home automation on esp8266

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platforms on which dynamic server provisioning to reduce the server rental cost which .... A device want to connect to the router by ESP-. TOUCH, the server-side ...
SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering - (ICRTECITA-2017) - Special Issue - March 2017

HOME AUTOMATION ON ESP8266 Ms.M.Malathi Assistant Professor: Dept. of I.T., Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

A.Gowsalya UG Scholor: Dept of I.T., Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, India



UG Scholor: Dept of I.T., Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

UG Scholor: Dept of I.T., Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

Abstract— Smart homes refers to energy efficient, time saving includes reduces the human efforts. Commercial content distribution network (CDNs) has Video-on-demand (VOD) services for on-demand capacity provisioning on smart television (Home Automation). The content has full control and customization, so they prefer self- managed content infrastructure. The initial capital investment for physical infrastructure was so expensive and quite difficult for management. The objective of key providers was to reduce the server rental cost by accessing through the efficient and inexpensive ESP8266 chip to the cloud platforms on which dynamic server provisioning to reduce the server rental cost which was the key objective for content providers. In this paper we addressed the challenges of reducing the cost of accessing the cloud platforms. We present the construction of ESP8266 with the Arduino or microcontroller are attached to get the smart television, where all our choice of videos can be stored and retrieved at any time. Adafruit, Electrodragon, Sparkfun helps to get the chip. Through the software development kit (SDK) in ESP8266 that allow the chip to be programmed which remove the need of the microcontroller. Generally accessing cloud facility will produce high cost but in this paper gives the replacement of the accessing the cloud with the ESP8266 serial chip which operated in low power consumption with the low cost because it has the three configurable sleep modes. Keywords—Automation; ESP8266; Sensors

I. INTRODUCTION Home automation is commonly called smart home [1]. It involves the control and handle the things like light, fan, door, alarming for certain remainders, security purposes etc. All the things are connected to the internet and all of them can accessed at any place and any time. Most popular protocol communication for the products include X10, Ethernet, ZigBee and Z-Wave, or other protocols [2] are all incompatible with other. The web server is simultaneously updated by sensing the status of the things which are connected to the network. The status of the appliances is controlled by the switch it either ON or OFF using the computer technology. It also provides the security, energy efficient [3], and ease of use, hence it is adopted more. It also helps by providing to control and monitoring on web browser. The main

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objective of the project is to help handicapped people and aged people by alerting in the critical situations. All the devices can be used in our own sitting place itself. The problem overcome by this paper is about that home automation is generally implemented by using Bluetooth through our PC. Pin check algorithm is used to implement this set-up by using the cable network other than the wireless communication. The device ESP8266, which is the embedded device used to access the cloud. The home automation using Bluetooth with the help of PC has implemented by N.Srikanthan [4].The range is limited by using the Bluetooth device. The devices are controlled by the telephone and with PIC controlling remote device by Hasan [5]. The IOT devices uses different types of protocol. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is one of the useful and advance. Because it is easy to implement, open, lightweight, low bandwidth protocol. We can also use PIR sensor and proximity. Where the devices in IOT is used for controlling or nominating the devices where all of them are far away from this. MQTT and TCP protocols are also used to implement the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. The potential IOT applications develop the environment that covers all together the applications, command, control and routing process and security of the node and system. All the IOT devices include various objects like personal computer, smart phones, tablets, which gives the communication between the things and people and also the things between them [6]. To reduce the need for the home intervention, we are used to control the home automation through the use of control systems [7]. II. PROPOSED SYSTEM ESP8266 (currently ESP8266EX) is a chip which is a highly integrated Wi-Fi SoC solution where in the Internet of Things industry, the users overcomes the efficient power usage efficiently, design and performance also provides networkable foundation of networkable foundation for facilitating end-point IOT developments. The vendors repeatedly created the ESP8266 chip at their cores includes multitude of modules. As well as the Olimex, Adafruit, Sparkfun,


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SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering - (ICRTECITA-2017) - Special Issue - March 2017

WeMos, ESPert (ESPresso) all make various modules. ESP8266 can act either as the slave to a host MCU or as a standalone application. When it act as a host, it promptly boots up from flash. The high speed cache helps to increase the system performance and the system memory gets optimized A. Home Automation The ESP8266 with on board Wi-Fi capabilities and also has integrated processor. Acts as an perfect chip for Home Automation field. In this paper we are going to use the Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 breakout, which will be easy to use in the ESP8266 breakout board and two components such as a sensor module and a lamp controller. We can able to control the small home automation system anywhere in the world through Adafruit IO. Fig2:server (cloud network)

B. Protocols of the Wi-Fi  Direct Wi-Fi support.  802.11 b/g/n/e/i support.  P2P Discovery, P2P GO (Group Owner) mode, GC(group Client) mode and P2P Management of Power.  Security features such as 802.11i which provides pre-authentication, and TSN.  Seamless roaming support. C. Local Device A device want to connect to the router by ESPTOUCH, the server-side is deactivated. The Fig 1, device is used to accessible over Wi-Fi network but not over to the cloud.

Fig1 : Local network

D. Cloud Device A device want to connect to the router by ESPTOUCH,the server-side is activated. The Fig 2,the device is connected with the cloud platform and accessed through cloud status, online status, and offline status.

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E. Power Supply a)Digital Power Supply: The chip has two digital pins for power supply, pin 11 and pin 17. The additional filter capacitor is not needed for digital power supply. b)Analog Power Supply: The chip has five analog pins for providing power supply, includes the pin 1, pin 3, pin 4. pin 28, pin 29 are used for internal PLL. This type of power supply will damage due to increase of current when analog signal is passed over in it. The digital power supply is efficient. F. Power Consumption The ESP8266 series chip provides the three configurable sleep modes. The sleep mode is chosen by the users. The 3 sleep modes are:  Modem-sleep  Light –sleep  Deep-sleep To enable the modes whether the device should act either Modem-sleep or Light-sleep is done by the SDK. The user can control the Deep-sleep mode and can also be able to enable by calling the function instantly. a) Modem-Sleep: When the chip is connected to the router in the station mode, the Modem-sleep mode is activated. The connection is enabled by the DTIM beacon mechanism. Here, the power is saved when the Wi-Fi module circuit is close to the ESP8266 chip, the circuit between the two DTIM Beacon intervals. According to the interval time of the router , the sleep time is decided. During the sleep, the chip can receive the interactive information from any server or mobile phone where the ESP8266 chip is always connected to the Wi-Fi. The router interval is generally 100ms-1000ms.


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b) Light-Sleep: The power consumption is too lower when it is in this mode, which is similar to the Modem-sleep. Except from Wi-Fi circuit, ESP8266 also power powers off clock and immediately suspends the internal CPU. Which would be made as the less power than in Modem-sleep mode.

Then connect the two pins on the right on the GND pin of ESP8266 board and the +in pin to the pin number 5 of ESP8266. Finally the construction gets over by connecting the lamp or any electrical device to the PowerSwitch, the other end of the PowerSwitch is maintained with electricity.Refer Fig.4,

c) Deep-Sleep: Automatically, the system cannot go into Deep-sleep. To enable the Deep-sleep mode the interface function system_deep_sleep is called by the users. The ESP8266 chip will be turn off Wi-Fi connectivity and data connection. The periodic wakeups are controlled by the working of the RTC module. G. Requirements Hardware and Software We are going to use two different modules such as lamp controller and a sensor board. The two modules needs Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 breakout, male jumper wires for the need of necessary connections and a breadboard. To measure the temperature and humidity, we use the DHT11 sensor with the sensor board. PowerSwitch Tail2 is used to attach a lamp in the lamp controller. Finally we need one FTDI friend board (USB cable) to program the ESP8266 breakout board. On the software side, we need the Arduino IDE install it including the ESP8266 package which is to be installed. a)

Sensor Module

The construction starts by configure the hardware to the sensor module by placing the ESP8266 breakout board and DHT sensor on the breadboard. The DHT sensor is connected by connecting the first pin of the sensor to the V+ (VCC)pin from the ESP8266 board. Then connecting the ground pin of the ESP8266 to the last pin of the sensor. At last, connecting the pin number 5 of ESP8266 breakout board to the pin number 2 of the DHT sensor. The sensor module construction gets over. Refer Fig3,

Fig4: Lamp Controller Module

H. Features of the ESP8266    

For low-power operation, the radio biasing is adaptive. Signal processing is so advanced. Spur cancellation. Common cellular, LCD interference mitigation, LVDS, Bluetooth, all uses radio co-existence mechanism.

I. Project Control Using the Adafruit IO we can control the project. Anywhere in the world, we can control our device using the Adafruit IO dashboard and used to control our modules. The other way is to create the feeds that we used in our project that include temperature, humidity and lamp. Add ‗Gauge‘ widget, and connect to the temperature feed, same as for humidity. Then, create a ‗toggle button‘ widget, and then connect it with the lamp feed. Thus any devices can be accessed.ss III.


The earlier implementation can be done either in one of the following classifications:

Fig3: Sensor module

b) Lamp Controller Module: The first construction is to connect the ESP8266 breakout board on the breadboard also connect the PowerSwitch Tail Kit.

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J. ASP.net It is a server-side web application, where dynamic web pages, web services and application can be designed. The status of the appliances are handled by this web server. The users are able to control the status of the appliances according to their desires.


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K. Software Design Normal way of controlling the IOT devices by developing the website. In that, it has the functions like light, humidity, and temperature control. With the help of these functions we can check and also check the status based on our wishes. The server and sensors together used in the distributed automation system. The control of the sensor and monitors are done with the various sensors. Wi-Fi technology connects server and the sensors, used to improve security, mobility and scalability. L. Arduino Based on the ATmega2560, the Arduino microcontroller is chosen. Sensors are attached to it and updating the status of the appliances is done on web server. The C++ coding is very helpful for the development and to do more specific functions. M. Hardware Design PCB, humidity sensor and Arduino are used in the hardware parts. Two devices say fan and light, both are connected to the PCB. Sensor is connected to Arduino for sensing the humidity and temperature. Arduino and PCB are interacted through PC. Amul Jadhav [8]used XML format for automation system which has been earlier easily ported to other mobile devices. R.Piyare [9]used design which has low cost, free from wire connection to home automation. Jitendra R [10] used ZigBee network concepts introduced the elimination of wiring in case of automation which of wired. IV.


This paper gives the basic knowledge of IOT, where all the appliances are controlled and can also update the status of the device. ESP8266 is very useful in IOT industry where it is cost efficient, security, power is saved , compact in design and its performance is reliable. Mainly used for aged people, handicapped where all the devices are easily control when the users are in out of town. The convenience is increased by accessing wherever and saves our valuable time, cost. ESP8266 would be no longer

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