 19 x 6527 In addition, if we see the number – 6527 carefully, 65 + 27 = 92…….Numerical value of ‘Muhammad

47. The name of Allah ‘Al – Sabur’ meaning ‘the Patient’ appearing in Surahs 2:253, 3:200, 103:3 and the Abjad – Numerical value of ‘Al – Sabur’ is 298…… 2 + 9 + 8 = 19 19 x 1 48. The total Arabic letters of ‘Panjetan’ in Islam – Muhammad (4), Ali (3), Fatima (5), Hassan (3) and Hussain (4) are 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 19 19 x 1 49. The 14 - ‘Haroof – e – Muqattad’ – the Arabic letters in the beginning of 29 Suras like ‘Alif – Lam – Mim’ appears in 14 sets. So 14 (Harrof – e – Muqattad) + 29 (Suras) + 14 (Sets) = 57 = 19 x 3 19 x 3 50. The 38th Surah (19 x 2) whose name is on the Arabic letter – “Sawad” whose Abjad value is 90 [Also the three names - Allah (66) + Hu (11) + Ahad (13) = 90] and salwat on Prophet Muhammad and his family “Salu Alehe Wa th

Ale Hee’ also starts with ‘Sawad’. So 38 Sura – ‘Sawad’ = 38 = 19 x 2

19 x 2

51. The Abjad – Numerical value of Arabic name ‘Hassan’ means ‘Pure and beautiful’ is 118, if we add 11 + 8, it comes to 19 or if we add 1 + 18, it also comes to 19 and the birth of Imam Hassan is in the month of 15 Ramadan in which the Nazul of the Holy Quran begins….. 118 ----- 11 + 8 = 19 = 1 + 18


19 x 1

52. The Abjad – Numerical value of Arabic name ‘Ali’ means ‘the Highest and the Greatest’ is 110, which can be written as 19 + 91 = 110. The reverse number of 19 is 91 …… 110 = 19 + 91 = 110 19 + 91

53. The Abjad – Numerical value of the name of Allah ‘Al – Momin’ meaning “the Protector” is 136. If we add the number of 136 as 13 + 6 = 19---------- 13 + 6 = 19 19 x 1


Interestingly, the number 13 is also the 6 Prime Number and the Abjad – Numeric value of the name of Allah – “Al – Ahad’ is also 13. There is also a Sura in the Holy Quran whose name is Sura Momin. In addition, the reverse of 19 is 91. If we add 19 with 91, we would get 19 + 91 = 110….which is the numerical value of Arabic name – ‘Ali’. Also the numbers in 136 can also be added as: 1 + 36 = 37. The reverse number of 37 is 73. If we add 37 with 73, we would get --- 37 + 73 = 110 ---- The numerical value of Arabic name “Ali” – whose name is also ‘Momin’ and Laqab is “Amir ul Momeneen”.

54. There are only 2 Suras in the Holy Quran which starts with only Arabic letters, one is Sura – 38 ‘Sawad’ and the other sura – 50 is ‘Qaf’. The Abjad – Numerical value of ‘Qaf’ is 100 and the value of ‘Sawad’ is 90. If we add the numerical values of both the letters – ‘Sawad + Qaf’ = 90 + 100 = 190 …. 19 x 10

19 x 10

Interestingly, if we add the numbers 1 to 19, the sum also comes to 190 (1+ 2+3 +……..+18 +19 = 190 = 19 x 10)

55. The total Arabic letters of 7 repeated names of 14 Masoomeen are 27, i.e. Muhammad (4), Ali (3), Fatima th

(5), Hassan (3), Hussain (4), Jaffar (4), Musa (4) = 27………. 19 + 8 = 27. Interestingly, the Number – 19 is the 8 Prime Number in Mathematics, so if we add 19 + 8(its mathematical value) = 27 ……… the total Arabic letters of 7 names of 14 Masoomeen. Also there is a Hadith of Hazrat Imam Jaffar – e – Sadiq, that the total words of Knowledge are 27……………………………….... 19 + 8

= 27. Amazingly the product of two numbers in number 27 is also (2 x 7 = 14). So 27 = 19 + 8 (19 is the 8 Prime Number in Mathematics) 19 x 1 th

56. The sum of the Abjad – Numeric value of the names of Allah (66), Muhammad (92), Ali (110), Fatima (135), Hassan (118) and Hussain (128) is 66 + 92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 649. The numbers of 649 if added separately sums 19. 649 = 6 + 4 + 9 = 19 19 x 1 57. Total Angels on the protection of Hell – Saqar

19 x 1

“So that He may know that they have delivered their Lord’s messages. He surrounds that entire are with them and the numbers of all things He has counted.” Holy Quran (Sura -72. Jinn, Verse- 28)

Definition of the Holy Quran in Mathematical Language: Mathematically the Holy Quran can be defined as:

The Holy Quran is the one and only last existed Holy Scriptures which is mathematically encoded and encrypted literature of The Almighty Allah, comprising of

114 Suras (19 x 6=114) and

6346 verses (19 x 334), whose all initials, letters, words, verses and Suras are mathematically signed with Number 19 by One and Only Almighty Allah, Who is Wahid (19) and Who revealed His Last encoded and encrypted message on His Last Prophet Muhammad in Arabic language to complete the one and only accepted religion to Him- Islam. According to Prophet Muhammad:

“The Holy Quran is with Ali and Ali is with the Holy Quran” The Holy Quran ------------------Quran e Samit (Silent Quran) Imam Ali--------------------------Quran e Natiq (Speaking Quran) 19 (Over – Zahir of the Holy Quran) + 91(Inside – Batin of the Holy Quran) = 110 ----- Ali

Ali = (Zahir and Batin of the Holy Quran)= 110 = 19 + 91

28 Arabic Alphabets and their Numerical values – Basics of Ilm e Jafar

28 Arabic letters = 14 + 14 14………………”Zahir” of Arabic language alphabets 14……………..”Batin” of Arabic language alphabets 14 (Zahir) + 14 (Batin) of Arabic letters = 28 14 – “Haroof – e – Muqataad” in the Holy Quran 14………….Masoomeen of Allah The sum of all the Abjad of 28 Arabic alphabets is ------------- 5995

5995…………. 5 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28………………..28 total Arabic Alphabets The reverse number of 59 is 95. The Abjad of “Mahdi” is also 59.

Expected Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) 28th July, 2023 AD - Friday – 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

Most Expected Date of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri or 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday

Important Notes to Read before you read this document: A. Prophet Muhammad said: “There are ten parts of knowledge, nine parts belong to mathematics and one part belong to other knowledge.” In another Hadith, he said:

“The knowledge of Numbers is Greatest of all knowledge.” Hazrat Ali introduced the “Ilm e Jafar” – Knowledge of the Arabic Alphabets and the numbers associated with them and one can interpret the conclusions if he knows “Ilm e Jafar”. So I used some knowledge of “Ilm e Jafar” gifted by my “Maula” and sharing it with all “Momeneen” to interpret results and conclusions.

B. Secondly please make note that this is not the fixed or determined or sure date of the Zahoor or Re – Appearance of Imam Mahdi. This is the most expected date which matches with the dates and numbers given by our Imams regarding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi on which I have written a research paper. So you may read this article as a research paper rather than believing that this is the determined date of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

1. Imam Jaffar

e Sadiq (AS) said: “Qaim would appear on 10th Muharram on Friday on the roof of Kaba at the time of Asr”. (Bihar ul Anwaar)

Explanation and Interpretation: 28th July, 2023 AD is Friday and 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri. Imam Mahdi was born on 29th July, 869 AD, i.e. 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri on Friday. The day is same as “Friday”, The month is same, i.e. July – 7th Month, and the year, 869 AD………….8 + 6 + 9 = 23………………………..2023 AD…………….The year of his birth i.e. 869 indicates the number – 23 which is the year of 2023 AD. Secondly, Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam and 11th Son of Imam Ali. Adding both numbers of 12 and 11, we get:

12th Imam + 11th Son of Ali = 23………………..869……………….2023 The year of the birth or first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is:

29th July, 869 AD If we write this year in numbers, we would get:

29 – 7 – 869 Now if we add all the numbers of this year, we would get an amazing result: We have already calculated the sum of 869………………8 + 6 +9 = 23

29 + 7 + 23 = 59………………..Abjad of Imam’s name – “Mahdi” 29 + 7 + 23 = 59…………..5 + 9 = 14……………14th Masoom ----Imam Mahdi

29 + 7 + 23 = 59……………………Abjad of “Mahdi” Furthermore, if we add the last two numbers of these two years, we would see: 1445 2023

45 + 23 = 68…………..6 + 8 = 14…………………14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi

Friday is known as “Juma” in the Arabic language. There is one Surah on the name “Al – Juma” – It is 62nd Surah in the Holy Quran and has 11 verses. The Arabic word “Juma” consists of three Arabic Alphabets:

Jem ----------------------stands for “Jali” in this word “Juma” Mem--------------------stands for “Muhammad” in this word “Juma” Aen---------------------stands for “Ali” in this world “Juma”

“Juma” stands for------------------------Jali + Muhammad + Ali

The Abjad of this Arabic word “Juma” is 113

113…………..11 + 3 = 14……………14 Masomeen or -----------14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi 113………………… 1 + 13 = 14…….14 Masomeen or -------------14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi

2. When asked from Imam Jaffar – e – Sadiq (AS) about the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS), he replied, “Mahdi would appear on the year which ends on odd number like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.” (Bihar ul Anwaar) Explanation and Interpretation: The year 2023 AD ends with number - 3 which is an odd number and similarly the Hijri year 1445 ends with number – 5, which is also an odd number. If we multiply the numbers – 3 and 5, we would get 15 and 15…………corresponds to 15


Century Hijri (1445 Hijri year)

Also the 21st Century AD (2023 AD) contains two numbers – 2 and 1. If we add these 2 numbers, we would get: 2 + 1 = 3…………….corresponds to the ending number in the year – 2023 AD The number – 21 in the 21st Century AD also corresponds to 786 of ‘Bismillah’ as the sum total of three numbers of 786 is 21:

786……………… 7 + 8 + 6 = 21 We also know that 4 Prophets of Allah would come to help Imam Mahdi in his Zahoor time and the names of those Prophets of Allah are:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ) Hazrat Khizar Hazrat Idrees Hazrat Ilyas

So there would be One (1) Imam Mahdi and Four (4) Prophets of Allah at the time of Zahoor and we may write as: 1 (Imam) – 4 (Prophets) of Allah

1 – 4 …………….14………………….corresponds to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi 14……….. 1 + 4 = 5………………..Imam Mahdi – 9th Son of 5th Panjetan – Imam Hussain 5……………also corresponds to the last number in the Hijri year – 1445 Also, The name of Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ) is mentioned 25 times in the Holy Quran. The name of Hazrat Idrees is mentioned 2 times and the name of Hazrat Ilyas is also mentioned 2 times in the Holy Quran. The name of Hazrat Khizer is mentioned 1 time in the Holy Quran. Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ)--------------- 25 times in the Holy Quran Hazrat Idrees ------------ 2 times in the Holy Quran Hazrat Ilyas--------------- 2 times in the Holy Quran Hazrat Khizer------------- 1 time in the Holy Quran Adding all the above numbers, we see: 25 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 30…………………….19th Composite Number 30………………………….19th Composite Number and 19 is the Abjad of name “Wahid”

Imam Mahdi and His Companions – Prophets of Almighty God and Number – 12:

Imam Mahdi ---------------------------12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Muhammad Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ) --------------- 12th Caliph and Wasi” of Prophet Moses Hazrat Ilyas--------------- 12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Abraham Hazrat Khizer------------- 12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Noah Hazrat Idrees ------------ 12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Adam

3. Imam Jaffar – e – Sadiq said: “Every body on the earth would hear the message of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi in the month of Ramadan on the day of Shab – e – Qadr and that day would be a Friday.” (Bihar ul Anwaar) Explanation and Interpretation: We know that Shab – e – Qadar is on the night of 23rd Ramadan and in the year 2023 AD, 23rd Ramadan is on 14th April, 2023 and that day is Friday.

14th April, 2023 ………….Friday……………23rd Ramadan The announcement of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is done by Hazrat Ali and is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verse – 41, 42 as: “And listen on the day when the crier (Hazrat Ali) crieth from a near place. The day when they will hear the Cry (of Hazrat Ali) in truth. That would be the day of announcement of his Zahoor (Imam Mahdi).” Holy Quran – Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verses – 41, 42

If we analyze the numbers assigned to the Sura and the verses, we reach to the amazing conclusions as:

Sura – Chapter – 50 1st Verse about the announcement and the announcer – Verse – 41 If we add the Sura number – 50 and the Verse number – 41, we would get: Sura Number + Verse Number = 50 + 41 = 91 The reverse number of 91 is 19. Adding these two numbers, we would get: 91 + 19 = 110………….numeric value of the Arabic name – “ALI”—

110 ------Ali --------who will make announcement of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi Now the verse number mentioning the ‘Kharooj’ or Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is Verse – 42. Adding the Sura number – 50 and the verse number – 42, we would get: Sura Number + Verse Number = 50 + 42 = 92 92…………Numeric value of the Arabic name, “Muhammad” --92……… Muhammad -----Actual Name of Imam Mahdi whose Zahoor is mentioned So all the Quranic verses and Suras are mathematically encoded and encrypted which can be decoded and decrypted.

Also If we add the above two numbers – 91 and 92, we would get:

91 + 92 = 183……. 1 + 8 + 3 = 12…………Corresponds to 12th Imam – Mahdi

Also if we add the numbers of these two verses, i.e. 41 and 42, we would get:

41 + 42 = 83…………………Number – 83 is the 23rd Prime Number

83…………………23rd Prime Number………………….2023 AD…..expected Zahoor of Imam Mahdi Surah – e- ‘Qaf’ is 50th Surah and has 45 Verses in which the announcement of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is mentioned. Surah – e – Qaf …………………45 Verses………………14

45 Hijri------expected “Zahoor”

Surah – e – Qaf is 50th Surah and has 45 Verses. Adding the number of Surah e Qaf and its verses, we would see: 50 + 45 = 95…………………..19 x 5……………..95..............Wahid (19) x Panjetan (5) The reverse number of 95 is 59……………59 is the Abjad of his name “Mahdi”

Imam Mahdi was born on 29th July, 869 AD on Friday, i.e. 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri. If we analyze the day – 29th July 29………………..10th Prime Number The reverse number of 29 is 92, which is the Abjad of name of Prophet “Muhammad” i.e. 92. His name is also “Muhammad” and the Abjad is 92. If we add the two numbers – 29 + 92 = 121, which is same as: 110 + 011 = 121…………The reverse number of 110 (Ali) is 011 (Hu). Adding both numbers, we would get the same number – 121

29 + 92 = 121 = 110 + 011 Muhammad = Ali Also: The year – 2023……………….2023………The Abjad of the Allah’s name “Rab” is 202

92 + 110 = 202 = Rab Furthermore, the expected reappearance of Imam Mahdi is in the year – 1445 Hijri. If we

45 Hijri, and the number – 45 associated with it, we see:

analyze the year – 14

• Adding the first ten numbers from 0 to 9, we would get the resulting number – 45 as:

0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45 • Also, the Numbers in the Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59. If we multiply the number – 5 with number – 9, we would again get number – 45 as:

59………………………5 x 9 = 45 • Also, the smallest number in Mathematics which is equally divisible by all the numbers from 1 to 10 is 2520.

2520…………………….25 + 20 = 45

4. We know that Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom. Now what is the relation of the expected dates and the number - 14? Explanation and Interpretation: The Reappearance of 14th Masoom would be announced on 14th April. His most expected re – appearance would be on 28th July, 2023. The number – 28 is equal to 14 + 14 = 28. There are 28 Arabic letters in Arabic language. The number 28 is also 2nd Perfect number in Mathematics. If we add the first two numbers with the last two numbers of the year 2023, such as 20 + 23 = 43 and the number 43 is the 14th Prime Number in mathematics. Also there are 28 letters in Arabic language – language of Holy Quran. 2023………..20 + 23 = 43…………………..14th Prime Number………….14th Masoom….Imam Mahdi

5. The numerical or gematrical total of the 4 Arabic alphabets in the word of ‘Mahdi’ is 59. Explanation and Interpretation: The Arabic name – ‘Mahdi’ consists of 4 – Arabic letters – “Mim, Hey, Dal, Ye”. The numerical or gematrical values of these 4 – Arabic letters are as follows: Mahdi – Mem + Ha + Dal + Ye Mem – 40 Ha – 5 Dal – 4 Ye – 10 Mahdi = Mem + Ha + Dal + Ye = 40 + 5 + 4 + 10 = 59 The sum total of 59 is also 14 as: 5 + 9 = 14 which corresponds to 14th Masoom. Secondly the Quranic Sura – 59 is Sura – e – Hashr, and the word – Hashr means – Qiyamat – e – Sughra which corresponds to number – 59 of Imam Mahdi who would bring Qiyamat – e – Sughra for Munafiqeen, Kufar and Mushraqeen by severely punishing them on his re – appearance. Third, Imam Mahdi is also Imam – e – Zamana. The Arabic name ‘Imam – e – Zamana’ contains 8 Arabic alphabets and the numeric or gematrical value of the name ‘Imam – e – Zamana’ is 185.

Imam - e – Zamana – 8 Arabic letters – Numeric value = 185 If we add the numbers of 185, we see: 185…………. 1 + 8 + 5 = 14………………corresponds to the 14th Masoom or Imam Mahdi. Fourth, Imam Mahdi is also our ‘Maula’. The Arabic word ‘Maula’ has 4 Arabic alphabets and its gemetric or numeric value is 77. Maula has 4 Arabic letters and its numeric value is 77. If we add the numbers of ‘Maula’, we see: 77…………… 7 + 7 = 14……………corresponds to 14th Masoom or 14 Masoomeen who are all our ‘Maula’. The numeric or gematrical value of the Arabic name ‘Maula Ali’ is 187 ‘Maula Ali’ …………….. 187 The numeric or gematrical value of the Arabic name ‘Maula Muhammad’ is 169 ‘Maula Muhammad’ ………….169 As we know that all 14 Masoomeen are both ‘Muhammad’ and ‘Ali’. So if we add these numbers of ‘Maula Ali’ and ‘Maula Muhammad’, we see: ‘Maula Ali’ + ‘Maula Muhammad’ = 187 + 169 = 356………… 3 + 5 + 6 = 14…….14 Masoomeen are both ‘Muhammad’ and ‘Ali’ as well as ‘Maula’. Fifth, our Imam Mahdi is in ‘Ghaibat’. The Arabic word ‘Ghaibat’ has 4 Arabic alphabets and the numeric or gematrical value of ‘Ghaibat’ is 1412. ‘Ghaibat’ has 4 Arabic alphabets and its numeric value is 1412. If we analyze the number – 1412, we see: The number – 1412 contain two numbers as 14 and 12, where 14 stands for 14th Masoom and 12 stands for 12th Imam, who is in ‘Ghaibat’ Also if we add 14 and 12, we get …………14 + 12 = 26 and the number – 26 is the 14th Even number in mathematics. Sixth, Imam Mahdi is the son of both Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali who are the true representatives of Allah.

If we add the numeric values of the names of ‘Allah and Muhammad’ and ‘Allah and Ali’, we see:

Allah …………………… 66 Muhammad ………….92 Ali ……………..……… 110 Allah + Muhammad = 66 + 92 = 158……….. 1 + 5 + 8 = 14……….All 14 Masoomeen are ‘Muhammad’ sent from Allah and 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi is also ‘Muhammad’. Allah + Ali = 66 + 110 = 176……………………. 1 + 7 + 6 = 14……. All 14 Masoomeen are ‘Ali’ sent from Allah and 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi is also ‘Ali’.

The Abjad of the name of Allah ‘Wahid’ is 19. The 14 Masoomeen are “Noor – e – Wahid”. The total Arabic letters in the 5 Names of Panjetan are also 19. Now the date of Birth of Imam Mahdi is 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri. Now we explore the date of Birth and its link with the Number – 19. 255 Hijri……………….. 25 + 5 = 30………………….30 is the 19th Composite Number. 255……………. 2 + 55 = 57…………….19 x 3 = 57……………. 5 + 7 = 12……….12th Imam 255…………… 2 + 5 + 5 ……………..12……12 is the 7th Even Number………12 + 7 = 19 255…………. 2 x 55 = 110…………Abjad of Name “Ali” 255……………….25 x 5 = 125……………..63rd Odd Number…………….63 + 36 = 99 Names of Allah • 19…………..8th Prime Number and 15th Shahban…………….15……….8th Odd Number • 15………8th Odd Number……………….. 15 + 8 = 23……………….9th Prime Number……….9th Son of Imam Hussain and 23 is also indicating the year of His Reappearance • • • • •

………..2023 • 15………8th Odd Number and Shahban………….8th Islamic Month • 255…………………128th Odd Number……………..12 + 8 = 20……Abjad of His name “Hadi” • 255……………..128th Odd Number……….. 1 + 28 = 29. The reverse of 29 is 92, which is the Abjad of His and Prophet name “Muhammad” …92 • 255…………….128th Odd Number ………….1 + 2 + 8 = 11……….Abjad of Allah’s name “Hu”.

6. When asked from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the total number of revealed books and booklets from Allah, he replied: “The total number of revealed books from Allah are 104. Hazrat Sheas received 50 holy booklets, Hazrat Idrees received 30 holy booklets, Hazrat Ibrahim received 20 holy booklets, and 4 Holy Books – Zabur, Torat, Injeel and Quran.” Explanation and Interpretation: The total holy books and booklets from Allah are 104. The total number of days between the announcement of re – appearance of Imam Mahdi by Hazrat Ali (AS) on 14th April, 2023 and the re – appearance day of Imam Mahdi on 28th July, 2023 are also 104 days. Is that not interesting? Also if we add the first two numbers with the last number of 104, we would get: 10 + 4 = 14 …..corresponds to the 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi.

7. We now know that the numerical or gematrical total of the Arabic letters in the name – Mahdi is 59. Now we carefully analyze the number – 59 and the numbers 5 and 9 in the number – 59. Explanation and Interpretation: We know that Imam Mahdi is the 9th Son of the 5th Panjetan – Imam Hussain. So 5 – corresponds to Imam Hussain and 9 – corresponds to his relationship with Imam Hussain as 9th son.

59…………………..5 + 9 = 14……….Imam Mahdi is 14th Masoom of Allah 59………….. 5 x 9 = 45……………………… Expected Zahoor……..1445 Hijri If we add the first 10 numbers from 0 to 9, we would get the result as:

0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45 The numbers are also telling us the indication of the year of his Zahoor………1445 Hijri

277………….59th Prime Number The value of 1 degree in a perfect and complete circle of 360 degrees is:

1/360° = 0.00277…………. And 277……………………59th Prime Number

8. The numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic word – ‘Adal’ is also 104 and the Arabic world – ‘Ilm’ is 140. Explanation and Interpretation: We know that Imam Mahdi would fill the earth with ‘Adal’ as it was filled with ‘Zulm’. So the number – 104 also relate with the reappearance of Imam Mahdi and the number of days between his announcement and his final Reappearance are also 104. The numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic word – ‘Ilm’ meaning knowledge is 140. If we add the first two numbers with the last number, we see: 140------ 14 + 0 = 14 ……corresponds to 14 Masomeen and also 14th Masooom – Imam Mahdi who once said: “There are 27 words of Ilm (knowledge). At the time of my Reappearance only 2 words of ilm would be known to the world. I would give the world the rest of 25 words of Ilm (knowledge).” The Abjad of the Arabic word “Aalim” is 141. The Abjad of Arabic words “Imam Mahdi” is also 141.

Abjad of “Aalim” = 141 = Abjad of “Imam Mahdi” Imam Mahdi was born in the 8th Islamic month of “Shahban” and would re-appear on the 1st Islamic Month of “Muharram” 8…….Shahban…………..Month of Birth ----First Zahoor 1…….Muharram………….Month of Zahoor ----Last Zahoor 8…1…............8 + 1 = 9………………9th Son of Imam Hussain is Imam Mahdi

9. We also know that the ‘Alqabat’ of Imam Mahdi are 19. Now we analyze the number – 19 with his re –appearance. Explanation and Interpretation: The Ulema gathered the Quranic Ayat about Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran and they agreed upon 1121 Ayat of Holy Quran discuss Imam Mahdi. If we analyze this number, we would get:

1121 = 19 x 59 59………………..Abjad of “Mahdi” 19…..corresponds to 19 Alqabat of Imam Mahdi. Also the numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic name of Allah – ‘Wahid’ is also 19. And Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom of Allah who is Wahid – 19. There are 19 Arabic letters in Bismillah. There are 19 Arabic letters in the 5 names of Panjetan as: Muhammad………………….. 4 Arabic letters Ali…………………………………. 3 Arabic letters Fatima……………………………5 Arabic letters Hassan…………………………… 3 Arabic letters Hussain…………………………. 4 Arabic letters

Total Arabic letters of 5 Names of “Panjetan” = 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 19 • Now the remaining 2 Names of 7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen are: Jaffar…………………………. 4 Arabic letters Musa………………………… 4 Arabic letters • Also we know that one of the names of Allah is “Ahad”, which consists of 3 Arabic letters.

Ahad………………………3 Arabic letters Now if we place all the numbers of Arabic letters in the 7 constant names of 14 Masoomeen in the sequence by putting the 3 Arabic letters of “Ahad” and then divide by 19, we would get: Ahad – Muhammad – Ali – Fatima – Hassan – Hussain – Jaffar – Musa

3 4 3 5 3 4 4 4……………………34353444 = 19 x 1808076 Adding all the numbers in the Number – 34353444, we would get: 34353444………….. 3 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 30……………..30 Paras of the Holy Quran Also if we add the numbers of 1808076, we would get: 1808076………………1 + 8 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 6 = 30……………….30 Paras of the Holy Quran



When asked from Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq about the exact date of birth of Hazrat Eisa (AS), he replied: “Hazrat Eisa (AS) was born on 21st July and you may see the pictures of Hazrat made by Christians with half cloth on his body. If he was born in the month of December, then Hazrat Marium (AS) would cover his body to protect him from cold.”

Explanation and Interpretation: Hazrat Eisa (AS) would also reappear along with Imam Mahdi in the month of July, 28th July, 2023 which is also a month of his birth – July.

Correlation between 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD: As we know that Imam Mahdi’s first Zahoor in the world is in the year – 255 Hijri and his expected final Zahoor is in the year – 1445 Hijri. The difference between the Last Zahoor – 1445 Hijri and First Zahoor – 255 Hijri is:

1445 – 255 = 1190 1445 Hijri…………..14 x 45 = 630 (Multiplying the numbers of century and year) The reverse of the number – 630 is 036. Adding both the numbers – 630 and 036, we see:

630 + 036 = 666 2023 AD…………..20 x 23 = 460(Multiplying the numbers of century and year) The reverse of the number – 460 is 064. Adding both the numbers – 460 and 064, we see:

460 + 064 = 524 Adding both the numbers – 666 and 524, we would get the amazing result again:

666 + 524 = 1190


The numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic name – ‘Hadi’ is 20

Explanation and Interpretation: One of the ‘Alqabat’ of Imam Mahdi is also ‘Hadi’ and its numerical value is 20. The first two numbers in the year 2023 are also 20 which corresponds to the reappearance of ‘Hadi’. Also the numerical value of the name ‘Hussain’ is 128 and Imam Mahdi is the 9th son of Imam Hussain and both are Hadis. Now if we add the first two numbers with the last number of 128 as:

12 + 8 = 20………corresponds to the name ‘Hadi’ and ‘laqab’ of Imam Mahdi

The Abjad of Allah’s name “Wadood” is also 20


The Holy Quran mentioned in the Sura – 15, verse – 87: “We have given you seven repeated Verses and the Holy Quran.”

Explanation and Interpretation: If we add the numbers in the year – 2023, we see: 2023 ---- 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7 …… corresponds to the 7 repeated verses in the verse – 87 of the Sura – 15. Also the names of 14 masomeen are only 7, which are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Arabic letters in their names

Muhammad (PBUH) Ali (AS) Fatima (AS) Hassan (AS) Hussain (AS) Jaffar (AS) Musa (AS)

4 3 5 3 4 4 4

Total: 7 Names

27 Arabic letters in 7 Names

Other Masomeen have the same repeated names from the above list of names. Also the total Arabic letters in the seven repeated names of 14 Masomeen are 27 and Imam Mahdi also said: “There are 27 letters of Ilm (knowledge). The world would be known to only 2 letters of Ilm (knowledge) upon my re – appearance and I would expose the remaining 25 letters of Ilm (knowledge).” Interestingly, the value of 1 degree in a perfect circle of 360 degrees is:

1/360 = 0.0027 77777777777………….


We know the Panjetan are 5 and Masoomeen are 14. Now we analyze the Hijri year – 1445.

Explanation and Interpretation: If we add the numbers in the Hijri year – 1445, we see:

1445 ---- 1 + 4 + 4 + 5 = 14……. Corresponds to 14 Masoomeen and 14th Masoom Also 14---- 1 + 4 = 5……..Corresponds to 5 Panjetan and Imam Mahdi is the 9th Son of 5th Panjetan – Imam Hussain.

Also, the Abjad of the name “Mahdi” is 59. If we add the two numbers – 5 and 9, we would get: 59…………………….5 + 9 = 14 If we multiply the two numbers – 5 and 9, we would get: 59…………………….5 x 9 = 45 If we place the two numbers 14 and 45 together, we would get the expected year of his reappearance, which is hidden in the Abjad of “Mahdi”

14 (5 + 9) ----- 45 (5 x 9)……………..14 45 Hijri


Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq (AS) said: “There would be two deaths before the re – appearance of Imam Mahdi. The first death would be ‘Red death’ – the death by War and destruction in which one third of the human population would die and the second death would be ‘White death’ – the death by Draught and diseases spread after war and one third of the human population would die. The remaining population of the Earth would be left one third after the war and draught before the re –appearance of Mahdi.” (Bihar ul Anwaar)

Explanation and Interpretation: The educated people of the world are now aware that we are at the verge of Third World War and more than 100 books have already been written and in the market indicating the full break through of the WW – III by 2013. One may see the list of books on www.amazon.com on WW – III. The third world war would be from 2013 to 2018 – almost 6 years and 1/3rd population of the Earth would die from this destructive war. From 2019 to 2023 – almost 4 to 5 years, the people of the Earth would face lack of rains and severe draught and so 1/3rd population would die from draught, diseases, after effects of war. Upon the most expected re – appearance date of Imam Mahdi i.e. 28th July, 2023, only 1/3rd population would be alive by that time on our planet known as ‘Earth’ fulfilling the prophecy of Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq (AS).


The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: “The Dajjal would rule the world first for one year from one place, then for one month from another place and then lastly for one week from another place and then Mahdi would re – appear.”

Explanation and Interpretation: There is a famous Video series known by the name – ‘The Arrivals’ prepared by a UK – Muslim and some episodes are also available on www.youtube.com but without voice due to its nature and contents. He described in that video that British ruled the world for almost 1000 years till 1918 – end of First World War. So we take 1000 years rule of British equivalent to 1 year as per the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad. If 1000 years is equivalent to 1 year, then one month would be 1000 years divided by 12 and it would be 83 years. The USA ruled the world from 1919 to 2001 for 83 years till the event 9 – 11 happened. Then 1 week would be 1000 years divided by 12 months and then further divided by 4 i.e. 21 years. The world knows that the actual policy and decision making power of the world was shifted from USA to Israel in 2001 with the New World Order and New Doctrine introduced by the then US president – George W. Bush and Israel now would rule the world from 2002 to 2023 until the expected re – appearance of Imam Mahdi on 28th July, 2023 (Friday – 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri).


Analyzing the last two numbers in the years – 2023 AD and 1445 Hijri i.e. numbers – 23 and 45.

Explanation and Interpretation: The number – 45 is the 23rd Odd number and corresponds to the year – 2023 in which the century is represented by 20 and the year is represented by 23 and 45 is the 23rd odd number. Second, if we add the two numbers as: 23 + 45 = 68……. 6 + 8 = 14…………corresponds to the re –appearance of 14th Masoom. In mathematics, all perfect numbers either end with number 6 or number – 8 and the sum of numbers 6 and 8 are 14………………..14 Masomeen and 14th Masoom (Mahdi) Third, the numerical value of the Imam’s name – ‘Mahdi’ is 59. If we multiply 5 with 9, we would get: 5 x 9 = 45 …….corresponds to the year – 1445 in which the 14 represents century and 45 represents the Hijri year.

Also if we add the two numbers of 45 as: 4 + 5 = 9……… corresponds to the number of Bibi Fatima (AS) as the gematrical value of her name – “Fatima” is 135. If we add the numbers as: 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 and Imam Mahdi is the son of Bibi Fatima. Also Imam Mahdi is the 9th son of Imam Hussain.

If we multiply last two numbers of the Hijri year – 1445 and 2023 AD, we see: 45 x 23 = 1035…………..We see the numbers – 1, 3 and 5 in the resulting number. If we add the numbers of 1035, we would get: 1035………..1 + 0 + 3 + 5 = 9……….9th Son of Imam Hussain i.e. Imam Mahdi Also the number – 23 is the 9th Prime Number and 9 – corresponds to 9th son of Imam Hussain i.e. Imam Mahdi. If we add the numbers of 23, we see: 2 + 3 = 5…..Imam Mahdi(AS) - son of 5th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain Fourth, if we add the two years as: 2023 + 1445 = 3468……Now add the first two numbers with the last two numbers we would get: 3468……… 34 + 68 = 102 ---- which is the numerical value of first three Arabic letters of Bismillah – ‘Be – Seen and Meem’ The gematrical values of the three Arabic letters are as follows: Be – 2 Seen – 60 Meem – 40 If we add the values of first three Arabic letters as: Be + Seen + Mim = 2 + 60 + 40 = 102 Be: We know that Hazrat Ali is the dot in ‘Be’ and the letter ‘Be’ is only written with the 12 dots with the first dot known as “Nuqta Bismillah”. So ‘Be’ represents 12 Imam. Seen: The Arabic letter ‘Seen’ in Bismillah is the ‘Seen’ of ‘Syeda’ – Fatima who is also the center of ‘Ismat’ and that’s why ‘Seen’ is in between ‘Be’ and ‘Meem’. Meem: The Arabic letter ‘Meem’ in Bismillah is the ‘Meem’ of ‘Muhammad’ (PBUH) who is the last Prophet. Be ---- 12 Imams with Ali (AS) as ‘Nuqta’ in Be and Father of 11 Imams Seen – Syeda Fatima (AS) Meem – Muhammad (PBUH)

Total – 14 Masomeen Also the Arabic name of Allah ‘Alaa’ which is also Sura – 87 of the Holy Quran as Sura – e – Alaa has 4 Arabic alphabets and the numeric or gematrical value of the Arabic name of Allah, ‘Alaa’ is 102.

Fifth, if we add the first two numbers of Hijri year –1445 and 2023 AD, we would get: 14 + 20 = 34 The reverse number of 34 is 43. Now add 34 with its reverse number, we see: 34 + 43 = 77………… Adding 7 + 7 = 14…………corresponds to 14th Masoom or 14 Masomeen. Sixth, if we multiply the numbers of the Hijri year – 1445 Hijri as: 1445…………. 14 x 45 = 630 The reverse number of 630 is 036. Now add the numbers – 630 and 036, we would get: 630 + 036 = 666………… 111 x 6 and the number – 666 is the most amazing number in all the regions and the religions of the world. In addition to that the Number – 666 is also the Number of Bibi Fatima as: The Arabic name ‘Fatima’ has a numerical or gematrical value of 135. The reverse number of 135 is 531. If we add these two numbers we see:

135 + 531 = 666………………Number of Bibi Fatima -----Mother of Imam Mahdi who is expected to appear in the Hijri year – 1445.


Analyze the years 2023 and 1445 by multiplying them.

Explanation and Interpretation: If we multiply the two years as: 1445 x 2023 = 2923235. Now add the numbers of resulting number as: 2923235 ----- 2 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 26…… The number – 26 is the 14th even number corresponding to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi (AS) If we multiply the numbers of Number – 26 as: 26….. 2 x 6 = 12……corresponds to 12th Imam – Mahdi. Also we know that Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam and 14th Masoom. If we add 12 by 14, we see: 12 + 14 = 26………12th Imam + 14th Masoom ---- 26………14th Even Number in Mathematics We know that there are 114 Suras in the Holy Quran, the number - 1 in 114 basically represents ‘Wahid’ Allah and 14 represents – 14 Masoomeen. Now if we multiply, 12 by 14, we would see:

12 x 14 = 168…….. 1 represents ‘Masoom and Imam from Wahid – Allah’ and the number – 68 means ----- 6 + 8 = 14………. 14th Masoom or 14 Masoomeen in total. So 114……………168 …………12 x 14………….three different ways to write the same Interpretation Imam Mahdi was born on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri. If we add the numbers of 255 Hijri, we see: 255…….. 2 + 5 + 5 = 12……..corresponds to the 12th Imam If we add the numbers of Number – 26 as: 26 ….. 2 + 6 = 8 ……. And number – 8 is the number of Divinity, Infinity, 8 – Sifat – e – Sabootia, 8 – doors of Heaven, etc and Imam Mahdi is the true representative of Divinity i.e. Allah. Interestingly the Arabic word –‘Imam’ is also mentioned 8 times in the Holy Quran. Similarly the Arabic word –‘Shia’ is also mentioned 8 times in the Holy Quran. Imam Mahdi was born on 15th Shahban. The number 15 is also the 8th Odd number. We know the numerical or gematrical value of the name ‘Fatima’ is 135 and Imam Mahdi is the 11th son of Bibi ‘Fatima’ (AS). Imam Hasan (AS), 1st son of Bibi Fatima was also born on 15th Ramadan. So his 1st son and 11th son (last son) was born on 15th day of Ramadan and Shahban respectively. Now, we may write the number – 15 as: 15 = 1 x 3 x 5………And all these numbers 1,3 and 5 are coming in the name of ‘Fatima’ which shows his relationship with Bibi Fatima (AS). Also the momineen have to pray ‘Wahid’ (1) at 3 times of the day (Fajr, Zohrain, Maghrabain) with 5 Namaz. ( 1 – 3 – 5 ) Also we now know that the numerical value of the name ‘Mahdi’ is 59. The number – 59 is the 17th prime number. If we add the numbers of 17, we get: 17….. 1 + 7 = 8 That’s why all Momineen have to pray 17 Rakat of 5 Namaz every day.

We discussed earlier the Imam Hassan (AS) was born on 15th Ramadan and Ramadan is the 9th Islamic month and Imam Mahdi (AS) was born on 15th Shahban and Shahban is the 8th Islamic month. 15th Ramadan ----- 9th Islamic Month 15th Shahban ------ 8th Islamic Month If we add 9 with 8, we would get: 9 + 8 = 17………corresponds to 59 as number – 59 is the 17th Prime Number.

There are 17 Rakat in 5 Prayers

17………………..1 + 7 = 8…………….represents “Divinity” and “Infinity”

Magical Table of Eight - 8 1x8+1=9 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 123 x 8 + 3 = 987 1 234 x 8 + 4 = 9 876 12 345 x 8 + 5 = 98 765 123 456 x 8 + 6 = 987 654 1 234 567 x 8 + 7 = 9 876 543 12 345 678 x 8 + 8 = 98 765 432 123 456 789 x 8 + 9 = 987 654 321 (containing all numbers 1 – 9)


We know that our 11th Imam Hassan Askari (AS) departed on 8th Rabi ul Awal, 260 Hijri from this world and Imam Mahdi became Imam in the Hijri year – 260 on 8th Rabi ul Awal. The total years of his Imamat from 8th Rabi ul Awal, 260 Hijri to the expected re – appearance on the 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri are 1184 years and 9 months. Now we analyze this number - 1184.

Explanation and Interpretation: If we add the numbers of 1184 years as: 1184 ----- 1 + 1 + 8 + 4 = 14….corresponds to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi. Also if we add the first two numbers with the last two numbers in 1184, we would get: 1184 ------ 11 + 84 = 95……. 9 + 5 = 14…………corresponds to 14th Masoom. Also the number – 95 is the reverse number of 59, which is the numerical value of the name of Imam – ‘Mahdi’. 59………………………….95 If we add both numbers, we would get: 59 + 95 = 154…………Now again add first two numbers with the last number, we would get: 154……… 15 + 4 = 19…………..corresponds to 19 ‘Alqabat’ of Imam Mahdi The total time from his birth on 15th Shaban, 255 Hijri to his re – appearance on 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri is 1189 years, 4 Months and 25 days. Now if we add the numbers of 1189, we see:

1189……… 1 + 1 + 8 + 9 = 19……..corresponds to 19 Alqabat of Imam Mahdi. 19 is also the encoded and encrypted number of the Holy Quran. Also if we add the first two numbers with the last two numbers of 1189, we see: 1189………. 11 + 89 = 100………………corresponds to the completion and perfection.


Analyze the relationship between 15th Century Hijri (year – 1445 Hijri) and 21st Century AD (year – 2023 AD)

15th Century Hijri -------------------- 1445 Hijri 21st Century AD ---------------------- 2023 AD The number 15 can be written as 15 = 1 + 14, where 1 ---- corresponds to ‘Wahid’ Allah and 14 corresponds to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi or 14 Masoomeen We also know that the numerical or gematrical value of 19 Arabic letters of ‘Bismillah’ is 786. The sum total of 786 is ……… 7 + 8 + 6 = 21 Now 21st Century AD is corresponding to 21 of ‘Bismillah’ containing 19 Arabic words and Imam Mahdi has 19 ‘Alqabat’ and the century of his Zahoor i.e. 21st century AD is corresponding to 21 of 786 of ‘Bismillah’ 21……………… 7 + 8 + 6 ……………….. 786 -------numeric value of 19 Arabic letters of ‘Bismillah’ Also if we add the number of 15th Century Hijri with the number of 21st Century AD, we see: 15 + 21 = 36………. 3 + 6 = 9……….corresponds to the 9th Son of Imam Hussain Also the heart of the Holy Quran is Sura – ‘Yaseen’ which is 36th Sura of the Holy Book. The reverse number of 36 is 63. Adding both numbers, we see: 36 + 63 = 99………….. corresponds to 99 names of Allah. We also know that the numeric value of the name ‘Allah’ is 66. If we upside down 66, we would get 99 and similarly if we upside down 99, we would get 66:

99………………66 66……………..99 Where 66……………..Numeric value of the name ‘Allah’ 66……… 6 + 6 = 12………….corresponds to the 12th Imam – Imam Mahdi or 12 Imams of Allah

Also if we multiply the numbers of 15th Century Hijri and the 21st Century AD, we see:

15 x 21 = 315 Adding the numbers ---- 3 + 1 + 5 = 9……..again corresponds to the 9th Son of Imam Hussain – Imam Mahdi. The number – 315 also contain the same three numbers - 135 of ‘Bibi Fatima’ The reverse of Number – 135 of Bibi Fatima is 531. If we add the two numbers – 135 and 531, we would see an amazing number and result:

135 + 531 = 666………………111 x 6………………Ism e Azam in 6 Dimensions Furthermore, the Total Arabic Alphabets in the 5 names of Panjetan are 19 as mentioned above. The remaining 2 names – Jaffar and Moosa contain 4 Arabic Alphabets each. There are 8 Arabic Alphabets in the 2 remaining names of Jaffar and Moosa. So the total Arabic Alphabets in 7 Constant Names of 14 Masoomeen are 27.

5 Panjetan – 19 Arabic Letters------------------- 5 x 19 = 95 2 Masoomeen - 8 Arabic letters---------------- 2 x 4 = 16 Now if we add the results of these two equations, i.e. 95 and 16, we would get:

95 + 16 =111………………….The Abjad of Allah’s name “Aala” which also appears in Surah – 87, Surah e – Aala”

111 ---- Abjad of Allah’s Greatest Name – “Ism e Azam” --“Aala” Surah “Aala” is 87th Surah, i.e 86 Suras below this Surah and 27 Suras after this Surah. 86 Suras before Surah “Aala” ----------- 86………..8 + 6 = 14…………..14 Masoomeen 27 Suras after Surah “Aala” ------- 27---------------27 Arabic letters of 7 Repeated names of 14 Masoomeen

86……..8 + 6 = 14 Masoomeen ---------27 Arabic letters of their 7 Repeated Names

19. There are 14 Fridays in between the day of his announcement of his Reappearance on 14th April, 2023 and his day of re – appearance or Zahoor on 28th July, 2023 which are also Fridays. Explanation and Interpretation: It is interesting to note that there are 14 Fridays in between the two dates, i.e. 14th April, 2023 and 28th July, 2023 which are also Fridays and Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom of Allah. The announcement of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is done by Hazrat Ali and is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verse – 40, 41 as: “And listen on the day when the crier (Hazrat Ali) crieth from a near place. The day when they will hear the Cry (of Hazrat Ali) in truth. That would be the day of announcement of his Zahoor (Imam Mahdi).” Holy Quran – Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verses – 40, 41

Imam Mahdi was also born on the day of “Friday” on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri

Announcement Day of his re- appearance -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

21st April, 2023 28th April, 2023 5th May, 2023 12th May, 2023 19th May, 2023 26th May, 2023 2nd June, 2023 9th June, 2023 16th June, 2023 23rd June, 2023 30th June, 2023 7th July, 2023 14th July, 2023

14th April, 2023-- Friday

--- 1st Friday --- 2nd Friday --- 3rd Friday --- 4th Friday --- 5th Friday --- 6th Friday --- 7th Friday --- 8th Friday --- 9th Friday --- 10th Friday --- 11th Friday --- 12th Friday --- 13th Friday

14. 21st July, 2023 --- 14th Friday Day of his Zahoor or Re – appearance


28th July, 2023

-- Friday

So there are 14 Fridays in between these two important dates and 14 Fridays corresponds to the Zahoor of 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi 14 Fridays……………corresponds to the 14th Masoom ---- Imam Mahdi Furthermore, Imam Mahdi was born on Friday in the month of July, which is the 7th day in the Islamic calendar and is expected to reappear or Zahoor on Friday again in the month of July, which is the 7th Month in the AD Calendar Once, a man came to our 10th Imam, Imam Ali Naqi (AS) and asked Imam about the Hadith, that: “If you become enemies with the days, the days would become enemy with you.” He asked that how the days of the week can do enemity with a person. Imam Ali Naqi (AS) smiled and told him that he misunderstood the Hadith.

Then he explained that in this Hadith, the days are basically the Prophet Muhammad, Bibi Fatima and the 12 Imams and the days of the week are related to them as: Saturday is related to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Bibi Fatima (AS) Sunday is related to Imam Ali (AS) Monday is related to Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain (AS) Tuesday is related to Imam Zain ul Abedeen, Imam Muhammad Baqir, Imam Sadiq (AS) Wednesday is related to Imam Moosa Kazim, Imam Raza, Imam Taqi, Imam Ali Naqi (AS) Thursday is related to Imam Hassan Askari

Friday is related to Imam Mahdi (AS) So, the day of Friday is related to our 12th Imam and 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi There is a Surah in the Holy Quran, named – Surah Al Juma. The number of the Surah Al Juma is 62 and the verses in the Surah are 11 Now we know that “Juma” meaning “Friday” is related to Imam Mahdi and He is also known as “Juma” in the Holy Quran by the Almighty Allah. We see how the Surah Al Juma is telling us about Imam Mahdi in the 9th verse of Surah Al Juma: “ O – ye who believe! When the call (from Imam Mahdi) is heard (on the day of His Zahoor) for the Prayer (to gather around him in Mecca) from the day of Friday (Imam Mahdi), haste unto remembrance of Allah (run towards the Imam Mahdi on his call) and leave trading. That is better for you (i.e. Imam Mahdi) if ye did you know.” (Surah Al – Juma, Verse – 9, Holy Quran) It is misinterpreted by our Scholars that this is the verse for the Prayer of Juma (Friday), because we are told in many Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad, that when going to the mosque, go slowly and gracefully and not hastily or running towards the mosque for the prayers. And we also know by the Hadith and explanation by our 10th Imam that the days of the week are related to 14 Masoomeen and the name “Juma” is also the name of our Imam Mahdi.

The Abjad of “Juma” is 113……….11 + 3 = 14………1 + 13 = 14…………..14th Masoom


The year – 2023 AD contains very strong and mysterious number i.e. Number – 23. Now

we would see the significance of Number – 23 under the light of sayings of Prophet Muhammad and Imams. First, Prophet Muhammad once mentioned to his companions that, “Qiyamat – e – Kubra would occur on the day of 23rd Ramadan and that day would be ‘Friday’. Interestingly, Ramadan is the 9th Holy month of Islam and Number – 23 is the 9th Prime Number. The announcement of the appearance of Imam Mahdi would also be done on 23rd Ramadan and that day would also be Friday, i.e. 14th April, 2023 AD. The appearance of Imam Mahdi is considered as “Qiyamat – e – Sughra” or ‘Hashar’ in Islam. Second, the year – 1445 Hijri contains number – 45 and the Number – 45 is the 23rd Odd number in mathematics. Similarly if we multiply the numbers – 4 and 5, we would get – Number – 20 and interestingly, the numerical value of Arabic word ‘Hadi’ is 20 and Imam Mahdi is also ‘Hadi’ of the Universe. And if we add the numbers – 4 and 5, we would number – 9, and Imam Mahdi is the 9th son of Imam Hussain.

Third, the number – 23 is the 12th Odd number and 9th Prime number in Mathematics. Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam and 9th son of Imam Hussain. Fourth, if we add the numbers of 2 and 3, we would get Number – 5 and Imam Mahdi is the son of 5th Panjetan, i.e. Imam Hussain. Fifth, if we multiply the numbers – 2 and 3, we would get Number – 6 and 6 is the first and the smallest Perfect number in Mathematics and number – 6 is the 4th Even Number. 10th Muharam is the day of appearance of Imam Mahdi and Number – 10 is the 6th Even Number. So Number – 6 --------------- 1st Perfect Number - 4th Even Number------------- 1 – 4 ----- 14 And Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom in order.

21. Imam Mahdi was born on 15th Shahban, 255 AH or 29th July, 869 AD on Friday. One can check this date on any calendar conversion software or website. 1. The date of Birth is 29th July and the expected date of Reappearance is 28th July. 2. The date of Birth is on Friday and the expected date of Reappearance is also on Friday 3. The year 869 CE …………. 8 + 6 + 9 = 23 and the year of Reappearance is 2023 CE. th

4. The Islamic month is 255 AH……2 + 5 + 5 = 12…………….12 Imam is Imam Mahdi. 5. Imam Mahdi was born on 29th July. The reverse number of 29 is 92, which is the Abjad or numeric value of ‘Muhammad’ name. Adding both the numbers, we would get: 29 + 92 =121. 6. Imam Mahdi is the son of Imam Ali. The Abjad or numerical value of ‘Ali’ is 110. The reverse number of 110 is 11. Adding both the numbers, we would get the number –

121 as: 110 + 011 = 121 7. The Abjad of Prophet ‘Muhammad’ name is 92. The reverse of 92 is 29. Adding both the numbers we see:

29 + 92 = 121 = 110 + 011 8. The Abjad or numeric value of the name of Allah ‘Hu’ is also 11. 9. The expected date of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi is 28th July. The reverse number of 28 is 82. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

28 + 82 = 110…………..Abjad or Numeric value of name ‘Ali’ • The Abjad or Numeric value of the Arabic word ‘Imam’ is also 82.


There are so many Hadiths that Imam Mahdi would rule the world for about 19

years. Imam Mahdi has also 19 famous ‘Alqabat’. He would re-appear in the month of Muharram. The first day of the Muharram of the expected year of his Reappearance would also be 19th July – 1st Muharram, 1445 Hijri. Imam Mahdi ------ 19 Famous Alqabat Imam Mahdi ------ 19th July, 2023 AD ----- 1st Day of Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Expected month of his Reappearance) We know that most Persian region celebrate ‘Naurooz’ or beginning of the New Year on 21st March. According to Ahadith, God - Allah finished making the Earth on 21st March on Friday. The first Astrological month ‘Aries’ also starts from 21st March every year. From 21st March to 19th July ……… Total days would be 121 days. 21st March to 31st March……………….. 11 days 1st April to 30th April…………………….30 days 1st May to 31st May………………………31 days 1st June to 30th June………………………30 days 1st July to 19th July--------------------------- 19 days Total Days from 21st March (Naurooz – New Year) to his Zahoor Month (Muharram) = 121

92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011 121 = 121

Muhammad = Ali 92 is the Abjad or Numeric value of name ‘Muhammad’ and 110 is the Abjad or Numeric value of name ‘Ali’. If we add the numbers -92 and 110 with their reverse numbers, we would get the same result, i.e. 121.

23. One of the main and most important Missions of Imam Mahdi is to take revenge of Martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his companions who sacrificed their lives for the sake of Islam. The event of Karbala happened on 10th Muharam, 61 Hijri or 10th October, 680 AD. The expected date and year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is 10th Muharam, 1445 Hijri or 28th July, 2023 AD. Interestingly, the spiritual date of Karbala is to be noted: 680 AD…………………..6 + 8 + 0 ……………14…………Sacrifice of 14 Masomeen 10th …………Date………………October……….10th Month

10 – 10 – 680 1st …………………. Month ………………10th Muharam…………….Date If we write the numbers of month and date side by side, we see: 1 (Month)………..10 (Date)…………………….110……………..Abjad of “Ali” 110…………………..Sacrifice of Ali and His family in Karbala 61 Hijri………………Year If we add 61 and 110, we see:

61 + 110 = 171…………………………09 x 19 = 171 171…………….1 + 7 + 1 = 9………….Number of Bibi Fatima

Now we analyze the dates of Karbala and Imam Mahdi’s expected year of Zahoor.

Event of Karbala --- 680 AD

and Imam Mahdi’s expected Zahoor – 2023 AD

The difference of the years is:

2023 – 680 = 1343 years from the year of Karbala 1343………………13 and 43…………13 is the 6th Prime Number and 43 is the 14th Prime Number. 13………….6th Prime Number 43…………14th Prime Number……………14th Masoom is Imam Mahdi Adding the Numbers – 6 and 14, we would get – 20………..Abjad of “Hadi”. Imam Mahdi is also Hadi i.e. the guide of the Humanity.

Event of Karbala --- 61 Hijri

and Imam Mahdi’s expected Zahoor – 1445 Hijri

The difference of the years is:

1445 – 61 = 1384 years from the year of Karbala 1384………………13 and 84…………13 is the 6th Prime Number and 84 is the 43rd Even Number. 13………….6th Prime Number 84…………43rd Even Number……………..Also 8 + 4 = 12………….Imam Mahdi is 12th Imam Adding the Numbers – 6 and 43, we would get – 49. 49…………..7 x 7 ………………..7 Constant Names of 14 Masoomeen Now if we add the difference of both Hijri and AD years, we see:

1384 + 1343 = 2727 The total Arabic letters in the seven (7) constant names of 14 Masoomeen are 27. Imam Mahdi also said that there are 27 letters of all Knowledge in the World. 27…………. 2 + 7 = 9……………Number of Bibi Fatima and highest number in digits. 27…………..2 x 7 = 14…………….Number of Masomeen and Imam Mahdi is 14th Masoom

Expected Zahoor of Imam Mahdi-------------------28 – 7 - 2023

24. If we analyze the numbers of the expected year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi, we see the amazing secrets hidden in these numbers:

28……………..2nd Perfect Number and the total number of Arabic Alphabets in which the Holy Book – Quran was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad

7………………Total names of 14 Masomeen …………7 + 7 = 14……..14 Masomeen

20…………….Abjad of Arabic word “Hadi”…………….and Imam Mahdi is also “Hadi”

23…………………..9th Prime Number, Cosmic Number, Holy Quran was revealed in 23 years and the sum of 23 is ………2 + 3 = 5………Panjetan

Also …………. 2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512…………………19 is the Abjad of name of Allah “Wahid”

25. The Spiritual Date of Mahdi’s Reappearance and 19 All Christians and Muslims of our World are waiting for the Reappearance of Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi to save the world and humanity from the Anti-Christ and the injustices of the world. And all the scholars and learned people of both the religions are saying that Mahdi and Jesus Christ’s Reappearance are very near in the future. Most of the calculations done in the past indicate the year – 2023 as the expected year of His Reappearance. Number – 7 is considered the lucky number in most faiths of the world especially in the Christian and Islamic faiths. July is the 7th Month. Now the dates could be multiples of Number – 7 as: 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th – all these four dates can be divided by Number -7, which is considered as the luckiest number. The numbers in the year – 2023 also sum up to 7 as:

2023------------ 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7 If we take the expected year of His Reappearance as – 2023 Expected Month of the year – 2023 – July – 7th Month There are only 12 months in a year. If we look for the 19th Month, how can we find it? It is simple. The Number – 12 is the 7th Even Number. Adding 12 and 7, we would get:

12 + 7 = 19 The 12th Month is December. So adding 7 in the 12th Month would be: 12 + 7 = 19………… December + 7 Months ------------- July of the next year

19th Month ---------------- July

Expected highest date of the 7th Month of the year – 2023 taken as 28……. 7 x 4 = 28th July

2023 7 28……….. Year – Month – Date If we divide this number by 19, we would get an amazing result:

2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512 Year of His expected re -appearance– 2023--------- 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7 Month of His expected Reappearance – 7th (July) Date of His expected Reappearance – 28th July – 7 x 4 = 28th July The Number – 23 is also considered as the ‘Cosmic Number’ in Numerology and the most mystic number among the numbers. There is a movie named ‘Number – 23’ and one can see that movie if he or she is looking for the importance of Number – 23. So the most expected date, month and year of Mahdi’s Reappearance which is also divisible by Number – 19 is:

28th July, 2023…………………..2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512

Conclusion: • The year, month and date numbers if written as a single number is divisible by Number – 19 • All the numbers in the year, month and date are linked with Number – 7, which is considered as the luckiest number. • The year – 2023 -------has Number – 23, which is considered as the ‘Cosmic Number’ in Numerology

19 x 106512 = 2023728

26. The Muslim Era is computed from the starting point of the year of the emigration (Hijri); that is, from the year in which Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina, AD 622. The first day of the month Muharram which is the beginning of the year was set as:

1st Muharram, 1st Hijri = July 16, 622 AD And

1st Muharram, 1445th Hijri = July 19, 2023 AD The upside down of Number – 16 is Number – 19

16 --------- 19 Also if we Multiply the numbers in the year – 2023 excluding “0” and the numbers in the Hijri year - 1445

2023…………..2 x 2 x 3 = 12……………..12th Imam 1445………….1 x 4 x 4 x 5 = 80 Now add both the resulting numbers, we see: 12 + 80 = 92……….Abjad of name


Jewish Year – 5783 and the Year – 2023 AD 27. The Jewish year – 5783 would start on their first month – Tishri, on 26th September, 2022 and would continue till September 16th, 2023 26th September and the Number 26…………….is the 14th Even Number……14th Masoom Jewish Year………………….5783……………………….in the year 2023 AD 5783……………….5 + 7 + 8 + 3 = 23………………..corresponds to 2023 AD The Jewish year – 5783 ends with the numbers – 83 and the number – 83 is the 23rd Prime Number. rd

5783………………….83 is the 23 Prime Number…………..corresponds to 2023 AD rd

Also: In the year 1445 Hijri, the number – 45 is the 23 Odd Number in Mathematics. The years – 2023 AD and the Hijri year – 1445 are corresponding in above numbers. 5783…………………57 + 83 = 140………….The Abjad of “Ilm” is also 140 5783…………….. 57 + 83…..140……..14 x 10…………….14 corresponds to 14th Masoom Also:

5783……………………759th Prime Number 759…………..7 and 59…………….59 is the Abjad of His name “Mahdi” and 7 corresponds to the 7 constant names of 14 Masoomeen.

759………………7 + 5 + 9 = 21………………..Bismillah…………786….7 + 8 + 6 = 21

759………….75 + 9 = 84……………….8 + 4 = 12………..corresponds to 12th Imam – Mahdi 759……………7 + 59 = 66………………….The Abjad of name “Allah” is also 66 Now if we analyze the year – 2023 as a number:

2023 = (1 x 7) x (17) x (17) The Abjad of His name “Mahdi” is 59 and 59 is the 17th Prime Number

Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59……………….17th Prime Number

Now the year – 2023 in number - 17 = (1x7) x (17) x (17) = 2023 th

And Number – 17……….7 Prime Number…………7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen Also:

1451 is the 230th Prime Number 1451…………..(230th) Prime Number Surah e Hashar is the 59th Surah of the Holy Quran. The Abjad of the name of Imam ‘Mahdi’ is also 59. Surah e Hashar contains 24 Verses. 59th Surah……………….Al Hashar…………………..24 Verses 24……….The reverse number of 24 is 42. Adding both numbers, we would get: 24 + 42 = 66…………….Abjad of Arabic word “Allah” The Abjad of the Surah’s name “Al Hashar” is 539

539…………………….5 + 3 + 9 = 17………………59 is the 17th Prime Number.

17…………..1 + 7 = 8………..Number of “Divinity” and “Infinity”

Prophet’s name “Muhammad” appears 4 times in the Holy Quran the Arabic word “Ali” appears 13 times in the Holy Quran.

Muhammad ----------------- 4 times in the Holy Quran Ali---------------------13 time in the Holy Quran……………… 1 + 3 = 4 (same as Muhammad) Adding both the names:

Muhammad + Ali ----------------------- 4 + 13 = 17

Muhammad Ali -----------------------------17 The Abjad of the Arabic words “Ali Jali” is 110 + 43 = 153

Abjad of “Ali Jali” is 153…………………………153 = 17 x 9 Therefore there are 17 Rakats in the 5 Wajib Prayers daily • • • •

There are “17 Qiyam” in 5 Prayers There are “17 Ruku” in 5 Prayers There are “ 17 + 17 = 34 Sajood” in 5 Prayers There are 51 Rakat in all the “Wajib and Sunat” Prayers in the whole day

51 Rakat-------------------------------------- 17 x 3 = 51 5 Prayers = 17 Qiyam + 17 Ruku + (17 + 17) Sajood = 68 • 5 Prayers ------------------68………………6 + 8 = 14…………….14 Masoomeen • 5 Prayers…………………5 (Panjetan)……………..68………6 + 8 = 14………14 Masoomeen 5 Prayers and 68 positions in 5 prayers are referring to 5 Panjetan and 14 Masoomeen. It is interesting to note here that all the “Perfect Numbers” in Mathematics end either with number - 6 or number – 8. For example, the perfect numbers are: 6, 28, 496, 8128, …..

6 + 8 = 14………..14 Masoomeen -----------14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi

28. Imam Mahdi’s date of Birth is 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri or 29th July, 869 AD. The most expected date, month and year of Mahdi’s Reappearance is also divisible by Number – 19 is:

28th July, 2023…………………..2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512 His first Zahoor is on 29th July - Friday His last Zahoor is expected on 28th July - Friday The cycle of His Zahoor started on 29th July and completed on 28th July on the same day of ‘Friday”

Zahoor Cycle: 29th July (Friday) to 28th July (Friday) 365 Days ------ 3 + 6 + 5 = 14………14th Masoom…..Imam Mahdi 365…….183rd Odd Number …….1 + 8 + 3 = 12……12th Imam Mahdi

29. The expected year of His Reappearance and the relationship with his name ‘Mahdi’ The expected Year of Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance is 1445 Hijri and the Abjad of His name “Mahdi” is 59. 1445………………….14 + 45 = 59……………..Abjad of His name ‘Mahdi’ If we reverse the number 59 as 95 and then add both the numbers, we see:

59 + 95 = 154 We know that the Abjad of name of Bibi Fatima is 135 and the Abjad of the name of name of Allah “Wahid” is 19. If we add both the numbers, we see:

135 + 19 = 154 The Abjad of the name “Allah Hu” is 77. The reverse of number – 77 is also 77. Adding both the numbers, we see:

77 + 77 = 154 The Abjad of the name “Allah Hu” is 77…………….7 + 7 = 14………….14th Masoom

If we Multiply the number of 14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi with the Abjad of name of Allah,

“Hu” which is 11, we see:

14 x 11 = 154 The Abjad of the Arabic word “Maula” is also 77…………….7 + 7 = 14………….14th Masoom The time from his date of Birth, i.e. 869 AD and his expected Zahoor in 2023 AD is 1154 years 2023 – 869 = 1154 years 1154 Years of his life till final Zahoor……………………….1 154


If we analyze the number – 154, we see: 154………………….15 + 4 = 19…………………Abjad of the name “Wahid” If we add the number – 19 with its reverse number – 91, we see: 19 + 91 = 110……………..Abjad of name ‘Ali’…………………Grand Father of Imam Mahdi 154……………………1 + 54 = 55 If we add the number – 55 with its reverse number – 55, we see: 55 + 55 = 110………………….Abjad of name “Ali” If we multiply the numbers in 154, we see: 154…………….1 x 5 x 4 = 20……………………Abjad of His name “Hadi”

If we analyze the years – 2023 AD and 1445 Hijri, we see the following results:


Take the first two numbers of both years, i.e. 20 and 14 20 + 14 = 34……….The reverse of this number is 43. Adding both numbers – 34 + 43 = 77 The reverse of number – 77 is also 77. Then again add the numbers – 77 and 77, we see:

77 + 77 = 154 Now take the last two numbers of both years, i.e. 23 and 45 23 + 45 = 68……….The reverse of this number is 86. Adding both numbers – 68 + 86 = 154 The sum of the numbers of 68 and 86 are also 14, i.e. 68………….6 + 8 = 14……………..14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi 86………….8 + 6 = 14……………..14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi

68 + 86 = 154 Also, the Abjad of Allah’s name “Hakam” and “Muhyee” is also 68. The Abjad of another Allah’s name “Badi” is 86.

68 (Hakam) + 86 (Badi) = 154 If we take the two numbers of the year – 2023 as 20 and 23 and then add these numbers, we see: 20 + 23 = 43……….The reverse of this number is 34. Adding both numbers – 43 + 34 = 77 The reverse of number – 77 is also 77. Then again add the numbers – 77 and 77, we see:

77 + 77 = 154

If we take the two numbers of the year – 1445 as 14 and 45 and then add these numbers, we see: 14 + 45 = 59……….The reverse of this number is 95. Adding both numbers – 59 + 95 = 154

59 + 95 = 154 The Abjad of Allah’s names “Alaa Jali” is 154 The Abjad of Allah’s name “Alaa” is 111 and the Abjad of Allah’s name “Jali” is 43. Adding the Abjad of both names, we would get:

Alaa (111) + Jali (43) = 154 Also, the year – 1445 contain the 3 numbers – 154 as: 1445……………………………….1 4 45 The names of five – 5 “Panjetan” contains 19 Arabic letters. If we multiply 5 with 19, we would get:

5 (Panjetan) x 19 = 95 The reverse number of 95 is 59, which is the Abjad of “Mahdi”. The sum of all the Abjad numbers of 28 Arabic letters in the Arabic language is 5995. Sum of all 28 Arabic letters (Abjad values) = 5995

5995………………5 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28………..Total Arabic letters 5995……………………..59…95……………….(5 + 9) …(9 + 5)………….14…..14

5995…………..2998th Odd Number

2998…………………….2 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 28…………..Total Arabic letters The name of Imam Mahdi’s sacred mother was “Nargis”. We also know that 313 people would assist Imam Mahdi upon his Re – appearance. The Abjad of Imam mother’s name “Nargis” is also 313. Abjad of “Nargis”----------------------313----------------Followers and Governors of Imam Mahdi If we analyze the number – 313: 313………………31 + 3 = 34……….…The reverse number of 34 is 43. Adding both the numbers 34 and 43, we would get: 34 + 43 = 77………………….7 + 7 = 14th Masoom. The reverse number of 77 is also 77. Adding both the numbers, 77 and 77, we would get:

77 + 77 = 154 313………………….3 + 13 = 16…………The reverse number of 16 is 61. Adding both the numbers 16 and 61, we would get: 16 + 61 = 77…………………….7 + 7 = 14th Masoom. The reverse number of 77 is again 77. Adding both the number, 77 and 77, we would get:

77 + 77 = 154 The Abjad of Imam Hussain’s brother and the commander in chief of his forces was “Abbas”. The Abjad of name “Abbas” is 133. The Abjad of name “Abbas” --------------133……………The number contains all the numbers of 313. Hazrat Abbas would also be the Commander In Chief of Imam Mahdi’s armed forces.

313…………………3 + 1 + 3 = 7…………….7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen.

Important Note: The Abjad of the Kalima “La Ilah Ila Allah” is 165 If we add the numbers of 165, we see: 165………………1 + 6 + 5 = 12…………………….12 Imams or 12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi

The Abjad of the Kalima “La Ilah Ila Hu” is also 110…………..Abjad of name “Ali

Imam Mahdi is also “Wali Ilahi”. The Abjad of the Arabic word “Wali” is 46 and the Abjad of the Arabic word “Ilahi” is also 46

Abjad of the Arabic Words “Wali Ilahi” ----------------- 46 + 46 = 92 Abjad of “Wali Ilahi” …………….92……………..Abjad of the Prophet’s name “Muhammad” Imam Mahdi’s name is also “Muhammad” but forbidden to say.

Mahdi’s name = Muhammad --------Abjad of “Muhammad” is 92-----“Wali Ilahi” The reverse of number – 46 is 64. Adding both the numbers, we would get: 46 + 64 = 110………………..Abjad of name “Ali”……………..Imam Mahdi is “Ali’s 11th Son” The Abjad of the Arabic word “Deen” meaning religion is 64. Imam is also “Wali Deen”. The Abjad of “Wali” is 46 and the Abjad of “Deen” is 64. Adding both the numbers, we see: Abjad of “Wali Deen”--------------46 + 64 = 110…………..Abjad of name “Ali”

Imam Mahdi --------------Wali Deen----------------110………..Ali’s 11th Son


Analysis of the Cycle of His Zahoor: His first Zahoor (Year of His Birth) is 29th July, 869 AD on Friday His last expected Zahoor is 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday

The years between his last expected Zahoor and his first Zahoor is:

2023 – 869 = 1154 The Abjad of the Arabic word “Zahoor” is 1111 and the Abjad of the Allah’s name “Jali” is 43. Imam Mahdi is the “Mazhar” of Allah’s “Jalal”. Abjad of “Zahoor” is -------------------- 1111 Abjad of Allah’s name “Jali” is--------43 So the Abjad of the Arabic words “Zahoor Jali” is: Zahoor (1111) + Jali (43) = Zahoor Jali (1154)

Zahoor Jali ------------------------------------ 1154

Zahoor Mahdi after 1154 years on 28th July, 2023 on Friday from his first Zahoor or birth on 29th July, 869 AD on Friday

Zahoor Mahdi---------------------------1154 years after his birth in 869 AD Now Imam Mahdi is the son of both Prophet Muhammad and his actual name is also “Muhammad”, which is forbidden in “Ghaibat” to say, whose Abjad is 92 and he is also the 11th Son of Imam Ali, the Abjad of name “Ali” is 110. Now his Zahoor is actually the Zahoor of Prophet Muhammad and the Zahoor of Imam Ali We calculate the Abjad of “Zahoor Muhammad” and “Zahoor Ali” and add those numbers to see the amazing results. The Abjad of Arabic words, “Zahoor Muhammad” is: (Zahoor) 1111 + (Muhammad) 92 = 1203

The Abjad of “Zahoor Muhammad”--------------------------1203 The Abjad of Arabic words, “Zahoor Ali” is: (Zahoor) 1111 + (Ali) 110 = 1221

The Abjad of “Zahoor Ali”--------------------------1221 Adding both the numbers of “Zahoor Muhammad” and “Zahoor Ali” , we would get:

1203 + 1221 = 2424 Now we know that the Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59 and the Surah – e – Al Hashar is also 59th Sura mentioning the “Qiyamat – e- Sughra” referring the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi and his revenge from the enemies of the Almighty Allah.

Surah – e- Al Hashar ------------59 Surah-------------------------24 Verses

2424…………………….24 Verses of Surah – e- Al Hashar referring the Zahoor of Mahdi

2424…………………2 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 12……………….12th Imam………….Imam Mahdi The reverse of Number – 24 is 42. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

24 + 42 = 66…………………..Abjad of name “Allah” The Abjad of Arabic words “Zahoor Haq” is 1219

Abjad of “Zahoor Haq”……………….1111 + 108 = 1219 1219………………………..12…..12th Imam and 19…………….Abjad of word “Wahid”

I219……………….12th Imam is “Noor e Wahid” i.e. 19

1154……………….11 + 54 = 65…………6 + 5 = 11…………Abjad of Allah’s name “Hu” The reverse number of 65 is 56. Adding both numbers, we would get:

65 + 56 = 121……………………92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011 = Muhammad = Ali Number – 65 is the 33rd Odd Number 65………………….33rd Odd Number in mathematics The reverse number of 33 is also 33. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

33 + 33 = 66………………..Abjad of the name “Allah” Imam Mahdi is also the “Mazhar” of Allah. The Abjad of the Arabic word “Mazhar” is 1145

1145………………..11 + 45 = 56

The reverse of the number – 56 is 65 and adding both numbers, we would again get – 121 1154………….The difference of 54 and 11 is:

54 – 11 = 43………………Abjad of Allah’s name “Jali’ and 43 is the 14th Prime Number Imam Mahdi’s first ‘Ghaibat e Sughra’ is of 40 years. So if we subtract 40 years from 1154, we would get:

1154 – 40 (Gaibat e Sughra) = 1114 1114……………….1 – 114………………1 Almighty God sent Holy Quran of 114 Surahs 1114………………11 + 14 = 25……………….5 x 5 …………….Imam is the son of 5th Panjetan, i.e. Imam Hussain 25……………….Prophet Muhammad has mentioned “25 Sentences about Imam Mahdi” in his last “Khutba tul Widah” at the place of “Ghadir”


Imam Jafar e Sadiq (AS) said: “Five (5) people out of Seven (7) would die before the

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi because of war, draught and diseases.” Now if we analyze His statement that “FIVE (5) people would die out of SEVEN (7)” before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi. Why He has chosen these two numbers? Why not other numbers? If we see the current population of the world today, the World Statistics show that by 31st December, 2011 – the population of the world is reaching the figure – 7 Billion People World Population by 31st December, 2011 -------------7 Billion People in the whole World Now the Number – Seven (7) is appearing in the current World Population Statistics. So according to the Statement of Imam Jafar e Sadiq, FIVE (5) people would die out of SEVEN (7) people in the world. It seems that FIVE BILLION people would die out of SEVEN BILLION people before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

So taking the Percentage ………………5/7 x 100 = 71.428% would die Only 2 Billion People would be alive on the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi. 7 Billion People (Current Population of the World) – 5 Billion People (Who would die) = 2 Billion People (Remaining Population on the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi) Choosing the two numbers – 5 and 7 are so amazing by the Imam and these numbers are matching with the current Statistics of World Population.


The expected Reappearance of Imam Mahdi is in the year – 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD. Now

let us see the amazing mathematical formulas and relationship between these two years with Imam Mahdi.

1445 Hijri


2023 AD

1445 = 17 x 17 x 5 2023 = 17 x 17 x 7 Now if we add the Numbers – 5 and 7 from these two years, we would get:

5 + 7 = 12……………………………12th Imam --- Mahdi Now there are two 17’s in the mathematical formula of 1445 and there are two 17’s in the mathematical formula of 2023. If we take these four 17’s from the above formulas, we see:

(17 + 17) + (17 + 17) = 68………..6 + 8 = 14………….14th Masoom ---- Mahdi Also, if we add the numbers of the Years – 2023 AD and 1445 Hijri, we would again see an amazing result:

2023 + 1445 = 3468 3468 = 17 x 17 x 12

Now we analyze – two 17’s and one 12 in the above equation: 59……………………..Number – 59 is 17th Prime Number 33……………....……Number – 33 is the 17th Odd Number Adding both the Numbers – 59 and 33, we would get:

59 + 33 = 92……………………….Abjad of name “Muhammad” 12…………………………..12 Corresponds to 12th Imam

3468………..17 x 17 x 12………Imam whose name is “Muhammad” is 12th Imam Now we analyze the number – 3468: 34………The reverse of 34 is 43. Adding both the numbers – 34 and 43, we would get:

34 + 43 = 77………………7 + 7 = 14…………….14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi

68……………6 + 8 = 14……………………..14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi So from the above equations of 1445 and 2023, it is clearly evident that there is a mysterious and amazing relationship between these two years – 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD

33. It is accepted by most Ulema that the total verses related to Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran are 1121 Total Verses in the Holy Quran related to Imam Mahdi = 1121 1121 Verses related to Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran = 59 x 19

1121 = 59 x 19 59…………….The Abjad of name “Mahdi” 19…………….The Abjad of name “Wahid” 1121………………………… Mahdi (59) from Wahid (19) 1121………….11 + 21 = 32………….The reverse of 32 is 23………….Year 2023

32 + 23 = 55……… 55 + 55 = 110……..Abjad of “Ali” 1 – 121……………… 92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011 1…………..stands for Allah and 121 ………….stands for Muhammad/Ali 32……………..17th Even Number (Mahdi) 59……………..17th Prime Number 17………………….17 Rakat in 5 prayers

Relationship between Imam’s name ‘Mahdi’ and the Hijri year – 1445


Analyze the most famous name of Imam – ‘Mahdi’ – the numerical value of the

Arabic letters in the name and its correspondence with the Hijri year – 1445. Explanation and Interpretation: It is a great mystery that our 12th Imam and 14th Masoom – Imam is popularly known as Imam ‘Mahdi’ in all the factions and groups of Islam. His actual name is on the name of Prophet, which is not allowed to say in his dEisappearance. Now we see is there any link between his most popular name ‘Mahdi’ and the Hijri year – 1445. In the year 1445, the first two numbers – 14 corresponds to the century and the last two numbers – 45 corresponds to the year.

14 ------- Century 45 ------- Year Now the name ‘Mahdi’ comprised of 4 Arabic letters. If we add the numerical value of first two Arabic letters in the name of ‘Mahdi’, we see that: The numerical value of ‘Meem’ is 40 and ‘Ha’ is 5. Now adding the values of first two Arabic letters, Meem + Ha ------ 40 + 5 = 45……….corresponds to the year of his expected Reappearance.

Now adding the numerical values of the last two Arabic letters in the name ‘Mahdi’, we see that: The numerical value of ‘Da’ is 4 and ‘Ye’ is 10. Now adding the values of the last two Arabic letters, Da + Ye ………. 4 + 10 = 14…………corresponds to the century of his expected re- appearance. So Meem + Ha = 45……….year and Da + Ye = 14…………..century of his Reappearance

Mahdi ------- 14 + 45 ……the numbers are corresponding to Hijri year – 1445.

“If Faith reconciles with Figures, it becomes a Fact.” Written by: Syed Abul Hassan

Some Signs Of Reappearance Of Imam Mahdi (AS) 1. The dark of night will not be deemed necessary for the commitment of sins. 2. Extravagant mansions will be constructed. 3. Singers will be considered respectable. 4. War shall be prevalent. 5. Gambling will be prevalent. 6. People will fear living in their own houses. 7. Dajjal shall come and shall have one eye 8. Land shall be turned into deserts 9. Earthquakes and Volcanoes and other natural disasters shall be common. 10. Good deeds will be few and far between. 11. False guides will mislead the multitudes. 12. Posts will be many, but practical teachers a few. 13. Mosques will be decorated profusely but urge towards adoration will be absent. 14. The rate of accidental deaths will be on the rise. 15. The rich will become godless and the devout will become sinful. 16. Leaders of opinion will be corrupt and overbearing. 17. False witnesses will be accepted and true ones rejected 18. The Quran will be considered as an old ancient book 19. A person spending money on sinful purposes will not be criticised. 20. People will thrust their personal opinions in the religion. 21. Usury (Interest) will be considered lawful. 22. The virtuous will be despised for their faith in God. 23. Human beings will be followers of selfish desires. 24. Pride will be taken for oppressive tendencies. 25. Good people will observe silence due to fear of wicked person’s foul speech. 26. Tale bearing and backbiting will be considered as good and will be prevalent. 27. A wealthy person will command more respect than a pious person. 28. Children will curse their parents and will pray for their early death. 29. Payments will be taken for rendering religious services in Mosques. 30. There will be two eclipses in the Month of Ramadan. 31. Recitation of the Holy Quran will be considered as a burden 32. Homosexuality will be prevalent 33. The land will crumble and sink thrice in the East, the west and Arabian peninsula. Note: These Are Some Of The Signs. Please Pray For Reappearance Of Imam.

World Events just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in the light of Quran “ And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, hunger, loss of life and loss of crops by draught. And give glad tidings to the steadfast.” (Surah -2 – Surah – e- Al – Baqarah, Verse – 155) Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq explained this Ayat and mentioned that the following events would occur one by one just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi as:

1. Fear………….Fear means fear of diseases like bird flu virus, AIDS, Swine Flu, SARS, etc. We have witnessed so many diseases in the past decade which are either spread intentionally or by virus but they have affected all the population of the world.

2. Poverty…………..Poverty means that the prices of all commodities would be sky rocketed. We are witnessing that the inflation and deflation is present everywhere in the world and the prices of all the items and commodities are increasing every day.

3. Hunger…………..Hunger means that most of the people of the world would not get sufficient food for their survival. Today 30 billion tons of food is required for all the people of the world and the Food Cartels stopped at 15 billion tons of food supply all over the world. So there is a shortage of 15 billion tons of food in the world and people are hungry in most parts of the world. These reports are confirmed by UNO – Food Program

4. Loss of life ……………Loss of life means that 1/3rd Population of the earth would die because of wars all over the world meaning Third World War which is expected by 2014. Imam Jaffar called it “Red Death”.

5. Loss of Crops by Draught……………..Then there would be a severe draught after the Big War and 1/3rd more population would die because of that severe draught in the world. This draught is expected in 2018 and would continue till 2023. Imam Jaffar called it as “White Death”. After these 5 tests of humanity and the world, our Savior – Imam Mahdi would Zahoor along with Jesus Christ on 28th July, 2023

Most Expected Time – Line of the World Events (2011 AD – 28th July 2023 AD) 2011 -----Earthquakes, floods and natural disasters would follow. Zionists would topple the Middle Eastern Governments by mob revolutions. Lebanon and Syria could come under attack anytime in the year of 2011. North and South Korean conflict would also increase in that region. The hidden conflicts of China and USA would emerge in the conflicts of North Korea, Taiwan and India. 2012 ------Iran could come under attack in the year 2012. This war with Khurasan (modern Iran) was fully described in the speeches of Imam Ali and Prophet Muhammad. India would attack Pakistan in the year 2012. Their planning of war and intentions was quoted by the Chief of the Army Staff of India in his recent speech on where he mentioned that India might be engaged with Pakistan and China at the same time and they are preparing for two wars at the same time. Also mentioned by Prophet Muhammad as: “Sindh (modern Pakistan) would be destroyed by Hind (modern India).” 2013 -------- China could attack Taiwan and India, North Korea could attack South Korea and World War – III would officially start in that year. More than 100 books have been written and can be found on www.amazon.com if someone is interested in the titles and all books mentioned the year – 2013 as the start year of World War – III. 2013 to 2018……… World War – III and 1/3rd population would die from this destructive war as mentioned by Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq as ‘Red Death’ in this war. 2018 ------ 2023 ----------- Draught, Diseases and Deaths – 1/3rd population of the Earth would die from draught and diseases, also mentioned by Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq as ‘White Death’ after this destructive war. 14th April to 28th July, 2023 -----------Expected announcement and the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi 2023 – 2026 --------- Imam Mahdi would fight and defeat Dajjal and the forces against Islam. Also mentioned by Nostradamus that the third world war would start in 1999 and would last for 27 years by 2026 AD.

8 - Names of Allah and 14 8 - Arabic Names of God

Root Number - 14

1. The gematric or numeric value of ‘Al- Mutakabbir’ meaning ‘The Tremendous’ is 662. The root number of

662 would be 14. 2. The numeric value of ‘Al-Wahhab’ meaning ‘The Bestower’ is 14. 3. The numeric value of ‘Al-Khafid’ meaning ‘The Abaser’ is 1481. The root number of 1481 is 14. 4. The numeric value of ‘Al-Mudhill’ meaning ‘The Giver of Dishonor’ is 770. The root number of 770 is 14. 5. The numeric value of ‘Al-Hakam’ meaning ‘The Judge and The Arbitrator’ is 68. The root number of 68 is 14. 6. The numeric value of ‘Al-Wajid’ meaning ‘The Perceiver and the Magnificent’ is 14. 7. The numeric value of ‘Al-Badi’ meaning ‘The Incomparable and The Originator’ is 86. The root number of 86 is 14. 8. The numeric value of ‘The Warith” meaning ‘The Heir and The inheritor of All’ is 707. The root number of 707 is 14. • The number of muqatta'at (Arabic Initial letters) in the Quran are 14.

Arabic Initial Letters in Quran

Gematrical Value

1. A (Alef)


2. L (Laam)


3. M (Mim)


4. S (Saad)


5. R (Ra)


6. K (Kaf)


7. H (Ha)


8. Y (Ya)


9. 'A(Ayn)


10. T(Ta)


11. S(Seen)


12. H (He)


13. Q(Qaf)


14. N(Nun)


Total - 14 Arabic initials in Quran

693 in 29 suras

693 + 29 suras = 722 = 19 x 19 x 2 •

Islamic scholars once gathered to make a meaningful Arabic sentence using the 14 Quranic Arabic initials used in 29 suras (chapters) without repeating any letter or without omitting any letter. They came up with only one sentence, which is stated as:

"Sarat - e - Ali Haq, Nam - sik - Hu " meaning " The Path of Ali is Right, Attach to it." It is One and Only Arabic Sentence using all the 14 Arabic Quranic initials to make one complete meaningful Arabic sentence without repeating or omitting any of the 14 Quranic initials.

The Secret Code of Number - 14 •

There are 14 sets of 14 - Muqatta'at in 29 chapters (suras) in Quran.

There are 14 Arabic letters in the word 'Al-Sarat -ul-Mustaqeem' meaning the righteous path of the most righteous, gifted and chosen people of Allah (God) i.e. Prophets and Imams, which is recited five (5) times twice in prayers in Sura - Al - Fateh - Chapter-1 of Holy Quran.

The Abjad of Arabic word “Hijab” is 14. So there are 14 Hijab of Allah.

The Abjad of Arabic word


is 77. Adding both the numbers, we see – 7 + 7 = 14. It

indicates that “Maula” are only 14. •

The Abjad of Arabic word

“Wajah” meaning Face is also 14. The Human face has also 14 bones.

The ‘Wajah Ullah” is known as Maula Ali, i.e. Face of Allah •

The gematrical or numerical value of the Arabic word 'Azan' meaning call for Prayer of Allah is 59 and sum of the numbers – 5 and 9 is 14.

The gematrical or numerical value of the Arabic word 'Mahdi'

– the name of 12th Imam

is 59 and

sum of the numbers – 5 and 9 is 14. •

The numerical value of the name of Surah – 20 of the Holy Quran “Taha” is 14 and it relates to Bibi Fatima. The number – 20 of the Surah is the Abjad value of name “Hadi” The Abjad of “Taha” = 14 and “Hadi” = 20 and the Surah is also Number - 20

The word “Al-Janat” meaning Paradise is mentioned 77 times and the word “Al – Jahanam” meaning Hell is also mentioned 77 times in the Holy Quran. Adding the numbers of 77, we get: 7 + 7 = 14. So the persons who believe and love 14 Masoomeen would go to Paradise and who don’t believe and hate 14 Masoomeen would go to Hell is the hidden message of the Holy Quran.

‘Wajah’ is mentioned in Quran, chapter - 55, verse - 27, mentioned as: 'There remaineth but the Countenance of thy Lord of Might and Glory'.

In Islam, when a boy reaches an age of 14, he is considered adult and responsible before Allah (God) for all his actions. •

14 bones in human face.

14th night is the full moon night.

14 joint bones in five fingers of a human hand.

14 is the atomic number of silicon.

The number of days in a fortnight.

There are a total of 28 (14 + 14) Arabic letters in Arabic language.

According to the Indians, 14 Manous control the world in successive and equal reigns, during the great cycle of the Maha Kalpa or Day of Brahma, having 432, 00, 00, 000 solar years. •

In Humans: “The astral body of the man is totally developed and installed only at the age of 14 years old.”

14……………….8th Even Number 8…………………….represents ‘Divinity’ of Almighty Allah 8 is the onlyy number in mathematics which is used to represent Infinity.

The Number 8 is the 3rd number in mathematics, which when written upside down does not change its shape. Number– 8 remains 8 if written upside down. 0, 1 and 8 are the only 3 digits in the firstt 10 digits in mathematics which shows this amazing property.

14 Masoomeen and Number – 19 •

114 Suras in Quran…………….19 x 6

14 x 14 = 196…………………..19 and 6

The Abjad of name ‘Ali’ is 110………………..19 + 91 = 110 The reverse number of 19 is 91. Adding both numbers would yield 110.

Names of Masoomeen
















• The Abjad of the name of Allah “Ali” is 110 and another name of Allah is ‘Ala’, whose Abjad is 111. If we put this number - 111 before the number of the names of ‘Panjetan’, we see that the whole number would be equally divided by 19 as:

111 92 110 135 118 128 = 19 x 589058428164112

• The Abjad of the name of Allah “Jabbar” is 206. If we put this number - 206 before the number of the names of ‘Panjetan’, we see that the whole number would be equally divided by 19 as:

206 92 110 135 118 128 = 19 x 1089058428164112 • The Abjad of the name of Allah “Mutakabir” is 662. If we put this number - 662 before the number of the names of ‘Panjetan’, we see that the whole number would be equally divided by 19 as:

662 92 110 135 118 128 = 19 x 3489058428164112 The number – 662…………….6 + 6 + 2 = 14…………….14 Masoomeen • The Abjad of the name of Allah “Jalil” is 73. If we put this number - 73 before the number of the names of ‘Panjetan’, we see that the whole number would be equally divided by 19 as:

73 92 110 135 118 128 = 19 x 389058428164112 • The Abjad of the name of “Muhammad” is 92. As Prophet Muhammad said that all 14 Masoomeen are all “Muhammad’. Now to prove mathematically, If we put this number - 92 before the number of the names of ‘Panjetan’, we see that the whole number would be equally divided by 19 as:

92 92 110 135 118 128 = 19 x 489058428164112 • The cyclic number – 89058428164112 consists of 14 numbers • If we add the numbers of this cyclic number -89058428164112, we would

get: 8 + 9 + 0 + 5 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 64 The reverse of number – 64 is 46. Adding both the numbers, we get:

64 + 46 = 110………………..Abjad of “Ali’ • If we add the Abjad of 4 above names of Allah as:

Names of Allah










662 + 73 + 206 + 111 = 1052 Now If we add the Abjad of 7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen as:

Names of Masoomeen
















92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 + 353 + 116= 1052

1052 (4 Names of Allah) = 1052 (7 Names of 14 Masoomeen)

• The number of total Prophets of Allah as per Hadith of Prophet Muhammad is 124,000………….One lac twenty four thousand only. Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet of Allah and is included in this figure, i.e. 123,999 + Muhammad = 124, 000……………Prophets of Allah Now we also know that there are 14 Masoomen of Allah. If we add the remaining 13 Masoomeen in that number, we get:

124,000 Prophets of Allah + 13 Masoomeen = 124,013

124,013 = 19 x 6527 6527………………..65 + 27 = 92……………Abjad of “Muhammad”

• The name of the respected father of Imam Ali is “Imran”. The 3rd Sura is in the name of “Ale – Imran”. The Abjad of “Imran” is :

Abjad of “Imran”………………361 = 19 x 19 • The name of the respected father of Prophet Muhammad is “Abdullah”. The Abjad of “Abdullah” is :

Abjad of “Abdullah”………………338………3 + 3 + 8 = 14 • The Abjad of name of “Allah” is 66. If we add this number to the Abjad of the Panjetan, we would get:

66 + 92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 649 649…………………..6 + 4 + 9 = 19 • The numerical value of Imam Mahdi’s name “Mahdi” is 59 and of Allah’s name “Hu” is 11. If we multiply 59 and 11, we would get: Mahdi (59) x Hu (11) = 649

59 x 11 = 649………….6 + 4 + 9 = 19 • One of the names of Allah is “Ala” whose Abjad is 111. If we add this number to the Abjad of the Panjetan, we would get:

111 + 92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 694 694…………………..6 + 4 + 9 = 19 • The Abjad of the name ‘Shia’ is 380. The word ‘Shia’ means followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Ahle Bait.

380 = 19 x 20 Now the Abjad of “Wahid” is 19 and the Abjad of “Hadi” is 20.

Definition of “Shia” • So the definition of “Shia” is that whose Hadi (20) is Noor – e – Wahid (19)

Shia = Hadi x Wahid …………………….380 = 20 x 19 • Also there are 20 sentences in the Shia’s Azan and 19 sentences in the Aqamat of the 5 Prayers of Allah Shia’s Azan and Aqamat --------------- 20 x 19 = 380…………Abjad of “Shia” • The Abjad of name “Allah” is 66, Who has 99 names in the Holy Quran Allah (66) …………………..99 Names of Allah in the Holy Quran If we rotate 66 by 180 degrees, it becomes 99

66 ……………..180º …………………..99 Now if we place 180 in between 66 and 99 and then divide the number by 19, we see:

66 180 99 = 19 x 348321 •

There are 19 Arabic letters in the 5 names of Panjetan as: Muhammad………………….. 4 Arabic letters Ali…………………………………. 3 Arabic letters Fatima……………………………5 Arabic letters Hassan…………………………… 3 Arabic letters Hussain…………………………. 4 Arabic letters

Total Arabic letters of 5 Names of “Panjetan” = 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 19 If we see the number 43534 carefully, we would notice that even if we reverse the number, the Number would remain the same as 43534

43534…………………………43534 (Reverse number of 43534)

• There are total 99 names of Allah in the Holy Quran. The sum of the Abjad of all the 99 names of Allah is 34,200. If we divide the sum of the Abjad of the 99 names of Allah, we get:

Sum of the Abjad of 99 Names of Allah ---------------- 34200

34200 = 19 x 1800 • The number 99 written in Hindu-Arabic numeral system is imprinted on human hands. If one looks at his or her palms, thumbs facing upward, the lines in the hands appear as "١٨ ٨١",which are the Hindu-Arabic numerals -commonly used in eastern Arab countries- of 81 and 18, which sum to 99.



On Right Palm of every Human Hand

On Left Palm of every Human Hand

- If one looks at his or her 'right palm', thumb facing upward, the lines in the hand appear as '١ and ٨ ', which are the Arabic numerals of 1 and 8 or 18. Amazing Marks on Your Hands

١٨ = 18 On Right Palm of every Human Hand

٨١= 81 On Left Palm of every Human Hand

‘١ and ٨ ', which are the Arabic numerals of 1 and 8 or 18 ‘٨ and ١ ', which are the Arabic numerals of 8 and 1 or 81

Adding the numbers – 18 and 81, we would get:

١٨ + ٨١ = 99 18 + 81 = 99…………Names of God If we place the numbers – 18 and 81 side by side, we get the magical number 1881: 18 and 81 -------------- 1881

1881 = 19 x 99 19…….is numerical value of the Arabic name ‘Wahid’ of God 99……. Names of God 19 x 99 means ‘Wahid’ God has 99 names in the Holy Book – Quran • The Abjad of the name of Allah is (66) and the Holy Quran:



Sum of Surah + Verses = 66




• The Abjad of one of the Great names of Allah “Aala” is (111) which is also

the name of Sura – 87 (Sura – e- Aala) and the Holy Quran:



Sum of Surah + Verses = 111







Sura – 12 and Sura – 17 has 111 Verses and Sura – 87 is Sura – e – Aala (111) If we add the number – 19 with the Abjad of name “Muhammad” i.e. 92, we see:

92 + 19 = 111

• The Abjad of the name of Imam Ali (110) and the Holy Quran:



Sum of Surah + Verses = 110 (Ali)













The Surah – 18 has 110 verses

• The Abjad of the name of Imam Hassan is (118) and the Holy Quran: Surah


Sum of Surah + Verses = 118







• The Abjad of the name of Imam Hussain (128) and the Holy Quran: Surah


Sum of Surah + Verses = 128







• The Abjad of the name of Imam Musa (116) and the Holy Quran: Surah


Sum of Surah + Verses = 116










Daily Prayers and 14 Therefore there are 17 Rakats in the 5 Wajib Prayers daily • • • •

There are “17 Qiyam” in 5 Prayers There are “17 Ruku” in 5 Prayers There are “ 17 + 17 = 34 Sajood” in 5 Prayers There are 51 Rakat in all the “Wajib and Sunat” Prayers in the whole day

51 Rakat-------------------------------------- 17 x 3 = 51 5 Prayers = 17 Qiyam + 17 Ruku + (17 + 17) Sajood = 68 • 5 Prayers ------------------68………………6 + 8 = 14…………….14 Masoomeen • 5 Prayers…………………5 (Panjetan)……………..68………6 + 8 = 14………14 Masoomeen 5 Prayers and 68 positions in 5 prayers are referring to 5 Panjetan and 14 Masoomeen. It is interesting to note here that all the “Perfect Numbers” in Mathematics end either with number - 6 or number – 8. For example, the perfect numbers are: 6, 28, 496, 8128, …..

6 + 8 = 14………..14 Masoomeen -----------14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi In the whole document, we are discussing the 5 most important numbers in Islam and they are: One ---- 1…………….corresponds to “One and Only Almighty Allah” Five ---- 5……………corresponds to “Panjetan” – Muhammad + Ali + Fatima + Hassan + Hussain Twelve ------ 12 …………….corresponds to 12 Imams of Allah from Imam Ali to Imam Mahdi Fourteen ------ 14…………..corresponds to 14 Masoomeen of Allah from Muhammad to Mahdi Nineteen --------19---------corresponds to the mathematical miracle of the Holy Quran - 19 If we add all these 5 special numbers in Islam, we would again get an amazing number:

1 + 5 + 12 + 14 + 19 = 51……51 Rakat of all prayers in a day ….17 x 3 = 51

99 - Names of Allah and 19 There are 99 names of ‘Allah’ in the Holy Quran.

If we take the 'Abjad' numerical value or gematrical value of 99 Names of ‘Allah’ in Quran, it would come to 34,200.

The ‘Abjad’ or Numerical value or gematrical value of 99 names of Allah = 34,200.

99 Names of Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran: The 99 Names of ‘Allah’ the One and Only God are:


Names of Allah










1 Ar-Rahman

The All Beneficent


The Most Merciful


3 Al-Malik

The King, The Sovereign


The Most Holy


The Peace and Blessing


The Guarantor


The Guardian, The Preserver


The Self Sufficient


The Powerful


The Tremendous


The Creator


The Rightful + The Maker


The Fashioner of Forms


The Ever Forgiving


The All Compelling Subduer


The Bestower










































17 Ar-Razzaq

The Ever Providing


The Opener, The Victory Giver


The All Knowing


The Restrainer, The Straightener


The Expander, The Munificent


The Abaser


The Exalter


The Giver of Honor


The Giver of Dishonor


The All Hearing


The All Seeing


The Judge, The Arbitrator


The Utterly Just


The Unperceivable










































31 Al-Khabeer

The All Aware


The Forbearing, The Indulgent


The Magnificent, The Infinite


The All Forgiving


The Grateful


The Sublimely Exalted


The Great


The Preserver


The Nourisher


The Reckoner


The Majestic


The Bountiful, The Generous


The Watchful


The Vast, The All Encompassing










































45 Al-Hakeem

The Wise


The Loving, The Kind One


The All Glorious


The Raiser of The Dead


The Witness


The Incomparable


The Trustee, The Dependable


The Strong


The Firm, The Steadfast


The Protecting Friend, Patron


The All Praiseworthy


The Numberer of All


The Originator and Initiator of All


The One Who Brings Back All










































59 Al-Muhyee

The Giver of Life


The Bringer of Death


The Ever Living


The Self Subsisting Sustainer of All


The Perceiver, The Finder


The Illustrious, The Magnificent


The Nourisher


The Self Sufficient, Everlasting


The All Able


The All Determiner, The Dominant


He Who Brings Forward


He Who Puts Far Away


The First







































72 Al-Akhir

The Last


The Manifest, The All Victorious


The Hidden


The Self Exalted


The Most Kind and Righteous


The Ever Relenting


The Avenger


The Pardoner, The Effacer of Sins


The Compassionate


The Owner of All Sovereignty




































82 Dhu-al-Jalal The Lord of Majesty and Generosity wa-al-Ikram 83 Al-Muqsit

The Equitable, The Requiter


The Gatherer, The Unifier


85 Al-Ghanaie

The All Rich, The Independent


The Enricher, The Emancipator


The Withholder, The Defender


The Distressor


The Propitious, The Benefactor


The Light


The Guide


The Incomparable, The Originator


The Ever Enduring and Immutable


The Heir, The Inheritor of All


The Guide, Infallible Teacher


The Patient, The Timeless


The One who is followed


The One who gives rewards










































99 Al - Haqq

The Truth, The Real

Total Names – 99





Total Numeric Value = 34,200

Total Numeric Value of 99 Names of Allah = 34,200 = 19 x 1800

34,200 = 19 x 1800 The Numeric Value of 3 Names of Allah is:

Jali – Ali – Wali -------------43 + 110 + 46 = 199

1 + 99 = 100………Names of Allah 1 (Ism e Azam) + 99 (Names of Allah in Quran) = 100 The Abjad of Arabic alphabet – “Qaf” is also 100 19 + 9 = 28……………28 Arabic Alphabets All three names end with common letters – “Lam and Ye”. They start with different Arabic letters as:

Jali---------------------Jem Ali ---------------------Aen Wali-------------------Wao These 3 alphabets make a Arabic word ---------“Auj” meaning the supreme Height

Prophet Muhammad (92) and Imam Ali (110) 110 = Ali --- Zahir of Imam Ali. The reverse number of 110 is 011, which is the ‘Batin’ of Ali 011 – Batin of Ali – Also the Abjad – numeric value of name of Allah – ‘Hu’ is also 11, which is the smallest name of Allah in both letters (2) and Abjad Value – 11

110 + 011 = 121 = 11 x 11 = Zahir + Batin of ‘Ali’ = ‘Hu’ x ‘Hu’ The Abjad value of Arabic name – Prophet ‘Muhammad’ is 92. The reverse number of 92 is 29. Adding both the numbers, we 92 + 29 = 121 which is the same as the above value of: 110 + 011 = 121. So mathematically, the Zahir and Batin of both ‘Muhammad and Ali’ are the same.

Muhammad = 92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011 = Ali Muhammad = Ali (Equal Noor)…………….mathematically proved (Syed M. Abul Hassan)

If we write all the Abjad values of Allah’s name ‘Ala’ which is 111, Muhammad’s name – 92, Ali’s name – 110, Fatima’s name – 135, Hassan’s name – 118 and Hussain’s name – 128 as a one number and then divide by 19. This big number consisting of 17 numbers are equally divided by the amazing number – 19.

111 92 110 135 118 128 = 19 x 589058428164112

589058428164112…. 5+ 8+9+0+5+8+4+2+8+1+6+4+1+1+2 = 64 64 = 8 x 8 ……………..8 represent “Divinity” of God The reverse of number – 64 is 46. Adding both the numbers, we would get: 64 + 46 = 110………..Abjad of ‘Ali’ name



Muhammad = Ali = Muhammad Ali = Muhammad = Ali

Number – 110 (Ali) and 19

The reversal of the Number – 19 is Number – 91. If we add these two numbers, we would get an amazing number – 110

19 + 91 = 110 Magic Square of 110










All rows, columns, and diagonals add to 110.

Magical Formula of Number – 110 (19 + 91) with all numbers: We would get the resulting Number – 110 from all the numbers, if we apply the given formula: Take any number and multiply by number – 12. For example, take the number – 19 and now multiply with number – 12, we would get:

19 x 12 = 228 Now Add Number – 1 to the resulting number. So,

228 + 1 = 229 Now Multiply Number – 5 to the resulting number. We would get:

229 x 5 = 1145 Now Divide the resulting number with Number – 20 and we would get a remainder of 5

1145 ÷ 20 = Remainder – Number – 5 Now Multiply the remainder Number – 5 with Number – 22 and we would get again Number – 110

5 x 22 = 110 This is a constant formula with all the natural numbers in mathematics.

The Numeric value of “Namak” meaning Salt is also ---------110

Important Thought for everyone in the Muslim World: So every person has to see whether he or she is a friend of “Ali” or not. If he or she is a friend of Ali (110) then he or she is ‘Namak Halal’ and if not, then he or she is “Namak Haram”

Magical Formula of Number – 110 (19 + 91)

Any number x 12 = M M+1=N Nx5=P P ÷ 20 = Q and the Remainder would always be Number - 5 5 x 22 = 110

Illustration: Take another example by taking Number – 92: 92 x 12 = 1104 1104 + 1 = 1105 1105 x 5 = 5525 5525 ÷ 20 --------- and the remainder number is again – Number – 5 5 x 22 = 110 And 110 = 19 + 91 = Sum of number – 19 and its reversal number – 91

• 110 is also the sum of the squares of three consecutive numbers, i.e.

110 = 19 + 91 = (5 x 5) + (6 x 6) + (7 x 7) The Number – 110 (19 + 91) can also be written as:

110 = 19 + 91 110 = 19 + 91 (The reversal of Number – 19 is Number – 91) 110 = 28 + 82 (The reversal of Number – 28 is Number – 82) 110 = 37 + 73 (The reversal of Number – 37 is Number – 73) 110 = 46 + 64 (The reversal of Number – 46 is Number – 64) 110 = 55 + 55 (The reversal of Number – 55 is Number – 55) • The Abjad of Allah’s name “Wahid” is 19 • The Abjad of Allah’s name “Malik” is 91 Wahid (19) + Malik (91) = 110 Ali is Wahid’s representative and Malik’s Wali • The Arabic language has 28 letters • The Abjad of the Arabic word “Imam” is 82 28 + 82 = 110 • The Abjad of the name of Allah “Awwal” is 37 • The Abjad of the name of Allah “Jalil” is 73 37 +73 = 110 • The Abjad of the Arabic word “Wali” is 46 46 +64 = 110 • The Abjad of the Arabic word “Deen” meaning Religion is 64 64 +46 = 110

Imam ……………………….82………………….Imam Ali Wali…………………………46…………………..Wali Ali Deen……………………….64…………………..Deen Ali Wahid……………………..19…………………. Wahid Ali Malik ………………………91……………………Malik Ali Jalil…………………………73……………………Jalil Ali Awwal……………………37……………………Awwal Ali

Imam is Ali and Ali is Wali Deen is Ali and Ali is Deen (Religion of Islam)

Number – 11 and 14 Masoomeen Hu – The name of Allah – The numeric value of Hu is 11. Hu is the smallest name of Allah with the smallest mathematical value of 11.

Hu ---------- 11 Ali – The numeric value of ‘Ali’ is 110. 110 --- 11 + 0 = 11 Muhammad – The numeric value of Muhammad is 92 92 ----- 9 + 2 = 11 Hussain – The numeric value of Hussain is 128 128 ----- 1 + 2 + 8 = 11 Raza – The numeric value of Raza is 1001 1001----- 10 + 01 = 11

Ali – Imam, Wali and Hu The numeric value of ‘Imam’ is 82 The reverse number of 82 is 28

82 + 28 = 110 -------- Ali

The numeric value of ‘Wali’ is 46 The reverse number of 46 is 64

46 + 64 = 110--------- Ali The numeric value of Ali is 110 The reverse number of 110 is 011 011 ------ “HU” --- The name of Allah

110 + 011 = 121 The numeric value of Muhammad is 92 The reverse number of 92 is 29 (The 10th Prime Number)

92 + 29 = 121 110 + 011 = 121 = 92 + 29 Ali = Muhammad = 121 (Zahir + Batin)

The reverse number of 121 is again 121

121 + 121 = 242 ……………….. 2 + 4 + 2 = 8 242……………….24 + 42 = 66…………..The numeric value of Allah

The numeric value of ‘Allah + Hu + Ahad’ is 66 + 11 + 13 = 90 The reverse number of 90 is 09

90 + 09 = 99…………….. Names of Allah 99------- 9 + 9 = 18…………….. 8 Sifat –e- Sabootia of 1 Allah 99……… 9 x 9 = 81 The reverse of 18 is 81

18 + 81 = 99……………..Again 99 Names of Allah

The total number of Arabic letters of 7 constant names of Muhammad and Ale – Muhammad are 15. The numeric value of 15 Arabic letters of 7 names of Muhammad and Ale-Muhammad is 576

576-------------- 5 + 7 + 6 = 18 18 …………….9 + 9 ---------- 2 x 9 The reverse of 18 is 81 ………………. 18 + 81 = 99 The numeric value of Shia is 300 + 10 + 70 = 380

380…………. 19 x 20 19……………… The numeric value of Wahid 20 ………………Fatima (9) + Ali (11) = 20 20 ------------ Muhammad (11) + Fatima (9) 20 ------------ Fatima (9) + Hussain (11) = 20 380 ---------- (19 x 1) x (19 + 1) The reverse number (Batin) of 380 is 038 380 + 083 = 463

463………….. 4 + 6 + 3 = 13 463……………….. 4 + 63 = 67……………19th Prime Number 463 …………….46 + 3 = 49 …………… 7 x 7 …………….. 4 + 9 = 13 The numeric value of Shia Ali is 380 + 110 = 490

490………………….. 4 + 9 + 0 = 13 490………………..49 + 0 = 49------------- 7 x 7 -------------- 4 + 9 = 13

The reverse number of 49 is 94 49 + 94 = 143 143 ---------------- 1 + 43…............... 44 …………….. 4 + 4 = 8 143-----------------14 + 3 ………………..17…………….. 1 + 7 = 8 43…………………14th Prime Number 1…………………. 1st Odd Number 1-43………………. 1-14 The reverse number of 490 is 094 490 + 094 = 584………………5 + 8 + 4 = 17……………….. 1 + 7 = 8

There are two Surah’s in the Holy Quran which starts with only 1 Arabic letter, i.e.

Surah – e – Qaf

---------------- 50th Surah ---------------- 45 Verses

Surah – e – Sawad --------------- 38th Surah ---------------- 88 Verses The Abjad of the Arabic alphabet “Qaf” is 100 and the Abjad of the Arabic alphabet “Sawad” is 90. Now if we add the numbers of Surah’s and their verses, we would see:

50 + 45 = 95 = 19 x 5…………Panjetan (5) has 19 Arabic alphabets in their 5 names 38 + 88 = 126……………..Also 38 = 19 + 19 = 19 x 2 If we add the numbers of the two Surah’s, we see: 38 + 50 = 88………………88 Verses in 38th Surah If we add the numbers of the verses of the two Surah’s, we would get: 45 + 88 = 133 = 19 x 7……………….The Abjad of the Arabic name “Abbas” is also 133. The Abjad of Arabic word “Majlis” is also 133 Adding all the numbers: (50 + 45) + (38 + 88) = 221…..Abjad of “Muhammad O Ale Muhammad” Abjad of “Muhammad O Ale Muhammad” = 221 If we add the Abjad of the two Arabic letters “Qaf” and “Sawad” of the names of these two Surah’s, we see:

Qaf (100) + Sawad (90) = 190 = 19 x 10

The numeric value of ‘Olil Amar’ is 319 319 ------ 3 + 1 + 9 = 13 The numeric value of Haadi is 20 The reverse number of 20 is 02

20 + 02 = 22…………….11 + 11…………..HU 20…………….. 9 + 11 (Fatima + Ali) or (Fatima + Muhammad) or (Fatima + Hussain) 2 -------------- Ali or Muhammad or Hussain or Raza The numeric value of Haq is 108

108 -------------- 18 x 6 = 108

The reverse number of 108 is 801 108 + 801 = 909………………….. 90 + 9 = 99----- (18 + 81)

9 + 09 = 18…………..9 + 9 The Abjad of name “Asr” meaning ‘The Time” is 360 The Abjad of name “Saqar” meaning “The Bottom of the Hell” is also 360 The Abjad of Allah’s name “Rafeeh” meaning “The Highest” is also 360

Important Words in Islam and their Abjad Values The numeric value of “Adl” is 104

104………………10 + 4 = 14…………………..Masoomeen The total number of Holy books and booklets are also 104

104……………….10 + 4 = 14…………………..From 14 Masoomeen 104……………… 1 + 04 = 5…………………… From 5 Panjetan

The total number of Surahs in the Holy Quran are 114

114 --------------- 1 + 14 -------------------1 – Allah + 14 ------ Masoomeen 114---------------- 11 + 4 ----------------- 15………….1 – Allah + 5 ----Panjetan

The reverse number of 104 is 401 104 + 401 = 505 505------------ 50 + 5 = 55 The reverse number of 55 is again 55

55 + 55 --------- 110 ------------ Ali

The reverse number of 114 is 411

114 + 411 = 525 525………. 52 + 5 = 57……………… 114/2= 57 = 19 x 3

The numeric value of Imam ‘Hadi’ is 82 + 20 = 102

102 ----- 10 + 2 = 12 -------- Imam The Abjad value of “Imam Mahdi’ is 82 + 59 = 141, which is same as of “Aalim” 141 --------- 14 + 1 = 1 + 14 = 15

15…………. 1 + 5 = 6……………….1st and smallest Perfect Number

14 -------- 41 -----The reverse number of 14 is 41 14 + 41 = 55………. The reverse number of 55 is 55

55 + 55 = 110 …………. Ali The numeric value of Ala is 111 The reverse number of 111 is again 111

111 + 111 = 222-------------the numeric value of Haider (Zahir + Batin) 222------------ 2 + 2 + 2 = 6…………..1st and the smallest Perfect Number

110 (Ali)------------92 (Muhammad) -------------128 (Hassan) ---------1001(Raza)----------= 2 2 --------------1st, Smallest and only Even Number which is Prime Number 11…………1 + 1 = 2……………The numeric value of “Hu” the smallest name of Allah consisting of two Arabic letters The numeric value of “Imam Ali” is 82 + 110 = 192 192……………..19 + 2 ------------21………The numeric value of Bismillah (786…..7 + 8 + 6 = 21)

192…………… 1 + 92(Muhammad) = 93………………9 + 3 = 12…………Total Imam

The numeric value of Muhammad and Ali is 92 + 110 = 202 202------------The numeric value of Rab ---------- 202 202 …………..20 + 2 = 22…………… 11 + 11 (HU)

202 …………..2 + 20 = 22……………. 11 x 2 (HU) The numeric value of Bismillah is 786 786 -------------- 131 x 6 = 786 786……………… 78 + 6 = 84………………8 + 4 = 12………Total Imam 84……………….. 12 x 7 = 84

786…………………7 + 86 = 93…………9 + 3 = 12 ---Total Imam

One of the most famous names of Imam Ali is “Haider” given by her mother ‘Fatima binte Asad’. The Abjad of the Arabic name “Haider” is 222 It is interesting to note that the Abjad of the Arabic word “Rabeka” meaning “Rab” is: The Abjad of the Arabic word “Rabeka” --------222

Haider ------------------222 --------------------Rabeka Haider (222) is the appointed “Rab” from One Almighty God on the Universe. “Rab” is the “Abrani” word which means to do nourishment and upbringing.

Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) = 202…………….Abjad of the Arabic word “Rab”

Abjad of “Rab”………………..202………….Abjad of “Muhammad + Ali” = 202

The Abjad of “Ale Muhammad” is 123. It is interesting to note that number – 6 is the first and the smallest perfect number in mathematics whose divisors which are also 1, 2 and 3 when added or multiplied gives the resulting number – 6

123…………………..1 x 2 x 3 = 6 = 1 + 2 + 3

“Ale Muhammad” ---- 123 is perfect in the knowledge of Mathematics Also the Abjad of “Qurba” meaning the “Near and Dear Woman to Prophet Muhammad i.e. Bibi Fatima is 321.

312…………………..3 + 1 + 2 = 6 = 1 + 2 + 3

28 – 07 – 2023-----------------Expected Date of Zahoor of Imam – e- Mahdi 28 + 07 + 20 + 23 = 78--------- 7 + 8 = 15 ---------- 1 + 14 ……….1 Allah and 14 Masoomeen 28 + 7 = 35………….. 3 + 5 = 8 ……………….8 Sifat – e- Sabootia of Allah 28 + 20 + 23 = 63……………6 + 3 = 9………………..Number of Bibi Fatima The reverse number of 63 is 36 63 + 36 = 99………………..99 Names of Allah

The numeric value of ‘Hari Kirshana’ is 786 which is equal to Bismillah – 786 Hari Kirshana = 786 = Bismillah Hari = 215 and Kirshana = 571 ---- 215 + 571 = 786

Hazrat Ali once mentioned in one of his speeches that he is known as “Krishna” among Hindus. The numeric value of “Al Mahdi” is 90 which is equal to “Allah + Hu + Ahad’ = 90

Al Mahdi = Allah + Hu + Ahad

The numeric value of ‘Ya Mahdi’ is 70 The Abjad of the word “Quran” is 351

Quran -------------- 351 The Abjad of the name of the father of Imam Ali, “Imran” is also 351

Imran---------------351 The Abjad of the name of Allah, “Rafaee” is also 351

Rafee---------------351 The Abjad of the name of Allah, “Arfah” is also 351

Arfah---------------351 The Abjad of the word, ‘Arif” is also 351

Arif---------------351 • The Abjad of the name of 4th Imam “Sajjad” is 68

Sajjad---------------68 68……………………6 + 8 = 14 • The Abjad of “Bismillah” is 168

Bismillah---------------168 168………………1 and 68…………1 stands for 1 Allah and 68 stands for 68…………………6 + 8 = 14………Masomeen 168………………..1 Allah and 14 Masomeen

The Abjad of the name “Abbas” is 133

133 = 19 x 7

133…………………1 + 3 + 3 = 7

The Abjad of the Arabic Word “Majlis” is also 133

133 = 19 x 7 133…………………1 + 3 + 3 = 7

The Abjad of the Words “Majlis Abbas” is 266

266 = 19 x 14 = 133 (Majlis) + 133 (Abbas) 266 = 19 x 14 = 266………………2 + 6 + 6 = 14………………….14 Masoomeen

The Abjad of Allah’s name ‘Wahid’ is 19 and another name “Wahab” is 14. Multiplying 19 (Wahid) with 14 (Wahab), we would get:

Wahid (19) x Wahab (14) = 266 = 133 + 133 = 19 x 14 The reverse of number – 266 is 662, which is the Abjad of another Allah’s name “Mutakabir”

Abjad of “Mutakabir” = 662…………………….6 + 6 + 2 = 14 The Abjad of the Arabic word “Be- Haq” is 110 Ali is Haq and Haq is Ali……………..according to the Prophet Muhammad The Abjad of name “Ali” is also 110

Ali = 110 = Be Haq

The Actual name of Ali in one Arabic letter is “Aen”, whose Abjad value is 70. The Actual name of ‘Muhammad’ in one Arabic letter is “Mem”, whose Abjad value is 40.

According to Prophet Muhammad, “Ali and me are from one Noor”

Muhammad + Ali = Mem + Aen = 40 + 70 = 110…………….. Ali

The Abjad of the word “Quran” is 351. The number – 351 contains 3 numbers 3, 5 and 1. The Abjad of the name “Fatima” is 135. The number – 135 also contains same 3 numbers, 1, 3 and 5. The Abjad of the name “Ruqqaiya” is 315. The number – 315 also contains the same 3 numbers, 3, 1 and 5. The Abjad of the word “Arif” is 351, which is same as of ‘Quran’ and also contains the same 3 numbers – 3, 5 and 1. The Abjad of the name, “Imran” is also 351 and contains the numbers – 3, 5 and 1 The Abjad of the names of Allah, “Arfah” and “Rafaee” are also 351 and contains the same 3 numbers – 3, 5 and 1

351……………………..3 + 5 + 1 = 9………………Highest Number in 1 Digit Numbers

9…………………………Fatima, Imran, Quran, Ruqqaiya, Arif, Rafaee, Arfah

The famous “Laqab” of Imam Ali’s father is “Abu Talib”.

The Abjad of his name “Abu Talib” is 51 There are 51 Rakat in all the prayers in a day. The reverse number of 51 is 15. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

51 + 15 = 66…………Abjad of name “Allah” and his another name “Wakil”

Isma of 14 Masoomeen and Eiman (Faith) The Abjad of the Arabic word “Isma” meaning Names is 102 Abjad of “Isma” = 102

The Abjad of the Arabic word “Eiman” meaning Faith is also 102 Abjad of “Eiman” = 102

The Abjad of the Arabic word in Bismillah “Be Seen Meem” meaning Name is also 102 Abjad of “Be Seen Meem” = 102

Conclusion: The true “Eiman (102)” faith is to believe and know the “Isma(102)” names of 14 Masoomeen of Allah which are mentioned in every Bismillah “Be Seen Meem (102) of the Holy Quran as Allah ordered all His angels to do Sajida before Adam as Adam knows “Isma” of the 14 Masoomeen. The Abjad of the Arabic word “Mubeen” meaning Clear and Distinct is also 102 Abjad of “Mubeen” = 102 Example of “Mubeen” is “Imam e Mubeen” in the verse – 12 of Surah – 36 (Al – Yaseen)

7……………………7 Constant names of 14 Masomeen who are “Noor e Wahid”

The name of third son of Bibi Fatima was “Mohsin” who was martyred. The Abjad of “Mohsin” is 158, which is same as “Abul Hassan” – the ‘Kuniyat’ of Imam Ali

Abjad of Mohsin ---------------158 ----------------Abjad of “Abul Hassan” 158……………………1 + 5 + 8 = 14…………………14 Masoomeen

Ism – e – Azam (Allah’s Greatest Name) It is unfair to mention about Ism – e – Azam i.e. Allah’s Greatest Name here as we are seeing the amazing results of the names and the Abjad associated with them. But before I disclose the Greatest Secret Name of Allah to you, it is important to know what should be the ingredients of that ‘Greatest Name’. They should be: 1. That name should be simple and straight because all important fundamental laws are simple and straight and not complicated. 2. The Abjad or numbers related to that name should be very simple. 3. It should not be from the 99 names of Allah. 4. It should be mentioned in the Holy Quran. 5. More than 70 names of Allah consist of 4 Arabic letters. So it should consists of 4 Arabic letters. 6. The smallest name of Allah both in Arabic letters and in Abjad is “Hu” which consists of 2 Arabic letters and its Abjad is 11. So the Greatest name of Allah should have link with the smallest name of Allah “Hu” and its numbers. 7. Allah is One ‘1’ in numbers. So its Greatest Name should have link with Number – 1 Now as we know the basic ingredients and essentials of Allah’s Greatest. So it is time to disclose His Greatest Name and that is mentioned in Surah Aala, Verse - 1:

ََْْ ‫ ا‬ َ ‫ اْ َ َر‬ ِ َ Translation: “Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most


(Holy Quran, Surah – 87 (Aala), Verse – 1) Allah’s Greatest Name is:

“Aala” meaning the “Most High” So there is no name higher and than this name “Aala”.

Alif + Aen + Lam + Ye …………………1 + 70 + 30 + 10 = 111 One Alif before the name “Ali”……………………Alif + Ali = 110 + 1 = 111

Now we would see the important aspects of Allah’s greatest Name – “Aala” 1. The name “Aala” meaning the “Most High” is not among the 99 names of Allah. 2. We recite this name in our prayers in the posture of ‘Sajida’ as we say: “Subhana Rabbi Al – Aala” 3. The Abjad of His Greatest name is “111” 4. The Abjad of His Greatest name is very simple and straight containing all the three numbers as – One – One – One. 5. The Abjad of His smallest name “Hu” is 11 and His Greatest Name “Aala” is 111. So there is an addition of One ‘1’ in the name “Hu” and thus becoming the most greatest and the highest name of Allah. 6. The Surah is 87. If we add the numbers – 87, we would get: 8 + 7 = 15….1 + 5 = 6. The Number – 6 is the first and the smallest perfect number in Mathematics and His name “Allah” Abjad is also 66 containing both numbers as 6. 7. There are 86 Surahs below the Surah – 87 and 27 Surahs after this Surah. If we add the numbers of 86, we would get ---- 8 + 6 = 14 ……refers to 14 Masoomeen and 14 Masoomeen has 7 repeated constant names containing only 27 Arabic Alphabets as discussed earlier. 8. His Greatest name “Aala” also contains 4 Arabic letters and more than 70 names of Allah contains 4 Arabic letters. 9. Imam Ali’s name given by her mother – Hazrat Fatima binte Asad is “Haider”. The Abjad of “Haider” is 222………………….111 + 111 = 222………………Haider.

Abjad of “Haider” ………………….111 + 111 = 222 10. The Abjad of name “Fatima” is 135. The reverse number of 135 is 531. Adding both the numbers, we would get: 135 + 531 = 666……………..111 x 6 = 666

135 + 531 = 666 = 111 x 6…………….111 in all 6 Dimensions of the Universe 11. The Abjad of Prophet’s name “Muhammad” is 92. If we add the Abjad of Allah’s name “Wahid” i.e. 19, we would get: 92 + 19 = 111

Muhammad (92) + Wahid (19) = 111 12. The Surah – 17 (Surah Bani Israel) of the Holy Quran contains 111 Verses. 13.The Surah – 87 (Surah Aala) consists of 19 Verses………..mathematical miracle – 19.

14. There is also another name of Allah “Kafi” meaning The Sufficient, whose Abjad value is also 111

Abjad of Allah’s name “Kafi”---------------------111 15.The name “Aala” appears 9 times in the Holy Quran

111 x 9 = 999 If we rotate the number – 999 by 180 degrees or you can say the upside down of number – 999 is 666

999----------------------666 16. If we add the number of ‘Tauheed” of Allah, i.e. 1 to the Abjad of name “Ali” i.e. 110, we would get:

1 (Tauheed of Allah) + 110 (Ali) = 111 Surah – 17 – Bani Israel ---------------------111 Verses (Holy Quran)

Aala……………111 = 37 x 3 = 37 + 37 + 37 The Abjad of Allah’s name “Awwal” meaning the First is 37. “Awwal” meaning “First” is written in Number as


Awwal (37) + Awwal (37) + Awwal (37) = 111

1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and 111…..1 + 1 + 1 = 3 The reverse of the number – 37 is 73 and the Abjad of Allah’s another name – “Jalil” is 73. Number – 37 is the 12th Prime Number (12 Imams) and Number – 73 is the 21st Prime Number (786…..7 + 8 + 6 = 21….Holy Quran and Bismillah) Adding both the numbers:

37 + 73 = 110…………..Abjad of name “Ali”

• The Abjad of word “Nisa” meaning ‘Women” is also 111 • The Abjad of word “Uns” meaning to “Love” is also 111 • The Abjad of first Arabic letter – “Alif” if written in “Maktobi form” as Alif + Lam + Fe is also 111 (1 + 30 + 80 = 111)

Magic Square of 111: If we add all the colums and the rows of this magic square, it would add upto the amazing total of 111 from all sides: 6




































The Sum of all rows and Columns of the above magic square is -


• The numbers in the above magic square are from 1 to 36 • If we all the numbers in the squares i.e from 1 to 36, we would get: 111 x 6 = 666 which is same as: 135 + 531 = 666 • Surah – 36 is Surah – e – Yaseen, which is also known as “Heart” of the Holy Quran.

666 = 111 x 6 So the Greatest Name of Allah is


Aala in Arabic Language written as “Alif + Ali”

1 + 110 = 111 “Ya Alif Be Haq – e – Alif” ---------Dua e Ism e Azam

How to Say Ism e Azam after Prayers:

Say 111 times, the following Dua of Ism e Azam with Bismillah and then pray to Allah for your prayers:

Hua Al – Ali ul Aala ul Haq • The numerical or gematrical value of “Maula Ali” is 196

Maula Ali ---------------- 196 = 14 x 14 When a person says ‘Maula Ali’, he or she is basically calling 14 Masomeen 14 times.

• The numerical or gematrical value of “Ya Ali Madad” is 169

Ya Ali Madad ------------------169 = 13 x 13 The numerical value of the name of Allah “Noor” is 256. The sum of the numbers of 256 is 13

Noor ------------- 256 ------------- 2 + 5 + 6 = 13 And Maula Ali was also appeared in Kaaba on 13th Rajab.

So ‘Ya Ali Madad’ means a person is calling “Noor” of Allah who is “Maula Ali” 13 times and Inshah Allah, the Madad of Allah would reach to that person by Maula Ali

14 Masoomeen’s Names and Ism e Azam of Allah We now know that the names of 14 Masoomen are basically 7 Constant names. There are 4 names of Muhammad, 4 names of Ali, 2 names of Hassan and 4 different names – Fatima, Hussain, Musa and Jafar in the 14 names of Masoomeen. If we calculate the Abjad of all 14 names of Masoomeen, we would see the following results:

Abjad of names of 14 Masoomeen Muhammad (92) x 4 Times in 14 Masoomeen = 368 Ali (110) x 4 Times in 14 Masoomeen = 440 Hassan (118) x 2 Times in 14 Masoomeen = 236 Fatima = 135 Hussain = 128 Jafar = 353 Musa = 116

Adding the Abjad of all 14 Names of Masoomeen = 368 + 440 + 236 + 135 + 128 + 353 + 116

Total Abjad of all 14 Names of Masoomeen = 1776

1776 = 111 x 16 1776 = Aala(111) x 16

1776 = 111 + 666 + 999 1776 = Ism e Azam (111) + Ism e Azam ul Azam (666) + Ism e Azam ul Azam ul Azam (999)

1776 --------------- 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 21 = 7 + 8 + 6 ---------------786 (Bismillah)

1776…………………….1 + 776 = 777 ……………………. 111 x 7

1776……………..17 + 76 = 93……………….. 9 + 3 = 12……………12 Imams

1776………………76 – 17 = 59……………………..59 is the Abjad of “Mahdi”

1776………………….17 x 76 = 1292………….. 12 + 92 = 104……….Abjad of “Adal” and total Holy Books and Scriptures sent by Almighty Allah

Adding the Abjad of name of Allah (66) with the total Abjad of 14 names of Masoomeen, we see:

Allah (66) + 1776 = 1842……18 + 42 = 60………….Abjad of Arabic Alphabet “Seen” 6 (Dimensions) x 60 (Seen) = 360……………Abjad of Allah’s name “Rafee” meaning Highest The Abjad of Arabic words “Kamil” meaning Complete and Allah’s name “Malik” is 91

Abjad of “Kamil” = 91 = Abjad of Allah’s name “Malik” The reverse number of 91 is 19 (Abjad of Wahid). Adding both the numbers, we see:

91 (Kamil or Malik) + 19 (Wahid) = 110 (Ali)

Kamil (Complete) Numbers in Mathematics The numbers in Mathematics become “Kamil” or Complete when their ‘Zahir’ and “Batin” becomes same. For example, the number – 121, the ‘Zahir’ of this number is 121. The reverse of the number – 121 is also 121 which is the “Batin” of 121. The reverse of the numbers is the “Batin” of that number. Another example, 118, the reverse (Batin) of the number – 118 is 811, which is not same as the number – 118, so the number – 118 is not a Kamil number as the reverse of 118 is not same as 811.

List of Kamil (Complete) Numbers in Mathematics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, 202, 222, 232, 242, 252, 262, 272, 282, 292, 303, 313, 323,333, 343, 353, 363, 373, 383, 393, …………………………………..979, 989, 999,………….

The Number – 999 is the 108th Kamil Number in the above table and 108 is the Abjad of “Haq”

999…………………108th Kamil Number ………….Abjad of “Haq”

999…………………Ism e Azam ul Azam ul Azam …………..9 + 9 + 9 = 27….27 27…………..3 x 3 x 3 = 27………….27 Arabic Alphabets in 7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen

Names of Allah • 99 Names of Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran

• Ism – e – Azeem in the 99 names of Allah -------“Ali”-------------110 • Ism – e – Azam of Allah in the Holy Quran ------- “Aala”---------111 • Ism – e – Azam of Allah in the Holy Quran ------“Be Seen Meem” in the beginning of Bismillah -------102

Ism – e – Azam ul Azam of Allah --------Fatima ------- 666

Fatima (135) The Batin or reverse of 135 is 531 Adding 135 and 531 is equal to 666

135 + 531 = 666 • Ism – e – Azam ul Azam ul Azam of Allah ------Not Known -------999

The Actual names of Panjetan are as follows: Muhammad………………..Meem ………………..40 Ali ----------------------------Aen --------------------70 Fatima ----------------------Tuae--------------------9 Hassan----------------------He ---------------------- 8 Hussain---------------------He -----------------------8 Adding all the names: Mem (40) + Aen (70) + Tuae (9) + He (8) + He (8) = 135

135 = Fatima

Mathematical Miracle of Pairs in the Holy Quran ”Glory be to Him, Who created all the PAIRS, of that which the earth growth, and of themselves, and of that which they know NOT.” The Almighty Allah has created every thing in the Universe, Life and Time in Pairs. This mathematics of Pairs is also illustrated in His Last Book – The Holy Quran. Some words are in Pairs and some Words are repeated the same number of times. Below is the list of such words and the number of repetitions in the Quran. Words in Holy Quran Seven Heavens Plant Zakaath Say World Faith Paradise Summer Hot Wine Mind Tongue Benefit Reward Love Refuge Disaster Right Guidance Trouble Woman Treachery Sexual Crime Dirtiness Openly Sorcery Language Hope Grow Act Annoyance Final Destiny

Number of Times 7 26 32 332 115 25 77 5 6 49 25 50 107 83 28 75 79 13 23 16 24 10 16 60 25 8 14 108 13 28

Words in Holy Quran The Creation of the Heavens Tree Blessing They Said Hereafter Infidelity Hell Winter Cold Intoxication Light Sermon Corrupt Action Obedience Forever Thanks Mercy Peace Man Foul Wrath Nastiness Publicly Temptation Advice Fear Fruit Response Rejoice Forever

Mathematical and Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran •

The word “a day” (yewm) is used 365 times in the Quran. The number of the days in which the world completes its revolution around the Sun is also 365. A day = 365 = number of days in the year

While the singular word “a day” is used 365 times, its plural (eyyam, yewmeyn) is used 30 times. This represents the number of the days in a month, which is 30. Days = 30 = Number of days in a month

The word moon (Qamar), is used exactly 27 times in the Quran together with its derivatives. This number is equal to the number which is the moon’s ecliptic cycle around the Earth. Moon = 27 = Number of Days of Moon’s Ecliptic Cycle around Earth

The earth’s revolution around the sun makes 365 days while, the moon’s 12 revolution around the earth makes12 months. The Quran says that there are 12 months in year. As we all know, a year consists of 12 months. On the other hand, in the Quran, the word “a month” (Shehr) is also mentioned 12 times to indicate that there are 12 months in a year. Month = 12 = Number of Months in the Year

The word sea (bahr) is used 32 times in the Quran. The word bahr is used both for the sea and other waters like lakes and rivers. The word land (berr, yabas) is used 13 times. If we calculate the ratio of 32 to 45 the result is 71.111%. You may look up in any encyclopedia in the world and see that the lands cover 29% of the earth, whereas the seas cover 71% of it. It is really an interesting miracle that scientific and the Quranic ratios of the lands to the seas are exactly the same. Land = 29 % and Sea = 79 %

The word “el hadid” which means a particular iron has a mathematical value of 57. The article “el” corresponds to “the” in English. When the word Hadid is used with the article “el”, referring to a specific iron, the mathematical value turns out to be 57. The Sura Iron (Hadid) is the 57th sura of the Quran. And 57 is one of the isotopes of iron. Sura El-Hadid = 57 = Iron’s Isotope

“Reify el-deregaat” is translated as “the possessor of the high degrees”, but it can also be translated as “the one who increases the degrees”. The word “refii” expresses highness and the word “elderegaat” expresses the degrees. The mathematical value of “refii”, which states the highest degree, is 360. And this number is the equivalent of the highest degree in the universe. Reify El-Deragaat = 360 = Highest Degrees in the world

Ali is mentioned 13 Times in the Holy Quran Imam Ali was born on 13th Rajab 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Surah – 2 (Al – Baqarah) , Verse – 255 Surah – 4 (Al – Nisa), Verse – 38 Surah – 9 (Al – Tauba), Verse – 40 Surah – 15 (Al – Hajar), Verse – 41 Surah – 19 (Al – Marium) , Verse – 50 Surah – 19 (Al – Marium), Verse – 57 Surah – 22 (Al – Hajj) , Verse – 62 Surah – 31 (Al – Luqman), Verse – 30 Surah – 34 (Al – Sabah) , Verse – 23 Surah – 40 (Al – Momin), Verse – 12 Surah – 42 (Al – Shurah) , Verse – 4 Surah – 42 (Al – Shurah), Verse – 51 Surah – 43 (Al – Zakhraf), Verse – 4

If we add the Number of Verses in the Surah’s, we see:

255 + 38 + 40 + 41 + 50 + 57 + 62 + 30 + 23 + 12 + 4 + 51 + 4 = 667

667………………6 + 6 + 7 = 19 (Wahid) The Abjad of the Arabic words, “Ya Ali Madad” is 169

“Ya Ali Madad” -------------169 = 13 x 13 The Abjad of “Allah” is 66…………………6 + 6 = 12………….12 Imam The Abjad of Allah’s name “Hakam” is 68……………………6 + 8 = 14…………14 Masoomeen If we add the Abjad of the two names “Allah” + “Hakam” , we would see:

66 + 68 = 134 The name “Ali” is mentioned 13 times and “Muhammad” is mentioned 4 times in Quran.

The Arabic word “Imam” in singular form is mentioned 8 Times in the Quran and 5 more times in plural form as “Imam e him” Total -------Imam (8) + Imam e him (5) = 13 1.

Surah – 15 (Al – Hajar), Verse – 79


Surah – 36 (Al – Yaseen), Verse – 12


Surah – 2 (Al – Baqara) , Verse – 124


Surah – 11 (Al – Hood), Verse – 17


Surah – 25 (Al – Furqan) , Verse – 74


Surah – 46 (Al – Ahqaf), Verse – 12


Surah – 75 (Al – Qiyama) , Verse – 5


Surah – 17 (Al – Bani Israel) , Verse – 71

The Arabic word “Shia” is mentioned 8 Times in the Holy Quran The Arabic Word “Shia” is also mentioned 8 times in the Holy Quran. The Arabic Word “Muwadah” meaning to love also appeared 8 times in Quran The Gates of the Janaat (the Paradise) are also 8 19 is the 8th Prime Number. The Abjad of “Wahid” is 19 14 is the 8th Even Number. There are 14 Masomeen of Allah. 1.

Surah – 6 (Al – Inam), Verse – 65


Surah – 6 (Al – Inam), Verse – 159


Surah – 28 (Al – Qasas), Verse – 4


Surah – 30 (Al – Rome) , Verse – 32


Surah – 19 (Al – Marium), Verse – 69


Surah – 28 (Al – Qasas) , Verse – 15


Surah – 28 (Al – Qasas), Verse – 15 (The word “Shia” – two times in verse 15)


Surah – 37 (Al – Safat) , Verse – 83

Sayings of Imam Mahdi

1. I am a remainder from Adam, a relic of Noah, a choice from Abraham and elite of Mohammad (PBUT). (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.238) 2. Indeed, right is with us and in us, and nobody else say that but a liar and an impostor. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.191) 3. Truly, the Exalted Allah is the one who created all forms and apportioned the provision; because He is not a form nor is He embodied in a form; nothing can be compared with him; and he is the All-hearing All-knowing. (Al-Ghayba, by shaykh alToosy P. 178) 4. Verily, Allah is with us and we have no need to other than Him; right is with us so we won’t be distressed by those who desist from helping us; we are the willing tools of our Lord and people are our willing tools. (Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 172) 5. Knowledge is ours; do not care about the unbeliever’s unbelief. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.151)

6. If our devotees’ (may Allah give them success in obeying Him) hearts are gathered on meeting their obligation, their good fortune of meeting us would not have been delayed, and their joy of seeing us would have been expedited. (Al-Ihtijaj, by alTabrasy Ch.2, P.499) 7. I declare-unto Allah and His Messenger-that I am not accountable for whoso claims that we know what is hidden (the divine secret), that we share with Allah His rule, or places us in a rank other than that which Allah approved for us. (Al-Ihtijaj, by alTabrasy Ch.2, P.487) 8. The superiority of invocation and glorification of God subsequent to the obligatory prayers, over the invocation subsequent to the supererogatory prayers is like the superiority of the obligatory over the supererogatory prayers. (Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.487) 9. Nothing spites Satan like performing the prayer, so perform it and spite him! (Bihar alAnwar Ch.53, P.182) 10.Indeed, I am a safeguard to the inhabitants of earth as the stars are safeguards to the inhabitants of heaven. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.78, P.380) 11.But Allah’s foreordainment could not be struggled with, His will could not be refused and His (granting of) Success could not be preceded. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.191) 12.And as for the reason behind the occurrence of the (my) occultation, Allah The Almighty said, ” Believers, do not ask questions about things which, if made known to you would only pain you”. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.78, P.380) 13.Indeed, earth could not be without a hujja (a proof, a prophet or his vice), either manifest or occult. (Kamaliddin by al-Sadooq Ch.2, P.115) 14.Whenever an authority disappears, another one appears; and if a star sets, another one rises. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.185)

15.He is cursed (twice) he who delays performing the early morning prayer until the stars disappear (the sun rises). (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.16) 16.Allah shall provide for his needs he who needs Allah. (Bihar al-Anwar C.51, P.331) 17.Almighty Allah refuses but to perfect the truth and to make falsehoods vanish and He is a witness over me in what I am saying. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.193) 18.And as for the way of benefiting from me during my occultation, it is the same as benefiting from the sun when it is beclouded; and I am a safeguard to the inhabitants of earth as the stars are safeguards to the inhabitants of heaven. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181) 19.Increase praying for the expediting of my manifestation because indeed it is your release from suffering. (Kamaliddin by al-Sadooq Ch.2, P.485) 20.If you ask for guidance, you shall have it; and if you pursue something, you shall find it. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.339) 21.No one is permitted to act independently regarding another’s possessions-without his permission. (Wasa`il al-Shi`a Ch.17, P.309) 22.There is no kinship between Allah and anyone; whoso denies me, does not belong to me. (Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 176) 23.I seek refuge in Allah from blindness after clearness, from error after guidance and from the mortal sins and the deadly trials. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.190) 24.The outcome of Allah’s gracious handiwork shall be benign for them as long as they avoid (committing) the prohibited sins. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.177) 25.I ask Allah to protect me (from the enemies), to be gracious to me and to bring forth my rule. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.183)

26.We are neither negligent of caring for you nor forgetful of you; and if it were not for that, hardship would have befallen you and the enemies would have massacred you, so fear God and support us. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.175) 27.And as for the recent occurrences, turn to the relaters of our Hadiths for they are my proof upon you, and I am Allah’s proof upon them. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181) 28.If you ask Almighty Allah for forgiveness, He will forgive you. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.329) 29.Allah did not create the creation in vain, nor did He leave them alone to no purpose. (Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 174) 30.Let everyone of you do what ingratiates him with us and avoid what arises our aversion and displeasure with him. (Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.324) • Allah, fulfill your promise to me, complete my rule for me, increase my force and fill earth by me with justice and fairness. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.31) 31.I bear witness that there is no god but He-and the angels, and men possessed of knowledge- upholding justice; there is no god but He the All-mighty, the All-wise; the true religion with Allah is Islam. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.16) 32.I am Allah’s Remainder (representative) in His earth, and the avenger on his enemies. (Tafseer Noor al-Thaqalayn Ch.2, P.392) 33.Our hearts are receptacles for Allah’s will, so that if He wills we comply. (Bihar alAnwar Ch.52, P.51) 34.Were it not for our desire to see you righteous and the mercy and pity we feel for you, we would have been too occupied to address you. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.179) 35.I am al-Mahdi (the guided one), I am the imam of the time and I am the one who fills it (earth) with justice just as it was filled with injustice and tyranny. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.2)

36.The oppressors alleged that Allah’s proof is invalid, and if we were permitted to speak out, the uncertainty would disappear. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.4) 37.We have comprehensive knowledge of your news, and not a thing of it escapes us. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.175) 38.The faith is Muhammad’s (his assignment), may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his household; and guidance is `Ali’s, the Commander of The Believers, may peace be upon him, because it is meant for him and will remain in his descendants until the Day of Resurrection. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.160) 39.And whoso oppresses us will be one of those who wrong us, and Allah’s curse shall rest upon him because of the Almighty’s saying, ” Surely, Allah’s curse shall rest upon the wrongdoers”. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.182) 40.All my fathers and I are servants of Almighty Allah. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.25) 41.The prostration of gratitude is from among the most indispensable and most necessary of the sunna practices (Prophetic Tradition). (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.161) 42.If Allah permits us to speak, the truth would emerge and falsehood would vanish and be pulled away from you. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.25, P.183) 43.And in the Prophet’s daughter, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his household, there is a good example. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.180) 44.And as for the occurrence of the manifestation, it is up to Allah, and those who appoint a moment lie. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181) 45.So fear God and submit to us, refer the matter to us, because we are the ones who execute Allah’s commands as we were the ones who received them; do not try to uncover what was concealed form you and make your intention to love us according to the clear way. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.179)

46.No manifestation but after Allah’s permission, and that will be after the passing of a long term, the hardening of the hearts and the filling of earth with tyranny. (alehtejaj Ch.2, P.478) 47.There will come to my devotees those who will claim seeing (me). Verily, whosoever claims the seeing before the rising of al-Sofiany and the Cry, is a liar and a forger; and there is no power except with Almighty Allah. (alehtejaj Ch.2, P.478) 48.Keep prayers to Allah (SWT) for hastening the reappearance, hence it is your victory. 49.Rest assured that no one has a special relationship with Allah (SWT). Whoever denies me is not my (follower). The appearance of the Relief (al-Faraj) depends solely upon Allah (SWT); therefore, those who propose a certain time for it are liars. As to the benefit of my existence in Occultation (Ghaibat), it is like the benefit of the sun behind clouds where the eyes do not see. Indeed, my existence is an amnesty for the people of the earth. Pray much to Allah (SWT) to hasten the Relief, for therein also lays the release from your sufferings. 50. Allah bestows upon us the success of obedience, the avoidance of disobedience, sincerity and knowledge of the forbidden; and confer upon us guidance and straightness. (Al-Misbah, by al-Kaf`amy P.281)

Imam Mahdi and the Holy Quran I) Surah Hud, Verse 8 (11:8) “If We delay the Penalty for them for a definite term .” It has been narrated from Imam Ali (a) that by the words "Ummat-e-Madooda", the companions of Imam Mahdi (a) are being referred to, and they are limited (or counted), and a little more than 310 (313). They are sure to say "What keeps it back?" The people would say by way of joking that what prevented Imam Mahdi (a) from reappearing and why is it delayed. Ah! on the day it (actually) reaches them nothing will turn it away from them and they will be completely encircled by that which they used to mock at! It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the "Ummat-e-Madooda" will be the same in number as the Muslim army in Badr and they will gather near Imam Mahdi (a) like the rain-clouds collect. 02) Surah al-Ibrahim, Verse 5 (15:5) “We sent Moses with Our Signs (and the command) "Bring out thy people from the depths of darkness into light and teach them to remember the Days of Allah." According to Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim, the Days of Allah are: 1) The Day of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) 2) The Day of Death 3) The Day of Judgement The same has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (a).

03) Surah Bani Israel, Verses 4 to 8 (17:4-8) "And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the scripture:" According to Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim, that it was written in the scripture of Bani Israel and was foretold to them "Ye verily will work corruption in the earth twice, and ye will become great tyrants." Then the address is to the Muslims that you will spread corruption and dissent twice in the earth and will break promises and try to usurp away what is not yours (caliphate). "So when the time for the first of the two came, We roused against you slaves of Oursof great might who ravaged (your) country, and it was a threat performed " The first instance of the two is the Battle of Jamal and the steadfast warriors are those of the party of Imam Ali who dominated and defeated them. "Then we gave you once again your turn against them, and We aided you with wealth and children and made you more in soldiery, (Saying): If ye do good, ye do good for your own souls, and if ye do evil, it is for them (in like manner). " Then a second opportunity will be provided to you, (Bani Umayyads against the Family of Muhammad) and they will be allowed an abundance of wealth and numbers. Then if they do good, it will be better for them and if they do evil (against Imam Husain and his imprisoned family), then you will reap its results. "So, when the time for the second (of the judgments) came (We roused against you others of Our slaves) to ravage you, and to enter the Temple even as they entered it the first time, and to lay waste all that they conquered with an utter wasting." The second instance will be the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) who will defeat you and will enter the Masjid (Ka'bah) with the same glory with which they entered it before (i.e. Prophet Muhammad and his companions). "It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, "

Here the address is to the Ale Muhammad (descendants of the Prophet) that you will be helped against your enemies "but if ye repeat (the crime) We shall repeat (the punishment)" Here the address is to Bani Umayyads again that if they will repeat their mischief (by siding with Sufyani), Our treatment (through the Imam Mahdi) will also be repeated. 04) Surah Taha, Verse 113 (20:113) "...or that it may cause them to take heed" (Surah Taha, 20:113) So that they may take heed and understand the clash between Imam Mahdi (a) and Sufyani. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim) 05) Surah Anbiyaa, Verses 12 to 15 (21:12-15) "And, when they felt Our might, behold them fleeing from it!" That is, when the Umayyads will feel the power of the military force of Allah. "(But it was said unto them): Flee not, but return to that (existence) which emasculated you and to your dwellings, that ye may be questioned." When Imam Mahdi will summon them, the Bani Umayyads will flee to Rome but the Imam will find them and make them surrender their concealed treasures. "They cried: Alas for us! Lo! we were wrongdoers. And that cry of theirs ceased not tillWe made them as a field that is mown as ashes silent and quenched. " Although the words in this verse depict an event which has occurred in the past, but actually it refers to the future. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim)

06) Surah Anbiyaa, Verse 105 (21:105) "And verity We have written in the Psalms, after the Reminder: My righteous slaveswill inherit the earth " i.e. the Imam Mahdi (a) and his companions. 07) Surah al-Hajj, Verse 39 (22:39) “Sanction is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged; and Allah is indeed Able to give them victory.” It is commonly believed that this verse is for the Prophet Muhammad (s) when the Quraysh forced him to leave Mecca, however it refers to the struggle of Imam Mahdi (a), when he will set out to avenge the innocently shed blood of Imam Husain (a). 08) Surah al-Hajj, Verse 60 (22:60) "That (is so). And whoso hath retaliated with the like of that which he was made tosuffer and then hath (again) been wronged, Allah will succour him..." (through his son, the Mahdi of the Prophet's House.) 09) Surah al-Hajj, Verse 41 (22:41) "(They are) those who if We establish them in the land establish regular prayer and give regular charity enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs." It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) that this verse is about Ale Muhammad (descendants of the Prophet) and all the Holy Imams until Imam Mahdi (a) and his companions, whom Allah, the Almighty, will grant with government from the East to the West (over the entire face of the earth). He, will establish His religion through them. He, through Imam Mahdi and his companions, will destroy all innovations and evils, just as the evil-doers had tried to destroy the truth. Then, there will not be any transgression or oppression anywhere in the world. They, (the

companions of Imam Mahdi) will enjoin good to the people and forbid them from evils. 10) Surah ash-Shu'araa, Verse 4 (26:4) "If (such) were Our Will, We could send down to them from the sky a Sign to which they would bend their necks in humility." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that their(Umayyads) necks will bend down in humility and the "Sign" is the call and announcement from the heavens, which will proclaim the name of Imam al-Mahdi (a). 11) Surah an-Naml, Verse 62 (27:62) "Is not He (best) who answereth the wronged one when he crieth unto Him and removeth the evil, and hath made you viceroys (inheritors) of the earth?" It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this verse is about Imam Mahdi (a), who will be offer prayers at the place of Ibrahim (Ka'bah) in great distress and Allah will bless him with peace and remove his obstacles, will establish his rule throughout the world. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim) The same has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a). 12) Surah al-Ankabut, Verse 10 (29:10) "And if help comes (to thee) from thy Lord..." That is, the Imam Mahdi (a). "...they are sure to say "We have (always) been (Muslims) with you!" Does not Allah know best all that is in the hearts of all Creation?" 13) Surah as-Shura, Verses 41 to 42 (42:41-42) "And whoso defendeth himself after he hath suffered wrong for such, there is no way(of blame) against them,..."

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that the "one who defends himself after being wrong" refers to the Imam Mahdi (a) and his companions, who will struggle against the Umayyads, and the enemies of the Ahle Bait. "...The blame is only against those who oppress mankind, and wrongfully rebel in the earth. For such there is a painful Penalty" 14) Surah al-Qamar, Verse 1 (54:1) "The hour drew near..." It has been reported that the hour of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi, draws near. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim) 15) Surah as-Saff, Verse 8 (61:8) and Surah Taghabun, Verse 8 (64:8) "Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse." It has been reported that Allah, the Almighty, will perfect His light to Imam Mahdi (a) so that on his Reappearance, he will establish Islam (over all other religions) such that none will be worshipped, except Allah, throughout the world, and peace and justice will fill the earth, just as it would be filled with tyranny and oppression, at that time. It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir, that even if you people turn away from it (the light of Allah), Allah will perfect it. It has also been narrated from the Imam that in the verse: “Believe therefore in Allah and His Apostle and in the Light which We have sent down.”(Surah Taghabun, 64:8) The "Light" means, Imamat (Divine leadership of the Imams of Ahle Bait).

16) Surah as-Saff, Verse 13 (61:13) “And another (favor will He bestow) which ye do love: help from Allah and a speedy victory: so give the Glad Tidings to the Believers.” That, is a victory in this world, through the Imam Mahdi (a). 17) Surah al-Jinn, Verse 24 (72:24) "At length when they see (with their own eyes) that which they are promised..." That is, the victory of Imam Mahdi (a) "...then will they know who it is that is weakest in (his) helper and least important in point of numbers." 18) Surah Tariq, Verses 15 to 17 (86:15-17) “As for them they are but plotting a scheme And I am planning a scheme Therefore grant a delay to the unbelievers: Give respite to them gently (but for a while).” Then, when the Imam Mahdi (a) will re-appear, he will bring down all the tyrants and oppressors in the world. 19) Surah al-Lail, Verses 1 to 2 (92:1-2) "By the Night as it conceals (the light);" It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that here, the "Night" refers to the dark elements, which conspired against Imam Ali (a) to deprive him of his right, and he was told to adopt patience. "By the Day as it appears in glory" The "Day" refers to the Imam Mahdi (a), of the Ahle Bait, who will overcome all tyrants and oppressors, on his reappearance. And these words of the Quran are symbolic and

the Prophet Muhammad (s) has conveyed it to us, (the Imams) and nobody except us knows what they mean. 20) Surah al-Mulk, Verse 30 (67:30) "Say: Have ye thought: If (all) your water were to disappear into the earth, who then could bring you gushing water?" That is, if your Imam disappears from your sight, who can then bring his equivalent? It has been narrated from Imam Ali Raza (a) that the "water of the springs" is the fountains of the knowledge of the Holy Imam. It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that this verse refers to the Imam Mahdi (a). Allah addresses the people that if your Imam temporarily disappears, and you will not know his whereabouts, then who will guide you to the injunctions of Allah and give you the news of the earth and the heavens. Imam Musa Kazim (a) has narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that ask these people if their Imam disappears, who can be his replacement. 21) Surah Tauba, Verse 33 (9:33) "He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth,that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse." This verse refers particularly to Imam Mahdi (a). He is the one who will establish firmly over all other religions and fill the earth with truth and justice, just as it will be filled with tyranny and oppression. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim) 22) Surah al-Gashiya, Verses 1 to 4 (88:1-4) "Has the story reached thee of the Overwhelming (Event)?" It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that Imam Mahdi will prevail over the

people with his sword. "On that day (many) faces will be downcast,..." and their faces will be downcast because they will not have the strength to prevent or stop Imam Mahdi (a). "...toiling (labouring hard),..." When asked what this (A_milatun) means, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) said that they went against the orders of the Holy Quran. "...weary,..." When asked the meaning, (of Na_sibah) the Imam said, that they turned away from "Those vested with authority" (Sahiban-e-Amr) and chose others instead of them. "...scorched by burning fire" When asked about this, (Tasla_na_ran hamiyah), the Imam replied that they will burn, in the fire of war, during Imam Mahdi's reign and in Hell-fire, in the Hereafter. (Thawab-ul-A'maal) 23) Surah al-Lail, Verses 1 to 2 (92:1-2) “The day that certain of the signs of thy Lord do come no good will it do to a soul to believe in them then, If it believed not before….” It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the "Signs" are the Holy Imams of the Prophet's Ahle Bait and that "the awaited sign" is the Imam Mahdi (a). Those who will not believe in him and the earlier Imams of his family, before his Qiyam (rising with the sword), and will believe in him, only after seeing his sword, will not benefit from their belated belief.

24) Surah Takwir, Verses 15 to 16 (81:15-16) "Oh, but I call to witness, the planets that recede, The stars which rise and hide..." It has been reported that when Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) was asked regarding the "star that hides" he replied that in 260 (a), an Imam will disappear from the sight of people and he will re-appear like a glowing star in darkness. 25) Surah Baqara, Verses 1 to 3 (2:1-3) "Alif Lam Mim, This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil), Who believe in the unseen..." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that "muttaqin" means the Shias of Ali (a) and "ghaib" (unseen) means the Imam Mahdi (a) and the proof of this is the Quranic verse: They say: "Why is not a Sign sent down to him (Muhammad) from his Lord?" Say:"The Unseen belongeth only to Allah. Then wait ye: I too am waiting with you." It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that "belief in the unseen" is belief in the Reappearance and revolution of Imam mahdi (a). 26) Surah Zariyat, Verse 22 (51:22) “And in the heaven is your providence, and that which ye are promised;” It has been reported that the "promised" event is the return of Imam Mahdi (a). 27) Surah al-Hadid, Verse 17 (57:17) "Know ye (all) that Allah giveth life to the earth after its death!" It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that this verse hints to the fact that Allah will restore the world (through Imam Mahdi) after it will die, i.e. after the rule of tyranny and oppression, peace and justice will be established.

"We have made clear Our revelations for you, that ye may (learn and) understand" 28) Surah Nur, Verse 55 (24:55) "Allah hath promised such of you as believe and do good works that He will surely make them (Khalifas) to succeed in the earth even as He caused those who were before them to succeed others; ..." It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this refers to the rule of Imam Mahdi (a). "...and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He hath approved for them, a will give them in exchange safety after their fear. They serve Me. They ascribe no thing as partner unto Me " 29) Surah al-Qasas, Verse 5 (28:5) "And We desired to show favor unto those who were oppressed in the earth, and to make them leaders in faith (Imam) and to make them the inheritors" It has been reported that when this verse was narrated in front of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a), he said, "We (the Ahle Bait) are the oppressed ones, referred to, in this verse." It has also been narrated from Imam Ali (a) that the (oppressed) people referred to, in this verse, are the Ale Muhammad (Family of Muhammad) and with the Help of Allah, the Imam Mahdi (a) will humble their enemies. See Imam Ali's saying, "This world will bend towards us...." (Nahjul Balagha, Saying 203) 30) Surah Sad, Verses 86 to 88 (38:86-88) “Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): No reward do I ask of you for this (Quran). This is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds. And ye shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while.”

It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) about Imam Ali (a) that he said about this verse, that people will "know the truth" when the Imam Mahdi (a) will reappear. 31) Surah al-Hadid, Verse 16 (57:16) "...that they become not as those who received the Scripture of old but the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened, and many of them are evillivers." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this (the prolonged term) refers to Imam Mahdi (a) (and his occultation). 32) Surah Al-e-Imran, Verse 140 (3:140) "Such days (of varying fortunes) We give to men and men by turns..." It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that from the times of Hazrat Adam (a), two governments were formed: the Divine government and that of the Iblis (Satan). The Satanic rule is widespread (in the present-day world) and the Divine Government will be established by Imam Mahdi (during his days). 33) Surah Maida, Verse 3 (5:3) "This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion" It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that the Umayyads and the evildoers will give up all hope the day Imam Mahdi (a) will re-appear and they will be disappointed by the establishment of Ale-Muhammad. 34) Surah Tauba, Verse 3 (9:3) "And an announcement from Allah and His apostle to the people on the day of the Great Pilgrimage that Allah and His apostle..."

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) and Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the "day of the Great Pilgrimage" is the day of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) and the " announcement" (Azan) is his invitation to the people. 35) Surah Tauba, Verse 36 (9:36) "Fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that when Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) was asked about this verse, he said that the meaning of this verse will be seen by the people at the time of the rising of Imam Mahdi (a), who will establish the religion of Prophet Muhammad (s) to an extent that there will be no idolater left. 36) Surah an-Nahl, Verses 45 to 46 (16:45-46) “Are they who plan ill deeds then secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them, or that the Wrath will not come on them from directions they know not? Or that He will not seize them in their going to and fro so that there be no escape for them?” It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that the Prophet's covenant passed on to Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (a) and after him, it is with Imam Muhammad Baqir. Allah will do what He wishes, so you people stay attached with them (the Imams of the Ahle Bait) till a man from them (Imam Mahdi) will rise with 300 people, carrying the standard of Prophet Muhammad (s) and will head towards Medina. When he will pass a desert, he will say, 'This is the spot where a nation was swallowed by the earth', and this verse is about them. It has also been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that these were the enemies of Allah, on whom stones rained and they were swallowed by the earth. 37) Surah Muddaththir, Verse 8 (74:8) "For when the trumpet shall sound..." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that there will be an Imam from among us (Ahle Bait) who will be in occultation. And when Allah will wish so, He will stir his

heart and make him rise. 38) Surah Baqara, Verse 148 (2:148) “So vie with one another in good works. Where so ever ye may be, Allah will bring you all together.” It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this verse is about the Imam Mahdi (a) and his companions, whom Allah, the Almighty, will gather all together, at the same time. 39) Surah Rahman, Verse 41 (55:41) "The guilty will be known by their marks" It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) as commentary of this verse, that it refers to Imam Mahdi (a). Allah, the All-Knowing, knows the guilty and the sinners, bu the Imam will recognize them by marks on their foreheads and he and his companions will put them all to sword. 40) Surah Sajda, Verse 21 (32:21) "And verily We will make them taste the lower punishment before the greater,..." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the "greater punishment" is the sword of Imam Mahdi (a). 41) Surah al-Qalam, Verse 15 (68:15) "That, when Our revelations are recited unto him, he saith: Mere fables of the men of old." That is, people will deny and refuse to acknowledge Imam Mahdi (a) and will say that they do not recognize him as being from the progeny of Hazrat Fatima Zehra (a), just as the idolaters refused to acknowledge Prophet Muhammad (s).

42) Surah Muddaththir, Verses 38 to 48 (74:34-48) "Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its own deeds; Except the Companions of the Right Hand. (They will be) In Gardens (of Delight);" It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that by "As-hab-e-Yameen" (Companions of the Right) means us (Imams) and our Shias. "They will ask one another, and (ask) of the guilty: What hath brought you to thisburning? They will answer: We were not of those who prayed,..." That is, we were not among the Shias of Ali (a) and the Ahle Bait (a). (Since the prayers are incomplete without the love of Muhammad (s) and Ale Muhammad (s) in the hearts, and Durood on the lips) "...nor did we feed the wretched. We used to wade (in vain dispute) with (all) waders,And we used to deny the Day of Judgment,..." The "Day" (Youm-e-Din) is the Day of the Mahdi (a). "...till the inevitable came unto us." That is, the Day of Imam Mahdi's Reappearance. "The mediation of mediators will not avail them then." That is, the Apostle of Allah will not mediate for them on the Day of Judgement. 43) Surah Saff, Verse 9 (61:9) "It is He Who has sent His Apostle with Guidance and the Religion of Truth that he may proclaim it over all religions..." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the interpretation (or fulfillment) of this verse has not materialized yet. It refers to the time of Reappearance of Imam

Mahdi (a) and the idolaters and disbelievers will despise it. He will struggle against them and destroy them. In another report from Imam, it has been narrated that "Deen-e-Haq", (Religion of Truth), means the Wilayat (authority) of Imam Ali (a), which has been ordained by Allah and His Apostle. At the time of Imam Mahdi's rising, the "Religion of Truth" will prevail over all other religions. "...even though the idolaters may detest (it)." That is, the Religion of Truth will prevail, even though the disbelievers will dislike and detest it (Wilayat of Imam Ali). In another report, Imam Ali (a) has been quoted as saying that at that time (Imam Mahdi's Reappearance), there will not be any village or settlement, where morning and evening, the Azan will not be called out. It has been reported that complete peace will prevail throughout the world at that time, the cross (sign of Christianity) will be destroyed, and no religion will remain, except Islam. There will be no Jizya (as everyone will be in the folds of Islam) and peace and justice will prevail throughout. 44) Surah al-Ma'arij, Verse 26 (70:26) “And those who believe in the Day of Judgment.” It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that by the "Youm-e-Din", the day of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) is meant. 45) Surah Bani Israel, Verse 81 (17:81) And say: "Truth has arrived and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is bound to perish." It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that when the Imam Mahdi (a) will re-appear, Falsehood will finally perish and Truth will be re-established.

46) Surah Ha-Mim Sajda, Verse 53 (41:53) "Soon We shall show them Our Signs on the horizons and within themselves..." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that Allah will show their marred reflections in their selves and the skies will fall on them. In this way they will witness the signs of Allah "...until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth..." The Imam said that "Truth" is the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) and this will definitely be shown to the people from Allah. 47) Surah Maryam, Verse 75 (19:75) "Until when they see the (promised) warning of Allah (being fulfilled) either in punishment or in (the approach of) the Hour,..." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this refers to the rising of Imam Mahdi (a) and the "Hour" is that hour, and people will know then what punishment they will get from Imam Mahdi (a). "...they will at length realize who is worst in position..." near Imam Mahdi (a) "...and (who) weakest in forces!" 48) Surah Luqman, Verse 20 (31:20) "...and has made His bounties flow to you in exceeding measure (both) seen and unseen?" It has been narrated from Imam Musa Kazim (a) that the "seen bounty" is the present and available Imam and the "unseen bounty" is the absent Imam (in occultation), who will be physically distant and concealed from the sight of people and on his

Reappearance, he will access all the treasures of the earth and every distant, will be near for him. 49) Surah Shura, Verse 20 (42:20) "Whoso desireth the harvest of the Hereafter,..." It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this means the recognition and acknowledgment of Imam Ali (a) and the Holy Imams (a). "...We give him increase in its harvest. And Whoso desireth the harvest of the world,We give him thereof, and he hath no portion in the Hereafter." That is, he will not have any share in the government of Truth, which will be established by Imam Mahdi (a).

Prayer for Imam Mahdi

Salawat on Imam Mahdi “O Allah! Bless Mohammed and his household and bless the successor of Hasan and his vicegerent and his inheritor, the one who will rise with Your command and the hidden me in Your creation and the awaiter of Your permission. O Allah, bless him and make near his distance, and carryout his promise and fulfill his covenant and remove from him the veil of occultation and overwhelm the books of tribulation by his reappearance and place awe before him and make the hearts steadfast through him and wage wars through him and assist him with a forceful group of angels and dominate him over all the enemies of Your religion and inspire him that there exist no support for the enemy but that he demolishes it, Nor any king but that he subdues him, Nor any king but that he drives him away... Nor any transgressor but that he punishes him, Nor any tyrant but that he destroys him, Nor any curtain but that he renders it. Nor any standard but that he reverses it. Nor any authority but that he expends it. Nor any spear but that he breaks it. Nor any repulsion but that he pierces it. Nor any army but that he disperses it. Nor any pulpit but that he ignites it. Nor any sword but that he breaks it. Nor any idol but that he crushes it . Nor any blood but that he spills it. Nor any tyranny but that he ruins it, Nor any fort but that he demolishes it. Nor any door but that he closes it. Nor any castle but that he wrecks it. Nor any abode but that he explores it. Nor any land but that he seizes it. Nor any mountain but that he sands it. Nor any treasures but that he extract it. By Your mercy, O the most merciful of all those who show mercy.”



Author’s Date of Birth ------- 31st October, 1968

31st October ------- 304th Day of the Normal Year of 365 Days

304…………….. 19 x 16 31st October, 1968………….. 31 – 10 – 68

31 – 10 – 68………….. Day – Month -- Year

31 10 68 = 19 x 16372

311068…………3 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 6 + 8 = 19 16372……………... 1 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 2 = 19 16372……………………..19

311068 = 19 x 16372 311068 = 19 x 19 Now if we multiply the two numbers – 311068 and 16372 and then divide by 19, we see:

311068 x 16372 = 5092805296 5092805296 = 19 x 268042384 268042384………26 + 80 + 42 + 38 + 4 = 190 190 = 19 x 10 Now: 31st October ------- 304th Day of the Year and

31 – 10 – 68………….. Day – Month -- Year

If we place 304 before 31 10 68, we would see:

304 31 10 68 --------------------- 19 x 16016372

16016372…………16 + 01 + 63 + 72 = 152

152 = 19 x 8 19 is the 8th Prime Number and 31st October is the ‘Scorpio’ month and ‘Scorpio’ is the 8th Astrological month.

31st October --- Scorpio ---- 8th Astrological Month Now if we place 304 after 31 10 68, we would see:

31 10 68 304 --------------------- 19 x 16372016 If we multiply the numbers – 304311068 and 311068304, we see:

304311068 x 311068304 = 19 x 19 x 16016372 x 16372016

Islamic Year Author was Born on 9th Shahban, 1388 Hijri Day – 9th Shahban Year – 1388

If we write the numbers of the year and the day as:

1388 – 9………………..13889 = 19 x 731

Name: Abul Hassan Arabic Alphabets in the name – 8 19 is the 8th Prime Number The Abjad of name “Abul Hassan” is 158 158………………..1 + 5 + 8 = 14 The reverse of the number – 158 is 851. Now if we add the two numbers, we see:

158 + 851 = 1009

1009……………………..10 + 09 = 19 Born on 9th Shahban, 1388 Hijri 9 – 8 – 1388……………9 + 8 + 13 + 88 = 118…………Abjad of name “Hassan”

Year of Birth – 1968 The Year of Birth is 1968………………19 and 68 19……The Perfect Signature of God on His Universe 68…….All Perfect Numbers in Mathematics end either with Number – 6 or 8.

6 + 8 = 14 14 x 14 = 196……………….19 and 6 19 x 6 = 114 Chapters of the Holy Quran

“We choose our own Servants” (The Holy Quran)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

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