relevant static problems associated with common engineering analysis and ...
This material is taken from Meriam and Kraige, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, ...
ME 106 ENGINEERING IN ANTIQUITY – Fall 2009 PROBLEM SET 3 Assigned 30 Sept. - Due 12 Oct. Objective: The primary objective of this assignment is to become familiar with some relevant static problems associated with common engineering analysis and construction practices. Specific goals: • Practice the application of static equilibrium conditions. • Practice the application of moments and of the conditions of rotational equilibrium. • Learn how to construct the Free-Body Diagram. • Learn how to use couples. Reading assignment: • Study the class handout on forces and moments (skip the material not covered in the class lectures.) • Study the two handouts on mechanics with particular attention to the Free-Body Diagrams (“Introduction to Statics”, “Equilibrium”, downloaded from the course website.) • Review the attached sample problems. This material is taken from Meriam and Kraige, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 4th Ed., Wiley, 1997. The book has been added to the reserve list for ME104Q at Carlson Library. Also Cotterell/Kamminga: Ch. 2, Scalars and vectors (pp 29-31), Work and energy (pp. 33-35), Power (pp. 35-41). Homework Assignment: Problem sets that you turn in must be clear, legible, and well organized. Write your name and problem set on all pages you turn in. Please write only on one side of the sheet, and use standard 8"x11" sheets. All problems in the problem set should be labeled, and all pages must be stapled together. No torn, folded or unlabeled pages, please! In the following problems, use the analysis procedure consisting of (1) problem statement, (2) diagram, (3) assumptions, (4) governing equations, (5) calculations, (6) solution check. Diagrams must be clear, concise, uncrowded, with clearly marked symbols such as forces, dimensions, etc. (use different color pens if you prefer). Do the following seven problems: 1) Pr. 3/A Free-Body Diagrams – redraw the complete FBD, do only 1, 2, 3,4 2) Pr. 3/B Free-Body Diagrams – redraw the corrected FBD, do only 2,3, 5 3) Pr. 3/C Free-Body Diagrams – redraw the corrected FBD, do only 1, 3, 5, 7 In the problems 4-7, use the analysis procedure consisting of (1) problem statement, (2) assumptions, (3) Free-Body Diagram diagram, (4) equilibrium equations, (5) calculations, (6) corrected Free-Body Diagram (6) solution check. 4) Pr. 3.4 Moment equilibrium. 5) Pr. 3.5 Moment equilibrium. 6) Pr. 3.13 Moment equilibrium. 7) Pr. 3.30 Moment equilibrium. BONUS PROBLEM : Pr. 3:35 Moment equilibrium.
Bonus problem