HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 3: Solutions Fundamentals of Quantum ...

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28 Sep 2009 ... PHYS851 Quantum Mechanics I, Fall 2009. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 3: Solutions. Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics. 1. [10pts] The ...
PHYS851 Quantum Mechanics I, Fall 2009

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 3: Solutions Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics 1. [10pts] The trace of an operator is defined as T r{A} = set.


m hm|A|mi,

where {|mi} is a suitable basis

(a) Prove that the trace is independent of the choice of basis. Answer: Let {|mi} and {|em i} Pbe two independent P basis sets for our Hilbert space. We must show that m hem |A|em i = m hm|A|mi. Proof: X hem |A|em i = m



mm′ m′′


mm′ m′′



m′ m′′



m′ m′′


X m′


X m

hem |m′ ihm′ |A|m′′ ihm′′ |em i


hm′′ |em ihem |m′ ihm′ |A|m′′ i


hm′′ |m′ ihm′ |A|m′′ i


δm′ m′′ hm′ |A|m′′ i


hm′ |A|m′ i




(b) Prove the linearity of the trace operation by proving T r{aA + bB} = aT r{A} + bT r{B}. Answer:

T r{aA + bB} =

X hm|aA + bB|mi





(ahm|A|mi + bhm|B|mi)


X X hm|A|mi + b hm|B|mi



= a



= a T r{A} + b T r{B}



(c) Prove the cyclic property of the trace by proving T r{ABC} = T r{BCA} = T r{CAB}. Answer: First, if T r{ABC} = T r{BCA} then it follows that T r{BCA} = T r{CAB}, so we need only prove the first identity. T r{ABC} =

X hm|ABC|mi





mm′ m′′



mm′ m′′

hm|A|m′ ihm′ |B|m′′ ihm′′ |C|mi


hm′′ |C|mihm|A|m′ ihm′ |B|m′′ i


= T r{CAB}



2. Consider the system with three physical states {|1i, |2i, |3i}. In this basis, the Hamiltonian matrix is:   1 2i 1 (15) H =  −2i 2 −2i  1 2i 1 Find the eigenvalues {ω1 , ω2 , ω3 } and eigenvectors {|ω1 i, |ω2 i, |ω3 i} of H. Assume that the initial state of the system is |ψ(0)i = |1i. Find the three components h1|ψ(t)i, h2|ψ(t)i, and h3|ψ(t)i. Give all of your answers in proper Dirac notation. Answer: The eigenvalues are solutions to det |H − ~ωI| = 0


Taking the determinate in Mathematica gives 4ω + 4ω 2 − ω 3 = 0


ω(ω 2 − 4ω − 4) = 0


which factorizes as which has as its solutions ω1 = 2(1 −

√ 2)

ω2 = 0

√ ω3 = 2(1 + 2)

(19) (20) (21)

the corresponding eigenvectors are √ 1 |ω1 i = (|1i + 2i|2i + |3i) 2 1 |ω2 i = √ (−|1i + |3i) 2 √ 1 |ω3 i = (|1i − 2i|2i + |3i) 2

(22) (23) (24)

The components of |ψ(t)i are found via |ψ(t)i = e−iHt |ψ(0)|i, giving √ √  1 2 + e−i2(1− 2)t + e−i2(1+ 2)t 4 √ √  i  h2|ψ(t)i = √ e−i2(1− 2)t − e−i2(1+ 2)t 2 2 √ √  1 h3|ψ(t)i = −2 + e−i2(1− 2)t + e−i2(1+ 2)t 4

h1|ψ(t)i =

The mathematic script I used to work this problem is on the following page:


(25) (26) (27)


3. Cohen-Tannoudji: pp 203-206: problems 2.2, 2.6, 2.7 2.2 (a) The operator σy is hermitian:  †  ∗   0 −i 0 i 0 −i † σy = = = = σy i 0 −i 0 i 0 We find the eigenvalues via det |σy − ωI| = 0: −ω −i det i −ω

= ω2 − 1 = 0



The solutions are ω = 1 and ω = −1. Let the corresponding eigenvectors be |+i and |−i, so that σy |±i = ±|±i.


Hit this equation with the bra h1| and insert the projector onto the {|1i, |2i} basis: (−h1|σy |1i ± 1) h1|±i − h1|σy |2ih2|±i = 0


inserting the values of the matrix elements of σy then gives: ±h1|±i + ih2|±i = 0


a non-normalized solution is then h1|±i = i

h2|±i = ∓1

(33) (34)

the normalized eigenvectors are then given, up to arbitrary overall phase-factors, by |+i = |−i =

1 √ (i|1i − |2i) 2 1 √ (i|1i + |2i) 2

(35) (36)

(b) The projectors are given by I± = |±ih±|. In matrix form, in the {|1i, |2i} basis, these are   h1|±ih±|1i h1|±ih±|2i I± = (37) h2|±ih±|1i h2|±ih±|2i ! i ∓1 i −i =


√ √ √ √ 2 2 2 2 ∓1 −i ∓1 √ ∓1 √ √ √ 2 2 2 2  1 i ∓ 2 2 1 ± 2i 2

2 = I and I + I = I: we need to show that I± ± + −  1 ∓i   1 ∓i  2 2 2 2 2 I± = ±i ±i 1 1 2 2   21 12 i i + ∓ ∓ 4 4 4 4 = 1 1 + ± 4i ± 4i 4 4  1 i ∓ 2 2 = 1 ± 2i 2 = I±




(40) (41) (42) (43)

I+ + I− =

1 2

+ 2i

− 2i 1 2

+ 21 − 2i   1 0 = 0 1 = I =

1 2

+ 2i

(c) The results for M and Ly are attached.



1 2

− 2i  i

− 2i + 2 1 1 2 + 2

+ 2i 1 2

(44) (45) (46) (47)


1 H* Enter the matrix M *L M = 882, I Sqrt@2D