FRAYDOUN REzAkHANLOU & JAMES E. TARVER. Communicated by T. P. ... ences on periodic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations.) Note that the.
c Springer-Verlag 2000 Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 151 (2000) 277–309.
Homogenization for Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver Communicated by T. P. Liu
Abstract Homogenization asks whether average behavior can be discerned from partial differential equations that are subject to high-frequency fluctuations when those fluctuations result from a dependence on two widely separated spatial scales. We prove homogenization for certain stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations; the idea is to use the subadditive ergodic theorem to establish the existence of an average in the infinite scale-separation limit. In some cases, we also establish a central limit theorem.
1. Introduction To introduce the basic idea behind homogenization, we first consider the inhomogeneous Hamilton-Jacobi equation x ∂t v ε + H ( , Dv ε ) = 0, Rd × (0, ∞), ε v ε = g, Rd × {t = 0},
where H is periodic in its first argument, Dv ε denotes the gradient of v ε with respect to x, and ε > 0 is a small parameter. (Note: all solutions will be understood in the viscosity sense; see [12] and [11] for an introduction to viscosity solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations.) The small parameter assumption implies that the solution v ε of (1.1) depends on two spatial variables that are on widely separated scales: namely x, the “macroscopic” variable, and xε = xε , the “microscopic” variable. A change O(1) in x results in a change O( 1ε ) in xε , so that H fluctuates greatly over macroscopic shifts in position. The huge fluctuation in H , though, does not necessarily imply correspondingly huge fluctuations in v ε ; indeed, Lions, Papanicolaou & Varadhan [13] proved under quite general assumptions that v ε
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
actually converged uniformly on compact sets to a solution u¯ of the homogeneous equation ¯ = 0, Rd × (0, ∞), ∂t u¯ + H¯ (D u) u¯ = g, Rd × {t = 0},
where H¯ is referred to as the effective Hamiltonian. (See [2–5] for further references on periodic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations.) Note that the microscopic dependence of (1.1) has been lost entirely in the limit; in some sense, equation (1.1) has been averaged to yield equation (1.2). Papanicolaou &Varadhan [6], among others, recognized that this notion of averaging could be extended to stochastic partial differential equations as well. They considered a family of random multi-scale elliptic partial differential equations and showed that, given certain assumptions, the solutions converged to the solution of a deterministic, single-scale equation; they also pointed out that their results implied periodic homogenization results that had been proved previously. With these precedents in mind, we considered the nonlinear stochastic equation x ∂t uε + H ( , Duε , ω) = 0, Rd × (0, ∞) × , ε uε = g, Rd × {t = 0} × ,
where g(·) is a Lipschitz continuous function on Rd , and we showed that if H is convex, coercive, and continuously differentiable in its second argument, then the ¯ where u¯ solves (1.2) for a specific H¯ . solution uε of (1.3) converges in mean to u, If the Hamiltonian is of the form H (x, p, ω) = H¯
p b(x, ω)
¯ Roughly, we we establish a central limit theorem for the convergence of uε to u. show that uε (x, t) = u(x, t) + ε 2 Z(x, t) + o(ε 2 ), 1
where Z is a suitable stochastic process. When H¯ is quadratic and u¯ is a Riemann solution, a variant of our central limit theorem was established by Wehr & Xin in [14]. The paper is organized as follows. The homogenization in the case of convex Hamiltonians is treated in Sections 2 and 3. The homogenization for a class of examples with no convexity assumption is discussed in Section 4. The last section is devoted to our central limit theorems.
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
2. Homogenization for Convex Hamiltonians We now give a more precise formulation of the problem and of our homogenization result. Consider a probability space (, F, P ). F is a Borel σ -algebra and P is a probability measure on (, F) that is assumed to be invariant with respect to a family of translation operators; i.e., for every x ∈ Rd , there exists a measurable function τx : → so that τx (τy (ω)) = τx+y (ω), and ∀A ∈ F, P (τx A) = P (A). We also assume that τx is ergodic; i.e., τx A = A ∀x ∈ Rd implies that P (A) = 0 or 1. Let E denote expectation with respect to the probability ˜ measure P . We now define L(x, p, ω) = L(p, τx ω), L˜ : Rd × → R, where L satisfies the asumptions (Ai)–(Aiv). We first state (Ai)–(Aiii): (Ai)
the function L(x, p, ω) is continuous in x for each p and ∃r > 1 such that E|sup sup L(x, p, ω)|r < ∞ ∀R < ∞; x |p|5R
(Aii) L(·, ·, ω) is convex, mean-coercive, and continuously differentiable P almost surely (P a.s.); (Aiii) ∃r, C1 > 1, C2 (ω) = 0 with E|C2 (ω)|r < ∞ such that ˜ ˜ ω) · p 5 C1 L(p, ω) + C2 (ω) ∀p ∈ Rd , P a.s. Dp L(p,
We say that L is mean coercive if L(x, p, ω) = φ(p) − C0 (ω)
P a.s.,
where φ(·) is a convex function, lim
φ(p) = +∞, |p|
and C0 (ω) is a nonnegative function with E|C0 (ω)|r < ∞ for some r > 1. Assumption (Aiii) guarantees that ∀λ = 1, we have C2 (ω) C1 ˜ ˜ (λ − 1); ω) + L(λq, ω) 5 λC1 L(q, C1
(proof of this fact we will postpone until the next section). Now if we choose p and λ = |p| + 1 in (2.3), we obtain q = |p|+1 ˜ L(p, ω) 5 α(ω)(|p| + 1)C1 + β(ω) where
∀p ∈ Rd , P a.s.,
C2 (ω) C2 (ω) ˜ , β(ω) = − . ω) + α(ω) = sup L(p, C1 C1 |p|51
˜ i.e., The assumptions in (2.1) allow us to define the Legendre transform H˜ of L; ˜ ω)}. H˜ (q, ω) := sup{p · q − L(p, p
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
˜ H˜ inherits the following properties from L: (i)
∃r > 1
such that sup |H˜ (q, ·)| ∈ Lr (P ) ∀R < ∞; |q|5R
(ii) H˜ (·, ω) is convex, coercive, and continuously differentiable P a.s. By coercivity we mean that H˜ (·, ω) is bounded below by a convex function ψ(·, ω) which, like φ in (2.2), grows faster than linearly at infinity. To see (2.6), first observe that ˜ H˜ (q, ω) = p · q − L(p, ω) = p · q − α(ω)|p|C1 − β(ω).
Since C1 > 1, we know that H˜ is bounded below by the convex function ψ that is defined by ψ(q, ω) = sup{p · q − |α(ω)|(|p| + 1)C1 } − β(ω) p
(α(ω)C1 )1−C3 C3 = |q| − |q| − β(ω), C3
1 ; since C3 > 1, H˜ (·, ω) is coercive for almost all ω. On the other where C3 = CC1 −1 hand, by mean coercivity
H˜ (q, ω) 5 φ ∗ (q) + C0 (ω), where φ ∗ denotes the Legendre transform of φ. From this, (2.1), (2.7) and (2.8) we deduce the first assertion in (2.6). Finally, we make the following definition: H (x, q, ω) := H˜ (q, τx ω).
L is called the Lagrangian, and H , the Hamiltonian. Our last assumption is the Lipschitzness of H with respect to x (Aiv) |H (x, p, ω) − H (y, p, ω)| 5 C4 (ω)(1 + |p|)|x − y| ∀x, p ∈ Rd , (2.10) for some finite constant C4 (ω). Now, given these definitions and assumptions, we can use the calculus of variations [10] to give an explicit representation to the solution uε of (1.3), namely, uε (x, t, ω) = inf {g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)}, y∈Rd
where g : Rd → R is a Lipschitz continuous function, S ε (x, y, t, ω) is defined by the variational formula Z t ξ(s) ε ˙ L , ξ (s), ω ds , (2.12) S (x, y, t, ω) := inf ε ξ ∈A 0 and A = {ξ ∈ W 1,∞ (0, t; Rd ) : ξ(0) = y, ξ(t) = x}. We now state our theorem as follows.
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Theorem 2.1. For every δ > 0, let Aδ = {(x, t) : |x| 5 1δ , t = δ}. Then ¯ t)| = 0, lim E sup |uε (x, t, ω) − u(x,
x−y ¯ g(y) + t L t
u(x, ¯ t) := inf
for L¯ : Rd → R that is both convex and coercive. The exact nature of L¯ will be determined later. Theorem 2.1 will establish the homogenization of (1.3), since (2.14) is precisely Hopf’s formula for the viscosity solution of (1.2) when the effective Hamiltonian H¯ is defined to be the convex ¯ conjugate of L. Remark. We have assumed (Aiv) to make sure that uε given by (2.12) satisfies the partial differential equation (1.1). If we define uε by the right-hand side of (2.12), then (2.14) is still true without assuming (Aiv). We end this section with an example. Example. Let be the space of continuous functions and τx ω(y) = ω(x + y). Let P be a translation invariant ergodic measure and assume f ∈ is a fixed ˜ bounded function. Then L(p, ω) = 21 |p|2 − f (ω(0)) satisfies (Ai)–(Aiii). If P is concentrated on the space of Lipschitz functions and if f is Lipschitz, then (Aiv) is also satisfied. 3. Proof of Theorem 2.1 The key to proving Theorem 2.1 turns out to be the proof that, for fixed x, y ∈ Rd and t > 0, the family of functions {S ε (x, y, t, ω)}ε>0 converges in mean to a limit as ε → 0; this is the content of the next theorem. Theorem 3.1. Suppose x, y ∈ Rd and t > 0 are fixed. Then x − y lim E S ε (x, y, t, ω) − t L¯ = 0, ε→0 t
where L¯ : Rd → R is convex and coercive. Before we discuss the details, we want to give a general outline to the proof of Theorem 3.1. We first cite a lemma from [13]; since both the result and the inequalities used to prove the result turn out to be important, we will reproduce the statement of the lemma and its proof. We next consider the special case S ε (x, 0, t, ω), andwe use the subadditive ergodic theorem to show that limε→0 S ε (x, 0, t, ω) = t L¯ xt P a.s. D
Finally, we take advantage of the fact that S ε (x, y, t, ω) = S ε (x − y, 0, t, ω) to finish the proofof Theorem 3.1. One last comment: we note that S ε (x, y, t, ω) = εS 1 xε , yε , εt , ω ; for notational simplicity, we will in the sequel drop the superscript when ε = 1, so that S ≡ S 1 . Proof of Theorem 3.1. We first cite a lemma from [13].
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
Lemma 3.1. Suppose δ > 0 and a set A ⊂ are given. Suppose also that there exist constants C1 , C2 , C3 and C4 such that ∀ω ∈ A, ∀x ∈ Rd and ∀p ∈ Rd , Dp L(x, p, ω) · p 5 C1 L(x, p, ω) + C2 , sup sup L(z, p, ω) 5 C3 , z |p|51
L(x, p, ω) = φ(p) − C4 .
(3.2) (3.3)
1 , uniformly in ε > 0 and ω ∈ A, where 1δ × δ, S (x, y, t, ω) ∈ W δ 1 d d . (3.4) 1δ = (x, y) ∈ R × R : |x − y| 5 δ ε
Proof of Lemma 3.1. In the following claims, ω is always in A. Claim (i). ∀ε > 0 and ∀h > 0, S ε (x, y, t + h, ω) 5 S ε (x, y, t, ω) + C3 h.
Proof of Claim (i). Let ξ(·) be any admissible path for S ε (x, y, t, ω), and define the new path ξ1 (·) to be
( ξ1 (s) =
ξ(s) 0 5 s 5 t x t 5 s 5 t + h.
Note that ξ1 (·) is an admissible path for S ε (x, y, t + h, ω). We then have ξ1 (s) , ξ˙1 (s), ω ds ε 0 Z t+h Z t ξ(s) x , ξ˙ (s), ω ds + , 0, ω ds. (3.7) L L = ε ε 0 t
S ε (x, y, t + h, ω) 5
Since (3.7) is valid for all admissible paths, it is also valid for the infimum over such paths. We then replace L with its upper bound C3 in the last integral; this finishes the proof of the claim. Claim (ii). ∀ε > 0 and ∀v ∈ Rd , S ε (x + v, y, t + |v|, ω) 5 S ε (x, y, t, ω) + C3 |v|.
Proof of Claim (ii). We use a similar argument to the one above. Let ξ(·) be any admissible path for S ε (x, y, t, ω), and define the new path ξ2 (·) to be ( ξ(s) 05s5t (3.9) ξ2 (s) = v x + (s − t) |v| t 5 s 5 t + |v|.
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
ξ2 (·) is an admissible path for S ε (x + v, y, t + |v|, ω), and we have Z t ξ(s) , ξ˙ (s), ω ds L S ε (x + v, y, t +|v|, ω) 5 ε 0 Z t+|v| x s−t v v L − , , ω ds. + ε ε |v| |v| t
Again, since (3.10) is valid for all admissible paths, it is valid for the infimum over all such paths. We then replace the integrand in the second term with its upper bound C3 ; this finishes the proof of the claim. Before we state and prove the next claim, we will first make a definition. Let Z t ξ(s) ε ˙ , ξ (s), ω ds , (3.11) L − 6 (x, y, t, ω) := inf ε 0 where the infimum is over all paths ξ ∈ W 1,∞ (0, t; Rd ) such that ξ(0) = y, ξ(t) = x. Claim (iii). ∀ε > 0 and ∀v ∈ Rd , S ε (x, y + v, t + |v|, ω) 5 S ε (x, y, t, ω) + C3 |v|.
Proof of Claim (iii). This will follow immediately from claim (ii) once we show that S ε (x, y, t, ω) = 6 ε (−y, −x, t, ω).
The proof of (3.13) is straightforward; let ξ(·) be an admissible path for S ε (x, y, t, ω), and define ξ3 (s) := −ξ(t − s); this yields Z t Z t ξ(s) ξ3 (s) L L − (3.14) , ξ˙ (s), ω ds = , ξ˙3 (s), ω ds. ε ε 0 0 Since we have a 1−1 correspondence between admissible paths for S ε and for 6 ε , (3.13) clearly follows. Claim (iv). ∀ε > 0 and ∀h > 0, we have t + h C1 −1 ε C2 ε S (x, y, t + h, ω) + S (x, y, t, ω) 5 t C1
t +h t
! − 1 t. (3.15)
Proof of Claim (iv). S ε (x, y, t +h, ω), and define Let η(·) be any admissible path for t+h ε ξ4 (s) := η t s ; ξ4 (·) is an admissible path of S (x, y, t, ω). We therefore have Z t ξ4 (s) ε ˙ , ξ4 (s), ω ds L S (x, y, t, ω) 5 ε 0 (3.16) Z t+h t +h η(s) t , η(s) ˙ , ω ds. L = t +h 0 ε t
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
We will show momentarily that (3.2) implies that ∀x, p ∈ Rd and λ = 1, L(x, λp, ω) 5 λC1 L(x, p, ω) +
C2 C1 (λ − 1). C1
Assuming (3.17), we have that Z t+h t η(s) t +h L , η(s) ˙ , ω ds t +h 0 ε t Z η(s) t + h C1 −1 t+h L , η(s), ˙ ω ds 5 t ε 0 ! t + h C1 C2 − 1 t. + C1 t
S ε (x, y, t, ω) 5
The inequality (3.15) follows since (3.18) is valid for all admissible paths η(·). To justify (3.17), we define ϕ(λ) := L(x, λp, ω); (3.17) can now be restated as saying that ϕ(λ) 5 λC1 ϕ(1) +
C2 C1 (λ − 1) orλ−C1 (C1 ϕ(λ) + C2 ) 5 C1 ϕ(1) + C2 , C1 (3.19)
while assumption (3.2) implies that ϕ 0 (λ)λ 5 C1 ϕ(λ) + C2 ,
which in turn implies i d h −C1 (C1 ϕ(λ) + C2 ) 5 0. λ dλ This evidently implies (3.19) (and consequently (3.17)). Claim (v). ∀z ∈ Rd and ∀t, s > 0, we have S ε (x, y, t + s, ω) 5 S ε (x, z, t, ω) + S ε (z, y, s, ω).
Proof of Claim (v). The inequality (3.21) is an immediate consequence of S ε (x, y, t + s, ω) = inf {S ε (x, z, t, ω) + S ε (z, y, s, ω)}, z∈Rd
and (3.22) follows directly from the definition of S ε (·). Finally, observe that (2.5) implies C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 (r − 1) = C3 + , r − L(x, p, ω) 5 C3 r + C1 C1 C1
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
where r = |p| + 1. This in turn implies Z t y + st (x − y) x − y ε , , ω ds L S (x, y, t, ω) 5 ε t 0 {L(z, p, ω)} 5 t sup sup z
|p|5 x−y t
C2 5 t C3 + C1
C1 C2 x − y −t . +1 t C1
On the other hand, by the mean coercivity (2.1), the convexity φ and Jensen’s inequality, Z t x − y ε φ(ξ˙ (s)) ds − tC0 (ω) = tφ − C4 t. (3.25) S (x, y, t, ω) = inf t ξ ∈A 0 Combining this with (3.24) and the previous claims finishes the proof of the lemma. t u The bounds (3.24) and (3.25) can be used to prove the following: Lemma 3.2. Let B = 1δ × (δ, 1δ ) be as in the previous lemma and let A be any bounded subset of Rd × [0, ∞). Then for some r > 1, r r E sup sup S ε (x, y, t, ω) < ∞, E sup sup uε (x, t, ω) < ∞. (3.26) ε (x,y,t)∈B
ε (x,t)∈A
Proof of Lemma 3.2. As in (3.24) and (3.25) we can show x−y (3.27) − tC0 (ω) 5 S ε (x, y, t, ω) tφ t C1 C2 (ω) x − y C2 (ω) ) −t , 5 t (C3 (ω) + +1 C1 t C1 where C3 (ω) = supz sup|p|51 L(z, p, ω). Hence n x − y o − tC0 (ω) 5 uε (x, t, ω) (3.28) inf g(y) + tφ y t 5 g(x) + S ε (x, x, t, ω) 5 g(x) + tC3 (ω). Now (3.26) is a consequence of (3.27), (3.28) and (2.1). u t The next step in the proof of Theorem 3.1 requires an application of the subadditive ergodic theorem, which we now state. A proof of a generalization of the theorem can be found in either [8] or [9]. Theorem 3.2 (Kingman’s Subadditive Ergodic Theorem). Suppose {Sm,n : 0 5 m 5 n} are random variables which satisfy the following properties: (a) S0,0 = 0 and Sm,n 5 Sm,k + Sk,n , m 5 k 5 n; D
(b) {Sm,m+k : m = 0, k = 0} = {Sm+1,m+k+1 : m = 0, k = 0} ;
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
286 + (c) ES0,1 < ∞.
Let αn := ES0,n < ∞. The following hold: αn n = S limn→∞ 0,n n
(i) α = limn→∞
inf n=1
αn n
∈ [−∞, ∞);
exists P a.s.; (ii) S∞ = (iii) ES∞ = α and if α > −∞, then S0,n − S∞ = 0. lim E n→∞ n
We will use the subadditive ergodic theorem to establish the next lemma. Lemma 3.3. Suppose x ∈ Rd and t > 0 is fixed. Then x lim S ε (x, 0, t, ω) = t L¯ ε→0 t
P a.s. and in L1 (P ). Proof of Lemma 3.3. Define Sm,n (ω) := S(nx, mx, (n − m)t, ω).
We want to show that the conditions (a)–(c) are satisfied. We first note that condition (a) is a consequence of (3.21). Sm,n (ω) = S(nx, mx, (n − m)t, ω) 5 S(kx, mx, (k − m)t, ω) + S(nx, kx, (n − k)t, ω) m 5 k 5 n. = Sm,k (ω) + Sk,n (ω),
As for condition (b), we note that Sm,n (ω) Z (n−m)t L(ξ(s), ξ˙ (s), ω) ds = inf 0
= inf
= inf
(n−m)t 0
(n−m)t 0
ξ(0) = mx, ξ((n − m)t) = nx, ξ ∈ W 1,∞ (0, (n − m)t; Rd )
ξ(0) = 0, ξ((n − m)t) = (n − m)x, ˙ L(ξ(s) + mx, ξ (s), ω) ds ξ ∈ W 1,∞ (0, (n − m)t; Rd ) ξ(0) = 0, ξ((n − m)t) = (n − m)x, ˙ L(ξ(s), ξ (s), τmx ω) ds ξ ∈ W 1,∞ (0, (n − m)t; Rd )
= S0,n−m (τmx ω); (3.33)
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
The condition (b) follows from the invariance of P under translation because {Sm,m+k (ω) : m, k = 0} = {S0,k (τmx ω) : m, k = 0} D
= {S0,k (τ(m+1)x ω) : m, k = 0} = {Sm+1,m+k+1 (ω) : m, k = 0}.
Finally, condition (c) follows from Lemma 3.2. Next we show that the limit is P a.s. constant. This will follow once we show that the limit is translation invariant because of our assumption that the translation action is ergodic (see, e.g., [1] for proof of this fact). We therefore want to show that S∞ (ω) = S∞ (τy ω) P a.s. ∀y ∈ Rd .
Suppose y ∈ Rd is fixed. We have just shown that S∞ (ω) = lim
1 1 S(nx, 0, nt, ω) = lim S n (x, 0, t, ω), n→∞ n
almost surely and in L1 (P ) sense. Similarly, we have that S∞ (τy ω) = lim
1 1 S(nx, 0, nt, τy ω) = lim S(nx + y, y, nt, ω) n→∞ n n 1 y y = lim S n x + , , t, ω . n→∞ n n
Lemma 3.1 now implies that if ω ∈ A(λ) with A(λ) = {ω : C3 (ω) = sup sup L(x, p, ω) 5 λ, C2 (ω) 5 λ, C0 (ω) 5 λ}, x |p|51
then for some constant C = C(λ), 1 C|y| 1 y y . sup S n (x, 0, t, ω) − S n x + , , t, ω 5 n n n ω∈A(λ)
Moreover, by Chebyshev’s inequality and E|C0 (ω)| + |C2 (ω)| + |C3 (ω)| < ∞,
lim P ( − A(λ)) = 0.
we have λ→∞
This, (3.37), (3.36) and (3.38) clearly imply (3.35). ¯ ¯ t) to be the P a.s. constant limit, as Let S(x, t) := S∞ (ω); i.e., we define S(x, 1 1 n → ∞, of n S(nx, 0, nt, ω) = S n (x, 0, t, ω).
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
For any positive ε, we can write 1ε = n + r where n is a positive integer and r ∈ [0, 1). We then write t x , 0, , ω = εS(nx + rx, 0, nt + rt, ω) εS ε ε (3.41) 1 rt rx n x + , 0, t + , ω . = εnS n n If ε goes to zero, then εn converges to one. By Lemma 3.1, there exists a constant C = C(λ) such that 1 1 rt |x| + t rx n n . (3.42) x + , 0, t + , ω 5 C sup S (x, 0, t, ω) − S n n n ω∈A(λ) This, (3.37), (3.42) and (3.40) imply ¯ t) P a.s. lim S ε (x, 0, t) = S(x,
For the L1 convergence, we use Holder’s inequality, Lemma 3.2 and (3.40) to say h 1 i 1 rt rn n n lim sup sup E S (x, 0, t, ω) − S x + , 0, t + , ω 11(ω ∈| A(λ)) x n λ→∞ n i h 5 2 lim sup E sup sup S ε (x, y, t, ω) 11(ω ∈| A(λ)) ε (x,y,t)∈B
r i 1 r−1 h r r lim sup P ( − A(λ)) = 0. 5 E sup sup S ε (x, y, t, ω) ε (x,t)∈B
This, (3.36), (3.41) and (3.42) clearly imply ¯ t) = 0. lim E S ε (x, 0, t, ω) − S(x, ε→0
¯ To see that S(x, t) = t L¯
x t
, note that
t t x x , 0, , ω = lim (tδ)S , 0, , ω ε→0 δ→0 ε ε tδ tδ (3.45) x x x , 0, 1, ω = t S¯ , 1 =: t L¯ . = lim tS δ δ→0 t t t
lim S ε (x, 0, t, ω) = lim εS
This completes the proof of Lemma 3.3. u t To finish the proof of Theorem 3.1, we first observe that by using a similar argument to that in (3.33), we have that D
S ε (x, y, t, ω) = S ε (x − y, 0, t, τ y ω) = S ε (x − y, 0, t, ω); ε
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
the limit (3.30) then implies that x − y lim E S ε (x, y, t, ω) − t L¯ = 0, ε→0 t because L¯ is independent of ω. All that is now left to show is the convexity and the ¯ ¯ is convex, we recall that (3.21) implies that coercivity of L(·). To show that L(·) d ∀ε > 0, ∀a, b ∈ R , and 0 < λ < 1, we have S ε (λa + (1−λ)b, 0, 1, ω) 5 S ε (λa, 0, λ, ω) + S ε (λa + (1−λ)b, λa, 1−λ, ω). (3.47) Equation (3.1) implies that we can pass to an appropriate subsequence to observe that ¯ (1 − λ)L(b) = lim S εj (λa + (1 − λ)b, λa, 1 − λ, ω) P a.s. εj →0
¯ Combining (3.30), (3.47), and (3.48) yields the proof of convexity for L(·). As for ε coercivity, we note that if ξ(·) is an admissible path for S (x, y, t, ω), then Z
t 0
ξ(s) L , ξ˙ (s), ω ε
φ(ξ˙ (s))ds − C0 (ω)t x−y − C0 (ω)t P a.s.; = tφ t
ds =
the first inequality is a consequence of 2.1 (ii) and (2.2), while the second is Jensen’s inequality. The inequality holds for all admissible paths, so it holds for the infimum; i.e., x−y ε (3.50) − C0 (ω)t P a.s. S (x, y, t, ω) = tφ t Since (3.50) holds independently of ε > 0, it necessarily holds in the limit as ε → 0 ¯ as well. This establishes the coercivity of L(·), and it finishes the proof of Theorem 3.1. u t Before we complete the proof of Theorem 2.1, we need to verify one more lemma. Recall that uε (x, t, ω) = inf {g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)}, y∈Rd
while u(x, ¯ t) = inf
x−y ¯ . g(y) + t L t
In order to obtain the necessary supremum bounds, we need to show that there exists a compact set D(ω) ⊂⊂ Rd , one that is independent of ε, upon which all of the infima in (3.51) are attained. This is the content of the next lemma.
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Lemma 3.4. For every T , λ > 0, there exists R(T , λ) such that for every ε > 0 and t ∈ (0, T ], inf {g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)} =
{g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)}
|x−y|5R(T ,λ)
x − y x − y ¯ ¯ = inf , g(y) + t L g(y) + t L t t |x−y|5R(T ,λ)
provided ω ∈ Aλ = {ω : C(ω) = supz L(z, 0, ω) 5 λ, C0 (ω) 5 λ}. Proof of Lemma 3.4. We want to show that the infimum outside the ball of radius R and center x is greater than the infimum over the entire space, provided R is sufficiently large. To do this we will take advantage of (3.50). Note that since (3.50) holds P a.s., we have that the following is true for any Borel set B ⊂ Rd : x−y − C0 (ω)t 5 inf {g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)} P a.s. inf g(y) + tφ y∈B y∈B t (3.53) Now inf {g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)} 5 g(x) + S ε (x, x, t, ω) 5 g(x) + C(ω)t;
the second inequality is verified by choosing the path ξ(s) = x in the definition S ε (x, x, t, ω). Since φ(·) grows faster than linearly and g(·) can grow at most = R, then linearly, there must exist R = R0 (λ) > 0 such that if |x−y| t g(x) + tλ 5 g(y) + tφ
x −y − tλ − t. t
Therefore, if we define D := {y ∈ Rd : |x − y| 5 R0 (λ)T }, then for every ω ∈ Aλ and t ∈ (0, T ] x−y − C0 (ω)t. (3.55) g(x) + C(ω)t < inf c g(y) + tφ y∈D t By combining (3.54), (3.55), and (3.53) (with the appropriate Borel sets), we obtain inf {g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)} < inf c {g(y) + S ε (x, y, t, ω)}, y∈D
which is equivalent to the first equation in (3.52). If necessary, we choose a constant R(λ, T ) larger than R0 (λ)T so that the second equation in (3.52) is valid as well. t u Proof of Theorem 2.1. Suppose γ > 0 is given; we want to show that for all sufficiently small ε > 0, we have ¯ t)| < 4γ . E sup |uε (x, t, ω) − u(x, (x,t)∈Aδ
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
First, we define the family of random functions ( S ε (x, y, t, ω) ε > 0 0ε (x, y, t, ω) := ε = 0. t L¯ x−y t Lemma 3.1 then guarantees that if A(λ) = {ω : sup sup L(z, p, ω) 5 λ, C2 (ω) 5 λ, C0 (ω) 5 λ}, z |p|51
then the family {0ε (x, y, t, ω) : ε = 0, ω ∈ A(λ)} is equicontinuous on any compact subset of Rd × Rd × (0, ∞); in particular, the family is equicontinuous on Dλ defined by Dλ = {(x, y, t) : (x, t) ∈ Aδ , |x − y| 5 R(δ −1 , λ)}. Consequently, by Lemma 3.4, ¯ t)| 5 E sup |uε (x, t, ω)− u(x, ¯ t)|11(ω ∈| A(λ)) E sup |uε (x, t, ω)− u(x, (x,t)∈Aδ
x −y 11(ω ∈ A(λ)) +E sup S ε (x, y, t, ω)−t L¯ t (x,y,t)∈Dλ
=: T1 (ε, λ) + T2 (ε, λ). (3.56) From (3.40) we know that limλ→∞ P ( − A(λ)) = 0. By Holder’s inequality, 1 r−1 r r ¯ t)|r . P ( − A(λ)) T1 (ε, λ) 5 E sup sup |uε (x, t, ω) − u(x, ε (x,t)∈Aδ
From this, (3.40) and Lemma 3.2 we learn that, for sufficiently large λ, sup T1 (ε, λ) < γ . ε
For T2 , we grid Dλ so that every z = (x, y, t) ∈ Dλ is within η of a grid point z¯ = (x, ¯ y, ¯ t¯) (for some η > 0), and call the family of grid points G. ! ε x − y E sup S (z, ω) − t L¯ 11(ω ∈ A(λ)) t z∈Dλ ! ε 5 E sup S (z, ω) − S ε (¯z, ω) 11(ω ∈ A(λ)) z∈Dλ
! x ¯ − y ¯ x − y − t L¯ + E sup t L¯ t t¯ z∈Dλ X x¯ − y¯ E S ε (¯z, ω) − t L¯ + . t¯ z¯ ∈G
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Since {0ε (z, ω); ω ∈ A(λ)}ε=0 is equicontinuous on Dλ , we can make the grid fine enough so that o ε = 0. (3.58) sup sup 0ε (z, ω) − 0ε (¯z, ω) < γ , ω∈A(λ) z∈Dλ
The last step is to make the sum less than γ as well; since the number of grid points in G (which we denote #G) is finite, we simply define ε∗ > 0 so that x¯ − y¯ γ , 0 < ε < ε∗ . (3.59) max E S ε (z, ω) − t L¯ < z¯ ∈G #G t¯ This completes the proof of homogenization. u t
4. Homogenization for general H In this section we discuss an alternative way of establishing the homogenization. Let H (x, p) be a function for which there are constants C(R) and C0 such that |H (x, p1 ) − H (x, p2 )| 5 C(R) |p1 − p2 |,
|H (x, 0)| 5 C0 ,
for every x, p1 , p2 ∈ Rd with |p1 |, |p2 | 5 R, |H (x1 , p) − H (x2 , p)| 5 C0 (1 + |p|)|x1 − x2 |,
for every x1 , x2 , p ∈ Rd , and lim H (x, p) = +∞
uniformly in x. The main result of this section is Theorem 4.1, but before we get to it, we recall some facts about the viscosity solutions and prove a lemma that will guarantee that the effective Hamiltonian is well defined. Let w be a Lipschitz continuous function. We define D + w(x0 ) to be the set of p such that lim sup(w(x) − w(x0 ) − p · (x − x0 ))|x − x0 |−1 5 0. x→x0
Similarly, we define D − w(x0 ) to be the set of p such that lim inf (w(x) − w(x0 ) − p · (x − x0 ))|x − x0 |−1 = 0. x→x0
It is not hard to show that if p ∈ D ± w(x0 ) then |p| 5 kDwkL∞ .
p with h > 0, send h For example, if p ∈ D + w(x), then we choose x = x0 − h |p| to zero in (4.4) and use −kDwkL∞ |x − x0 | 5 (w(x) − w(x0 )). Let δ > 0 and λ be two constants and set K(x, v, p) = δv + H (x, p) − λ. We say w is a subsolution of K(x, v, Dv) = 0 in an open set A, if for every x ∈ A
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
and every p ∈ D + w(x) we have K(x, w(x), p) 5 0. Similary, we say w is a supersolution of K(x, v, Dv) = 0 in A, if for every x ∈ A and every p ∈ D − w(x) we have K(x, w(x), p) = 0. We now recall the Maximum Principle: If v1 is a subsolution and v2 is a supersolution of K(x, v, Dv) = 0 in the open set A, and if v1 (x) 5 v2 (x) for every point x on the boundary of A, then v1 5 v2 everywhere in A. Lemma 4.1. Suppose w1 is a viscosity supersolution of H (x, Dw(x)) = λ1 and w2 is a viscosity subsolution of H (x, Dw(x)) = λ2 . If w1 , w2 are Lipschitz continuous and 1 (4.7) (w1 (x) − w2 (x)) = 0; lim |x|→∞ |x| then λ1 5 λ2 . Proof. Suppose to the contrary that λ2 < λ1 . Pick a ∈ R and ε ∈ (0, 1). Choose a Lipschitz smooth function ψ such that ψ(0) = 0 and ψ(x) = |x| for every x with |x| = 1. Because of (4.7), we can find k = k(ε, a) such that w2 (x) 5 w1 (x) + εψ(x) + a =: wˆ 1 (x)
for x with |x| = k. From (4.1) we deduce that if |p1 |, |p2 | 5 R and |p1 −p2 | 5 εR, then |H (x, p1 ) − H (x, p2 )| 5 C1 ε,
where C1 = C(R)R. We choose R = 2kDψkL∞ + 2kDw1 kL∞ . We choose ε ∈ (0, 1) sufficiently small so that λ1 + λ2 . 2 For such ε, we can find a positive δ = δ(ε, a) such that −C1 ε + λ1 >
δ −δ
|w2 (x)| + λ2 5
λ1 + λ2 , 2
|wˆ 1 (x)| − C1 ε + λ1 =
λ1 + λ2 . 2
From (4.11) and (4.9), we want to deduce that in fact wˆ 1 is a supersolution of λ 1 + λ2 (4.12) 2 in the set A = {x : |x| < k(ε, a)}. To see this, let p ∈ D − wˆ 1 (x). By (4.6) we have |p| 5 R2 . Moreover, p − εDψ(x) ∈ D − w1 (x). Since w1 is a supersolution of H (x, Dw(x)) = λ1 , we have H (x, p − εDψ(x)) = λ1 . From this and (4.9) we deduce H (x, p) = −C1 ε + λ1 . This and (4.11) imply that wˆ 1 is a supersolution of (4.12). Similarly, we use (4.10) to show that w2 is a subsolution of (4.12) in A. We then use the Maximum Principle and (4.8) to deduce δw + H (x, Dw) =
w2 (x) 5 w1 (x) + εψ(x) + a t for every x ∈ A. This leads to a contradiction if a < w2 (0) − w1 (0). u
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Theorem 4.1. Suppose that for every p ∈ Rd there exists a Lipshitz continuous function w(·, p) and a constant λ = H¯ (p) such that w solves H (x, Dx w(x, p)) = λ
in the viscosity sense, lim
1 (w(x, p) − x · p) = 0, |x|
and for every positive R, sup sup |Dw(x, p)| < ∞.
Then such λ = H¯ (p) is unique and the function H¯ (p) is a locally Lipschitz function in p. Moreover, if uε is a viscosity solution of x ∂t uε + H , Duε = 0, ε (4.16) uε (x, 0) = g(x) for some uniformly continuous g, then for every bounded set A ⊂ Rd , the sequence uε converges uniformly on A × [0, T ] to u, ¯ the unique viscosity solution of ¯ = 0, ∂t u¯ + H¯ (D u) u(x, ¯ 0) = g(x).
Theorem 4.1 reduces the homogenization of (4.16) to the existence problem of (4.13). There are many classes of examples for which the solution w(x, p) can be readily obtained. The uniqueness of λ follows from Lemma 4.1. The proof of the convergence of uε to u¯ is very similar to the proof of Theorem 2.1 of [5] and we only sketch it. Proof of convergence. From [10] we know that for some constant c1 ,
, Dg kuεt kL∞ 5 H 5 c1 ε L∞
where for the last ineqaulity, we have used (4.1). We then use (4.3) to deduce that for some constant c2 we have kDuε kL∞ 5 c2 . This and the previous estimate imply the equicontinuity of the sequence uε . Suppose that a subsequence of uε converges to u. ¯ If φ is a smooth function and u¯ − φ has a strict local maximum at ¯ 0 , t0 ) = φ(x0 , t0 ), we must show, (x0 , t0 ) ∈ Rd × (0, ∞) with u(x ∂t φ(x0 , t0 ) + H¯ (Dφ(x0 , t0 )) 5 0.
Suppose to the contrary, ∂t φ(x0 , t0 ) + H¯ (Dφ(x0 , t0 )) = θ > 0. We then define
φ ε (x, t) = φ(x, t) + εw
x ε
,p − p · x
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
with p = Dφ(x0 , t0 ). Let us write B(x0 , t0 , r) for a ball of radius r and center (x0 , t0 ), and ∂B(x0 , t0 , r) for its boundary. We can now repeat the proof of Theorem 2.3 of [5] to show that if r is sufficiently small, then in B(x0 , t0 , r), x θ , Dφ ε = (4.21) ∂t φ ε + H ε 2 in the viscosity sense. Indeed, if for some smooth ψ, the function φ ε − ψ has a minimum at (x1 , t1 ) ∈ B(x0 , t0 , r), then x , p − t H¯ (p) − ψ(x, t) − φ(x, t) + p · x − t H¯ (p) εw ε has a minimum at (x1 , t1 ) as well. This implies x 1 , Dψ(x1 , t1 ) − Dφ(x1 , t1 ) + p = ∂t φ(x1 , t1 ) + H¯ (p). ∂t ψ(x1 , t1 ) + H ε From this, (4.1) and (4.20), we deduce that for sufficiently small r x θ 1 , Dψ(x1 , t1 ) = . ∂t ψ(x1 , t1 ) + H ε 2 This in turn implies (4.18) for sufficiently small r. Finally, we apply the maximum principle to assert uε (x0 , t0 ) − φ ε (x0 , t0 ) 5
max (uε − φ ε ).
∂B(x0 ,t0 ,r)
This, after sending ε to zero, is in contradiction to the assumption that u¯ − φ has a strict local maximum at the point (x0 , t0 ). Proof of Lipschitzness of H¯ . Let p1 , p2 ∈ Rd with |p1 |, |p2 | 5 R. Set w1 (x) = w(x, p1 ) − x · p1 , w2 (x) = w(x, p2 ) − x · p2 . Clearly w1 is a solution of H (x, p1 + Dw) = λ1
with λ1 = H¯ (p1 ). By (4.6), we know that |p| 5 kDw2 kL∞ whenever p ∈ D + w2 (x). From this and (4.1), we learn that for some constant C1 (R) H (x, p1 + p) 5 H (x, p2 + p) + C1 (R)|p1 − p2 | for every p ∈ D + w2 (x). From this and the fact that w2 is a solution of H (x, p2 + Dw2 ) = H¯ (p2 ), it is not hard to show that w2 is a subsolution of H (x, p1 + Dw) = λ2
where λ2 = H¯ (p2 )+C1 (R)|p1 −p2 |. From this, (4.22) and Lemma 4.1, we deduce H¯ (p1 ) 5 H¯ (p2 ) + C1 (R)|p1 − p2 |.
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In the same way we can show H¯ (p2 ) 5 H¯ (p1 ) + C1 (R)|p1 − p2 |. We end this section by giving examples of Hamiltonians for which the function w(x, p) is linear in p. Example. Suppose d = 1 and a locally Lipschitz function H¯ : R → R is given. Let b, c : R → R be two bounded Lipschitz functions with the following properties Z Z 1 x 1 x b(y) dy = 1, lim c(y) dy = 0. (4.24) inf b(x) > 0, lim x |x|→∞ x 0 |x|→∞ x 0 Define H (x, p) = H¯ p−c(x) b(x) . Then we may choose Z x Z x b(y) dy + c(y) dy. w(x, p) = p 0
Hence the conclusion of Theorem 4.1 holds for such H . If we choose the functions b, c randomly according to a probability distribution P so that the pair (b(x), c(x)) in x, b is uniformly positive with probaR is ergodic and stationary R bility one, b(x) dP = 1 and c(x) dP = 0, then by the Ergodic Theorem (4.24) holds with probability 1. This example can be readily generalized to higher dimensions as well. We can choose ˆ − c(x), ˆ H (x, p) = H¯ (b(x)−1 (p − c(x))), w(x, p) = p · b(x) ˆ where the matrix-valued function b(x) = D b(x) for some bˆ : Rd → Rd , the vector-valued function c(x) = D c(x) ˆ for some cˆ : Rd → R, and 1 ˆ (b(x) − x) = 0, |x|→∞ |x| lim
1 c(x) ˆ = 0. |x|→∞ |x| lim
5. Central Limit Theorem In this section we establish a central limit theorem for the homogenization when the Hamiltonian is of the form p ¯ , (5.1) H (x, p) = H b(x) where H¯ : R → R is strictly convex and continuously differentiable with H¯ (p) = +∞. |p|→∞ |p| lim
The function b : R → R is a random continuous function and its law is denoted by P . The probability distribution P on C(R, R) has the following properties:
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
(i) P is stationary; (ii) RP (inf x b(x) > 0) = 1; (iii) b(x)P (db) = 1 and 2 Z x Z 1 (b(y) − 1) dy P (db) = σ 2 < ∞; lim √ x→∞ x 0
(iv) finally, as ε → 0, the process w ε (x, b) :=
√ ε
x ε
(b(y) − 1) dy
converges to a Brownian motion B(x) with variance σ 2 . Given a Lipschitz continuous function g : R → R, we define g ε (x) = g ε (x, b) = g(ηε (x, b)) where ηε is the inverse of ξ ε and Z x ε ε b(y) dy. (5.5) ξ (x, b) = ε 0
Since 1 dηε (x, b) = 1 , dx b( ε ηε (x, b)) the condition (ii) implies the Lipschitzness of ηε . We put x−y , v ε (x, t, b) = inf g ε (y, b) + t L¯ y t
where L¯ is the convex conjugate of H¯ . Note that we also have ¯ L(q) = +∞. |q|→∞ |q| lim
It is well known that v ε is the unique viscosity solution of vtε + H¯ (vxε ) = 0, v ε (x, 0) = g ε (x, b). If we set uε (x, t, b) = v ε (ξ ε (x, b), t, b), then it is not hard to show that x , uεx = 0, uεt + H ε uε (x, 0) = g(x). By (5.7) and the definition of uε , we certainly have ε ξ (x, b) − y ε ε ¯ u (x, t, b) = inf g (y, b) + t L y t ε ξ (x, b) − ξ ε (y, b) ¯ = inf g(y) + t L y t
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As we showed before, we know that for almost all b ¯ t), lim uε (x, t, b) = u(x,
where u¯ is the unique solution of
and therefore
u¯ t + H¯ (u¯ x ) = 0, u(x, ¯ 0) = g(x)
x−y . u(x, ¯ t) = inf g(y) + t L¯ y t
Before stating the main results of this section, let us review some basic facts concerning the solutions u¯ and uε . For a reference, see [7]. Let I¯(x, t), I ε (x, t, b), and Iˆε (x, t, b) denote the sets of points y¯ at which are attained the infima in (5.14), (5.11), and (5.7) respectively. Since g and ηε are Lipschitz functions and L¯ satisfies (5.8), it is not hard to show that I¯(x, t) and I ε (x, t, b) are nonempty. Moreover I ε (x, t, b) = Iˆε (ξ ε (x, b), t, b).
For each (x, t), let y+ (x, t) and y− (x, t) denote the largest and the smallest value in I¯(x, t). In other words, y± (x, t) ∈ I¯(x, t) ⊆ [y− (x, t), y+ (x, t)].
A result of Lax asserts that y± (x, t) are nondecreasing in x. In fact we can define a nondecreasing function y(x, t) for which y± (x, t) are the left and right values. As a result, y+ is right-continuous and y− is left-continuous in x. By the Hopf-LaxOleinik formula the functions 0 x − y± (x, t) ¯ (5.17) ρ± (x, t) = L t are the right and left derivatives of u¯ with respect to x. The formula (5.17) defines a right-continuous function ρ+ and a left-continuous function ρ− with Z x2 ¯ 2 , t) = ρ± (y, t) dy. (5.18) u(x ¯ 1 , t) − u(x x1
ε (x, t, b) When ρ− = ρ+ , we write ρ for their common value. Similarly, we define yˆ± ε associated with the variational formula (5.7). If ρˆ± denotes the left and right derivatives of v ε , then ε ε 0 x − yˆ± (x, t, b) ¯ . (5.19) ρˆ± (x, t, b) = L t
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
ε (x, t, b) and y ε (x, t, b) denote the largest and the smallest value in I ε (x, t, b), If y+ − then by (5.15) ε ε (ξ ε (x, b), t, b) = y± (x, t, b). yˆ±
From this and (5.19) we deduce ε (ξ ε (x, b), t, b) ρˆ±
= L¯ 0
ε (x, t, b) ξ ε (x, b) − y± . t
We are now ready to state the first theorem of this section. Recall that the process w ε converges to a Brownian motion B(x) with variance σ 2 . Theorem 5.1. For every bounded continuous function e : R → R, the finitedimensional marginals of γ ε (x, t) = ε− 2 (uε (x + 1
εe(x), t) − u(x, ¯ t))
converge to the finite-dimensional marginals of n x − y¯ o L¯ 0 (e(x) + B(x) − B(y)) ¯ γ (x, t) := inf t y∈ ¯ I¯(x,t)
The next theorem provides us with a functional central limit theorem in a continuity interval of ρ. Theorem 5.2. Suppose ρ(x, t) is continuous in the interval [a1 , a2 ] and the function e is as in the previous theorem. Then the process γ ε (x, t) = ε− 2 (uε (x + 1
√ εe(x), t) − u(x, ¯ t)), x ∈ [a1 , a2 ],
converges to the process ρ(x, t)(e(x) + B(x) − B(y(x, t))); x ∈ [a1 , a2 ].
We may also study the fluctuations of the differentiated process ρ ε (x, t, b) = uεx (x, t, b). If ρˆ ε (x, t, b) = vxε (x, t, b), then ρ ε (x, t, b) = ρˆ ε (ξ ε (x, b), t, b)ξxε (x, b) = ρˆ ε (ξ ε (x, b), t, b)b
(5.26) x ε
Since in general we do not have a central limit theorem for b, we can only hope for a result concerning the process ξ ε (x, b) − y ε (x, t, b) ρ ε (x, t, b) = ρˆ ε (ξ ε (x, b), t, b) = L¯ 0 . x b( ε ) t
(For the last equality, we have used (5.21).) To determine the limit of (5.28), we need to determine the limit of y ε (x, t, b). From Theorem 5.1, we expect that the
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minimizer in (5.23) plays a role. To simplify the matter, we only consider points (x, t) for which the set I¯(x, t) is finite. Define Q = {(x, t) : I¯(x, t) is finite}. If the derivative of the initial data changes sign finitely many times in any bounded interval, then every point (x, t) will be in Q. The first example below indicates that in general the set I¯(x, t) can have infinitely many points. In the second example we have exactly 3 points in I¯(x, t) where (x, t) is where two shock curves intersect. Example 1. Suppose H¯ (p) = 21 p2 and y50 0 π 1 2 2 4 g(y) = y sin y − 2 y 0 < y 5 1 1 y = 1. −2
It is not hard to show that I¯(x, t) for (x, t) = (0, 1) consists of 0 and points k −1 for k any positive integer. Example 2. Suppose H¯ (p) = 21 p2 and 2y y 5 0 g(y) = y 0 < y 5 1 1 y = 1.
It is not hard to show that I¯(x, t) is a singleton unless (x, t) ∈ X where t 3 t, t : 0 5 t 5 1 ∪ 1 + ,t : 0 5 t 5 1 X= 2 2 1 + t, t : t = 1 . ∪ 2 Furthermore, if (x, t) ∈ X and t = | 1, then I¯(x, t) = {y− (x, t), y+ (x, t)}. Finally 3 1 1 3 ¯ I ( 2 , 1) = {− 2 , 2 , 2 }. When (x, t) ∈ Q, then, with probability one, we can uniquely determine the minimizer associated with γ (x, t). More precisely, there exists a unique random point z(x, t, e) = z(x, t) ∈ I¯(x, t) such that x − z(x, t) e(x) + B(x) − B(z(x, t)) . (5.31) γ (x, t) = L¯ 0 t The uniqueness of z(x, t) follows from the fact that, if y1 and y2 are two distinct points in I¯(x, t), then the probability of having x − y x − y 1 2 e(x) + B(x) − B(y1 ) = L¯ 0 e(x) + B(x) − B(y2 ) L¯ 0 t t is zero. We are now ready to state the last theorem of this section.
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Theorem 5.3. Let e : R → R be a bounded continuous function. Then the finite dimensional marginals of the process ε (x + √εe(x), t, b) ρ± ε , x ∈ Q, (5.32) ψ± (x) := √ b(ε−1 (x + εe(x))) converges to the finite dimensional marginals of the process x − z(x, t, e) , x ∈ Q. ψ(x) := L¯ 0 t
To this end let us fix a positive constant c and a sequence of nondecreasing functions α = (αk ) with limr→0 αk (r) = 0 for every k. Let K(α) denote the set of functions w for which the following conditions are satisfied: For every k, |w(x1 ) − w(x2 )| 5 αk (|x1 − x2 |)
for every x1 , x2 with |x1 |, |x2 | 5 k. For every positive constant c, we define Aε = Aε (α, c) = {b : inf b(x) > c and wε (·, b) ∈ K(α)}, x
where w ε (x, b) = ε− 2 (ξ ε (x, b) − x) was defined in (5.4). Note that our assumptions (ii)–(iv) on P imply that for every δ > 0, we can find c and α = (αk ) such that for the corresponding Aε (α, c), we have inf ε P (Aε (α, c)) = 1 − δ. The following lemma is the main ingredient for a central limit theorem for uε . 1
Lemma 5.1. Let Aε be as above. Either let A be a closed interval [a1 , a2 ] with ρ + (x, t) = ρ − (x, t) for every x ∈ [a1 , a2 ], or let A = {x} consists of a single point. Then for every bounded continuous function e : R → R and every positive t, 1 ¯ t) lim sup sup ε− 2 uε (x ε , t, b) − u(x, ε→0 x∈A b∈Aε i h x − y¯ √ 0 ε ε (e(x) + w (x, b) − w (y, ¯ b)) = 0, (5.36) L¯ − ε inf t y∈ ¯ I¯(x,t) x − z ¯0 (e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (z, b)) L ε→0 x∈A b∈Aε z∈I ε (x ε ,t,b) t i h x − y¯ (e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (y, ¯ b)) = 0, − inf L¯ 0 ¯ t y∈ ¯ I (x,t) lim sup sup
where x ε = x +
√ εe(x).
Proof. Step 1. From (5.6) and (5.35) we learn that ηε is Lipschitz continuous. This, (5.34) and the Lipschitzness of g imply that for some constant c1 , |g ε (y, b)| 5 c1 (|y| + 1), |ξ ε (x ε , b)| 5 c1 ,
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
for every y ∈ R, x ∈ A and b ∈ Aε . This and (5.8) imply that there exists a constant c2 such that A ⊂ [−c2 , c2 ] and
ξ ε (x ε , b) − y t |y|5c2 x−y , u(x, ¯ t) = min g(y) + t L¯ t |y|5c2
uε (x ε , t, b) = min
g ε (y, b) + t L¯
(5.39) (5.40)
for every b ∈ Aε and x ∈ A. From (5.34), (5.35) and wε (0, b) = 0, we have ¯ 1 − y2 |) |w ε (y1 , b)| 5 c3 , |wε (y1 , b) − wε (y2 , b)| 5 α(|y
¯ 2 ). Of course we have for all y1 , y2 ∈ [−c2 , c2 ], where α¯ = αc2 and c3 = α(c ¯ = 0. lim α(r)
Step 2. Define x −y : |y| 5 c2 , |y − I¯(x, t)| = λ − u(x, ¯ t) a(λ) = inf min g(y) + t L¯ x∈A t (5.43) where |y − I¯| = min{|y − z| : z ∈ I¯}. Evidently a is nondecreasing and a(0) = 0. Next, we claim a(λ) > 0 if λ > 0 and limλ→0 a(λ) = 0. We first verify the former claim. Suppose to the contrary, there exists a positive λ such that a(λ) = 0. Then there are sequences xn , and yn such that xn ∈ A, |yn | 5 c2 , |yn − I¯(xn , t)| = λ, lim xn = x, lim yn = y and xn − yn ¯ − u(x ¯ n , t) = 0. lim g(yn ) + t L t
¯ x−y ) = u(x, ¯ t). This in turn implies y ∈ I¯(x, t). If A = {x}, This implies g(y)+t L( t we have a contradiction because all xn are equal to x and, as a result, |yn − I¯(x, t)| = λ. If A = [a1 , a2 ], since every point of A is a continuity point of ρ, we have |yn −y(xn , t)| = λ. Since y(·, t) is continuous on A, we deduce that |y −y(x, t)| = λ, which is in contradiction with y ∈ I¯(x, t) = {y(x, t)}. The second claim limλ→0 a(λ) = 0 can be verified in a similar fashion. We only need to observe that if we have two convergent sequences xn ∈ A and yn ∈ [−c2 , c2 ] such that lim |yn − I¯(xn , t)| = 0, then (5.44) holds. Let a −1 denote the inverse of a. We choose a −1 to be right-continuous. Clearly −1 a (λ) > 0 if λ > 0 and limλ→0 a −1 (λ) = 0. We now claim that there exists a constant c4 such that for all x ∈ A and all b ∈ Aε , √ y ∈ I ε (x ε , t, b) implies |y − I¯(x, t)| 5 k(ε) := a −1 (c4 ε).
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
To see this, suppose |y − I¯(x, t)| = λ, |y| 5 c2 , x ∈ A, and let y(y) ¯ be the closest point in I¯(x, t) to y. Then for some constants c4 and c5 , ε ε ξ (x , b) − ξ ε (y, b) ¯ g(y) + t L t √ e(x) + wε (x ε , b) − wε (y, b) x − y ¯ + ε = g(y) + t L t t √ x − y − c5 ε = g(y) + t L¯ t √ = u(x, ¯ t) + a(λ) − c5 ε √ x − y(y) ¯ ¯ + a(λ) − c5 ε = g(y(y)) ¯ + tL t √ e(x) + wε (x ε , b) − wε (y(y), ¯ b) x − y(y) ¯ ¯ + ε = g(y(y)) ¯ + tL t t √ + a(λ) − c4 ε ε ε √ ¯ b) ξ (x , b) − ξ ε (y(y), ¯ + a(λ) − c4 ε, = g(y(y)) ¯ + tL t
where for the first and third inequality we used √ (5.41) and the fact that L is locally Lipschitz. From this we learn that if a(λ) − c4 ε > 0 then such y will not be in I ε (x, t, b). This clearly implies (5.45). From (5.45) and (5.39), we deduce ε ε ξ (x , b)−ξ ε (y, b) : |y − I¯(x, t)| 5 k(ε) , uε (x ε , t, b) = min g(y)+t L¯ t ξ(x ε , b)−ξ(y, b) . (5.47) min g(y)+t L¯ = min t y∈ ¯ I¯(x,t) |y−¯y|5k(ε) Step 3. Recall that y(y) ¯ is the closest y¯ ∈ I (x, t) to y. Suppose y¯ ∈ I¯(x, t) and |y − y| ¯ 5 k(ε). Then (5.41) and the continuity of L0 imply ξ ε (x ε , b) − ξ ε (y, b) t √ x − y x−y √ ε(e(x) + wε (x ε , b) − wε (y, b)) + o( ε) + L¯ 0 = t L¯ t t √ x − y¯ √ x − y + L¯ 0 ε(e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (y, ¯ b)) + o( ε) = t L¯ t t (5.48)
t L¯
√ 1 where here and below o( ε) means an error term r with limε→0 ε− 2 r = 0 uni¯ 5 k(ε), and uniformly formly in y ∈ [−c2 , c2 ] and y¯ ∈ I¯(x, t) satisfying |y − y|
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou & James E. Tarver
in x ∈ A. From this and (5.47) we learn n 1 lim sup sup ε− 2 uε (x ε , t, b) − min
ε→0 x∈A b∈Aε
ε L¯ 0
y∈ ¯ I¯(x,t)
x − y¯ t
h min
|y−y| ¯ 5k(ε)
g(y) + t L¯
x−y t
o ¯ b)) = 0 (e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (y,
¯ x−y )} is attained at y = y¯ This evidently implies (5.36) because min{g(y) + t L( t for every y¯ ∈ I¯(x, t). Step 4. Let z ∈ I ε (x ε , t, b). By (5.41) and the Lipschitzness of L0 , ξ(x ε , b) − ξ(z, b) uε (x ε , t, b) = g(z) + t L¯ t x − z = g(z) + t L¯ t √ √ x − z ε(e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (z, b)) + o( ε). + L¯ 0 t From this and (5.36), we learn that 1 x − z −2 sup g(z) + t L¯ − u(x, ¯ t) lim sup sup ε ε→0 x∈A b∈Aε z∈I ε (x ε ,t,b) t x − z (e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (z, b)) + L¯ 0 t i h x − y¯ (e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (y, ¯ b)) = 0. L¯ 0 − inf ¯ t y∈ ¯ I (x,t)
¯ x−z ) − u(x, ¯ t) is always nonnegative. Moreover, Observe that X(z) = g(z) + t L( t if the expression inside the absolute values in (5.37) is denoted by Y ε (z), then by (5.45) and (5.41), Y ε (z) = Z ε (z) + o(1),
where x − z0 (e(x) + wε (x, t) − wε (z0 , t)) Z ε (z) = L¯ 0 t (5.52) i h x − y¯ (e(x) + wε (x, t) − wε (y, ¯ b)) + o(1), L¯ 0 − inf t y∈ ¯ I¯(x,t) where z0 denotes the closest point to z in I¯(x, t). Clearly Z ε is also nonnegative. From this, the nonnegativity of X and (5.50) we deduce that Z ε converges to zero. t This and (5.51) imply Y ε goes to zero, completing the proof of (5.37). u Since the important property (5.45) will be used later in the proof of Theorem 5.3, let us restate it as a separate lemma.
Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Lemma 5.2. Let A, e, x ε and Aε be as in the previous lemma. Then there exists a function k(ε) with limε→0 k(ε) = 0 such that if b ∈ Aε and y ∈ I ε (x ε , t, b) for some x ∈ A, then |y − I¯(x, t)| 5 k(ε). Proof of Theorem 5.1. From assumptions (iii) and (iv) at the begining of this section, we know that for every positive δ, there exists a set Aδε of the form Aε (α, c) as in (5.35) such that inf P (Aδε ) = 1 − δ.
Let x1 . . . xn be n distinct points. Set uεi = ε− 2 (uε (xi + 1
√ εe(xi ), t, b) − u(x ¯ i , t)).
Let F : Rn → R be a bounded continuous function. For every δ, Z Z ε ε ε ε F (u1 , . . . , un )P (db) 5 δkF kL∞ . F (u1 , . . . , un )P (db) − Aε δ
By (5.1), we know that in Aεδ , the replacement of each uεi with ziε := Fi (w ε (·, b)) :=
o n x − y¯ i e(xi ) + wε (xi , b) − wε (y, ¯ b) L¯ 0 t y∈ ¯ I¯(xi ,t) inf
results in an error that goes to zero as ε → 0. We then use our Assumption (iv) and the fact that the functional Fi (w(·)) is continuous to replace ziε with Fi (B(·)). Finally we let δ → 0 to complete the proof. u t Proof of Theorem 5.2. The proof is as in the previous theorem. We now choose a bounded continuous function F that depends on the whole trajectory, i.e., F : C([a1 , a2 ]) → R where C[a1 , a2 ] is equipped with the supremum norm. We write Z Z Z F (γ ε (·, t, b))P (db) + F (γ ε (·, t, b))P (db). F (γ ε (·, t)) dP = Aεδ
b∈| Aεδ
The second term of the right-hand side goes to zero as δ → 0. In the set Aεδ , the process (γ ε (x, t, b); x ∈ [a1 , a2 ]) can be replaced with ρ(x, t)(e(x) + wε (x, b) − wε (y(x, t), b)); x ∈ [a1 , a2 ] √ with an error of order o( ε). Finally, our assumption (iv) from the beginning of t the section allows us to replace w ε (·) with B(·). u Proof of Theorem 5.3. Step 1. We only establish the convergence for the onedimensional marginals. The proof for the multi-dimensional marginals is similar. Fix a point (x, t) ∈ Q. By (5.28) we only need to show that the one-dimensional ε (x + √εe(x), t, b) converge to the one-dimensional marginals of marginals of y±
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z(x, t, e). Suppose I¯(x, t) = {y1 , y2 , . . . , yn }. Let Aε (α, c) be as in (5.35). Given i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and a nonnegative τ , we define Aεi (α, c, τ ) = Aε (α, c) ∩ {b : wε (·, b) ∈ Gi (τ )} where n x − y j e(x) + w(x) − w(yj ) > τ Gi (τ ) = w : L¯ 0 t o 0 x − yi ¯ e(x) + w(x) − w(yi ) for all j = | i . +L t
We also set Aε (α, c, τ ) = ∪ni=1 Aεi (α, c, τ ), G(τ ) = ∪ni=1 Gi (τ ). It is not hard to show that lim P (B(·) ∈ G(τ )) = 1, P (B(·) ∈ G(τ )) < 1 for every τ > 0.
τ →0
Since G(τ ) is an open set, we can use assumption (iv) to deduce lim P (w ε (·, b) ∈ G(τ )) = P (B(·) ∈ G(τ )).
From this, (5.55) and our assumption (iv), we learn that for every positive δ, there ε = Aε (α(δ), c(δ), τ (δ)), and B ε = exist c(δ), α(δ), ε0 (δ) and τ (δ) such that if Bi,δ δ i n ε ∪i=1 Bi,δ , then δ P (wε (·, b) ∈ G(τ (δ))) = 1 − , 2 0